Did The Rock Really Just Endorse Trump?

welcome back to Fox News uh we started this YouTube channel a week ago and then I went on a cruise a n-day vacation it's been a long time my social battery is drained but my podcast battery is up and going if you like more of my content in my original podcast it's still up we still go we still record five days a week over at failure to stop also check out other shows on our Network like anti-hero podcast two cops one donut donut shub podcast and everything on failure to stop podcast uh but I got off of the boat I got off of the boat and I felt like maybe I was in the Twilight Zone because I had learned as I got off of the boat that The Rock had some really nice things to say about Donald Trump but not only the rock had nice things to say about Donald Trump but Logan Paul Hulk Hogan Elton John all of this coming out at the same time and and why this is so shocking and why I feel like it's breaking news is because I remember a time not too long ago when you didn't really want to mention that you were a trump supporter or a trump fan Josh am I crazy do you remember a time when celebrities where it was a no no in Hollywood to voice your opinion uh a positive opinion about Trump do you remember that I think the the cool thing to do back then was to pose with severed heads of the president because that's what Kathy Griffith did and nothing ever happened or taking things over to Donald Trump's Walk of Fame the star and doing putting poo and pee and all kinds of other things that you want to do to Def face that so it's it's kind of really it's a a weird time to see these people the one side of things that were just so vly against it to turn around go well maybe we need to pump the brakes on that well it's funny that you mention that because at a time when somebody once was hated and is now with love we also have dick chy coming back and endorsing Camala Harris and not only is Dick chany endorsing Camala Harris but she's accepted his endorsement which is just absolutely Bonkers does the hypocrisy Know No Boundaries is there no boundaries at all with this because if you remember and M now listen I don't know if I'm in an alternate universe did I go to the Bahamas and come back to an alternate universe did I did I sail through the Bermuda Triangle somehow did we Veer off courts go through the Bermuda Triangle and transcend into an alternate reality because I remember a day and time when Dick Cheney was the most hated vice president of all time and he's also been accredited as being one of the most powerful vice presidents of all time and he has a rap sheet that the Democrats and the Liberals absolutely loathe and hate and I can't remember one thing that dick Janie did that the left was like hey good job dick good job so that's crazy we'll get into it I want to stick here with the rock though my title for this is did The Rock really just endorse Trump now that is hyperbolic it is because he didn't exactly endorse Trump and he has some motives here and that's why Fox News exist because I'm going to tell you the agenda behind everything we're not just trying to be the news and trying to be it first I'm trying to give you news almost objectively and uh and kind of we don't we're not owned by anybody so we can do whatever we want that's why I created this channel Fox News I can say whatever I want without any uh I wanted to take a step at real journalism here and uh and give you guys the totality of it so no he did not endorse Trump but something did happen he did say some very kind and friendly things and he has been doing it but why and there is a why and why I don't want to spoil it but you can almost imagine what rules what what do most what is most people's why Josh because it's GNA cost the bottom line oh money money money money rules everything around me that was a quote from Ben Franklin I believe um so if you remember about eight months ago nine months ago I can't remember win but the rock went on a sports show uh I'll play that clip for you and this is what he said in regards to his endorsement of Joe Biden here we go you made that endorsement 2020 are you happy with the state of America am I happy with the state of America right now well that answer is no do I believe we're going to get better I I believe in that I'm an optimistic guy and I I believe we can get better um the endorsement that I made uh years ago with Biden was one I thought was the best decision for me at that time and I thought back then when we talk about hey you know I'm in this position uh where I have some influence and it's my job then I felt like that then it's my job now to exercise my influence and share with this this is who I'm going to endorse am I going to do that again this year that answer is no the answer is no now I think it's also important to note that uh in between this time and today he also went on The Joe Rogan show and mentioned that uh political party he didn't say which one had pulled him aside and actually asked him to run for president if you listen to that episode it was a really good episode and he also talked about the numbers that they presented him this is what he said last night to Patrick B Davis on value tainment let's take a listen here he used to come watching wrestle all the time Madison Square Gard it was great last for the last time I first time I saw him that said let me see the eyebrows got that's cool so he he was a fan he he watched you as a fan oh H was yes yeah that's cool used to come to M work all the time big whether you love Donald you don't love Donald it doesn't matter that tried to assassinated there's no re for that and despite it being who we were in that moment I still believe in my core that is not who we are as a country uh I think it is absolutely insane to see The Rock Johnson after coming out and saying he was wrong to endorse Joe Biden almost admitting that he was um maybe wrong about using his influence to influence others on who they should politically vote for only to turn around and say really nice things about Donald Trump and calling his assassination to Chimp out um they tried to assassinate him they referring to who do you think he means by they tried to assassinate him Josh he didn't say he tried to assassinate him he said they who's they who's they I have a good reason I have a quote that will exactly amplify why the rock maybe kind of taken some steps back I'm quot I am very motivated to help continue the global to globally expand our TKO WWE and UFC business as the worldwide leaders in sports entertainment while proudly representing so many phenomenal athletes and performers who show up every day putting in the hard work on their own to hands and make their dreams come true and deliver to our audiences I've been there I'm still there and this is for me TKO group last year in 2020 three their revenue $1.67 billion yeah that would be a good reason to shut up because if you start affecting that dollar money's going away and people get very upset very yeah he is he within this last year he did become the board uh set a member of the board of directors for the UFC and the WWE and I'm I'm I'm pretty sure correct me if I'm wrong I'm not a huge Sports guy uh I do love the UFC though and I kind of I used to enjoy WWE when I was a much younger uh much younger Tanz but I'm pretty sure that's a conservative crowd um so yeah and then I also how did it work out for The Rock when he went live with Oprah about the whole did that work out for him teaming up with OA was that was that good publicity for him yeah yeah the whole Maui burned and the people of Mali got $700 and this this guy who works for a company represents on the board of directors 1.6 $7 billion he's asking you to give more money of your dollars um because he's definitely not a millionaire he couldn't donate billions of millions and millions of dollars himself but he wants you to donate to this tragedy well and and there you have it there you have it money rules everything so I I don't know if this is a trump endorsement I know that the Wright is is uh jumping on this and everybody's really excited about it but just know that this is a it could be influenced by the bottom dollar especially him now sitting on the board of directors for the UFC uh and the WWE here's something else that's interesting because Logan Paul not too far detached from WWE and the UFC both right because he's competing in in in both Sports in his hand in boxing he's really close to all these things and of course Hulk Hogan uh probably one of the Godfathers of WWE uh this was what he had to say this week on their podcast here we go well the Trump should the Trump act because I was afraid what might happen or whatever after they took that shot at him and tried to kill him I so that was it I thought this assassin survival was also one of the most badass things if not the most badass thing I've ever seen in my life I got some comments myself like you switched up what about the comments you made about Trump back in 2020 and I'm like is it okay to like change like what if I change my mind is that cool with you or am I like solidified in your mind to just be this one thing wow it's very interesting and then also mainstream media giving some coverage to this whole Taylor Swift Britney momes hug at the US Open if you haven't been following society and culture news which we do on the failure stop podcast every Monday night uh Britney Mahomes liked a tweet or an Instagram post or a social media post of some kind from Donald Trump um and and got some backlash for liking it and supporting Donald Trump and then Taylor Swift hugging her at the US Open had some Taylor Swift fans being like what are you why are you hugging her it's just called some backlash some drama which I don't think Taylor Swift necessarily cares I I don't think Taylor Swift is the type of person that's not gonna give you a hug just because you liked a post from Donald Trump or you support Donald Trump in any way I don't think that's her style at least I hope that's not her style um that would be very shallow and and I and I think that we all kind of a p pass that we're all kind of a matter of fact I I I want to say that Britney even says that let me go down to this quote this is from Fox News uh let me see if I can go this she says uh uh let's see um Swift and Kelsey in the momes family were among the celebrities in the building for the event Kelsey is fresh off the Chiefs opening night victory in the Baltimore Ravens the two back to New York uh I should had this up for you guys sooner and I apologize um I can't I'm not going to keep scrolling and waste you guys' times you can go over to Fox News and see what she had to say there's a quote on there that she's basically saying that uh if you're that kind of a shallow then then then you're probably stemming from some kind of childhood trauma that you need to just get over you know if you hate somebody because of who they voted for or a social media like or comment that they've done some suppos and I and I 100% agree with her but you can go and do further research on that one last uh nice thing that somebody said about Donald Trump this week again this is all blow the reason why this is breaking news to me is because I got off of this cruise ship and I was not expecting any of this here's Elton John this week let me play this clip for you uh Donald Trump's how did it feel when he took the lyrics to Rocket Man and he used it as a nickname for Kim Jong-un I laughed I thought it was brilliant I just thought good on you Donald I'm the rocket man yeah um I Donald's always been a fan of mine and he's been to my concerts many many times um so I mean I've always been friendly towards him and I I thank him for his support yeah when he did that I just thought it was hilarious it was it made me laugh this is a much different tone uh from Elton John than the tone he had a few months ago when he was getting the humanitarian medal from uh Joe Biden remember when Joe Biden did this like weird like behind him like a weird Catholic I don't know what that was I still don't know what that was uh but much different tone and Elton John uh talking about Donald Trump again not an endorsement but definitely nothing it's it's definitely not negative there by the way that was in that interview was from the variety um and I don't think that that's what they thought was going to be said by Elton John I think they they set that up as to be some kind of um you know like a softball for him to just Crush Donald Trump like a like a like an orange man's face that they just kind of throw up there and Elton John can take a bat and just Crush that by send that thing uh into outer space it's not exactly what happened uh also tonight big news is the debates 9:30 Eastern Standard Time uh hosted by world news tonight's David mure and Lindsay ABC News lives uh uh Lindsey Davis now this is a pretty interesting debate tonight because the rules which were set by Joe Biden and the left now do not benefit Camala Harris last minute she tried to change the rules Donald's like no we already agreed to the rules these are rules that you guys put in place why did she not agree with those rules well I'll come back I'll do a whole another episode on that uh to get you guys ready for tonight's debate so you guys can look forward to that this evening I will be doing a show a pre-debate show right here giving you everything you need to know again this is the Fox News Network so Hey listen if you want to help us out all you [ __ ] you fox newsers hit that subscribe button hit the like button share it with a friend updated news daily news that you can actually trust unbiased objective news that is actually sourced we give you receipts not only our opinion but receips and we're not trying to drive you into voting for anybody particular look we're just going to cover things as they come in break it all down and give you the truth behind all of it uh but real quick before we sign out of here Dick Cheney isn't he the guy that shot somebody in the face I shot him in the chest and then they didn't say anything about it for like 24 hours and it came out then it was an accident then it wasn't an accident and then nothing ever happened with it very interesting and then uh also what else does Dick Cheney do he's the TSA guy he's the guy that uh strong armed Bush into well listen I don't know if he strong armed him but he was definitely influential in in the uh getting the weapons of mass destruction that never existed in Iraq also setting up the uh FBI surveillance where we surveilled on our own also if you remember all the torture and all the crazy stuff that was going on and probably one of the it almost goes to show you that the industrial military complex is absolutely Ely back in Camala Harris and I think that's what the most important thing to take out of Dick Cheney supporting and endorsing Cala Harris and her accepting his endorsement is that the industrial military complex is real and they support the Harris Walt Administration you want the names yeah is there more there's more I can give you all the names real quick before we get out of here so kind time this is kind this kind of funny so we got Dick Cheney Mike Pence John Bolton we have an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to the amount of people that are opposing Donald Trump for the 2024 election I'm still scrolling as I'm talking I'm still scrolling we're still scrolling still scrolling still scrolling still scrolling still scrolling is this what Donald Trump referred to as the Swamp so these are all the people that oppos Donald Trump now we like to show both sides of the coin here's all the people that oppos Joe Biden then there's all your sources but when you search all the people that post Cala Harris nothing comes up oh absolutely nothing so oh oh yeah there's that yeah all right we'll be back with a little uh debate show update uh again hit that like And subscribe button share this out with your friends uh for myself and dead like media and all you [ __ ] out there knowing is half the battle Ben Franklin 164 43

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