Category: Gaming
يضرب غزه من جو وبحر على البر مش مستر يمر انا مستنيه ونتظر بس ما يقدر يعملها رجلي نكسر ونشلها ساعه الحرب حالت واجت بكتاب الله اطرت نهايتكم والله قربت انتم وجيت برج ليكم من الدنيا راح نحيكم هذه ارضنا معروفه من وقت الازل احنا اهلها واصلها وانتم لا اصل اسمع كلامي اسمع ولك رصاصك ولا Read more
Category: People & Blogs
And we stay on the track this time the same event for the t13 the least of the visual impairment categories muhammadan goon the world record holder and paralympic record holder and the paralympic champion goes in this he'll be joined by the man from namibia in lane for the world champion johannes nambala... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Open but most of the seating is actually under a fair bit of cover victory ceremony for the men's 400 meters t13 another world record in this one as well scanner jamil athmani of algeria personal best in the heat world record in the final [music] okay [music] it's namibia who take the bronze medal johannes... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[musique] les athlètes viennent du monde entier ils seront à paris mais on vient tous d'une région d'un territoire et il faut qu'on soit fier de ça et on viendra vivre à paris ces jeux avec sa culture l'envie de performer qu'on soit athlètes olympique ou paralympique l'envie de faire la fête aussi parce... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] that is your chance to be hey kid don't ever let them get inside your head they'll tell you what to do in like instead of everything you know that you could get don't let them guide your life towards your gret i'll fight for what i love is every breath my past is filled with things i won't forget... Read more
Category: Sports
[musique] on a hâte d'y être bah surtout quand on a vu les jeuxs olympiques comment ça s'est passé dans la salle de ping il y avait une ambiance assez incroyable avec les frères lebrin et et simon et puis et puis aussi avec les filles donc on a vraiment hâte d'y être hâte de vivre cette expérience en... Read more
Category: News & Politics
On va conclure cette page olympique par notre feuilleton à eux les jeux consacrés à la préparation des trois champions alsaciens que l'on suit depuis plusieurs mois la marcheuse pauline st le poloïste hugo fontani et le paratriathlète jules ripstein c'est ce dernier que karine gébar claire perro et... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] that is your chance to be hey kid don't ever let them get inside your head they'll tell you what to do in like instead of everything you know that you could get don't let them guide your life towards your gret i'll fight for what i love is every breath my past is filled with things i won't forget... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته اليوم بتاريخ 5 سبتمبر 2024 حققت مصر اول مداليا ذهبيه في ببيات باريس 20 24 وبذلك في رفع الاذكار الكابتن محمد المنياوي لاعب المنتخب الوطني لرفع الاذكار البارالمبي فاز بذهبيه وزن 59 كيلو جرام ضمن منافسات دوره الالعاب الامبيه باريس 2024 الف مبروك لمصر والف مبروك للكابتن محمد... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] all right we are here in paris chris chabis alexis oan here the uh head founder of the uh 776 was and on top of that now just entering the track space with aos nyc super exciting the announcement was made months ago but now we're starting to get athletes trickling in and the uh headline performer... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] that is your chance to be hey kid don't ever let them get inside your head they'll tell you what to do in like instead of everything you know that you could get don't let them guide your life towards your gret i'll fight for what i love is every breath my past is filled with things i won't forget... Read more
Category: Sports
[musique] je m'appelle brian avidet j'ai 24 ans et je suis pédicurepologue la journée et escrimeuse en disport le soir je pense que le premier plaisir c'est quand on enfile le masque le fait de se sentir invincible et puis d'avoir une arme à la main on devient on devient un peu un chevalier donc le... Read more