Bryan Danielson, Swerve Strickland, Will Ospreay, MJF | AEW All In London Rewind
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 01:53:48
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: mjf
for I [Music] w [Music] let's [ __ ] go [ __ ] go let's go let's go let's go this [ __ ] means something this mean something to me you know this look at this I can be proud of this thing this like $1,000 I I've never been more proud to own this beautiful piece of Hardware God I love wrestling so much how is everybody doing tonight there we go that was I think even more energy than dson was capable of having when he won the title that was so good [ __ ] the whole just was it the whole show I feel like I'm still on a high I'm still on a high from the the end of the show that I'm like who uh the whole thing was incredible I I'm my favorite all in so far this Main Event makes last year's Main Event pale in comparison this this was this is what a needs to be delivering this kind of energy that I came out of that I felt coming off this show man and it wasn't just the fact that Brian Danielson is my favorite [ __ ] pro wrestler it's uh it's it's it was just crafted so well like it was amazing n what up how you doing brother thank you for joining us tonight yeah man dude just if you don't I'll give you a second to talk my bad just for historical value if you're not sure what we're talking about aew all in Main Event squar Strickland versus Brian Danielson title versus career Brian Daniels is the aew world champion seven time seventh time he's the world champion in his career first time the aew world champion um Nick my brother let before I before I go on a emotional Journey with my friends viewers here what' you think wow man like this was definitely the main event like literally it was all in Danielson going all in swerve going all in putting everything that they had on the line both you know in storyline but also just basically in you know in terms of real life with a career and a championship title because you know that's the title that means you are the face that runs the place you are the one that they are building the company around and I really appreciated when swerve entered the match how he basically was showing himself as king swerve the eth you know like he's the eighth aw champion and now we have number nine Brian freaking Danielson and it's it's quite the list of people compared to like you know who's on the roster and it's a real who's who you got mjf Moxley Omega hangman Jericho Joe Punk swerve of course and Danielson joining that group what an amazing class just super caliber talents all around but especially this Main Event had everything that it needed and man I words can't do it justice this was a crazy show and man I got John you got to tell me everything that you are feeling cuz I know you love this I like I said I didn't excuse me I didn't want to get too emotional about the Quil unquote retirement factor of this match before the match cuz I I think part of me uh I was wondering like I was like man I'm like maybe do I believe do I even believe the retirement why am I not emotionally connecting with the retirement part of this story like I was in my mind thinking like you know it could happen I wonder what that would feel like on the other side but it was like you know what when he first retired he got that snatched away and we got that snatched away and maybe it's that feeling that I was anticipating and it was never going to come because fres I'm at peace with everything that he's done since he returned in pro wrestling yeah if if he had lost tonight that would not have made this any less of a match it it would still have been a good decision like I wouldn't have been mad at that at all but when he when he won first of all uh the way they booked the way they book The Finish here uh they had hangman come out and it's kind of what we all predicted would happen but it didn't go exactly that way like he got involved and it did distract swerve but he kicked out because he is swerve strickling the aew world champion he's not just some dude probably saw that coming in a different way it was I that moment already sucked me and I was like yes let's go and [ __ ] Bri he kicked out I'm like holy [ __ ] so making it until that swerve still got was able to fight back and lost basically clean that was about as uh clean a loss as you can get and Brian Tapped Out submitted for the first time in his aw career oh knowing that Brian Danielson is primarily a submission wrestler and that he had to create the impact finisher because Vince is weird about submission finishes when he beat John Cena for the WWE championship the first time uh obviously he got to tap out Batista later on and that was a more cathartic moment but if bringing in full circle from his first world title to his last World title and seeing the difference of the finishes and how he was able to do that uh [ __ ] bro man it reminded me of like WrestleMania 20 when Stevie Richards made Triple H tap out like no one Taps Triple H out what was that you know so that was the same thing I was like w s tap that's crazy it was one of those moments where I genuinely I don't remember how the show went uh after a after after the tap out like I was screaming I was I was basically jumping for joy uh I had an orgasmic [ __ ] reaction essentially like I it was that just sank in I'm like wait wait a minute yeah no I mean legit not um I I was like in another world like oh my God the goat my favorite wrestler the guy I think is the best is the world champion I felt like I was 12 years old I was watching with my son jump up and give my son a hug he's like this is incredible uh I bought tickets to uh wrestle dream immediately immediately the SEC the second the bell rang I was like hold on hold on hold on like let me get I se now um and I did I'm excited to see Brian as world champion I mean just look at just look at the image just look at this just look at this look at that that's a fighter right there oh God it's not just that it's like it feels so good it's cathartic I don't have another word for it it was it was [ __ ] incredible and that's what I love too whenever there's a new Champion is the guy who has dethroned the previous King he just took everything that swerve had and then some and swerve yeah like he kept kicking out of everything but swerve wouldn't stop and we even had Danielson awaken swerve sadistic side and when that comes out hit the deck beyond that like just and as a whole swerve Strickland's Reign people people talked about how aw was going to Fumble or whatever and the entire time he's felt like a world champion the top guy he even when he wasn't in the main event at double or nothing it felt like he's still the top [ __ ] guy yeah uh it never felt like he was in the back of the show and there were so many [ __ ] bad faith grifters that first week the first week why didn't they let him cut a promo when he opened Dynamite they're ruining the champion like bro the whole run swerve Strickland run his Champion established him like he is here to stay resigned a contract extension or however they renegotiate and add new money because he's worth so much money because he presented himself in a way that it felt like an accomplishment when Brian Danielson pinned him even though Brian Danielson is Brian [ __ ] Danielson you know yeah swerve absolutely felt worthy and you know he felt like someone that you know this is a guy that is a main event world champion in any company and especially here in aw look at the facts that swerve makes all these big appearances he has so many connections into just the outside media realm look at all of his music connections they were even right there you know on the show just the fact that swerve can connect outside the wrestling world but also within the bubble it it's just a testament to how great of a star he is and the fact that Danielson beat him it never once felt like oh you know here's this top guy that's all of a sudden taking the young guy tile no this felt like a a battle of like two legendary behemoths you know I'm um I'm kind of like I want to give a critical thought or whatever but I'm like so in the moment of this world title and and I gave it time if you notice I started a little late cuz I was like man I I I need time to process like what I saw and I mean I'm sure people are like oh you're such a mark I'm like that's yeah yeah that's actually what we are we're marks we watch this we we love this uh and if you don't I mean if you don't get moments like that when you're watching pro wrestling what are you doing here like if you're not looking for that [ __ ] Elation that comes with a moment right like these like these two right here this is [ __ ] it's literally the I I I like I was saying I don't remember the last time I felt this it might have been that match like 10 years ago yeah uh but [ __ ] uh Nick did you have any critical thoughts on maybe where where we're headed here how we're moving forward what's going on uh in the title scene Christian is a contender for Brian danielson's number one uh World title I just can't wait to talk about that casino match but you know we got Danielson as Champion swerve probably wanting to get that rematch up against Brian you got Darby with a title shot in his back pocket Christian now has a title shot there's so many different avenues that this can go plus of course the wild card and the hangman just being absolutely crazy so yeah there's a lot of different ways that this can go and I honestly right now like you said I might be too much in the moment I can't even think about where we're headed apart from just Washington if headed into this like I I had been a little critical on the story because I thought like they didn't get me fired up until the last moment but it really sucked me in to thinking that Brian could possibly retire here and then that's a damn job well done uh job well done I was so convinced so convinced uh just on a just on a pro wrestling level like I really wish that i i i some I could have I could see the uh the Viewpoint of someone who didn't love Brian as much as I did because like was it good for you like it was for me for you too wasn't good for you NTI says do we get a Nigel versus Bryan I can only hope I'm my thing though is like if if that was possible then shouldn't we have maneuvered it so that it happened here but anyway if it's going to happen then fine Nigel didn't wrestle long enough in the casino Gauntlet for me to feel like that's possible but years [ __ ] he was moving he had he had a good showcase for everything that he did do did he bum I think so I actually [ __ ] I actually uh I never really thought about that now I want to say he did but I'm a minut there's so many people in that match it's hard to remember cuz I would say he didn't there's no way he was in there for more than five six minutes total just match wise and we got incredible moments but we'll talk about that in a little little bit uh we'll talk about that in a little bit Max says he cried hard like a [ __ ] understandable listen I was almost there I was more excited like I was like I felt like the power of a [ __ ] Super Saiyan surging through me like yes like this is it this is why I watch this [ __ ] Super Saiyan music BL wrestling like I pulled my headphone wire out I can't hear you or myself anymore so hype that's what that's that's the feeling I got that's the feeling I got from this I'm so hyped like this is why I love this [ __ ] sport this art form this form of entertainment it makes me feel in front of my child without without second thought like I'm screaming I am like like this is this is what Fathers and Sons feel at like the Super Bowl and [ __ ] when there's when their favorite team wins the Super Bowl this was it for me with my kids here at home watching that like oh I can feel it now like Dam I feel the power surging through me I was screaming so hard my wife F me she was like oh I'm glad that you got something I was like what oh you [ __ ] she trying to say I had an orgasm downstairs I I was like what the [ __ ] I don't care this was excellent this bit better this is Daniel you always say it you always talk about like sometimes a shaky but the pay-per-views are like fire but yeah this this is one of those this is one of those this for the books yeah man I am just again like I'm just trying to think of the words to say because it it was so crazy you know like the the months leading up to this and like you had to think that Danielson was legitimately her I mean he he is for like a better he is he is there's a legitimate medical restriction placed on Brian Danielson right and it was so much to the point that he couldn't be in Blood and Guts where it made a lot of sense for him to be in there as well as you know he was pretty much protected following the Owen Hart tournament really only wrestling I think a match with Jeff Jared and that was it and who's a very safe protective worker and they didn't even wrestle like wrestle wrestle they brawl crowd braw this is Brian's first got slammed on real rubbery garbage yeah yeah this is Brian first real match since hangman in uh the in the owen cup yeah and uh of course no ring R and of course because why would there be he's Brian Danielson right he left for six years and there was no ring rust why would there be why would there be now he was naturally listen um the match itself great wrestling the particularly the moments where swerve was beating on Brian in front of his family um that came back back around narratively when Brian couldn't take that anymore and swer is kicking him and kicking him and kicking him and Brian is staring at his family and the kicks no longer take any [ __ ] effect that is the greatest Hulk up spot in the history of professional wrestling that will never see another Hulk up spot as good as that one not never as believable it's realistic I have a I am a father of three children I felt that like I can simply imagine shutting down your nerves because you have to do it for the children that are right in front of you crying it was incredible I I'm feeling it again I'm feeling hyped again like this is pro wrestler yeah dude I when you're saying that I'm thinking like it was a combination of a Hulk up and like a reverse of the you know Shawn Michaels Ric Flair retirement match spot you know I it is like some like amalgamation of like those two things where it's just the power is making him say I love you to his family and then it's like giving him his that wasn't even his second one that was like his third or fourth surge of adrenaline in this match and oh it was I love you I love you so much I was like bro yes H Ruben says I don't understand why aw has to have blood in every pay-per-view let me ask you a question Ruben um have you been in like a fight and I don't mean that in a bad way and I'm not laughing or anything I mean like have you ever been in a fight or have you ever seen people fight do they generally come out unscathed like no blood no bumps no bruises I'm not sure what it is like I know that there was about from 2008 to 2019 there were no mainstream television shows that showed blood and I understand that 10 to 11 years without that that can change the way people see pro wrestling but I'm not you know I'm here for this I'm here for this grit I'm here for this and they understand that Their audience is here for this and when this pay-per-view sells another 110 115,000 bu that will prove that they're fine to keep doing this plus I don't think it needs to you know be a thing in every match per se but in this one in particular to me it makes sense you know cuz again you have two guys basically fighting to the death cuz they both went all in literally and again that's the fact that Danielson is fighting for his career that he has worked decades on building up he's got his family right there you know he's basically fighting for them so it it totally made sense to me for this to be an absolute utter brawl 100% a blood bath uh and particular some wrestlers in particular just like to have blood in their matches I understand that you wanted to be special I don't think that it I'm not sure that it ever was as special as you guys kind of try to make it seem like it was like I don't think it ever was I think there were when when blood was a common thing it was a common thing I mean Ric Flair is Legendary Legendary for bleeding that was his thing the joke was that his skin is made of paper you know what I'm saying um which eventually do you could get to the point where you've got the uh the Moxley level of just thin skin where even just like a a nice punch right on the button is gonna really make you burst and bleed everywhere yeah yeah uh Ruben says Ruben says he understands this s from Brian match but some of the others know again I I I default to um if you're looking at it through a Viewpoint that blood has to be a special thing then I understand why you feel like they're using it too much personally I think that because they're trying to do a different style of wrestling and show that they can do things that the other company can't do they should showcase that they can do different things as much as they can because that makes you different from the other company uh but that's just my thought on it that's not like I don't think that's objectively right or anything like that that's just kind of where I'm coming from yeah me person like you know like you mentioned with like Ric Flair I I grow up with all of those amazing matches Mac I hope you're looking at the sting Shirt By the way but you know I'm I'm thinking like w W how many you know matches in there had BL within the main events and even if the Turner Network wanted to make sure that we covered that up and then any VHS releases it's all gray out you know it something that's always prevalent and then you look back at some of the most iconic boxing matches and you know MMA fights in history or even just any MMA or boxing show you know I will always see blood in there in different fights even fights lower on the card so it it just makes sense it never really bothered me personally I'm looking at a uh tweet from from uh kxn GAO says swerve strling had a top two aw title ring and ended it with having the match of the year one of the greatest wrestlers ever walked this Earth what a rise what a run 2024 wrest of the year um what where do we rank this this world Title reign amongst aw's now n World title Reigns oh man I mean I know a lot of people myself included really thought it was is going to be just the transitional run to get it over to Osprey you know but I personally am really thrilled with how this whole run turned out and I think overall swerve had so many amazing opponents that when you you know look back at everyone that he has faced to maintain that title and even the match where he loses it he really took on a who's who of not just aw but who's who of professional wrestlers um I am trying to kind of plot the future for swer from here because you figure he has um the match with hangman possibly in two weeks that all out and then Washington the Tacoma Dome this is also swerves home state you know um what what does that look like for swerve what kind of match does swerve has is he back in the title scene by October are we running a swerve versus Brian rematch for Brian's final match swerve Brian Derby that's kind of what we were talking about right yeah where Tacoma guy it's it's three Washington guys yep it's a triple threat which aw doesn't do very often and it's a weird thing right somebody's final full-time career match being a triple threat match I just kind of see Brian's weird ass being like hell yeah but um um I don't know I don't I don't know I don't no I don't I I I we play with that idea but realistic realistically I don't think I see it I don't think I see a a actually doing that triple threat Washington boys match um I wonder what Brian danielson's final match looks like in Washington for that matter like are we going for are we hoping that we can get Kenny Omega back in time is that what they're hoping for it's been a long time I don't know how long Chul litis thinks to heal from particularly you know colon surgery essentially especially one that apparently was really bad and nearly fatal and Donnie Patty says it was really refreshing to watch a pay-per-view at 1 pm it didn't feel like a long show it didn't uh it didn't feel long at all although for me I had to wake up at 8 in the morning thank you very much Donny says I would like to see Brian give his spot an endorsement to pack joining the BCC officially fulltime pack was out there for the finale I wasn't expecting him to join them like I claudo and you would have made sense but then all of a sudden in the back I'm like wait there's pack what Moxy is like home I nothing to do I understand yeah I get that he understands that [ __ ] but um overall just to close off this because I I guess we'll talk about it more obviously uh throughout the week we'll talk about it online on our socials we'll talk about it on the shows Dy radio Dynamite recap and then the Dy radio show proper um D radio we're always on I'll just end this to I'll just end talking about the main event by saying um this was like Max said earlier this is my Super Bowl My World Series this was my this was my equivalent however I know a lot of people don't equate it this I don't watch sports so like this [ __ ] moment right here that was was everything to me it pro this might if this is my match of the year it'll be because it made me feel like a child it made me feel again and uh yeah I loved it which in this world of professional wrestling where unanimously everyone just says how you know things like uh the dirt sheets or oh like you know social media has ruined it it was nice to be able to like you said John just be able to relive what it was like to be that little kid again and to just be really excited at the end of a match and the end of a great wrestling pay-per-view 100% so um I guess we'll flip over to the beginning of the show uh go through the pre-show really fast we had uh where it's like everyone here got cut from The Gauntlet it's an understandable thing you know uh if you want to get people a paycheck show them some kind of loyalty it makes you kind of sad that you didn't get to be on the main card but you know you get the check um uh and then that wasn't really the case for all of them some people is for their own protection you got a match like Willow and Chris you wanted to keep them far away from the main events so that they don't get uh overshadowed because they have their own big pay-per-view match is coming in two weeks uh and I'm sure that's going to be the case for a couple of people um but maybe you know considering how some of those women's matches went or one of those women's matches went later on we should have done Brit we should have done Willow versus Chris then wly and the other one in Chicago sorry Nick uh don't take it away from me no no oh somebody from PW torch I think asked Mercedes about her divorce at this point oh that's right what what like what no way let me [ __ ] no [ __ ] [Laughter] way ah ain't no way let me see that let me see that I definitely help put women's wrestling on the map top to bottom in every single company that I stepped in ever since I've joined aew the woman wom's division has just been flourishing to a whole I think this is new I think she's just cutting it somebody's bringing it up right now some DX proceeded about her divorce I really want to see what the [ __ ] they're talking about oh this guy's weird what are you talking about what the [ __ ] some of these fake fans who are never fans of wrestling outside of the FED to begin with oh we'll figure it out but I wanted to give a shout out Mama laaco texted me about Mercedes talking about something really good which was those corgis that were a part of her entrance three corgis we'll talk we'll talk about it we'll talk about it in a bit um but getting back to the show uh running through that pre-show really fast uh did you have a car where the [ __ ] is that car I got it we open up right there with a 16 man tag matches I feel like they said it was a 14 man at first but then all of a sudden it we found two more people I think even before that I think they started it with 12 at the very beginning of the pre-show then they became 14 and then they had 16 yeah we have a it actually was a really fun match I enjoyed it it was uh Dynamite Kid Tommy Billington of course had to have him there same with Kip Sabian and then Rocky Romero Kyle Fletcher who looked absolutely shredded tonight Leo Rush action and Drey and Darius Martin and Dante Martin taking on Jay Lethal saam Singh Anthony Agogo Ari darari brother Z brother quen and dark ERS John Silver and Alex Reynolds kind of sad for Anthony aogo that it never really worked out his wly moment happens on a pre-show like this but it is what it is oh that's rough don't be surprised when you see Ricochet doing these spots on a pay-per-view pre-show in three months yeah I don't think anybody who's been signed of Ricochet caliber is in this match or anywh here uh but like you could maybe I me you could argue like Fletcher or Tomy B but aside from that I wouldn't even argue for them because they're both very young and they've been presented as it they've wrestled like top guys but they lost because they're young kind of like Dante um I I feel bad for Darius it feels like that the attention always goes right to Dante which I mean it makes sense because Darius was hurt for so long but I mean looking at this lineup can you honestly say that anybody here should have been on the main show I just looking straight up to not part private party is the one that I feel like should have been better off so that they can be have a spot on the show by now but they aren't that's a damn shame yeah to me the only ones I see that you know have that value was Fletcher and I will always hold aw in contempt of court for the way that they made such a big deal about signing Jay Lethal but never gave him [Laughter] anything ah uh it was nice seeing dark order again though always nice seeing dark order especially because they did the reference to RO broy with the papers T Petty says lots of people saying last year's all-in didn't feel like a big uh like a big as big as someone who didn't watch last year's show outside the punk Joe match did last year's show not feel like a big deal to you uh no last year's show the card I remember saying before going into the show I was like damn this card should have been like like a dream card for a big wembly event like this um but it was still a great show like if you went back and watch it now you would have a fun time the the obviously mjf versus Adam Cole Main Event wasn't going to be as good as this you know the uh like well Osprey versus Jericho was fine but it wasn't what ospry and mjf had this year but certainly prefer this year's show a lot absolutely yeah I mean last year's show you know you had like the the historic aspect of it being you know this the giant Stadium show that isn't you know a WWE production outside of States but I had a lot of fun with this match for sure oh I picked up the wrong graphic so many tag matches here yeah but yeah uh I didn't really have anything else to say about this I was cooking breakfast while this was going on another uh multi-man tag match this was a von Eric Marshall Ross Sammy gavara shabata Dustin rhods as well as Kevin von Eric backing them up taking on Undisputed kingdoms Tav and Bennett cage Agony of course being Brian Cage Bishop con and TOA Leona we can speed through these but but there's only one thing I really wanted to bring up about this double Wolverine double Wolverine how did we get here what how did this how did this happen why didn't Sammy ask the Wolverine guy if he was going to be wearing wolverine gear at all right the guy who's consistently been the Wolverine and has worn this several times before the guy who constantly wears Wolverine gear if it's not sting he's wearing wolverine gear like what are we doing Sammy anyway uh this is why people punch you Sammy wild for this one this is why you're on the pre-show when jungle boy Darby and mjf are heavily featured on the pay-per-view I guarantee like someone like even machine might have like confront confronted him about it and Samy's like no man I just really like these colors I didn't know I wanted to do Deadpool and Wolverine cuz that's what him and Dustin did they did Deadpool and Wolverine but I just like the primary colors man but like I said that's something you really should have asked about uh but anyway looking so cool with his two titles that match is Deadpool look it does it did look great um I also wanted to say that the Von Erics it was very cool to see them out here and get this moment in front of these front of these uh 52,000 53,000 people at Wembley they didn't do the stadium announcement the the attendance announcement thing they should have they should have uh but honestly they seem to get cut for time they seem like they seem to be short for time uh based on what was going on overall the show felt very well paced I'd have to say yeah absolutely though we did kind of go back and forth hey that's us that is us we went we did go through a lot and there really wasn't a whole lot of time to really let things simmer because I remember feeling that way where I after the gauntlet match I'm like oh gosh that was crazy and oh wait it's time for asper I'm oh my goodness you hit me oh do you hit me I thought this was uh keeps taking over it just it does keep taking over let's see what they got going on oh oh [ __ ] let me see this real no G no that was loud [Applause] no no no no look at the CH you tell him screaming man that's our boy Sid yes from uh Sid what's up yeah from uh true heel heat my boy I'm sorry I smoked too much weed I didn't know he was in I didn't know he was in England very cool and a great seat uh but yeah talking about that pre-show yeah I mean you know you had the amazing spot where you have everyone taking the V claws after Kevin's like standing his ground against all five of the people on the heeled side uh we also got to see an iron claw we get to see an iron claw at Wembley uh about trying to and shabata got to bust out his claw that he learned from the Von Erics there we go that [ __ ] I was looking for this picture the entire time and I just not found it anyway uh now that we're done talking about this match and I found the graphic for [Music] it they're still uh show The Last Ride uh but yeah what what else do we have follow with this Kevin reliving what it was like to be in wrestling in those stadium shows that was really cool to see very cool uh apart from that didn't really think much of this match there were certain parts where it was really hyped but then it just kind of like died down and then I I think bishop and TOA weren't throwing guys high enough for cage they were just kind of like and he's like well they were give the pre-show performance pretty much dude there's that one part twoo where Brian Cage suicide Dives to the outside and it looked like nobody caught him I missed that again I was making breakfast oh [ __ ] I wish that video come I wish that video had come up I would found him [ __ ] flopping wait yeah oh yeah what what uh what was next uh oh actually we skipped ahead in sandwiched in between the different multim man tag matches we had another tag match this was a mixed tag team Willow Nightingale and big Tom Tomo isi defeated stat and stokeley I like how Tom E just randomly got like he just randomly got taken to aew and had a a Wembley match like how did this happen I don't know it's cool as [ __ ] though yeah we got him on our roster let's pop him out there stokeley out in his Remember the Time Michael Jackson gear incredible just [ __ ] so Stokely halfway course yeah I think uh when it comes down to oh John would you like to discuss what is on the screen while I go and take a sip because I might throw gang and Willow night Andale Willow is heavily heavily inspired by 9s all Japan women's wrestling um like she said she even doesn't want her like her finisher called the doct bomb it's not the doct bomb she got it from uh [ __ ] I'm going to [ __ ] this up because I forgot her name uh but yes will and night and Gil getting to live out a dream at Wembley Stadium backstage but yeah we saw serea and and her family out there with uh taking over the post show scrum but they also tried taking over the pre-show and guess what happened oh yeah Jamie hater man Jamie hater that was so awesome I know I I I I was like damn they could have opened the show with this um segment exactly the way that they did it here but Craig said is was she wearing this outfit last year he just wants to believe she's wearing it for a year since the last time we saw her straight on through uh but no this is her return and I imagine this is like her legit return not just them giving her a wimbly moment like I thought cuz she came back and she started whipping ass she beat up a bunch of those uh night school children that's Rio she's from progress uh bunch of the night non children but like students they're annihilated whooping their ass even the great moment great moment there people really mad that it was on a pre-show what do you think than is this a disservice you know I don't know if it was necessarily A disservice I think that when it comes down to just what time that they did have for like the the big level of matches you know I I think it was cool to give Jamie herter that moment at Wembley finally so I I'm really glad that they did that I think it would have been a strong opener I guess now that I'm talking but for me it was hype and I think it really drew a lot more hype into people being interested for the rest of the show and I think in particular it also gave people that sense of so does that mean is she going to be a part of you know Brit breaker's match later oh my gosh let's let's watch that you know I yeah I did think it was interesting that they were so separate from each other uh but it makes sense that she went after Sur and the people that injured her and took her out last year uh it's just again I I I don't know I agree with some of the criticism that it does it makes it feel like maybe they maybe they're not ready for Jamie now so they're they're's going to do this Sera thing lower on the card on like Rampage and [ __ ] and that's that's what I'm hoping doesn't happen here I kind of wish Jamie hater would have gotten right into into the middle of something more important than uh the J the uh the Pia Harley Cameron all this type of [ __ ] but she is back and I'm happy to have her back so giving her something and giving serea that chance to to be out there with the fam as well true and now it's time to start the showy yeah because remember pre-show ends with all the entrances for the London ladders four-way match for the trios championships London ladders is that a thing it is now but like where does that come from to any anyone in the chat out there let us know it's Tony Khan again with the goddamn twetter thing I forgot what the word is for that uh that there's a word for two words that start with the same letter anyway it is alliteration possibly I'm Christian Cage and a London ladders match he disappeared halfway through for the trios Tag Team titles this is wild uh they they did a whole bunch of [ __ ] out there just the weirdest looking tables you ever seen um yeah right and those ladders were pretty short too very short all the ladders were [ __ ] ladders except for the one that was way too big they got even shorter on so that they made the bigger ones look normal size but it wasn't working when the wrestlers stand next to it and it's all like head height I hear people getting up there they're This Tall oh my gosh it just reminds me of like Wrestlemania 23 when booger T pulls out the step letters like tell me I did not just grab it it's horn swaggle yeah and I love the fact too that when we do get the big letter that juice brings in it's so big it almost knocks the titles off of what's holding them they opened the show fair with with the right energy uh We've we uh forgot who the [ __ ] are the Tag Champions that's right pack pack gets his Wembley moment with Blackpool combat Club get to technically be a part of the main event uh so like we mentioned in the main event do you think pack is uh joining the Blackpool combat Club here um I don't know if he's going to necessarily be joining them but I could see him being you know kind of like a a strong associate of theirs going forward it's kind of like how sky blue is not necessarily a part of the House of black but she's a you know a default associate that's aligned with them that is weird though the what they do with sky blue yeah but uh Pat gets his Wembley moment Trio's Champion with claudo and UDA UDA not knowing when Moxley comes back I imagine that these will be the three going or this will be the gang going forward for now uh we'll see though we will see did you have any thoughts on this Ladder Match I mean overall you know I think it was a fantastic match and I I'm always a sucker for just opening a show with a great ladder match and you know look at the the talents in there everyone delivered one way or another and I I'm glad too that uh the guns were able to really showcase what they can do cuz I've always felt bad for them in the sense that you know guns up I always felt bad because everyone used to see them as oh they're just nepotism hires they're only here because of Billy Gun but honestly they've really been showcasing what they can do and they've been proving themselves time and time again I think in this match you know I think back to them you know having the sleeper hold on was it claudo and Brody and then they are going through the tables with them because they didn't think it through enough and like oh wait no we're choking big guys here we go there was um when they first got when they were first on what you on AW dark I did think that the same of them but like I said over the years they've improved and I started rooting for them and they really really shown to be worth what they uh what they paid for them uh but yeah no great [ __ ] great [ __ ] here even though I wish we would have got a story reason for why Pac and claudo are friends after they hated each other so much at least was it javani that was I think trying to say something along the lines of oh you know how in wrestling sometimes when you have the the same goal that you know great wrestlers will team up to accomplish [ __ ] and like get the [ __ ] out of here Tony's trying no no no no no no at least a promo that says you know you and me pack we bled together and that makes us you know that's that's the Blackpool combat thing that's her thing what the [ __ ] is going on severe severe uh uh uh lack of insight you know what they need they need a story group you Star Wars Marvel Disney they have a story group they have a filter it's [ __ ] people you run the stories through and they go back through the lore and they go well well you [ __ ] this part up it clashes with what we've done already so I don't know how you set that [ __ ] up but we need that because Tony Khan we're right here we we will do it for you literally fans that's who you hire for something like that go wait hold on I remember this happened and come on man to make sense though n n does bring up guns had one of the greatest interestes in aw history many men yeah there boys cool they practiced that their whole lives uh but great for pack he almost got screwed by the Lucha Bros leaving not screwed by the Lucha Bros but screwed by them leaving to WWE potentially uh almost lost his wimbley moment uh crazy that they had claudo fly over from Mexico to pick up your slack Pentagon mess it up Penta they're ridiculous with this [ __ ] crab walk I noticed too UDA hasn't been getting as beat up by claudo anymore no they're friends they're very good friends he's earned their respect good good stuff though good for all of them involv what was the what did we follow this up with I yes the Women's World Championship and I remember being really surprised that they were putting that in this spot but when you see how especially towards the end there were certain parts of the the show that started to really kind of go all right let's just go into the next match right now I I could tell this was probably one of the things where they wanted to make sure they had all the time they needed we um they blew these women had an incredible match I don't have any reason why I wouldn't give them them like five stars like this was this match was a fullon perfect uh the story leading into this was one of the better stories aw had done not just for the women what is she [ __ ] doing I know I was like what is happening here I think she's just walking home yeah we've all done that this is post uh post her match at uh Wembley she just kind of skip steps away Luther is kind of losing her mind right now I looked away and I looked back and I saw her climbing over the thing I'm like how high up is that she's about to jump don't do it Tony Tony no uh but yeah no the Matt the the uh the story leading into this saw turning on Tony storm Tony storm getting her revenge on her and it was just hot it was hot it was one of the better stories in aw one of the better stories women have ever done a just to show any of the wrestlers have ever done I winning the Women's Championship slapping her own mother in the process all right I was not expecting that the crazy as [ __ ] I loved it so much I was saying this and I was thinking like I guarantee when she was telling her mother about this her mom was just like stop I want you to think back to everything I have ever said to you think back to every time I have grounded you I want you to put every single ounce of strength fear Fury anger sadness you name it I want you to hit me as hard as you can Mariah Mama May took that I got champ slap the [ __ ] out of her mother uh Mariah May after the show read a eulogy for Tony storm and showed up in her funeral uh gear [ __ ] you Jesus who says I am a fake Brian Danielson fan for turning on him I did not turn on him I said hangman should have been in the main event of this damn show and he shut have but it's okay this is better this is better than anything uh then Mama laaco saying that uh well because Mama laaco live watching the media scrum sending me text updates on it saying mariia May read the eulogy and then refused to elaborate further and answer anyone's questions and left that's beautiful that's exactly what I want from Mariah May I'm very happy to see this I don't know where we're going with this but I like I said on the other shows I've been following Mariah May for longer than I re like like for longer than most people because I followed her on Instagram just because she was pretty a long time ago before she ever before she ever got into pro wrestling she was just a fan and I was like she's a very pretty fan I wish I lived in the UK we would talk and and eat breakfast together uh constantly those Illusions to breakfast I love Breaking Bad they they uh she goes on she trains she becomes a wrestler she goes to stom she earns my full respect uh and then she gets signed she she gets signed by aw she says she chose aw over WWE because aw presented her with a plan in a story and that plan was executed to Perfection from her debut to this moment here like they told a complete story and you know always get that in for wrestling right um so I'm full on satisfied with everything that happened here I don't know where they go from here and I don't know that if if flounders that that makes this any less of a success dare I say that this probably isn't even the full story that they even pitched to her I'm sure there's much more to it I hope so I hope that they had more because I think back to the one other time that they had a fullon story uh the full on story that ended with hangman uh pinning Kenny and then going on a world title run and then you know it should have been Brian that won the title that night not CM Punk but uh brother brother but Nick what were your thoughts on this match Ry champion this sign is incredible thanks a [Music] lot I have to give a huge shout out to Dr phone give me a second I'm going to disappear into the that's fine I I'll cover from here I'm kiss Nick on the forehead I'm ready but yeah like I really appreciated this match and in particular the cinema from the Owen Hart tournament the tournament itself was a lot of you know just classic moments and a lot of Cinema itself and then the way it leads into these matches which again pure Cinema I can't stop saying that word enough so take a drink every time I do say it and you know it got to the point where they even had you know the the RJ City who himself is a huge movie guy getting involved you had all the elements of uh what's his name not osor the the new guy by makea witz getting involved from Turner Classic Movies like it was such an amazing just pure story that they told from a through z Not A to B A through Z because there's so many twists and turns I didn't know where it was going to go and this match in particular was the same way a through z I didn't know when it was going to end I didn't know what was going to happen and you I just by the way Tony storm was acting and just by this star making moment Mariah may had there's still so much more to go and I can't wait she's bugging out afterwards too but they they really gave Tony storm her flowers here when the match was over the crowd literally chanting her name giving her a standing ovation um you don't always get following those long title runs where you're a dominant Champion her second loss at Wembley she lost at Wembley last year she got pinned by Sur uh Max is saying I'm a fake Brian fan is like saying he is a fake Matt DAV fan listen this um I feel like Tony storm got her revenge first of all she she beat Mariah pretty senseless the only thing is that she lost what she came into it with so now somebody says she's entering her Joker face it's Joker Arc time I don't know what they're doing next but as long as they keep RJ City involved everything is going to be okay this is RJ City and Tony Khan brainchild uh RJ R.J is an interesting character because he has a he's a wrestling he's a wrestling background but he's so eccentric and he has he's cultured and he has he he knows about things that pro wrestlers don't know about like someone cultured in pro wrestling that doesn't exist John it shouldn't but it does ah Mac brings up another good point Mariah May said she said she would celebrate New dude if she won the Women's World Championship that's what she said uh just completely I just like takes like all like Skin and Bones off and just like a pure energy source with no with no uh her soul is right there with the title I said I would be nude oh okay Jes Sue sent me the [ __ ] clip oh gosh the Mercedes the Mercedes divorce clip uh oh that's rough the [ __ ] not the clip of her getting divorced right but I question how he got that how do we get that where were you TMZ exclusive no it's a [ __ ] reporter that asks has the nerve to ask Mercedes about a divorce at the press conference ladies and gentlemen for those of you out there who aspire to go to a press scrum someday uh this is what you don't do don't do it a few weeks ago uh you opened up about something serious that you were dealing with personally in your life oh God what are you gonna ask me well I wanted to ask you I'm not going to date you okay I'm married N9 years so oh congratulations I appreciate it thank you but I wanted to ask so you opened up about something serious that you were dealing with personally in your life and I wanted to know what did you learn from that experience and specifically what advice did you give to someone that may be going through a separation div what the [ __ ] why are you going to tell your wife something you getting ready for something brother a few weeks ago what the [ __ ] did I just watch that was so embarrassing I was hurt I was hurt for him I was embarrassed for him this is crazy never ever ever ever invite this man to a press conference again Blacklist this man ASAP that was rough I don't know who that is get rid of him that's crazy I Mercedes kudos to her for handling that like that trying to keep it in character but rough that was rough man ah yeah reporters don't do that anymore that's disgusting okay Jesus Christ okay can't keep getting away with it back to the show you see it's a long-term storytelling cuz you know he got paid off by Dr Brit Baker you she's his dentist so should have asked her about the D match uh anyway [ __ ] uh what do we follow this up with Vick following up we had the last chance match for that for the world championship the champion Chris Jericho hi guys alongside the giant Redwood Big Bill and Bad Apple Bounty Hunter Brian Keith taking on Hook die Hook die thook is what I spelled there by accident the hook the theok this is what it's all about right here this was worth it this is what this is what made that match worth it because otherwise it was fairly skippable but seeing Taz and hook have that Father's son tasm Mission moment I got to get the tazmission image there I'm sure somebody has it uh he he maybe they don't there we go it's even then remember at the start hook coming out to the very uh beginning of the the TS intro triy what was the song called oh uh war machine but uh yeah we I thought he was going to do it actually they pissed me off with that because yeah I thought we were gonna come out to war machine I was like oh [ __ ] um but no in fact we would not he cut back it would have been toool way too cool he should have been attached to his theme the whole time who did they just realize he Taz son or what the [ __ ] is going on hi guys I love that good [ __ ] he bought out um what were those Billards ball pool balls oh those were the um uh balls they was in cricket oh I I don't I didn't know I thought they were apples at first cuz Jericho you know no I thought they were too I was like apples that's hilarious uh those were Cricket balls they look just like apples so I'm just like that's an interesting choice and I'm like back in my brain I'm like app London apples London ma making fun of that reporter oh no oh gosh but uh yeah [ __ ] I don't really have many thoughts on that match but the Taz and hook moment is what it's all about right there absolutely because I was trying to think I don't know if you know apart from Team Taz I don't really think Taz has really gotten super involved in aw from the physical standpoint like that oops I kind of just want the I want them to move hooked away from this FTW title thing like he's had this BT for like three years bro throw this [ __ ] in the trash and move on it's great it's homage to Taz I don't think it was ever supposed to be on television this song like what the [ __ ] it's supposed to be just a small thing but if they got it man like they should be treating it how they basically do on every pay-per-view make it the new hardcore title yeah I mean it basically is already but I feel like Hook is like we're Way Beyond this already like what the [ __ ] what there's been no improvement front I will never forget one of my all-time most favorite visuals which was hook covered in Preston Vance's blood just rising up from the dead covered in blood looking at Preston Vance and then just popping the red RAM on him in what was basically a death match and yeah that was iconic and hardcore would be something very fun to to play around with and give more Dynamics to his character I just want the [ __ ] to be something more than he is he's a [ __ ] lowart guy and it's been a years and he should have grown by now let's see what we have from our boy Kus uh oh oh it looks like Kyle Fletcher versus Ricochet and I'm not sure when but it was about to happen is uh uh don Callo talked about uh Osprey during the scrum saying that his life was changed so much following that Viral clip of him and Ricochet which was eight years ago God I remember seeing that everywhere too people who don't watch pro wrestling putting it to like Dragon Ball music and [ __ ] oh yeah cool time to be a fan but essentially Don Callas is saying that uh Kyle Kyle Fletcher is one of the best and he's challenging Ricochet for this Wednesday on Dynamite Ricochet versus Kyle Fletcher whoa that's gonna be some [ __ ] [ __ ] really makes sense to me now too saying how absolutely shredded Fletch got so I'm like okay now it's GNA be the the battle of the abdominal muscles we will see what the [ __ ] Tony KH says there's about 27 people that can aw's creative processes and he gets pitched hundreds of things but he has the final say that makes sense hey Tony make it 29 hey uhuh story group come on get it get it done you know you need one make it happen what was next all right following the for the world championship we had the three-way tag team match for the aw World Tag Team titles Champions the Jackson 2 R EVPs Matthew and Nicholas Jackson defe FTR and the acclaimed I didn't like this match uh yeah I was like oh this is not what I want to see they got more time than the [ __ ] coffin match we should have threw this [ __ ] this [ __ ] should have got five minutes right um but but it is what it is they 12 whole minutes we followed that up with the grizzled young vets making their aw return I think they haven't been seen since their match on collision with what was it FTR right I think so they're still they're still mad about that they made their presence known to the buck because the Bucs have the title but they were here for FTR they whipped ftr's ass uh and it looks like we'll be getting that maybe at all out no it was the acclaimed was it oh the last match was the acclaimed e well well I can't wait to see this this is going to be great hopefully we'll get it in two weeks the pay-per-view C young Vats you guys attacked the wrong guys the Young Bucks were just as what's that the Beetles yep is that okay nice I didn't get the reference I only got it because of this tweet I see it now I didn't know I don't know anything about beatles lore like I didn't uh I know some songs from the Powerpuff Girls special Sergeant Peppers love love love Sergeant peppers Lonely Hearts Club baby makes the world go round so is that what this was are is this a be's reference or I thought this was Nando's I feels I think they went like above and beyond trying to be like full Beatles which again I'll always be an elitist who says Queen was always better than the Beatles but is that like a thing why are they they're not similar at all why are they why are they together it's a battle between like which one's really the best British band of all time ah it's racism I see I understand anyway uh What uh what was next on the card yeah did not care for this match at all but you know what match I really did care for the casino Gauntlet match for a world title shot I love this so much this was so good I love the damn Casino Ladder Match I love it so much hold on let me find this [ __ ] meme it it's it's exactly how I feel about this goddamn match I love this they said there were uh 21 guys entered but how many were there 1 two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 well that's I guess that's kind of the gimmick for this thing it's up to 21 guys yeah if if we get there uh they had a few Cuts because remember eval luno said he was going to be in there and then he got left out he got cut and then they also cut uh Dustin Tav and Bennett were announced for it at one point I um I loved how stacked this was do we have the list of uh people who participated I think I have it in front of me I have everyone in it don't have the order necessarily but I mean you know it was a real who's who in aw and I loved you know orange Cassidy coming in there wearing full black denim by the way full black with the Mr Bean intro uh very good but I think I do have the order here I have uh we kicked it off with orange Cassidy orange Cassidy versus okata which is [ __ ] former allies former uh chaos buddies he tricks orange Cassidy into hugging him but he did not want to hug OK was lying made the face that's very sad that makes me sad I love the fact too that like all the okada made it rain throughout the arena and like for the rest of the show all of that money is just on the rampway they had an issue with that with the [ __ ] streamers too they mjf streamers they got caught in the thing it would have been hilarious if it's during like Danielson and swerve and like okada's out there picking up each bill one by one and mjf's out there wrangling out the streamers I'm collecting my money I spent money on these they're mine I lost the damn window I have to find it oh no I can't find my window it's behind my camera the way I computer set up dude like I could not sit down during this match I was so hyped I was so excited every single thing that was going on in here just kept making me go like oh man I can't wait to see who comes out next there's I really wish hologram got to have a Showcase in there I thought that would have been really neat especially by the time Ricochet came out there [ __ ] Nigel came out that was also something this is all that matter Jimmy damn it this this Nigel mcginness surprise entrance he was the third entrance so he got the face off with okada which was just the moment in itself Nigel okata like that Nigel mcginness if you don't understand him beyond anything uh more than a commentator Nigel was at one point neck and neck with Brian Danielson best wrestler in the world uh as we know as time went on their career path split apart largely and all might largely due to um Nigel's uh injuries much like all might but uh all might just kind of stood number one Nigel was not able to do that and this is actually really [ __ ] up this is a [ __ ] up this is a [ __ ] up comparison you me there anyway sorry I've been my her acadamia mov lately Nigel comes out I had to catch up I stopped watching it season 4 but I know everything that goes on because I keep T but like I I actually know how it ended and everything I've been binging it I'm still in the process of binging it but man like it's just so crazy to think about this like when aw first started I never would have thought that five years later okada Nigel mcginness face to face in the middle of an aw ring at Wembley Stadium that never would have crossed my mind at all Nigel all just Nigel mcginness at Wembley Stadium coming out to uh what is it [ __ ] in the bushes yeah uh incredible incredible moment for me as a Ring of Honor fan growing up like I was a childhood Ring of Honor fan so this was like the perfect show for me the way it closed the Nigel thing in the middle the Showcase Nigel facing off with Brian um with with uh okata and then kylo rly comes out we get two legends of Ring of Honor and then Zack Sabre Jr comes out so we get two European Legends and then rodri comes out so it's a reunion and then Mark Brisco comes out so the reunion continues so it's like a whole ass Nigel mcginness story here until hangman comes out and we shift to get him back to what aw was trying to tell with their story H man hangman makes his way out Jeff Jarrett follows him they face off continuing what they've had going on it looked like hangman was fighting himself from the future uh that's valid Don says outlaw versus hangman Donnie says his only exposure to [ __ ] was in TNA with series of matches with c angle that's a as good a goddamn exposure to [ __ ] as any I was going to say like Desmond wolf stuff wasn't terrible by any means no but that was the peak right there that Kurt Angle the Kurt Angle matches if you just watch those you can just ignore the rest don't worry I think there's a Samoa Joe match and then don't worry about that Kurt Angle anything TNA wise though you really can't go wrong too much at least when they still had six-sided rings and what and everything Donnie says Casino gaunlet ruled was not expecting Christian to Win It Max says you go to super hell Nick Beatles over the queen um Queen's goat you know I was this is going to be this so if you like Queen this is going to be like blasphemy for you I got into Queen through Brian singer's movie uh roh my favorite movies so I'm okay with that it's uh I didn't know much about Queen Beyond like the songs they use in all of Pop Culture We Are the Champion all that good [ __ ] but I was like oh this is really good and then I listen to all their music like at once I like I'm GNA take it all in that is not Blasphemous at all sir I binged queen from season one the whole time that's what we got to do on the WCW show we got to start got hacken Schmid and work our way forwards I forgot to say Mariah May gave Nigel a kiss in the the match finish the story My Head canons has powered him so much that he left he came out of he came out of retirement of [ __ ] after [ __ ] 14 years or 12 years yeah well because I was just going to say one of the things was Nigel's last match before this was uh December 17th 2011 13 [ __ ] years and you want to go on like a TV basis was TNA July 27th 2010 I I can't believe that I'm still I'm watching this moment I'm listening to the music I'm hearing the crowd and the massive pop massive this is a European Legend godamn it uh incredible incredible but yeah so we follow that up Jeff Jarrett and hangman the future versus the past versions of each other with the debut of Ricochet Ricochet comes out in the casino gauntlet saves Karen Jarrett saves Karen Jarrett what were we doing there uh hangman like grabbed her by the throat he was going to kill her that's okay I've vaguely heard his theme I don't know what it sounds like cuz the people were losing their [ __ ] that was it it was too loud I couldn't hear I'm crying because it was legitimately the [ __ ] AJ Styles uh Roman Reigns Royal Rumble moment look at how confused hangman is he's like who the [ __ ] is Ricochet hangman doesn't know who the [ __ ] Ricochet is ah so what you saying his hangman is the tribal chief of aw he is he always has been uh he comes out Ricochet rocking the black and gold all Elite um it's a good debut for him a good moment big uh he didn't factor into the match like story-wise Beyond um big surprise Beyond being a surprise Beyond like you know getting in there with hangman and just kind of fighting anybody who's in front of him which he took it to every single person like one by one and he was so Swift like nothing was stopping him that was really cool and it was just like man where have you been the last five years he looked great it looked like the rochet of old I was excited to see him moving like that um hangman eventually kills him uh I thought I thought it was funny as hell cuz he comes in he takes hangman on for a little bit but then he kind of bounces around every single other wrestler when he circles back to hangman it's like go to sleeping bck shot lar Christian Cage comes out after limping to the ring limping and I'm just crying like Christian you sneaky son of a [ __ ] I should have known that he was going to win I had a I had a feeling that someone who lost a match earlier was coming out did not think Christian Cage by any means Christian um is followed by luchasaurus who you thought would not kill switch Yeah that's what I'm saying and earlier in the night luchasaurus actually turn like he got mad CH and left and they didn't focus on it on the camera you saw it if you were paying attention but I thought it was a mistake not to um should have called that yeah just have commentary address it um get a camera to zoom in on it uh but yeah so Donnie says he he's really opening up to hangman his love for Punk blinded him to how good hangman is listen um for a long time I didn't see hangman as more than the dude from the decade he was a young boy in Ring of Honor and it was hard for me to see past it um he had a match with Kazo Cho okata in the 2018 G1 climax that changed my mind so she completely changed my mind about him and he followed that with a match of Jeff Cobb uh in Manhattan Center I think it was his last ring of rer match [ __ ] does the balcony off the Hammerstein moonsault I was like I like this hangman guy I like this hangman guy I just remember I was like hey that's the thing super crazy does okay ah yes uh Hammerstein ball room is is a home for me like that's that's where my heart lives so yeah but yeah Christian Cage does win with the help of luchasaurus back to being kill switch this um the luchasaurus Christian kill switch thing it's weird to me because it was originally so connected to Jack Perry right and they even the only reason he joined Christian was because of something to do with Marco stun but then Marco stun came back to awtv for a one-off and Lucha is they did a segment where he sees him backstage and he just nods at him and Grunts and he just walks away and I'm like what the [ __ ] completely dropped the hot point but uh plus this has been a story that has gone on for way too long I honestly thought this was the time to actually do something with the kill switch asaurus and Christian I also was thinking that because Christian was taking so long I was like how long does it take for a broken leg to heal because I I was thinking Adam copen was going to run out I thought that him being involved in the world title picture at all is a setup for Adam copelan to return yeah I still think that uh but I don't know I don't know what we're doing with this Donnie paty also brings up they've done the fake luchasaurus Turn way too many times now uh absolutely this I just but but storywise I don't know why he's why he's even mad anymore beyond the fact that Christen took the TNT title from him once but it's been so long that I feel like you don't even have the right to complain anymore I at this point too you've so willingly been the lap dog for Christian it's like why do why do we care you know cuz you just keep going back to him you've Stockholm syndrome yourself with Christian and the patriarchy I thought it was funny that they uh they beat the [ __ ] out of him in the beginning or or or uh not no I'm actually confusing this with the Battle Royale uh I thought it was funny that he immediately got set up versus Brian with his new family man deal because of course of course Christian has found a new father and not only that a new wrestler with a dead father to complain to to attack like bro ran you talk about your dad oh no oh he's just too powerful Christian will never stop hangman not winning I was like all right this has got to be the setup for him showing up later on and again Kudos because when he does show up in the main event it doesn't factor into the finish at all uh all he does is take nanao with him so now even though swerve had kind of turn like he didn't turn heel but he wrestled the match as a heel following like the first five minutes he [ __ ] gives Brian a DVD on the ring bell trying to kill him in front of his family uh I almost wish that they would have done like a little bit more of unhinged hangman throughout the night like I wish they would have like shown him like reacting yeah yeah like reacting to the promo during the pre-show where they resigned swerve to another multi-year deal like after all the stuff he's done he's getting a better deal a better contract I was a founder I like the I I I like the um the random backstage segments like where something else is going on and his hangman is like dying just crashing [ __ ] like what is going he just walks through the shot no one I don't give a [ __ ] I'm so lost things like that I think they help sell the story but but clearly this show was low on time yeah poor evilo getting cut from the casino Gauntlet I don't think he was ever meant for this match Nick I'm sorry yeah I'm he said he was in it he I know I know I think that was just meant for the the head shot and that was it yeah but then he was in the pre-show and then they were like ha you're a pre-show dver and this match is stacked he doesn't even get to be in the Dr like the match itself he was like an outside person it's [ __ ] up but uh yeah again it works with what the match is not all 21 guys get to enter that was great I had great fun uh for some people the Finish fell flat and I'm like well I think you guys just wanted somebody else to win I didn't really I I mean if anybody I wanted hangman to win just because I want him to win everything but I was fine I was like damn they got me pissed off with that [ __ ] ending like damn you pissed me off okay good what the job well done oh man Zack saber Jr had quite the showing in this Zack saber Jr did coming out the [ __ ] coming off the G1 godd damn it right like good for him no but what do we follow that up with following the casino Gauntlet we went into the uh American championship and by the time we went from the casino Gauntlet right into the American championship this is where it really started to feel like okay we we might need some time to simmer but like no they are just rushing through things so uh Champion Maxwell Jacob Freedom takes on will Etso atat Tores Spirit incarnate Osprey that was cool that was very cool they gave whole Assassin's Creed entrance complete with voice actor with eto's voice that was so cool as hey I am an Assassin's Creed 2 fan through and through so for me that was really awesome oops Italian this is really good too trying to keep it muted we'll talk about this match while they go through the Osprey entrance next to our face uh the mjf mjf came out mjf comes out dressed like a like a patriotic douchebag uh Osprey obviously we're looking at this very cool Assassin's Creed entry I enjoyed this match a lot more than their hour match uh just the the pacing the energy the the uh the physicality uh I had a lot more fun with this match than I did with the hour the hour time ofite match um yeah they they delivered the match I wish we would have seen on Dynamite I me [ __ ] but it is what it is Osprey wins his Bel back from the obviously [ __ ] mjf but we got the best [ __ ] moment uh Daniel Garcia returned God mask damn it it's not just that he returned it's that that means that he's staying because it's time it's if if he wasn't going to stay we wouldn't have put him back in this [ __ ] exactly we wouldn't have put him in this position if if he wouldn't have stayed we wouldn't we would have seen death triangle in the ladder match I thought this was I thought this was uh Adam Cole honestly I thought it was going to be Adam Cole but I thought that at first but I'm like he's too tall I didn't I I didn't get it I didn't grab it to the moment he revealed it was Daniel Garcia I didn't know it was Daniel Garcia I thought it was Adam Cole I was very excited though Daniel Garcia uh listen he stuck around I'm down he is not a sports Entertainer he is a professional wrestler the storyline has come to pass that's uh but then he was asked about uh the Dan Garcia's contract Tony Khan being that he says the status is something that he doesn't want to comment on but it's a good sign that Garcia was on the show tonight Tony is funny when he answers sometimes because he talks like everything's out of his hands like I don't know man but it's a good sign that he showed up he's just talking how he has pictured this moment from childhood to now there reminds me of the Ricky Starks question they ask him like is Ricky Starks on TV and Tony's like I hope to have Ricky Starks back on TV someday like like bro you can literally just make it happen i' would love to make it happen but it's just one of those things out of my hand like no like you they're literally your hands it's all in your hands it's your hands it's your pocketbook says it's time to let the Adam Cole MGF Feud go I agree I just think it's it would be um weird to not uh do like it's going to have to Adam Co is going to have to come back and immediately get involved in something heavy so that nobody thinks about the MGF thing which at all mjf did do the Panama Sunrise as well to Osprey that's what makes me think that they're going to go back to it eventually but we'll see we will see he was out there in his Uncle Sam outfit some they called him uh um I'm sorry I have something scumbag Star Spangled scumbag Star Spangled scumbag Maxwell Jacob Freedom yo like I I really dug with this match especially like through and through as like point A to point B pacing wise but like man I had such trouble getting into it at first just because that that Gauntlet match was so crazy that I didn't have any time to really let everything like set and like you know simmer down for me I think the entrances did it for me uh I was it was long enough there was enough time and then I kind of got really excited at the OS thing and I was laughing at mjf being an [ __ ] that when the bell rang I was already in another in another phas ready to do another thing and uh I had moved on from the casino that's probably why I was so open it just right off the back I was like okay I like this I was I was so overhyped from the last match and then plus I'm an Assassin's Creed guy so that was I thought that was really cool for osprey's entrance so then like especially when I got to the halfway point then everything that I watched leading up to that from the NF OS match really was just like okay this makes sense to me there this tweet making fun of the fact that aw cameramen are always in mjf's ass uh the women and mjf it's the women and mjf but can we talk about this Jesus Christ I this is my favorite finisher in all of pro wrestling ever and you know mjf backstage was like you hit me as hard as you can with that drop me because you know there's ways to take this and I don't know I I I feel like the most even the most ex even the most uh experienced professional wrestlers could have issues doing this or performing this uh this way anyway safely cuz you see the way Brian took it Brian just kind of took it onto his back but yeah essentially you're supposed to die on it if you can you know [ __ ] especially cuz remember too mjf is what like 230 something pounds of muscle yeah he's way too large but if if you can fall on the shoulder KY Omega did it perfectly perfectly and uh kada didn't break his neck on it so that's the best I can say about that how T TW didn't break his neck on anybody who didn't break their neck on it you can say did okay because it's a scary move but yeah Daniel Garcia comes out will Osprey finally brings back the tiger driver 91 uh somebody called 97 fix that you dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] is wrong lore know there's actually a whole lot of lore for this move you want to know about the I'll give you a quick version in 1991 meu har Misawa slipped on a Power Bomb attempt with Akira tawe this is the legend we don't know if this is what actually happened but the legend is that he slipped and drove it into a pile drive and then three years later the story of the match against probably the greatest match of all time to a lot of people June 3rd 1994 toshiaki kada uh mitara Misawa had fought kada at least three times up to this point he tried to hit him with every possible [ __ ] thing that he could but he couldn't he rolls out the ring he looks like godamn I'm in have to do this thing I haven't done and the only time I did it was a mistake and then the tiger driver 91 is created for the first time on purpose and it's uh it's it's it's excellent so [ __ ] mjf is dead oh this was another good spot a the mjf reversing the Sasuke special today the thing too with like guys like kada or like mjf taking this it's always terrifying when it's like bigger guys you know large backs large Meat men no man they killed each other out there excellent excellent wrestling good good good stuff that shot that's scary it's very scary yeah there were a couple times too where they were Landing in very scary ways on the apron both guys that's why I said like this was a lot more because they didn't have the 60-minute time them to worry about and paste himself and make sure that they're bread they have they have their their gas tank full whatever everything like that yeah they killed each other tonight abely did but uh we have to talk about the next match do we this makes me sad because I don't I don't I don't have like contempt for it I'm just uh disappointed in the whole situation situation I mean performance- wise it wasn't the greatest it wasn't bad by any means but especially too this was another thing where I didn't have time to simmer and osar and mjf just happened plus the gauntlet I was so hyped for and then I'm thinking like wow how crazy is everything going to happen for the casket match how crazy is title versus career I felt bad that they had this slot in particular and I felt like this might have been a good spot to put the Jackson 2's tag titles match uh Derby and Jack Perry should have got this spot because they have um weapons and [ __ ] they can pop the crowd with absurdity see that should have followed the gauntlet match the uh the casket match I thought it was fun because I think I think it's a much hard I think it was harder to follow I think it was much easier for Will ospr and mjf to follow the gauntlet match then it would have been for most other people but then for Brit and Mercedes to have to follow both [ __ ] Gauntlet and mjf that was rough that's rough so I think the weapons and everything because it's like a cheap way to get people excited again like you're kind of cheating but you're also going to do this anyway so why not just stick it in there and then they ended up f for time so I think if You' have had them in this spot they might have been able to have their full match but and then Mercedes and brick could have lost time and then they' complain about it afterwards but we would know as people from the original timeline that this was the better way to do it we did we do get the the timeline though of Britt having to walk past HPR mjf and gorilla like I said the group chat listen man I don't know I love Mercedes Monet so much I in the corner it's just watching me making sure I don't say anything perverted because I'm not I mean this in a wrestler way she is um she's my favorite horsewoman uh possibly I think Bailey sometimes goes up number one they they go back and forth uh but there's something about this aw run that isn't working it's not the promos the promos don't work because they don't work I don't give a [ __ ] it's aw she never been known for promos period before the aw she was not a promo girl right uh think the misconception is that because she's a WWE girl she should be a promo girl but it doesn't work that way uh but she is a wrestling girl and her wrestling is not wrestling in wrestle harder no it's a combination of her attempt to try and put incorporate these new things into her moves this this bad Lucha stuff that she's doing the [ __ ] bad finisher that she's doing and she had done like she used to do like arm drags and Eddie Guerrero inspired [ __ ] but she's got this little [ __ ] jump up into the turnbuckle double arm luch just arm drag [ __ ] that she does that looks weak and whack as [ __ ] the [ __ ] finisher sucks and I'm saying this as somebody that loves Mercedes I'm not one of these [ __ ] haters I'm not not Jamie hater not Jamie hater I'm not one of these people that hates Mercedes just because she left WWE and she's in aew or they think she's arrogant I think that [ __ ] is I think that [ __ ] is rooted in subconscious racism I swear to [ __ ] God don't associate me with those people but I think there's something that needs to be adjusted about Mercedes a run right now I don't like it I think she's much better off as a heel than she was as a face but there's still things that need to be tweaked and fixed and I don't know what it is and I couldn't fix that for you because I'm not a Booker and I don't [ __ ] work here but um is it just me or is there like some weird disconnect when it comes down to some of the oh my gosh when it comes down to some of the like women that come in with a lot lot of hype for like what they've done outside of aew because yeah like Mercedes is by no means you know the first woman to come in and everyone's like okay she's going to be this big star it's gonna be the greatest thing ever and then it's like this isn't hidden how we thought it would because I I think that same thing was with like Ty Valkyrie and like Dianna perazzo like there's something that needs to be tweaked with a few of the women to really bring that hype to the Forefront because I've seen all three of them have fantastic matches elsewhere but that's like know aew it doesn't feel like we've really had much of that Dianna probably more so in the sense of her Fe with thunderosa was pretty interesting never cared for a but Mercedes has she's got something that they just need to figure out what it is I can't put my finger on what it is but like there's something missing we need to have her uh we need to have her just wrestling just [ __ ] this [ __ ] just go out there and start wrestling better better women this I don't a lot of people are turning on Brit biger tonight uh because of this match I I'm like I don't know which part was exactly B breaker SP I feel like they both sucked here I don't know what would make this BR Baker's fault over anybody else's like was there reports of sandbagging or I didn't see any with my I guess I don't have a trained I guess I do have a trained ey don't I I well John what happened was Brett Baker was upset cuz Osprey and mjf got 25 minutes and she was only getting 17 ah I see is it did they guess 17 minutes this [ __ ] was [ __ ] at least according to Wikipedia was 17 minutes 25 seconds [ __ ] was rough it was very rough I'm so sorry man they never clenched they never they never meshed there was um there was a lot of awkward movement a lot of Silence from the crowd who couldn't figure out what to do and this was supposed to be like a big deal this is Brit Baker the original aew success versus Mercedes Monae Sasha Banks one of the horse these are the girls that Brit looked up to like yeah what the [ __ ] Brit you suck or what's up you know what I was thinking I think the biggest issue with those like three women I brought up earlier you know with taia with Diana and with Mercedes is it's a chemistry thing you know I I feel like the chemistry just wasn't here with Brit and Mercedes and both women can have great matches we've again we've seen both women have tremendous matches but it's like this just did not hit compared to you know every the two matches before the two matches after it think about B bigger's best matches and who they were with hikara thunder Rosa those are very very very capable professional wrestlers um I sometimes wonder if her character were carried her to a great place and then she was uh paired with just the perfect wrestlers to uh present her as you know who she was then and then if that's the case then we need to keep pairing her with the right wrestlers and we need to start considering who people are good chemistry who who who people would have good chemistry with before just tossing them out there you know people talk a lot of [ __ ] about WWE not running Hulk Hogan versus Ric Flair at WrestleMania but they watched and they decided that they didn't have the chemistry like you know what there's a universe out there where we had to watch the match and we ended up hating Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan for the rest of Eternity I mean you know like this this part in particular where it was like the the body slam counter that was pretty cool so it's like why didn't we have more things along those lines and you know it's no secret that Mercedes and Brit Baker are friends outside of the ring and I think maybe that was something where they relied too heavily on their friendship maybe to I trust you we're friends we can do this but usually friends are the ones that beat the [ __ ] out of each other like I trust my friend so I punch his teeth on his throat you know like that's probably what it was here because like both women have you know a series of injuries both women probably you know at their standard in their caliber they probably didn't want to to do that with one another comp like I don't know I I'm not picturing them as being like a like a benois Guerrero you know I I I picture them as just being like hey I want to be nice to you you know you're you're my friend you're cool and hey you what do you want to do after this type thing I I I'm not going to turn on Brit I mean I liked Brit Brit was never like the wrestler the wrestling girl to me she was always good in the ring with certain people particularly this [ __ ] right here though this [ __ ] right here man everybody says it but look at this this this middling ass transitional move is what we're doing to finish matches like they can never they can never get the [ __ ] set up they never can do the stupid [ __ ] they trying to get from their [ __ ] hands to hook never ever happened smoothly ever why is she still using this damn it it's frustrating Tessa oh Tessa [ __ ] Blanchard uh [ __ ] Tessa Blanchard Jesus I'm sorry I could find her uh but yeah rough sad times I lost Nick I'm back second but the boy is back yeah it's fun internet stuff for you but one of the things I did uh apart from just that like body slam counter the Avalanche slam was the Panama Sunrise Brit Baker did maybe she shouldn't use that move anymore I don't know I don't know I I was just like oh which notice too mjf used that before he's like I'm using it for bro that's that's that's one real reason like that the actual reason is that mjf just used it in the other match and it's the same reference it's the same thing uh but I like the idea that Brit Baker was going to be the only one doing that and mjf knew and so he's like rose before I got him Rose B um no listen this was this was full on on the worst match on the card and I'm disappointed cuz I'm number one Defender for Mercedes I I'll stand up cuz I think a lot of the hate is unwarranted but this was rough and Brit and Brit um Brit [ __ ] sucks Brit [ __ ] sucks here she sucks in this position I don't know what the [ __ ] they I felt like they both hesitated at different parts of the match I felt like they didn't want to hurt each other and it just felt like two women who were just complacent in their spots in the company Greg brought up a good point in that possibly um Brit was uncomfortable being led because she's used to Leading uh in the ma in the in the match but um and that makes sense because I think that could have happened with the ARA match but like it's it's already SGA it's Mercedes it's all the people that Brit wants to have these matches with these WWE matches I used to grew up a WWE Diva stand you know all that [ __ ] it's not hitting like get this [ __ ] out of here like put Brit in there with [ __ ] Hikaru cheeta get Mercedes in there with [ __ ] Mina with a with aumi with [ __ ] bring the stardom girls over for Mercedes uh because this Diva [ __ ] they trying to pull off on awtv is not [ __ ] hitting I'm sick of it making it hard to defend Mercedes it's just not it anyway we followed that up with uh the TNT championship match which was the clear clear victim of uh of time constraints horrible horrible I hated that this happened this way but for what they did in the match Sick Enough Darby's a weirdo Darby coming out with outwards pointing thumb Tex glued to his face insane [ __ ] Hellraiser yeah right I forgot about this that was funny that was funny as hell because nobody thought this through they shot streamers up for mjf's entrance and they were never able to get them off like all of them and when they were trying they would just fall on screen and people it looked like people were throwing streamers but it's like no that's staff desperately trying to snip away it's [ __ ] again I think it'd be hilarious if okada's out there trying to sweep up and pick up his money on the ramp and mjf's out there climbing up the ladders trying to reach down and grab the streamers but uh yeah Darby comes out like we said he's got thumb tacks on his face all this good [ __ ] him and jungle boy do a couple of crazy spots uh jungle boy throws Darby Allen off a [ __ ] platform down like 10 feet Darby of course dives into the [ __ ] coffin at one point J boy no remember too he threw Darby when Darby's arms were bound and he couldn't protect himself in any way with it [ __ ] that's right he tied his ass up and then threw him and then put him in the body bag yeah hog tied into a body bag take him down put him in the thing and just killed him just hit him with the knee and closed it and then finished the match I was like what what the [ __ ] that's how Darby's casket streak ends this is how Darby loses his first cin match fine [ __ ] you too sting comes out Seek and Destroy [ __ ] destroy the sickest godamn visual I ever seen uh because it was it might have been a mistake honestly I swear they didn't like the stage right so anytime the lightning went off on the screen it would light him naturally it was just the coolest [ __ ] it did look really cool that way it's literally The Dark Knight Returns cover like yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] that was awesome but that was the best part of this match which I was really looking forward to and that's disappointing but that we got sting as the Avenger so um that's aw all in my friends and uh Jesus says we might need to send brick to start him and that he needs Jack Perry to wrestle more if not drop it to somebody who like uh Daniel Garcia and I think Daniel Garcia needs to do something a little bigger than the TNT title right now I don't know I don't know I feel like we resigned him we got him in the main event uh not the main event but with the main event wrestler like gjf we need to get after that we need to start looking at bigger things we need to get Daniel Garcia beating some bigger people um but we'll see anyway uh disappointed in that TNT championship match I hope that they do make good on a dynamite and they give it like 20 minutes as a main event yeah and it you know something some kind of stipulation especially because Darby has a world title match in his back pocket that and that's why I'm okay with Darby losing but I like he killed Derby he killed Derby like this and then that makes dar makes jungle boy look like a contender when Jack when he eventually you know there's a logic there but I feel like he just killed him too way too hard way too fast Ethan Paige versus Derby allien coffin match actually is the best one that's my favorite one and I was there a real good one I was there for that I was there for that live uh but it's just the best it was just really CRA they were both going nuts that's that's the best Ethan Paige match I ever seen yeah after that I'm like I don't care anymore for he's a good good but that match wasw and a great person everybody says he's a good dude so um but Nick oh that's right Darby versus andr they did have one they did have one I gotta go back and check that [ __ ] out I F I forgot powerhouse on D in that one um but Nick sir it's the end of the show so there's a couple of things we got to talk about like who did you think was your choer oh the night brought to you by comicbook Big Boy hold on uh go ahead Nick who do you think is your jobber of the night all right uh I have a question I have a little H qualifying question here are we C pre-show yeah absolutely all right well if that's the case uh um I have to go with the losing team from the 16 man tag match I got Jal satam sing aogo darari private party dark order but in particular even Beyond just them you also got to throw evil Uno in there he said he was going to be in the casino Gauntlet I feel like they I think like when they originally were putting the card together I guarantee they wanted to have a full 21 people in this but then they're like I don't think TimeWise will make that work so they cut everyone in there and I think they're like sorry evila we got to cut you but they already factored dark order in some way into the 16 man tag which was originally a 14 man which was previously announ as a 12 man so they just didn't know what they were doing with so many of these guys and hey I'm all for people going in there and getting a paycheck I just think it was hilarious how evil Uno was being like yeah I would be on the main card after not being around for how long th this um I wanted I wanted so that the they never hit 21 for like many years and then one day they finally will hit 21 and it'll be like a big ass deal holy [ __ ] they actually got everybody in the gauntlet the full Gauntlet uh that would be cool that's just I like [ __ ] like that but uh understandable great choice I I am probably going to have to go with two uh I'll go with two jobbers of the night and I'm going to have to give it to the ladies in the TBS championship match yeah that was painful particularly for me because I'm always defending this [ __ ] no but God damn this was rough this is one where I'm like you got it anything you want to say you can say it cuz sucked all the way through sucked for Brit sucked for Mercedes I hate seeing this on my TV I want it dead that's my it's my job for the night that is a very fair one so we can follow that up with the better one hey mega mega mega star of the night I don't got to I don't got to talk man I don't have [ __ ] to say look at this this thing look at look at look at this [ __ ] about Brian godamn by God Danielson Mega Star of Life the year all 10 years 20 years 30 years the greatest [ __ ] professional wrestler to ever walk on this Earth since the [ __ ] Greece were naked [ __ ] each other in the Olympics and calling it wrestling there has not been a better wrestler than Brian D Daniels son Mega star of the night all nights Mega star of every night every single night even past his retirement forever forever forever forever oh man you know now that that everyone has said Brian Danielson I'm gonna go in the complete opposite direction I'm gonna go with [ __ ] I wasn't expecting Nigel mcginness to come out and when he did I if I couldn't sit down beforehand because I was so hyped that kept me going and that was probably the biggest thing cuz every single time too that he jumped back to get involved with the different wrestlers that would come out and enter the match I was just like oh my gosh it's still Nigel mcness I can't believe this it's been like what like like 14 years like that's crazy so yeah Nigel mcginness being in there really made me hype and I was honestly rooting for him and I think the crowd was too because oh God just imagine Nigel and Danielson one more time Dave Dave at the press conference said he wants birdie to wrestle her dad at Tokyo uh that's great that's incredible uh there was a moment where Brian was in the ring and he was asking his son to like do the his son was like trying to do the running knee oh man I get I have to watch the last few minutes back oh I'm ready we're we're about to finish my wife is wrapping me up like producers on the [ __ ] set they're like we got three seconds uh but no we have gone nearly two hours we have we have she is probably right uh but I I had to rewatch The Last like everything from the final moments of the match to the end of the show because I was in a blur I was making purchases I shouldn't even be making I was like I got get I gotta get the wash it's [ __ ] ridiculous but um yeah man that's our Mega star of the night that's our Mega star of the night segment and that was our aew all in post show rewind that was fun damn it's always fun to have a good old one-on-one conversation with my boy Nick we just talk about [ __ ] r that's all this ever is think you think therey radio is some operation like some big operation or something it's me gaslighting people into having to talk about each and every single pro wrestling show that ever takes place we have to I'm just [ __ ] forcing people about every show for two hours is he done we're done John please please can we go please well like I said there are others there's a whole team of us in if you have fun tonight you might have fun all week long cuz Dy radio is always on we're always on after Monday Night Raw we're on after Tuesday night NXT of course after Wednesday night Dynamite Thursday night impact Friday Night Smackdown NXT level up we do them all yeah on Sundays you can also catch our boys Danny uh Malik and then and they are the 3 andt talking wrestling uh live on Dy radio but of course if all of that isn't enough then you got the flagship the best me Nick and Greg who couldn't join us tonight he is the ever loving boyfriend he missed the main event of Allin to go eat dinner with his girlfriend's mom oh that is that is love that is love same love that motivated Brian freaking Danielson to win the World Championship that's what it's about God damn yes look at Greg in the comments yes we got Greg let's go let's go right at the end of the show too so we love you guys thank you all for joining us and thank you for joining us at the end Greg thank you I'll leave him on the screen he can say goodbye with us you all have a good night or good afternoon yeah this is an earlier show yeah hey day good night whenever