Category: News & Politics
Je suis avec gillelouche à l'avant-première du grand bain un petit mot sur le film c'est un film que que voilà j'ai j'ai j'ai pris énormément de plaisir à faire qui parle de la l'importance du vivre ensemble du collectif je parti sur laation synchronisée masculine ce qui est un peu lf mais qui a du... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Morning for my side my name is takovski and it's a pleasure to present to you the preliminary work that we are working on mess with respect to disability and user experience this is joint work with my supervisor gabriela lancini and we are from the center for security reliability trust at the university... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Yo l'émission que tu t'apprêtes à regarder est un podcast en gros on est posé on discute de différents sujets pour aujourd'hui j'ai invité deux personnes qui font un métier dont on parle pas forcément beaucoup alors on va parler entrepreneuriat tournage enfin bref je t'en dis pas plus et je souhaite... Read more
Category: Sports
[musique] [applaudissements] [musique] bonsoir à toutes et à tous bienvenue dans une nuit au jeu votre rendez-vous chaque semaine pour revenir sur les paralympiques et avec moi deux résistants elena et bastien salut à vous deux salut salut on va évidemment revenir sur cette première semaine des jeux... Read more
Category: Music
I like it i it i like i like Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Hey defenders welcome back to our channel this is similar to the previous video i did regarding the microsoft and crowd stri based it outage that happened across the globe it was one of the largest it outages that has ever happened making countless enterprises and uh small and medium scale companies... Read more
Category: Entertainment
So last night at the dnc tons of names were there of course uh morgan mentioned this morning oprah made a surprise uh popup stv wonder who was urging people to vote and remember the time that we're in where we are what we were doing at this very moment um john legend and shile e performed amanda gorman... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Now i've been called a lot in my 23 years but donkey of the day is a new one donkey of the day for friday august 23rd goes to 36 year old joshua kim okay joshua hells from close to my neck of the woods myrtle beach south carolina dropping the clues bombs from myrtle beach south carolina haven't been... Read more
Category: Sports
Erling haaland since he's been here but listening to to you talking it sounds like you think he's in the best physical shape that you've seen him since he arrived he feels good yeah last season always probs the hips probably with in ankle in the knee this season of course he take care of himself with... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] um i want to go kind of rewind just a little bit with you um talk to me about the opening minutes of like moments of like walking into the anonymous household what was kind of going through your mind and what was that vibe like for you well walking in i was i i was pretty nervous actually and... Read more
Category: Entertainment
My analogy is they give you cards to play and they're going to film the card game like like a poker game and you're holding your cards and you think you know what you're doing and then you say wait i'm holding a what and now we're going to do what and you're saying oh okay i think i would have done... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Start aber ich mag das wenn sich das anfühlt als wä es echt und nicht in fortfahen im sauerland und das kann kevin kostner besser als die meisten [musik] anderen abonniert daumen hoch und kommentar da lassen jungs ist [musik] klar wir haben lange drauf gewartet aber jetzt kommt endlich wieder ein genre... Read more