Polaris Dawn Mission LIVE | Billionaire Leaves Capsule On First Ever Private Spacewalk | N18G

no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got it's got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on Ma stre space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbit right and test just to try to combine them so we'll call that complete heat pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 CS copies Matrix complete and huded out stepping into handre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feat copy that D2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes o02 flow cppy ev2 sitting with IND check for IND ev1's good ev2 good good 14 Cy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in here check those hatch seals again copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy ready [Music] copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go no must be between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and work these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the Loc around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reing that seal not quite able to reach the back so proceed with clearing perh hat closer strong jolt to release that stition hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you to open that hatch and guys have to draw straws whatever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached have SpaceX I'm oning the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch it's supp be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unse copy give it another [Music] call hatches several Ines copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat then E1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat them one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any that residual atmosphere and ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day is we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch man we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do a manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back W we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch we see a hatch open hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those sp1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any voles or station copy on Hatch Hill [Music] report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal thex can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hatch [Music] that's if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's space walk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam look out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is1 I'm transitioning back from under the display SpaceX copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egress through the forward hatch of dragon resilience these are the first views of the first ever commercial space walk I'm at the bottom of the mobility progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild call stay check back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here birth Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world nice that even one I'm going to step into T Matrix One single-handed Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging test Matrix one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are threes [Music] [Applause] [Music] pitch and roller three y ENT two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two Stitch is a four roll is a two Y into two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is s operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dmal 9 CSI SpaceX copies test mat one and HUD [Music] readout through op Jack ev1's good good one good two good he stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] i' say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly favors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching T got that SpaceX I'm holding up at the max reach and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video that and for your awareness Max reach le8 and the mid bar Max test Matrix 2 is complete C read out 5.3 PSI 33 dimal 9 Celsius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out through off check ev1's good e2's good we good two good stepping in this testm 63 hands fre demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go 6 recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] minutes that Ingress Time 4 S minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the [Music] nose happy nice SP [Music] and space at TV1 I would say the handsfree demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] stre SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix you see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e one's good I'm good Cy that okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid run copy we see it checking up from the bottom any go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy to have 1 minute it's gorgeous [Music] you want to see guys right ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now now I'm checking out your nose going right now and looks pretty good copy we're turnning nose cone see you looking at us [Music] all right we're coming up about that 024 timer time through check for INR e1's good e good to good all right than ja ev1 GRS for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] and space at ev1 we taking a quick look here the hatch heals from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seels and standby for transition to read off [Music] reset got guys face this and ev1 it's [Music] [Music] clear all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about thrust or pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uh basx attitude reset complete ev2 go for erress there is Sarah's clear to proed crew check for ev2 E ev1's good EV good good 4 two good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box were hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately FS look good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out SE SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best reseated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location EV [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress flopping P2 is suing with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those comms I mean I said it before a lot of the square characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] cone and copy all I just say in all three transation AIS I'm having so my cross Cupic movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable rating is three [Music] now a three r a four and pitches a three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] SC from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 5 9 minutes horizontal bars are definitely [Music] preferred and I'm Ely able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test one complete Seat pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one complete 7 to test Matrix to like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and see with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copes and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital right and test mat to kind to combine them so we'll call that con PE pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33 .7 C SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD read out St into hands fre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feat copy ev2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow Cy with that ev2 ising with Ingress pre check for in's good ev2 is good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check out it as well when ready to copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that Che I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between between 12 and 133 copy your go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reing that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fight ever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um are four Polaris on crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached Happ Space X I'm on seting the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch open [Music] much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unseated copy give it another [Music] call hatches several in copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat then E1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat them one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere ev1 you are go for manual hatch open sounds like we got our first audible of the day is we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will get see a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that SP TV1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good don't see any V oration copy on hat [Music] report yeah that seal that just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal of the E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hatch [Music] execute if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from from a helmet cam looking out Dragon Space X we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is for I'm transitioning back from under displ SpaceX copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the The Space Walk this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good you stex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect world [Music] one I'm going to step into T Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging MRI one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are threes [Music] [Applause] [Music] pitch and roller three Y is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to the left hand [Music] up down left and right are thre maybe a two pitch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared single operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut Jack 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dimal 9 C SpaceX copies test Matrix 1 and HUD [Music] readout scw off Jack ev1's Good's good one good two good D stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with our horizontal [Music] [Music] bars all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] i' say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly Savers horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching [Music] T copy b x I'm holding up at the max and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live video [Music] that make for your awareness Max re8 and the mid bar ma test Matrix 2 is complete H read out 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 5% RH copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out two off check e1's good E's good good stepping in test Matrix 3 hands fre demonstration ev1 SpaceX for Ingress [Music] time go recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 47 [Music] minutes cop that Ingress time 47 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose con [Music] happy that [Music] SP and space atv1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video St that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix as see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e one's Good's good good good happy back okay uh Max reefs whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid Road copy we see it checking up from the bottom any go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress Happ 1 minute the gorgeous [Music] you want to see if guys right fo ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now well I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good copy we turn the nose cone see you looking at us [Music] all right we're coming up about that o24 timer time CR check for ingr E1 good e not too good all right than ja TV1 GRS for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back into the vehicle a [Music] and space ev1 we taking a quick look here the hatch wheels from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and stand by for transition to three off [Music] reset got that space this and ev1 is [Music] [Music] clear all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copies Arthur call up three off resets so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluging yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uh BX attitude reset complete ev2 go for erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for E2 e ev1's good 's good good two good ev2 is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um feels what's good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three seated SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in the scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that's might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy 82 is proceeding with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer make her space walk yoube one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those Cals I mean I said it before a lot of us work here CU we want to do this all right steing in test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] cone and copy all I just say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly cross cup with movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly this left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable rating is three [Music] Y is a three R is a four and pites a three [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] than from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes copy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely [Music] preferred and I'm adequately able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances good two for breath left and right stepping into Mass reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone copy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and 8 test Matrix one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one complete Happ set need to test Matrix two like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during EXC me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we com some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got just got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and once see with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on Ma space has copes and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital and test to trying to combine them so we'll call that conce se pressure 5.2 7 38% humidity 33.7 C SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD out stepping into hre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feat copy that D2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 59 minutes 02 flow Cy that may sitting up in check for in good2 good good 14 good Cy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see it coup of those same points fing again between 12 and 13 copy your go no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now recing that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing per hat closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here is ev1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fever get it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon SpaceX Target pressure [Music] reached Happ SpaceX I'm on seating the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch open [Music] much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space six that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is UN copy give it another call hatches several inated turn copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon space xent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat and E1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere and ev1 you are go for manual hatch open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch open the hatch we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back W we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will get see a hatch open hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that TV1 I'm looking at some seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any VES oration copy on hatale report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to [Music] space [Music] that's if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon Space X we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is check for ER I'm transitioning back from under displ SpaceX copies were with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility progressing I have a feeling the crow is about to go wild good call stex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect world [Music] even one I'm going to step into T Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging C and test Matrix one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are threes [Music] [Applause] [Music] pit and roller three Y is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to the left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two pitch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is sing operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33m 9 C SpaceX copies test Matrix 1 and HUD read [Music] out SC off Jack e1's good good what to good okay stepping into vertical translation [Music] we're going to start with the horizontal [Music] [Music] bars all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] i' say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly savors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hands at the top of the mobility a at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching T I'm holding up at the max and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live video [Music] Cy [Music] that make for your awareness Max reach let a and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete H read out 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 celius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and H read out through off check ev1 gooded stepping in test Matrix three stand three demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go Space X recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] minutes that Ingress Time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose cone [Music] Happ be that [Music] SP in space at TV1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraint SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 4 7% R 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix see stop of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e1's good good I'm good to okay happy back okay uh Max reefs whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid Road copy we see it up from the [Music] bottom any go back space x negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy to have 1 minute it's gorgeous [Music] you want to see if guys get right so ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now well I'm checking out your nose con right now and looks pretty good copy we turnning nose cone see you looking at us [Music] all right we're coming up about that 02 FL timer time CR check for INR E1 k e too good all right St ja TV1 for the huge team effort that have took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back into the vehicle [Music] and SP at ev1 we taking a quick look here the hatch Shields what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to read off [Music] reset guys face this and ev1 is [Music] [Music] clear all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copy Arthur call up three off resets so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about thrust or pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 Eos ev1's good ev's good good two good evq is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box were hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um that feels look good I see a little bit of a boat between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three SE SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in the scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location EV complete [Music] between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy 82 is proing with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those coms I mean I said it before a lot of us sare characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our on out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] con and cofy all I would say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly Cross cou of movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable rating is three [Music] now a three R is a four and Pitch is a three [Music] get [Music] [Music] from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation T copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely [Music] preferred and on how to be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone cppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test SE one [Music] complete said need to test6 two like we mentioned before views going in and out during during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we com some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on Dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her space walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and once Tak a little more work they can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copes and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbit right and test makes to kind to combine them so we'll call that conce he pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 CSUS SpaceX copies Matrix complete and huded out stepping into hre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feat copy that D2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow Cy but that may just the sitting with engress check for engress E1 good E2 good good part two good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can check that as well when ready to copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reing that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you ask if I got to open the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurize the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bot left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon SpaceX Target pressure reached SpaceX I'm on shoting the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch open [Music] much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of Dragon SpaceX that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unse copy we give it another [Music] call it hatches several Ines concentrated turn you good like copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat then ev1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere back under way and ev1 you go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch man we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back W we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch see hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any VES or ination copy on Hatch report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal TV can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hatch that's the [Music] cute if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see for I'm transitioning back from under the display SpaceX copies we're with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility is progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good stay Che back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect world [Music] one I'm going to step into test Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging and testm one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pitch and roller three y ENT two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two ditch is a four roll is a two Y into two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is pering operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 decimal 9 CS SpaceX copies test Matrix one and HUD [Music] readout screw off Jack e1's good good one good good he stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal [Music] [Music] bars all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] I say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly favers horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max re switching [Music] here c space X I'm holding up at the max re any of youone go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live video [Music] C [Music] that for your awareness Max reach le8 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete C readout 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and HUD read up through off check e1's good e good good 4 two good stepping in the test Matrix three hands free demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] Minutes C that Ingress Time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the [Music] nose Happ [Music] that and space at TV1 I would say be hands free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is complete the H read out is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 dimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix you can see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e one's good good I'm good good happy back okay uh Max reefs whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid rad copy we see it cheing up from the [Music] bottom can go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress got the guy 1 minute this gorgeous [Music] get ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now now I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good got the overt turnning nose don't see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that o24 timer time crew check for in ev1's good to good all right St ja ev1 grats for the huge team effort that have took to get us to this point we know it's just the start all right then I'm transitioning back into the vehicle [Music] and space H ev1 we taking a quick look here the hatch seals from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and stand by for transition to read off [Music] reset got that space and ev1 is [Music] [Music] clear all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility preset is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copies Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to crew check for ev2 E ev1's good ev's good good what two good ev2 is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah is about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um looks good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best reced with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva complete [Music] between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] in floppy 82 is SECU with super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand us back here like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those comms I mean I said it before a lot of us were characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] cone and cofy all I would say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly cross cup with movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable rating is three [Music] now a three r a four and pites a three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] SC from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 5 9 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm not be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances two foot breath left and right stepping into MX reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from Top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test 61 complete pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete setting the test Matrix to like we mentioned before views going in and out during during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms some of the same coms are through satellite but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her space walk got just got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and see with a little more work they can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copes and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital and T to trying to combine them so call back complete pea pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 CSUS SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD out St into hre demo I'm able to engage and disengage H1 SE copy that2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes o02 flow cppy that sitting up IND Pro check for IND good good 14 to good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in start here check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check it I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go to no must be between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and work these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reaing that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing perhaps closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about you see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan You' ask if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and guys have to draw straws fight ever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero PSI a you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure reached Happ bace X I'm on seating the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch open [Music] much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is on C copy we give it another [Music] call hatches several Ines copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat then e one copy transition Jack under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat them one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day is we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch man we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will get hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that SP TV1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any voles or copy on hatale report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal of the E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hatch [Music] execute if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon Space X we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is for1 I'm transitioning back from under the displ SpaceX copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good you know stch back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world one I'm going to step into T Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging test Matrix one watching from the nose cone [Music] up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pitch and roller three Y is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to the left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two pitch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is single operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 decimal 9 CIA SpaceX copies test Matrix one and HUD [Music] readout SC op Jack ev1's good e good one good two good okay stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal [Music] [Music] bars all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] i' say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly favors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility a at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching T Cy that SPX I'm holding up at the max reach and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with [Music] video [Music] that and for your awareness Max reach Le a and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete HUD readout 5.3 PSI 33 dimal 9 Celsius 50% R copy test Matrix complete and HUD read up through off check e1's good e2's good good two good stepping in test Matrix three hands fre demonstration ev1 space XX for Ingress [Music] time go SP recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] Minutes C that in time for for 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] cone Happ ni [Music] p and space at TV1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraint SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video Happ test three is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix you see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e1's good e good good good happy that okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid Road copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom any go back space x negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy have 1 minute it's gorgeous [Music] want to see get right foot1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now now I'm checking out your nose T right now and looks pretty good copy we turnning nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that 02 FL timer time two check for Ingress ev1's good E's good two good all right than back TV1 GRS for the huge team effort that it took to get to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] space TV1 we taking a quick look here the hatch wheels from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and stand by for transition to read off [Music] reset got guys face this and ev1 is [Music] [Music] clear all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is ingress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copy Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's 1 minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 E ev1's good EV good good two good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately feels looks good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more the seal check there as as she's exiting out three seated SpaceX copies that report good fck so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best reced with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva complete [Music] between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy 82 is the shoting with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those coms I mean I said it before a lot of us sare characters we want to do this all right stepping into t chck one for single-handed Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] cone and copy all I just say in all three translation axles I'm having certainly cross cupet movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable raing is [Music] three now a three b a four and pitches a three [Music] [Music] [Music] s from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm not be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] count cppy from bar four to bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test matri one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete Happ 70 test Matrix 2 like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we com some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and and see with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orb and test to kindy to combine them so we'll call that from SE SE pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 cius SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD read out stepping into hre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feat copy that ev2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 59 minutes O2 flow Cy with that yoube CH proceeding with indress pre check for indress good e good two good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can check that as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check it I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points buing again between 12 and 13 copy your go no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah's now reating that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got opene in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here is ev1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the dragon caps uh down to Zer psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um are four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so dragon X Target pressure [Music] reached SP X on Hatch now Jarrett now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this supp be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch has a window the hatch is UN copy give it another [Music] call hatches several in turn copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch no knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon space xent complete ev1 return to seat [Music] then e one copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere this way and ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good don't see any VES or ination copy on Hatch report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good F open get a good seal E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hat execute [Music] if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is Che for1 I'm transitioning back from under the display SpaceX copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk at the bottom of the mobility is progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good stay check back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world I that one I'm going to step into T Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging test m one watching from the nose cone [Music] up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] threes pit and roller three Y is two switching single-handed operations are fine static hand with Dynamic disturbance switching to left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two ditch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is sing operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dmal 9 C SpaceX copies test Matrix 1 and HUD [Music] readout scw op Jack ev1's good one good what too goodday stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal [Music] [Music] bars all right we're going to transition over to [Music] [Music] Vertical I say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly Savers horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video We Stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching hand cop X I'm holding up at the max any1 go ahead and continue the option uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video Cy [Music] that and for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar next test Matrix 2 is complete HUD readout 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 5% RH copy test Matrix complete and H read out check e1's good e good we're good bab stepping in the test Matrix 3 hands fre demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go6 recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 minutes C that Ingress Time 4 S minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] conom happy that [Music] SP and face at TV1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with a live video [Music] not bad test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% R 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix as you can see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e want's good good I'm good good happy back okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid R copy we see it cheing up from the [Music] bottom any go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress 1 minute it's gorgeous [Music] want to see ADV right foot ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now now I'm checking out your no tone right now and looks pretty good copy we're turnning nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that o02 FL timer time true check for ingr e1's good e not too good all right B back TV1 GRS for the huge team effort that have took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back into the vehicle [Music] and SP at ev1 we taking a quick look here at the hatch Shields from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to three off [Music] reset got guys face this and ev1 is [Music] [Music] clear all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard cop Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster ping yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 E ev1's good e2's good good two good ev2 is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how you're a spice box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um that feels what's good I see a little bit up a bulls between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out 3 SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 cop the crew trained on exactly what to do in the scenario just pop it back in and one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best reced with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location after Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy E2 is proing with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those Cals I mean I said it before a lot of us work here cuz we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our on out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] cone and happy all I would say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly Cross cou of movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all our achievable rating is [Music] three Y is a three R is a four and pies a TR [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] s from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm not be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances three for breath left and right stepping into MX reach you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test MRI one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 C 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete happy 7 to test Matrix 2 like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we com some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gill our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got it's got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and let see with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on Max space has copes and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an or right and test Matrix to kind of combine them so we'll call that complete two pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 CSI SpaceX copies Matrix complete and huded out stepping into handre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feet copy that ev2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow poy what that ev2 sitting with indress free check for indress ev1's good ev's good good two good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on tracker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready copy copy and EV to what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I can get stress outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 if you can you're go to address those copy and these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reing that seal not quite able to reach the backroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closer strong jolt to release that stick hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws whatever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurize the Dragon capsule uh down to Zer psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached SpaceX I'm on seating the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so he saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giv it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unseated copy give it another [Music] call hatches s in copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tin tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to seat [Music] and E one copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that res and ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch manual we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will get hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that1 I'm looking at some seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any voles oration copy on hatale [Music] report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal of the C2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space for [Music] hatch execute [Music] if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's space walk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is Che for E1 transitioning back from under the display space I copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility a progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good call there stay cheex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world right even one I'm going to step into TX Matrix One single-handed Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging test Matrix one watching from the nose cone [Music] up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pitch and roll are a three Y is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switch to left [Music] hand up down left and right are threes maybe a two pitch is a four roll is a two Y is two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is sing operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete HUD check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dimal 9 CS SpaceX copies test Matrix 1 and HUD readout scw op Jack e1's good one good quite too good okay stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to [Music] [Music] Vertical I say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly Savers horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility a at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching 10 got the that SP X I'm holding up at the max and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video Cy [Music] that for your awareness Max reach ley8 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete H read out 5.3 PSI 33 dimal 9 Celsius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out through off check e1's good e2's good we good two good stepping in test Matrix three hands free demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go Space X recommended Ingress time of o02 flow plus 4 7 minutes C that Ingress time for 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] cone happy nice p [Music] and space at TV1 I would say the handsfree demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video [Music] not that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% R 33 decimal 8 CSI and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e he want good I'm good good happy back okay uh reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid R copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom any go back space x negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy to have 1 minute it's [Music] gorgeous want to see if guys get right fo ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now now I'm checking out your nose con right now [Music] and looks pretty good copy we turnning nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that 02 FL timer time two check for INR E1 good e not too good all right thank you Jack TV1 GRS for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] space ev1 just taking a quick look here the hatch Shields from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to read off reset guys face this and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copy Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared um like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's 1 minute remaining uh attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to C crew check for ev2 E ev1's good ev's good good two good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately TS look good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three SE SpaceX copies that report good fck so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 [Music] copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best repeated with hatch closure [Music] SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] in cppy 82 is the shoting with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those coms I mean I said it before a lot of the square characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for single Ed Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose cone and cofy all I just say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly cross cup with movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all our achievable rating is [Music] three now a three b a four and catches a threee [Music] [Music] [Music] FL for left hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 minutes [Music] happy 5 9 Minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm not be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test one s SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete Happ 70 to test Matrix 2 like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the paic are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of M specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital and test matri to kindy to combine them so we'll call that conce he pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 CSUS SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD read out St into handsfree demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feet copy that D2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 59 minutes O2 flow Cy with that EV sitting with check for's ev2 good good F good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that it as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready hey copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points fing again between 12 and 13 copy your go no must be between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy in these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reaing that seal not quite able to reach the backom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right and You' ask if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to Zer psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached Space X I'm unting the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the oper [Applause] [Music] center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is UN copy give it another [Music] call hatches several inated right copy we we see it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon space xent complete ev1 returned [Music] seat then e one copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch man we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch see a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that SP TV1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good any vation copy on Hatch [Music] report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal over that E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space for [Music] hatch that's the cute [Music] if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is Che for ER sp1 I'm transitioning back from under the display SpaceX copies we're with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild stex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here birth Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world ni One I'm going to step into T Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared Isaac men now emerging test m one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pitch and roller three Y is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left [Music] hand up down left and right are threes maybe a two ditches of four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared single handed operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete cut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dimal 9 CS SpaceX copies test Matrix 1 and HUD readout screw off Jack e1's good one good good he stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to [Music] [Music] Vertical I say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly savor horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching hand got the face X I'm holding up at the max reach and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video got [Music] that and for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete C readout 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 50 % R copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out through off check ev1's good e2's good four good 4 two good stepping in this test Matrix three three demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go SP recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 47 [Music] minutes C that Ingress Time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] cone Happ that SP [Music] and space at TV1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot rest [Music] streen SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video Happ that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut read out is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e1's good good good good see that okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid Road copy we see it cheing up from the [Music] bottom any go back space x negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress Happ Guy 1 minute it's [Music] gorgeous right ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam now now I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good copy we return to nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that o02 FL timer time crew check for ingr ev1's good good good all right stay back pv1 GRS for the huge steam effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] and Space X ev1 we taking a quick look here at the hatch seals from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to three off reset got the guys face this and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard Cy Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uh SPX attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 E ev1's good EV good good two good EV is going to go stand in the door and then and step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jer just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but unfortunately um feels look good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out SpaceX copies that report good pick so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in the scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress cppy P2 is SEC shuting with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk you be one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those [Applause] Cals I mean I said it before a lot of us were characters we want to do this all right stepping in test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose cone and copy all I would say in all three transation AIS I'm having certainly cross cupet movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all our achievable rating is [Music] three now a three r at four and cites the three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] SS from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an ress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm not be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a we have visual on the nose [Music] cone cppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and D test MRI one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete happy 7 to test Matrix 2 like we mentioned before views going in and out during during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we com some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and and see with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an or and test Matrix to trying to combine them so we'll call that conce he pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 C SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD out stepping into handre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feat copy that D2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 59 minutes o02 flow cppy with that proceeding with indress check for indress good good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I think get stressed outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you and you're go to address those copy and lo these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reaing that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fight ever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um are four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached bace X I'm unseating the hatch now Jarrett now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just given it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space six that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unced copy give it another [Music] call the hatch is Sever in copy we we see it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon space xent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat and ev1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like a to have him repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere and ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day is we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch manual we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch get see a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that TV1 I'm looking at the seals initial looks pretty good I don't see any VES oration copy on Hatch [Music] report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal ev2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hatch that's cute [Music] if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon Space X we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is check for ER I'm transitioning back from under the display SpaceX copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience so the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility a progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good stay chech back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world now one I'm going to step into T Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared Isaac men now emerging test m one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pitch and roller three Y is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left [Music] hand up down left and right are three maybe a two ditch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is single operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dimal 9 C SpaceX copies test Matrix 1 and HUD readout [Music] screw off Jack E's good one good good okay stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to [Music] [Music] Vertical I say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly savors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hands at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching t [Music] that BX I'm holding up at the max and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video have [Music] that and for your awareness Max reach Le a and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete HUD readout 5.3 PSI 33 de 9 celus 50% R copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out two off check e1's good e2's good good two stepping in tmri three hands free demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go space recommended Ingress time of o2 flow plus 4 7 [Music] minutes inass time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] cone happy nice p [Music] and space at1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraint bace x copy and ev1 when you have time if You' like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not B test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% R 33 decimal 8 C and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix you can see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e1's good good good good happy back okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid Road copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom can he go back space x negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy to have 1 minute it's [Music] gorgeous want to see guys get right foot ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam now well I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good copy we turn the nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that O2 FL timer time two check for INR E1 good e too good all right thank TV1 for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] and space ev1 we taking a quick look here the hatch Shields from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and stand by for transition to three off reset guys face this and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard cop Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared U like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 E e1's good 's good good two good is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um feels what's good I see a little bit of a bul between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three seated SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in the scenario just pop it back in final between 19 and 18 [Music] [Music] that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy 82 is the shoting with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those [Applause] Cals I mean I said it before a lot of us work here characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose cone and cofy all I just say in all three tempation AIS I'm having certainly cross Cupic movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable rating is [Music] three Y is a three [Music] B is a four and Pitch is a three [Music] [Music] [Music] s from Left Hand nothing into vertical [Music] translation St T copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm not be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances clear for bre left and right stepping into max reach you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone copy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test1 complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete Happ 7 to test Matrix 2 like we mentioned before views going in and out during during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms are of the same comms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got just got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and and see with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on Space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital and test Matrix to trying to combine them so we'll call that conce se pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 cus SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD read out stepping into hre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feat copy that E2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow cppy but that maybe just to sitting with in check for E1 good E2 good two cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check okay it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points buing again between 12 and 13 copy your go no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reating that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for not closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about you see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here is ev1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fight ever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon SpaceX Target pressure [Music] reached SpaceX I'm oning the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unseated copy give it another [Music] call hatches several in copy we we see it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat then ev1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere this way and ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch get see hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that TV1 I'm looking at for heals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any VES or ination copy on Hatch [Music] report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good open get a good seal ev2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this was going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space [Music] that's the [Music] C if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's space walk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go [Music] tiue that structure you see there is for er1 I'm transitioning back from under Place SpaceX copies we're with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience these are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility is progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good stex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here birth Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world now f one I'm going to step into tmri one single-handed mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging testm one watching from the nose [Applause] [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pit and roller three Y is two switching single-handed operat are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left [Music] hand up down left and right are threes maybe a two Stitch is a four roll is a two Y is two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared Isle operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dmal 9 CSI SpaceX copies test Matrix one and HUD read [Music] out screw off Jack give one's good one good good okay stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to [Music] [Music] Vertical I say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly favers horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hands at the top of the mobility a at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching hand got the Space X I'm holding up at the max and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video Cy [Music] that for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar next test Matrix 2 is complete C read out 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out through off check E1 good we good good stepping in test Matrix 3 stand three demonstration ev1 SpaceX for Ingress [Music] time go B recommended Ingress time of o2 flow plus 4 7 [Music] Minutes Happ that Ingress Time 4 S minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] cone happy night SP [Music] and space a E1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video happy that test Matrix 3 is complete the H readout is 5.3 PSI 47% R 33 dmal 8 CSI and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix you can see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew op Che e1's Good's good I'm good two good happy that okay uh Max reach so its left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid R copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom any go back space x negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy to have 1 minute it's [Music] gorgeous want to see if right fo ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam now now I'm checking out your nose con right now and looks pretty good copy we turnning nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that 02 FL timer time true check for Ingress E1 good is not too good all right St back t one that's for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back into the vehicle [Music] and space ev1 we taking a quick look here at the hatch Shields and what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to 3 off [Music] reset got face this and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard cop Arthur call up $3 off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 EAS ev1's good ev's good good what too good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in the scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and 18 [Music] [Music] that might be best reseated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location after Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress cppy E2 is the shooting with yeah super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those [Applause] comms and I mean I said it before a lot of us sare characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose cone and copy all I would say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly cross cup of movements forward back I am ining a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable rating is [Music] three now a three [Music] B the four and pites a three [Music] [Music] [Music] s from Left Hand stepping into vertical translation [Music] SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm not be able to falize my body with single hand disturbances two for breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete 7 test F two like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the for are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and and see if with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital all right and test Matrix to kinding to combine them so we'll call that con he pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 CSUS SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD out stepping into hre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feet copy that ev2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow puppy with that eving with IND check for IND good ev2 good good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in here check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy ready [Music] copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that Jack I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy in these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah's now reting that seal not quite able to the bom we proceed with clearing per hat closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you'd ask if I gotten open the hatch so when you go out a Z1 just like Jared here is Z1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to Zer psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing in by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached have SpaceX and I'm oning the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unseated copy give it another [Music] call hatches several inated turn like copy we we see it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat then E1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch for going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat them one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual Atmos ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the Hat opening the hatch man we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back W we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch see a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any voles or G copy on hatale [Music] report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good SE can you command open pullet hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward hat [Music] if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to continue [Music] that structure you see there is for I'm transitioning back from under the display SpaceX copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility a progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good call stex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world ni you one I'm going to step into T Matrix one single-handed Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging test Matrix one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pitch and roller three y inury two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to the left [Music] hand up down left and right are threes maybe a two ditch is the four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is performing operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete HUD check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dmal 9 CS SpaceX copies test Matrix one and HUD [Music] readout SC op Jack ev1's Good's good one good two good he stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] i' say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly favors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility a at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay switching over to Max reach switching [Music] P goty that SPX I'm holding up at the max reach and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video got [Music] that for your awareness Max 38 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete C read out 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out through off check e1's good E2 good four good 4 two good stepping in test Matrix three handsfree demonstration ev1 SpaceX for Ingress time [Music] go B6 recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] Minutes copy that Ingress Time 4 S minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] conom Happ that SP [Music] and space at TV1 I would say the handsfree demonstration is very comparable for the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies [Music] and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is complete the H readout is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 deal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix you see top of the mobility Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e want's good good good good happy back okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid run copy we see it cheing up from the [Music] bottom any go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy gu have 1 minute it's [Music] gorgeous 2 get the abil right fo E1 where checking out your helmet cam [Music] now now I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good got the overt turn the nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that O2 FL timer time cre check for ingr ev1's good E's good two good all right than ja pv1 GRS for the huge team effort that have took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] and Space X ev1 we taking a quick look here the Hat fields from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy the hatch seals and standby for transition to three off [Music] reset got guys face this and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard cop Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining SPX attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proed crew check for ev2 E e1's good B good good two good B is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah is about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately feels look good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three space text copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and 18 [Music] [Music] that might be best reced with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] in flopping E2 is the shoting with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we me Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those PS I mean I said it before a lot of us work characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for single-handed Mobility really cool to see one of our on out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose cone and copy all I would say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly Cross cou of movements forward back are am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all our achievable rating is [Music] three now is a three [Music] R the four and pites the three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] start for left hand stepping into vertical transl [Music] SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes copy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm not be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four space copies reach and see8 test Matrix one complete Seat pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete happy 7 to test Matrix 2 like we mentioned before views going in and out during during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we com some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and and see if with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on Ma stre space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an or and test Matrix to trying to combine them so we'll call that complete pea pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 Celsius SpaceX copies Matrix complete and huded out stepping into handre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feet copy that D2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes o02 flow puy what that eving with indress check for IND EV good good good cppy coming on in all right and just like that s is going to start making her way in here check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check out it as well when ready to [Music] copy ready [Music] copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check it I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy andless these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah's now reing that seal not quite able to reach the back bom so we'll proceed with clearing for hat closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you ask if I got opene in the hatch so when you go out a ev1 just like Jared here a ev1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fight ever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander jar um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon SpaceX Target pressure [Music] reached BX I'm unting the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this supp be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is copy give it another [Music] call it hatches several Ines copy we we see it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon space xent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat and ev1 copy transitioning back under the displ so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat them one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day is we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back W we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch see a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good don't see any V or ination copy on Hatch report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good open get a good seal the E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space [Music] H that's the [Music] cute if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to continue [Music] that structure you see there is Che for I'm transitioning back from under the display SpaceX copies we're with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam where we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility aggressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good [Music] stch back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here first Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world ni that one I'm going to step into TX Matrix one singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging test Matrix one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pit and roller three Y is a [Music] switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left [Music] hand up down left and right are threes maybe a two ditch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared single operations Dynamic and which disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dmal 9 C SpaceX copies test Matrix 1 and HUD [Music] readout SC op Jack e1's good good one good two good okay stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] i' say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly Savers horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by okay Switching over to Max reach switching [Music] T copy SpaceX I'm holding up at the max and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video [Music] that and for your awareness Max reach Le a and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete H read out 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 5% RH copy test Matrix complete and H read out through off check e1's good e2's good good two good stepping in tmri 3 F fre demonstration ev1 space xport Ingress [Music] time go recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] Minutes C that Ingress time 47 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] cone Happ ni [Music] and space at1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraint basx copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video Happ that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix you see top of the mobility Aid [Music] and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e1's Good's good I'm good two good copy back okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid R copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom any go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress Happ 1 minute it's [Music] gorgeous he want to see guys get right foot ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now well I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good copy we turn the nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that o02 FL timer time CR check for INR E1 k e too good all right than ja t1s for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] and space that ev1 we taking a quick look here at the hatch Shields from what I can see so far they look pretty copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to three off [Music] reset got guys face this and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out number right now though we're doing you just heard cop Arthur call up three off resets so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for eating E2 e ev1's good e2's good good 4 two good ev2 is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um feels what's good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more the seal check there as as she's exiting out three seated SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in re one final between 19 and 18 [Music] [Music] that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're Ingress [Music] floppy 82 is proceeding with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer make her space walk yoube one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those Cals I mean I said it before a lot of us sare characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose cone and copy all I just say in all three translation AES I'm having certainly cross Cupic movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll so with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable ra is three [Music] Y is a three Boll is a four and pites a three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] than S for left man stepping into vertical [Music] translation SPX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars and definitely [Music] preferred and I'm adequately able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances left and right stepping into Mass reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone copy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and E test Matrix one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete 7 to test Matrix two like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and and see if a little more work I can actually get between almost one and bar four on Ma space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital and test to try to combine them so we'll call that conce se pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 CS SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD read out stepping into hre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feat copy that E2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes 02 flow that sitting up in check for in1 good E2 good good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy ready [Music] copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check it I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points fing again between 12 and 13 cop you're go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reing that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for haser strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about you see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got opene in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here is ev1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw draws whatever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon SpaceX Target pressure [Music] reached SP X I'm on the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this supp be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is UN copy give it another [Music] call hatches several Ines turn good light copy we we see it [Music] looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat then ev1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have repeat them one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere and ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch the hatch man we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back W we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch see a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch open that is fantastic news uh for those that TV1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any VES oration copy on Hatch [Music] report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal of the E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hat hat wide open to space forward [Music] hat that's [Music] cute if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon Space X we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is for1 I'm transitioning back from under the display SpaceX copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience these are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility is progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good stay check back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world F even one I'm going to step into T Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared Isaac men now emerging test Matrix one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes get roller three Y is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two ditch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is operations dynamic in which disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete cut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33m 9 C SpaceX copies test Matrix 1 and HUD [Music] readout SC off Jack e1's good one good too good okay stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] i' say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly savors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching T CX I'm holding up at the max any1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video Cy [Music] that for your awareness Max reach let and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete H read out 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and H read out two off check e1's good E's good we good stepping in test Matrix three hands fre demonst station ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go Space X recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] minutes that engress time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] cone happy nice p [Music] and space ev1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot restraints [Music] SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not B test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal a Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e want good I'm good happy back okay uh Max reachs whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid R copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom can he go back space x negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy have 1 minute it's [Music] gorgeous want to see if guys get right ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now well I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good copy we're turning nose cone see you looking at us [Music] all right we're coming up about that 02 FL timer time two check for INR E1 good e too good all right than ja TV1 for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] space ev1 we taking a quick look here the Hat Shields from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and stand by for transition to read off [Music] reset got guys face this and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility offet is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copies Arthur call up three off resets so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about thrust or pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to crew check for ev2 E e1's good ev's good good two good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um feels what's good I see a little bit of a bul between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three dead SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in and one final between 19 and 18 [Music] [Music] that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location after EV [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're Ingress [Music] floppy E2 is reuting with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer yeah Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those comms I mean I said it before a lot of us were characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for single-handed Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness for watching from the nose [Music] con and copy all I just say in all three translation AIS I'm having certainly cross cup of movements forward back I anding a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all our keepable rating is three [Music] Y is a three B is a four and pit is a three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] than S for left hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation St T copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely [Music] preferred and I'm not be able to stabilize my body with singleand disturbances C for bre left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone Cy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test61 complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete 7 need to F to like we mentioned before views going in and out during during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms are some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle forward are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got just got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and and see if with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on Ma stre space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital and testm to kind to combine them so we'll call that conce two pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 cus SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD out stepping into handre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feat copy that ev2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow cppy but that maybe sitting atress check for good Cy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy ready [Music] copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points buing again between 12 and 13 copy your go no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reing that seal not quite able to reach the backroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hat closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about you see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here is ev1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurize the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon SpaceX Target pressure [Music] reached SpaceX I'm on seing the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unseated copy let's give it another [Music] call hatches sever inated turn if you like copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat and ev1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere this way and ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open opening the hatch man we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will get see hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open SpaceX copies [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any bulges or ination copy on hat [Music] report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good se2 SpaceX can you command open pullet hat this is going to stall it open there is our first VI of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hat that's [Music] cute if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon space we see stalled ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there for er1 I'm transitioning back from under the displ space I copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility a progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good stay cheex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world ni you one I'm going to step into test Matrix One single-handed Mobility demonstration Commander Jared Isaac Min now emerging cop and testm one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are threes [Music] [Applause] [Music] pitch and roller a three ya is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two pitch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is sing operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete H Jack 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 deal 9 CSI SpaceX copies test Matrix one and HUD [Music] readout SC off Jack e1's good one good two good okay stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] I say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly savors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hands at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach [Music] switching C SPX I'm holding up at the max re any youone go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video C that awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar ma test Matrix 2 is complete C read out 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and HUD read up two off check e1's good good good two good stepping in test Matrix three hands free demonstration ev1 SpaceX for Ingress [Music] time go SP 6 recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] minutes that Ingress Time 4 S minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] cone happy nice SP [Music] and space at ev1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot restraints [Music] SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% R 33 dmal 8 CSI and stepping back into max reach copy mat you see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off the check e1's good I'm good happy that okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid run copy we see cheing up from the bottom can go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy gu 1 minute this [Music] gorgeous want guys you get right fo ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now well I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good copy we're turning nose cone see you looking at us [Music] all right we're coming up about that 02 FL Tim or time true check for inra e1's good to good all right St ja E1 that's for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] and face at ev1 we's taking a quick look here the hatch seals from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to read off [Music] reset got space and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility preset is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copies Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uh attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there's Sarah's clear to proed crew check for ev2 E e1's good e2's good good what too good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um what's good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in the scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy P2 is SECU R super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those comms I mean I said it before a lot of us sare characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for single handed Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] cone and copy all I would say in all three translation AIS I'm having certainly last coup of movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable rating is three [Music] now a three b a four and pites a three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what s for left hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely [Music] preferred and on a be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test one complete Seat pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one complete happy 7 the test6 two like we mentioned before views going in and out during during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms are some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the midd of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading in side and see if with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital all right and test Matrix to kindy to combine them so we'll call that con he pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 South US SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD out Ste into handre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feet copy that D2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow puy with that ev2 ising with indress check for ind's good ev2 is good good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check out it as well when ready to copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reing that seal not quite able to reach the backom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlashed Mike talked about you see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right danard asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a ev1 just like Jared here is zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um are four polaron crew members numers um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached SpaceX I'm unting the hatch now Jarrett now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unseated copy let's give it another [Music] call hatches sever in copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat and ev1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat them one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got got our first audible of the day is we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch manual we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back W we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch see a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that TV1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any vation copy on Hatch report yeah that seal that you just heard him talk talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal of the2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hatch [Music] that's if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet k looking out Dragon Space X we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is I'm transitioning back from under the display SpaceX copies we're with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good stch back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here birth Ser looks like a perfect world [Music] ni St that one I'm going to step into TX Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging m one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are threes [Music] [Applause] [Music] pit and roller three y ising two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two ditch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that jar single- handed operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 decimal 9 CSUS SpaceX copies test Matrix one and HUD [Music] readout SC op Jack ev1's good good one good good he stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bar [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] i' say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly favors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching hand C SPX I'm holding up at the max reach and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video that and for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete HUD readout 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 50% R copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out through off check e1's good e2's good we good two good stepping into test Matrix 3 hands fre demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] Minutes copy that Ingress Time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose con [Music] happy that [Music] SP and space at TV1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix you see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e one's Good's good good good happy back okay uh Max reefs whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid Road copy we see it cheing up from the bottom any go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress Happ Guy 1 minute it's gorgeous [Music] you want to see ADV ADV right foot ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now now I'm checking out your nose tone right now and looks pretty good copy return to nose cone see you looking at us [Music] all right we're coming up about that 024 timer time CR check for ingr e1's good e good good all right St Jack TV1 GRS for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back into the vehicle [Music] here face atv1 we taking a quick look here the hatch wheels from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to three off [Music] reset got face this and ev1 is [Music] [Music] clear all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is inog calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard cop Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 E ev1's good ev's good good two good ev2 is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute the um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um feels looks good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're here in call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three seated SpaceX copies that report good fck so this was something we knew might happen um and Sarah between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in re it between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best rec with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva [Music] complete between 19 and all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy E2 is proing with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer make her space walk yoube one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those Cals I mean I said it before a lot of us work here CU we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] cone and copy all I would say in all three translation AIS I'm having certainly cross cou movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable right into is three [Music] now a three B is a four and pites a three [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] start from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes Cy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely [Music] preferred and I'm adequately able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone copy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test Matrix one complete Seat pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one complete Happ set to test Matrix to like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we com some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on news Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got just got about a minute left and then she's going start heading inside and and see with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbit and test to kind to combine them so we'll call that complete PE pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 C SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD out stepping into handre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feet copy that ev2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow Cy that proing with indress check for indress good good 14 good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I can get stressed outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same point fing again between 12 and 13 copy your go no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and lo these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now recating that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing perhap closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan You' asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here is ev1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fight every it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon SpaceX Target pressure [Music] reached happy SpaceX I'm un feeding the hatch now Jarrett now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch open [Music] much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is uned copy give it another call hatches s in turn if you copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon space xent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat and ev1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere and ev1 you are go for manual hatch open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back W we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will see hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open space X copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that TV1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any VES oration copy on hatale report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good open get a good seal over E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to [Music] space [Music] that's if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is for ER I'm transitioning back from under displ SpaceX copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility essing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go go wild [Music] good know stex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect world [Music] one I'm going to step into t matx one singlehanded mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging C you and test Matrix one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are threes [Music] [Applause] [Music] pit and roller three Y is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two pitch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is sing operations Dynamic and with disturbance are adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dimal 9 C SpaceX copies test Matrix 1 and HUD [Music] readout scw op Jack e1's good one good good okay stepping into vertical translation [Music] we're going to start with the horizontal [Music] [Music] bars all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] I say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly Savers horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility a at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video We Stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching hand Cy X I'm holding up at the max any1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live video [Music] Cy [Music] that and for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete C read out 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 5% R copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out through off check E1 good oh good stepping in the test Matrix three hand three demonstration E1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go Space X recommended Ingress time of o2 flow plus 4 7 [Music] minutes engress time 47 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose con [Music] happy that [Music] SP and space at TV1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if You' wouldd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% R 33 deal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix as you see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e want good good I'm good you good happy back okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid Road copy we see it checking up from the bottom [Music] can he go back space x negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress 1 minute it's gorgeous [Music] you want to see if right fo ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now well I'm checking out your nose con right now and looks pretty good copy return to nose cone see you looking at us [Music] all right we're coming up about that O2 FL timer time crew check for ingr e1's good e too good all right than back TV1 GRS for the huge steam effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back into the vehicle a [Music] and space ev1 we taking a quick look here at the hatch wheels from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to three off [Music] reset got guys face this and ev1 is [Music] [Music] clear all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard cop Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's 1 minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 E ev1's good EV good good two good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how you're Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um feels looks good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three seated SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in the scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva complete [Music] between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy E2 is the shoting with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those Cals I mean I said it before a lot of us sare character CU we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] con and copy all I would say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly cross cup of movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all our achievable rating is three [Music] now is a three B is a four and Pitch is a three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] s from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SP copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 5 9 minutes horizontal bars are definitely [Music] preferred and I'm not be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances super for breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone copy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and E test MRI one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one compl [Music] 7 to test two like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we com the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and and see with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on Ma space has copes and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orb testes to kind of combine them so we'll call that conce PE pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 Celsius SpaceX copies Matrix complete and H out stepping into handre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feat copy that ev2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 59 minutes o02 flow copy with that may sitting atress check for's good E's good good 14 good coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in start here check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and Report if you can see that Jack I can get just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and lo these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reaing that seal not quite able to reach the backom so we'll proceed with clearing perhaps closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you'd asked if I got no the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure reached have SpaceX I'm on shoting the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch open [Music] much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of Dragon SpaceX that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unseated copy give it another [Music] call hatches several in concentrated turn if you light copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat and ev1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere and ev1 you are go from manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch man we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back W we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hope we'll see a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open space X copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that TV1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any VES or ination copy on Hatch report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this was going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hatch [Music] execute if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is for er1 I'm transitioning back from under space copies we're with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility is progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good there stay cheex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here birth Ser looks like a perfect world [Music] even one I'm going to step into test Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging and test mat one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pitch and roller three y isent two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two pitch is a four roll is a two Y into two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete HUD check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dmal 9 CS SpaceX copies test Matrix one and HUD read [Music] out SC off Jack E1 good good one good two good he stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal [Music] [Music] bars all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] I say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly savors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility a at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching T CX I'm holding up at the max re any1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live video [Music] that for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar ma test Matrix 2 is complete C read out 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and HUD read up through off check e1's good e2's good we good two good stepping in test Matrix three hands free demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go B6 recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] Minutes TR that Ingress Time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video for the no [Music] com Happ that [Music] SP and space at TV1 I would say the handsfree Dem rtion is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is complete the H readout is 5 .3 PSI 47% R 33 decimal 8 CSI and stepping back into max reach copy test M as you can see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e1's Good's good I'm good two good happy that okay uh Max reach whether its left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid run copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom can go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy have 1 minute it's gorgeous [Music] want guys get ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now well I'm checking out your nose con right now and looks pretty good got the overt turnning nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that 02 FL timer time true check for INR E1 good too good all right sa ja t one GRS for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] and space ev1 we taking a quick look here the hatch seals from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and stand by for transition to three off [Music] reset face this and ev1 is [Music] [Music] clear all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through what called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copies Arthur call up three do reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining um attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there's Sarah's clear to Pro crew check for ev2 E ev1's good e2's good good two good evq is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box were hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um what's good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three SE SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location EV complete [Music] between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask a again when you're in [Music] Grass floppy P2 is reuting with eound super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand the here like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those comms W I mean I said it before a lot of the square characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] cone and cofy all I would say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly Cross cou of movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all our achievable rating is three [Music] now a three b a four and pitches a three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] scor from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm Ely able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C foot breath left and right stepp into Mass reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and8 test one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete 7 to test Matrix 2 like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms are some of the same coms are through satellites but we got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the paciic are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her space walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and a little more work they can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copes and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital all right and test mat to try to combine them so we'll call that from seat sea pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 CSUS SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD read out stepping into hre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my PE copy that D You2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow poppy what that eving with engress Pro check for ingress's good e2's good there cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in here check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that it as as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy in work these numbers being called called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reing that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you had asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you to open that hatch and guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon SpaceX Target pressure reached SpaceX I'm oning the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch open [Music] much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is UN copy let give it another [Music] call hatches several Ines copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat then E1 copy transitioning back on the this place so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat them one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day is we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch man we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will get a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that sp1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any voles or copy on Hatch report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal of the E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hatch that's [Music] cute if you just jump in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is I'm transitioning back from under the display SpaceX copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience these are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility address I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good you know stch back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here first looks like a perfect [Music] world I that even one I'm going to step into T Matrix One single-handed Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging test Matrix one watching from the nose cone [Music] up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pitch and roller three Y in two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two ditch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the sup ility checks that Jared singed operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dmal 9 Celsius SpaceX copies test Matrix one and HUD [Music] readout SC Ops Jack e1's good good one good two good today stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal [Music] [Music] bars all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] i' say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly favors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching [Music] T copy that SpaceX I'm holding up at the max reach and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live video [Music] got [Music] that make for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete H readout 5.3 PSI 33 dmal 9 Celsius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out through off check e1's good e2's good good two good stepping in test Matrix three hands fre demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] Minutes C that Ingress time 47 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] con Happ [Music] ni in space at T1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraint space I copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal 8 CSI and stepping back into to Max reach copy test Matrix you can see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e1's good good good good happy that okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the Mobil a and then the mid Road copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom can you go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy to have 1 minute it's gorgeous [Music] want to see guys right E1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now now I'm checking out your nose T right now and looks pretty good copy we turnning nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that 02 FL timer time CR check for ingr e1's good e good two good all right thank TV1 GRS for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back into the vehicle [Music] and Space X ev1 we taking a quick look here the hatch Shields from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and stand by for transition to three off [Music] reset got guys face this and ev1 is [Music] [Music] clear all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copies Arthur call up three off resets so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's 1 minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 E ev1's good EV good good two good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box were hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately feels look good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva complete [Music] between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress cppy P2 is proing with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk you one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those CS I mean I said it before a lot of the square characters we want to do this all right stepping into T Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] cone and cofy all I would say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly cross Cupic movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all our achievable rating is [Music] three now a three b a four and pitches a three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] SC from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm adly able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right step into Mass reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and8 test matri 61 complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 30 7% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete Happ 7 to test Matrix two like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we com some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her space walk she got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and and see if a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copes and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital and testx to trying to combine them so we'll call back from SE SE pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 CSUS SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD read out stepping into hre demo all right to engage and disengage my feat copy that D2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow cppy with that maying with indress Pro check for indress e1's good e2's good good 14 good cppy coming on in all right and just like that SAR is going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check it I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points fing again between 12 and 13 copy your go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and work these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reating that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to Zer psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um are four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jed um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached SP X I'm oning the Hat Jarrett now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this supp be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is UN copy give it another [Music] call hatches several in copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon space xent complete ev1 return to seat [Music] then e one copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat them one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere and ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will get hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good don't see any VES oration copy on Hatch report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good open get a good seal of the E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hatch this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space [Music] hatch execute [Music] if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is Che for er1 I'm transitioning back from under the display copies were with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom the mobility progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good stay chech back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world I that even one I'm going to step into T Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging test Matrix one watching from the nose cone [Music] up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pit and roller three Y is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left hand [Music] up down left and right are threes maybe a two ditch is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is sing operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dmal 9 C SpaceX copies test Matrix 1 and HUD [Music] readout scw op Jack e1's good one good what to goodday stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal [Music] [Music] bars all right well we're going to transition over to [Music] [Music] Vertical I'd say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly Savers horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility a at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video standby one okay Switching over to Max reach switching 10 Cy that SPX I'm holding up at the max and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video Cy [Music] that for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete H readout 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius % RH copy test Matrix complete and H read out off check e1's good E's good good stepping in tmri 3 hands free demonstration ev1 space export engress [Music] time go recommended Ingress time of o2 flow plus 4 7 [Music] minutes cic that Ingress Time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] cone happy nice [Music] SP and SpaceX TV1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraint SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video [Music] not to bad test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% R 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix you can see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e one's good good good good happy that okay uh Max Reef whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid R copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom any go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ed1 Ingress happy to have one minute it's gorgeous [Music] want to see guys get right fo ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now well I'm checking out your no T right now and looks pretty good copy we turnning nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that O2 FL timer time two check for Ingress e1's good e too good all right than back TV1 for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] and SP at ev1 we taking a quick look here the hatch Shields from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to read off [Music] reset guys face this and ev1 is [Music] [Music] clear all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copy Arthur call up three off resets so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with with ev1 uh they will call out when there's 1 minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 E ev1's good ev's good good two good ev2 is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um feels look good I see a little bit of a between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three seated SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in the scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies repeat the location EV [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy 82 is proing with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk you one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those Cals I mean I said it before a lot of us were characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for single-handed Mobility really cool to see one out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose [Music] cone and copy oh I just say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly cross cupet movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll so left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable rating is [Music] three Y is a three B is a four and pitches a three [Music] get [Music] [Music] SC from left H stepping into vertical [Music] translation SP T copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm out be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for bre left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete Happ 7 Test matri 2 like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we some of the same comms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got it's got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and let see Tak a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copes and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like all right and test matri to kindy to combine them so we'll call that conce PE pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 C SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD read out stepping into handre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my seat copy that D2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 59 minutes O2 flow Cy that maybe just sitting up in check for in e1's good e2's kid good part two k cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker PL and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can check that as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I can get just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points fing again between 12 and 13 copy your go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 if you can you're go to address those copy and these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reating that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about you see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out as ev1 just like Jared here is ev1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have success y depressurize the Dragon capsule uh down to Zer psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached Space X I'm on seaing the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unseated copy give it another [Music] call hatches several in turn copy we we see [Music] it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon space xent complete ev1 return to seat [Music] and E one copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual this way and ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch open the hatch we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will get see a hatch open hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that TV1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any voles oration copy on Hatch report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal C2 SpaceX can you command open forward hatch this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to [Music] space that's [Music] if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's space walk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is check for er1 I'm back from under the display space copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility a progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good [Music] call stay check back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world one I'm going to step into tax Matrix One single-handed Mobility demonstration Commander Jared Isaac men now emerging and test Matrix one watching from the nose cone [Music] up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] three F and roller a three Y is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left [Music] hand up down left and right are threes maybe a two pitch is a four roll is a two Y is two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is sing operations Dynamic and which disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete HUD check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33m 9 C SpaceX copies test Matrix 1 and HUD readout [Music] Jack e1's good good one good quite to good okay stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to [Music] [Music] Vertical I say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly savors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching T C SP X I'm holding up at the max re and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video Cy [Music] that for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete C read out 5.3 PSI 33 deal 9 Celsius 50% RH C test Matrix complete and HUD read out check e1's good e2's good one good two good stepping in test Matrix three hands fre demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go Space X recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 minutes that Ingress Time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] con happy nice SP [Music] and space at TV1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video [Music] not that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% R 33 decimal 8 CSI and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix you see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e want good I'm good good happy back okay uh Max re whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid R copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom can he go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy to have 1 minute [Music] gorgeous want to see guys right ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now well I'm checking out your nose T right now [Music] and looks pretty good copy we turnning nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that O2 FL timer time two check for INR easy1 good easy too good all right St ja one grats for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transition back in the vehicle [Music] space ev1 we taking a quick look here the hatch Shields from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and stand by for transition to read off [Music] reset after face this and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copies Arthur call up three off resets so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back on our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uh attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to crew check for ev2 E ev1's good ev's good good two good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box were hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately uh feels looks good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three Fe SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 [Music] copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in the scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best repeated with hatch closure [Music] SpaceX copies can you repeat the location EV [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy P2 is reuting with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer make her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those Cals I mean I said it before a lot of the square characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for single-handed ability really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose con and copy all I would say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly Cross cou of movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all our achievable rating is [Music] three y a three b a four and pites a tree [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] starts the left hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 minutes [Music] happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and on how be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right step Max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete 7 need to test Matrix two like we mentioned before views going in and out during during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the paciic are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission special IST Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and Tak a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copies and you you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital right and test Matrix to try to combine them so we'll call that conce hea pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 CSUS SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD out steing into free demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feet copy that D2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow cppy with that ev2 sitting up IND check for IND ev1's good ev's good good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready hey he copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy in these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reing that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right D You' ask if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and you guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to Zer psia you see that in the bottom LEF hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached have space X I'm on seating the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the operation [Applause] [Music] center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unseated copy give it another [Music] call hatches several inated turn right copy we we see it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X vent complete ev1 return to seat [Music] and E one copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat them one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch man we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went a ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will see a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open the hatch is open facex copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that TV1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any ination copy on hat [Music] report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal of the Hat T2 SpaceX can you command open forward hatch this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hatch that's [Music] if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon Space X we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that's structure you see there is Che for ER sp1 I'm transitioning back from under the display space copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility a progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild know stex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world one I'm going to step into test Matrix One singlehanded Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging test Matrix one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pitch and roller three y iny two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance glitching to the left [Music] hand up down left and right are threes maybe a two ditch is the four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that J single-handed operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete H check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dimal 9 Celsius SpaceX copies test Matrix one and HUD readout scw op Jack e1's good one good quite too goodday stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to [Music] [Music] Vertical i' say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly favors horizont I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility a at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max 3 switching [Music] hand c space X I'm holding up at the max reach and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video [Music] that and for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete H readout 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius % R copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out through off check e1's good e2's good four good 4 two good stepping in test Matrix three hands free demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go space recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 minutes [Music] Cy that Ingress Time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] conom Happ that space [Music] and space at TV1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into to Max reach copy test Matrix see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e one's good good I'm good good happy d okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid Road copy we see it cheing up from the [Music] bottom any go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress Happ Guy 1 minute it's [Music] gorgeous want to ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam [Music] now now I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good got the overt return to nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that O2 FL timer time CR check for INR e1's good E's good to good all right than back TV1 GRS for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back into the vehicle [Music] and SpaceX ev1 we taking a quick look here at the hatch seals from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to three off reset got guys face this and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility offet is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard C Arthur call up three off reset so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 E ev1's good EV good good two good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how you're Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately feels look good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and [Music] 18 that might be best with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy P2 is secting with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those [Applause] coms I mean I said it before a lot of us were characters we want to do this all right stepping in T Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our on out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose cone and copy all I would say in all three transation axis I'm having certainly cross CLE movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all our achievable rating is [Music] three now a three R of four and pites the three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] s for left hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 5 9 Minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm not be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have VIs du on the nose [Music] cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and e test Matrix one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete Happ 7 to test Matrix two like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms are some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and and see with a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that stre space has copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbit and test to kind to combine them so we'll call that complete pea pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 cius SpaceX copies Matrix complete and HUD out stepping into handre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feet copy that D You2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes o02 flow Poppy what that Ding with indress check for indress E good good to good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in here check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can check out as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not sto uh window and report if you can see that check I can get stressed outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copy at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reing that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hatch closure strong jolt to release that stition hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about we see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you to open that hatch and guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um are four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached SpaceX I'm oning the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this supp be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're gonna have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is uned copy give it another [Music] call the hatch is several in copy we we see it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon space xent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat and ev1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day is we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back W we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will get see a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any VES oration copy on hat [Music] report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seal of the Hat E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward [Music] hatch help [Music] if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is check for er1 I'm transitioning back from under displ SpaceX copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience so the first VI views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility pressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good know stch back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world I think that even one I'm going to step into T Matrix One single-handed Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now cop with you in test Matrix one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pitch and roller three y entry two switching single-handed operations are fine static hand with Dynamic disturbance switching to left [Music] hand up down left and right are threes maybe a two is a four roll is a two Y is a two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is single operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 decimal 9 CSI SpaceX copies test Matrix one and HUD readout screw off Jack e one's good one good good okay stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to [Music] [Music] Vertical I say vertical and horizontal are workable slightly Savers horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility Aid at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching T Cy guys I'm holding up at the max any ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video [Music] that and for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete H readout 5.3 PSI 33 decimal n Celsius 50% R copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out through off check e1's good E's good good two good stepping in t Matrix three hands free demonstration ev1 SpaceX for Ingress [Music] time go space recommended Ingress time of O2 flow plus 4 7 [Music] minutes time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] cone happy nice SP [Music] and space atv1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraint space copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return turn to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video after that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix you can see top of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e1's good good I'm good F you okay happy back okay uh Max reach whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid Road copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom any go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress happy to have 1 minute this [Music] gorgeous want to see guys right foot ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam now well I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good copy we turn the nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that 02 FL timer time two check for INR e1's good e good not too good all right St ja TV1 GRS for the huge team effort that have supp to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back into the vehicle [Music] new space at ev1 we taking a quick look here at the hatch Shields from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to three off reset [Music] guys face this and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is inog calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard cop Arthur call up three off resets so we didn't use any of the for thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside side perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared um like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 E e1's good 's good good 4 two good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box were hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um that feels what's good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out three seated SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in the scenario just pop it back in re it final between 19 and 18 [Music] [Music] that might be best repeated with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy 82 is reuting with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh we will do the same try to stand by and listen to those [Applause] CS I mean I said it before a lot of the sweare characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our own out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose cone and copy all I would say in all three translation AIS I'm having certainly Cross cou of movements forward back I am inducing a bit of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are aable rating is three now a three roll is a four and Pitch is a three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] SC from Left Hand stepping into vertical [Music] translation St T copies and the ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at O2 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 59 minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm adequately able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C for breath left and right stepping into max reach you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone copy from bar4 to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and test MRI one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix one [Music] complete 70 to test Matrix 2 like we mentioned before views going in and out during during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we com some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space exer on her Space Walk got she got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and let see if a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on that space has copes and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital and test Matrix to try to combine them so we'll call that con Seat pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 cus SpaceX cop Matrix complete and HUD read out stepping into hre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my seat copy that ev2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes 02 flow poppy but that may to sitting up check for e1's good e2's good good cppy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again SpaceX copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy [Music] ready copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that check I can get outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points fing again between 12 and 13 copy your go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy and these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reating that seal not quite able to reach the bathroom so we'll proceed with clearing for hat closure strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about you see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you asked if I got open in the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here is ev1 that's that's typically the role for for you to open that hatch and guys have to draw straws fever get it's exciting it is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top PCH the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon SpaceX Target pressure [Music] reached Space X I'm on feeding the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giv it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this supp be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is UN copy give it another [Music] call hatches several in copy we we see it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon Space X event complete ev1 return to [Music] seat then E1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat him one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual atmosphere way and ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we can do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch will get hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open SP Tex copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that TV1 I'm looking at the initial view looks pretty good I don't see any voles oration copy on hat [Music] report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a open get a good seal E2 SpaceX can you command open forward hat this was going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open space [Music] up if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to [Music] continue that structure you see there is er1 I'm transitioning back from under SpaceX copies we're with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience these are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility is progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good stay check back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here birth sure looks like a perfect [Music] world I think that even one I'm going to step into T Matrix One single-handed Mobility demonstration Commander Jared isaacman now emerging test Matrix one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes p and roller three y inury two switching single-handed operation are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance switching to left [Music] hand up down left and right are threes maybe a two ditch is a four roll is a two Y is the two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is sing operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete Hut check 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dimal 9 C SpaceX copies test Turks one and HUD read [Music] out scre off Jack e one's good one good two good okay stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to [Music] [Music] Vertical I say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly Savers horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility a at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching t SP X I'm holding up at the max and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video Cy [Music] that for your awareness Max reach L8 and the mid bar next test Matrix 2 is complete C read out 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out two off check e1's good good stepping in test Matrix 3 stand three demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress [Music] time go recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] Minutes copy that Ingress Time 4 S minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the nose [Music] con happy nice space [Music] and space at ev1 I would say the hands-free demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% R 33 decimal 8 Celsius and stepping back into max reach copy test Matrix as see stop of the mobility [Music] Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew op check TV One's Good's good I'm good good happy back okay uh Max reefs whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid run copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom any go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress Happ the guy 1 minute it's [Music] gorgeous want to see guys R fo ev1 we're checking out your helmet cam now well I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good copy we're turning nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that O2 FL timer time two check for inra E1 d is it this not too good all right St back TV1 GRS for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back into the vehicle [Music] and Space X ev1 we taking a quick look here at the hatch fields and what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and stand by for transition to three off [Music] reset got that space there and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot Mobility is in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copies Arthur call up three off set so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned Sarah um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uhx attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proceed crew check for ev2 Eos e1's good e2's good good what too good EVT is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how you're Spice Box for hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately um what's good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting out SpaceX copies that report good fix so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and 18 [Music] [Music] that might be best reced with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location after Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're [Music] Ingress floppy E2 is proceeding with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk you one I'm going to hand this back to you like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those [Applause] comms I mean I said it before a lot of us s characters we want to do this all right stepping into test Matrix one for singlehanded Mobility really cool to see one of our on out there that's awesome and ev2 for awareness we're watching from the nose con and copy all I would say in all three translation axis I'm having certainly cross cup of movements forward back I am inducing the F of a roll similarly with left right and up down a bit of a pitch but all are achievable right into is [Music] three n a three R the four and pites the three [Music] [Music] [Music] than from Left Hand stepping into vertical translation [Music] SpaceX copies and ev2 for awareness we're tracking an Ingress time at o02 flow 59 [Music] minutes happy 5 9 Minutes horizontal bars are definitely preferred [Music] and I'm not be able to stabilize my body with single hand disturbances C foot breath left and right stepping into max reach do you have visual a firm we have visual on the nose [Music] cone puppy from bar four to Bar two from top down and similar reach from bar two up to Bar four SpaceX copies reach and8 test one complete SE pressure 5.25 33.8 Celsius 37% humidity SpaceX copies HUD readout and test Matrix 1 [Music] complete 7 test two like we mentioned before views going in and out doing during excuse me due to those ground station uh coverage gaps yeah we we coms some of the same coms are through satellites but we've got ground stations for video on dragon as you can see in the tracker we just flew over on New Zealand we're about to go right over the middle of the Pacific no ground stations in the middle of the Pacific are actually pretty good we're hearing the voice of mission specialist Sarah Gillis our fellow space xer on her Space Walk got just got about a minute left and then she's going to start heading inside and once a little more work I can actually get between almost bar one and bar four on Ma stre space copies and you could see the Earth dark and we flew into like an orbital and test Matrix to trying to combine them so we'll call that complete he pressure 5.27 38% humidity 33.7 CSUS SpaceX copies Matrix complete and huded out stepping into handre demo I'm able to engage and disengage my feet copy that ev2 and once you are able to engage disengage we'll actually have you start Ingress we're just over 5 9 Minutes O2 flow puy with that eving with IND check for IND ev1's good ev's good good 14 Cy coming on in all right and just like that Sarah's going to start making her way in check those hatch seals again basx copies on Striker plates and ev2 I have one more ask for the hatch if you can uh check that as well when ready to [Music] copy ready [Music] copy copy and ev2 what I'll have you do is when you Ingress can you get eyes on the hatch handle mechanism and see if the handle has been stowed in the Do Not Stow uh window and report if you can see that Jack I think it's just outside copy just outside thank you just outside the range and for awareness I do see a couple of those same points folding again between 12 and 13 copy your go to no mostly between 12 and 13 right now SpaceX copies at 12 uh if you can you're go to address those copy in work these numbers being called out represent the location around yeah the location around the circular hatch just identifying where these bulges are so Sarah is now reting that seal not quite able to reach the aome so proceed with clearing perhaps closer strong jolt to release that stion hatch is now unlatched Mike talked about you see him getting his feet getting his feet set that's right Dan you'd asked if I got an open the hatch so when you go out a zv1 just like Jared here a zv1 that's that's typically the role for for you is to open that hatch and guys have to draw straws fever it's exciting it is is it's very exciting yeah now for those of you that have just recently joined as you can see we have successfully depressurized the Dragon capsule uh down to zero psia you see that in the bottom left hand side bottom left corner of your screen um our four polaron crew members um have uh gone through the uh O2 flow and we see Commander Jared um isaacman now standing by uh to open that top hatch the nose cone is already open it opened just shortly after uh the crew got into orbit uh so Dragon Space X Target pressure [Music] reached have SpaceX and I'm on seating the hatch now Jared now opening Dragon resilience into space so we saw some motion on the hatch again he's just giving it kind of that initial tug and then Sarah gets to push the button to swing that hatch [Music] open much more movement there on the forward hatch this must be pretty exciting for Jared because that center part of dragon Space X that's a good brace we're going to have you repeat the [Applause] [Music] operation center of the hatch actually has a window the hatch is unseated copy give it another [Music] call hatches several Ines turn if you like copy we we see it looking out that tiny window there in the forward hatch knowing he is going to have a much bigger window in just minutes Dragon space xent complete ev1 return to [Music] seat and E1 copy transitioning back under the display so again one of the reasons we had Jared do that was to Dragon SpaceX we're actually watching that hatch we're going to have you repeat the last operation sounds like they're going to have him repeat them one of the reasons we're doing that is just to kind of vent any of that residual Atmos ev1 you are go for manual hatch [Music] open sounds like we got our first audible of the day as we said that we can open the hatch opening the hatch man we could open the hatch man we could open the hatch automatically or we could do it manually and so they just gave Jared the go to open that hatch manually so we we just went out of ground station reach so we'll get the views back wow we'll get the views back real shortly uh and then the the hatch see a hatch open and hopefully we see it yeah hopefully we see a hatch open hatch is open SpaceX copies hatch [Music] open that is fantastic news uh for those that G1 I'm looking at the seals initial view looks pretty good I don't see any voles oration copy on Hatch report yeah that seal that you just heard him talking about it's such a important part for the end of the Eva right so that when they close that hatch again you get a good get a good seace can you command open pullet hat this is going to stall it open there is our first view of the forward hatch wide open to space forward hatch [Music] that's if you just jumped in we are 38 minutes into today's spacewalk and the hatch is open on Dragon first view from a helmet cam looking out Dragon SpaceX we see installed ev1 is go to continue [Music] that structure you see there is for I'm transitioning back from under the display space I copies we with you in your helmet cam once again this helmet cam what we that structure we see is the the space walker this is Jared now egressing through the forward hatch of dragon resilience are the first views of the first ever commercial spacewalk I'm at the bottom of the mobility a progressing I have a feeling the crowd is about to go wild good call there stex back at home we all have a lot of work to do but from here bir Ser looks like a perfect [Music] world even one I'm going to step into T Matrix one singlehanded demonstra Commander Jared Isaac now emerging test m one watching from the nose [Music] cone up down left and right are [Music] [Applause] [Music] threes pitch and roller three Y is a two switching single-handed operations are fine static and with Dynamic disturbance glitching to the left [Music] hand up down left and right are threes maybe a two pitch is a four roll is a two Y into two so these are the suit Mobility checks that Jared is operations Dynamic and with disturbance are all adequate test Matrix one complete HUD Jack 5.3 PSI 48% RH 33 dimal 9 CSI SpaceX copies test Matrix one and HUD [Music] readout SC Ops Jack ev1's good good one good two goodday stepping into vertical translation we're going to start with the horizontal bars [Music] [Music] all right we're going to transition over to vertical [Music] [Music] i' say vertical and horizontal are equally workable slightly savors horizontal I'm going to do a Max reach left hand's at the top of the mobility a at the midpoint you have good video we just lost our live video stand by one okay Switching over to Max reach switching [Music] T copy SPX I'm holding up at the max reach and ev1 go ahead and continue the operation uh we'll let you know we're back on with live [Music] video Cy [Music] that for your awareness Max reach le8 and the mid bar that's test Matrix 2 is complete H read out 5.3 PSI 33 decimal 9 Celsius 50% RH copy test Matrix complete and HUD read out through off check e1's good e2's good one good part two good stepping in test Matrix three hands free demonstration ev1 Space X for Ingress time [Music] go recommended Ingress time of 02 flow plus 4 7 [Music] minutes that Ingress Time 4 7 minutes and dragon we're back on live video from the [Music] noon Happ that SP [Music] and space at TV1 I would say the handsfree demonstration is very comparable to the trainer in terms of the foot [Music] restraints SpaceX copies [Music] and ev1 when you have time if you'd like to return to the reach demonstration uh we'll take a look at that with the live video not that test Matrix 3 is complete the Hut readout is 5.3 PSI 47% RH 33 decimal 8 CSI and stepping back into max reach copy test M as you can see top of the mobility Aid and uh let's get a Quick Crew off check e1's good good good good happy that okay uh Max reachs whether it's left or right hand seems to be about the same top of the mobility Aid and then the mid rad copy we see it checking up from the [Music] bottom can go back SpaceX negative we got about 1 minute until ev1 Ingress got the guy 1 minute it's [Music] gorgeous 2 want guys get right E1 we're checking now your helmet cam [Music] now well I'm checking out your nose cone right now and looks pretty good cop the over turn the nose cone see you looking at [Music] us all right we're coming up about that 02 FL timer time true check for ingr e1's good e good good all right St ja ev1 GRS for the huge team effort that it took to get us to this point we know it's just the start then I'm transitioning back in the vehicle [Music] and space at ev1 we taking a quick look here the Hat Shields from what I can see so far they look pretty good copy on the hatch seals and standby for transition to read off [Music] reset got face this and ev1 is clear [Music] [Music] all right so Jared back inside uh we we heard him going through What's called the test Matrix uh it's basically just a bunch of Maneuvers using different hands using the foot mobility in progress calling out numbers right now though we're doing you just heard copies Arthur call up three off resets so we didn't use any of the forward thrusters while Jared was out there we're re-enabling them putting us back in our perfect attitude before Sarah gets ready to go out the door fun thing to note it's still not a perfect vacuum inside a dragon is it's an open loop system so oxygen is kind of getting dumped into the cabin as this is going on so you got a higher pressure in Dragon than you have outside so we're not worried about Thruster pluming yeah now you mentioned SAR um just like Jared she will have 10 to 15 minutes uh outside perform those same sets of Mobility tests as Jared uh like we heard the core do um with ev1 uh they will call out when there's one minute remaining uh BX attitude reset complete ev2 go for [Music] erress there is Sarah's clear to proed crew check for ev2 E e1's good EV good good two good EV is going to go stand in the door and then step outside now this test Matrix that uh Jared just performed and the one that Sarah's about to perform they have both committed to memory um in order to execute these um we saw it being done pretty efficiently I can't believe how quickly that time went by Mike we were talking about how your Spice Box were hours and these guys only have 10 to 15 minutes and it just like that yeah it it can go pretty quick and uh but fortunately OU feels look good I see a little bit of a bulge between 14 and 13 so you're hearing Sarah call out some more of the seal check there as as she's exiting outad SpaceX copies that report good fck so this was something we knew might happen um and between 28 and 27 copy the crew trained on exactly what to do in this scenario just pop it back in one final between 19 and 18 [Music] [Music] that might be best reced with hatch closure SpaceX copies can you repeat the location Eva [Music] complete between 19 and 18 all right copy I'll track that and uh ask again when you're in [Music] Grass flopping P2 is suing with e super exciting to see this our fellow space xer Make Her Space Walk e one I'm going to hand this back here like we mentioned Sarah will be performing the same uh set of Mobility tests uh so we will do the same uh try to stand by and listen to those coms

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