Category: Entertainment
[music] well this is kind of disappointing i i thought that this game was doing better because i hear a lot of people talking about how great it is including myself astrobot actually a really fun game i really like this game in fact i would say it's a reason to dust off your ps5 i don't play my ps 5... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The ps5 pro is a complete scam sony has been having a rough time as of late with some notable high-profile failures including the abysmal launch of the life service game concord along with concord's failure sony has attracted the ey of playstation players and most consumers the reveal of the ps5 pro... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Saison 2 ! [musique] saison 2 saison 2 bonjour bienvenue sur le plateau de take on me saison 2 épisode 1 nous sommes ravis de vous retrouver c'était un été triste sans vous j'espère qu'on vous a manqué on est là plus fort que avec vraiment la patate surtout la rentrée qu'on en vi actuellement historique... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Pero qué [música] [ __ ] buenas y señores vídeos prx vídeo dedicado a un solo tema como hacos en el pasado vídeo de opinión rápido de la última hora del mundo de los videojuegos play station 5 pro ha sido anunciada oficialmente han mostrado una serie de características que más o menos son las que veníamos... Read more
Category: Gaming
What's up gab d kesa here and today we're talking about the hatred of the playstation 5 pro because the entire internet is laughing at this ridiculously expensive gadget that doesn't really give you anything that new or different it basically just bumps the actual graphics of ps5 games both exclusive... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Intro after some very unpopular moves lately sony has finally dropped a welcome surprise on their fans the eagerly awaited ps5 pro and while most of what they covered was fairly predictable we've seen this one before there was one big surprise too bad it was a bad one the $700 price by the time you... Read more
Category: Gaming
All right we got to talk about this ps5 pro stuff cuz it's kind of crazy as you can see here it's $700 usd even more expensive other places the console itself looks exactly the same except three lines on it just like the ps4 pro it's kind of that deal everything looks the same while i totally agree... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What's up raph gang it's raph in the raap cave welcome back to another video so yall know ps5 pro was announced a few days ago and the whole world is in shock and uh uproar about the price of $6.99 i was not in shock at all because i knew the price of a high-end powerful console will be higher than... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Technikbor sagt hallo zu einer neuen anleitung im heutigen video wollen wir euch zeigen wie ihr das fernseher bild von eurem panasonic fernseher auf das smartphone kriegen könnt nach den intro legen wir gleich los [musik] stellt euch vor ihr habt einen fernseher im wohnzimmer und schaut jetzt eine sendung... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Wow qué sorpresa buenas aunque no para todo el mundo señores concord ha muerto sí el videojuego de playstation studio se ha convertido en uno de los fracasos sino quiz el fracaso más sonado de todos los tiempos lo vamos a comentar en este vídeo aunque no será lo único que tratemos tenemos novedades... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] everybody is talking about astrobot a fun little platformer game that i didn't even know existed until thursday of last week maybe i think it's the first time i i heard of it when i saw some gameplay and a review talking about how great it is and then i watch watched a couple more reviews and... Read more
Category: Gaming
So it's not really news that playstation's concord is complete failure if you haven't been paying attention the game has only sold 25,000 copies that's right 25,000 copies i think at times the servers only had 400 players playing at the same time it hasn't been good it turns out that when everyone saw... Read more