Training Camp: Middle Tennessee Football – Episode 3

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:11:54 Category: Sports

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[Music] uh we say it all the time but the the standard is best don't nobody want to be second as simple as that don't nobody want to be second so you got to be first that he brings the energy that he brings and you never see him with a a frown on his face now they calling me rev and and stuff like that so it's it's kind of like a full circle type thing yeah Marv same exact situation CJ like he he's played a bunch of reps at this University one player now [Music] [Music] I think it's important for us uh as a program to realize that this isn't a rebuild it's a reboot we want to be physical in our route run we want to be physical in our in the way we attack the football in the air uh at receiver we want be physical on how we carry the football uh at running back finishing on top with great ball security we want to be physically disappoint with the quarterback position to take the right you know take the right drop you know create the right the the right read take the right run fake so it's it's everyone on board at all times being physic I want them to to to see a football team that uh like I said is physical at the point of attack that that um is a smart football team and that a team that likes to attack the football like to tack it in the air T tack it in somebody's hand um populate populate uh numbers to the to the person running the football just they want I want them to say man those dudes are physical those are tough they're smart football players and they look like they're having fun I want them to say that we play really really hard we play for each other and we're unselfish I mean we wear our mentality on the sleeve right you know physical tough intelligence the PTI I think one of the things when we talk about style of play we talk about first and foremost is is uh physical at the point of attack we always say if there's you're going to make a mistake make it make it fix it with violence right um not your offensive coordinator as blessed as I as I am to go against Brian Stewart every day or a guy of that caliber a guy you know tons of NL experience and he's probably forgotten more football than I'll ever know um the second the second thing the second thing is Relentless Pursuit Relentless pursuit to the football itself and Relentless pursuit to the ball carrier I think we do those things will be pretty good and last is be situational Masters and that's the intelligent intelligent part they'll just be smart football players know the down and distance know what they need to to get if it's two-minute offense or or it's a a first down or it's second and short or second and long just understanding the game within the game but I think what has you know made me do is to really double check and make sure that we're sound and and everything that we do and we have answers for um worst case scenarios because he's going to put you in some scenarios that aren't very aren't very good but you got to make sure that you have answers to that so kind of goes back to that chess game where uh you know he shows us a look what's our counter you know we give them a new look what's what's their counter to it and that's how you make everybody better but he has been a a blessing to to me and to this offense and and what we see every day I think it's been awesome going against B uh for a lot of reasons uh the the first reason is the the the different Personnel groups that he that he that he presents with us and I think just the doing those adjustments and he's a good communicator I love talking to him uh before practice about what he's going to do and how we're going to handle it and then talking about practice itself so I think that um uh uh our relationship has become a great relationship because of the communication that we have just talking about um how we're going to attack practice not necessarily each other what type of intensity and tone and you know um mindset do you want to see from the players going throughout practice this week it's it's a Notch not just a notch above it it it's it's it's 10 notches up right you know when you hear a good song on the radio you say hey man turn it up that's what's happening right now this is a good song on the radio let's turn it up hey nobody walking G we let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] B the game on Saturday is going to be one from playto playay series to series and when it comes to the end of practice just like the end of games you got to be at your best whether it's 2 minute 4 minute don't matter okay you got to be at your best so me you have to start practicing with a four quarter mentality at the end of practice when you know it's coming that's when you got to dig and find it man know who you are see all that work you've done okay is for now okay it's when you have to start showing what your DNA is are you going to tap out or are you going to walk through the fire that's where we're at so now that the the heavy lifting is off of us now what we get a chance to do man is fres up mentally and become short know one understand every adjustment every communication and get ourselves ready to go win see man the physical has been done that's it see on a Wednesday when we shut it down okay the physical for the most part I'm telling about the heavy lifting has been done it don't mean that on Thursday we come out and walk through cuz tomorrow we going to come out fine to that's what it is not as long very quick okay been about what we do man but like very succinct we're on the details and the inches on the thir details and inches I'm just telling you I've watched you start the week man just just trying to figure out whether or not you want to be here so yesterday me you got some work done to today you got work done this is what a work day looks like so embrace it you only get so many of them right now they're starting to descend that's one d That's one Wednesday d you won't get back see man the countdown is on just so you know it's on and this season ain't coming back it's going full speed ofe so let's get ready to go do what we came here to do and that's win everything about how you train where you go how you eat going to class it's about winning see like winning is a lifestyle need you to know that like some of y'all want to tap out man with girl no when is a lifestyle when at everything that you do when it being a student when it being a man when it being a man a boyfriend a husband a b just win when he takes what winning takes the great coach Larry said that at one point time wining takes what wining takes you got to figure out what wining takes and here's the deal you can't give it to you all we Supply are opportunities to get better do you understand yes sir so great practice today spend little B time with Coach let's get off the field here we go let's see hick get us down big dog get us down hey com chance on three C chance on 3 1 2 3 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's game week obviously you know so what about this first game in this new era of NCS you all get you know super pamp and excited yeah well uh this uh my first team first time playing a game here it's like Christmas right it's like Christmas when you're little and you weren't sure what you're going to get you know what you want you know exactly what you want you want that bike you want that skateboard but you're not sure what you're going to get I I can't wait to see what uh a game day atmosphere here uh at MTSU is and um I'm excited to watch our players play you know that's how I feel about this week you know I'm I'm excited I know what I want I know what I want the outcome to be how we're going to get to that outcome you know the these guys have really worth your tail off and they're they're trying their best to be involved in the community and on campus all while at the same time put a good product on the field think she come check us out we want to have as much fun as we can but we want to share that with um they're going to give you everything they have and they're going to put great energy and hopefully you're there to reciprocate the energy and we can do this together as Comm [Music]

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