Diane Lane: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 | The Jennifer Hudson Show

as y'all know I like to call my home here the happy place okay I want you to be good and happy yes I do my goal and the goal of the J HUD family has always been to uplift people and to help everyone to feel good that's what we want you can feel good well since May is mental health awareness month I want to just take a moment to show to talk about how important it is to take care of our bodies and our minds it's so important y'all that's right now I want to today I want to remind you to check in on each other ask your strong friend friend you're doing all right it only take a few seconds okay we all have our own ways of checking in and checking up some people have their faith I'm one of those that got my faith anybody got their faith let me see your hand and some people have their community and some people have their work out crew whatever yours is make sure to use it okay my mom said without your health you have nothing okay and we want to be clothed in our right Minds so this is a very important thing and I love my people y'all my family so I want you to be okay are y'all all right today listen I am so grateful to experience the Love Brought here to this studio every single day on this stage from the audience to the guests and to the crew and the staff it's just the happy place and we love each other and we just want everybody to be encouraged and in good spirits and this is my family the jhub family so remember this so this month and every month I hope we all can find a way to take care of ourselves the best way we can all you can do is the best you can do all right now let's take care of the rest of this show and get started with my first guest she's an incredible Hollywood Leading Lady and this year she's busier than ever her latest project is the new Netflix series a man and fool please welcome the iconic Diane Lane [Applause] this is our true love you love they love you and I love them back and we love you thank you sweetheart thank you so much for being here I'm delighted welcome to the happy place thank you you've been really busy I've been working yeah last year was a work year now I have to all the fruits of the labors come out yeah different years right it's yes cuz do you ever watch your projects back do I watch them yeah well I have to watch them in order to be able to speak about them because you never know what the editor has done that is true is that a good trick should I do that cuz some sometimes I was tired when I started out like don't look back at the work so but it is back back yeah like oh well I mean sometimes it's on when you look how old I am turning the channel that's the international symbol for changing the channel still is it this now oh my goodness that could be your phone you never know congrats on the success of fuse I heard this get any bu I beg your pardon yeah that's nice that's a good four-letter word oh my goodness and then Inside Out is another project like you say Amy I love that movie and we have been waiting and waiting for this film to come out I can't wait to see it I just yeah it's lovely to work Greatful and it's about a teenager and and emotions do you remember when like what do you recall when you were a teenager myself or raising one because both it kind of pick one cuz I have a teenager right now okay okay yes so okay well your daughter how does your daughter uh she's uh asked me not to Diel to that if people want to know her age then they could ask her her themselves that's what she told me was she anything like you when you were a teenager oh yeah well I mean I hope not but I'll never know occasionally she'll tell me stories be like oh I could tell you now now Mom I could tell you now you didn't know you know I was like okay it makes sense I had that one coming chickens come home to Roose but you know I I I I loved her so much and she loved me but it was so much fun to embarrass her because it was so easy to do at that age and it driving in the car and she just kept saying this same phrase over and over to me and I said that's I'm going to rename you I'm going to legally change your name to God Mom stop I love that that was the best response well tou I'm still dining out on this story so she's she's accepted me fully now and appreciates my embarrassment but see yeah cuz my son he's 14 now and everything I do embarrasses him so will that go away ever even this will embarrass him oh yes I know like is there any Escape around it at all I don't my inner 14-year-old is still with me okay is your inner 14y old so right I'm compassion for the 14-year-old so you were a teenager in Hollywood do you remember what your first Hollywood party was like I remember the first um coming to Los Angeles for the first film to come out I was 14 years old and uh it's so interesting because I just wore my favorite jeans and my favorite shirt and I braided my hair the night before so it would be wavy and uh and that was it for the Glam Squad for me what kind of party was it for well well I don't know was Lawrence Olivier was there and he was in the film a little romance and um and um I don't know it just was all I wanted to do was Meet Peter Frampton I heard he was there uhhuh did she get to meet him I did I got a photo with him okay I and years later I found the paparazzo who took the photo and he said here and he pulled it out in a red carpet years later and I was so fulfilled a my inner 14-year-old she had her way good and you still have the photo yes it's it's among my those moments are precious and I love a photo now I want to get into cuz I love some music too I heard you wanted to be a DJ originally oh that was one of my childhood fantasies didn't we all want to be on the radio and choosing the songs that everybody gets to enjoy I love your DJing here I have a good time we doing good yes I have fun watching the show dancing in my kitchen thank you but uh yeah privately only ever might embarrass my inner 14-year-old um but anyway yeah I you know radio DJ not a not a party DJ that's a whole other kettle of fish uh but you know yeah that that was my fantasy job I don't know did you have a Pursuit at all no I was completely introverted about all that stuff cuz I used to make believe a lot so you know well I made recordings the radio okay they're now they're called mixtapes so I thought one day I was going to have a great my my girlfriend and I we'd have the microphones and we' do those goofy radio uh commercials yeah that was half the fun I love that is anyone in your family musical my mom would sing she's not with me anymore but she was a singer she pursued that and I got to take her to see her hero Sarah vaugh wow at the New Orleans JazzFest in 1985 I'll never forget it she was very impressed and fulfilled oh my goodness we're we impressed to have you here will you stick around for a little bit delighted to okay Diane Lane we'll be right back we're back with the fabulous Diane Lane like I say you stay on the road can you tell us about men and fool what what do you want to know I mean it's a fantastic show I we have Regina King as one of our directors fantastic as a director I love to work with her and for her and hope to get on camera with her one day and Tommy schami was also a our director of the other three episodes I got to work with him on House of Cards and so it's fun to work with people again uh I play Jeff Daniels character's exwife I think you might have seen the clip from earlier so gives him just a little grief just a little my good but it's it's good I I think of it as sort of a morality tale there's a whole world in Atlanta and it's taking down this man and and he's fighting back the best he can and you always wonder if people are going to make the right choice or the wrong choice and they're constantly being afforded these opportunities and you just hope that they make the right choice but they yeah that's the drama you you you get the drama cuz you're seem so forceful on the screen and here you just seem so sweet like where do you pull from like for your characters oh I appreciate that question cuz you vibed me I'm I'm a bit of an introvert really uh it's so different yeah but sometimes us introverts when we get angry it's it goes to 11 on the dial it's like too big it's too big like you from zero to yeah like you you play nice and then you flip a table and you're like I'm sorry I didn't mean to flip the table I was just a little upset but you know so I don't modulate very well which is great as an actor because you can give a lot and it's better to give a lot and have them say could you just dial it back a little yes cuz for years I would watch my work and I thought that's just too subtle that's too subtle so give more in DM be yes I think that that well that's what I'm doing now you let me know how it's going Jennifer it it's Worlds Apart it's like wait that character was fierce right y'all and then now it's like but that's a true actress I caught it okay okay it is amazing okay now another thing you say you bring your own food and slippers desent tell us about that that got out yes it's true I do because I understand you feet and shoe and heel time and I'm all all in yes I mean I've had the foot surgery I've done the heel decades and now I do my heels sitting yes or or like here's your red carpet moment and now I'm going to sit some more in those shoes I totally feel you I have this idea for the red carpet y'all because at a point it becomes he time and once we get to a certain section our feet are done okay so Diane this is what I think I think they need to have a section called sitting think about it a PCT oh you sitting honey get it and we're resting our peace yes is that a good idea I like it I like it y'all hear us or B okay okay now I got one more question have you ever taken any props from the sets before like as a keep set is that out on me as well uhoh well I mean no I don't normally uh theve from my film sets but occasionally I'll look and see what has been chosen that is supposed to be my characters and sometimes it happens late in the game you get to set and I'm so impressed and I thought I wish I'd read half of these books and so I did I I I took a book off the shelf and it was Gloria steinm of Revolution within M it is good I recommend it and I opened it up and it said to Colleen which is my mother's maiden name and I thought I've I've got to steal this book it was meant and I I wish my mother had read it but anyway I when I got to go to Glorious Dam's 80th birthday I brought the book and asked her to sign it to me so she did and so it says to Colleen as if it were my mother but it wasn't uh some other random person also named Colleen but she said and now to Diane also so it was Full Circle she she she played she played along maybe was it was very sweet and it was meant for you to have yes I think so that it's lovely healing i' love that for you and you know what we can't let you come to the happy place and not give you a little Jennifer Hudson gift yes ma'am we got you a little key say slippers of your own why because I understand you yes this works for me oh and it says it's got the bling you see the bling I love it is it approved classy oh my God for one of the Great a man and fool is streaming now on Netflix and inside out too is in theaters June 14th we'll be right back as America's diner Denny's loves to feed people body mind and soul which is why they're committed to shining a light on layer stories that celebrate authentic conversations around mental health we're calling these stories stacks of love our next guest goal is to be an everyday role model for his students from Dallas Texas please welcome Marcus Bourn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Slater Welcome to our happy place I know you like to make your classroom a happy place thank you for that we need more young men like yourself okay what made you want to be a teacher uh honestly I didn't want to I had no ambition to teach at all I was a college athlete and I had a job right after college and I had a friend there named Char and he was like you know you will be a great teacher I was like no got the wrong guy but then he was like you know my kids in their school no one looks like us that's there that they can M themselves behind so he was like go right in it I went at it 100% I'm still there wow is that what made you change your mind to want to do it like what was the thing that made you say you know what I'm going to do it uh it really was Tyler cuz every single day he was like to my kids to school today didn't see nobody black I was like yeah and then every single day he just came back over and over again they kind of persuaded me and I was like you know what you do it I'll do it we both when it and we both got hired a couple weeks later and you still doing it I'm so glad you decided to do it why are a male teacher Role Models important for the classroom so I know growing up all my teachers were was like female and they were like older people so I never seen no one that looked like me in my classroom so I know a lot of kids they're like fatherless I don't have no male figure around so I was like maybe if I'm in there I can be like a father or like a big brother to these kids they can know what they should how to conect themselves so what we be doing that's important tell us about the school you teach at yeah I teach at Jose Joe may Elementary in Dallas and it's a really good school but the area is kind of it's a tough area to be in Social economically like I had some kids who you know who were homeless so like just didn't have the needs that they needed so my school my new principal Mr Cobo we try to give them everything they need as a teacher but as a person like if I see you need you know shoes I may pull you aside and like gift you a pair like you want more lunch I see eat lunch real fast I'll dir they ask you lunch one day and I call you up and I'll give it to you we just want to be someone you need in your life the person we need it wow that is so beautiful ain't that wonderful y'all what do you love most about teaching uh the relationship building part of it like kidss learn from who they like so my first year I'm thinking like I love you they're going to yeah cuz I thought like maybe I'm older than them they're listening me and it was like nah we don't like you and I was like what I'm cool a i they like Noah like are you going to stay because they had three teachers before me everybody left them so my first year every week they was like am I going to see you on Monday I'm like you going to see me every Monday for the rest of the school year so I just and they love you now don't they oh yeah every day how have you seen your students Mental Health Health improved since you've been there oh man like the confidence is like night and day when I first got there it was a bunch of like negative self talk within my class like they be like I'm stupid I'm dumb I just can't do this and I'm just like we're not going to do that we're going to give more effort you got to apply yourself more but now at the end of the school year I'm m l the problem they like answer is four I know this I'm too smart and I'm just like I'm like that's that's a win so it just constantly growing and get their all so how does it make you feel to see how much they've improved and how do you feel like they've impacted you oh man it just it means a lot to me I know like I'm learning patience with them because I'm I'm only 24 so like yeah you're a baby too I don't got no kids like I don't got nothing I got a dog and that's about it so so with the kids it's kind of like I'm used to like saying a command like sit the dog can sit but the kids they're not going to sit so I'm constantly repeating myself even with like lessons and problems having the patience to talk beside you and laying down and being like okay we start from the top and like walking them through that I didn't have that patience when I first came in there wow so you can learn learn from the kids so y'all gr together we gr up together that's a blessing oh my goodness will you stick around for a little bit I'll be here cuz we learning too what Marcus we'll be right back we're back with teacher Marcus Bo Slater okay you said say hi to who you want me to say hi to your grandma my grandma grandma what's her name syia hey Grandma syvia hey Granny it's me je for come on to the happy place I can look your side the head too that's a good that's a good grandson you said send a shout out right give him a head y'all got you they T to well that is for sure okay tell us this how do you fund your classroom uh so mostly through me now but I have a big following on social media so early in the school year I made an Amazon whist list and everybody kind of got everything but that stuff come up I do it myself bless your heart that is amazing well your students have a surprise for you I want you to take a look hi Mr I just wanted to thank you Mr B for always is being like there for us thank you Mr B for being with me and not quitting like the other teachers and being so nice and respectful to all of us thank you Mr B you're the nicest teacher you made me feel happy when I was feeling down thank you Mr B you're like a brother to me thank you Mr B for teaching us thank you Mr B for helping me for all these days and weeks thank you Mr B for your helping me with my work and for the whole school year we love you Mr a a Mr B how does that make you feel me little sad up here tell me me cry a little bit but like it means a lot it means a lot it means a lot yes ma'am I to see the babies that you blessed and helped and that's amazing we're all proud of you y'all give them another hand well Miss B our friends at Denny's heard your story and are so inspired by your openness and see the safe space you you create for your students every day we want you to keep that great work going so we're giving you $10,000 you and the St how does that make you feel Marcus been feel really good man I really surprised for sure but now I'm kind of hungry now I'm have to go get some love back oh my goodness and what do you how do you think this could help the kids oh man it's going to go a long way especially cuz like we got testing coming up in a couple weeks just kind of give them like a award to like get them hype when I see them this week so defin want surprising for something thank you so much for what you do we need more young men like this okay thank you for being here and thank you Denny we'll be right back it's mental health awareness month and I am so proud of the conversations we've been able to have thanks to our partnership with Denny we've highlighted incredible people who've shared their stories with us to create positive change in their communities we call these stories stacks of love and I wanted to share some of our favorite moments so take a [Applause] look with the help of Denny's we're going to bring you 10 incredible journeys of extraordinary people making a difference in their neighborhood we're calling these stories stacks of love his last wish was to to help others have a wish and so that's what I mean and how many people have you been able to bless by Nicks wish 325 and counting in 38 States when I see these families um just have that joy and see them smiling and loving each other and knowing that they've taken that break from that cancer battle it is an amazing feeling I know Nick's smiling down at me I was going to say that he is I can see his big smile and he's saying mom I knew you could do it Mom I knew you could do it that makes me emotional because when you have a loss to me the best way to honor those that you lost is to do things that you know will make them proud cuz if nothing else you know they're smiling down on you my little cousin he passed away suddenly and I really struggled with that I struggled with trying to navigate all those feelings and dance and Performing Arts was the thing that kept me alive that kept me going and so I wanted to open the space for young people that I wish I had when I was going through all of that stuff the Arts can make a huge difference and allow people to express themselves it could be therapeutic it can be healing my platform was sharing all these mental health tips as I was approving mine I was helping people and really like my goal since the beginning was really always just been to help people we function very well in our deaf world but when we go into the hearing world we become invisible and so we wanted people with no experience to be able to come to our restaurant provide them training give them self-esteem help them build themselves up provide stabilities in a stable job and they were fortunate to be able to then move into their own Apartments gain independence purchase their first cars that is amazing and inspiring congratulations it's going to make a huge difference for so many and it brings a light to it just to be here right now and be able to share with you all it's really humbling experience it's Brave it's courageous girls are in schools that should be nourishing places but sometimes they're um faced with people who are telling them they aren't worthy or they're not enough you're there to support them through it all and I think that's what we're so proud of with sl24 is the education piece and giving students the language that they have they just need a little help with the words Sean was this great person so we decided to do something to change it you know I knew nothing about mental health until we lost Sean and we had so many parents come up to us and said if Sean could do this then any kid is vulnerable to this um so what we've tried to do is take this tragedy um and try to use it to help other people to to let them know you don't have to suffer in silence that you can ask for help and you don't have to feel guilty for asking for help thankfully there is a Sean's house and through his legacy you can help so many more there were a lot of days that were really really dark seeing so many people you know dealing with situations like me people that were going through something thriving I just knew I had to do something like like that how could we create a community space where people felt safe to work out to continue that recovery journey and to find thems you're blessing so many through your own Journey so it it I think that is a gift in itself Mentor Uncle disciplinarian teacher a lot of hats that I wear with the kids um they're my family right they've saved my life in so many ways and you're saving this it makes a difference when you know someone is looking after you you matter somebody cares and you have people those who are investing in you we don't take it lightly and I'm sure it means everything to each and every one of those kids that you make time for and invest in welcome Debbie [Applause] Al I am here to applaud you and to sing your Praises I and know what it is they have a dream and here you are at such a young age providing this opportunity for these young people and and I'm here to say yes keep going he showed me that people are still going to love you I think you should meet him come on out Ryan Dancing actually boosts dopamine and improves mood so you guys are doing it right here in so many ways this is why we call this the happy place hey hey Emily Jennifer Steve Aoki thank you so much for shining a light on brain science and research you guys are making a massive difference in people's lives so when we were thinking about taking Sea's house and making it a mental health Safe Haven it's the place that you can go when your voice quivers and you're not sure what the next word out of your mouth is we want to seeing you continue on with your legacy so we're giving you $10,000 towards your legacy in honor of sh God bless yall God bless you thank you very much that is so generous thank wow wow you guys are blessing you know you're going to continue to bless so many through his legacy just think about all the people and the people you're saving from his legacy woo okay right now I feel blessed that God gave me an opportunity to transform pain into purpose our friends at Denny's heard your story and are so inspired by your openness and the work that you do with the butterfly dreams so we want to give you a gift of $10,000 yes we do this is for you wish I wish that so many are blessed here you go girl this is for you thank you to support your efforts $10,000 to help you continue the work in your community how are you feeling right now you about to make me CRA oh my God so congratulations thank you Benny it has been such an honor to meet these amazing people and share these stories thank you to all my guests I will never forget you and I wanted to give a special thank you to Denise because together we were able to give $100,000 to help these folks continue their efforts dennise we did a anything we'll be right back woo all right we're back I am so glad you are here you know y'all know what that sound means it's oh I heard hoo that's time for a Happy Meal right that's what that mean oh my [Music] God okay come on out Mr Mailman [Applause] Mr Mailman is in the house well hey friend I have a package for you you got a package for me mhm what don't he look like a package y' you better be snatched friend yes honey look like you bringing me more than some ma y That's my P A he's a shy guy well I ask y'all to share your good news and y'all delivered let's read today's mail let's see what we got y'all always send me good old letters honey put that down okay here we go here we go to my incredible staff and crew of the Jennifer Hudson show I know y'all love a good twist it is the season of surprises after all so today it is my turn to flip the script on you okay for those of you watching at home you may have heard the news that not only were we recently honored by the National Association of broadcasters that's right y'all but the [Applause] Jennifer y'all the Jennifer hust show was also just nominated for four daytime Emy Awards you see why I have to get it together do you understand up including outstanding daytime talk show okay thank you thank you thank you so while I know you are all expecting Happy Meal from one of our amazing viewers I had to steal the mic today to say something that's been on my spirit okay this is a thank you that I want to give to the staff and crew who make this possible each and every day including yourselves okay okay so to the staff and crew I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you for all that you do to make this show my happy place and the happy place for so many who tune in every single day thank you for your incredible hard work your determination your creativity your C curiosity thank you for caring so deeply and putting your heart into everything you do thank you for always wanting to bring the best possible version of this show to audiences across the country country thank you for being a part of my dream and most of all thank you for being a part of my family you have shown me immense love kindness support and since day one of this journey for me that I am most I am most grateful for that I have incredible respect for every single one of you thank you guys so much it's w child it takes a lot to make the Jennifer Hudson show happen every day this squad right here deserves every bit of recognition and celebration for each and every one of you I love you I do all y'all you know where you are okay now listen it takes a village y'all okay so congratulations to my amazing happy place family I love you and I appreciate you more than you words could ever say and baby it takes a lot and I could talk about this all day but I ain't going to talk your head off but I wanted to say thank y'all so much for all you do that includes the audience that includes the guests that obvious the staff and the crew y'all work so hard and I love y'all and I appreciate you so much I couldn't live this life without you I had to sneak it in there okay thank you okay all right we can get you know what we'll be right back with that being said I think that's what [Applause] if you like this video smash that like button and subscribe to the Jennifer Hudson Show YouTube channel check your local listings or visit Jennifer Hudson show.com to see when you can watch four episodes in your area and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter

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