Category: Sports
Hello friends i'm seeing you again for a new video on international football and the nations league and i'm going to present to you the cyprus vs kosovo match, it's a match which takes place this monday september 9, 2024 at 6 p.m. on behalf of the 2nd day in group 2 level c of the league of nations... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] nike just do [applause] it and the rest was a rel as well look like a foul from mari as the shot comes in it's a that incident but mishi season three outed minutes and it could be a second [applause] goal draw with northern ireland to make it three here's morii good save nothing to rashan... Read more
Category: Sports
Tries to get it clear bisha gets it back tries to get it forward [applause] quickly hoists it forward that'll be a throw in [applause] [applause] anything jin to pick out of these early exchanges well both sides seem happy with the patient approach for now he's gone for it keeper got concerned by that... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Wusstest du dass in albanien über 170.000 bunker aus angst vor invasionen gebaut wurden miredita albanien in einer minute albanien liegt auf deralkanhalbinsel in südosteuropa an der adria und dem ionischen meer es grenzt im norden an montenegro im osten an kosovo und nordmazedonien und im süden an griechenland... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Welcome to our travel adventure in kosovo. jörg and manuel are on the road with the bmw motorcycle team to support their friend vincent, who is currently traveling around the world on the swt 131 . in this video we take you on a relaxed ride through the diverse landscape of kosovo, with its impressive... Read more
Category: Sports
Moin frchers kennt ihr das so richtig enttäuscht zu sein von der deutschen nationalmannschaft seit ungefähr 10 jahren seit ungefähr 2014 ist es doch so dass man da wirklich enttäuscht wird jedes länderspiel aufs neue das sind mittlerweile 10 jahre und trotzdem möchte ich dir in diesem video zeigen dass... Read more
Category: Sports
Vat muii who scored a two goal on the first half yes guys it's kosovo versus ipress match and finally a penalty there was a like there was a bad challenge that's why referee said that it was a penalty and mui who scored the goal on the left side so this is the first goal for the kosovo on the 8 minute... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Serbie-kosovo: la tension monte bienvenue dans l’essentiel du dessous des cartes on commence par prendre la direction de roland garros voici ce que le champion novak djokovic a écrit sur une caméra, à la fin d’un match : « le kosovo est le cœur de la serbie. stop à la violence ». référence aux... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Intro [music] hello and welcome to the foothills of the accursed mountains in kosovo my name is thomas and i produce travel content mainly around europe compared to other regions of the continent this range is definitely rather under visited by international travelers currently i'm in the city of paya... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] [music] oh [music] oh [music] oh [music] [music] go oh [music] [music] [music] Read more
Category: News & Politics
La charge de la dette effectivement quand on dit je crois que le budget d'éducation nationale on parle en 2027 d'une estimation à 72 milliards de la charge de la dette c'est-à-dire de l'argent qui ne sert à rien enfin je veux dire c'est vraiment claquer de l'argent là hein euh au-dessus de l'éducation... Read more
Category: Sports
Hello friends i'm seeing you again for a new video on international football and i'm going to present the norway versus kosovo match, so it's a friendly match which takes place this wednesday, june 5, 2024 at 7 p.m. and so we're going to come back to the 10 latest results for all competitions combined... Read more