Category: People & Blogs
[music] round one [music] yo what up menards i'm brandon your friendly neighborhood nerdtender and today is a very special episode of the nerd tender uh i am going to be doing a cocktail for our boy kevin over at back to the retro review today and i thought to myself what's more retro than a whiskey... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
And che and would completely obscure my my uh line of sight to jared which fine we you know we had to act tennis balls before so not a big deal but i'm talking to jim and then i turned at to look at here and and the camera has now obscured my view but there was this little hole between the top of the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Salve community e bentornati nell le fevers sì c'è qualche cambiamento in corso l'avrete capito sì tra trasferimenti e robe varie questa non è nemmeno la sistemazione definitiva insomma penso che il resto del mese sia ancora bello burrascoso in ogni caso l'hollywood reporter lancia la bomba ci mette... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] rare super [music] rare rare i [music] bring epic Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Salut à tous c'est jaskon on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour une vidéo un peu spéciale j'ai eu l'opportunité d'assister au konoa expérience au grand rex le dimanche 24 août c'est le 25 le dimanche 25 août pas le 24 du coup coup je voulais vous faire un petit retour d'expérience sur le koa expérience c'est... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Wir gehen nach warms nach dem großbrand beim chemieunternehmen rö haben heute brandermittler das gelände begangen noch immer ist die ursache für den brand unklar zumindest die gute nachricht verletzt wurde niemand nach firmenam gaben haben kunststoffapparate und leitungen in einem produktionsbetrieb... Read more
Category: Comedy
Der ist vorbei würde es vorbei breckle corona statt fast alle endlich eine komische kleinste problem sowieso sind der maßstab und annemie schön forsch und beim wettschießen reihe vorbeikommt kann sie jungen der gerne den turinern also kein stempel und dann nicht nur den genau wie wenn eine mücke tod... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Kelly ask have you ever had a real life supernatural experience or ghost encounter and that it freak you out um i i have i have probably but i have this uh i have 15 years of training and it's given me a horribly false sense of security around anything that could possibly be supernatural right and so... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Baby i love doing life with you you're everything i want to wake up to give you all of my heart the moon and the stars till my time here on earth is through cuz i just baby iing you Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] hello fellow fan geeks it's your fan girl tally and it's time for a movie trailer this is for gladiator 2 official trailer 2024 now it's going to have pedro pascal in it now i love him but i have to make an admission i haven't seen gladiator the original editor hubby was absolutely horrified... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] do you remember happy together i do don't you then all of a sudden you sick to your stomach is that still true you said forever in the end of for it please be honest we better for it thought you'd hate me but it's that you called and said i miss you i [music] couldn't good to each other give... Read more
Category: Gaming
The lighting's bad for a reason i thought it might look cool it does not we'll see if i retake it or not my channel october every day wizard wine for halloween i'll be playing hogwarts legacy gryffindor for the first 13 days and the remainder is ravenclaw uh gryffindor was streamed previously as a bonus... Read more