Published: Aug 26, 2024
Duration: 00:15:00
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: martin shkreli
all right Market's open how we doing looks like sea is finally down a little shut up don't make trashy come out and SWAT you in the face got AMC dropping we got to buy some of that oh man my twws something's wrong order filled I should restart this thing but I don't want to all right see is dropping keep dropping alib Baba's been up like to see Twitter drop a little bit more I got to get out it's funny how tw Twitter just got a mind of its own man it was working it wasn't working [ __ ] painful all right my quotes are back that's good order filled let's see what's going on mover's list anything moving and shaking to trade got uh nothing really see Shopify is getting smoked I wonder what's happening there let's check Twitter [Music] oh 10% layoffs it's not that bad try it for a trade see if it'll bounce got to pick our timing a little bit see if we can time it what do you guys think wait for a green candle wait for two green candles what do you think wait for reversal let's see what else is trading TransUnion Rena Center American Eagle apply blockchain Nal laabs UBS revolve group or inia lonx kind of interesting company Che we KX some energy companies 3M Bridge bio Archer Daniel Midlands F5 Revolution I always liked Revolution medicines and of course my Alibaba all right what do you think by bu shop a bottoming out go go go go go push the pull the Trier what's Walmart doing shop five falling knife what do you think guys think got to buy this falling knife catch a fall a knife you get hurt right what's Walmart doing didn't Walmart blow up [Music] not good when Walmart [ __ ] pre anounces I mean it's not a revenue problem right it's more of an earnings problem okay Shopify maybe maybe a local bottom dive in auto field come on auto field come on don't let me down don't make me fomo I don't want to fomo but I will fomo damn it [Music] let's look in on my competitor Matt course order fill hey what fil this bows up cuz I need to stop losing money I def I definitely need to stop losing money hey that sounds like a Dandy plan doesn't it I would I would stop losing what's going on with sndl I'll throw it up sndl uh nothing too crazy slap that little Little Beard little goatee off his face look at that peach fuzz bro Matt's hair looks fire thank you you're hair looks fire that's so kind of you to say oh sndl did a reverse split okay it's just a split so a fil what do you think buy more Shopify it seems to be hanging in all right auto field aut filled aut filled I just got out of Twitter call it a day oh man ver is getting curled ail ail do I double down on veru took a fire and it's getting wrecked too many long positions yeah you're probably right [ __ ] I got a short something thanks for pointing that out dogs I had the opposite problem recently too many shorts well you know listen I'm allowed to be a little long biased is that my typical Jam but I think of a conference call at 10 so I got to jump on that I'll be leaving you guys for an hour or two pretty much going to be busy the whole day so maybe I'll leave the should I leave the quote screen up maybe I'll do that I need the computer to do some webcasting so not webcasting conference calls so don't think I can keep streaming I'm sorry so far I think I'm winning the competition pretty handily guys at attendees made this website AMC is just a meme joke come on my thesis on AMC is that it's too expensive at 16 and not that bad at 12 so it's not like I'm yeah it's just a trade there I I always thought it was kind of Fairly valued yeah it's real money that's for sure can't believe Walmart blew up hey Shopify hey not bad should I take my 50 cents and run I don't know kind of thinks think it's G to keep running look at that it's got like a quadruple bottom not that I'm a Turk guy or anything but man this thing's like w bottomed out bombed out depleted diabolical guys know what I'm talking about that's my met okay okay what is that Shopify coming right back down I don't know intuitive looks really overvalued but it's been a loser for me how's GameStop doing 31% borrow rate bur trading uh let me see tend tende competition I think 10d Showdown 10d Showdown Bitcoin has been miserable miserable I tell you hopefully we don't go back down to this test over and over again testing 19,000 I'll take luck in anytime