My Vanarama National League predictions 24/25

Published: Jul 22, 2024 Duration: 00:11:45 Category: People & Blogs

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it's time for my 20242 van Roma National League predictions as it edges ever closer to the start of a new season it's time for some League predictions as today we are doing my van National League 2024 25 League predictions from 24th all the way to first place is there going to be a few shocks yes am I going to get slated on Twitter and in the comments here yes but do I care probably not just depends what people see but um yeah obviously you got you guys are entitled to an opinion but so um so if you do get offended by this then I'm sorry I don't really know what else I'm supposed to do about that but um yeah if I we do make sure you guys do get down there and like subscribe um Wednesday G to play middles BR video on the channel for that um but let's get straight into this starting off in 24th we are going with Boston United who won promotion Against All Odds from Le van Roman National League North now this is a team that I really do like and it was really it was a hard decision to put them there but just quality just quality I don't think they'll have the quality and I think people don't really have the biggest expectations but I think they have the expectation that they could probably stay up I can't see it happening unfortunately and also the same for 23rd brain tree town that is not just because of puff puff it's it's partially but it's not the full reason um yeah once again they have made some decent signings that was one signing the made that from alram or something or was that Boston one of the two made a big signing um but I just can't see them staying up once again how um tight the relegation battle is going to be this year there'll be loads of team team in it fighting um CU it's a lot more competitive than the last few years this is like a prime National League this season um so unfortunately the two teams that won promotion in the playoffs from the two divisions below are the bottom two 22nd now a team that very barely scraped relegation is weldstone um listen they barely scrapped it and it's also the scene for 21st e Fleet um obviously surviv in the final day and wistone was just not good after lost the manager and lost County uh I just think it's the yeah same with AB Fleet um it'll be sad because I do think Woodstone were a brilliant team under the manager before he left but obviously things like that can happen uh maner leaves and it doesn't go too right whereas other teams like gate said it worked out but it will be sad but that's my bottom four the four teams getting relegated is Boston United br trewn wistone and EET United Moving On to 20th just surviving is the vanama national league North Champions Tam obviously the one back-to-back promotions I do reckon they'll stay up very very barely though on the final day maybe it'll be absolute scenes um and I really like tomworth I'm sure in a few years they will be in the AFL they're a really good team and I'm really excited to say them um hopefully I get to the away game but I'm pretty sure it's be rescheduled for a midweek so I don't know how that's going to work but 19th goes to walking now I really really want to put these lot a lot higher the only reason I'm putting them here is because of the situation with them I mean they could be going to Administration we know what happened with South and they got pipe deductions which is what they would face um I think it'll be a mess next season it it the fans will just be so glad the season's even over um it it's going to be a real struggle and I don't want to say a happen to Walken CU I really really like them but unfortunately these things happen in football and especially with L League teams you know you can't really you have to barely struggle you have to work with people coming through the gates and it's a really hard time and I understand walking I know a lot of people from walking and I know the struggles they be going through at the minute and and and obviously I knew South End fans what their struggles were um so hopefully it does get fixed soon obviously the club's up for sale for a quid um just got to find the right owner and hopefully they can get doing well again but I do think whether they get bought or not it will be it will just be a mess of a season I I'm sorry but I think fans ready for work and just want to see his no with 18th now goes to Y town the National League South Champions that got straight back up from getting relegated um and quite impressively so they were really good last year and I do think they'll have a decent year people are people do have them down to finish a lot higher but personally I don't think no finish um we keep them at 18th 17th dagam um this is a team that is just never really looking to get relegated but never really looking to get promoted um just a sort of lower half finish um 16 foued they a team on the up as well as 15th Maiden head um them two teams filed and Maiden head are really on the up last season had some really good spells towards the end of the season and I do think they'll kick on but with how competitive the league is it will be really hard to push even higher but that is a good finish for both of them 14th now eastley um it's sort of a drop off but it's not it's not the worst and they'll just be a boring team to watch really um unfortunately and quite harshly 13th and 12 13th out Shot Town um I think they really struggle they've lost some of their key players and I do think they'll have a tough year as well as 12 Place St United obviously getting relegated um from League 2 we've seen it with Harley Po and rdale and other teams like scun for especially um going straight down the national league north um teams do struggle teams that go down expect this fans fans think go in the non League they'll absolutely steam get straight back up to the football league what people don't realize is most of the national league is a top half League too you know what I mean half of pretty much all the national league from like 12 above that's like a top half leag 2 quality type thing I I don't think people realize that that's why teams struggle that go down um so it'll just be it'll not be the best seasons but um the fans will not be the happiest but it is what it is and it's what happens when you get relegated in 11 if this is a real big step up people are expecting them to make the playoffs which I can't see happening but it's just for the competitive again although the league is so unpredictable I just think teams above them would have a lot more quality um in experience sort of the top half and everything I'm going with York City and the F some absolutely brilliant S I mean wow um I'm sure they bought a forward who was bagging in goals last year um and I think they have a really good year it'll be a it'll be really exciting to watch and I wouldn't be surprised in fact yeah yor are going to beat us on both occasions we play them York are going to be our Boogie team this year and they always have been really York have always been sort of a bgy team to us um but York and 11th um 10th goes to Halifax town it's a bit of a drop off but I don't know I think they play really boring football um the stadium whether they'll even have it for the full season with a rugby pitch um I don't know but I just it will not be long until they're fighting relegation and I wouldn't be surprised if it's this year but I'm not going to be all controversial and I'm going to stick with them there um ninth it's a bit it's a big drop off Ultra now I had done a little um scrap Scrappy version of my predictions like a month ago I put Ultra gum second but I've realized they've lost Chris K Clark among some other star players they had um and I do think we'll struggle without Chris um he's a really good player obviously moving on to Peter BR and I do think they'll really really struggle without him um but Ninth Place it's not the worse but they should definitely be doing better eighth place goes to AUM the playoff Dodgers they miss out on the playoffs but I do think Odin will have a good year I just think it'll be a few draws that will knock them down out out of the playoffs come the end of the season um but I really do like Oden obviously need to be in the Premier League but um we just have to say because obviously still pre season so there's still time for signings before the season starts um seventh place go into the playoffs now Harley po United they have made some Stand Out signings by the way Adam Campbell obviously won promotion with Crawley IL League one and was a standup player um signed him what signing um among some other players they really invested really well um and I another good year making the playoffs um sixth place goes to rdale now I really really like the style play it's similar to Gat not not exactly the same but sort of unique um I really do like rdale and I think they'll be back in the football league come soon I haven't really made a prediction of who's going to win the playoffs but as of right now deal for me um fifth place goes the forest green obviously getting relegated back to back to the National League I do think they'll have a decent year but whether they get promoted I do not know fourth place now goes to Gates head my team um we've made some absolutely exceptional signings all is going to be a brilliant player um obviously this preseason alone we've won all first four games 71 21 2 N 70 although it's just be preseason playing L League oppositions apart from Sunderland um it it would been absolutely brilliant and I'm really really excited for the season and we've managed to keep hold of some of a back line with Richardson tinkler and Grayson um we' retained Wheeling as of now booty um we've got some brilliant players I'm really really excited for this year as the playoff thing is all sorted with the stadium apparently just hasn't been announced by the club yet but as of right now we can go up which is going to be a big Plus in terms of getting players in and keeping players third place now goes to South End United they have been bought so no more anything to do with Point deductions they can go up I'm really really happy for them and they'll have a really good season um third place goes to South V united second place now Sol H beaten in the F final against GED and and beating in the F and Bea in the playoff final against Bromley and I do think they'll have a good year but bnet for me wins the league like they've signed 11 plus players they've made some AB exceptional signings and I do think it will be quite like a 10 20 points between Bon and suo I just think Barnet will be the sort of Chesterfield thing they'll just absolutely steamroll the league um so yeah Barnet for me win the league um but that is my f Roman asley 2024 25 predictions let me know what's controversial about that what you like what you agree with what you disagree with but or most importantly let me know what you think of the next next season V could will be a star who will be a standout team who will be an underdog who will be the most underwhelming but all but just tell me your predictions cuz I'd love to hear them but um I will see you next video which will be Wednesday as G to take on Mid BR but take care for now

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