Published: Jul 19, 2024
Duration: 00:29:07
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: heatin park
[Music] [Music] it's a T-Rex look at cooles [Applause] right turn around turn around what did he say yeah well if you had the under your bed I don't think your bed would be down too long helist all the time [Music] tail stick [Music] [Music] I right [Music] [Music] it's okay it's okay whoa yeah got he yeah EX come [Music] you know why we got [Music] what's [Applause] that for C [Music] silly you're so silly [Music] okay hey little one come here I want to [Music] there we sign him off not Sig steady get steady it's green like the dinosaur bogey should we get some more Bogies before you go flick them at Mommy are you ready get some Bogies and flick them at Mommy wow done should we say a big bye-bye to Jeremy byebye Jeremy why don't you go and get mummy get M should I take your foot toothbrush [Music] [Music] [Music] let me [Music] [Music] [Music] wow hi Rexy should we s me our friends right we've got lots of friends join us inxy let's give him one more big [Music] hello well done does anybody know what dinosaur this is he is a T-Rex you're right oh you've got a card of a T-Rex that's awesome what noise does a dinosaur [Applause] make I think you can do it even louder are you ready oh well done well done Rexy could you show us how tall you could be please can you go on your tip toes oh well done Rexy now Rexy he isn't an adult T-Rex he's a teenager he's about 13 but can anyone see that big kite up there hands up if you can see the big kite yes that's how tall he's going to get he's going to be as big as that kite Isn't that cool it's super cool go on give him another big RAR are you ready 3 two 1 well done would anybody like to come and give him a tickle on the nose come on over you can come and give a tickle on the nose [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone can [Music] right there we go just come the there you [Music] are you might come back this [Music] way well done we are are are right does anybody here like food who else has a favorite food chocolate Rexy do you like chocolate he does like chocolate did anyone down here have a favorite food what's your favorite have to shout what's your favorite f Rexy you do like burgers don't you now my friend here would have to eat 75 burgers in a day to get all of the energy he needs that's a lot of burgers to eat isn't it it's a lot of burgers now Rexy our friends here have been really really lovely don't you agree rexie I think they have give yourselves a big clap well done now would you like to see something really cool I can't hear you you would would you like to see Rexy dance oh would anybody like to challenge him to a d your who would like to hands up would you like to okay I'm going to choose you and you and we got two more over here who would like to have it go do you want to have it go I would you like to have a go come forward come over here watch come and stand over here that's it re take a few steps back for me that's it right and come and stand next to me over [Music] here okay are we ready for a dance J okay I'm going to get Rexy to go first and then you guys can go second right can we give Rexy a big clap that's it Rexy Rexy and give us a big D ready everybody go go Rexy go Rexy go Rexy go Rexy go Rex go Rex go [Music] re right and can we give a big big clap for our friends here ready and we'll say go go go go go ready clap for themap for them that's it [Music] big give [Music] AIG now because she helped us would you like a special prize yes everyone stay there for me Ed could you come and look at our wonderful friends make sure Rexy doesn't eat them eat them eat them eat them [Music] ol well can we give them another big please thank [Applause] you we get home do play TS [Music] give them another big CL everyone thank you guys got on one more big big clap well done rexie how are you doing is everything okay yeah you're really excited to meet everybody you are now guys something really cool is about to happen in the next few days can anybody guess what might be happening for Rexy what do we have come around once a year you're right it is his birthday can we all say a big happy birthday happy birthday well done Rexy I have a present for you would you like the present yes right Rexy I'm going to get the present no eating any adults let me know if he looks around no peeking Rey no peeking rexie are you ready to see the present Rexy yeah shall we show him he's got a lovely birthday hat Isn't that cool Rexy would you like to wear it should we put it on are you ready there we go stay nice and still Rexy Isn't that cool give him a big clap well done Rexy well done and can we all say together happy birthday bir Well Done Right my friend has to go to get his dinner in a minute so can we say the biggest bye-bye to Rexy byby big big byebye go on even louder I know you can do it louder louder and give yourself a big big crap doing so well thank you thank you to our dancers right Rexy are you ready for some food she going get you some food come on then Rey I'll hold your hat for you so it doesn't get broken come on this way say a big byebye that's it goes up there what noise does a dinosaur make I think you can do it louder got even louder oh wow done that was amazing well done rexie oh stop being cheeky rexie he's so naughty isn't he he's so nauy right Rexy no I can see you want those sausages in there stop it Rexy he's so cheaty right say a big by Boe by by and give him another big Ro bye rexie be a good boy gosh he's really excited for those Burgers one more Big B well done thank you so much for coming today have a lovely day guys bye-bye [Music] very very healthy grapes and strawberries he's saying that's healthy tangerin and even some of the chocolate bars Got A Raisin [Music] in I needing R I'm getting by [Music] every e [Music] [Music] you [Music] I don't want to see [Music] [Music] enough fore oh it's both this chair isn't it [Music] my [Music] spe [Music] [Music] I don't want to see [Music] w [Music] please stay seated till the ride is Foody St [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all ready for the next night [Music]