sloth fever..

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:11:53 Category: People & Blogs

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shalawam all praises to yahwah bahasham yahawashi bahasham rades uh double honor to the apostles and to the elders at Great Millstone who Ru well peace blessing salutation to the brethren to the Believers to Y shalawam and this is uh just want to report you know do a report on this article you know all right and um you know it's the publish August 26 of this year what is sloth fever here's what to know about the potentially deadly vus spreading to the United States so not only the impax outbreak is on the scene but also um sloth fever it says the CDC is sending out a warning about the aroi vi us also known as sloth fever as several cases have been reported in Florida and of course they have a picture of a sloth right a potentially deadly v i r u s known as that sloth fever has made its way to the United States causing the CDC to issue a warning the aruchi V typically reported in South America Central America and the Caribbean is spread primarily through the bite of infected midges which are tiny biting insects mosquitoes are also known to carry the V it is auor referred to as sloth V or sloth fever because sloths are among the animals infected regularly according to medical journal Lancet the V has a Reservoir in pale throated sloths nonhuman primates and birds the term sloth fever is a cqu name that has emerged due to the V being found in areas where sloths which are known to carry a range of parasites and pathogens are present said said uh Carolina Gun Cales superintended superintendent pharmacist at PHA per the independent however the name is relatively misleading as it is spread by insect bikes not by direct contact with sloth the aruchi V which was first detected in 1955 in Trinidad and and Tobago is endemic in parts of South America Florida reported 20 travel related cases of aruchi V nine of which were reported last week this year there have been more than 8,000 confirmed cases between January [Music] 1st and August 1st compared to the 832 confirmed in 2023 it says among these cases two deaths were reported in Brazil there were also five cases of transmission associated with fetal death or birth defects about 60% of those infected with the V will experience symptoms including fever sensitivity toight dizziness nausea and vomiting severe headache joint and muscle pain chills or skin rash serious symptoms include severe abominable abdominal abdominal pain hamor hamor hamic symptoms and menitis which cause inflammation of the brain and spinal cord although rare death is possible when severe symptoms occur it says there are no medicines to treat the AR pooi V or prevention or prevent infection Health experts say the best defense is to Simply prevent bites from Midas and mosquitoes through inset repellent or using door and window screens okay it says this CDC is is also recommending that pregnant people avoid non-essential travel to areas of infection including Cuba and Brazil okay you have a lot of our people in Cuba the tribe of manasse you have a lot of our people in Brazil you know a lot of uh our people from Brazil okay the tribe of Asher all right tribe of Asher that's in Brazil Colombia Venezuela over there okay so it's another uh pestilence to uh to look out for that's why it's very uh very important to watch and pray like the scriptures say Luke chap 21 verse 36 watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man and um more pestilences and diseases will come to pass okay diseases are of a that nature right and these different pestilences will be here in America on a very large scale the NLT says keep alert at all times and pray that ye and pray that you might might be strong enough to escape these coming Horrors and stand before the son of man so man we have to pray we have to pray for strength kazak kazak in the Hebrew strength okay kak strong all right so keep alert at all times brothers and sisters talking to myself first and foremost watch for prophecy keep watching for the prophecies and you know being occupied in Prophecy being occupied in scriptures this truth scripture say what watch ye therefore and pray all always right praying without ceasing okay because the times that are approaching are uh very perilous all right so shalawam

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