Garbage truck overturns near Lincoln Tunnel and causes extreme traffic ahead of Fourth of July

a New Jersey garbage truck rolled off an overpass onto route 495 on Wednesday injuring at least a dozen people and causing extreme traffic delays near the Lincoln Tunnel the Union City garbage truck went flying off the palisade Avenue overpass and crashed onto route 495 westbound at approximately 1:00 p.m. according to Port Authority spokesman Steve Coleman it managed to crash into a bolt bus that was traveling along route 495 he explained to North Jersey Tom copy link to paste in your message the Union City garbage truck went flying off the palisade Avenue overpass and crashed onto route 495 westbound at approximately 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday one person was said to be in critical condition as of late Wednesday afternoon they were said to be stable by 6:00 p.m. Coleman explained that the two people riding in the garbage truck were injured and taken to the Jersey City Medical Center five others were treated at the scene for their injuries all lanes of route 495 westbound were blocked as a result of the crash eastbound lanes were gridlocked by people passing by all bus service from the Port Authority bus terminal was suspended as a result of the crash service did resume after 5 p.m. but their delays up to an hour at 7 p.m. copy link to paste in your message it managed to crash into a bolt bus that was traveling along route 495 copy link to paste in your message the two people riding in the garbage truck were injured and taken to the Jersey City Medical Center NJ Transit bus tickets are being cross honored on NJ Transit rail New York Waterway and some path stops a staggering 48 nine million people are expected to travel for the 4th of July holiday with 41 4 million of those people driving to their destinations according to triple-a as Independence Day approaches it's time for the much-loved family road trip and this year will be one for the record books with more Americans than ever planning vacations said Paula twit al vice president triple a travel miss Holliday builds on the strong travel demand scene for Memorial Day and with schools now out of session across the country families coast-to-coast are eager to travel copy link to paste in your message all lanes of route 495 westbound were blocked as a result of the crash eastbound lanes were gridlocked by people passing by copy link to paste in your message a staggering 48 nine million people are expected to travel for the 4th of July holiday with 41 4 million of those people driving to their destinations traffic in New York on July 2nd Detroit Los Angeles New York and San Francisco have all been named cities that will struggle to deal with traffic on Wednesday

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