Who Want Smoke? - Miami vs. UF | "Avengers Assemble"

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 01:32:27 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to who wants smoke a brand new midweek podcast slash live show on the Miami Hurricanes four panelists every week Alex Dono of lockon kan's longtime South Florida media veteran and also alumni of Alex go ahead and say it the [Music] you and we also have Mr freshman recordbreaker receiving yards Aman Richard Aman how are you doing man I'm good man living ready for this weekend that's it yeah felt like a long time but we're finally here and we also have Marsh uh Marsh unfortunately had some camera issues tonight so he's by Audio Only so Marsh has no face tonight no face but he is the ultimate hype man yes yes what up boys how are we hey Marsh nice to see you bud or nice nice to hear you can't see you actually yeah so the news that just broke right before we got on here the Florida Gators released their week one death chart for Saturday's game the expectation according to head coach Billy Napier running back Montreal Johnson is going to play uh that was in question for the past couple weeks that's what Billy Napier claims there was some concern if he would be able to go we'll see when game time comes but uh if everyone can pull up the dep chart take a look at it I posted it up on social media I'll also put it in the Twitter space for anyone listening by Audio as well uh we also have the feed up on X video as well right at the top of your X feed you'll find it but Graham Merz obviously their quarterback offensive line it looks like they figured it out uh the most interesting thing though that I saw from their def chart release had to have been the defensive line and and what I mean by that is their Edge rushers they have a lot of ores there's there's really no set specific starter it seems more so they're going to have a rotation there uh Florida Gator writers and reporters they've been talking about it for a couple weeks now saying that they believe they're they're deep with their defensive line um I have questions about that in terms of actual proven production but you know that's just my opinion so so Donna what what's kind of your takeaway of that dep chart yeah well the the thing that stood out to me you covered it at the beginning was uh the the confidence uh whether it's gamesmanship or true confidence to put Montreal Johnson number one on the depth chart and may maybe I just I don't know Billy Napier well enough to know if he kind of plays fast and loose with the depth chart sometimes or if it like really is verbatim and then I have to wonder if if Montreal assuming he is going to play if uh you know if he's is he 60% is he 90% uh does he does he play like a full workload at running back because uh there's there's not the best of depth uh behind him so it certainly would make a difference in this football game outside of that um really I I don't think there's anything else too shocking I know that they've had some questions about the offensive line so I guess they had to figure that out if it takes you the final you know week before the season you got to figure it out at some point just three days away from the game and so yeah I mean I'm I'm curious to see how much Montell plays you know I'm curious to see um if you know maybe they have any sort of packages to get DJ lagway on the field their backup quarterback if he's just a backup or if they're going to maybe find some packages to get him out there because he he's going to be a dangerous player at some point at this level yeah uh one of the other things I noticed with their offense as well so there was questions and concerns about Elijah Badger the transfer wide receiver that they brought into their program this offseason and just concerns about him having back issues and how much he's going to play and where he's at on the dep chart uh he's kind of listed with an or with Khalil Jackson a name that both you and me had discussed on lockon KES the other week when we were previewing just Florida in general and and their roster and the makeup of it uh interesting to see uh looks like he's going to play in game one but uh Aman just what do you see from the Florida's roster and Marsh I want to get your opinion too and I also want to open it up to some callers here too because I have couple people requesting so when I look at the roster um to be quite honest uh they're not bad on paper at least um they got some solid skill positions um Trey Wilson I think is a dynamic receiver um he can cause problems um if going uh um but end of the day I like how our trenches are built um our secondary on our end feel like um they're very underrated um you know I feel like the past rush is going to help tremendously um you know with those guys in our secondary but for for UF uh I mean they went they lost a lot of games last year uh their coaches on a hot seat per se um so this is a must-win game for them um I will say some of the most dangerous teams are the ones with really nothing to lose uh so uh you know I think we should come out you know firing all cylinders and don't take them lightly but uh you know they're not a bad team on paper again um but I'm I'm curious to see how they respond to this year and being at home um with all the pressure on their end because everyone's building up this this you know agenda that you know we have to travel to them and it's a hostile environment but end of the day I don't think they're remembering that their head coach um he has a lot to prove and so does Graham hers and you know a lot of their players as well so I mean they're going to walk out into a soldout stadium but it's really who's going to be more nervous us as a way team going in knowing we're hated or the team that's expected to show some type of improvement immediately or else they're going to start calling for some jobs yeah I I don't think you could have put it any better Marsh um kind of just going off what Aman said I liked what he said um you know the team uh that is is scared has has the most for something like that and I think that's kind of the way I'm looking at Florida coming into this weekend obviously Eugene Wilson is a terrific football player I think he's the best receiver on the field on Saturday um he's the biggest uh you know concern as far as our secondary it's going to be interesting to see if Johnson goes you know how you know how limited is he going to be and and I'm also interested to see how our offensive and defensive lines match up like measurement and sizewise compared to to those guys I know that we don't have a nose tackle weighing 450 pounds but um um but I you know I feel good like looking at their offensive line they got some good sides obviously they're an SEC School SEC program but I with the with the guys that we added and you know returning guys on the defensive line I feel pretty good about about that area of the game and honestly yeah like no no real you know big surprises you know I don't know if we've all been real tuned into the Gators um you know this off season I know that I certainly I've been trying to keep the noise out of Gainesville at a minimum so um but yeah all right so we have caller number one I'm gonna pull them up to speak he's been waiting for a bit want to let him come up and ask any questions or even chat with us as well we got breaking news Drew uh the very Infamous Drew from Kane's unfiltered Drew how are you doing tonight not much man laughing at this death chart so so Drew what what do you find funny about the death chart so they got all sides this is the team that has all the size right the only difference between this year's this year's death chart for Florida and last year's that they don't have princey on there and they're gonna come and say oh yeah we got wait Drew you're breaking up there but I I believe what you were saying was about Prince Ley man can you hear me yeah we can hear you okay yeah no what saying was you know they got all this SI right um they G say oh yeah we're so big this and that the third on the D line the only guy that was replaced was Prince Ley on on the 81st rank defense they're just big for nothing you know a whole bunch of whole bunch of James and not enough Tarzan out there whole bunch of Janes and not enough tars hands yeah you know I I think you bring up a great point it it's like one point that was made by this was a Florida riter and then a couple of of their fans said to me this offseason just in social media talk and whatnot they had mentioned oh yeah uh justice Boone he's GNA be amazing this year he missed most of the season last year uh not a lot of production in his career was a high-profile recruit him and Kelby Collins that are both on that defensive line but uh I I went on two shows this week and and my theme I've I've said with Florida that I've noticed with their roster and how their fans and their writers have evaluated it there's a lot of Hope and hypotheticals over actual proven production and I think when you're talking about the the game of college football there's nothing like production you could be this five star or high four star coming out of high school but it really doesn't matter until you put it on tape on on game day and I'm sure Aman could speak to that too just being a high-profile recruit himself coming out of Wellington in out of high school and being recruited by Alabama Auburn just tons of programs and Miami obviously there too so Aman just what's your take on that just with Florida and their fans and their writers kind of with this oh well we got these guys but they really haven't done anything but the really talented too to me that sounds a little bit um you know when you know how a movie ends and you just try to watch it and rewatch it and hope that you see something different that's what it feels like I feel like they're just reaching for something to have a little bit of Hope like they're hoping that you know these players magically just you know perform to the best of their abilities um you know so that's what it looks like um like you like you know or a lot I mean everyone on here knows you know stars and you know recruiting status and all that stuff doesn't mean anything um at the end of the day when you when you line up you know between them lines it's you and that other guy that is just as good if not better and you guys are competing every place so um man that that that's I guess that's my little take man on on the high school recruiting man I don't get too caught up in it I remember thinking back back when I was getting recruited and my dad used to always say like you know it's like you got to start over again you got to reprove yourself you know you're the best whatever at your position in high school but you know no one cares about all that stuff and everyone says it's cliche everyone says it but it's true you know no one cares you go in the locker room or you play an opposing team if they put DJ lagoy out there I guarantee you you know Ruben Bay is gonna look on the other side and be like oh my gosh like that was a a top quarterback man let me like no he's he's coming for blood you know what I'm saying no one cares like we talk about grown men right now young young men that's hungry and they're trying to feed their families and they're trying to make it to the next level so all that stuff does not matter yeah I totally agree at the end of the day it you you look at the comparison of that too and you you dissected what Miami brought in through the portal from the winter to Spring proven production between Damian Martinez thousand yard rusher Elijah alustin one of the better pass rushers in college football according to Pro Football Focus and and their weekly grades on the film and and performances week in and week out Tyler Baron one of the top five pass rushers in the SEC Simeon Barrow who's just built like a house and played Big Time competition in the Big 10 and you know I could I could continue tossing out names but you understand that it's real production it's not that we're hoping that this guy is going to be something or we're trying to develop him to become something it no that they they already aen commodity so I want to ask you guys this question next there's been debate about who's the better quarterback is is Cam Ward better is Graham Merz better uh Florida fans have come up with all these crazy metrics and statistics that are just I don't think I've ever seen um it's a total you know what pool but guys I just want to ask you this so Florida statistically last year with graham Merz when he came in from Wisconsin they played a lot behind the sticks it was a lot of quick game a lot of bubble screens they really weren't playing ahead of the sticks they were playing behind the sticks cam Ward had a pretty good season last year you saw in tape that he could throw the ball down the field he can extend plays is there a little bit of discourse going on here that there's there it this maybe it's a stretch from Florida fans that Graham Merz is a better quarterback than cam Ward yeah honestly Gio I didn't even know it was humanly possible to make the argument that Graham MTZ is better until I started seeing people do it and I I give credit to uh to my counterpart on locked on Gators who really a legitimate good friend of mine but he's crazy uh Brandon Olsen who hosts locked on Gator was like the first person that I saw who's like oh yeah Florida's got the edge of quarterback he's leaned into it he's doubled and tripled down on it um I from where I sit the only thing that Graham Merz is better at than cam Ward is checkdowns like he's he's very very efficient and very well practiced in throwing checkdowns and I I'll give Merz credit um you know he only threw three interceptions last year like even when you're throwing behind the sticks it's like hey keep your interceptions under under five that's pretty good compared to most quarterbacks in the country you know he throws a lot of short stuff so his completion percent is very high he does have a quick release which could help him when he's in the in facing Miami's pass rush this weekend and he's a veteran like I I give I give merch some credit like I don't look at this guy as a pushover like he could definitely hurt Miami but then on the flip side you've got a cam Ward who's he's a Bonafide weapon and you know one of the other arguments that Gator fans will try to use against cam Ward is well he turns the football over so much yeah he's fumbled a lot I get that doesn't throw a lot of interception like he has fumbled a lot but then when you look at the difference between Miami's offensive line and the offensive line he was playing against at Washington State I think that explains some of the fumbling I would expect that to cut down at Miami because he's actually gonna have competent pass protection because the pass protection was far from confident uh competent at wazo like he was you know running for his life a lot so you know and from where I sit I'm I'm just happy that you know Ward had his interceptions in single digits last year here I'm not as worried about the fumbling but uh again like I I think I think Ward can really be a a reason why Miami wins this game on Saturday whereas like okay MZ he can be a field General he can get the football out but I don't see Merz making the type of game changing plays that Ward could make this weekend well I I think you brought up a great point donno and the reason why I say this is the last time I checked Washington State's offensive line last year at least in terms of pass blocking they were top 115 and and for anyone thinking that top 115 is good in college football it's not you have 134 teams that is you are in the bottom fourth of all teams in the country in terms of pass protection so I I think already right there that's going to help cam Ward having an upgrade in offensive line having more of a run game uh he didn't have runningbacks like Mark Fletcher and Damen Martinez and AJ Allen in Washington state so that's going to alleviate some of the pressure from him so I want to ask Marsh a question and I think he's got a good pulse on this this has been a debate that's gone back and forth since Billy Napier shared this uh comment during a press conference this week saying that we are going to have 94,000 of our dear friends there with us during the game against Miami this weekend so the way I look at it is when I heard that quote I thought of it as this sounds like something that came straight out of C Captain Planet if if you're a 990s kid if you remember that show uh the power of friendship let's unite all of our powers like at the end of the day the fans are not the ones playing on the field the people that are playing on the field are the players the team and the coaches putting together that game plan uh during game prep during the week so Marsh just what's your take on that um no I think they're putting a lot of stock into the to their home field advantage and rightfully so you know they've had tremendous success I remember when Utah went down there two years ago ranked in the top 15 and Anthony Richardson in Florida beat him and you know it's it's going to be a tough place to play I think um I think I know for me I know that I get into my head a little bit too much when it when I started thinking about HomeField advantage and you know going into that type of environment but I I I think like like look at the m game two years ago down in Texas I mean that was a pitiful game but we very well could have won we shot ourselves in the foot and everything like that and I think that A&M team on paper is a lot more talented than this Florida team and I look at and and if you look at cam Ward on the road last year I mean um I I think Washington state was only like one and five on the road last year but if you look at his performances going at Oregon going um you know at some of these other places I mean Ward played very very well he didn't turn the ball over at Oregon threw for over 400 yards and going back to your the the comment about Ms and Ward that's just that's that's it's crazy I mean one quarterback threw for 800 yards more than the other one one is getting a lot more preseason recognition than the other I I I feel like Florida fans and the writers right now are what Miami fans and writers were during Manny Diaz's first year about two three years ago about like five years ago and I'm calling myself out too yeah and me I was yeah I was saying we were a lot better than than we really were and I think yeah go ahead Marsh no no no no no you're good you're good I I agree with you in that aspect that you've last said there uh with Miami fans in the past look I I'll say it outright I'm sure you've all figured out by now but I am a Miami fan too aside from being in the media I know Don's a Miami fan as well we're we're all big Miami fans here we want Miami to do well but I think we're all a little bit guilty of in the past of maybe overhyping certain players or also the aspect of this guy's gonna be really good um proclaiming him way before they even proved anything on the field I think a lot of us are very guilty of that and and it happens so with that said I just want to give a quick shout out to two of my partners in security and Fire Systems servicing all of Dade Broward and Palm Beach County the Tri County they've been in business for over 35 plus years if you need an alarm system in your home or you need servicing fire servicing for your business or business building any type of business that you have they will service you they have a couple of promotions going on right now you reach out to me I will speak to them for you and also closure investigative agency go check them out at CFL onx caller number two row gonna pull you up row you have a question for the panel oh he's still connecting hey T how you doing Drew so um um somebody said ear that one of the for writers said that they will take their wide receiver room over ours right but I'm looking at this list and nobody on here really scares me even Eugene Wilson with his 500 yards I don't I don't get I don't get the height I don't get the hype with Eugene Wilson he was the number two last year you compare his his stats to jacobe George Cory George had you know just a little bit less catches but he had more almost 300 more yards and more touchdowns and he had a higher yards per catch rate uh average I think jacobe George was somewhere around 14.2 yards a catch to Eugene Wilson's 8.8 so I I don't I don't get the hype with Eugene was I don't I I really don't get it you know if they think you know a 510 183 pound wide receiver is going to save them really don't I really don't I don't think so and you know the other guys they don't scare me jir DK had 300 something yards and got pushed out from Wisconsin of all teams Elijah Badger you know he had a he had a decent year at Arizona State but if you break down his stats he did most of his damage against Stanford and and and and Colorado what wide receiver last year didn't get off on Colorado you got a point very good point actually did the receiver the receiver from Stanford put up like he pull up like 300 yards against Colorado last year I IA Manor I don't know that properly yeah yes so so so you know a lot of these a lot of these Faith and Hope is just inflated it's really inflated I mean you you look at gr MC's stats a lot of his passing yards came from when they were down and they had to catch back up into games and stay and you know or even just stay within the games he didn't he didn't win games you know what I mean he didn't go out there and just dominate from the first half they had they had to abandon to run in a lot of games to to throw the ball so so you know I I I just don't I just don't get the hype like I said just a lot of big softies on this team yeah they yeah they got some sides but you're talking about a team that you know was one of the worst teams running the ball last year one of the worst teams against the run last year our backup defensive ends has had more production last year than their entire defensive line you know what I mean so so I just don't I just don't get I just don't get where they getting this hyp from yeah well the other thing I'll mention just to piggyback on your comment about the wide receivers and I think the Florida Gator writers are not looking into this aspect so much but I think they really should Miami is one of only two teams in the country entering this season that has three receivers on their roster who had 800 or more yards receiving last season they're one of only two in the country that counts for something Isaiah Horton has had some production in the past has played well when his numbers been called upon and obviously you have to see how Ray Ray Joseph turns out this year a lot of good returns coming out of camp but what matters most is the field I I do agree with you drew in terms of Florida's wide receiver group I I do think Eugene Wilson is very talented though uh maybe maybe his numbers are a little more taking a hit because of the type of passing game that they're playing with graham Merz he is more a Do no harm quarterback rather than pushing the ball down the field and in terms of tape and just watching and this is no knock to him that there's a lot of teams that win with quarterbacks like that if anyone remembers AJ McCarron who played for Alabama and led them to a national title he was that type of quarterback uh it every team is has all different scenarios so I agree with you a AJ MC had receivers like like a Julio Jones yeah he he had really good receivers though yeah and an amazing defense you can't you can't beat this trying to trying to game manage the game like especially this defensive line that's gonna come at you in waves you you gotta actually do something on the field and you're actually gonna have to make big time throws down the field and that's not their offense that's not their quarterback when he tried to be a downfield passing quarterback which johnon he threw a whole bunch of interceptions so it I think I think it was their offense last year was kind of like what we saw at Florida State we don't trust this guy to throw ball down the field so what we're gonna do is just throw a lot of screens and Slants screens and Slants don't work against Miami it's too much speed on the field to cover so you know like I said my prediction is 41 to1 Miami you can put it on your YouTube has been my prediction for weeks I just don't think they're going to have the offense to be able to keep up with ours and I don't think defenses like that at all yeah I think there's a lot of question marks in terms of that Florida defense uh by the way it's because we have some people commenting through X and some coming up here through the stream Watcher that I have here so scram shop had a question here hurricane Elum here what's the Callin phone number so there is actually no Callin phone number right now what we are doing is we are multi casting so we have this going on a live stream through YouTube a live stream through .c formerly Twitter uh you could speak through the xpace audio if you look up at geom milon on x.com you'll find it it's it's right on there it's live right now or uh even if you have a question just you want to put in here you you could also do that if you're comfortable with that I see a couple people here um saying some things as well actually swerve I will be at the game but way up in the boond doogs hey there's no problem with that as long as you are going and you are showing your support there is nothing wrong with that at all and we got Christian saying let's make sure we are supporting the boys and subscribing yes for anyone listening we are on YouTube as well uh right now the Twitter I the YouTube name is ww.youtube.com geom milon I have to have that changed it was a private YouTube I had from the past and whatnot U I'll change it to my company name but this is a show that I doing exclusively with donno and Aman and Marsh every week especially during the season a lot to talk about uh this is a great comment here we have Nick Gerard I think it's time we end all this preseason talk and Line This is up and win yes I I I'll be honest with you I'm very tired of talking about the preseason and I I've come down to the point that I've told people there's only so much that you could take away from things that you hear coming out of camp and what the players are saying in interviews I think the players are tired of it too I think they just want to get on the yeah and like you know I I do I do shows every single day unlocked on canes and so obviously when it's preseason we're we're talking about preseason stuff and like every now and then I get these comments that are like who cares until what are you talking about it doesn't matter till they start playing games it's like yeah try trying to keep you guys informed during the off season but I'm I'm I'm ready for it Gio I'm ready for it I'm I'm ready for actual games to be played again no doubt Aman how uh when you were playing how long was was that off season Once you got to like mid August were you just ready to ready to go wait a on you're muted muted that's weird I can't hear him yeah I I could see when he's muted and unmuted but either way he's still muted Bill Billy Napier probably uh called somebody at streamyard and had him shut down it's the Orlando right back yeah we have a caller here actually uh Raising Kane 87 he also goes by jacobe George wide receiver one debate y mama I actually agree with you debate your mama I do think Jobe George is the best receiver on the roster but that's just my opinion you don't have to agree with me uh but what question do you have for me what you got for us for the panel uh first of all congratulations and success Gio so uh keep it going and what's up everybody goes um my question for the panel is going to be in terms of I think we're gonna win 3816 so it's similar to Drew's prediction I I agree with Drew I think it's gonna be at least three to four score win uh for Miami I'm calling it an exhibition to be honest with you all but the one thing I'm concerned about is our back end and I I find that to be kind of like the liability of our team anything because as far as I see it we're three four deep and all the other skill positions I think we're going to bully Florida in the trenches um do you all think that Merz even is gonna have the time to be able to throw it deep on us because he's a dink and dunk Master he can't really he's not going to be able to operate in between the linebackers and the the defensive ends you know what I'm saying so do you all think that he'll actually get the time to make something happen then does he even have the ability to do so no me personally I think Miami is too deep on their defensive line for Florida to handle that throughout the entire game especially with their question marks at at their right side of the offensive line they have their starters for this game but I know they still had these guys competing back and forth even as as early of uh last week actually so they still have question marks there I just think Miami too deep on the defensive line especially at those Edge rusher spots and you even throw in the factor of aside from those top four names in Altin Bane mesidor uh Baron you throw in the factor of Malik Bryant and Cole mcconathy who both had really strong finishes to fall Camp Miami has a really deep group there I I I just don't see how Florida can handle that you have a guy like Simeon Barrow who have already said he he built like a house Don's seen him in person too Don I you can attest this he does not look like your average defensive tackle that that is a first off the bus guy what I what I first when I first saw him like even before the first day of practice you we had media day the day before and I see I see Sim I'm like okay that's a grown man like he he yeah he could pass for a 29 30 year old like no problem like he is a grown freaking man he has a whole mortgage about three kids you know his home paid off already paid off his mortgage and also and to what you're talking about the past rush as well uh Kiko can get into the back field too I me's Co co-leader in Sachs last year which just he's one of the one of the most if not the most effective uh pass rushers at linebacker last season so that's just another thing that Florida's going to have to worry about but it's going to be fun and like listen I I hear I I hear most of these callers coming in and like predicting blowouts like I I I just I have a hard time doing that because it's the first game of the year oh I have a hard time picking like I mean I'm predicting Miami to win the game yeah exactly it's a rivalry and listen I I know you know I know Billy Napier is keeps talking about his 93,000 close friends are going to be in the state but it is like playing in the swamp is is not a cakewalk now hopefully Miami can enjoy the type of success that 4 and8 Arkansas had in the swamp last year so it's not like they're Invincible in their home stadium but it is a tough place to play first game of the year if there's any sloppiness that might affect both offenses and make it a little bit lower scoring I hope I'm wrong Marsh and it is a blowout like I hope a Miami blowout of course like I hope I'm wrong I just I see it being more of a of a close game especially since it's early in the season I don't think these teams are going to get as many possessions as fans might think like I think Miami is going to win the game I just don't think it's going to be like three touchdown type of deal maybe more of a Sixpoint type of deal by the way for everyone watching if you're watching on the xream like share and subscribe at ww.youtube.com geom milon all right uh had a oh this is an awesome one and this is something I want to ask Marsh and actually we have a few callers that I'm GNA bring up not actually more than a you have a whole bunch of people requesting now and also uh Aman was having issues with with his connection but he's here in the audio space with me as well so we'll pick up Aman through here Aman go ahead and unmute your mic man you hear me yeah we can hear you know what yeah Billy Billy Napier made a call shut shut your [ __ ] down crazy they they put a man on lockdown so we got a question in from X by Chris J now gator exper are now saying that us wearing all white during their white out is a strategic move they are saying that chimra is going to be confused and won't be able to tell the difference between our players and white and the fans I think he might be trying to say cam Ward but it autocorrected okay I I love that um I brought that up today just a little joking tweet just about uh how rivalries uh there nothing is off limits basically in a rivalry and and teams will take shots at each other whether it's beforehand they both both teams have been pretty respectful to each other before the game uh I do expect some pretty heated moments during the game Saturday and and that's just the norm for rivalries but in terms of those white jerseys I love that touch just just overall to the game and the reason why I say that is it's an awesome troll job because the Florida Gator fans were complaining for well over a week after the their administration had said wear white at the swamp on Saturday August 31st uh because it's going to be very hot and da da I get it and understand their reasoning but but there should be prior knowledge there that Miami when they play as the away team traditionally they have a white jersey as the top and now they're going with a whole Stormtroopers so I think it's just an ultimate troll job I I maybe wasn't done on purpose I do know I was hearing for weeks that they were going to wear the all white some people were asking me what are they going to wear and I said you know I'm hearing that they're going to wear the Stormtroopers which I think is great in a big time away game rivalry game that's tradition they they have to go out there with the Stormtroopers they did it when uh anyone remember the the Miami FSU game that Aman played in with Daryl langum and Malik Rosier they were wear in the I remember that one yeah yeah yeah I I think about it every every hour every day yeah right every hour man Marsh that is some dedication if you think about that every hour hey I'm a younger canes fan like I don't I don't I haven't seen the glory that that Alex has seen so that 2017 game oh my gosh yeah so I have a question no not a question that came in here but from lisis Vieira Gio from the chat to YouTube I'm here supporting playing Call of Duty oh all right so I'm going to talk a little bit of trash here I challenge anyone that is listening on the X audio space or you're listening by video or you're you're watching by YouTube none of you will ever beat me in Call of Duty and I won't won't tell you why but let's just say if you want the smoke I'll give you the smoke who wants smoke oh I've never played Call of Duty in my entire life so I I don't I don't want the smoke that that's better for you honestly gaming is sometimes a bad habit it's the thing like I I every every now and again when I've like played video game it doesn't happen as much with sports games because like I it's I it's easier to regulate my time going from game to game but like when I'm playing these firstperson shooters which I suck at anyway but like somehow I'm playing a game for what feels like 30 minutes and then I read the clock and it's been four and a half hours I'm like what the hell am I doing with my life so we have a few callers here I want to bring them up uh we who was waiting for a while we have row actually roow was trying to come up there was some connection issue there but now he's here now Ro you had a question for the panel or just you wantan to just shoot it and chat with us yeah for sure definitely man it's game week man [ __ ] it's is that time we gonna see on Saturday so I'm uh ready for Saturday man I really am I think we're going to surprise a lot of people as far as this offense is concerned and I really think we gonna put up 30 35 points on these people yeah I I agree with you actually uh my prediction for the game I have Miami pulling away with a two touchdown victory in the fourth quarter I think it's gon to be tight through the first half uh heading into the third quarter I think Miami starts pulling away as they enter the fourth I just think Miami's physicality from the offensive and defensive lines I think that's going to set the difference I I know some people think that maybe Mario goes out there and tries to run Smashmouth football to open the game I don't think so I think he might try to air it out actually put some points up on the board get settled in in that environment we'll see and like La last year like when uh when Utah beat Florida at home and they had their backup quarterback they they went like 80 yards first play like they they went to the jugular right away I was there it was glorious oh you were that's awesome Mar it was amazing it was a great time we also have lar stotle and Steve Kim right after that all right lle what do you have for us hey guys how's it going can you hear me yes we can hear you going on um so I am uh K Alam I uh started there in 2015 um I did get the opportunity to see M play a little bit um so my question for you is with being a Kan fan I've learned to temper my expectations um but if I see a game you know and we're not putting the ball on the ground we're not fumbling you know puns and you know we're taking care of the trenches and stuff like that and we lose in a close game I feel personally that I'm still leaving encouraged I know that winning is always the expectation and we don't accept anything less but I'd like to hear a little bit from you guys on if there is a world where we're still leaving with our heads up and then second question from M directly can you speak a little bit to the culture shift uh from your time there in comparison to what Mario's kind of trying okay all who who wants to take his question um I'll the first part oh [ __ ] go ahead go ahead okay um so what you're saying is is basically if we lose a close one on Saturday like not all hope is lost is that what I'm hearing yeah I think that's what he saying see I really want to see a difference in terms of you know preparation and you know just really compe just competing competing competing that's what I want to say yeah I um I I agree obviously I don't want to admit that like that I would be somewhat fine with losing because I I definitely don't want to lose because we are a much better football team I believe um I do believe however that there's still what 11 games left in the regular season and this is still a very talented team I go back to the Utah team that lost to Florida two years ago um they lost and went on to win the Pack 12 and make it to the Rose bow so um you know this loss it it it'll be loud and annoying on Twitter um you know for a week if it happens but um like the the the thing is like coach Chris Ball and everything like this they brought in cam Ward Tyler Baron all those guys not just for August 31st right like they brought him in for the entire 2024 season and so I think Kane's fans have to you know remember that which is not an easy thing to do especially if for losing but no I I agree with you well and let me let me picky back off that as well like something people have to remember and I I agree with Marsh like the the last thing I want is to lose this game on Saturday believe me but even if you do let's all remember that with the new college football playoff structure this is not a conference game if Miami wins the AC no matter what you lose to Florida by 60 on Saturday God forbid I don't want that to happen but you you could get killed by Florida but if you go on to win the ACC you get an automatic playoff Bid And so it's it's it's one game you know it's extra important because it's a rivalry but it's not going to make or break your season no I totally agree Aman chime in with your uh just a little bit go ahead only reason I'm pushing back I respect what you're saying Donald but um going to this season going and U looking at all the talent acquisition recruiting all these guys from the transfer portal this is the most important game for Mario chryst ball at the University of Miami so we cannot go to this game and say well you know if we lose it's gonna slow the season down this is a must-win like Miami has to go in and beat the beat University of Florida this is not you know you know if we lose to Florida then we move on and we you know we we have positive season we beat Boston beat Fu that that's irrelevant we got to set the tone from this first game I think I think over the last 20 years we all been saying well you know if we if we win this game or we lose this game I mean that's not miam was not built on that it was built on playing anybody anywhere and Domina so I I push back on that for the simple fact that this game is super important very very important for Mario chryst Ball moving forward and for recruiting over the next five to 10 years it's very very important man I I agree in terms of aspect yes I I I think they need that momentum heading into the rest of the meet of the schedule I think for recruiting it's huge because you have high-profile guys that will be there at that game on Florida's dime by the way so if Miami wins that's a great bonus but I want to flip it over to to Aman and the question that that was asked to him in terms of the culture shift and and what Aman has seen from his time at Miami U the time after that between with Manny Diaz and then now with Mario chrisal yeah um it's a good question uh got there with Coach Rick right and it was like a the complete culture change from what I was hearing from the guys obviously it was my first year his first year so I don't really know firsthand what what place you know took place before but I can tell you that uh Coach Rick established like a solid culture where it was like a Brotherhood you know guys were offense got along with the defense it wasn't divided it wasn't like jail um which is what I kind of hear previously was kind of like the locker room was you know very split up so we kind of you know we formed that Brotherhood and it showed on the football field I mean our first year we went won the you know Russell Athletic Bowl very next year we know we under or whatever lost a pit obviously but you kind of got an idea of what we can do you know um so I think with Mario what I'm seeing year to year ever since you know Diaz left is that you know players are they they they treated like almost like the NFL that's just kind of the vibe I'm getting um I can't tell I can't name one player I've seen out like at a club yet like can't name one before I can tell you that I I would be out with you know what I'm saying so like understanding like what this is and like what the opportunity I think Kim work keeps he says it every interview maybe people are just kind of like you know reading over it and kind of glossing over but he's like man like it's like business like everyone's locked in like there's no egos like everyone's trying to come in do their job everyone understands the potential and you know what we can do this year you know um lot of these guys are trans you know this is their one year and done you know cam War this is you got one more try at it you know before he goes Pro so this isn't like we don't have the the time to be like you know hey you know we got next year to come back and get at no so everyone's all in man team's locked in Mario he's making adjustments I saw I told you know Gio I told you I said Mario oh no Gio I saw har and all there or whatever I was like yo um you know this Mario got like the little coach to hold them or to keep them you know aware of the clock and I'm like that's great like that's like a that shows me yeah like that shows me that you you looked yourself in the Mir you understood your mistakes and you willing to correct it for the betterment of the team by taking that extra step and hiring someone that can keep you guys you know on point with the time and you know you have like that voice of you know reasoning in high sitations or you know when you think the game's over just to keep you continuous locked in and I said it's no different than a coach having that guy on the sideline that's holding back from going on to the field and getting a penalty it's the same thing right you know it's Miner but those little things like that to me speaks a lot of volumes man and I'm excited for the team you know everyone's like talking about the Kool-Aid and you know we talk about this every year but when you look at the depth chart top to bottom I mean we haven't had a more talented team in like the last 20 years easily like from the depth you know what I'm saying like from the actual dline offensive line the way we look like the type of players we even have like everything is just different you know so I flew Mario you know I've SE people you know they're disappointed with him in the first you know couple years you know rightfully so he made some mistakes but to me it's the progress like he's still doing what he said he's gonna do you know build the trenches you know have Miami supposed to look a certain way like he's doing all that stuff man so I'm excited man so uh I guess to answer his question shortly just summarize that the culture is night and day um I can tell you and I players aren't reading into this game as much as you know us fans um I think a lot of fans are more nervous than actual players to be honest so I'm excited just go enjoy I'm be up there ta gting having a good time man and watching the win bro that's just what's gonna take place so I got zero doubt how do you uh how do you on paper how do you think this team compares to that 2017 I mean they would beat us like this team would would beat us it wouldn't even like I mean I'm not say wouldn't be close but I can't like the dline alone and offensive line play is just so like next level I just feel like we definitely like there's a lot of games 2017 where we probably should have lost but we end up winning you know that's just how it goes um you know but yeah this this team would definitely be that 2017 I mean there was like a couple games I could just name you you know that we should have lost but a't no point of that we didn't lose so but this wait wait so so Aman I have the the really important question I think we're missing here though so you're telling me you went out partying and you put out over 900 yards your freshman year no no no listen bro see the thing about that like I definitely I didn't party at all you know what I'm saying like I didn't really start partying and going out until like my days was over honestly like I'll go out here and there during the summertime whatever but you know what I'm saying when you really trying to get to the NFL like when you like I'm not saying like everyone says yeah I want to make it to the NFL now when you really mean it and it like on a mission you're not doing all the extra stuff bro you know what I'm saying and you know that's only how you know you know the top guys get there and stay there you know they're they're locked in you know so um yeah partying man uh I couldn't do it I just I don't even know how people can do it like how the hell you go the night before are you drinking or you know smoking whatever and you go playing a game like it's physical it's long it's hot pressure like I don't know bro yeah you bring up a good point uh we have Steve Kim who was waiting for a while Steve how are you doing man good evening gentlemen first of all good luck to you guys I think this is going to be a really good Venture uh all four of you big fans uh Gio just to address something you said about us drinking the Kool-Aid in terms of what we have and what our team is I don't think there's any doubt we've all drank more Kool-Aid than Jonestown but you know if you look at the last six seven years or even more and I still get the national magazines I'm I'm probably the last guy to actually buy the physical magazines because I want to get a national perspective on it and the thing I've noticed is that the last let's say since ricked what I would notice is on the All-American teams in the top one 100 list of all the players we would generally have about one or two players maybe three at most this year these are the guys that I've seen on the various All-American or top 100 list that's Cam Ward x uh Damen Martinez jayen Rivers the ma Noah brothers and Ruben Bane so that's seven guys that we have not had that type of team probably since about 2005 that was a really good roster we were number three going into week 10 and then we lost to Georgia fell off a clip yeah so you look at this team and it's not just us the people that have no affiliation no association they're not fans of Miami they also think that we have some real talent along with the really good freshman class and I brought this up before even a magazine like athlons across the board they have us number one in every offensive room in the ACC and our lowest rated unit is defensive backs and we're still sixth which means we're in the upper third pick six previews it's just excellent Magazine from Brett Sanka I've learned a lot from this guy in terms of analytics we are in the top 15 in every single Department of positions except defensive back so that's a good team it's not just us Gio we we should not be afraid of big expectations Mario crystall has done an excellent job procuring Talent here well I I am drinking the Kool-Aid this year and I've been very pessimistic in the past in in terms of talent in comparison to onfield results I I look back to two sides of the spectrum Steve do you remember that 2006 season when Miami was entering into that Labor Day game with Florida State Kurt was on the pregame show and he said I have Miami going to the National Championship Miami Miami proceeded to have a six win season that that team cker fired and I remember live oh Coker got fired and they had a ton of Talent on that team so it could go both ways but I I don't Envision that with with this year's team I I think that would be catastrophic if something like that happened Kyle Wright Kyle Wright the guy who r in my childhood hey Mar he four offensive coordinators five years there we didn't really I don't want to hear it no I I think Kyle Wright I think that dude was going to clubs though like I'm I'm pretty sure I I had class I was in school with Kyle Wright I I I'm pretty sure that dude was going out he wasn't in terms of discipline let's just put it that way bro I'm still team Kirby Freeman Kirby Freeman oh my God he was awful what are you doing with your life Marsh do you remember do you remember the story of his of his U tattoo and how he he converted it into an Oregon tattoo when he transferred there it was a whole big like if you were on the message boards or the forums for the Hurricanes back then in that era I I was on those and people were posting photos of this like his whole evolution of turning a u into the Oregon oh and it was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen oh that was a painful few years what's up Steve yeah I just want to wrap it up with this before I let someone else on you know with Mario cryst I think you know there's a lot of doubt about him but this is a guy that's won a rose bow or been to a Rose Bowl won the Pack 12 and you know he's woned the Horseshoe against a loaded Ohio State team that had CJ Str and NFL receivers and he didn't have Kon Fido and you know I think we've all ared on Tech I know I have but you know he's got a time management coordinator which I think is an excellent um addition but look I I think Mario is going to show this year that he is the leader but I I do not minimize the the importance of winning the actual game I think this is the type of game you make a statement and you win handily and I think up being uptempo this year should be a little bit more our identity offensively given we have a real quarterback that's never really played under Center if you watch any of Cam Bo's highlights he's never been under center for the most part you can do that you set up the next decade of Miami football so I'm excited for Mario there's no pressure I think there's great opportunity thanks guys oh that that was great man that was an awesome quote he the best there there's no pressure there's just great opportunity I love that well and I want to go back to what what Steve was saying and Aman was saying earlier about you know Mario adding a time management coach like I I love I was thrilled when I heard him say that and I like I see people and they're probably mostly not Miami fans or Trolls but like trying to spin it to L like oh how terrible of a coach you have to be if you need a time management guy like I you am Aman used the example of you know when you when you have a guy on the sidelines you know holds you back to make sure you're not getting penalized I also one of the other things I thought about was okay not not every coach is a stellar recruiter so you know you get people on your staff that help you recruit like look at this the same way and and Mario is obviously one of the best Recruiters in the country he's an amazing team Builder but if there have been issues in the past where you know the the game day decisions are not always tight and in his words the process is not always followed correctly I've got zero problem I love the fact that he's looking in the mirror and saying okay this is something that hurt us last season and it's hurt teams I've coached in the past if I can find a way to make this process smoother I I don't see why anyone could try to turn this into a negative I think this is a great thing he's doing well and I think the other side of the coin to that as well is look at how Mario has been willing to change sort of his view on offense yeah air raid running more stuff out of the gun yes he still likes his Smashmouth football and understandably so you should try to put away teams with that late in games but I I'll let Steve take this opinion because been harping on this just the entire offseason and and he's been telling me for weeks Mario's got to air it out uh and needs to be air christall this year go ahead Steve yeah well look Alex first of all great show today about the the new addition and for all those people that are saying why does he need one guys there's a guy by the name of Bill bich I'd like to think he was kind of good at coaching he had a specific guy that was in charge of all of that game and clock management his name was Ernie Adams His official role was basically head football researcher but his job was to tell Bill when to take timeouts when to take the clock when to hurry up the tempo so every team basically has one nowadays at the National Football League level and I think it's something that look Mario may be stubborn but he's not stupid I'm convinced of that and Gio I promise I'll get off after this if we have a great defensive line that can finish games by coming in waves with pass rushers we need to play for blowouts we need to play to be ahead by two scores going in to the fourth quarter because that's the way you can organically develop depth and I don't think red shirting you're not going to do that anymore because I feel as though this team can play 14 15 16 games so I don't think you red shirt the way you once did but when you blow teams out and you make teams left-handed or one-dimensional offensively and we are bringing in young defensive linemen that may not be strong enough to hold up against the run but they're great at pass rushing that's how you do it you have to be able to play from ahead because you can completely dictate the game and I'll leave you with this the the best offenses in football today in college it generally score about 45 points a game correct you have to be 38 to be in the top 20 last year we were 31 with a quarterback that some would say was Point shaving but but that's just a joke but if we can do that with a quarterback that I think can be in the Heisman Trophy discussion Again Play to your strengths let's play for ahead and actually play to blow teams out I love it and I agree and by the way just to piggy back off something you said and and I'm gonna let the next caller come in by the way just for everyone listening as well uh we don't want to run too too long tonight uh tonight is just an icebreaker we're this very free form we we actually had no plans in terms of uh of an outline for today's show we just went in here we were like you know what let's uh shoot the you know what and let's just talk with people get everyone's feel on and their pulse on the team and and yeah but next week we're going to have a lot to talk about because we're gonna have the game and I'm gonna bring up some of the grades from the game and some of the film stuff and whatnot but today is is more so just an icebreaker just to let everyone feel it out but um to what you were saying though Steve about playing from ahead and blowouts and Lorraine has mentioned this before about how in the past with Miami when they used to be up so big in those games it used to be like a showcase for the younger Talent on the team that the next guy would come in and he would say look at me coach look what I could do and that was pretty much what it was back then so Lorraine I I know you had something to share with everyone here uh go ahead the floor is yours you have to unmute your mic May got her too there we go can you hear me guys yes we can hear you hey line hey line hey congratulations on the new show finally all men who know what they're talking about oh I I only know a little thank you yeah I I know very little but I I try I I try to uh I try to expand on the little I know Lorraine wait I think you muted yourself again I I think Billy Napier is is messing up with the comms right now he's this is pregame adjustment he's messing with our headsets he's he's messing with yes with our helmet headset by the way someone brought up in the comments here earlier I wanted to mention this hold up I saw it come through here and someone said something about okay yes this is swerve from YouTube he shared guys don't forget the NCAA has adopted the NFL strategy with helmet communication technology which equals that noise issue out yes correct you are very correct but there was a scenario that was brought up today by Mike norell and Florida State mentioning that Georgia Tech at one point in the game they lost communication in the in one the helmet so this is a very real thing that happens and according to like real sportsmanship rules when something like that happens to your opponent uh you you even out the playing field because it's it's a bit of an unfair advantage and understandably so but yeah that helmet communication is really big and really important this year you'll very likely see cam Ward obviously having that and then on your defensive side I think that's really interesting because is it going to be a safety is it going to be a linebacker I don't think it'll be a lineman but maybe I think I think I think gri I was watching gri the other day and I think he said it's going to be a linebacker only because it's easier with their their positioning between uh between the linemen and the DBS because gri even mentioned something about how like you know we have kind of like a a safety driven defense but just based on the positioning he needed uh he needed the communication to be with a linebacker so I would imagine Kiko's the guy yeah I I would figure it would be him above anyone else only other person I could think of would probably be mes yeah so Lorraine I I know your mic is working now go ahead congratulations on the new show guys I'm so proud of you um thank you I don't know what happened as soon as I started talking as soon as I started talking my phone crashed um all right very excited about the gains ofo game heading up on Friday um we've got the VIP dinner that I've been working with uh since January with Brad Tada on we're going to have some of the coaches are going to stop by we're going to have some of the ex player you know the alumni coming by and then as everybody knows we've got the kesw party going on till 2 am after that yeah and we will be tailgating the next day so talking about going out to a club we're all gonna be feeling it the next day line don't don't be offended when I I leave uh the I'm going to be at both parties but I'm going to leave at like 10: because I I'm not a night I'm not a night person anymore well you know what we all had our day in the swamp I can tell you that back in the days I'd be leaving early right with you thank you Mar for all you for all you youngsters okay back in the day during halftime you could leave the swamp go across the street and do shots at the purple porpose then come back into the stadium can imagine that with today W different times and all of those crazy lawyers they let you leave go do shots and come back it was quite a time it was quite a time and lorine by the way I wanted you congratulated us I want to congratulate you on your new Venture that looks really exciting so good good job yeah thank you very much representing players good good representing players on nil deals um trying to beef up some of the kids who do not have nil deals so um in partnership with Ruben ban senior um who I believe is on our space today he and I produce some shirts we bring the smoke I just posted them up there they're going for $30 plus shipping also I can get them to you in Gainesville since it's a short time period before we get there I'll have them at the party on Friday night selling those all the proceeds are going to there's a lot of players on our team that do not have nil deals I know everyone thinks it's all evened out and everybody's got money they don't and some of these kids having to pay the rental prices down in Miami and everything else the stien doesn't cover it so my one of my missions is to get some money into the pockets of these guys that are working hard to make our top team so good obviously they play against them in practice and get some money into their pockets so um I put it up on my Twitter you can zel me at lorraine. O'Neal mem.com um give me your size right now uh we've only got a 100 shirts we're going to start printing them Mr Bane um and I will print them as they sell obviously we're we're going to try to get them into everybody's hands um so we would appreciate your support but very excited about this team um you talk about noise Geo I was out at several of the practices they've got some serious crowd noise playing out there on green tree so I think that I I don't think the noise is going to be an issue you know maybe a little bit of the pressure of playing in the swamp it's quite a place if you've never been there um it can be overwhelming with all those OB noxious Gator fans all crowded into one place um but some that sometimes is a nightmare in itself um but it should be fun I wasn't going to the game but suddenly someone's come up with a ticket for me so I'll be out there screaming just like the rest of us ni yeah you know and there's we've got a cam Ward if you haven't met him that is one cool collected guy yes he is smart he comes from an amazing family come to find out our families are from the same town in Texas really mom's side yeah Galviston his family was involved in starting juneth believe it or not some wow yes great family I've met his mom dad sisters his girlfriend spoke to him he is just levelheaded and all business and talk about impressive okay and I don't think this is public information but I'm gonna make it Kan information right now any and all requests for these players to speak to anybody they go through cam Ward really maintaining this team wow that is amazing say I say it all the time I say it all the time cam Ward is a guy that you wish was at Miami for his entire college career yeah he's a guy you want running your company right yes yeah so all media requests all players he knows who everybody's talking to whether or not they're allowed to talk to people um he's not monitoring what they're saying but he just wants to know what's going on and when you're the CEO of the football team that's what you want um yeah so and and I gotta tell you about the management coach you know what when you're the CEO like Mario is of the entire program you got cam the CEO of you know the offense and the defense when you're the CEO and your company's successful what you do is you go out and you hire your VPS your executive VPS and as a CEO you can't possibly be good at everything that's why you go and you hire the best people and if you realize that you need some help the best PE the best CEOs go you know recognize where their limitations might be and they go out and hire that person to make them better absolutely correct that's what real leaders do right and I think Mario's a real leader I think he had to come in here and get adjusted um get everybody into his culture Gio and I were so blessed to have these guys coming through life wallet yeah and I'll never forget Jafari Harvey looked at me and he said Lorraine you don't play for Mario unless you want to run through walls for him he has a certain culture and if you don't you know you don't um raise up to that culture you're not on team and so you know it it took him three years so I think this is his year this game is huge um I'm really excited I mean we haven't played the Gators in what five or six years back in 2019 back in the day in the Orange Bowl oh my God games were incredible I mean these Gator fans would come down with their I'll never forget it hey Lorraine and Gio hold on I'm so I'm so sorry uh to interrupt but I just want to let everybody know I got I got a run uh right now I just want to say goodbye real quick and say thank you Gio to Marsh to Aman and thank you to Lorraine and real quick I want to coign on what she said about Cam's family I got to meet them at the ACC media days about a month ago his parents and just unbelievable people and I I can see I can see why he grew up to be such a fine young man and same thing with Ruben Bane you mentioned uh Ruben senior being on the spaces his his family is they are they are awesome they're some of the best people I've ever met Billy Napier was talking about Ruben Baye you heard that he's worried yeah yeah thanks Don and I'm I'm gonna you know uh not capitalize your space goo but come on send some money let's support these kids who don't have nil deals get this cool shirt that Mr Bane has produced and printed um and we're just going to print them as we go so go ahead and order them up if you would hey Lorraine will you put that information in the chat I think I did oh you did didn't I yeah right there at the top limited edition right now I've only got 100 printed up actually um a former walk-on punter named Bobby Scotland donated this $600 to buy the shirts so he's already donated $600 so we've got a lot more profit in this first 100 shirts he was a walkon punter I don't know exactly what year nice guy um met him out there at practice and he said Lorraine how can I help so we need to get these and then we'll keep producing them with Mr Bane senior alrighty so I'm gonna take one of the comments here from YouTube two last callers and we have to wrap up because I have I have a few things I have to finish up today uh we we always want to try to run these for a good 45 to an hour so we're a little over an hour right now just everyone listening but uh let's see there's actually a question here for you Marsh someone said let's pull it up here rev Kramer said where's Marsh Marsh where are you I'm here I'm here I also saw his last comment saying they're saying you're in a hole NE next week next week I will have my camera working all right so we we have a call here Danny Boy Kane uh the Danny Boy Danny you have a question for me Aman or Marsh uh don don had to head out because he had he hadig what's up Danny good evening everyone uh this I'll take this for the whole panel uh give me your keys to the game on Saturday to winning games what are your keys to the game my and my keys is one we got to run the football two I feel we have to control the time of possession three we have to get merch off his spot make him uncomfortable there and four we have to take that crowd out of the game d just stole my point okay enough yeah go ahead am man yeah no he stole my points I was gonna say we gotta get out we gotta jump out early um you know kind of set the tone and then from that point control the game you know um I think our defense our defensive line is going to cause Havoc but uh yeah a run game you know but I still feel like we can't get too caught up in just trying to run run and pound we have to let cam Ward you know just be cam Ward and play his game and throw the ball around so uh it's gonna be I think a a good balance of that and I think throughout the season we'll start to open up more but first game man as long as we can control the game as a whole you know we walk out I'm at least with a 10-point victory at least yeah I I was telling Kell yesterday when I interviewed him uh I said two things one I think if you open up if you get the running in going fetard Martinez you open up play action am I am I correct with that yes I I agree with you I I agree with you in that aspect I I think me personally just my take on the game uh Miami has to put up points early they have to get settled in that environment I think they have to get active in the past game right off rip I think you have to use those running backs to close out that game just physicality I think Miami is a much more physical team than Florida is heading into this game lean on that to close out a win I I would those would be two of my keys right there and the last one uh the Special Teams and the reason why I bring this up is the last time Miami and Florida played too many special teams blunders you had Bubba backa missing a chip shot that really hurt that field goal and then you had tness dropping a punt return and Florida recovers it right in right in Miami's own territory and and scored off of that which almost practically gave the game away so th those are my three keys three keys there get the pass set up early will talk off line thanks Gio thanks everybody for having me on I will talk to you soon hope to see you guys in Gainesville definitely take care Danny yeah those would be my three keys there get the pass set up early establish the run to end the game especially in that that late second half and the third one special teams uh Marsh would be your keys um I would say uh convert third Downs early on um that goes to your point to just getting on a hot you know getting off to a hot start I think scoring in the first drive or two is so so crucial if you can take that 90 napers 90,000 friends out of it for a little bit um I would so yeah I would say starting off strong and and converting third Downs um having a balanced attack um no turnovers you got I mean um make sure you do not turn the ball over I mean just like you were saying last time we played Florida that was the the you know the biggest issue in the in the games and then I'd say the the last one is to would be to create turnovers and to limit big plays um I I don't think that this I you know Merz isn't the the guy that's going to to air it out really and and obviously we'll see how Johnson is doing come Saturday but um just limit big plays especially early on if you can go in a halftime with with the lead like I will feel very very good about about this game and I think special teams too I think that's something that people kind of gloss over yeah I I think I think Andy is gonna have to make a big kick or two that definitely be especially considering the last time that the two met five years ago Miss field goal the drop punt return absolute back Breakers and really two key factors why they lost those games now just for example though last year when Miami played Texas A&M jacobe George did have that drop punt return but Miami was able to bounce back I think Miami is a more resilient team than they were five years ago and and a lot of that has to do with coaching so uh before we close out here there is a another comment for you Marian and this dates back to when Jake Garcia committed to Miami when when he when he decommitted from USC and ended up flipping to Miami by the end of that recruiting cycle believe that was the 2021 class if I recall correctly yes yes so the question here is from rev Kramer from YouTube Hey Brother for real if we win or when we win I need a video of marsh jumping in the pool so Marsh uh do you think that this is a request that you can complete you know I think I in the four years that have passed since then I I like to think I've matured a little bit but you know I uh I mean a win against the Gators I I I I may have to do something something like that I uh jump [Laughter] jump yeah I uh I made jum didn't you just have like some some issue with your shoulder though oh yeah I guess I guess I can't jump never mind I have a I have a sling on and a broken shoulder I just I had surgery five days ago so that's the real re that's the real reason Marsh is not on camera tonight it's he's in a sling right now I look like a Bionicle right now if you guys remember those little I remember the bionical yeah ridiculous so last caller here for the night and we're gonna wrap up because I gotta go do some stuff Aman's gotta run and Marsh's got a run too so uh last one I will take uh row you had uh you had any last question no I was just um I was as far as uh you know approaching this game just being balanced going I think your your microphone's lagging a little bit there any predictions on scor Geo well that that's the last thing I was gonna kick off with um Marsh what's what's your score for the game and your season prediction you don't have to say any postseason stuff but the regular season slate what what do you got uh what's game one and for for the Gator game I'm going to say I'm going to say 27- 20 canes um and then for this season ah I'm you know what the last few years I've been very realistic and everything like that I'm going to say 10- two this year I think that I think that this is the most talented roster that Miami has had in a very long time I think the schedule is very favorable I think all all the things that we've said like in the past like 15 years like I mean like this is the team that actually like can do that so wait Mar well wait so you're saying you think the Gators win on Saturday no no no no no I say 2720 canes oh okay I missed that part then okay sorry about that no you're was about to say I'm like I'm like don't tell me you changed your mind from the other [Laughter] week so no I am uh I'm riding with the canes man I I feel I'm I'm antsy but I it's like I feel good I feel I feel good hey there there there's nothing to be scared about go ahead yeah so prediction man what I what I'm feeling uh I think it's gonna be 3116 you know canes on the road hostile en environment quote unquote um and I think we get it done we just got too much talent in the running back room tight end room now in receiving room and at quarterback to just not score a minimum 30 points um you know you have struggles on defense they strugg at at time stop at a run man I think I think we're GNA yeah I think 316 is a is a fair and when I say 16 I meant like them scoring like a garbage time touchdown you know as the games I reach oh so so you're thinking like a a dominant win that Florida can't really get anything on the board yeah man yeah I think we're by at least like 14 or 17 I say 14 17 points like at any given point you know and just more so sustained in that uh throughout the game and finishing but yeah that's where that's what my heart is so I'm rocking with that well you know what I'm gonna talk some trash Florida does not have a team that is physical enough that can keep up with miamis I've seen Miami's roster up close Miami looks like an SEC team on the offensive and defensive lines I do think the environment will come into play but but I think Miami just has more talent and when I mean Talent is proven production not hypotheticals not this guy can potentially be this I just think Miami has more substance heading into this game and and yeah you know Florida fans they could raise the question that how does Miami get that all to mesh together all these transfer guys right for the start of the season and their first game playing together I I think that is overstated too much because these guys have been practicing from you're talking about let's see spring was late February heading into March all the way through April they had all the time working out together during the winter they had summer workouts and then you had fall Camp that's a lot of time to get accustomed to each other and some of these guys have played with Cam in the past Kiko maloa played with Cam uh Samuel Brown would train a lot with Cam Ward so there's a lot of familiarity there I think that that gets stated overstated too much about guys not having any chemistry uh at the end of the day you have to line it up and play ball 94,000 people in those stands that are your greatest FS of friends if you're the Florida Gator head coach is not going to save you on game day uh I have Miami winning 34 to 20 tight game through the first half Miami pulls away in the second half off of sheer physicality and those running backs in that room I I just think it's it's too much for Florida I I don't see Florida with I don't see them with enough to to come out with that win even regardless of the atmosphere and whatever a Florida fan could say between now and Saturday I just I don't think the two teams are that close in comparison back to 2019 or or 2013 and and those games I thought were going to be really tight I like even down to the wire to end those games but I just don't see that this year so 3420 I'm taking Miami and we had one last thing come up in here so rev Kramer says if Miami beats Florida he wants me to jump in a pool Marsh uh I mean I I can't steal Marsh's Thunder I think that's more of like Marsh's like signature thing that everyone knows Marsh is is the guy that that jumped in a pool after Jake Garcia committed to Miami and and and God bless Jake I mean just ended up leaving Miami went to Missouri now he's at Eastern Carolina but by the way Jake Garcia is a starting quarterback this year so we will see how he does this season so what if what if he just balls out this year comes back home next year Jesus [Laughter] Christ that would be a uh twisted turn of events actually there was a quarterback like that in the ACC believe is went by the name of Chase Bryce he started his career at Clemson ended up leaving went to a D2 school and then came back I think for his last year it was a really weird scenario I've never seen anything like that didn't he sneak a win for them like a couple years ago when I think one of the quarterbacks got hurt I believe so I think it was vers Florida no Florida State I I don't know but I I know talk I think he's number seven yeah yeah he he was he was like a career backup there with Clemson but he spent some quite some time there um I mean Clemson had a lot of quarterbacks though me Kelly Bryant Sean Watson Trevor Lawrence uh who who remembers um oh man who uh anyone remember Taj Boyd oh yeah yeah didn't Bo didn't Taj Boyd come into Miami and beat the canes yeah yeah like 2010 yeah but then Miami Miami had their get back though um Leonard henerson had like a three touchdown game against them the year after in Clemson good point good point so with that said like I mentioned earlier Today's Show we had no guidelines or or anything this was all just thrown out there wanted to keep it natural next week we're going to have a much more structured show this is just breaking the introducing ourselves to everyone if you happen to not know us I'm sure many of you know Marsh or Aman or or Dono you probably don't know me I'm a nobody but we will be back on next week after the Florida game uh looking to probably be Wednesday evening again uh we want to keep these within an hour I know there was a lot to talk about because it's a lot of preseason stuff next week is going to be more meat on the bone and I'm actually considering bringing on a special guest next week that would kind of go over some of the film with us from the Miami and Florida game so a little bit of a breakdown in between there for a couple minutes a little segment in there in terms of what Miami did on the field after Saturday so with that said make sure to like share and subscribe ww.youtube.com geom milon I will put it up right here in the chat for you all to see and any other closing statements guys Aman Marsh everyone tuning in it's exciting I'm ready talk on ball man and you know hopefully you know this is a great start of something um with some powerful legs and you know we have a great season you know which will make it uh that much more entertaining so I'm ready and uh yeah man I'm I'm excited we're doing this happy we're doing this excited for what the what the season holds um glad to be talking ball with you and 82 and and Alex man ready to I'm ready to kick off go kanes we'll see you next week everyone everyone take care drive safely to Gainesville or safe flight if you're coming from out of state we'll see you soon

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