That Team Out West | Physicality | Fall Camp Week 2

Published: Aug 13, 2024 Duration: 00:30:52 Category: Sports

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G find out which bus these kids going to get on which bus you want to be on I gota make sure these kids aren't too nervous tomorrow they always get so nervous in the first scrimmage like nerves are okay cuz you care it's like don't be nervous man like go take it you don't become a physical football team once the games have started that's not available to you at that point the hay is in the barn as they say becoming physical happens in Spring ball and it happens in Fall camp and it happens when you get good on good the ones on ones and they do live line of scrimmage work and you've got the best players on defense going against the best players on offense and it's life and you get it gone and you play to the whistle forging that in Fall Camp I think is vital you can't play physical football unless you have a physical camp n [Music] [Music] the fall holds no secret to how your summer was spent the Ducks are spending theirs in the trenches hoping to build the kind of toughness that'll stay with them through the stretch run just keep stacking days as long as you keep stacking days I promise you I promise you you will see the change but my coach used to always say everything that you want is on the other side hard oh I love that everybody hear that that's probably word writing now think about everything you want right now everything you want is on the other side of hard ain't no lottery in football everything you want is on the other side of hard that position that win let's get uncomfortable right now right your goal is to feel uncomfortable it's a sign that you're what it's a sign that you're growing if you don't get uncomfortable in practice shame on you if it hurts a little bit the first day good means I'm headed somewhere Camp is full of growing pains but what hurts even more is sitting at home and watching other teams in January the challenge of the Big 10 looms large but one can't help but notice that pound-for-pound the Ducks are looking larger than ever something's in the water the Ducks aren't sharing their recipe but it was made with a whole lot of love with strength coach Wilson Love Leading the Ducks weight sessions every morning is a wakeup call Hope you had your coffee I love what we're going we got to keep bringing that every single day I have a challenge for you when you don't feel like doing it you don't feel like bringing juice sometimes you have to fake it what do I mean by that sometimes you have to fake the juice so actually become a real thing it's tiring out there I know what's going to be different for us if we want to be different that's what it takes I love each and every one of you guys man let's keep choing when I first met a coach love I was like no way he can keep this up like every day you hear his voice you know it's time to get to going most strength coaches are eccentric but love is a different breed cuz love besides the the yelling the screaming the craziness love he wanted he wanted them one of them ones I love him to death he a crazy he a crazy crazy coach L is for the way you look at me oh is for the only one I see V is very very extraordinary e is even more than anyone that you adore can love coach love uh brings uh a crazy amount of enthusiasm and passion he's the same guy every single day he's the same guy every day coach loves got all the energy in the world he hard he hard knows he try he he real goofy now and he real energetic coach love oh man that man is chaotic insane crazy just all the words you can think of but just deep down the side of him he loves us always here for you bro show turn up I'll be talking to you yeah come on keep it up one day at a time keep it up bro I'm so proud of you man oh got little kitty cat tail yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] yeah baby whistle stay flip it to 10 let's get it in a room done get in that mode one get in that mode Let's go one train it train it to become it let's [Music] go to you is more a [Music] game it my heart please don't pray love was made for me and you you guys I know what y'all are doing now I think it's [Music] funny players don't just like his coaching style they're crazy about it his energy is infectious and it extends to every part of his Life Giving new meaning to the term dad strength but beneath his hard exterior he still got a few soft spots football after all is all about balance he truly knows these guys inside and out there's not a thing that he wouldn't do for him and that's what really makes him special he's authentic he's himself good bro you got me yeah appreciate you co I love you man hey these Young Bucks need you this team needs you we need tough dudes when you're trying to land grab you have to move some mountains one group that's taken a liking to all that tough love is the offensive line and the feelings are mutual I think they're confident they changed their bodies it's been pretty impressive to see how much these guys have gotten stronger and they've done all what they asked them to do and it's been freaking awesome H had a great summer man this guy is crazy freaking strong right now I mean I think this guy realizes that he's a dude and when he talks everybody listens he's got Alpha Tendencies to to him and he's been freaking incredible and um I love where he is Josh connly I don't know could have a better offseason what he did I mean the kid looks like a totally different human being uh different in Spring like he's confident and the kid is incredible right now so he's confident he's uh doing a really good job and Johnny I don't know if I can be happy of anybody either I mean this guy's a totally different human being and he's confident he looks different too man and uh this guy's doing a great job he's more vocal um I've been really really impressed with them man they absolutely killed it this summer I'd like I'd like Johnny to stand up here and tell us what he expects from this unit I love it uh I think we should just all hold each other accountable to the standard to give our all every single day and just work to grow every single day and build our chemistry as a team as off we know we should be when you embrace the process it takes you places just ask recent standout running back turned NFL rookie Bucky Irving while other rookies are adjusting to the physicality Irving is used to it he learned from the best back in Eugene great words from man DJ I mean it's not different for me cuz when I was at Oregon uh we was in P every day so I'm pretty much used to it the guys th me up I mean you got to practice like how you play so I mind them guys th me up and getting a good look on me so I mean we always preach you practice how you play so can't practice 6 we in full pass today yeah tough is about to show up what's your level of compete what's your dreams and aspirations and what are you doing to get there today is about that work like toughness growth is a hard thing to measure you can push weight but can you push people around sometimes the only true test is the eye test and there's no comparison for sizing up your team like the first day the pads go on this is an offensive lineman Marcus Harper first rodeo it's his fourth but he's as excited as ever to get back in the saddle it's about to be a great day today [Applause] baby let's move let's Mo good movement good hand control hand fight let's go let's go let's go let's go we hun let's go now let's go let's go hey T hey let's go t he's not the only one playing hype man for offensive line coach a leag Terry it might as well be Christmas morning and every chance to make his players better is a gift good that's it that's it that's it week two let's improve there it is be violent with me now be violent with me how violent can I be with my hips and hands hey that's the violence right there killer that's the violence yeah 50 yeah 50 yeah 50 that's the pull 50 that's the pull yes sir chop yes sir chop yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir cl cl cl what decisions are you making to improve this team and improve yourself right cuz everything we want is on the other side of everything we want is on the other side of right you got to know that we got to have a Competitive Edge competitive nature about us that people are fear competing against us on a down in and down out basis we can't turn it up on short yardage just because there's only one yard left from the first play to the 150th play we got to have a have a mentality we got to have a physicality the teams we are playing we cannot waste the quarter we cannot waste a down that dog mentality you got start to finish make it your mentality coach Terry has a gentleman's agreement with his players you bring the effort he'll bring the noise Shake on it they may be Ducks but this veteran line is as close as it gets to unflappable that is until they see a camera in their face your favorite teammate his swag came from me okay now that's a that's a that's the wide receiver's job anyway isn't it I can't get a proper exit youny you feel me looking hey appreciate y'all for coming in this big hey shush we're doing an outro shut up appreciate y'all for coming in stopping in with big Mark you feel me and uh spam you feel me big go you feel me we G to see y'all in the season let's go Sorry Charlie oh he talking about you when the pads aren't popping defensive backs coach and co-defensive coordinator Chris Hampton hits his players with a pop quiz t test day test day test day like the SAT pass no Whispering no Whispering anes I hear you have no Whispering anes it's a chance to exercise their most powerful muscle the one under their helmet he's a tough grader no one gets an a for effort it's not family case no what we doing this not open book what are we doing over here open book oh we getting greater right now I'm great I'm going to give it to you tomorrow give you a great test tomor what are you doing no you to cheat in front me my name no get back son feel your test out you get your grade tomorrow you tell me I know the answer do you know the answer I'm making sure it's right cuz this what I been you turn it in then I tell you it was right you this is out of control Captain Bingo oh yeah they trying to cheat right I didn't really know the right side though but I tried though you tried I didn't you you don't you don't get a a for trying respons a for effort no defensive coordinator Tosh lupoy is hungry for takeaways and wants to see who has the biggest appetite on and off the field every one of these is a choice you make it's an emphasis that we've got to accept we got to embrace we got to dominate every day so there's a reason now there's there's balls up there if we're not hitting these things we will let's clear them out of the building we don't do any cruise control sh down here when we check into the field every day of my life I go by that ball it's a conscious decision okay it's easy to run by it hit the ball right any way we can emphasize the most telling and important stat in football right you make the choice as a leader to enforce that Oregon is excited about their defense dline coach Tony tuote is maybe a little too excited he got so into a celebration that he ended up in a boot he's back on two feet now and his defense is starting to find theirs run your feet DJ run your feet technique matters let go come come on come on on hey big big let's go let's go these guys embrace it they want to hit it practice cuz they know it's going to make them better in games winning football is really one at the line of scrimmage physicality be a big piece of our our identity this season as we we approach it that's what Oregon is trying to build is to be a great defensive line a great offensive line and then have tremendous skill positions as well that's the misconception I think people on the outside look at the uniforms they see the buildings they see The Flash and they think that Oregon is soft nothing could be further from the truth keep going man like you got to we got to get more strain out of everything that we're doing man cuz when you go out there you should be like a bunch of screaming banshees just keep stacking up in days I know there's more in the tank so let it all out throughout this H know how blessed we are man to play this game to be here at Oregon man we blessed okay you guys already know other people got it hard we don't okay so what excuse do we got nothing we at the car the D Line's job is to make sure quarterbacks feel uncomfortable but at Camp part of their job is to get the newcomers out of their comfort zone if Derek Haron and Jamari Caldwell want to earn their wings they'll have to show off their rain there we [Music] go hello in my I could be a girl [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I even the strength coaches have to pull wait I was b in a little just waking up in the morning God thank God I got my grub on but then take pig out it doesn't look like any of these ducks will be quitting their day job listen baby just getting better at it no mountain high [Applause] no are [Applause] no this wasn't what coach Dan Lanning meant when he was talking about vocal leadership no more song and dance back to the task at hand when you think about your position ask yourself that position group is that position group tough right we got some tough position groups in here coach Dan Lanning is preaching toughness and letting a couple of his toughest players senior tight ends Terrence Ferguson and Patrick Herbert spread his Gospel of grit together they know a thing or two fer tell us what it means to you uh toughness to me is no matter what we got on the table what we got to do uh getting through that and that's mental toughness physical toughness uh football is a hard sport it's hard mentally um Camp is going to be hard there's things that are going to be hard but growing through that and um really just attacking it every day no matter what even if you don't want to do it I think that's toughness what's toughness it's physical it's mental it's emotional it's a mindset say you can and you can say you can't and you can't what are you saying to yourself what are you saying to teammates we must be tougher and More Physical than our opponents mental and physical toughness will create an aggressive intimating style play it begins up front on defense and on the offensive line we must control the line scrimmage we must stop the run and run the football effectively and with consistency the tie end room has a new toy a state-of-the-art sled that's meant to create some tough sledding and help the Ducks get downhill yeah so we called Kenny um and said hey we need to get this sled why for pad level purposes right and then strike right and you can see where he's at underneath that sled is this sled a pain in the ass yes and especially when it's on the grass out there right doesn't move very much not designed to but what does it force you to do AJ get your pads low pads low and right what do you got to do with your hands strike you got to strike with your hands inside we've got great hat placement great hands great pad leveling our hips are involved right running our feet then good things happen Travis are you hydrating y you have 1 o of water I had I had another bottle on the oh my gosh late orders are not good what color um I think I'm going to go orange get orang I'll double down with the Blue Gator ERS two orangers and a blue y my goodness if anybody ask can I you go outside get us some gummy snacks great that that is Patrick Herbert makes it clear even veterans like him aren't above lending a hand taking care of everybody after all you want to look out for the guy next to you because you never know when you'll need him to have your back for a team that Prides itself on flying in the face of tradition there is one that they hold sacred every year the team runs Spencer's but to honor two former ducks and to remind each other that life is what you do in the dash all man climb that view is a great reminder this view is worth it hike ain't easy think of all the work that you guys just put in this summer keep chasing hard right and how do we measure success different than the world measures success right we have to have a different stand for ourselves we're not focused on the result we're focused on the process we finish uh every summer with this right but being here this year is a little bit different for me I'm sure it's different for some of you guys as well we up here we out here for my dogs long let that fall long let that fall man we got y' boys you can't get up here without thinking about our following Brothers Spencer Kyrie a little bit different two years ago when we came up here we uh we came up on the top of this but I read a poem to you guys I want to read that today we're going to use that kind of as our thought process as we go back down this this poem's called the dash I read of a man who stood to speak at a funeral of a friend he referred to the dates on the tombstone from the beginning to the end he noted that the first date of birth spoke of the following date with tears but he said What mattered most was the dash between the ears for the dash represents all the time that we spent alive on Earth and now only those who love them know what that little line was worth for it matters not how much we own the cars the house the cash what matters is how we live in love and how we spend our Dash if we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile remembering that that special Dash might only last a little while so when the ULU is being read when the life's actions to rehash would you be proud of the things they say about you and how you lived your dash and it's really important guys you're only on this Earth for so long how are you spending that so on the way up this but we talked about remembering those who helped get us here every one of you guys can make an impact as we go down this this View and you start to walk down it I want you to think of the people that you're going to impact whose life are you going to change right what's this season going to look like for you who can you impact nothing like a climb with your teammates to put things in perspective Camp is in full swing and the days aren't getting any cooler a good time to think about why you're doing this in the first place enter the hot seat a chance for teammates to get some things off their chest and remind each other that this game is bigger than the name on their back the high seek um it's a great opportunity for us to get our our fellow teammates for them to be vulnerable and you guys can just get to know who they are I randomly found this Academy and it was like college football and I was like what the hell is that I C up the guy and I was like listen I think I can k kick a footy pretty far so he's like all right come down one day they came to me and they said oh we got to call with um Oran football tomorrow um what do you think about going there and I was like me up go how much how much money did you have to make uh for the program yeah about 15,000 initially I was like damn that's way too much I don't know if it's worth it and then I guess it was I got to Bama that was my dream 3 four years go by six concussions torn ACL shoulder all that stuff gone the reason why I even coach is to make sure y'all don't do the same thing I do maximize your opportunity I had it good but the other side of good for me was Rock B it's the worst feeling I had in my life the reason why I'm so happy every day because I'm not a rock bottom y'all got me Ellis stay there stand up tell him what you need from him everybody looks at you and like what you do is like a big example so like just you being able to push people and you continuing being a great leader is like I feel like that's like exactly what we need I know I say it all the time but it's crazy to me that like someone who lived 20 hours away had this impact on me and like changed my life forever Jordan bur every day this offseason I looked you in the eyes and said who you doing it for you said your mom it's time to start really really doing it for her you got something special and you're coming so much further than last year and I'm proud of you bro you got something that everyone here wish they had unleash it do it for your mom that simple what you got for me um I say keep being you um out of my whole like college career I probably had three shm coach I think you like the best one cuz you stay consistent like days when I don't feel like practicing my body hurt when I can like make ey contact with you you tell me keep going who I'm doing it for or like pregame when you tell me it kind of hype me up kind of pump me up so I just say appreciate everything you did and just keep being your when was the last time you asked yourself why does this matter to me so much sh every day we wake up especially in this Camp uh it's probably one of the hardest camps I had to go through uh you know you wake up your body hurt and everything like that you tied you got Nick and a kind just wake up and no question yourself my wife is really my younger self like since I was 4 years old I told myself I was going to be in these seats um and really for all my younger sibl just letar to know the kids in community back home just said a good example well I appreciate you guys give these guys a hand if you want to put on a show on Saturdays first you need a few dress rehearsals the Ducks haven't had a full scrimmage since spring it's time to take measure to see if all that talk about toughness was just that or if the Ducks are ready to stand on their webbed feet and walk this is our chance to play a game before we play a game how we're incorporating toughness and how important it is that we set the standard today for how important these scrimmages are let's see these players play football right that's what I want to be able to see today who can tackle who can block who can catch who gives great effort let's go work day work day work day work day let's go make them feel you today hey you've been talking about you want to hit him all week today's your chance today's your chance boy let's go this is game day I'm preparing myself for battle ask yourself how do you prepare for a game that's what today should look like check yep yep yep let's go let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey what you going to do for your brother let's go let's go let's go yeah boy y we have to be able to do the hard things we talk about in your positions they have to show up on film today right have to show up what do I mean right we talk about why hardest thing I want to see wide receivers going and snatching the ball out of the air go attack it with your hands right don't let it get to your body if it was easy everybody would do it right it should look a certain way that [Music] this is aing ground the squad is dressed to impress yeah Jen and ready to make some First Impressions with only two scrimmages the Ducks are in a hurry to find out who's made the most progress and where they have the most work to do to get a glimpse at not just who can play fast good job but who's willing to get physical another week in the books the story is shaping up and so are the Ducks it's almost time to fly the go [Music]

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