DWP making major change to PIP and WCA assessments impacting millions of claimants #pip #benefits

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:04:39 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] hi there welcome um I'm just going talking a little bit about um pip and DWP assessments it looks like the uh the PIP assessments and DWP assessments are going to change um very very soon um so it's going to be difficult to ascertain how that's going to affect people in terms of uh getting an assessment what the assessments are going to be like uh how they're going to be handled um at the moment there are I think there are a couple of different companies who are dealing with it I'm going to show with the article in a moment there's a couple of different um companies dealing with it it's been outsourced to a couple of different companies depending on what assessment you're having done but the government is looking to have that all under one company so one company would do the assessments for all of the um for everyone for p DWP whatever it might be so obviously this is going this could have an impact in how your assessment is conducted it could have an impact in what they ask you um although the government hasn't said that directly um obviously with any change there could be changes in in regime changes to uh how the assessment is handled or things like that let's look at the um article and um we'll go through it together so this is here it says the method by which millions of claimants are evaluated for Department of work and pensions benefits is about to undergo significant shift in just a few days uh it's going to introduce a new approach to an outsourced assessment system it's going to affect personal independent payments which is the PIP obviously and work and capability assessments WCA uh and it will come into effect from September so very soon in indeed uh it says as you as you see here it says three firms currently carry out the things atos and capita holding DWP contracts uh to conduct pip assessments and wcas are carried out by Maximus um now I've had issues with um with atos and capita in the past so um perhaps this might even hopefully make things a little bit easier for people uh benefits and work for has disclosed that during last year's contract bidding for regional assessments confirmed that the contracts will be active until 20 29 however the government is going to introduce a new approach with a single assessment for all benefits uh contracts for functional Assessment Services are set to replace both pip contracts and contracts for WCA for employment and support allowance and Universal Credit this means that the same company will conduct both types of assessment in any given Regional area um it also goes on to say uh this part of the health transformation program proposes having a single assessment approach for all benefits which use a Functional Health assess M from September this means all pip and WCA assessments will be conducted by one company in the Northwest Maximus um that's what they've said now I haven't had any dealings with Maximus let me know down in the comment section if you've dealt with Maximus for any of your assessments let me know what you think are they are they generally a good company to have assessments with or or do they have or do you have you had problems with them I'd love to hear your thoughts on that um last year DWP and the unveil plans for telephony makeover aiming to make all disability health benefit meetings recordable through an enhanced Vis appraisement tool as of yet these updates haven't been rolled out I've had a video assessment which was an absolute shambles um because um I'm not going to go into details of it but it was an absolute shambles um those sheduled for p pip assessments are entitled to have it audio recorded on condition that they notify the DWP beforehand um so basically it's just saying that they you know the assessments are going to change now of course we don't know whether Maximus is going to change the way the the assessments are are done apparently this is going to be one assessment for all of these uh different types of uh benefits so how how that's going to work I don't know because obviously if you're if you're having one assessment for all three for example or two of those things then it's difficult to work out how that's going to happen if if a if the decision is no um will it be decision for both of those will be no or do the or does that apply differently to whatever you're going for whether you're going for pip or whether you're going for something else um it's going to be difficult to work it out and it's probably going to be um it's probably going to be a long long wait for it it's probably going to be a long drawn out process while they change over and change the new processes so it's going to be difficult but let me know down in the comment section what you think about this are you are you pleased it's all going under one company or do you think that actually this might make things worse I think it might make things worse but let me know your thoughts down in the comment section forg get to uh subscribe if you want to hear more about this type of thing about health and uh and benefits and and things that could help disabled people

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