Full video: Pennsylvania voters react to Trump-Harris debate performance

anybody can jump in but what were your first impressions well what I said at the outset one of the things I was really looking for I was hopeful that you would get the truth from both sides I have so sorely disappointed um I could sit here and go down the list of absolute blatant out andout lies with the former president put out about n9th month abortions executing babies uh eating pets in Springfield Ohio um he's never heard of project 25 doesn't know what's in it um in the the xenophobic aggressively xenophobic um spreading of lies about immigrants and refugees I mean refugees come to this country all the data shows that immigrants commit far less crimes especially illegal immigrants they're here illegally the last thing they want to do is stand up and draw attention to themselves they're over here they're the guys up on your roof putting your new roof on they're the guys in your yard go around Doylestown hire a guy to come put your roof on and a guy from Bucks County he'll come he'll talk to you but the guys that come and go up on the roof and put it on they're all Hispanic and I'd be willing to bet most of them are here illegal everybody wants them to come and put their roof on but they want to listen to that nonsense calling them those names calling them murderers and it just really is irritating I was hoping for truth instead we got this childish nonsense and your take um well I was I was seeing how kamla herois was trying to do what Biden did in 2020 and try and play herself as a moderate but I see I see through that facade she's she's not a moderate she's a progressive just trying to get votes from Independence like for example uh Biden was so neutral on immigration during the debates but but when he won for three and a half years he had the Border open and then once it came election time then he closed it and then they were keep saying that the Border was Secure this whole time border was Secure this whole time and she's she's made some good points from times but I don't think anything that she says is legitimate that she legitimately thinks about this like I have no clue what she stands for because she's flipped up between what she said in the 2019 2020 debates and the 2024 debates right now also what I don't like is that she didn't really rebut she didn't rebut anything on immigration about the people coming in I think that he's making some very interesting points she is trying to uh prove some things that are not Absolut that are absolutely not true um when it comes to the Border I am a business owner I am a minority I know firsthand it that the the the people that are crossing the borders are you know are here to work but that's not all true on all of them that are crossing the border I firsthand had to let go of some people um because of the situation of what's going on and the people who are entering um and and coming through those borders so I really do think that you know we should allow the ones that are you know coming here legally if they want to be here if they need ref you know uh to be saved or whatever the case it is they should come fine come here legally do the right thing um we need to do something with the Border it needs to be closed I am a business owner and this is something that I you know struggle with uh continuously and I have been struggling with and my husband is a roofer we own a roofing company and I do know firsthand that you know those are the ones that are up there you know um Roofing um he leaves home 4 o'clock in the morning and sometimes he doesn't come home until 10 o'clock at night when the sunlight allows it so you know they're they're very hard workers you know however something needs to be done because they're not all good Robert what's your take uh it's been very up and down um I been getting slightly irritated with actually the both of them I they constantly keep on avoiding the answers or they're avoiding answer and the answers to each of the problems that keep on getting brought up um granted both sides of the issues have been talked about which is also understandable especially like when you're talking about border control so on and so forth because of the fact we get both sides of immigrants that are coming in but at the same time we as a country are starting to struggle and we also want to fix that so I'm a huge support especially for the Border being closed at least more tightly due to the fact we have to fix our own issues so if people are coming it should be legally but then at the same time A lot of people are seeking Refuge but it's like how certain aspects of people braking the bad with them yeah and it's just been really confusing on a lot of aspects of the war and health care so on and so forth they just are going at each other's necks and it's they'll start to touch on each individual subject that is actually important without giving any uh answers and rining yeah and from there it's more irritating than especially with people like me as a veteran and as somebody that's kind of on the fence for either or they're not making it easy to choose somebody that I feel as though is actually right they're not giving any solutions to any of the problems and from there it just seems like it's more entertainment than it is actually debating on problems thank you for your service by the way I appreciate thank you and bridet how did you feel so I definitely agree with Eddie I wanted to see a more like respectful and polite debate I think that both of the candidates are really good debaters and I wish that they actually showed that instead of just interrupting each other I noticed that the former president made a lot of more irrelevant topics such as when David Mir brought up the topic of the peaceful transfer of power he mentioned immigrants and just talked about how the Biden adist Administration only wants immigrants in this country to be able to vote which obviously is not true and was not under the topic of the conversation he also made some comments such as and I quote our country has gone to Hell which I do not agree with and I do not think that someone that's running to support this country and be the face of it should make comments about the same country like that by a show of hands how many of you think that vice president Harris won this debate I would say why do you raise your hand uh definitely because uh vice president Camala Harris is definitely a better speaker than Donald Trump um that's why I would say that she would probably won the debate itself if it were me and if I didn't know I would probably vote for Camala Harris as so um that's as an unbiased opinion because also as an unbiased opinion is well while I served I did Also Serve under Trump and why from time to time I will sit and laugh when I hear him speak because he is very entertaining and that's mainly because he's not a public speaker but through his actions there's a lot of things that I do also support that he has done for the country itself because I was a huge anti-trumper when I definitely initially started but um through his actions I would say up until probably the very end we're actually for more protecting the country granted it's not necessarily in the best or nicest way but it was definitely uh effective at the time and there are some things that I kind of do miss that we do need to actually pick up on but it's also making sure that it actually gets done at the same time as well so I see debating aspects I would say Cala definitely won the debate she had more answers and I guess technically plans quote unquote uh for each topic that was being hit when they weren't you know going at each other's next is that enough to convince you to support her not quite yet still need a little bit more time for that and for those of you who believe that for former president Trump won the debate why do say that he necessarily won the debate Cela Harris is a politician so that is what she's strained to do she's strained to talk she's stained to try to convince people Trump just does he perhaps maybe he doesn't speak well perhaps he doesn't know how to win the public but he's you know he's shown by facts and acts that he just does what other president has shaken hands with Kim Jong hun what other presidents have kept the peace what other president has raised the economy and done what he did when he was a president so I I'm with Trump all the way um I'm not a trump like guy I'm not voting for Trump I'm more so voting against kamla Harris because from what I S saw in that debate he's just playing an act of a moderate like Biden did in 2020 I talked about that before uh she's basically just repeating stuff that's says just in a different way back back in 20 uh back before he didn't get kicked out because he the polls were bad um she she talked a lot about G just giving money to people even though that's just going to devalue the Dollar even more she deflected on immigration she didn't even rebut letting people in illegally um only conveniently doing it once the election came it started election cycle started and then and then when you hear things about like Chuck Schumer and Nancy py Pelosi saying we should get make them documented how is that fair how is that fair to people that did the right thing took the time to go through the legal process that's a slap in the face to them then she it really says to me that she doesn't believe in anything especially which was funny she she took the endorsement of Dick Cheney which is laughable because everyone hates Dick Cheney Republicans included uh she didn't talk about her policy changes between 2020 and 2024 she deflected on that too she didn't rep she didn't rebut how she didn't get a single delegate during she didn't get a single vote yet she's somehow in this race because Democrats thought that Biden was capable until they saw how badly he debated so every and then finally this whole Campaign Of Joy it's so laughable because there's nothing to be joyful about our economy is terrible right now and they just parade it as oh this economy is great oh the economy is good even though people are saying man our wallet is shrinking and then she talks about Unity Biden talked about unity in 2020 yet we're still divided so how is Biden didn't create unity in 2020 how is she going to create unity in 2024 so basically everything about what I saw from her is fake and as much as I don't like Trump at least he's at least I know who he is he's he's boisterous and he might say things that we don't like but there is truth to some of the things that he says beyond the lies that he does say so as much as I don't didn't want Trump in the prim the Republican primary to win I'm gonna vote for him so then just to be clear because I know you both had nuanced answers yes or no do you think the former president won the debate tonight no one won the debate but I would say if people believe in thinking that whatever they saw from kamla is real then yes K won the debate but if people see through that facade I think Trump won the debate I agree and for those of you who thought Harris was the clear winner explain briefly why you think she prevailed even though not all of the policy talk that she did was as clear answered the question exactly um she did in fact Advance policies and and explain you know what she intended to do I didn't get any of that from Donald Trump all I got from Donald Trump was more um just outlandish lies overall and anyone can jump in here what stood out to you most I would say what definitely stood out to me was even though it wasn't even really part of the topic for majority of the debate is actually everything that's been going on overseas from um at least for me that I've uh been around I wasn't in the Middle East I was in over in Asia but still from the aspect of actually uh dealing with other countries and uh military Powers is extremely important and a lot of great points that was uh actually given off by Trump was under the bid Administration and how a lot of our troops were pulled out and are still there currently and how very sloppy that it was done sloppily that it was done it's definitely something that hit home because it made a lot of us very very angry at what was going on um and I think that's the reason why a lot of times a lot of people well including myself too have leaned Trump harder is due to the fact of his action uh with said issues what was great about about it was it was called out of how badly that Biden handled a lot of our situation when it comes to military force and presence and uh that's something that is more important than a lot of people like to think about and deal with because I know for a fact it's not something that's more discussed or really knowledgeable uh for those that are not involved and I think that would be an interesting take to find out what the Democratic party plans to actually do with everything how they will actually handle threats things that may not be uh of our interest at the same time or I guess maybe even a global interest there's always a mix between me thinking that we should probably mind our business a little bit more and handle our own issues but then at the same time if we do mind our business too much we'll have situations like where Russia still invading Ukraine or we still have Hamas and Israel going at it right now just very briefly I mean transitioning kind of from foreign policy to democracy and I particularly want to ask you Heidi and you Ethan about this what did you make of the former president's comments when he was asked about the 2020 election what do you make of the fact that he in essence kind of doubled down I mean he did not concede still 4 years later so what do you make of the fact that the former president four years later still does not accept the results of the 2020 election U I think the problem with I think with a lot of people when it comes to not thinking the 2020 election um results were legitimate is because we're the only first world country that doesn't have Universal voting ID we don't require we don't have proof of citizenship to get a voter ID in Pennsylvania you don't have to show your voter ID right now a lot of people didn't believe a lot of people don't believe in our democracy because there's so many he stated that we don't know he stated that we don't know how just trying to put all the words together it's more so about we can't prove that illegals voted but we can't prove that they not voted because we have this vot we don't have Universal voter ID so there comes in the question that little bit of deniability and that if we had that there wouldn't be as many of these questions as he would bring up Trump is Trump it doesn't excuse his behavior we all know how he is and how he um has acted previously so I I I really do think that you know if he has questions he's I don't want to call him a store loser but he's a businessman he's not used to losing um he is who he is um obviously we all know that he lost he doesn't want to face it he doesn't want to admit it he doesn't want to accept it that's on him that doesn't change my way of thinking you know with with him winning the presidency and voting for him and briefly for those of you who support Harris did his response tonight give you any pause or make you concerned about the outcome of the 2024 election uh yes and yes um the peaceful transfer of power you know we I was I'm a Vietnam veteran I took an oath ACC back in 1968 I took same oath that he took to support and defend the Constitution that's what the oath says not going to defend the borders or anything else defend the Constitution but if we have a wonderful Constitution everybody agrees it was well done and it's a great document but that document doesn't mean anything without the oath that it's that oath of office excuse me that says you're going to defend the Constitution no matter what that's what counts when we have a president who refuses to accept the legitimate election and refuses to leave office tries to um tries to get fake electors you know and get get somebody the Secretary of State in Georgia to find votes when we have a president who doesn't concede an election and and tries to stay in power that violation of his elf of office makes the Constitution woreless if he gets another term and or if he does if he loses this election he will not concede this election and more and more people sign on with this and it just fragments the country more and more and more it's the oath of office that really keeps us free not the Constitution and he violated that and will again and bridet very briefly how did you interpret his remarks I agree completely with Eddie I think that it's interesting how he didn't question the election that he won but he questioned the election that he lost and I think that for this next peaceful transfer of power I hope to see it actually executed if he you know I hope to see him actually admit that he lost if he does and I hope you know he doesn't go back on the things that he said in 2020 the other question I want to ask you about too just kind of going back to your broad takeaways but initially when the debate started what did you think of their body language uh well Trump did the hand things a lot he always does the hand things um he does like a little bit of like a lean um so just Trump typical Trump mannerisms so I didn't really see anything from Trump I didn't really for Harris I it was just uh well whenever Trump said something either a lie or something that is truthful but uh goes against what she says she she shook her head a lot and she tried to do like this weird smile laugh it off or doing a laugh so um just I would say just both of their body movements were typical of what they did compared to what they did in 2020 so I mean how would you characterize the former president's facial expressions unthreatened correct blowering definitely notic that he was unthreat I also think that it was very respectful of kamla to shake to you know make the motion to shake um Trump's hand I think that that was respectful and very professional of her and I'm glad that she was the one to do that that absolutely yeah that was good actually that's what I think is really controvers oh controversial what I said because it's his face him standing there felt it looked unthreatened and unfed but when they both came in to stand at their podiums it almost seemed as though that Trump was avoiding Kamala initially before the Handi which at this point I just take it as they probably just both don't like each other oh that's enough it is what it is but he didn't come off angry not really he just what he usually is's who he is who he is he always comes off as Ang exactly just is it's just kind of like the natural look that like his eyebrows are a little down down turn so he looks a little angry all the time so and do you think that it was appropriate for the vice president to ma things like that's not true um I think that both of the candidates did it a lot and I think that you know in every debate it happen so I'm not really like surprised that it did because I think that it's just a way for them to stand their ground um I did find it was interesting how Trump made a comment about the comment that kamla made in the debate against Pence I think that that was just like interesting and I honestly didn't expect it but but yeah the the I think a lot of people were expecting KLA to try and do some sort of excuse me I'm talking that that's why people were think that she was she wanted the mics un unmuted the whole thing so she could do that but Trump trump did that so as a way of trying to do like a gotcha moment as like oh do you like it when I do that so I don't know how that'll work out for like Independence and myates do they think that that was like a good yacha moment or was that just kind of ridiculous but you know having the muted mics kind of took away the impact of that because yeah so talk to me more specifically about some of the things that were said during the debate and a couple of you referenced it but that moment where the president or the former president seemed to latch on to what appears to be this conspiracy theory about Haitian migrants and cats okay I've seen a video on it um there was but he seemed to lean into it oh absolutely he's using that as like his Endo I mean that's part of like his bombastic personality he saying these things because it catches people people's attention so even if something was outlandish um it does draw to the fact it even if it was a lot if it is a lie it draws into the overall scope of Springfield Ohio 20,000 hatian migrants that's been coming up in the the news cycle recently so it should be pointed out by the way that these are not illegal migrants they're all in the country illegally and uh they fail to mention that when they make up stories about a milor great point it's definitely but but were any of you surprised that he kind of didn't it I was I was completely confused on how do that concern you with somebody who supports him it doesn't concern me because he said a he has said a whole bunch of different things in the past that and that does not define who he was as a president like I said Trump is Trump and he he talks and that's what he does but he acts but it's been disproven and I guess I also wonder you know you all are talking about the candidates being truthful and not truthful but if something's just blatantly not true or conspiracy theory as someone running for president shouldn't that be something that he disputes oh I I I agree but look at these other candidates in the past they're politicians they have lied they have said many other things but just because they're not Trump and they're not as obvious and outspoken As Trump is so it's okay to Pedal a conspiracy theory not okay to to to his to his defense um no that was actually real cuz there was police cam camera footage of them also arresting that woman she was out on the front lawn because she actually ended up but she wasn't in Sprinfield and she wasn't Haitian and she wasn't an immigrant oh she killed a neighbor's cat and there that was in Canton Ohio which is about what 90 miles away from Springfield so she wasn't a Haitian she wasn't an immigrant was in Ohio she and and she wasn't in Springfield good but they're using that as proof that this is going on now let's talk about some of the issues that were raised this evening starting with the economy how do you feel about the economy and did their responses make you feel any differently about your perceptions of how things are right now they did not discuss the economy enough for me they did not um talk about any plans as of how they you know plan on fixing it um it's at its highest as we speak and I've never seen the economy this high so I definitely do believe that there should be another debate where we discuss the economy and and and better protocols and better plans as of how we're going to fix um the economy how are we going to to move forward from because we're in a big deficit as we speak what are we going to do that being said though I know you said at the top that you're a small business owner we heard the vice president tonight lay out a plan for small businesses that was for startups my you know my business has been standing for quite some time that's okay and that is good for those who are starting up but what is that going to do for my business what is that going to do for our economy um when it comes to payroll taxes when it comes to all the expense that we you know that I have that we have based on you know the way the economy is is at its highest um us small business owners we're kind of suffering um because of it our payroll taxes are at its highest I have never paid as much as we have paid these past four years and what about in terms of the former president saying you know look we had the best economy when I was President do you agree with that totally totally agree totally agree um as a matter of fact our B my business grew when he was the president um we went from having a small amount of clients to having over 70% more clients in one year and what about for those of you who support vice president Harris I mean what was your takeaway in terms of some of the proposals she put out in terms of small businesses this child t tax credit um child tax credit I think is is important um as far as a small business I'm not a small business owner and never have been so I'm a little you know I'm not the guy to probably speak to that um incentives for startups are good I'm not it all depends on what we can afford and how much we're investing and what we're kind of return we're getting for that investment um the child tax credit for sure I think is a is a good idea I agree I think that the econom is in a really rough spot right now I know a lot of families are living paycheck to paycheck which I think is so unfortunate um I do think that either plan by either candidate I just want to see the economy get better I don't really care you know I would like to see it get better into comma but either way I just think the economy is really important right now and again like I'm 17 so I don't really have like a lot of experience with like how the economy was under Trump's presidency because I was like 12 or 13 so you know it's hard for me to speak on that but overall I just hope to see like a change and an improvement in the future what about and I don't know if you want to chime in very quickly on the economy uh I have really no standpoint in it so far since I've been alive and I guess living within it um everything is just getting more expensive and it's workable but at the same time it's shouldn't be as bad as it has become things are just getting harder to do uh really some of the parts that make me a little bit nervous is about Harris's plans for the economy because it seems as though it's going to be uh extremely able to be taken advantage of and there's going to be plenty because I've also come from a lot of uh I guess places in my upbringing and a lot of low class areas and I've seen um how people can definitely take advantage of it and that itself would definitely put more people in more of a deficit than they think what about the exchange on free production Ive rights how did you feel about that for me it's been really uh a little aggravating because they at the end of at the end of that discussion still hasn't uh said whether or not they're going to be Pro or against um granted Trump has been uh going over the top talking about how they're aborting babies at 9 months or having the baby bored and then executed I might be a little too far uh construed but at the end of the day um I believe that the choice should be available and uh women should not be prosecuted for whatever they do to themselves or for whatever their position is so on and so forth that's my standpoint I agree 100% I think that commed her ground on her position I think that she's always been more pro-choice and I think that you know Trump and his administration he did pass a lot of you know the whole Ry Wade and I think that that's just like so horrible so I do not like to see him go going back and trying to act like he's been this like hero and he's saved so many women's lives when he's really done the opposite and I think that KLA did well and stood her ground on her position what did you make of his response in that exchange I mean he was pressed several times on whether he would potentially veto a National Abortion ban and he didn't really answer the question he just said that it should go to the states and the states are going to decide how did you feel about his response there I think he kind of avoided it um he didn't want to touch the subject um he didn't convince me he did not convince me are you concerned about an abortion ban in that in that aspect I am I do believe in a Ran's right to choose in certain circumstances so um we should really you know I I believe there should be another debate and this should be discussed I mean do you think he's been clear enough on his position I don't think so how did you think he answered answer that question so he's trying to he avoided the question obviously avoided avoid the avoided giving a real answer because he knows that there's a large section of Evangelical and prolife people that will withhold their votes if correct he if he if he says that he would veto it so that's why he danced around correct so now um he said it goes to the states and he's he tried to emphasize that it's it's the voter's rights to to put like abortion protections and make it a state referendum that abortion will be protected in the states so he's trying he's trying he tried his best to try and give a non-answer deflect it because that's really all he could do at that point because he it's it's a tough spot to be in now as a republican because they saw in the 2022 midterms how r way it affected the midterms so I'm I'm pretty confident that they know if they do get an office again and they have a unified um they have a unified house senate and presidency I'm confident that they won't do a National Abortion ban because they know in the midterms that they're just going to lose the majorities anyways um one of the things that that did strike me is that every time that came up he he he went again through this Litany of every legal Authority and every you know every legal scholar agreed everybody on both sides wanted this to go back to the that's not true nobody on this side wanted it to go back to the States um it was not a universally popular idea and um I think it's a I've heard often this referred to as the dog that caught the car you know you know they they eliminated roie way now they don't know what to do because it's very very unpopular and so you said dancing around tap dancing around is exactly what he just doing I want to get back to immigration I know you raised that as a key issue do you feel that the former president and the vice president for that matter did enough to address the issue overall were your questions answered they were I know what Trum stands for when it comes to immigration we know well we have seen what Biden and Harris have done to this country by not securing the border so to me those questions were answered I mean what did you make of the one exchange where he kind of said you know she needs to go back to Washington and deal with this right away Trump is Trump and he told her what she needed to do she needs to stop beating around the bush and they need to do something because it's serious what is going on in America right now due to this immigration crisis is serious you talked about your husband quite a bit in our earlier exchange I mean obviously you know the former president which he did in the debate tonight but also has done on the campaign Trail you know has talked about these murderers coming into our country and you know terrorist rapist I mean how do you feel when he makes those kinds of comments I I don't agree with him totally I do know that there are some um immigrants that are seeking refuge and those are the ones that need to be here you want to come to America come here legally um but we also have to face the fact that some are here illegally and some of them are here and some of them are criminals some of them are running away where they're coming from because they don't want them where they're at and a lot of them have a lot of mental health issues I've seen it firsthand it so I I I agree with that I mean the Border should be tily controlled and monitored and for those of you who support Harris I guess Eddie and and Bridget how did you feel about the vice president's responses on immigration and overall do you think that she and the president have done enough to secure the border and the current president you mean uh no everybody I agree that we need strong border controls um I don't believe that we can uh Deport everybody in the country that's not here you know documented today we not only is it physically impossible I mean it's just to say I'm day one I'm going to deport 11 million people it it isn't physically possible and our economy would collapse if we did you know whether we like it or not our economy is very very dependent upon this labor and uh so quit telling me that you're going to do this it's nonsense um so I'm very uh very unhappy about that I agree completely I think that immigration was one of the topics that I was the least satisfied with I think that none of them really gave like a strong answer and a strong plan that I agree with so I definitely want to see more Improvement in that and I think that Eddie mentioned a lot of good topics about like you can't just like wipe all of them out you know what I mean they're such hard workers and I think they're so good for this country so I but in what way what did you want to hear from the vice president I just wish that she gave a more detailed plan and that she actually had things that she outlined that like I'm going to do this and that's going to create this because again like as politicians you just jump around topics and I do wish that she had a more firm policy on it so yeah in the future definitely want to see some improvement on that abut and is the Border an issue for you as you consider who to support um it's definitely weird uh the border is actually extremely important and extremely uh it has to be more on a lock down more or less so to speak um because it's almost like everywhere else at the same time too for say if you were or if anybody else were to travel here even as Americans some are good some are bad but at the same time we do have more issues that we have to handle and I don't think that we can afford to just constantly letting any to constantly let everybody and anybody in so I believe that if you are able to come here then you should definitely come here legally and uh as for deportation that I don't think is going to be able to actually be done so maybe if we do end up closing the borders the ones that are here they're here and you have to move on from that and I know we touched on this very briefly earlier but did it surprise any of you that this conspiracy theory about Haitian migrants and cats came up during this part of the debate and what was your reaction to that yes even Donald Trump I did not think was going to go there this this is the most ridiculous conspiracy theory and there's been some pretty ridiculous conspiracy theories thrown up this is just how could he possibly bring that up it's just beyond belief thank you when he tried when he mentioned that I I always initially had that same relation uh reaction I was like what was he doing um um I try and rationalize it and like okay well he said that so what's going to be the Fallout from that like how are how's people watching from home going to think about that well people are going to look it up are they like is well they the moderators said that was false but people are going to look it up anyways because everyone has to do their research nowadays so I think even though what he said is false it's going to bring eyes to the issue of that may people may take a um might not like where 20,000 Haitians were just put in uh Springfield Ohio and some people might think that you know it how are we going to know all of a sudden when could in the Harris Administration could 20,000 people just all of a sudden be in our our country and our in our city or our town and is that going to drive up insurance is it going to drive up housing is that going to affect us so it it didn't it might have worked in one way but maybe not the way he wanted so we'll see at that point one thing that makes me a little bit nervous about that statement itself is the fact now there's going to be a new stereotype for any of the Haitians that are going to be out there it's going to be very detrimental to the immigrants let alone any of the actual citizens of America and that's going to be dangerous if not very very it took me back to the China virus how he called Co um I was shocked I was I said to myself what is he doing so it took me back to when covid came um and he was calling it The China virus so across the board no one thought that was appropriate not okay not okay at all and then just transitioning from that to the comments about race you know I don't know if you paid attention when the former president a couple weeks back you know question whether the vice president was black but that discussion around race how do you think each candidate handled that moment uh well he well he handled it poorly I mean it shouldn't have been said in the first place but as we've seen in 2016 and 2020 uh any news is good news to him even if it's um something awful that's said because it gets him coverage and less coverage is on Harris so um the way he tried to dance around that he was like you know I I like whoever you are is fine as like okay I mean he should have said that in the first place I mean it was to a point though because it was the moderator that did bring it up before Trump did but at the same time it's something that actually made me distrust Cala initially what's due to the fact she is well at least what she would constantly put forward is the fact that she is of Indian Heritage not black at all and that's one thing that would bother me is as soon as she started going for the presidential debate all of a sudden now she's black and that's going to grab a lot of black voters yes but it's whether or not it's like it's the flipping for me and that's one thing that makes me very nervous cuz I remember the first time even uh Trump was being interviewed about it and he ended up stating that he didn't know that she was black that she was Indian it was from a black reporter and uh it was just due to the fact that the research wasn't done prior therefore it was a really bad question but then he got a really bad rep for I guess avoiding the fact of him uh I guess not answering whether or not her being black is going to be an issue or not or where he stands on it but for particularly those of you who are people of color did did you take offense at all when he said I don't know what she is from being friends with some very questionable people that was very uh mild um no I actually believe that he doesn't care what she is in general it doesn't matter if she was black or white or woman or male I know for a fact he's definitely just competing in the debate to win and um yeah I thought it was actually really weird that the moderator would even ask him that in the first place rather than an actual political question correct or a topic so I think that was definitely a setup it's just Caribbean right her father is uh Jamaican I believe yeah yeah she is Caribbean but she she did in her defense she did grow up in a black neighborhood in Oakland she did go to a black college joined the black sorority so she didn't just decide be black when she president she did you know she identified as black all her life what was interesting is that throughout this whole thing like uh I thought she was going to say at some point say weird because they've been saying that a lot in the rallies and I would think that she would call the response to her him questioning her Heritage as weird or trying to paint you know supporters Trump is weird but I think she she's kind she kind of realized that weird is kind of the whole weird thing is such like an elementary school bully type of insult like they say you know Trump when Trump goes low we go high that that's just bringing it down to his level that was just and so I think kamla did a good job in terms of not saying it on the debate stage where people would see see her saying that they're weird because that would just I think that would have put off a lot of people as well and then I know all of you more or less said that you with the exception of you Eddie had seen the last debate back in June so how would you compare this debate to the last debate with President Biden both candidates were present last debate Trump was President Biden wasn't yep that's probably it's probably the same thing I that's the accurate most accurate thing both were present yes that's conscious present so do you think it was the right move on the part of President Biden to step aside abely it was he should be taking care of his grand babies yes he he should have retired a long time it was but it shouldn't have happened in the first place like they if the if the debate didn't happen that early he would still be it would be too late for them to change course like usually the debates don't happen that early so the Democrats were lucky in that instance that it happened so early but it just brings more questions of you know they kept saying he was sharp he was he was still there but you know he hasn't been sharpen let say for years yeah so they've they've been hiding that so I mean they that was something that also should have been brought up is um the the change because kamla didn't get a single vote during this primary it was B they the Democratic primary was for Biden so just to be installed in just because your poll the polls weren't looking too good that's kind of hypocritical because they say Trump is threat democracy but yet you went against the Democracy because your polls weren't looking so good because uh Biden had a bad debate but it is should be remembered the political parties are not the government political party can nominate anybody they want anytime they want for any reason they want correct no they're not held any standard like that it if their candidate is obviously going to get clobbered in the election and you have time to change horses they're perfectly might as well entitled to do that is there anything that surprised you about this debate well you earlier you asked are anything they didn't talk about there is one thing they didn't talk about that surprised me and it's one of my biggest is the deficit in the national debt it didn't come up at all and um that's been one of my biggest issues since the since the 70s and uh it wasn't even mentioned so I I wish that would come up or if there's another debate I wish that would come up that's that's true that's a really important thing like people only talk they only talk about the deficit during the debates but it would be actually nice for them to actually get a budget surplus for once which we haven't had since the Clinton Administration so what else did you want to hear it's a lot more of less just stating the fact that they have plans and more of letting us know what the plans are I agree saying yeah keep on saying you have plans and policies but not explaining what your plan is because if your plan is sucks then do better did you agree with the former president when he characterized the vice president's plan he said it's as simple as cpot run I think I saw a couple of you laugh in that moment he he likes attention what can I say he's an attention seeker it was out of pocket on professional but at the same time as Trump so I mean did you think it was a good line was it accurate well it got people to laugh and so he could have worded it differently but um I agree yeah I mean it's also how the results are for the past three and a half years and I think that's another reason why he was trying to shoot it down so aggressively but you know it's it's been a little bit more of a struggle and I mean he he did uh say that to me he spoke facts um she's a politician we all know what politicians do she had the opportunity to make changes she is the vice president nothing has been done um I I'm I'm really looking forward to see what's ahead I hope there is a second de dat I wouldn't hold my breath though I I I I don't hold my breath yeah I'm not impressed she hasn't done anything in four years and she's not going to and then just finally as we wrap up here do you think there was enough factchecking in this debate no no no no more so than more so with well there wasn't any in the last debates but that wasn't saying much because there was none so there was a little so I tried I agree well let me just get your kind of final thoughts here you know as you leave here tonight did this debate change your mind in any way at the moment a little bit I have to do a little bit more research on kamala's plans and see what she's really standing for because a lot of politics is a lot of a lot of this debate is a lot of politics and um I know for a fact how Trump actually runs and that's more action over uh debating and speaking correct which can be a little detrimental when it comes to you know pleasing the public but that's one thing that kind of makes me nervous the fact I know for a fact that's why I also said that Camala won the debate because she definitely pleases the master for what she says I have no evidence or experience with anything that she's actually done personally so yeah that needs to be uh if there was any message I would give to independent and moderate voters are undecided I would say go look at The Archives of kamla's stances back when she first ran in 2019 and compare it to now and see how she can so suddenly change so many positions so quickly it's not gonna happen and for those of you who shook your head know this debate didn't change your mind why I think that she still remains a strong candidate for me and I think that he made a great point that you should research you shouldn't just blindly trust I think that before everyone goes out to vote you should definitely research and really pick the candidate that you best that best fits your policies but overall I think she's a strong candidate this um if anything it reinforced my opinion he stood right up there on the stage and again denied that he lost the election last time around that's tearing the country apart and it's the refusal to go along with a peaceful transfer of power is the biggest threat to our country far bigger than immigrants coming in or anything else and he were out there and doubl down on it again when he's when it looked like he was finally admitting that he lost the last three times the last week he don't up and double down on it again so if anything it just reinforc it to me one quick followup just because we're in Pennsylvania and I know this was also a big issue in the debate this issue of fracking which I know is huge in p Pennsylvania we heard the vice president say time and again I will not ban fracking I will not ban fracking do you believe her no yes as long as we need the oil or the gas they're going to fra it's just that's just the economy the way it is um I'm hopeful that we'll be able to wean ourselves away from fossil fuels but we're not going to we're not going to turn out the lights and move back into a cave that's just not going to happen we have to develop Alternatives whether that includes nuclear you know solar wind and all of the above but um we have to do that but nobody's turning off the lights and nobody's advocating turning off the lights and moving back into the caves I think that Republicans instead of denying climate change should instead take a different stance instead of saying climate change doesn't exist they should instead focus on energy Independence and saying look solar and wind they're nice but it's it's not sustain it's won't it won't sustain us and and we're just going to be cutting we'll just be taking more land for those for those energy um for that energy so um I think that if it were me I would say Republicans should lean on more on a nuclear stance like I know Pennsylvania kind of has a bad history nuclear but nuclear has advanced a lot since then and nuclear is clean it does not make any carbon emissions and it will not only meet our energy needs now in the F but also in the future and also create jobs so I think that instead of denying it they should take a different stance and say uh the Democrats um they might have these these nice um weak energy but we like nuclear and that's going to help make us energy independent all right I know it's getting late so I don't want to keep me any longer but if just at this point give me your closing thoughts as you walk out of the door here today kind of what is what are you taking away with you after tonight's debate I think it was a typical presidential debate a lot of interrupting and everything but I do think that they made some good points and I think that it did give a lot of people a better decision and a better answer for who to vote for do your research go vote that's really it for me but you still need some time to make up your mind oh absolutely I got to do my little uh cross my tees downt my eyes and SEL who I actually think we'll actually do it and also if it happens to be the case it not be Trump it's just making sure that I have faith in Cala to be able to actually do it because if I don't have faith in her then I'm going going to have to go TR um what am I taking away with me the fact that they were again both pressing and they both made some interesting points um however um I would like to seen a lot more policies um and that was UND discussed so I I would like another one but you still planned vote for the former president okay and you didn't the past two cycles but you will this time will do what's changed for you on that oh the economy and the border control um Healthcare economy and border and border control absolutely um I don't like Trump I wish he wasn't the Republican nominee but um what kamla was trying to show I've said already that she's just trying to play a moderate when she's not so as much as I don't like Trump he does bring up good points on the issues that matter especially immigration so but why hold your nose if you aren't feeling it uh well because I don't I don't think that we can allow KLA to install the policies that she proposes secretly like allowing the border to be open another three and a half more years while saying it's secure and then while and then also while the economy well she's just going to get throw money at it which will just devalue the dollar which has been devaluing since we went off the gold standard in the 70s so as much as I don't like Trump um I think at least during the Trump presidencies I wasn't able to tell a difference but now during the B presidencies I can definitely feel the difference in my wallet and yeah to clarify I don't like his personality but I do believe in what he stands for he might just be the right man for the job correct even though we might not like him correct I uh well just the opposite um I'm I'm reinforced in my belief that he is an existential threat to our democracy uh he just the other day stood up up and proudly proclaimed in front of all the cameras and the people that if he got elected we'd never have to go vote again this will be the last election you'll never have to vote again as and as he put it I'll have things so fixed you'll never have to vote again he's not kidding he means it when was a my angel or said somebody tells you who they are believe him that's who he is he loves every authoritarian dictator in the world and he wants to be one and this is I a make or break election if we elect him it's over make an extremely strong point

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