Did Donald Trump Lie About Haitians EATING CATS & DUCKS In ABC Debate?

okay what's going on everybody we are here we're live I want to thank you all for joining me today um if you can see and hear me clearly please drop a one in the live chat and then we can get today's stream started and as I'm waiting for the ones to come into the live stream please if you haven't already please make sure you hit the like button because that's the most important thing you can do for me on this channel what it does that helps to make sure that those who are subscribed to the channel will indeed get their notifications and it also helps to push this video through the YouTube algorithm as well secondly if you're new to the channel or maybe you've been ghost watching this channel for quite some time now please do me a favor and yourself a favor by hitting the Subscribe Button as well as the bell notification next to the Subscribe button so you can be notified whenever I releas new video and lastly please make sure you share this video out on your social media platforms to your family and friends to inform them on this information and yes that does help to give me a slight boost in the YouTube algorithm as well and Lastly lastly follow me on Rumble and and telegram if you haven't already that is extremely important I'm simoc casting on Rumble right now uh at TD Media Group the links to my Rumble and telegram are in the description box below and will'll be pinned in the comment section as well now let's get the show started and thanks to my man Saul who keeps my family fed who came through with the first Super Chat of the stream I appreciate you bro for always coming through he said just your support as you always are thank you sa I appreciate you bro I appreciate you a lot so let's get into it also thank you Landry padon hopefully I'm saying your name right you all know I'm bad with names I appreciate you for becoming a new channel member thank you for the support let's jump into it man let's get into this uh before we get into uh um you know Donald Trump and uh Haitian uh migrants Haitian illegal immigrants eating cats and dogs and ducks and geese allegedly we'll say I guess right we're going to get into some of the uh evidence surrounding that but I guess to be safe on YouTube we'll say allegedly uh before we get into all that I'm sure many of you all who are subscribed to the channel you've been subscribed for quite some time now you're curious what are my thoughts on last night's debate I'll tell you that really quickly in about 90 seconds so let's get into it 90 seconds my thoughts on last night's debate um last night's debate was exactly what I thought it would be and it's exactly what Tulsi Gabbert said it would be in the video that I released the day of uh it was a 3v one it was literally three versus one debate um Donald Trump was battling three people uh as far as you know factchecking is concerned as far as just uh uh um just push backs and rebuttal asking for specific surrounding policies all of these things were asked of trump and were pushed on Trump over and over again rebuttal after rebuttal follow-up question after follow-up question push back after push back fact check after fact check you know give me your specifics on uh uh on Health Care none of these things were done to or asked of KLA Harris and that was to be expected uh because she was being debated essentially she was having a debate with her friends that's essentially in a nutshell what it was right um and all they were looking for were a handful of sound bites handful of Clips uh they got those sound bites and they got those clips and now they're running them on hyperloop you know they're running them on hyperloop uh and doing a Victory lap like nip H like nipy hustle they're doing a victory lab claiming that this was some great big victory and I just find it hilarious how when it comes to H KLA Harris she needs so much help and so much much assistance uh when you're looking at how she literally has uh the mainstream media running her campaign for her that's essentially what it is in between the I guess more than 90 seconds now right uh in between the CNN interview and last night's debate the way mainstream media is helping KLA Harris it's the equivalent of you playing basketball with a three-year-old child and to help them make shots what you do is that you bring out the little play school Rim you know how you drag that plastic play school Rim that's about three feet tall and you give them the little squishy basketball and KLA Harris is walking up to the play school basketball rim with the squishy basketball barely able to get to the rim and going and then when she makes it Democrats go yay yay and they pretend like this is the equivalent of what would it what it would look like if LeBron James and uh Michael Jordan had a baby you know and that's what you're seeing happening right now so media you know what I mean that's what you see right now happening on social media but also I will say this all things considered All Things Considered because I am capable of being honest the degree to which the deck was stacked against Trump right and it was a 3v one I'm not going to lie though Trump was playing on a regulation siiz rim 10 feet high with the regulation siiz ball getting guarded by three people there were open shots that he missed that I was very disappointed in there were multiple times in that debate where he could have actually easily nailed her to the wall and he didn't do it and it's disappointing because we all know the truth we all know the truth uh concerning the Biden Harris Administration and what they've done to this country right uh and we all know the truth behind how Donald Trump would repair it you know uh so it's disappointing that he did miss those shots when he did uh but nonetheless it is what it is and you just got to move on and go forward with it right but essentially those are my thoughts and opening remarks uh concerning uh the debate last night you all know me I still got that red hat on uh still voted for Donald Trump you know what I mean but yeah that's that's my uh my honest assessment of what I saw last night uh hopefully maybe they'll run it back on a more fair platform uh but I doubt it I I don't see that happening I don't see that happening but anyways let's get into what you all came here for right let's get into what you all came here for let's talk about the fact check right that they delivered upon Donald Trump concerning the Haitian migrants uh in Springfield Ohio right uh there was a lot of factchecking going on and obviously of course Comm Harris wasn't fact check even though she did a lot of lying as well but I want to get to this very quickly because you know in a court of law a man and a woman's testimony is considered evidence you know you get to come in you testify and tell us what you saw you know with your own eyes tell us what's going on around you so what we're going to hear is the testimonial of the people that actually live in Springfield Ohio concerning Donald Trump referencing them in the case of hay migrants illegal immigrants allegedly will say to be safe on YouTube allegedly eating cats dogs ducks and geese that's crazy work let's let's get into it right um I want to bring this up first I want to pull this up first and I see you all super chatting uh right now I'm gonna get to you guys in just a moment and I do appreciate you all but let's let's let's get let's get into this let's get into this and sincere uh shout out to my man sincere love to God he said apparently other parts of Ohio are reporting this as well I got to look into that some more I got to check that out some more but if other areas of Ohio are reporting that as well then that says a lot that says a lot but I wna do this here I want to read about two sentences of this article here uh just before I play the actual 911 audio clip uh of a man calling 911 reporting on four uh Haitian illegal immigrants um eating being or capturing geese in a park right I want to make sure to read this off first uh so people know and understand that this 911 call that I'm getting ready to play is real it's not fake you know it's not AI uh so it's important for me to make sure that I you know solidify the fact that I'm gonna play an actual audio because like I said these days you got to just be quadruple careful uh if you're a Democrat you can lie all you want fabricate all you want uh God forbid you don't cross an i and Dot a t and in your assessment now it's misinformation so this article reads here County no evidence of August claim that Haitians took geese at Springfield Park clar Clark County officials say that was only excuse me Clark County officials say that was only called to dispatch Center on this subject that's oh that well I'm not reading the whole sentence all right Clark County officials say that was it should say that was the only call to dispatchers to the Dispatch Center uh on this subject okay but let's get into this here uh Clark County officials said Wednesday morning that they cannot substantiate a new claim alleging Haitian immigrants were killing and or eating Wildlife a man called Clark County Law Enforcement dispatchers August 26 alleging four Haitians were carrying geese in their hands the audio was first posted Tuesday night on X by Donald Trump Jr so once again the purpose of me reading that article right here just those couple sentences uh was just simply because I need to substantiate the fact that this audio that I'm getting ready to play is real so now let's listen to the 911 call and then after the 911 call what I want to do next is play a video clip of a brother and I have to say you know for those of you who don't know what I mean by brother a black man um you know who's making the same claims right because the play that's being ran now by the mainstream media is that these are you know racist claims that Donald Trump is making I think JD Vance might have made reference to the Haitian duck situation and they're saying that this is racist but I mean if you got Brothers you know literally begging City Council Members to do something about this I don't understand how you're playing racism card with that but let's get into the 911 call first let's jump into this first Communications um yes ma'am I got a question this is a non emergency line correct yes it is okay um I'm sitting here I'm riding on the trail going to my orientation for my job today and I see a group of patian people there was about four of them they all had geese in their hand they got away I couldn't make out the first three of the license plate but I got the numbers the last numbers was 98 98 and it was a gray Toyota Tacoma they took off on there was about four of them there was two men two women I couldn't tell the AG cuz I'm in a I'm in a hurry going to this orientation so I don't uh let be late what what direction did they go uh they went up uh towards uh towards the middle of down toward downtown okay and what what path are you on right now hold on just a second I'm coming to the intersection of give me a second here uh it says water and Water Street water and water is that the area you saw them yes it was about two minutes back behind me I was trying to get my phone out and trying to make it to this orientation on time I'm time crunching here and I saw that I'm like yeah this has got to be reported so how how many geese did they have uh they each had one now the Toyota T did look like a newer model and what's your name sir my name is it's I'm sorry what's your last name I'm going to let that last little 20 seconds play out but he like my name is you know TD he was like it's hot out here today he was in a rush and burning up he said it's too hot for all this I ain't got time to [Music] Terry he said they out here capturing geese I'm on my way to an orientation at my new job I'm trying to report on this it's like 98 degrees outside she she she she everything else I don't care about none of that I ain't got time to Terry ain't got time to Terry it's too hot for all that man it's too hot for all that now toot t a newer model and what's your name sir my name is I'm sorry what's your last name again your phone number is that okay we will put this out to our cars and see if we can't find them thank you so much for calling in you're welcome and if I happen to see him again I'll try to give you a call back get a better for you see it's important for me to play this stuff because this is what Trump was referencing when he was saying the people on the TV and stuff like that concerning where he got his information from he didn't pull it out of thin air if you let mainstream media tell it he's just making up random stuff and pulling random stuff off of social media that isn't true uh when in fact he's pulling this information from the people that actually live in Springfield he's getting it from the people on the ground so there's a 911 call now what I want to do is play this video here by his brother who was testifying you can say uh or given his testimonial uh during a city council meeting and I want you to listen to how he's literally he's going to start pleading and begging his local governing body to do something about what's going on in his community concerning the immigrants he's that he's going to start he's literally going to start begging right and pleading I don't have to say much I'll just let you watch the video for yourself so let's get into it right now but before we do I gotta give my thank yous I I have to give my thank yous shout out to presidential Mike for coming through he said ABC and kamla lied all night hopefully Trump turned her debate lies into add Clips I hope he does too I hope he does too uh because they were she was lying a whole bunch last night she was saying all type of foolishness nonsense lies and word salad and there was no push back at all no rebuttal at all no nothing at all it was it was crazy watching a 3v one debate uh presidential debate is wild unry genius said I think Trump took the bait too many times he did he did um and I was disappointed in that I can say that honestly he he took debate too many times I'm going to be very honest with you guys here before we we fin finish this out I'm not going to lie to you and if Rob from blackl Revelations 2 is still in here he can tell you if he was paying attention cuz I was watching the debate via his live stream on Black Light Revelations 2 and I'm not gonna lie man when Trump said they're eating cats and dogs over there I was like you know what they gonna do with that man like well she she she she she she everything else I don't care about none of that I ain't got time to Terry I'm not gonna lie to y'all I'm honest with you guys man y'all know I still got that red head on you know why I got that red head on why I love the black population of this country I've done so much for the black population of this country I have been the best president for the black population since Abraham Lincoln okay you know what I'm saying Red Hat still on but I'm not gonna lie boy I was punching the air was punching the air when he they're eating the cats and dogs over there I was like come on man dang now I gotta make a stream about this but let's carry on man let's car on I appreciate you John J for coming through John J said uh they out here making uh making um cocker spaniel casserole Jesus uh shout out to Quantum Mania Quantum Mania for always coming through Quantum Mania said uh hope she gets all this help uh when dealing with Putin and uh G uh GG ping uh if and when the time comes she's gonna need all the help that she can get then it's gonna need all the help that she can get then hopefully she'll get it uh if she gets in the office you know because we're gonna be in big trouble uh her dealing with them if she can't do a debate and interviews on her own uh without assistance I don't know how she's going to deal with them and shout out to D I appreciate you Dana Mitchell for coming through with the support for the channel I appreciate you for being so generous thank you very much now uh let's get into um what this brother had to say all right let's jump into this right now and I want you all to hear his testimonial and just let him say what he has to say let's get into this I think it's like kind of odd that like a guy like me has to come out from doing what I do on a daily basis to have fun cuz I see what's going on in these streets and I see you guys just sitting up there in them comfy chairs and Suits like and I'm getting out here every day and I'm broadcasting this and you guys are just sitting up there in suits like I I really challenge you guys to get out here and do something these Haitians are running into trash cans they're running into buildings they're running into they flipping cars in the middle of the street and I don't know how like y'all can be comfortable with this like I don't know like who's getting paid from it I feel like I honestly feel like someone's getting paid from it in the background they dropping they you got a bunch of people on a bus getting dropped off at a gas station to come down here I know a single mom that FaceTime me tonight FaceTime me this morning at the welfare office that really need like that really need something and it's nothing but immigrants over there and I don't even want to like seem like I'm coming down on the immigrants because it's the people that's bringing them down here cuz wherever they're at that's what they're used to Bro they're in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and and eating them like y'all get the highway state patrol down here every week let me ask you something is he being racist right now I mean he's black so is he being racist I don't know I'm just asking that question because that's the narrative that's being spun right now and that Trump is being racist and JD Vance is being racist because they referenced what the people of Springfield Ohio are actually saying they're referencing what the people who actually live there are saying this isn't stuff that he pulled out the sky this wasn't some AI video that he got fooled by this is what the people are saying and he referenced them that matters what has bringing them down here because wherever they're at that's what they're used to Bro they're in the park grabbing up Ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and and eating them like y'all get the highway state patrol down here every week and then and y'all get like a task force for the highway state patrol and they look for guns and they look for dope and this and that and the fourth that same people that y'all got riding up and down Limestone doing u-turns pulling people over for blinkers and pulling people over for like going left to Center and like a couple miles over like y'all can take them same people the highway state patrol and you can take them in every single one of their silver Chargers and Dodge Durangos and y'all can take them to uh Sunset and y'all can park them right over there and y'all can teach people how to drive since the highway state patrol know so much how to BU know so much about traffic laws and know what to do in traffic they need to y'all pay them they can go over there and teach these Haitians how to drive cuz it's it's getting a bro I'm getting thousands of views on on these and it's going to get bigger and it's only going to get worse and y'all sitting up there in these chairs y'all all y'all need to get out here and do something y'all making hundreds of thousand do y'all need to put on a T-shirt and some Crocs and then y'all need to come out here in these streets and y'all need to go out here and uh I'm out here before the police is like y'all need to do something bro y'all really got to stand on buiness getting paid all this money just to wear a suit and sit in a chair I don't think I think it's I think it's crazy bro there's more to it but look at how passionate he's getting so does this sound like a brother that's lying about what's going on does this sound like a brother that's lying about what's going on once again Trump was getting his information from the people that actually lived there and look at how passionate and upset and frustrated that he's getting this is so similar to uh uh the City Council meetings that we see that go on in Chicago where you have the people of Chicago particularly you know and to be even more specific the black residents of Chicago pouring their heart out that all their frustration and anger to city council and Brandon Johnson sitting on his high horse Emperor Brandon Johnson and the entire time they all just sit there smug you can cry you can complain you can say whatever you want to say but we're going to do what we want to do and we're just going to say that you're lying and it's misinformation and disinformation that's what they do this is so similar to the Chicago City Council meetings people are just pleading with the city council members do something this brother saying do something y'all get paid hundreds of thousand of dollars you're sitting up here with your nice suits you need to put some Crocs on and a t-shirt on and come out here with the people and see what's going on but they're not going to do that they're not going to do that let me let this play out in a bro I'm getting thousands of views on on these and it's going to get bigger and it's only going to get worse and y'all sitting up there in these chairs y'all all y'all need to get out here and do something y'all making hundreds ,000 y'all need to put on a T-shirt and some Crocs and then y'all need to come out here in these streets and y'all need to go out here and uh I'm out here before the police is like y'all need to do something bro y'all really got to stand on bu y'all getting paid all this money just to wear a suit and sit in a chair I don't think I think it's I think it's crazy bro they like we got to do something bro it's kids out here getting hurt like only reason reason I even went on here and said something about it is because somebody told me they walking from the school and a Haitian almost ran into them and who is getting paid like how much money is y'all really getting paid like to bring them over here like I know it's deeper than them I know that's where they come from and that's what they do that's they country I don't know what they got going on over there but they can't do that over here and if y'all just getting paid from it and then y'all ain't doing nothing about it I think that's super weird bro y'all got to stand on business y' got to really like step up like it's it's lame bro like for real thank you for your comments thank you thank you but here's the reality of it all right because we know they're not going to step up and if you go on Twitter X you know uh you type in you know uh Springfield Ohio and Haitians or Ohio Haitians there are other testimonials out there um but speaking on standing on business and y'all got to do what y'all got to do you know I I'll say this in closing man at the end of the day you all have to do what you all have to do you know what I'm saying you can't get up here like the people in Chicago like this brother here and these City Council meetings upset mad saying all the things that you're saying wanting to change wanting the kind of change that you want to see but then come vote November you know or come November 5th um your DNC chip activates and for some reason you vote erors you know or you get lazy that day and you just say man you know what I I can't make it to the voting boo I can't I can't make it as for me as I've stated multiple times over I promise you guys if I liveed in a Battleground state I'm the first one in line to cast my vote for Trump I'm literally the first person in line and if that's not the same sentiment feeling if that's not the same sense of urgency with which you're operating with uh come November to make sure you do your due diligence um to vote Trump in order to handle all this stuff or at least to uh have a shot at taking care of this stuff well then all of the complaining and the testimonials things of that nature are for not it's for nothing uh and nothing changes you know what I mean so that's what I'll say in closing I will say that in closing you know you all know what you got to do in November whether or not you do it that's on you you all know what I'm going to do this November and y'all know who I'm voting for I love the black population of this country I've done so much for the black population of this country facts okay I'm just saying you know so folks got to do their part as well man they got to do their part as well but you know like I said I just wanted to make sure to highlight this uh and to bring the actual testimonials of the people on the ground to light concerning this issue uh because it's important for me to highlight that this is not something that Trump just like pulled out of th air you know what I'm saying this isn't something that he just made up just to be making it up uh this is the actual testimonial of the people that live and reside in Springfield Ohio uh there's a lot more testimonials like I said if you go on Twitter now known as X Type in Ohio migrants type in Ohio Haitians you'll see uh maybe about three or four more you know city council testimonials like this man uh all the information is out there don't be fooled by the mainstream media press uh the propaganda wing of the DNC at this point don't be fooled and don't be tricked by that man uh the information is out there the evidence is out here just a matter of whether or not you're going to pursue it for yourself so with all that being said man I want to thank you all for joining me today uh let me give my last thank yous as I had out also stick around to the end because this video is going to redirect IR you to my next video that should be airing in about an hour and a half concerning whether or not Trump was lying about the 9month abortions so that stick around and make sure you get redirected over there and please hit the like button if you haven't already please hit the like button there are 900 some of you in here please hit the like button shout out to my man dsb for coming through supporting and funding the Channel with the super sticker shout out to my man dsb again for supporting the Channel with a very generous generous donation to the channel I appreciate you dsb thank you bro for holding it down as you always do and shout out to dsb one more time who gifted five memberships five memberships I appreciate you dsb and dub 3000 you almost thought I forgot you didn't you you thought I overlooked you no I didn't I got you he says so so ha H excuse me uh so Haitians are the problem now where is this attention to other immigrant populations white supremacy plays both sides TD I don't know if you were asking are you asking that question to me so Haitians are the problem now um I don't think anybody believes I'll answer that in case you're asking me directly I don't think that anybody in this live chat believes Haitians are the problem what's the problem is illegal immigration what's the problem is a migrant crisis that was created by KLA Harris and Joe Biden deliberately that's the problem what's the problem is you know fraudulent Asylum seeking that's the problem right unvetted immigration into the country that's the problem not Haitians you know so uh I wanted to make a moment to clear that up just in case you are asking me directly uh so that's my answer to that and thank you all for your time have a great afternoon please hit the like button on your way out and stick around to the very end because you will be getting redirected uh to the next video concerning Donald Trump's 9month abortion claim right so I'll catch you guys later man peace and have a great afternoon

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