ESPN’s Joe Buck Talks NFL’s Monday Night Football 2024 Schedule & More w Rich Eisen | Full Interview

enjoyed chatting with him last night on the NFL Network schedule release program he is calling Monday Night Football once again and he is back here on the Rich Eisen show good to see you Joe Buck how are you Joseph good to see you I'm I feel okay I'm looking at my color up is not very good look like it looks splotchy and like I'm about to die but I I feel fine it's all good well it's all good and you know it but the best thing is is uh when you move you're head you know like you did you reveal all those Emmy Awards back there Joe like that's look at that look at those ladies wow oh wait no I I would have to really rearrange to show the the local ones the small ones are over here to the left Jo flexing I love the flexing good to see you good to see you what the day after now you got the schedules what's your two cents on it Joe what your thoughts schedule it's amazing just like I said last night it's awesome I love it I think it's unbelievable I think we have the best schedule and I think we're the best and I think ESPN's the best and I think Monday night football's awesome that was very uh Chris Farley right there that was a very Chris Farley like answer right there that was awesome that's great it's awesome we we we're going to be so good this year we got yeah uh we we do have a good schedule I'm I'm excited I like the way it starts I like the way it ends there it is take it all in if you can figure that out there's not one person that can read any of that well including the guy doing it Su take it away what I say hi Joe what did I say I mean this schedule gives me like a seizures it's so hard to look at I feel like I'm trying to land planes yeah it's it's uh it's good I mean we've got Dallas at home twice which I love which Troy will love we've got Kansas City at home twice yeah we've got the Lions uh both at home and on the road uh we've got uh Jason Kelce now that's right an ESPN is going back home week two to take on Kirk Cousins I think we've got them yeah twice on there and we didn't do them once so that shows you what the presence of one Kirk Cousins does yeah for uh for a franchise on a prime time game and you got the Harbo too that's a nice piece of real estate there you got that going on we're the only ones that can say that yeah I mean I is this this is what we're doing we're doing the schedule again it's it's amazing I love it it's unbelievable that's a new phrase instead of are you ready for some football we're the only ones who can say that we're the only ones it's John and Jim Jim and John who who's going to win last time Super Bowl this time Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving go eat some turkey and a [Laughter] turducken yeah so you got Aman is going to be he'll be having a good time that's pretty cool yeah you're a little Punchy today you're a little Punchy this is Jo Jo you you want the yeah they keep me up they get me up in the morning they keep me up at night they test every everybody keeps saying you know oh six-year-old twins keep you young no they won't they're going to they're going to be the end of me I I look at the pictures of me prior to these boys being born and thank God I they're the greatest things in my life other than my two daughters but I mean I look so much younger and six years later I mean I know it's six years later but I just don't I've aged like a dog [Music] yeah yeah I come on by way Su Susie let me ask you this how unbearable was rich after the mention on SNL oh boy I mean it was it was um it was a lot don't feed don't feed a no no there might be there might have been like a five minute um Love Fest between him and Del tufo over drops this morning oh my God oh my God oh my God jerus H oh my God weekend up no oh my no Joe you're not the only one I think he was hyperventilating hold on a second you're not the only one with young kids uh because I'm also father of the year um I was watching Kung Fu Panda with my 10-year-old trying to trying to stay present trying to stay present my phone was buzzing like crazy and that's when I had to actually pause Jack Black's Tome to check out what was going on this is come from Panda 4 the new one no no no we actually she had not the original yeah did you just refer to Jack Black's to did we call Kung Fu Panda a to it sure is I would agree with that wow it came out in book form isn't to book this this is from the original scripture Kung Fu Panda one yeah that's what it was the original scripture yeah yeah well I thought they were really they were very true to the story so no so I took it in stride but it was pretty cool it was pretty cool I mean I'm I'm just jealous I I would have been I would have been doing tart wheels and I would have been unbearable I I like Rich eyes and I find him accessible there okay there you go yeah is yeah I'm accessible that's accessible yeah people call you accessible all the time don't they sure yeah yeah I uh I try to make myself accessible to most uh to most passers by I just I wee a sandwich board out on Manchester Road in St Louis hi I'm Joe Buck accessible please come talk to me if you have something to promote I'm here for you no but you you were accessible here you and I were going back and forth on times for this show Joe and many people when I say hey can you do it and they would just say no I can't but you were offering other opportunities for me you were acess I like to I like to uh I like to make people happy that's what I like to do I like to make my friends like Rich Eisen like Susie who I didn't even know this is like a a this is I on top of the cake that she's there y i i i like to try to find a time to make this fit in and I appreciate you doing that this is great you don't you don't even want to talk about the schedule I'm getting Michelle come in call Michelle in Michelle is not here Michelle is not herey yeah she's she's too meatloaf not here that was a very neat loaf like scream right there yeah yeah that'll be the day when anybody's making me meatloaf um yeah no I we can talk about the schedule for sure go through game by game I'll give you a bullet on each game oh god um I I don't make don't worry second this is for real though this is for Real you're calling a baseball game with chip Carrey that's happening I am yeah next Friday Cardinals and Cubs on uh on the B Midwest for the Cardinals so I'm going back to my roots Rich I'm and and and Company I'm doing a a local Cardinal game where I can openly root for the team that everybody when they were in the postseason thought I was openly rooting for when I wasn't so you get to openly root for a team and be guilty as charged for a change Joe that's absolutely wow I'll tell you what chip we need a double play right here you're practicing your rooting I like it uhhuh okay yeah actually the the the writer I spoke with is like so you're going to go back and and do it like he used to do it and and I don't know that I can honestly I don't know that that I can reimagine myself as the local guy but I'm going to try I'm not going to be ridiculous about it but I you know it's funny and I talked to the Cardinal's director his name's Tom me he's been there since I started he's still there um and he said you know it's different CU Fox would pick him up uh periodically and he would do a national game and he's like when you when you direct a national game you do it entirely differently than you would for the Cardinals because when you're doing a national game you know you're showing both bullpens and you're showing both managers and you're showing not that that doesn't happen but the Cardinal fans don't care about they're playing the Cubs they don't care about Craig Council as much as they care about their own guy they don't care about the Cubs Bullpen just who's coming in and it's just a entirely different way of thinking about presenting a game so it's it's going to take a little while for me to fall back into bat because I think I'll just default to being the national guy dude though I mean a buck and a carry calling uh Cubs Cardinals game together that's pretty cool yeah that'll be cool that's kind of that was that was the thinking and then the forementioned twins they're going to come down with me and be on the field before the game they really haven't been of age where they know know what I'm doing when i'm doing a baseball game so I think the last game I did with them anywhere near me was in the 20121 All-Star Game in Denver and uh they were what three so yeah it's I think it's time it'll be cool to show them what that's all about that is pretty cool do you do you have a recollection of Harry Cary Joe like being a kid oh my God yeah so yeah I it's it's funny because my dad started with him in the 50s and my dad was obviously an out of nowhere guy grew up born in Massachusetts grew up more in Cleveland and so he shows up and Harry and he I'm not gonna say they didn't get along but Harry was hard on him and my dad was the young guy and I you know anytime there was something big happening in the eighth or ninth inning my dad would get a tap on the shoulder and he'd get up and Harry would sit down because he was the lead guy then Harry and there he is uh gets let go I think in 196 69 and uh then my dad became the number one guy and his career really kind of took off and then it was cool to see my dad and Harry later in each of their lives reconnect and become really good friends and have a lot of laughs and I think for uh you know uh a relationship that started with a lot of tension they got to a point where you know they they could laugh and have fun and uh I remember one time my mom telling me that my mom and Dad Harry and his wife duy went to dinner after a Cardinal game in St Louis and when they walked in the place called Tony's still in St Louis it's move locations but when they walked in the whole place got up and gave him a standing ovation which I I think is really cool that is really cool so he didn't like turn to you and say get me a bloody mary when you were like eight or anything like that that never happened no and I couldn't make a I'm 55 and I could not make a Bloody Mary right now never made I've never had a bloody mary me too and I drink oh boy do I drink but I've never had a bloody mary it just looks and smells disgusting you and I are the same I cannot take tomato juice sir I cannot take this and I don't get it and and and any plane I'm on someone will invariably order a V8 right next to me and I'm like really like that happens every time in the morning and like oh it's so good for hangovers yeah I mean it's going to make me throw up I mean that's probably good you are so missing out it is a meal in a glass it's fantastic I will make you one and then you will throw up yes exactly yeah no I'm a woman living in Los Angeles celery and olives that's like that's enough food for a day if your buddy Al Michaels eats a salad I'll I'll drink a bloody mary so this will never happen as you know okay now I want to what a way to throw down the gauntlet yeah I will not have a bloody mary before I Anything Green on this plate certainly not in the drink is that parsley I know send it back yeah oh my God yeah well I look forward to that game so that's so we'll have to get that on the uh the MLB app to watch that I guess I don't know how that works yeah I think so I'm sure it's it's B do they pick up b g yeah yeah yeah sure absolutely no doubt about it well I look forward to that and uh again I look for I dropped a speed bridge on you last night I think I kind of staggered you with that punch in our conversation last night good that was good yeah speed Bridge the Achilles yeah cuz you're on you're on the Achilles tour you got uh Rogers first game on Monday Night Football I mean that's kind of cruel and unusual for the NFL to say okay we'll see we'll throw back out there no no with Leonard Floyd with Leonard Floyd there too with Leonard Floyd all your little Jets fan friends come on yeah I know I've been hearing about that y it's such a hard game and he's on Monday Night Football oh no they got to play him when they play him I'm not that guy that I'm not that guy but I mean of all I mean Leonard Floyd really Monday night first one out and then they gota then they got to play uh Buffalo too on himount you got the Jets twice that's pretty cool yeah all right yeah and then Kelsey that that's a good point I I did not notice that until you mention that Kelsey back in Philly week two is going to be great that'll be fun yeah um let's see what else I joked I joked on another Network named ESPN that I know that we will walk into Philly with Jason Kelsey as a part of our crew will we walk out of Philly with Jason Kelce as a part of our crew I don't know I mean something could happen I think the guy could walk off the set put his number 62 on his chest yes and be a pro bowl player like without any kind of conditioning whatsoever I love that guy you're so lucky that that he he landed there big time it's huge huge get for for ESPN for our for our pregame and I think it's awesome yeah and bich will be is he is belich you a competitor with Bill bich Joe I mean he's going to be on the Manning cast Joe what do you what do you got there I mean yeah one of the one of the great Roasters of all time uh yeah I uh no we're not competitors because they they lump it all together so if if because bellich is on the Manning cast and the Manning cast does a an eight rating and we do a a four uh doing the actual game then we at ESPN did a 12 so it doesn't really matter yeah that's right and you could just counter program him with Nikki Glazer you know what I'm saying that'd be good right that would be good maybe we'll get yeah we we'll get Nikki on in the first quarter he can do the first quarter with Peyton and Eli and you know see who's L we get Jeff Ross in the second quarter yeah I like it yeah it's all good all right man thanks for doing this I appreciate it you look great this when when do we start this is uh repping my Wonka what is that what are you doing that yeah I know D or you kind of dad or you I know what it is but they didn't want to go see that they had zero interest in Wonka have to say well I I think you're missing out and and look the the original is my number one all time Jean Wilder is my number one all time that's the greatest but we love G when you're saying you're saying number one like your when somebody asks Joe Buck your favorite movie you say Willie Wonka in the Chocolate Factory that's it Charlie yeah yeah absolutely what about Blazing Saddles I mean all that stuff's amazing anything that Gene Wilder's in I'm in okay I think he's phenomenal and I had a chance to meet him thanks to Brad Faxon uh when I was doing golf at Fox and we were all sent to go to his house and he passed away that week get out of here yeah oh and I I would have not been able to speak like you could I let's have dinner with Michael Jordan let's have dinner with Al Pino let's have I fine sitting in a kitchen with Jean Wilder I would have been speechless no kidding I would never have guessed that that's fantastic who's the coolest person you've ever who's the coolest person you've ever met other than us well other than the two of you yeah seriously uh the coolest person I I think the coolest person the most gen genuine good person who's also a Superstar is Eddie veter I I think he's he's one of the nicest most thoughtful people for somebody that before you meet him you would think oh well that's not that guy and then you meet him and you go oh well that's not real and then you see it time and time again with how he treats people and you know the the driver in the car the the guy driving Uber whatever he he is awesome wow that's pretty cool I I've never met him so really yeah know but he's the most legit sports fan I feel like sometimes it's forced with with people in other right arms of the entertainment world and him the first night I met him in St Louis I go to his dressing room after got set up by other people and he's got a trunk open in his dressing room with three different baseball gloves baseballs a helmet a bat and when they do sound checks in arenas they throw the baseball around and he's got a Personal Collection that Rivals Cooperstown in uh the warehouse where they record he's he's amazing buddy thanks for doing this greatly appreciate it we got to go we gotta go we got to break to hit we got to break to hit no no no it's just you know I I I don't want to take you away from too much of what you're doing so you know but that said uh I I do look forward to hearing you in a baseball Booth again I look forward to that in a couple weeks yeah I'm I'm I'm excited to do it I mean all kiding aside I think it'll be fun excellent thanks for the time Joe best to Michelle enjoy those kids um get some sleep get some rest good to see you catch the rich eyes and show every single day on the Roku Channel 12 to3 Eastern for free

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