Full 2023 LLWS Highlights (Every Game) | 2023 Little League World Series Highlights

to see surfaces like this for the first time O2 from Vargas Vargas deals to androshek and he goes to the breaking ball from Vargas now you're here Kristoff schillars 2-1 [Applause] and Costello Strikes Out 2-2 another strikeout and Vargas is 0-2 Strikes Out pitcher position strike three calls it's got to be fun meanwhile more gas from Omar Vargas domar Vargas who has struck out a dozen and now bats with the bases loaded Vargas in the air Center fields to the wall and a slam Omar Vargas Oh my he may be stepping on each other's shoulders curveball in there for a strike fouled straight back and the next one swinging a Miss 3-2 pain that's a strikeout that is three in the inning [Applause] two strikes six strikeouts in a row that is a swing and a miss his tenth strikeout he does one and two swinging a miss call strike three a dozen punch outs for Connor Curtis then he struck out three then he struck out four this one is driven to Center the bat is flipped and it is gone [Applause] that is a swing and that is two strikes strike three 15 strikeouts for Connor Curtis swinging in Rhode Island will win it and guriel Strikes Out nakado for Japan in the first then Yohe Yamaguchi lashes One pasta and the right zetter uchigaki to the plate and Japan strikes first seventh pitch to him and did he go yes he did when she got keys one two strike three calls a couple of days ago documenting the journey to get to this point oh two hitters you go with the best defense mortise an All-Star 3-2 I'll continue doing that [Music] that's a strikeout cutting a miss O2 and a strikeout uchigaki and another strikeout we'll see swinging strikeout for reals 2-1 uchigaki lashes it and Torres doubles him off so Grandma took him 2-2 again two there's the curve 2-2 and it's a strikeouts is ready with it O2 away at 71 Runner goes the throw got em and it's a no header for Japan and he pitch great this on a line that's caught they got a chance for two and they got it and that was a big loss for them there is that good pitch 1-2 and what an inning four Donnie jablonski off speed swing in a miss an O2 basis loaded pitch that one goes to the backstop and they got a runner coming home and he is out 2-2 to Han have been strikes on an 0-2 and that one is dropped by the catcher to get a chance to throw him out swinging a Miss they'll throw down and there will be no advancement from the runner at third now they get him caught up here comes the throw home he's safe Andrew On A Line to Center coming hard slidey can't make the play music that's a single that's an RBI from Easton Andrew filthy did it again and Helberg knew it on the line at third throw to first that's a double play to Dedrick he blew him away with a fastball 1-2 off speed slow roller to short Martin fires got him so Martin reaches and they're at the corners for Tom hey Howe on a line to left and a die catch by Felicia I just love him anyway oh we got a big moment here [Applause] all the way to Third and a 2-2 heater for strike three calls Wheels 0-2 struck him out wouldn't want to cross him 2-2 again struck him out pops it up Jang goes out salmon comes on and it drops Marty scores at curaca leads oh two and he quick pitches it gets strike three called Jackson on the ground that's going to get through Fisher's gonna score right fielder can't pick it up Huron his throw is late and also wins Taylor very humbled and didn't even thought about in that and that Avenue type thing and uh it was very special and I'm very honored and proud to represent Little League win tonight because he always slept good Luke this one is troubled down the line and it drops in for a hit that brings in Chang it's four nothing Seattle he got it and that is through the hole Lucas being waved in left fielder has it I throw not in time error this was the one that went right over that bag this one is up the middle it is hitting the bag and can't be held on to another run scored their opponents by 80 runs chance for another one and now throw down a third off the back of the runner and that's gonna allow Fisher to come in to score right behind him Taylor two will score on the play 3-2 and that's going to get in there that plates foster two and two up the middle that's gonna get through and it's gonna bring in Santos here's the throw home he's in it was right there line drive to Third and off the glove of McQueen and in the left Chen scores Fawn behind him 79 at the knees what do you do it's a ground ball roller from Jackson Weir to First and a sliding play made unreal for matchup with South Korea in the title game in the air left Fields Bilbo goes back and he makes a catch adjusting lean tags and scores snaps off the slider again fonchon Jones 1-2 nasty again fun Chun Jones one two gas 80 again and he rubs Swan right to the same spot in right center and he bounces one off the wall judge June on a line to left and gone he can do it all who is a part of a couple of no-hitters here and when the big Leaguers got here and fun is certainly that O2 and another strikeout six of them Dylan leech and almost uncomfortable starting early O2 another one seven K's eight batters face this is something that's totally new to them get it did it go he went so it's eight strikes for fonchon June fought his hit 80 a couple of times he has smashed a home run and now in the third he's got an Immaculate inning is Jacob degrom the Little League version popped up foul ground and that one oh then on a fine diving catch by Nash Tom Chuck so the coach it's my best friend one of my best friends so you know for a home run to left like he's gonna have a lot of impact on these games moving forward a strikeout porchio one two to McQueen and a strike down porchio and a 3-2 cutting a miss and there's one gone 3-2 cut on and missed Taiwan perfect and this one is snared and now out of the glove of Lappy everybody's safe again Kathy another thing that Lewis talked about center field all off the glove of any block and a homer oh Flappy right field forget about it throwing it to Second before he got to it and now Sunny Gana in the air to right catchmade and tagging and scoring Vargas is in he strikes on the ground up the middle of a piece hit for Avila Vargas from second scores and Venezuela Cashes in two on two out one two on the ground up the middle and it bounces off Vargas and the center Soto scores and we're tied last fall this time and it's in the right field of Base 10. petrosso scores trophies right behind him and Leonard Contreras gives Venezuela the lead line drive to First and caught Villalobos to the bag they got him payoff swing and a mess with Deuces Wild 2-2 swinging a mess Venezuela Victorious scene at the corner step ball laced into right it's going to get down it's cut off out there by debris coming in is Carter on the back Nolensville up one nothing Kenzie rifles going into Right Center that's going to bring in two he will put the brakes on at first but two score on an RBI single by Mackenzie 3-2 on the ground in the hole another RBI for McKenzie as Carter will come in I'll speed right back to him he will field it he will come home they're gonna first they got it what a double play [Applause] Taber this one is shallow left field that's going to get down Weaver is being waved here she comes oh the coach knew it popped up this is a ball in the left that Charlemagne finally sees Runner tags throw home good throw but not in time and it's dropped Oda chokes up in the air right fields and lisatica backs up makes the catch takaro tags the throw does not get him 2-2 fastball up in the zone and Yamaguchi strands them loaded the middle white can't get it that's going to bring one in being wave right behind him Kirchner he's in we're tied three in a row is absolutely amazing oh heavens left field deep and off the base of the wall it's gonna bring in one now here comes the runner from Fairfield he's gonna touch home that was ripped Ed Martin Strikes Out Valencia's pitch shorten it check swing and Sawyer went around crushed right Fields deep steelies back and it's over it's headed off the wall Martinez scores Torres to the plate throw to third it's very superstitious as well find down the right field line and that's a fair ball for Palencia Samuel Palencia is 2-2 trying to put the ball in play and a strikeout for Palencia I'm standing up in preparation gas from Palencia best memories of that Little League World Series and maybe Cuba now 2-2 to Justin Jang played in the big leagues the ninth pitch Valencia's been dealing strike three calls one two strike three calls 11 K's Hot Shot pass Chang right field Valencia scores left field base hit that's fair operation Reyes hatsu run double line drive to short nabbed and doubled off how does he know what they have in the bank account let's go that's another strikeout for somewell Palencia brings up Luis Von Sanchez and he goes first pitch swinging into center field Alfredo de Espana scores Martinez throw goes into left still the last of the fifth inning and Luis scuriel bounces one up the middle into center field scores a run a bobble this could end it by run roll to the plate and that does it [Music] that's rip that's going to get through soleski's going to come in to score it got by the right fielder Crowley follows him Bratton is going to be held at third base and it is two nothing Pennsylvania Christian Nunez and this ball driven to Right Center that looks like it's getting down and it is coming in from third and scoring run it's three nothing still one out watch out behind him coming in from third skaronic and he is out at the plate now to third they may have a double play big swing they'll send down a third that's a mistake it goes into left field and Ryu will come in to score now it's the number three hitter that ball lace to center it is down and is caught by music on a hunt coming home the throw-offs late into left field that's going to get down here comes Carroll and on the RBI single they grab the lead second popped up this could do it Crowley's under it media will win it and stay alive you're not going to have much of a chance Center fields and a diving catch by Treyton mansook is 1-1 Junior on a line to short What A Catch by androshik let's see 2-2 on the ground up the middle past androscheck into Center Jackson Weir scores and Canada leads shall ours want to line drives center field base hit Nuremberg drives in manzook Chase Stanley slow roller this is trouble all over the place One's Gonna score Muller couldn't pick it up it's better on the ground hard hit they may get two throw to first not in time and it's one two runs are gonna score on the play he went to the wall this first time that ball is lifted high and deep to left field deep enough yes it is free run home run Gifford 10 nothing in the second by the 24 hours and the change in time zone that's in the hole Dixon being waved in here he comes there's the throw he's in there right back up the middle and through what a piece of hitting by Arlie Daniel Edwards Gifford touching home being the catcher last this one left field down the line and Palencia can't get there Kanto scores with a 3-0 that is down and Panama adds on in the air center field at Roberto Martinez Vargas tags Martinez his throat does not get him 13-time All-Star 12 year old here tags one to left and gone one run game 1-2 pitch strike three calls Panama stays alive and this one is going to get down into right field Queen and at third he's waved in gets away from Nunez and holding its second base is cast alone Ohio crew lost yesterday but they're winning today up the Middle with two strikes and two outs Charles Hahn delivers the way you're on board this one is into center field Nunez being waved here's the throw he's in there we're tied and they're going nuts on the media side all right either hit him or the bat or hit something let's see the home plate on par will send him to first that's a hit batter and a lead run remains to be seen 3-2 that's a walk now he squares he does that really well and he offered at it and he throws down here comes the runner home they have two no the ball is dropped safe at the plate two swing and Abyss throw through it to Second and in from third Weir scores there's a lefty catcher that you want back there Jackson wears a good option he's gonna go track this one and we're makes the catch and hangs on uh got some key pieces back um nice hot shot center field Lee zadiga who has tied the ball game and Joey's locked in this is served into Center by Jonathan oh man 3-2 Mejia cranks it deep left field Bilbo's under it and makes the catch Leyva tags and scores and Santa Marco delivers 3-2 misses and myolo find one of those holes yes he can left field base hit via scores and Mexico adds to the lead no box at this level this is smoked into center field base hit Chacon Rubio up the end of the bat back to leech he looks the runner back and throws High Pena scores Chacon Motors around third and two more for Mexico Line Drive center field again Mexico's bats are on fire oh two but he on a line right center field base hit into the Gap to the wall via races to Third and he trots in and scores [Music] with regards to the runner goes down to Second they'll throw down and that allows the run to score as he is safe let us get there right I mean it doesn't matter if we're that's an RBI single for Daniel it's two nothing Nevada pace of the game makes a huge difference there's a shot that's going to get down in left field that's going to bring in a run level yes he held on to it whoa center field is it deep enough it sure is over the fence and into the bushes good pitch they will throw down again there's a good Scoop safe and another run comes in that's a good hit that's going to score another run morning hours tomorrow 9 A.M eight pitch and this one's flared on the infield right at Jose Nunez Joshua Acosta is the batter and it goes first pitch swinging back to the mound Sanchez to so two strike three calls [Music] that is strike three calls of Elias Diaz Sky's this one shallow Setter Joshua acosta's got a good arm makes the catch and they will not test him here in the first 0-2 back up the middle off Juan claytoe to the plates to end the inning until now Venezuela strikes first 2-2 on the ground bouncing ball up the middle into center field of a set wheel to the plate the throw from Contreras perfect Soto celebrates right in the face of wheel [Applause] another one and it's off the end of the bat into left and a diving catch out there by Ella seis Striker ball we don't know 3-2 in the air center field Contreras to the wall gone terracell leads unreal the one fastball that Carousel hitting he knew it God Almighty he jumped on it his timing was perfect 0-2 in the air right field at WIC law and it's over at home already today look out that's a hit batter with the bases loaded he says loading the second swings at it on the ground that's off of Stella Weaver she will not get back to First and one run is in May who's on the mound and this one is up the middle that's going to get through it is chewy Shumway is held as the throw comes home that's a clean RBI single out of character for them Shoei on the ground up the middle and through Jackson will be held at third base as the throw comes in and over the head of the catcher nobody's at home and there and they're the Run One and Two from Aang breaking pitch driven left field deep Jackson back at the wall that's a home run robber ninth pitch cut on and miss riding away at 79. trying to cut down this run at home and miss 2-2 in the air right Fields yanaguchi goes back on the run and out of his reach Lou scores Chen behind him and it's a two-run double one two nasty slider thirds made contact just five times and then that's petroleum at 78 and this part of the lineup did that for Japan in its last game against Mexico and that's 77 Williamsport Pennsylvania another 79 up the shoe and two out the O2 on a line left center field and that's a base hit for Chiang Kai Chung Sia scores with Will right behind him 2-1 to xiaopin Hong and he grounds it left side at third and a run scores and that does it Chinese Taipei wins it 10-nothing Tennessee couldn't score that ball is center it's going to get down in front of Baker hitting third coming home here's the throw strong one what a slide back up the middle that's going to get down that's going to bring in another run here comes Andrew and he is safe so he's got that Swagger wait till you see it center field forget it heads up longest Homer we've seen at lamady off the bat of Louis Lappy is smoked about face jablonski jumped him stick with that high cheddar Easton Andrew delivers and a ground in a second white has it to First Texas knocks off California the batter is Luis rondhill bounces it to Third and through the legs and in the left field Avila scores and Venezuela's got the lead against Canada 2-1 live trash center field that's a base hit partida scores contreras's throw gets la marine NO2 to Juarez comebacker off of Ron hell eron scores Mexico League [Applause] round ball up the middle into center field Hernandez scores and it's a two-run lead 0-2 again got him Mexico stays alive Carter is still at first this could be two Edwards carquay first yes it is they have an extra room three two strike three like that he's gone Here Comes that fastball again that's strike three a little delay there see that yes that works whatever he said worked Perfect Pitch piano he sang the national anthem and God bless America he said Lucas is hitting so well for a championship [Applause] off speed call strike three they have left 15 on base into today it's been their biggest story and not going to leave one now clutch hit by McCauley back up the middle breaking pitch that spread got number eight that one does get by here she comes Stella Weaver is in strike three on the corner ready again strike three here it comes slow roller Giffords Leicester scores it's two to one strikeout he called strike three on the inside corner back here for a second straight year deliver Slow Roll to second car Kate gets him 3-2 strike three McCauley masterful 2-2 on the ground to short and it turns into left nakados in uchigaki right behind him and Japan leads to zip machine Sato says two hits and three walks lines one into center field and it's a base hit benado scores to the wall limous behind him they wave around Rodriguez the throw [Music] [Applause] I'm Panama leads down and away and a Chase from Vargas who Sprints and got there safely now we're on big third Santos to the plate and it's a two-run lead eighth patch side and it's a one-run game he squares he drops down a bunch Rodriguez to First not in time we're tied [Applause] a sneak attack once a one Soccerway bouncing ball up the middle past corgis Yamaguchi scores Japan leads 2-2 swinging a miss Japan does it and then go get sholay Otani High Chopper Curtis has it dropped at first run rule score Lee oh it's off the catcher Here Comes McRoberts he's in ball gets away following him in Bowie he scores and a big hitter up kalish Hard One to second right by cataract that's going to bring Brooks in and Lappy to third to Second goes kalish keldorf that one gets through the infield that brings Lappy in kalish is following him it's a touchdown seven nothing down to Second goes keldorf big kids big hitters look out left field launch Charlemagne back in over the wall big fly big Homer Brady Brooks blind shot right field gets down in front of McRoberts Sam being waved in throw is cut off and safe right field and over the head of Nick Roberts two are going to score cast alone to third in there with a triple 82 miles an hour hot shot right field base hit fun Chen is windmilled around from second and what each guy is doing and the younger the newer guys can feed off of that will drills this one left Center he admires it's gone and a backflip for the ages Chiang kai-shung holds back and swings and laces it in the left Wu Yen Kai to third to the plates for the lead 3-0 down two Run game [Applause] line to the center field of a set layout scores and it's a three-run lead 3-0 away and now it's 5-1 the base is loaded in the fifth and that's outside Ball Four three two just outside a slam would get you to that point though Curacao would be able to bat hot shot right field for Wu drives in one and it's now 8-1 loaded up two outs 3-0 that's down and and Shanna you are oh there he goes he's going for two oh boy [Applause] up the middle here we go larcenine coming home at home [Applause] squaring good punt first base oh he threw it away but look at the back up by the right fielder chain to Thursday out at third base it's the six zero zero swings drives one to Center Kirchoff big pitch strike three base in jablonski swinging a miss next one oh my foreign field this one is fairly deep changes it tagging riddle throw home not in time I can squeeze like Jackson on the ground field it on Drew he will now go to first that's a good play by the pitcher Fisher tying one at third swing and a miss 2-1 on the ground up the middle it's fielded he got him Dale and Martin delivers Texas to the championship game [Music] [Applause] doesn't get him Mexico takes the lead [Applause] first pitch swinging in the air deep left sutsui makes the catch in foul crowd and Mejia tags and scores two out two on sixth inning one two pitch Mexico is moving on on first and second and this one is up the middle they may turn two they don't the ball is thrown away and out of play and it's going to bring in a run for the West Mendoza bite in [Applause] McKenzie Scoop from [Applause] from now one ZIP off speed Fair ball down the line Brooks is being waved in lappy's being waved in here he comes throw comes in triple Jackson kalish three nothing California [Applause] and this one is to Right Center back goes Baker still going back he didn't 227 feet and it's 3-2 good pitch line shot yes McKenzie Justice served oh off speed there's a roller and now coming home there's the throw out at home Paul strike two chameleon fell down he's in a rundown here comes the runner home safe we are tied to make him draw the throw watch a million at first base oh my let me pretend back door play that one to right it's deep it's gone Lewis Lappy leaves Lobby and let's hope they get the call right which likely would lead them to say we need to make an Umpire review on it he called him out he called him out for missing the plate let's watch the left foot he's right there on top of it too look at the Umpire I don't understand what's going on but it said California has been told you knew it was going to be difficult to get through the top and now we're going to go appeal second base and he said he's safe for third base umpire Assad Turner Blaylock on the ground to short diving is there Lappy he gets up and he throws him out California wins it and they will play again tomorrow is going to be a hit and a run instead a shot up the middle the bottom of the order delivers Rubio an RBI one-nothing Mexico [Applause] that one gets five runner from third bolting in we're tied [Music] that's ball four and there is the go ahead run including the crowd Ball Four another one comes in it's wheel one strike missed ball four three walks in a row 3-2 on the ground fielded they will go to first pick up one and they got the out [Applause] ends it good hitter and the Outfield is shallow he beats one into the ground they'll come home with it and you don't need to tag him but he does it was a force play two strikes two outs and he got jammed this is a tough play in his first base on occupied wood is gonna come in if he can deliver and a Little Blooper to shallow Center and there is brook shuey let's go to the 3-2 and that ball driven into the Gap and it is going to get down RBI for Campbell Foster Shoei pops this one up is Brooks going to be able to go get it yeah oh my goodness won the Regionals he gave him some advice hit it up the middle he does he's being wave ball bobbled in Center Chang is in it's two to one gotta lock it up here We Go Again first pitch ground ball not fielded cleanly they step on the bag and Matt will do it and that ball to Right Center it's not shown any indication to run at first base this punt is good here comes wheel he's ahead one to nothing [Applause] Curacao [Music] on the ground is short fielded Jacobus to first that's it Curacao goes back to back and wins the International Championship [Applause] [Music] on the ground a second Lee nice play can he get him how old is the call at first base 1-2 center field back goes Andrew another home run third of the series from Brooks [Music] right back up the middle and that's going to get through here comes Lee Brooks is being waved in here's the throw he's in down to second base goes laffy to RBI hard hit single that's wide Here Comes jablonski [Music] cool high and deep to right Georgia [Applause] three-run shot 6-1 California and his fourth that's a Little League World Series [Music] knocked out by another team yes later popped up playable Baker in center field California they win the United States Championship [Applause] [Music] and over the head of the third baseman McRae being waved home she and the throw is late Third Base unoccupied G that gets by here comes the runner from third Chen kaisen is in vertically challenged one of c a God Like This hit it over the head of them jablonski off his glove that's trouble each and Han being waved in and to Third Base standing up with a triple Lynn way Hong triple up the middle oh another hit wow where was this yesterday [Applause] off Speed Center Field did he do it yes he did a three-run home run Fon Chen June watch it this one ripped down the line and left it's deep it is off the wall one Run's gonna come in that is Han and Hong is also coming in two will score there is your 10. gravy twos base hit up the middle they're going to send the runner home good throw here now he's in a rundown that will end the game Ravi you heard McRae yell stay but guess what In the Heat of the Moment nothing you can do Taipei will be your third place team set on the former Carolina quarterback Chris keldorf that one driven to center field Fernandez back off the bottom of the wall Brooks being chased by laffy they're both gonna score keldorf delivers the first two of the game with a double and a slow roller Brooks flips to first they got a double play back up the middle that's going to bring wheel in and they will hold hello size he's got to get back did he get his hand in yes they set up outside instead it's inside and he delivers kalis will play Lee sliding in safely as well as Brooks Open tennis tournament crew O'Connor that's the single that's an RBI right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Curacao has not allowed a home run at the World Series [Music] [Applause] does it again California your Little League World Series champs on a walk-off home run [Music] [Applause] it was up there what a weapon Lewis Lappy proved to be [Music]

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