Magic Breakdown - David Copperfields Best Illusions! #magic #illusionists #davidcopperfield
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:07:43
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: david copperfield
hey I'm Christopher Wayne welcome to Chris likes magic I've been a professional magician for the last 20 years and on this channel I find magic videos from the internet and we talk about what makes them amazing let's go I am excited for this video we're going to watch a montage just a whole lot of magic David copperfield's best illusions squished together and boy there were lot I love David Copperfield like most magicians he's the reason that I got into magic but for me uh personally when I got my deal in Vegas it was at MGM Grand which is where David was based I'd gone I'd flown across the world years earlier to see David perform at MGM Grand and then I was on the side of it next to him and David kindly uh let our show in there the Society of American Magicians named him Magician of the century and the king of magic he's been nominated 38 times for Emmy Awards and most people don't know this he's won 21 Emmy Awards uh because all of his tv specials were just so huge and so successful he received a living legend award from Congress like let's dive in so these Illusions I believe that we're going to see span out over about 25 years there's David on his motorbike this would have been in the early 990s I believe the mystery of the orian express uh special we've got the motorbike there and as he puts that sheet over the motorbike he's going to make two uh assistants appear I don't know where the motorbike goes I still don't know where that motorbike goes I love the way they come to life and the way they're on those suitcases uh this illusion is called Heaven on seventh floor the music that he used originally was find a way to My Heart by Phil Collins and uh I got to see this live at the Brisbane Entertainment Center when I was about uh 11 years old and I cried when I saw it Al I was impacted it's just so beautiful how he comes down from nothingness and that silhouette and this shot when the elevator opens and he puts his arms on the doors here what a hero shot that is this particular illusion this particular illusion never really got me uh too excited but that's okay what's next the sad thing is that magicians still do that trick today and they present it the same David was one of the first Squeeze Box uh I think this might still be in David's show now it's so cool and when you see it live it looks exactly like this it looks this impossible I can hear I can honestly hear him doing this in my head I've seen this live so many bloody times and this is how he uh still opens his show in Vegas the shadow box illusion he appears on a motorbike he does it now to Mobi and I love that and how it swells and then there he is doesn't he just look cool no matter what generation he looks so cool that's a hero shot this is when he escaped from Niagara Falls and it interests me quite a bit because um David was one of the first magicians to actually do one of these insane stunts up until this time goes over the edge of the falls helicopters dangling again here comes another one of those hero shots oh wind swept hair imagine the balls it would take though to hang from a helicopter over Niagara Falls he had guts beautiful illusion here every time he erases a part of her body it disappears it just looks crazy this is actually a really nice montage the Bermuda Triangle is uh late 80s I think really beautiful vanish he doesn't do these vanishes anymore I can't tell you why but uh he doesn't do vanishes like this live anymore so much that's not true I think this was in his second or third uh TV special and you'll actually not that when this drops down it flashes him already out did you see his leg there yeah I don't know why they included that in this Montage this looks insane look at how 90s this is you can't even hear the music you can just tell what like ah that looks just ridiculous beautiful uh motor cycle vanish here I think it's a Jim steinm illusion look at that gone and then look at this shot reappears in the crowd takes that helmet off and the David hero shot all of David's sets as well were lit just so perfectly and so beautifully David Copperfield was also in my opinion the first magician to ever incorporate uh theatrical emotion into live magic and illusion um you know up until then magicians would just perform their act and you would watch it come out on Sage assistant Gets In The Box saw the Box in half separate them but David would come out and tell a story art he would do it through actual storytelling or acting or singing and dancing uh if you go back and look at his oldest specials as well he used to love dancing on stage it's also kind of crazy to think that you can take someone's entire life catalog and squeeze it up into a couple of uh a couple of minutes on YouTube if you're a younger viewer and aren't familiar with David copperfield's work entirely go and watch it uh David is synonymous with magic alongside only Harry Houdini these two men are the greatest magicians that have ever lived and most likely will ever live I am so blessed that during my time in Las Vegas I got to spend a bit of time with David I got a private tour of his Warehouse which was amazing and when my parents uh flew over to see the show probably the happiest day of my life was being able to introduce my mom and my dad to my childhood hero who they had ironically introduced me to through a TV screen when I was a child but then we got to uh translate that into real life I still remember pretending to be on my phone when we were uh backstage with David and I heard David say I'm 40 years old and I heard him say uh I hope you're proud of your son an which is my mother and uh I've never told either of them that I was just listening I was texting on my phone and I was I was I wasn't really texting I was just pretending to text while I listened to my childhood hero speak to my mother I've never told anyone that story until right now there you go David Copperfield that's from his 15 years of magic special I would start there it encapsulates the best of David's career over an amazing hour and a half DVD this is all this channel is we're not not curing cancer here we're just watching magic videos and talking about it so I'm going to make another one right now and post it the day after this video so please if you've liked this video if you like magic Please Subscribe and that's the end of this one see you in the next