Best Early Methods To Earn Gems In Anime Vanguards Roblox

hello everyone in this video we are going to show you the best methods to earn gems in the new and popular game anime vanguards we can't do giveaways yet in this game but maybe we will in the future when they add a trading Lobby also at the end of the video we are going to use all our gems with a 1 199 roox potion so be sure to keep watching we will first teleport to the summon spot if you're a new player you can follow our route as it can be hard to find everything when starting out but before we show you how to earn your first gems you should go to the codes section and use the code release for a nice bonus of gems to start with the second code you can use is d e l a y by using these two codes you'll have a better and faster start the next step is to obviously claim your daily rewards every day it's a nice bonus but it's especially important on your first day of playing the game as it can be a bit hard to earn your first gems the next place where you can get a good amount of gems is from achievements in the beginning it may be hard to complete most of them but with the early gems from codes and daily rewards you can start doing some initial summons after these summons you'll complete some achievements which will reward you with more gems to continue summoning completing a full achievement to 100% gives you an additional 1,000 to 2,000 gems for each chapter the next thing is the AFK Time Chamber where the amount of gems you can earn is decent if you need to step away for school or work you can put your account in the AFK chamber and earn gems while you're gone you get 10 gems every 2 minutes 20 gems if you've bought the VIP Game Pass and 30 gems if you have both the VIP Game Pass and Roblox premium this means you can earn between 300 and 900 gems per hour while AFK next make sure to interact with everything you see on the map for examp in here the ascensions each time you discover something for the first time you receive 15 gems these are easy gems to help you get your first good units from summoning at The Collector NPC you can immediately claim gems after completing your first summons this gives you more gems to do additional summons every time you discover or summon a new unit you are able to claim gems here the next easy step for earning a large amount of gems is the liking group rewards all you need to do is join their group to claim this reward so be sure to join the group on Roblox and you'll be able to claim a good number of gems next we'll show you methods to earn gems after you've started playing once you complete some story modes and reach level five you can visit the level Milestones NPC here you'll receive big rewards for reaching levels five 10 15 and so on so it's definitely worth grinding for fast gems we're currently at level 32 so we were able to claim the level 25 and 30 rewards which gave us 1,000 gems and 1,150 gems as bonuses keep in mind I've only been playing for one day as I wasn't a tester and didn't have early access to the game for those who want to know how to earn gems quickly by playing the game this is the place to start after hitting the play button we teleport to the area where story modes are available there's an NPC here and as you complete story modes infinite modes and other challenges you'll discover new enemies these enemies are added to your index and each time you unlock new ones you'll receive gems as a reward reward this is a great bonus for new players the next obvious step is to complete the story mode each time you complete a stage for the first time you get an additional 80 gems as a reward for those who are already stronger or got lucky with their first summons you can choose nightmare mode completing a stage in nightmare mode for the first time gives you an additional 160 gems so you can earn a total of 240 gems per stage this can provide a quick boost to your gem count after farming for a while and obtaining one or more highlevel mythics you might be strong enough to tackle infinite modes these modes can earn you around 1.4k to 1.5k gems per hour however one downside of infinite mode is that it doesn't give character experience or experience for your units I'm not sure if they plan to fix that in the future but for now if you're doing infinite mode it's solely for the gems another great mode for earning gems is paragan mode with each level you complete the difficulty increases slightly but so do the gem rewards especially after level five progressing further in these modes can reward you with a large large amount of gems as you reach higher levels additionally completing paragon levels will help you finish achievements which offer even more gems and other rewards the next big source of gems and other rewards is the battle pass it's fairly simple defeat enemies to gain points the more you play the more rewards you unlock from the battle pass for free players the gem reward is 250 gems per level when you unlock a gem reward however if you have the option to get the premium battle pass the gem rewards are amazing along with the free reward you get 1,000 gems for each level that grants gems for some reason I can't scroll to the right on my computer this option only works on a tablet or phone but I've completed battle pass level levels 11 to 18 so let's claim our rewards as you can see it's a great additional boost to our gems and it's also a good way to earn trait rolls the final way to earn gems is of course by completing daily and weekly quests if you take a look you can earn a significant amount of gems every day just by completing the daily quests the gem rewards are pretty generous so it's definitely worth doing them the next thing I want to mention isn't related to earning gems but let's take a look at the maximum level for units when we use our experience items on our Mythic it shows that the maximum level is 50 so we've covered the best early methods to earn gems in anime vanguards throughout the video we gained over 6,000 bonus gems bringing our total to almost 21,000 gems before we end the video we'll use a luck potion to summon with our 21,000 gems let's see how lucky we are in getting mythics or Secrets okay before we start summoning we're going to buy the 199 Roo potion to boost our luck I haven't gotten any of the three mythics from this Banner yet so let's hope we can get all three and maybe even a secret [Music] so alive in life you make me come [Music] in life you make me to time [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] so life in my life cuz you make me [Music] in life you make me to [Music] [Music] [Music] let's take a look at our units from from our 21,000 gems we managed to get nine mythics I'm not sure if that's a good result or not the song jinwoo mythics are from earlier summons so unfortunately we didn't get any shiny or secret units this time but I'll keep grinding for gems and plan to do another summoning video in anime vanguards in the future see you in the next video and have a nice day

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