Anders in Trouble???

Published: Mar 27, 2024 Duration: 00:46:59 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: anders carlson
what is up everybody good morning and welcome to another edition of waken pack on the Thursday morning we almost there people we almost to the end of the week we almost made it one more day to go let's hang in there for you uh weekend goers or whatever you want to call them but you already know on 420 hplv Boulevard it's the weekend every day every day is Friday and we are here to discuss Anders Carlson uh secondy year kicker for the Green Bay Packers um second year leap will be necessary for him to keep his job I believe we're not even sure if he's going to keep his job coming into training camp because of what we are going to talk about today but you know I'll let a few people get up in here before we get into the subject matter I hope everybody good man um you know just just continuously I'm liking to see I'm liking just seeing what this team does seeing how this team operates seeing how this team deals with issues and problems within itself which we've been doing for a while good morning to my boy John banan shout out to John banan man hey y'all see John in the building make sure y'all hit the like button man please let's run this let's run this thing up let's let's get it to where everybody can view not just us let's get to where the all the Packer fans worldwide Nationwide Citywide Statewide whatever you want to say man but yeah go and hit that like button okay so Anders Carlson man I thought of him because a couple days ago or a day ago whatever I seen a tweet a tweet was from a agent of a set kicker Greg Joseph kicker who used to kick for the Vikings okay so sent a message on Twitter or X okay I'm still calling in it I'm still calling it Twitter but he said my client has decided to sign with the Green Bay Packers he had other interest but he liked the Green Bay job that sounds like confidence and not only a a a agent but a kicker so let's see why this dude is confident shout out to Ernie Martinez man my boy shout out to my homie Zay strong man zann what's the word bro you already know how it go good morning to all the awaken Packers out there we talking about Greg Joseph newly signed kicker now one thing I do love again we all know once our guys get released who's the first at the door Chicago Minnesota and even Detroit nowadays so it feels good to actually get somebody from the enemy and weaken them to a sense and we will be weakening the Enemy by signing Greg Joseph what I think which I think is a sleeper sign because he holds the NFL record for five I mean a game-winning touchdown game-winning field goals in the season with five so he holds that record I mean hey that record existed long before he was a player so all we got to do is give him the respect that he came in and did that he also has the Vikings longest field goal in history which is 61 now we seen Anders hit a 61 I'll be it was in preseason so and what I was talking about with the Packers is how they just react to things some teams just allow [ __ ] to happen for a while kind of like Amari Rogers that's one situation where I feel this team took too long to make a decision on but the other things Maurice dren getting fired Joe Barry getting fired us getting a new strength and conditioning coach it just seems like every area we seem to have a issue in Matt lafl jumps on it and attacks it so you know this is uh you know this is what I was thinking when they first SC honders they knew they're drafting a rookie and they're drafting a kicker right I much rather see kicker is a deal where you ain't got to draft right like I rather get a vet kicker there's vet kickers all over the place who've been there done that before right you know but uh we drafted one and uh he had his Growing Pains you know and we have to accept him shout out to Joe huin Howland or huan shout out to you yeah uh seems like you listen to Brian gakin because that's what he said competition at every position but I'm a little worried because I think this is more than competition especially from how the agent was talking he had several other interest but he chose to go with the Packers that was ay he had options he looked at everywhere who's the kicker here who's the kicker there he's seen Anders and he's seen the [ __ ] that Anders was doing last year and he's like oh I'm going to Green Bay and to get him from Minnesota to weaken the enemy I'm all cool with it not saying this guy's going to come in and be the starter and take position of of Andre position but what I'm saying is we're being proactive and getting better like my boy Joe just said competition at every position in Anders defense in his defense I looked up on X this morning he's at Cole's kicking camp right now as we speak Andre Carlson is at Cole's kicking camp revered to be one of the you know one of the better kicking camps out there other NFL kickers are there other prospects are there I seen him you know doing kicks I seen him on the computer you guys could go look it up CO's kicking camp CO's K LS so I'm like okay maybe he read that tweet too or maybe he was just gonna do this anyway so my idea with this was Packers drafted Anders to grow with this team he's like we not ready yet we GNA give him two years of growing pains to get it together we see the upside we've seen him hit a 61 Y in preseason and we just seen it 65 kicker his brother's in all pro like you know it might be in a jeene so I understand the pick right and I understand you know trials and tribulations and just rough times in career especially to begin with so I am willing to forgive Anders I'm willing to forgive him if he's gonna come out and and really just you know fight against the competition but again NFL record five game winning field goals that's what the [ __ ] we need in Green Bay is a game-winning field goal we all know back to the days of Anders now where coach llor said he damn near prey before every kick Mason crossbar we already know that the years and years and years we dealt with him hey great years some bad years when it was bad it was really bad so allow me to take a hit so I'm just glad the Packers are being proactive man and just trying to get better in all F facets of the game it really seems like we know like yo it is time for us to strike now we can't wait for you Anders we can't wait for you to get your [ __ ] together if it's last year listen I know y'all want to blame Anders for losing the game San Francisco we lost by three he missed a p and a field goal I believe right so we probably would have won but again that's not how the game go but we cannot blame Anders if you don't want to blame Jordan love right the floor talked about it love talked about it everybody's talked about it at this point that pass that he shouldn't have done and that just was for Jordan love to grow and learn so we can't be mad at Anders you know we can't pick and choose who we want to be mad at Jordan love had a hand and US losing that game too so let's just be fair and in Andre's defense bro is at a kicking count he could be twiddling his fingers jacking off at home I don't know kicking in his backyard but he's really trying to go out there and and make himself as best prepared as he can for this season and maybe he's seen a tweet that I seen that was a little boastful tweet my client has just signed with the Green Bay Packers let me go over his numbers he has five game winning field goals which is a record in one season he has the longest Viking field goal at 61 he led the NFL and touchbacks in 21 he had many options but he liked what he seen in Green Bay so if that doesn't show that Andre better get his [ __ ] together he better get his [ __ ] together hey so my boy Joe like hey we rolling with Greg Joseph we rolling with Greg Joseph and Andre is gonna be on the practice squad that sounds like a possibility and I don't think we'll be worried at all if he does not go on practice squad I don't think nobody going to pick him up out there I don't think there's that much desperation for a kicker like him again if we had a guy like Greg Joseph with all these accolades that just sitting at home not without a job I doubt that anybody pick Anders up so we can play the chicken [ __ ] game with him Rather somebody else's practice squad sign him or we keep him on our practice squad but you know to keep a kicker on the practice squad is you know kind of crazy too but uh yeah bro um he's still again all I need to see is flashes he just needs to put it all together and no it is not all his fault it is not it's about the operation sometimes I looked at the operation and I'm like that wasn't even and's fault it was the snap it was the whole everything before Anders kicked the ball was the issue the ball little to the side and then again Anders you're a whole six5 bro you ain't like regular kickers 5'11 6 foot 6'2 at maximum you 6'5 maybe you got to step back a little bit hopefully at Cole's kicking camp they are really figuring out what the [ __ ] happened with you this season and hopefully you can get that knowledge and come to Rich and tell the the expert special teams expert Rich Basia like what's really going on what you seen in Camp that will improve you but we got this dude Greg Joseph coming in and he's not [ __ ] playing no games he's coming in there and there will be a kicker competition and I really hope you know this ain't College this ain't High School this ain't favoritism always say it was a [ __ ] on my team who got playing time just because his mom was [ __ ] one of the coaches right so like this ain't one of them situations bro I hope that they do really give this a real deal competition y'all kick 10 in a row Anders makes eight he makes 10 we going with him you feel me like everything in between the operation everything needs to be figured out and again Greg Joseph the only thing I did forget was to uh see how much of a vet he is but I know he's been in the NFL for a few years so he already got the veteran been there done that advantage over Anders you damn right bro I agree with you for sure for sure that's what it's about but what I want hey we know goo we know Brian G kin loves to keep his draft picks hey if if goo drafted you he wants to show the world that he's right and y'all are wrong so it might take two three years for some of these things to work out and good is going to exercise those options just like Meyers some teams may have cut Myers already some teams may have tried to trade them or do something else with Myers but we picked them you know semi premium pick for him and I don't think he's that bad and I still think he's so versatile where we can try him at guard where there should be an opening for us I mean we love Shan Ryan but that should be a competition too you know what I'm saying and what does stovic always say it's about the best five man it's about the best five bro so if Josh got a scoot over and play guard you feel me and we put Zack Tom at Center and we draft the right tackle I don't know how we gonna do this I'm just giving an example you feel me oh my God you ain't lying bro because you know this is what I hate there's a car wreck you see one car rear end at another you looking at the car in the back like damn what a [ __ ] you rear ended the dude it ain't nothing he could have did he just was sitting in his car but you didn't know that somebody from the other lane was trying to get over and would have hit this car so he went over the other lane and ended up rear ending him you got to look at the whole sequence situation don't just come after the fact like damn what [ __ ] he rear ended him somebody else could walk up to you and tell you [Music] yo my bad somebody else could walk up and tell you yo no uh that ain't G happen this other dude was an [ __ ] driving too fast and other guy tried to get out the way and and while doing that he hit this guy hey bro that sounds good to me listen we've seen three years of Myers at Center what more do we need to see now I did see some improvement from him I did see some improvement from him at times though just wasn't consistent so I'm not throwing in a tal on Myers but then again let's try him at guard 65 310 athletic ability could move and guard is not you know a different language for him he already played that in college at Ohio State both bro you know what goo says not only are we preparing for now he getting us some gems for now as you McKenna is for now Jacobs is for now he's always building for now in the future and actually Jacobs and McKenna are both for now in the future but now he can just sit back with his nine picks or how the [ __ ] do it go with his five picks out of the first 91 again y'all that ratio that that thing gonna come around pretty quick you know how it seems like it's a day or two in between picks that will not be the case with us we are loaded with picks and that's when we're going to help out with draft in the future we may get a Isa isavia Xavier mcken clone you know so he can learn behind Xavier so we probably won't have to pay Xavier another big contract feel me we know how to do it Kenny Clark's replacement you know and I ain't even gonna call it replacement because Kenny still got a lot of lot of gas in the tank but uh you know we might have to get another big nasty up there Devonte Wyatt I'm going to be he is one of the guys on this team that I'm going to be really tough on this year him and Myers we need to see something for sure but Brandy doesn't it suck when you have everything else except for special teams what happened in the divisional against the ners when they came to Lambo and they only scored 13 points we only scored 10 only only score was a special team score you know what I'm saying so it is people try to ignore it but it is one-third of the game it just really is whether it's kesan running punch and or kick returns to the 50 for us to the 40 for us giving Jay love a half a field you know what I'm saying so everything matters especially when you're trying to win so I'm glad they're nipping this right now hey who hey don't sound smart on here bro who are you that is a thing that me and my favorite uh right above you Brandy Lewis that we talked about me and her like talked about Myers throughout the year how we seen him doing that [ __ ] that exact thing feel me so hey shout out to you bro you seem like you know your [ __ ] and uh you know welcome to the fam bro 420 hpo Boulevard hey when you come through the street just keep your lights on bro you know we don't know who you is your [ __ ] go get shot up you come in hit the like button if you didn't hit it on your way in hit it on the way out uh we a family that talk about Packers every damn morning except for weekends y'all gota allow me to get my freak on for sure so let me ask you a question my boy Joe let me ask you you know there is there has been rumors of Po Packers possibly getting a quarterback do you think we ready to draft a quarterback now I'm okay with Sean Clifford I'm okay with Sean Clifford I don't think it's time to draft the quarterback yet well that would be nice or Reggie White would be nice right you feel me so uh we shall see yeah and then again uh LVN Zane LVN could do that LVN could do that bro so oh yeah when he swing out like that and be the lead blocker nobody wants no part of them y'all ever seen the defensive back just disappear that's what happens when Myers rolls out there you know the defensive backs they do that tackle where they just roll and don't do [ __ ] because they scary so yeah in other news we have to say goodbye to Josiah dear and at this point should we call Jacksonville I know AT&T Stadium in Texas is is Lambo South but damn Jacksonville you know we got we got Lambo East over with the Jets all the Packers they got but the Jaguars or Jaguars whatever y'all want to call it just got Josiah deua and they got Savage and the story about Savage is they're asking well Savages a safety where you GNA play him at Doug Peterson said quickly no we're putting him at nickel so again maybe we were using them wrong maybe he should have been a nickel we did try him at that for a little while but then safety needed help we had we was very hurting atrocious at safety no Rudy Ford some Anthony Johnson somebody else got hurt Owens you know not reliable that's why he's gone so we had to put Savage back at safety but there was a two or three game kind of deal where we were putting him at the uh nickel and I think he was excelling but again we're past that I'm just saying hey Savage went out and got the bag see we can congratulate people like Savage and d guu right go and get your money hey we tried our best with you go and get your money Savage got a nice deal something that we wasn't gonna pay him and I'm sure deu did too now when you do the opposite like DeAndre Campbell and go put on that Niner [ __ ] or Aaron Jones and go put on that purple [ __ ] that I just I just can't do it the fan of me just can't do it so I can celebrate saying goodbye to Darnell Savage The Gua and whoever the [ __ ] else but when you go to the Vikings can't roll with you when you go to the team that just put us out San Francisco 4 lers can't roll with you bro for sure so basically what you saying is we are in position to to draft best player available that's what it seems like but then again y'all know when we Zig go zags bro goo does some [ __ ] that we don't expect him to do bro I don't know but I am thinking an offensive lineman with the first pick that's just what I'm thinking possibly safety with the second pick but I don't know I don't think he got a meal I don't think he gave him that much for real for real from the way I looked at it again they could have did it under the table they didn't make it public but it seemed like your boy Clifford just gave it up but I'm sure he did something I remember Eli Manning he didn't have to pay that much he came on the Giants the kicker was had that number and Eli paid for his honeymoon like [ __ ] like that now that's still a pretty penny especially these [ __ ] honeymoons probably be like 25 Grand but yeah I don't think he paying the meal for that I don't know okay see bro hey and then [ __ ] shout out to Sacramento I mean that's real far up north you know we in southern C over here La Inglewood but [ __ ] we may have still somehow drink some of the same water and that's how I am uh Joe all Packer La players I got love for keesan Nixon Romeo dubs Kenny Clark Jordan love palmdell like you know or Bakersfield uh you know so you know all the Packers that that come from La I got an extra little space in my heart for them so even even in Cali anywhere in Cali bro so yeah shout out to Sacramento man oh you gonna hit it well I'mma hit it too bro don't don't leave me out do not leave me out shout out to my boy goat mik bro do your [ __ ] in the gym bro finish them sets don't be stopping and look I much rather have you do an explosive set with less reps then long sets when the last one or two you doing this the bar going the other way you're not getting a rep that way cut it short you feel me and you can pull a muscle that way well pretty much Brandy uh mckenny is so versatile any safety works with him and I just hope that they get a carbon copy of him so you can flip-flop that [ __ ] what is go say and uh everybody else been saying interchangeable he said he told us gakin the GM told us don't set these guys into certain positions we draft football players number one yeah he might be a guard but he could also play tackle yeah he might be a a a linebacker but he could do a little safety kind of like Orin Burks didn't quite work out for us but it seems like it's working for the Niners and again just because it don't work for us don't mean it won't work for somebody else just because it don't work for somebody else don't mean it won't work for us how the [ __ ] did we end up getting rasul Douglas how you know we ended up letting them go but how do we get a gym like that how do we get a DeAndre camel get a [ __ ] off the street and you come in and win the all proo give goo his props bro and just sit the [ __ ] back and let's just chill but that's the versatility of mckenny Brandy we can do either one we can do either one depends on how they want to go and I'm kind of set on you know the White Lightning you know Cooper Deon yeah for sure for sure because his blocking is superb have you seen Tucker craft blocking hey Zane what you call Tucker craft baby gr you know Tucker CRA is with the [ __ ] he he he don't mind blocking at all you know what I'm saying and he could catch the ball right only thing is Musgrave is just way more better at you know catching and running with the ball if he can stay on his feet but man we got two tight ends that could be starters across the league and yes he could definitely feel that role I did like what D was doing in that role but if craft can learn it again it is a different situation it's like a HB kind of you know you are tight end but then you doing some other [ __ ] but what Tucker craft is definitely game to to block well [ __ ] I ain't mad at that definitely hey and we got we got to we got to have our boy angry casual fan come through and give Watson his props all y'all make sure y'all remember when Watson don't even wait don't even wait you know don't even don't don't do it when he catches first long bomb touchdown we'll we'll do it after like week five or or whatever then we gonna have to tell angry casual fan like hey man Christian Watson showing up and I hope he shows up too yes for sure that's the way you should do it um it's weird bro um and then it's actually the hip tackle is not even illegal it's the hip it's the hip drop like kind of twist hip drop kind of Swing because what hurts people if you look at the play that a dude got hurt with that kind of tackle as Mark Andrews of the Ravens just look at the play that he got hurt you grab him and then you kind of you know the feet ends up under them and you end up on top of their feet kind of deal so uh but again they said you know if you are to average it out this play will be called probably once or twice a game no more than that and uh and as far as the Packers individually they said there was only two to three plays all year that we would have been called with that uh you know penalty so again dudes has been tackling their whole life how they tackling it's going to be an adjustment period you know [ __ ] is out there running so fast trying to remember so much other [ __ ] the last thing you trying to remember is how to tackle this dude after he gain 15 yards your ass got burnt and you trying to prevent him from a touchdown you ain't worried about you just worried about getting the [ __ ] on the ground hey you better and work on the lower body goat Mike do some squats with his ass bro I'm sure he got some chicken uh chicken caps hey for real hey Mark Murphy did it all bro y'all sleeping on Mark Murphy exactly and see another thing that hasn't been talked about is the relationship between ran and the McKenna rashan and McKenna are gonna go hand in hand they're gonna both help each other out you know they the quicker rashan could get the rush the Lesser McKenna gotta do the more rangy McKenna could be you know hey rashan ain't got to do what he got to do every time so yeah but that's another thing that we may talk about at a different time but prove who the [ __ ] wrong and why is there wrong you know you're always going to have doubters right but I'm like if you just look at Jacob's uh uh if you look at his work his his his records his his book of work then you will show that we have no problem this dude is proven in the league it's not like he came in had one Good Year got injured hasn't been the same dude is put together two three four good Years bro as many as carries as Aaron Jones has and Aaron Jones has two years on him I don't want to hear it dude is proven it is going to be different uh Brandy I just I don't know if you can see it it's just something that we can just see as humans don't you see a little difference of Halley and Barry and patton like doesn't have he seems like okay he seems smart but it seems like he got a little fire in him I'm not saying Joe Barry wouldn't drop a f bomb or do whatever but he just cool Cal Reserve you know what I'm saying Mike penon cool Cal reserve it looks like hle has a little fire and then again turnovers is what we lacked in this year bottom half of the league when it came to turnovers Jeff hafley one of his saying that I love the ball travels faster through the air than the ground so we're pretty much saying we're still gonna be bad in the Run game but we are going to have a opportunistic we hey we probably gonna be better in the Run game just because we're gonna have more in the box but clearly our job and he's trying to stop the ball in the air man and get us some turn over so I think just the philosophies are different and when there's a different philosophy you're going to it's going to look different because again we're changing it before this we were the 4-3 before all this before we got Caper like you know Capers I think is who came in and changed it to the 34 and after that we just start getting three4 dudes so you are totally gonna see a difference this time around you're going to see a visual difference when you see them on the field is just going to look a little different yeah bro and again come on like football players is football players I was a linan under like under them puddles under piles [ __ ] be hitting you in the nuts they'll grab your fingers and bend them back twist your ankles they doing what they can bro I know that it's the NFL and all these cameras everybody watching but you still got dirty players out there who know what the hell they doing hell yeah squats are very important yeah bro but they trashing him because of last year hello his team was trash last year whenever a coach gets fired you can't [ __ ] blame anybody for anything going on you just fired the head man of your organization do you know how much time and thought that money is put in as these guys are interviewing to get their head coach in for them to fire him in that quick turnaround we can't blame Jacobs for [ __ ] how about you look at the years where he led the league in rushing how about you just look at his tape how about you look at his pedigree coming from Alabama that's what [ __ ] need to look at but we gonna talk about that some other time I'm actually shocked at the Jacob's uh hate out there I've been seeing it too n i mean listen good problem to have but Musgrave is like you know more he's more Kelsey with the catching right you know and run after catch if he could stay on his feet Tucker got a little bit of that too but you know uh Musgrave is just athletically better and probably a little longer absolutely like bro and then like he's another one of these guys like the best idea in the room is what we going with it ain't got us necessarily [ __ ] be me if Coach O the defensive line coach got something to say about a third and two like no we should twist here and then have your guys do this or if campan the linebackers coach say hey half man uh we need to put uh quay on on the weak side let let XA me in the middle you know what I'm saying like he's a reasonable guy just like Matt laflor Matt laflor is the best answer in the room kind of guy and that's and that's where I think the best presidents come from not if we even have one but the best president is not the one who thinks he knows it all but you got all these great people around you who who who who who they're trying to get to where you getting so let them do the think and let them come up with the innovative ideas your word is your word you're gonna say go but you know it's about the best idea in the room when somebody thinks they know everything and there's no turning around it's their way or the highway if it works good but if not you know you gotta fall on that but uh I like the best idea in the room and that's what hle does yeah it' be better just from you know the guys who we have in you know Captain Neely ain't [ __ ] around Coach O is not [ __ ] around [ __ ] he need to do more than that bro that's a that's a monster workout oh yeah believe it believe it y'all just think AJ y'all just think AJ just sitting back dude thought he was cut he was a mayor of dor County dude thought he was gonna have to find another team him and his agent talking to other teams trying to get deals done his boy Aaron Jones gets cut away from the uh the Packers and we get Josh Jacobs AJ Dylan could not and Matt lafl said it that was a surprise he did not think they'll get AJ Dylan back so do you think all those emotions AJ don't know where he's going to be and this is still what kind of prove a deal for AJ AJ might be the goddamn leading rusher next next season how about that for sure for sure but as far as upside and you know just the Home Run play I gotta go with Tucker I mean not Tucker I gotta go with uh Musgrave but again good problem to have they both [ __ ] great bro and they own right oh yeah and just you know just imagine their their attitudes their swag all mixed in don't forget about Valentine too his little ass gonna be in there stiring [ __ ] up too bro so like we gonna have us some dogs out there you know what I'm saying and again we lost a captain two captains really Dre was a captain at some point I know we lost him and we lost Aaron Jones we got two captains Xavier mckeny was a captain already he know what that's about he knows how to lead a team Josh Jacobs been the captain already he knows how to lead the team but these dudes don't know about winning soon as they get a sniff of two three games one in a row they gonna be like damn this is what winning is like again Raiders uh um Giants ain't been doing a whole lot of winning past few years definitely and again this dude is pretty much a good mixture of Aaron Jones and kind of AJ Dylan you know not as bulky as AJ Dylan not as small as Aaron Jones but he runs angrier angrier than both of them hopefully AJ could see a little bit of that Angry Run that uh Jacobs does seriously because that'll help AJ Dylan AJ Dylan just gota focus on getting a [ __ ] hand off and staying on his damn feet yeah like [ __ ] them bro and we gonna talk about them don't hey Ernie you know I'mma get them Ernie so don't even trip we G we gonna talk about them yes we got two more captains for sure oh I know hey but [ __ ] at least we in This Together hey boy we I'm be ready to explode by September hey when y'all see me on the day before the game or the live after the game or whatever we do it's just going to be lovely that's why times like this during the bad times and the seasons that's why you know even when we are in our little funky bad streak I'm like listen I just like seeing the helmets the colors moving left and right on my TV I don't give a [ __ ] what's happening when lose a draw it's just a a warm feeling that I've had since I was a kid just watching the green and gold play bro so that's why in the middle of the seasons toward the end it's like y'all gotta really start appreciating the [ __ ] more especially with these great players we got that we we wish we would have got Aaron Jones The Ring he was a great Dynamic player with us but now he's gone bro we must move on for Jacobs too they ain't did no winning over there and I think Jay love is the hungriest again go and look at the interview with Dan Patrick where he was like oh there's a Lombardi right there Jordan looked at it and he was like yeah you know he was like I want one of those and you know we gotta bring it back home to title Town yes of course of course uh and of course they're going to remind us cuz from the Jets you know what I'm saying but hey it is what it is that's how the game go let's more focus on the actual great kid that we get into this organization with whatever the pick is but yeah I don't like that I guess they gotta let everybody know right yeah for sure and that's why I tell people you know some people oh we need an owner for [ __ ] what I rather just not have a owner number one because we shown and proven through different decades and different times of history that we can create a winning culture and winning team in this city and you know against everybody right little old Green Bay so that helped us and also you know to show that we haven't been on a Hard Knock that's been another thing like we haven't even been able to be in a Hard Knock because we've been so good and consistent they thought we was about to get in a hard knock mode y'all didn't y'all see the media start trying to say oh Packers Hard Knocks no we're not sorry enough we win too many games it's called Hard Knocks we we WI too many games to do that even in hey what Aaron Rogers say my worst years are the best years for y'all this was one of our down years last year was one of our down years and we still damn near Mak them the playoffs like people about to be in trouble people about to be in big trouble once everybody gets a grasp and believing what half Le is saying we know the offense is Gonna Come Out cooking they just have to Matt lefl knows what he's playing with and he also talked about but we we we'll say that we'll say what he talked about with with that video [ __ ] he already had his coming out party I agree they just gota let him play with his hair on fire oh yeah Jerry Jones gets in his own way you know what I'm saying that's why I love it hey farming system hey get rid of a player one year before then one year late you know we may miss him just like Aaron Jones we might miss him yes he could have probably did some damage for us he would have missed four five six seven games you know what I'm saying he might have fumbled in the playoffs when we really needed it twice let me let me not do that yeah I actually can bro you want to go to Minnesota [ __ ] your ass fumbled and took anyway we ain't gonna talk about Aaron Jones right now hey I hope so and you know what they're gonna give she a chance but again he he still ain't proven yet we're getting we're gonna draft somebody oh yeah but they've been even to another degree weapons weapons weapons on the defensive side if we could just get bodies like they have on the defensive side I know he's G but they had Chase young as a afterthought they brought in hardgrave as a damn near afterthought they got they so deep Bro and then look all that deepness all the good [ __ ] they got defense and all that ain't got nothing last two times they made the Super Bowl they lost hey at least Niners fans least the last time we went we won we represent the NFC we gonna win definitely shout out to my boy 10 RX too uh well it's who you who you dealing with I would say I wouldn't say smaller I would just say stockier they might lack in an inch or two in height but they're probably more wider and it's just against it's just it's just about who's across from you you can get a tackle like Zack Tom slender like that because what are most Edge rushers you know slender like him and you know not bigger than him at all like Edge rushers none of them are really bigger than Zack Thomas Zack Thomas considered small so when you go over you dealing with more of a big of a boy a d a DN so that's why you know guards are more like shorter but stocky and you know can help in a run but uh yeah uh I wouldn't say it's that big of a difference of sizes of these guys but body frame is is a different like you could still be as big as somebody but don't have the same height on them like [ __ ] just might be wider you know what I'm saying but uh yeah tackles are normally a little taller because you know again that outside their their little island they have is is wider than the guard right the guard has the T right next to him you know so you know they can be less athletic but the tackle got the whole you know it's like an island you know like a cornerback Island there's no Island like a cornerback like you're so lonely there but uh tackles got Island itself they gotta guard whatever is coming from you know the Blind Side so those guys are normally a little more athletic than the guards but you know you need the guards to be big Heavies because you dealing with [ __ ] vitaa you dealing with Eric Armstead you dealing with Fletcher Cox like you know you need a a you know more stubby guy you know and when it comes to offensive lineman it's about leveraging who gets lower so you can have a guard that's like 63 320 and then a a d tackle that's like 68 the guard actually has the advantage because once you get your helmet and and your hands into they the M into their uh shoulder pads right here that's how you get them of of some sort for sure within the defense and offensive linan for sure I see us drafting two to three offensive lineman for sure one early one mid one late you know we got Rasheed Walker in the sixth round Zack Tom fourth round feel me honestly if you really want to maximize his skill set just let him play with his hair on fire and just let them Rush from different points let them Rush from the left let them Rush from the right let him rush over the middle give him a stun or two but uh don't put him in any kind of coverage that's how you get the best out of him literally like just let him go get the guy in front of him let him go get the quarterback that's what he's best in he's best in the bull rush you know he's he's created some more pass rush moves which is good he has developed in that but uh you know we just need him rushing off of The Edge I would like to see him more right over the middle too cers will have a [ __ ] fit dealing with ran Gary swim moves all day yeah uh see but see we used to have so many of those Joe and we got away from it do you remember the times of the Packers oh there's no Separation on the field the receivers are too slow bro we had Devonte who's as great as he was wasn't a burner [ __ ] Dono Allison like we had some slow [ __ ] man so I'm glad we got away from that we're actually fast now so I I honestly I mean they are useful especially for like blocking in certain spots but bro I think we're good at receiver I really think we're good but again I will not be surprised because it's Gans you know all the years they wanted us to draft the receiver first round we didn't do it it'd be crazy if he did it this time but no I mean I could still see him getting one but then again bro hello Bo Melton you know uh even Malik Taylor like bro we got guys like I don't see any room bro Bo like I said with B Mountain he don't need to be a oh is he gonna be practice squad a starting no not starting but that [ __ ] needs to make the first initial 53 bro but melvon is too good he's too good yeah I'mma get on mut a little later probably earlier you know CA I gotta do something later I'll probably get on it soon uh they did do the sugar R drop part two zero Packers you already know I'm not happy about that but uh we going to get into that on the stream higher point of view gaming everybody yeah for sure uh yeah that's what I'm saying Elton carbon copy Zack Tom carbon copy even even uh Myers to an extent Myers Center guard uh Tom Center guard tackle Elton Center guard tackle we seen Elton play guard left tackle right tackle Center like everything yeah that's what we doing Green Bay you need a vea or a vet we'll take both G uh he's done that before too exactly exactly what did I say you seen Z on the left you seen Z on the right you seen Z right in the middle over the center that's all we need to Doan bro I just feel that we are just too deep Bro I just said Malik Taylor Bo Melton du boy like we got guys who like man we're good at receiver bro exactly and how we gonna see that you know and again bro do I need to name them do I need to name them Wix Reed Christian Watson Romeo like bro we are stacked we are stacked at receiver y'all that's why we don't need to put him in in positions bro just let him play with his hair on fire have somebody that can seal the edge put rashan over the middle you know or in passing Downs just let him go crazy but you know rashan is just not the best at in the Run game that's just not a part of his deal maybe him being on all fours might help you know maybe him with two hands in the dirt might help yeah definitely uh a stunt to a certain degree that and you can also do stunts with linebackers you feel me you you don't just do a stunt with a defensive tackle or a defensive van he could do it with a linebacker exactly linebacker could come running in and and you know take care of what he's supposed to take care of so for sure again this defense is going to look a lot different really mainly because it's going to be movement they are dictators it is called an attacking defense again Joe Barry hey we just gonna let Hey long as you ain't beating us deep get what you want this one oh we're dictating we're telling you where you need to be running the ball or passing the ball Etc but I'mma get up out of here y'all and this was fun shout out to everybody shout out to Brandy Lewis of course 10 rxs thank you for coming through my boy Joe hey you always welcome bro you're always welcome and yeah qu GNA Blitz way more bro over the hey they already been talking about that shout out to zaye strong 10 RX if I forgot about you I ain't forgot about you I ain't forget about you shout out to uh and this is my phone really like it it's literally it's time to get a new phone this thing is just crap this thing is crap okay shout out to Zane strong shout out to brain Lewis shout out to go Mike shout out to Joe hughy shout out to everybody who came through my [ __ ] [ __ ] up man sorry on the road call today goat Mike Ernie Martinez and I'm out y'all this [ __ ] pissing me off that's

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