THE SIXTH SENSE 4K & SIGNS 4K from DISNEY | Great news, but what is with this art? | 4K Kings Clips

let's talk about Disney for a quick hot second because they're just are they jumping back in the physical media game somehow they they decide to dip their toes in for a quick payday is what it seems like to me are they bringing back clam shell cases that would be pretty ballsy of them to do that dude if they put out a even that would even probably Push Me Over The Line like here's the little mermaid in a clim showcase I'm not going to Li the nostalgic kid in me would be like y I kind of want that well coming out not in a clamshell case is the six sents from Disney you believe me right I feel like haly Joel Osman is setting the world on fire again this is coming out October 22nd in its 25th anniversary if you can believe that Russ 25 years same with Blair Witch and obviously this was bound to come um I'm I guess I'm not surprised Disney's putting this out again this is like a Surefire title that they'll definitely line their pockets with really quick I don't know why this didn't come out in a Sony steelbook come on Sony I thought they picked up all this business let's go why are they getting tributing it's Disney own titles that they're doing I thought they I thought they shipped it all over to Sony but Sony still got a couple here to or Disney still got a couple here to throw out this you're right this is as confusing to me as not giving zodiac any love you think I'm sad there hasn't really been anything revealed on on any features that are on here other than what the transfer is going to be original camera negative all that kind of stuff I hope that doesn't mean like if you go to the listing there's no like it shows like what's coming with it there's nothing about features it would make total sense to me if they put nothing on here because that's what they're you know known to probably do but I hope there's at least some rehashed St do you remember this one dude I remember the first DVD that came out the series yeah dude remember how awesome this Vista series DVD was like look at this thing he loved it more than anything else first the cover itself is like kind of shiny yeah remember that shiny here hold that for me Russ sorry I only got one hand um and then it's come it comes in this like really huge Digi book that like has like all these extra pages just for pictures and then there was like a booklet in here but it was like nice yeah yeah yeah come on and they did that I remember for unbreakable as well did they stop it unbreakable was did signs get that treatment it did not okay also is kind of like that original art but just updated slightly yeah I don't I don't mind I never owned that but like I'm talking the first DVD that came out of the six cents back in 99 2000 I had that I waited for Collector's Editions even back then Russ I was holding out even back then you were you were a wise man you were like me at 17 with the Blair Witch Project you knew what you were doing but uh no even that though it I remember to this day it had deleted scenes all this stuff so I think at the very least that's going to carry over those original features I hope so here's my 4K unbreakable there's never been a better edition of unbreakable in 4k than that no that's it that surprises me as well that's it I would have liked a steelbook for this maybe there will be one I don't know they did a steelbook for the um unbreakable it was really bad looking though I just asked you was that the only thing they did a steel yeah they did a Ste I'm sorry yeah they did they did this and a steel book like a Best Buy exclusive one and it was like purple it was all like Mr glass we covered that but the reason I asked cuz I know I was like well you're a big unbreakable fan why do you have that basic addition yeah cuz I didn't want that garbagey one no no no no no and then here's signs which why did they why did they do that Phoenix's face do that they massacred my boy they massacred him which one I mean honestly like what in the hell why did why do they do that all right I'm buying this one like and I really enjoy signs a lot and I was so excited to say oh my gosh signs and you know six cents finally coming out and then I pull both these Arts up and I'm like I know we're not in this for the art but for God's sake it's like part of the whole experience with what you display what you show what you pull out what you have to look at and engage with when it's time to put the [ __ ] in and every time I pull this out and I'm going to be like looking at walking Phoenix's sort of AI scrubbed strange off kilter ass like the Damon puppet in Team America Matt Damon Matt Damon so here's the here's the DVD it's kind of a blend of the original poster art with like them with like flashlights on the top and it's got actually kind of the same I always thought that was the original poster art no the original poster art which they're they're doing here no I me I always thought this was the original poster W Phoenix's face like that that's why I saw the movie it's so like desaturated they've taken all the color out like look at this it's like nice and orangey it's kind of like reminds you of the an act scene from the movie not whatever this is like here's the poster like that's ominous as [ __ ] what's this on the left not ominous at all yes it was no I like it this like What's Eating Gilbert [Laughter] great honestly why they do that he why they make him look like Arie why he's there's nothing thring them here I'm buying this one that's great I love that I'm sorry but that's not good it's hilarious though I can't wait to see what they do for the village that probably come next and that'll probably look even more terrible a blind by I've never even seen the movie but if they nail the artwork for the village just throw yes walking Phoenix is in it right yeah oh put out the village with this face on the cover day one pre-order man Lindsay's flag us down what do you got in the booth there I just love this comment from Eric aoto I feel like this is spot on he said the signs cover is a human rights violation I think it might be some kind of abuse it's offensive it it really is somebody like I it's a hate crime I honestly I I'm yeah dude and if you're a fan of this movie like I am it's like that sucks like that just sucks you could have done you could have taken that poster right there slapped like 4K Ultra HD for the first time on the bottom and called it a day but Matt roll with me for a second if you're someone like me who doesn't care about the movie all that much this is so funny and and ly it's kind of pushing me over the edge to buy it are they trying to make him younger they're almost trying to make him look like a 13-year-old boy he's a grown man it's like that movie he's a grown man in this yeah you might not even see the crop circle at the bottom you just be looking at them like Signs what is this like some sort of weird religious drama you know what someone should do and it would be badass do a steel book of just that image of the alien walking by on the the birthday party I'm serious everyone knows it you're not spoiling much and that's a great image do a steelbook of that and jokes aside do a steelbook of that this movie is like is mid for it's okay I like I don't hate it this is a movie to me where I feel like the people who hate it go way too hard on it but the people like you I'm kind of like what are you seeing in it you know I'm thoroughly in the middle but if you nailed like a cool you did that cover with that alien walking by I buy that it would push me over the edge I need a steel book ASAP not of this and please get it right the second time it's a scam nerds were doing it 25 years ago new nerds are doing it again I don't even think James Cameron could get over this no I will say just a side note if you are a digital fan if you're somebody that watches this stuff digitally and doesn't pick up for uh physical media there're all these are already available so like these come out October 22nd on physical media but you can see the 4ks now there's like a bundle they're doing signs unbreakable and sixense that you can purchase together for all you streamers I got to support my boy he lives on my street man M might shiman yeah he like the main road I live off of this but that Main Road he lives on it and I'm not anywhere near him this road is like 30 mil at least you know but once you go way far from where I am and it gets more sparse and Rich and yeah like technically whenever I go to the vet for my cat um I drive by his home I just don't know which one it is going give him a shout out as you're driving by I'm going try get him to autograph this case of signs oh my God I can't believe what they' done um all right moving on dude actually you know what's funny though all the houses like wherever he lives they look exactly like this house on the cover of signs it's like you know he's got a huge yards and a little like big quasi Mansion looking thing the 12-year-old Phoenix running around around us tooo that makes sense he's got 12-year-old Walk Phoenix running around

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