Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:27:56 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: love is blind uk reunion
hey there it's Anonymous tea where we spill the tea anonymously hello hello hello hello hello everyone hello YouTubers hope you guys are all having an amazing day today sending Good Vibes sing positivity sing blessings and good energy to each and every single one of you thank you so much for tuning in so today we are talking Love is Blind UK you guys I am all caught up and in this particular video I want to just discuss my reaction to the weddings uh we have a reunion episode that is going to be coming up here Monday so I just want to give a quick reaction to the six couples so so we'll start off what presumably seemed to be the happy couples uh which was uh first Nicole and uh uh benayah uh that got married and uh it seems uh for all intents and purposes that you know I would expect at the reunion that they should you know still be together I would be kind of shocked if they weren't uh but for all intents and purposes it seems like you know Nicole was was fooled by Sam and and rushed into getting intool with him because she was upset that uh you know um bayah was not you know ready to commit at the time and all these things but um it it just it was interesting though that Nicole's dad didn't want to go to the wedding but at the same token how does that work you guys if you're on your second marriage right is the parents is the family still obligated to go right like like like that's always an interesting topic of discussion right because for the most part we'll see family do support right they they will support and attend but then sometimes times people are like okay this is like the fourth or fifth wedding I I've got to work I've got plans or whatever so so nonetheless I always just find it interesting especially on these reality shows when family does and doesn't show up and and what they're telling their relatives but he seem supportive of this so I'm going to lean towards this work commitment you know he couldn't get out of otherwise he would have been there and hopefully Nicole and BAH are still together now my concern though is the career and uh where he is living because it is giving uh you know squatter Vibes but I don't know I I mean I don't know but that's kind of what the vibe it was when he was in the pods so so I'm hoping he's not just all in on this for a place to stay and stable you know somebody with a stable career and all these things like I'm hoping this is like genuine and he has like his own life his own career and all these things right and isn't just squatting from place to place right uh so that's one thing right then the other couple I I'm like pretty sure uh is more than like still going to be together at this reunion is going to be Bobby and Jasmine for history has shown us on these reality shows in particular Love is Blind is these couples who they try to you know they have like a very strong physical connection right and they'll try to like pinpoint like one major issue right uh cuz I literally just saw this on Love is Blind Mexico where it was another couple that was like super intimate however there was was like a major issue and I was like yeah they're going to end up married because what happens is if they draw out a particular major issue and everything else is kind of honky Dory like we really didn't see too many issues with uh Bobby and Jasmine they tried to make a thing of his music video it didn't land and so the biggest hurdle really was Jasmine's mom and you know her being you know pretty much I want what's best for my daughter but at the same time F love like like like all of these things and um that was like the most contentious point of it all but everything else was pretty honky Dory between them and like I said the strong physical connection that they had I was like yeah they're probably going to get married I you know now whether or not they're still together is going to be interesting but I feel like they most likely will cuz they seem very much into each other outside of any outside forces trying to involved themselves so I'm leaning towards these potentially may be the only two couples that are still together right because originally we had a 50% success rate right of this first season of the UK right and which brings me to the next couple Stephen and Sabrina right now either we were all completely scammed or it or they were in on the scam and and we're just now finding out allegedly it was a scam right so they got married right and I was all in cuz I thought this was a legitimate love story but maybe because there was no issues uh was because there was there was acting involved there there was no problems there was no issues there was no arguments there was no concerns because people were acting so Steve admitted that he initially did the show for fun on a live you guys and then the question on a live recently with some of the contestants was whether or not you would do the show again and somebody said immediately yes right which would kind of give a hint that why would you be rushing to do the show again if you supposedly Found Love right uh so nonetheless uh did Stephen completely scam us and pretend to be this good guy be this amazing guy be everything somebody ever wanted just to be on the show for clout and followers and attention and more women to be in his DMs I need to know because I am going to be shocked I if this was all a lie you guys but it seems like even from Sabrina's stagram that perhaps even she was fooled as well and uh cuz there's no trace of this looking like they went the distance right so this is at least one of the married couples that I can 99.9% guarantee is probably not going to be together at the reunion right so now let's get to the couples that I knew were not going to get married although I'm kind of shocked at one with just kind of like the how and the why of it all but but we'll get to that in a moment so Catherine and Freddy right I never saw it for them you guys I never thought Catherine was as into him as she claimed and then it came out she had been on other reality TV shows as well usually when people are on multiple reality TV shows like I talk about on love Island there was a contestant love Island USA Aaron who had been on like I think three um including this one would be three other reality shows usually when people are on multiple reality shows like that especially multiple dating reality shows I don't take it seriously because they're not taking it seriously they see the opportunity they see the character that they formed on these reality shows and they're like I want more I want more of the clout I want more of the fame I want more of the attention and that's what cat was giving cat I don't think was feeling Freddy like that she definitely felt a certain way when she saw olly she tried to hide it and even when the everyone else from the pod squad reunited she is flirting up a storm with Sam right there by Freddy right and I was like yeah this is not going to happen she's not really into Freddy like that right and the only time she looked genuinely interested was when she saw successful how successful Freddy was from the funeral business you guys and saw how nice his house was but even the Decor on his house was giving either another woman live there or or or something else you guys uh cuz it was very Immaculate right for a bachelor so um so I my I had already you know the antennas was already going up like something something something is not right here right and then ultimately right it is one thing to have a conversation about a prenuptual agreement that is totally normal especially this day and age of people wanting to protect their assets I have no problem with that conversation the conversation though that Freddy had was like listen if something ever happens to me I'm giving it all to my sister f you f you you're not getting anything that was when I was like oh oh Freddy's not here Freddy is not here for any of the shenanigans and he is not interested in cat like that and I was like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa so it did not Shock me at all when he was the one that was like nope we are not getting married right I think cat she was willing to you know act it out and make it look like a love story and all these things but uh you know it it it was never going to go the distance you guys because Freddy did not take her seriously enough to even consider her as a part of a life insurance policy as part of you know if anything happens to me you know we are going to uh you know I'm going to make sure that you're taken care of oh no no no no no no no no no that was not the case you guys that was not the case at all uh so nonetheless I you know I will be very interested to see at this reunion uh if cat is still single or if she has found one of these other men from the pod squad that she was so happily flirting with in front of Freddy as if he was not her whole fiance in this experiment you guys uh but yeah they were never going to go the distance Freddy was not serious at all all right but it brings to question you know who would he have potentially you know been interested in right so so there was that right so then we have something an interesting one which was Tom and Maria right now I had a feeling that this marriage was not going to happen and it was giving the vibe that Maria was well more into Tom than Tom was into Maria and I never felt it even when he made the comment about her lipstick when they first had the meeting it kind of was just like okay some people found it funny but I found it like yeah he has a certain type of woman that he likes and by certain type I mean blonde blue eyes and all the things right so so it didn't matter how gorgeous Maria was or or any of these things no no no no no no no no no he perked up when he saw the blonde from pod squad and I was like yeah this isn't happening but uh the first time I knew this wasn't happening like I said was with the lipstick reveal uh when they met each other for the first time but also when they got into that argument about Tom judging Maria for being a makeup artist and already you know associating somebody with being a makeup artist is being quote unquote uneducated and not being having their smarts or their wits about them you guys and I don't like that because a person's not defined by how much education they do or do not not have and a person's career should not be defined on what they are and are not going to be as a human being as a potential spouse in the future I thought that was very judgmental and I was off Tom like for good after that and the other issue that I had was that we didn't see too much of their issues and Tom tried to play in Maria's face and really make it seem like you know all of their issues were resolved but would play up to the other men in the pod squad that it was just so daunting it was just so horrible with Maria I can't cope I can't continue on and I'm thinking to myself well why can't you tell this to Maria why are you telling this to us and to the PO Squad but you're not communicating effectively with Maria and then this whole gender rules things right because you've already stereotyped her because of her culture because of how she looks because because of what she looks like and her career and her education level so you have deduced that she's a gold digger you have deduce that because she wanted to be a stay aold mom and be involved with her kids so that money is not being spent on nannies or handed off to relatives 247 that she is a gold digger and she wants to use you for your money no no no it it just it was just so many preconceived notions and stereotypes for me that I was disgusted but even with all of that Maria still seemed really into this guy and I was confused because I was like how can you be into this guy and he is giving you nothing and then the icing on the cake was the mom was not even at the wedding see see see these are things that I pay attention to when you know which we'll get to in the last couple in a second what regarding the level of family involvement or non- involvement if you will and uh if your mom's not even going to go to the wedding and you rever and how close you are to her I've got questions right and the answer is you're not marrying Maria right now there's rumors that this wedding scene apparently took multiple takes to get the quote unquote reaction they want uh we don't need to go that far because ultimately the reaction that we did saw was disgusting enough as far as I'm concerned whether it was take one or take 10 I you know know oh you and here's the thing cuz this happened in the other rejections oh you know I love you no no no no no no no if you love me why aren't we getting married right uh so nonetheless the you know I love you but we but we have too much differences culturally and there's just too many differences between us for us to continue how humiliating and then to just walk off and just leave Maria like that oh disgusting absolutely disgusting you guys but you know nonetheless this is how people move this is how people move this is how people conduct themselves right and how are you supposed to be the person that works at the largest PR firm apparently in London and you display yourself like this you have clients where your job is to be a fixer is to make any terrible look situation look good look like roses and flowers and you completely blow up the spot like that and look like an a-hole a bigger a-hole than what you would been this entire season right and just leave Maria out there like that it was so disgusting it was so distasteful you guys it was so awful make it make sense and you thought you did your big one Tom but but it was a big disappointment as what it was you don't even realize the caliber of woman you just let go because you were so caught up in oh she's a makeup artist oh she's not you know blonde hair blue eyes so so therefore I'm off her no no no no no no no and and the worst part of it all you guys like I said regarding the family involvement you knew that Maria lost her father you knew how sentimental this was supposed to be for her with her brother walking her down the aisle you even interact with her mom before the wedding giving the indication that this was going to be a yes that this was going to be an I do and you go out there at the altar and embarrass Maria like that embarrass her mom like that make her mom look like an idiot like that for thinking that you were a decent human being you knew all the conversations you had with Maria confiding in you and how upset and hurt she is about losing her father about how upset and hurt she is of not having her father around anymore and how hard it was for her to open up to people because she didn't know who to trust who to be vulnerable with and all of these things and really credited her brother of how much of a source of strength and everything that he was and this is how you crap the bad Tom no no no no no then we have to get to our final couple you guys we have to get to our final couple which is Demi and olly you guys now they did not get married obviously and it was for the best you guys I was so happy it didn't happen but because here's my thing how can you go through this entire experiment and your family does not show up until the wedding day you guys you're trying to tell me if they live somewhere else you couldn't get on a zoom and introduce them to Demi you're trying to tell me out of all of these weeks Demi couldn't even meet a friend all of the scenes Ali had with any alleged friend or family was with Aaron I believe his name was from the pod squad even at the you know when the men are getting suited and booted that is the best that you can do oh no no no no no no no no no I saw right through OE I saw right through Ollie really when he first met Demi he was not all of that interested right but he put on a smile he put on the acting performance of his life and then when he met cat on the honeymoon Retreat I was like oh yeah that's his type right there that is his type right there right but even at that point he was still willing to fake it but he made too many obvious mistakes he should have immediately went to Demi after the conversation with cat instead he went over uh I believe to talk to Bobby about his conversation with cat right and that was you know a huge red flag because if there was nothing there to talk about if there was nothing inappropriate in that conversation with cat why didn't you immediately go to Demi tesur her Demi has made several comments at times at different things that can make her feel insecure or a certain type of way and you completely bypass that for your own selfish reasons right and you threaten to quit the show multiple times but it's only after you get called out right you threaten to quit the show when Demi confronted you on your inappropriate behavior of just flat out ignoring her after you get to talk to cat right then you threaten that this is all going to be over like a child when you get confronted by the other couple was on how horrible you're treating Demi cuz it was obvious you were not into her and you tried to flip it around and make it seem like everyone else was instigating when it was clear as day that Demi was disassociating from everyone because you were treating her like she was not even there like she was non-existent so she was trying to make best with what she could do and then The Telltale sign right you didn't even want to be intimate with this girl right usually men if men are just trying to hook up anyways they'll be intimate with anything right but you were doing all this so let's take it slow meanwhile pretty much it looked like for the most part most of the other couples were intimate even if they didn't get married most of the other couples were already intimate but you were like let's take it slow I love our friendship we are best friends no no no no no no no no no this is not love is blind for friendship This is Love is Blind for marriage no no no no no no no no no and then the Cheapo behavior let's go to an arcade what let's go bowling what no no no no no no no no it wasn't even a high-end bowling and I love bowling I'm a bowler right and even I was very offended right but you went on you know there was more expensive activities the men went on for their little bachelor party than it was your little dates with Demi and was like this man is cheap this man does not want to include his family in any capacity of this process and this man is treating Demi like it's his sister it was just very non-romantic you guys it was very much going through the motions but because he wasn't an a-hole like barti uh you guys missed it right and some of you even after all of the Fallout of the wedding still think that this is going to go the distance no no no no no no no no no so we get to the wedding you guys and um you know prior to the wedding the couples after they live together in the UK version they split up for 3 days they go 72 hours and they're not supposed to be living together but presumably if you are intending on getting married like a normal engaged couple you would still be in contact right you would still be calling text messaging FaceTiming the like but Ali went completely ghost you guys he did not contact Demi at all and Demi was not going to contact olly because she wanted to see if he was full of it and he turned out to be full of it right so nonetheless Demi knew what she was going to do she was like this was the final test like are are you for real or not and and I've got to say hair and makeup did their thing with Demi for the wedding I was very happy you know the Slick hair I mean she looked stunning right and then I felt away because it was the wedding officient that was talking about how beautiful Demi was Oli not so much right and I was like this is not going to go well right this wasn't going to go well but see I wasn't expecting it to be Demi that was going to say no I thought that olly was going to have this so crafted so well that he was going to pull the kabash at the altar boy was I surprised when it was Demi and so was olly olly was like how dare you do this to me how dare you pull the trigger before I could was the energy Oli was giving me right and even after the fact when Demi said this was going to be a no for her you're back to telling the PO Squad friend Aaron sad but relieved sad but happiness no no no no no no no no no you're not sad at all you're happy this is over you're happy that you know you you finally you know convinced your parents that they could just come to the breakup scene and that was it you are estatic Ali that you did not have to fake this any further and that Demi put both of you guys out of your misery now what I am not hoping for is them to still say that they're still together or that they're still dating at the reunion because I'm going to have to get Demi together if that is the case because Demi have you paid attention to alli's Instagram and what he likes no no no no no no no no no I'm sorry if you embarrass me at the altar that there is nothing to be worked on you you've told me your decision right and as much as olly has embarrassed Demi her saying no to him at the altar is like the least of the problems that were existing between the two of them right to not have your family involved in any capacity of this process just to film a scene at the wedding breakup was not okay was not okay at all because that told you what Ali thought of you and that was you were not good enough to meet his parents you were not good enough to be integrated in any capacity with his family when you knew you had no intentions of being committed to her so nonetheless I I'm just surprised at how many people are buying the scam that because Ali was not disrespectful verbally that he wasn't disrespectful with his actions and non-actions that that was very more disgusting in my opinion because he was displaying somebody that was going through all of the motions and then the comment even after the retreat when he threatened to quit and it showed them he basically saying he was convinced to continue with the journey and there was already five other couples no no no no no no no no no you got to check to continue with the journey Oli let's let's just call it a spade a spade you got a check to continue with the journey and pretend and you put on your best acting jobs to pretend more interest and rub dem's feet and and keep calling her the best friend and keep you know playing arcade games with her and all these things doing kid stuff no no no no no no no no no if we're going on the same type of Adventures I would go on with a sibling you should already know what time it is you guys but that is that for all of the couples I like I said I project out of the three couples that got married maybe two of them are still together but everyone else it's a WAP it is a rap and we will see whether or not anybody else was faking or clout chasing you guys but um it seems as though Maria from what I hear in rumors got an advanced screening of the season and how the weddings went and the things that Tom was saying about her behind her back and she's going to go in allegedly so so we'll see if she stands on business for that right cuz they love to show the people of color going in right but they never like to show the people of color on these shows of happy right they they'll show the intimate scenes and they'll show the arguing but they never show anything else so we will see what happens there but there is that that is all for this video you guys please let me know what you think in the comments did any of you tune in to the Love is Blind UK and I wanted to say this quickly uh so those of you if this is your first love is blind uh expose or whatever uh and you're looking for recommendations watch all of Love is Blind Brazil is Good Love is Blind Sweden is good and love is blind Japan is good and and love is blind Mexico is so so however there was no melanated people so wasn't happy there but it was decent enough that it kept my interest to where I wanted to at least see it through um until I got to the reunion which I may do a video one as well uh because the reunion was a hot mess uh but nonetheless as far as the USA Seasons out of six of them I would say maybe like two are good the rest the problem is everyone obviously is not there for the right reasons right but but everybody has like worked out their own alliances to where they're just going to be with certain people just to get to a wedding or just to get to you know get that camera time and that's my problem you're not here for love and and so that's the piece that you know unfortunately with the US that's why there's such a low success rate because so many of them were scamming so there is that let me know your thoughts in the comments please do not forget to like comment And subscribe hit the notification Bell so you're notified the moment I post new content on my channel and with that being said I'll talk to you guys again very soon

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