Episode 005 of The Rob Report - Tinfoil Hats & The Presidential Debate

Published: Jul 14, 2024 Duration: 00:23:44 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: polymarket debate
[Music] hey now it is Friday June 28th this is the uh the politics hour this is the uh the the presidential debate uh recap episode um not a lot of crypto last night but a lot to uh a lot to unpack there um I'm coming to you live from Sunny Miami Florida FEMA Zone 4ing you know what that means it's the start of our uh of our crypto day over here the start of the markets the markets have just open and they're once again I'd love the day where where I can say they're up uh we've got um we've got a a red day here uh we've got a $ 61,2 58 Bitcoin looking pretty cheap still looking pretty cheap even after that performance uh by uh uh Donald decimating Jo Joe Biden Trump uh we don't have a we don't have a cheap uh uh Bitcoin here Castro did you uh did you catch the uh did you catch it last night I I caught it I caught it it's an entirety uh potify coins are the ones who are you know um up or down are seeing the volatility thanks to last night's debate uh what a debate it was it it was quite a [ __ ] show quite a mockery of so-called Democratic principles but um yeah you know um I'm pretty uh you know everything's a s up and I think the scups just keep getting better and better and so I'm not convinced that last night all of a sudden all our uh left-wing media pundits suddenly decided that Biden is the wrong choice going into this newvember it's definitely coordinated makes me very suspicious think you think the call is coming from inside the house this was uh this this was already planned that's that's what you're you and uh our good friend bology and and pretty much everyone on right-wing Twitter right now thinks that uh that the fix was in on uh Poor Joe Biden I mean I I I feel bad for the guy I feel bad for America that was uh that was really sad that was a that was a tough performance but but I don't know if I can go as far to say as uh we think he this was all a setup you think this was a setup um I'm not going that tinfoil hat here because to replace him at this point it is unprecedented and will definitely cause a lot of uh headaches for a lot of people on the left not necessarily the right but it would be a headache for them as well what I really think is going to happen here is that they knew he didn't stand a chance unless they steal the election again which is going to be a lot more difficult this time than it was last time so I think they want Trump to win because what's going to happen at the end of Trump's term or or post Trump is things are really going to uh hit the fan and so I think they want that so that they can blame the right that they can blame Trump and you know try to take back control um they're very mocka Valiant right the the right is a bunch of uh [ __ ] and the left are not and the left are very strategic and they've dominated politics um and culture uh so well because of that mentality and so that's what I think is really going on to to replace Biden this lead in the game I think is really really tough and probably backfires on them so I think they just want him to lose and that's been the case the whole time but you can't ignore his performance last night so the uh you know memo that went out to's just so he was so hold on you're saying you think he was just basically he's just like like a lamb thrown to wolves like they've written off this election they wrote it off from once he took office in 2020 they wrote it off this one off and just said give it back to Trump and we're never running an old guy again and we're going to show you why that's that's this uh they're they're thinking in terms of like uh like like multi- deade type of planning here they 100% are thinking multi-decade multigenerational because they've been doing this all for such a long time I mean just leftwing ideologies and groups in general they took over education they've taken over most of the corporate world and they they run politics regardless of whether the you know the actual politicians are Republican or Democrat so it's it's definitely a multi-generational plan you know uh so yeah I think they've written Biden off here I mean I wouldn't be surprised if there's some nutcase on the the Democratic you know strategist that like thought of something like that um but I'll be honest like that was if you're if you were like a young person and you were watching that you just watched the Democratic party put up like the weakest candidate they've put up in I I don't know my entire lifetime right I'm I'm 30 um never seen anything like that truly truly sad like like I mean I know Elders like like you know people that in their 90s that are way more uh cognizant than that right that that that was that was pretty sad but if you're a young person and you're watching that you're like now that's what you identify the Democratic party with like you know that and AOC screaming at at rallies in the Bronx and stuff like that like like you've just seen a [ __ ] show from the the Democrats and just like really kind of corny [ __ ] and you know Trump is has so many issues and is just like not a great person but he's like funny as hell and like everything on the right is like you know kind of based and kind of uh you know it's you know at least on like Twitter and you know I think we're like social media you know it's about you know shooting guns and eating beef and you know you know packing a Zin and and Trump is like you know and if you're in crypto hey you know even better cuz you know Trump's come out said he's you know you know we we love crypto so great the Bitcoin I want it all made here uh so it's like all right even if they're thinking in these multi-decade plans like I don't know if I was a young person I just watched that whole thing and this is what I've been seeing for the last couple months I feel like I would have just uh I don't know like like you know you just you just poisoned a generation against the Democrats how do they come back from this here and I think that probably you know leads into B's tweet there you know and I think what you're saying too and that the fix has been in and and they're they're going to run someone else but who do they run now like who can they run Gavin Newsome right I don't think so well I'm not in the in the camp of that although I'm not dismissing those chances but you know I think uh a mistake that a lot of people make is trying to say like oh this is the Democratic party or this is a Republican party this is really the special interests behind both parties and right now the majority of those power special interests are behind the Democrat Party and and to the point of young people who may have tuned in to the debate last night they're not their their perception is not tainted because everybody forgets so quickly so they they're going to forget last night uh you know very very soon and when Biden is long and gone they'll forget that the Democratic party ever did this and if the special interests continue continue to want to back the Democratic party then then they will and they'll convince a lot of uh mid curve people to support them but they might also one day support the Republican Party depending on you know the tide of the uh culture which they've done and over the decades I mean what if Trump comes in here and actually does a kick ass job and okay maybe they'll forget this debate performance and what the Democrats did you know but they'll only remember that the the Republicans you know did a great job right I me are we just we just think the Republicans are so so inept at actually to getting anything done that that's the uh you know that as an as as an outcome isn't even a possible ility uh well how many Boomers do you know that still love raag all of them [Laughter] exactly yeah so but that's my point is like well well you know if the for the younger generation if Trump comes in and does a really awesome job and you know leads America back into the back into the 80s you know for these young kids they'll never forget that you know Republicans are you know Rock flag and eagle kick ass right but that was the same generation that still got sced uh over and over again to lead to the situations that we face today that are quite frankly dire but you know I don't get too caught up in how dire they are because uh at least it's not a thousand years ago where everybody was just dying from like the common cold well yeah I I think it's hard to I think like the Illusions to the 80s and the 90s and stuff like that are tough in a in a world where a lot of people's jobs are probably going going to be radically disrupted in the next 5 Years From Ai and stuff like that and you know you know debts at all-time highs it's definitely like it's not the same as it as it used to be but you know sticking back to kind of the to to the Fallout of of last night um you know maybe our our producer here can pull up uh the poly poly Market but um you know Trump went up quite a bit um in turn on poly Market there Joe I think you know opened um opened the debate at like 20 23 maybe 24 he's down to 19% have you been on poly Market have you been uh uh you know buying any of any any uh any bets here I I love the whole prediction Market thing um I have not been a user of poly Market or other uh politically leaning uh prediction markets I think it's just really cool to see in in real time it's just not my thing but uh I am tempted to be honest I I've been using it it so he was at 34% chance La last night today's now he's at 19 I was off by by 10 so he was at 34 so yeah I mean that's probably one of the greatest you know you know crypto pieces here right is that we actually have these these markets you were mentioning the meme coins too although the meme coins you know the problem is there's so many of them I was looking at the one Baron had made it didn't really move much um from what I could see so I there was that was one thing I was a little a little tough for me was trying to figure out which meme coin actually um had the was you know was going to be like the net beneficiary of kind of Trump's performance last night right if you go on coin gecko there's you type in MAA there's Trump there's Maga there's MVP I guess that's the VP coin there's MAA coin uh BSC there's Bridge MaGa on wormal there's so many and they all trade like they're all down right now so they're all trading quite differently so I had a hard time trying to figure out you know which meme coin to buy but uh but poly Market you know that's that's been pretty fun I think there's a lot of good markets on there and that's you know that's a really interesting crypto case now it's not really I'll be honest it's not really a crypto product though I mean you can use crypto for it uh to to to bet but you know I'm not really sure what's being settled um in these markets if they're being settled by like a protocol or not right because there there are um there's like predicted and other company other websites out there that let you you know vote on uh political uh elections with without crypto right but but interesting stuff to to say the least there um yeah I I think you know it was pretty sad I I I'll just kind of come back to that it it was pretty sad I I'm really interested in kind of where things go from from here but you know if you're a single-issue lead pipe voter um I think what you know Biden was saying at the end of his uh uh and end of the debate for last night was you know really encouraging um he talked a lot about lead pipes uh that was bizarre and weird um I think Trump should have came out with something a little more uh optimistic or something a little more nicer at the end there I mean he had he had Biden beat really bad and and kind of still was like laying into him which you know whatever fine but you know I mean but but on a serious note like if you are a crypto voter here um this is good news I'm surprised we're not kind of rallying a bit more than we are because uh I mean this seems like a a net positive for us right crypto I mean Trump has been the leading crypto guy his son's out here making meme coins with Martin scr right uh you know weirdo Martin scr this should be a b this should be good I mean this should be uh this should be a bullish thing in my mind well I agree it is a bullish thing for me too but I do think that debate was a big sham last night and I like to see a lot of people on the timeline wondering why Trump even agreed to it and I think they're missing why he agreed to it he agreed to it so he can be shipping the content that he started shipping or that his team started shipping immediately during the debate just making Biden look like a total clown um you know I woke up today to a ton of posts from him on social media that's why he did it I mean it's just viral piece of piece of viral content after piece of viral content so you know I thought the debate was pretty lame and I thought it was a sham but uh that's exactly why Trump agreed to it and it worked out in his favor but yeah overall bullish for crypto 100% um they're going to really have to pull a fast one if they want to take that election away from him this November well I think Nal had a good um there was some kind of tweet going around I saw um from Nal what it was really like a voice message um our our good friend uh Ryan selus looked to repost it there uh and the v um I actually have his phone number I can um I can give him a call but um I won't do that but um I think he he said it pretty well it's very diff it seems like it's pretty difficult for them to actually bring in a new candidate at this time right they only have a couple a couple days they have like a a little over a month it looks like until the convention and then I guess there's some other rules there but you know I think they should put Hunter up I think they should put Hunter up and you know it can be the Felon off right we can have the felons you know going after each other and you'll be like you know Hunter can go up there and say it'll be like you know my dad I've been watching my dad for years I learned everything I know from my dad minus smoking crack never I learned that on the streets uh you know he can go up there and he'll be like like you know Donald's you know he's he's not a real felon I'm a real felon I I do hard drugs I smoke crack I uh uh you know Donald has to pay for uh for for porn star prostitutes I get real ones real escorts you know he can go up there as like a real you know Blue Collar everyday workingclass man you know the the guy who's like authentic you know Donald has been so fake and phony his whole life and everything you know yeah put that picture of him with the crack pipe in the bed just kind of nodding out there or you know the video of of him uh weighing the crack and he'll be like I won't let the Chinese rip us off on any deal I've never been ripped off on a deal watch me make sure I get exactly the amount of crack that I purchase you can go up there and that and it'll be like I've I carry the bite in name and and comma can stick on if she wants maybe she doesn't want to at that point I don't know who even you know I don't know who the who the the the vice president becomes at that point don't think it matters uh you know he's got those yeah he's got that you know he's he's got those beautiful beautiful veneers um you know white yeah there you go that's we're looking at some I think whole time whatever uh stimulus or stimmy cocktail Biden was on last night should have just been crack I think crack would have served him a a lot better well he he perked up like halfway through which was bizarre I mean I think he had a patch on Like A Time release patch you know the same ones at Sam B the the the the yeah yeah yeah the SPF uh ones yeah something happened because he either his cold went away he had a cold apparently um is like well like he has like the best medical staff in the world they don't have some like injection that can just be like to immediately give him uh to like immediately get rid of the old right like that's how [ __ ] old this guy is like he he can pick up a cold just leaving you know leaving a Camp David there so yeah not not great but I think we throw Hunter out there and you know um we'll we'll see I I think there's another piece here that that's on the VP thing that's kind of interesting is like that nval talked about was uh you know kamla Harris they have to get rid of her because if you can't just get rid of she can't step up and she can't stick around because she she pulls really really really horribly against Trump so yeah it's um it's a weird one that was a weird one that was you want to know what was real sad last night though I don't know if you saw this but RFK had his own debate by himself that was moderated by I forgot what his name is that the libertarian Fox guy um John something suil um that was I didn't watch any of that I didn't even know that was going on but uh I like that was sad you know Biden sure real sad RFK by himself on stage getting debating who knows who that was pathetic yeah well you know people will still argue they'll be like well you know the if the Democrats if they didn't if they didn't you know Force RFK to go as an independent he could have been the nominee he could have been the nominee and in fact actually I wonder if if RFK had been the nominee um on for the Democrats would have beaten Trump right I mean probably he'd be pulling lower than Biden I think you think he'd be pulling lower the special interests are are not fans of him they definitely can get more out of trump than they can out of RFK yeah who are these special interests Castro you you seem to be I didn't realize how you were for another episode I didn't realize you were this you were this hip to all this uh yeah tell us about these special interests you got a is there one in particular that you're aware of that uh secret I'm not the tin foil hat Illuminati type of guy I mean there's a lot of different people and they work with each other and there's groups and organizations NOS they work with each other and then they work against each other and their interests are are vastly different some of them are you know from the industrial War complex some of them are from Big Pharma some of them are from the environmental movement which is just a sham right going green in the west is just an advantage for China and India to you know dominate the uh you know um energy uh sector so they're all different sometimes they work with each other sometimes they don't but at the end of the day they work against the common person so that's that's the big deal there so Bilderberg and the trilateral commission this is who really runs the the show here is what you're saying I mean there's definitely people who attend those groups and meetings who who have real influence but for the most part you know I I know conspiracy theorists like to point to those types of organizations to say this is where policy is really coming from to a certain extent that's true but it's not a it's not black and white it's it's definitely not black and white well well we'll uh it does speak volumes though that uh clearly I mean there there was a super cut I saw that showed of the mainly MSNBC guys saying how Joe Biden's got a photographic memory he's the most Lucid president we've ever had and uh uh Dreaming or yeah clearly clearly he's he's not and and he hasn't really been running the show here I mean couldn't stand up there for 90 less than 90 minutes he couldn't even stand up there and and deliver anything persuasive or or or interesting or or you know just sad right so who really does run the show who really does run the world it's very obvious Castro says it's the special interests I say it's the Bilderberg Group and the trilateral commission and clearly the CIA um who mixed together bid there's a war on for your mind the CIA obviously were the ones who were contracted out to create the uh the stimulant cocktail that Biden was supposed to have last night and uh you know just like they've meddled in US political Affairs uh domestic affairs in the past they obviously made the cocktail bad and and they made it only perk up halfway through so that you know Biden had a bad performance so should have just crack clearly [Laughter] yeah why why uh why why subcontract out your uh your stimulants uh to uh a doctor when you've uh when your own son is a is a a pharmacologist right so uh yeah you know with that the special interest the Deep State they are uh you know they're clearly the ones in control how can you protect yourself from the uh the the inside uh you know inside of the Beltway uh the DC Beltway how can you protect your family from inside the Deep State who is taking over America through the woke mind virus I will tell you folks it's called Bitcoin it's called crypto it's called ethereum and it's called Uh monkey pictures because you know what at the end of the day when we are uh when the nukes eventually do drop you know what you're going to want you're going to want cold old hard crypto because there will still be internet through uh uh what's elon's thing there Skynet Skynet yeah Skynet I keep being told it's says starnet I think it's Skynet uh I've watched enough movies it's a Skynet and uh you'll have the Sun and you can if you know if you have a Skynet a starlink system you can hook up to the satellites Elon put up there for us and uh we'll be trading Bitcoin baby mining on our back to solo mining on our computers so many other topics we didn't we didn't have time for this this week solo validators on ethereum uh I'm talking about solo mining when there's no electricity anymore we're having to use our laptops powered by the sun uh but uh you know the woke M virus continues uh we'll be back next week um hopefully with things more relevant to crypto and we can get the bad taste from last night's debate out of our mouths uh so long sayara see you in hell stay woke [Music]

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