Hart County HS Raiders Football Media Day 2024

Published: Jul 30, 2024 Duration: 00:44:58 Category: Sports

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okay uh first of all go ahead and uh tell us how things have been going over the summer for uh man it's been going great I mean we've been really working hard on the off season been cutting down all the all the bad things but really just bring work as team get better especially in the white room and and offensively and defensively so now with what you guys have accomplished last season how much pressure do you feel to recreate some of that I mean I feel a little bit of pressure but at the same time we just got to do us I mean it is a lot of pressure but we're on to a new year so we just have to look forward I mean of course we want to win those guys saw us a whole lot of things so we want to be like them and we want to go 13-1 or even up to state championship so that's the goal so you know what what did you guys find in your success last year that you learned what it takes to be a winning program um probably just even whenever it gets hard and not quit and push through I mean you saw in Union County when we played Union County last that was tight game it's was tough yeah but I mean we pushed through if I mean if we if we want to drop down the field and go to field goal then we wouldn't won so yeah so what what what have you seen out of the team so far in in practice that lets you know that you got may be pretty good [ __ ] uh man we got a whole lot of whole lot of talking and on defense and offense I mean we're just there's a whole lot of communication on the offensive line and on the defense I mean uh cam Asbury he's our outside lineer man he's just been calling plays and calling everything on the defensive side we been doing a great job at it so so for you yourself now you're youve got to step up so to speak you're you're you're one of the leaders on on the team and and one of older older guys yes sir how much has that helped you in your game as far as being that leader and now your teammates expect more from you that pushes you I mean um well last year we had a whole bunch of leaders we we really did I mean and it wasn't one certain person I mean everybody came together yeah and I mean that really just showed me mean we have 17 seniors so I mean we all we all just have to be a leader together we all just have to come together into one and show these younger guys how to how to do it it's that way whenever we leave they know how to do it too so so for yourself uh how much better have you gotten and talk about your developing and your progression um I mean not having which I played linebacker last year with Jackson and AD a linebacker so I mean not having them mean cuz they they basically taught me everything they showed me how to play I mean they showed me how to how to fill downhill and hit people and I really just took after them as much as I could good but um I mean my goal is just I really just want to show these kids how how how to win and how how to practice and how to come back every single day with the same attitude of I'm just going to give 100% And even in the school and work I mean it's man I don't know it's just like I just want I just want I just want to leave something here after I'm done that these kids under me will will take and it'll help them develop their game and hopefully they'll have more winning seasons after we leave so you know how much how do you guys look back on on last season is is it more of are you disappointed that you didn't get to the championship or are you more celebrating what you were able to do I mean for me I mean of course it's always good to celebrate it's always good to talk about your accomplishments and yeah we did go 13-1 we did play in the semi state championship and unfortunately we lost I mean so there there's there's a there's different ways to look at it I kind of look at it at both I mean we did amazing things that had never been done in school history but at the same time I mean we were two two two or three points away from playing that Cur field so it disappoints me a little bit just cuz me I wanted to be there with my guys but you can't go back so so when you when you look at that at that schedule mhm uh what what are some of the games that stand out to you D why that game um I mean they're tough they were they were tough last year and um man I'm just I'm just ready playing I'm ready playing I'm ready to see the outcome and cuz I feel like especially with EAS Jesse from glasow moving over there I mean he's a he's a he's a very good quarterback I mean he's he he's elusive he runs well and they're I mean I just I just think that's going to be a really good game I'm EX playing and I I have nothing but respect for them I mean they're they're solid so so you know at the end of the season when it when it's all said and done what are what are some of your goals for the season what do you hope at the end other than horsing a a championship trophy for the team to to accomplish and for yourself personally man um for the team I want to win district I want to win district especially for my senior year and that's just something I want to accomplish I want to I want to have undefeated regular season and for or for us and then for myself personally I want to be all district and maybe All Region that'll be really great for me and then uh of course I want to get I want to get some offers I've been going a whole lot of camps so hopefully I'll be able to go to the next level so oh once again hard County 2024 man what what are some of your early thoughts on on the upcoming season um we just expect the the same thing to happen you know come in here put work in and get exactly where we were last year and try to get farther get to that state championship you know with what you guys achieved last season how much pressure do you feel to go back out there and do the same thing or do you even feel any pressure or is it just more like hey we're just going to go out and do the best that we can cuz everybody now expects you to win MH you know from the gy when that may not have been the case a year ago yeah you're right um I mean it's just there's a lot of pressure but at the same time it's just like go out there play and have fun what happens happens but just get just it's really effort just give everything we have and then let the Schoolboard dictate itself now for yourself what have you been working on what are some of the areas that you feel that you've gotten better in the off Seas I just been really trying to hit the weights a lot you know just getting stronger make sure my arm doesn't hurt we have to cuz we probably to throw a little bit more this year than last year and uh yeah just mainly mainly in the weight room but footwork too my footwork wasn't isn't that good but I've been trying to work going it with Coach CAD a little bit he's trying to teach me are you going to play the same position I I think so yeah okay so in in that how much do you feel um being a leader now uh one of the older guys on the team going out and showing the younger ones how to win um just just being a leader and being vocal and teaching them if they do something wrong correct them make sure they know the way you do it do it the right way do everything do the little things right did that you know happen a season where you only lost one game does that change the Outlook about how you looked at this team does that does that are you now looking at Hart County In a Different Light cuz a lot of people now across the state that kind of raise their eyebrows uh but does that make you look at the program itself from a different perspective a little bit you know cuz we met like no our County team has ever done this before so it definitely changes the way you look at things and our standard is definitely change but it's set now okay so so for you yourself uh what are some of the goals you've set for yourself and uh what are you hoping to accomplish for the team other than you know getting trophy um I mean I don't know I really set any personal goals as far as on the field but as obviously as a team come back go 10 and0 regular season win the district championship and region Championship again and then you know everything else take care of your uh so what have you seen out of the team so far what are what are some of the things that you think you guys are already doing well um and what do you see as far as the Outlook of the identity of the team cuz you you said you're going to pass maybe pass more a little I would think we're going to pass a little more uh we're practicing a little bit more passing in practice but not a lot right now he's still want us to you know run the ball a lot cuz that's who we are so I don't know not seeing much different than last year right now but we got some hard noosed guys that's all I had to say about that so going into the the early part of this season uh you now have the community behind you what's that been like to for them to tell you hey we expect whatever they expect from you guys this season and to I guess to expect to come out and see some really good football from you guys from the start of the Season Community being behind us is a big factor in in our success for sure I think you know people say you know last year just one hit wonder and all that people think we're not going to have as many fans this year I think we'll have more just because of what we did last year and what we have more potential to do this year we're still just as hungry to get that state championship what what are some of your early thoughts on on the album for the season man um I'm really excited about the season uh you know coming in uh coming in I'm going to be a senior this year I'm really excited to uh get my opportunity you know we had a lot of seniors last year and we had a lot of guys graduate and I think that uh that put a big question mark on us now like people are going to be wondering if we're going to be as good but I think we're really preparing we're hitting the wa room hard we're hitting the field hard at practice and I think we're just really preparing very well and I think we're going to we're going to be just as good if not better than last year what so what makes you say that from this point in the season last year when you were preparing what did you see then and what do you see now that's similar or or gives you those expectations um I really just when I look at the seniors who graduated man they were a lot of them were good leaders and they set good they set they were big Role Models toward us and I think we took inspiration on how much how hard they worked and how much they just put all their effort into every single play whether it be a practice or any game and I think I think uh with us picking up on that it's going to lead to more success so for you what's what's been your growth in development in the offseason uh so in the offseason uh I've really just been focusing on getting better myself you know uh last year uh you know I just I I I kind of took it a little lack lackluster last year but you know seeing all those guys work as hard as they could it really inspired me and watching the team be successful I just came in every day and giv it everything I have and just hope to get better each day you know how much how much does that change the culture of Park County High School football in this community and expectations for what you guys are as a program as a high school as a you know does that give you guys more pride in this program just talk a little yeah it definitely does so you know people used to look at this and it was just oh it was just hard Cy football but when what we've seen the last couple of years is that we can be successful when we put in the work and we become we we put in all the hard work and we see uh we see success come from that and I think that has changed the culture and the community and the school and it just it gives us more to take pride in because we have more success to look toward and something to uh something to like really we can hang our hats on something like that so it's just been it's been been good for the school been good for the community just give us something good to look forward to speaking of something to look forward to what what are some of your goals for the team and uh what are some of the goals that you for yourself personally so for the team I'm really just look in for each day you know coach Griff is big on the one and0 mentality so every day just for the team it's to go one and0 every day and if we go one and0 every day we can we can win each day go day by day and we can end up winning games just like we did last year and personally I'm just looking to get the best that I've each rep for myself and just come in every day work as hard as I can and just see where that takes me this is the man that gave us the prediction last year that uh we're going to go undefeated sure and you were only one game away from that well two really but you got really close what is what are some of your thoughts on the early part of this this uh preseason and what have you seen out of the team so far uh we just uh working as a team it's always team worked for us uh staying humble uh not getting greedy uh we're not looking for any Star players here uh just just working together and having a great Community what's different this year you know what's what have you seen so far out of the out of the team uh to make you think you guys either going to be good can contend uh or some of the things that you saw start to develop as a foundation for what you guys can do this year uh I I definitely think the loss of our seniors uh it it definitely took a more of a mental hit to us uh just trying to adjust to that uh but we we got the guys we got the uh the guys that put in places uh you know a lot of people have been saying like we're not good enough we're just like a one hit wonder we got we got the people to do it you know uh and all we got to do is just work uh and stay focused now how much is that how much now that you're you've got that leadership role how much does that change the way that you approach the game I mean it really doesn't man I've I've always kind of been the the leader kind of mindset um full effort uh just giving my and make sure my team teammates are doing the same you know uh I don't like when my teammates are taking half reps or not trying or sling off uh it just you know makes me so I try to stay on top of that uh and make it like coach now you you made that prediction last year did you really believe that I sure do and so when when week after week when you guys were fulfilling that what did that what were you thinking you know any each week you can win 1 and0 2 and 0 3 and 0 4 and0 when it got to 10 and0 what were you thinking about you know what you guys could do or that that prediction that you had made yeah well I mean I I did tell you about the long run what I was hoping our team would get to uh but our team definitely tries to take it week by week and that way I was thinking about every every week is the next week and nothing on uh after that so I I definitely think that taking a week by week is definitely important for us uh our team model is one and0 and that's just how we do things right now so for you how much have you progressed in the off season uh maybe some of the things that you've gotten better on and uh what are some of the things that you've set for yourself as far as goals um I mean I've been I've been just making sure I can uh fit that leadership role here uh making sure my mind's right uh I've been hitting the gym a lot I I game out 20 yeah 20 lbs since last year so I I see it yeah yeah so uh that and just making sure uh everything's going SM here setting a good example for my teammates man what's your what's some of your thoughts on the early part of this uh preseason just want to go into the preseason want to we just want to do good um we have Caleb uh Dylan Willer moving up to tackle be going to dine that's that's something new for me okay and just want to finish one and0 go undefeated really just grind it all the way out and come up talk go to state that's what we want what's different about the D line um we got me and Baby Jake moving up uh Madden the backer so that's we got LG now so that that's a little different and we're just but I still feel like we're pretty solid dine and all around defense so other than than that it's going to be pretty good and then uh like me I'm in the middle of kind of going both ways right now so if our sophomore yeah sophomore D Willer if he can't do it then I'll be going both ways and that would be a little you you like that yeah I mean I'm down for it if you go both ways I'm down for it man you got to you got to keep your wind up I'm saying it got to be able to keep my wind up but I'm ready for this season okay so what what's the what's the the biggest thing that you're looking forward to what other than you know playing out there on the field but what's the what's the number one thing that you're really hoping to to see this season you going to hit somebody yeah oh yeah you want to have six or what's what's the what's the main thing that you hope to I mean I really just want to go back and I want to go for State again I mean we were so close and it just I it's a it's a feeling that I don't I can't even explain it really but I just want to go back and do it again and go all the way wait so you said it it's it's a feeling is that a good feeling feel but being there for the first time and yeah we're the only ones to ever do it and we're going to do it again this year and it's just a so real feeling it is you know what I mean now that you've had some time to look back on that are you are you guys more happy with what you accomplished or sad that you got just that close just a few points away from going to the big def yeah that was devastating yeah we were all pretty shook up about that cuz we knew we we should have won that game it was but other than that sorry what what can you say about the way you played last season about the way I played yeah what uh I didn't really start off hos coach Griff asked me he said are you ready for this season he told me he was going to start me at right tackle I was 6'2 180 lbs I at Varsity level so I mean I I had a lot of expectations looking forward towards me and just like this year too I'm getting moved to Danon and possibly Olan if they can't get it figured out and so I'll have to be ready for that are you ready yeah okay so what in your journey do you feel that you've gotten the most improved on from what we seen from you last season to now oh yeah most definitely and especially in my hip mobility and footwork all that that's why I've been training all summer for that and what are what are some of the goals that you set for yourself what do you what are you hoping the number one thing on the field that you accomplished just holding my teammates accountable and just you know try to be that team player now let me ask you this about Coach how's he how's he changed now that he's become a a one one win away from a championship I mean he hasn't I wouldn't say he's changed at all and he still coach Griff is well is it now that that all those things he was telling you guys that you could accomplish are you now like hey I really have you bought in so to speak more than you did before because you achieve some success yeah like ever since freshman year I'd say all of us seniors that been here we've all bought in the coach grid from what he's told us and that's what made us so great last year and this year too and majority of us seniors and juniors are bought in we're still working on some of the freshman and sophomores but yeah speaking of which now now that you are more of a leader how much has that influenced the way that you approach the game and what what have the younger ones seen from you as far as leadership just trying to show up every day do what coaches ask of me and just be that guy and just do whatever what some of your early thoughts on on what you've seen out of the team so far in practice uh we work hard we uh we know what it takes to get it done we just got to keep getting there every day wining the day and we're going to get there now I got to go back to last season you sure and take take us back to to to that loss well we worked we were day in day out and uh gave it our all and short now we're now that you've had some time to to reflect on yes sir are you are you more proud of what you guys were able to achieve or are you more disappointed that you got one game away from the championship well you can't focus on the last play you you make a mistake you recognize your mistake and you get up and play the next play so I I'm grateful that all that happened but I'm also disappointed at the same time yeah so what have you been working on in offseason and and what what are some of the ways you feel like you've gotten better um just putting in just repetition like just everything that we worked on last year just wrapping everything out getting better every day so do you are you expecting big things the team you know I mean going uh what 13 and one yes sir and you do you expect a repeat of that are you guys uh um just taking it game by game well I think we're just going to go focus on a one0 every day when when the day in practice You Win 4 days of practice you win Friday nights so I think we're going to focus on that and keep ey on now you've had plenty of time in the off SE for the people in in the community to talk about what you guys uh accomplished last season what what have they told you about about what they experienced County Raiders all I've heard is how great it was and they're asking if we're going to do it again this year and would you got to put in work to make it happen again this year all right do you feel pressure oh yeah 100% so talk a little bit about the leadership um for the upper classman to um give guidance to those who were younger yes sir uh and how much they're bringing those guys along well we got Cam he's a great leader he's always uplifting we got we got a bunch of seniors that are always just pushing everybody as hard as they can and um yeah we always pushing the younger guys to finish the Reps and work as hard as they can hopefully they stuck in their shoes what what do you think will be the identity of this team you know what what will this team be known for same as always has been gr okay so my last question is about goals for the team what what are you hoping that the team can accomplish other than horsing a trophy and and winning it all and what are some of the things that you hope for yourself to do uh just play as a team and never waste anything you know what I mean like never waste a rep never waste a game just leave it all out there on the field and cuz it's my senior year it's last last ride I just want to give it everything I got this year you just said here we go again here we go that's right now a year ago we were doing the same thing and uh you didn't really want to say how much you what you were expecting out of the team but I thought that you felt like you had a good a great team you actually said we doing some things well uh what have you seen out of your team so far you know kind of the same thing you now now where you're removed from that and it's uh how do I say this after what you after what we've done you're anxious to see what we can do and I know we had the pie to do it um you know everybody talks about the 10 seniors we lost but they don't realize that we got 19 Senor we we're going to have 19 seniors and uh you know a lot of those guys have played for us for 3 years now so uh it's going to be a different look as far as you know you're losing Jackson and Clarks and but you know you got Christian Martin and Cam asbury's and you know we got some guys that moved in LD Wagner froma who's really going to help us uh you know so as a as a coach you know yes I didn't want to say what I thought we could do last year but it's kind of the same way this year I think we could win every game and I think you know there's we can lose three or four games if we don't you know that's just that's just how we are you know I mean we're it's it's good good to go into every season knowing that you you can be in every game you know you when you look at the schedule you think you can be in every game and then then if you're in it and something just got to go your way you got make something go your way to win it now how difficult is it to move on from last year I mean really do do people it how hard is it to get the guys to not talk about what what or do you or should you you should you know that that's the thing you know New Year different team yeah that's that's way to put it on New Year different team you know when you think about trinities or or let's go Franklin Simpsons and Glasco and those kind that are big programs that are used to doing that kind of stuff you know how do they do it I guess you just and you know even for me yeah had two three four weeks 5 weeks afterwards every oh great run you know but there'll come a point where uh you know and I've had to say I've said it to the guys and they they've hand it better I think the coaches have you know or or even social media you know people just always asking they're ready to say hey 2023 was in the past what's how we going to write 2024 and that that's kind of been our our motto is you know we got to write our own story we wrote the story last year now these seniors got to write the story and and that's what I'm anxious to see about and we we saw some over at 707 your day and I don't I don't hang a lot on 707 at all but my my my biggest worry was we're losing some key Playmakers you know and not so much they're just big Playmakers but when we needed to stop I always tell me Jackson was there you know what I'm saying or in or we needed a big play on offense Clark was there to spark us and uh so I was curious that's what that's what I'm mom more worried about is is are we going to stand around and wait for somebody to make that play or somebody and what we saw what I saw at 77 day cville was there was some guys that want to make plays and they're hungry and they want to do it so that was that that impressed me me there now at the end of the season last year you you got some accolades for the job that you did as as the coach and you you were named Coach of the Year yes sir how much does that how much does that that give you legitimacy quote unquote with the guys and for what what you were trying to get them to buy into is it easier to sell it that now that you've been able to accomplish some success you know you want be honest with you I had to sell it before now because if they didn't buy into what I was preaching and the Koolaid I was stirring and all that stuff we wouldn't have went 131 last year you know I've said that before you know when I first got here and one of my favorite Sayes and I don't know if I've heard but I just okay if you're afraid to lose you're never going to win and I say that because when I first got here I kind of bought into the oh well coach I can't come to practice or you know what I'm saying and I thought I needed those kids and and I didn't and I made it in 2018 I made a I made a Stern stance that guys we've tried it your way we're going to do it my way from now now on and uh so what you're asking me is these guys that we still have they're their body in and it's not because what what I did last year their body in because their body into program and that's why we were able to do what we did last year which in terms led to why I was able to get to the accolades that I got it wasn't anything that it I don't have to go resell myself to those guys they they understand what it takes to win and be a Raider and that that's what I'm trying to get to is we did it their way a long time ago and we weren't successful and they've understood and we talked about this to day guys we can do it your way but you're not going to like your results you know you got this is the way I know how to win football games and especially in in a school like this and U this how we did in central Harden and um this is how we're going to do it here and that's why we were 13-1 you know people we were 9 and3 the year before that we were 6 and5 the year before that so I mean we're working on three years three winning seasons hopefully another fourth and and I don't see it what I see from the seventh grade up to now is everybody's pretty much doing the same thing you know they're in the Wai room working hard and as far as selling myself I don't have to sell to them right now I don't uh they they I don't think they care it's you know and I'm thankful for what happened last year I'm thankful for the coaches voting on me and and all stuff but these kids in this locker room right now they're B they're they're B into being a Raider that's that's we talk about that you know people want to say hey why were you guys so successful last year I'm going to say the biggest reason why we were successful last year was We were unselfish you know what I'm saying we were unselfish they Clark you know Clark started the season off hot but he fell off towards the end but h r picked up and JD and then defensively I mean it just we run sish we didn't marry and that's same thing here we got talent but they're have to be unselfish what's what's the biggest adjustment you've had to [Music] to me the big yes I I have the guys you lost I I I have and the biggest adjust you know every year that you know those those guys that we just lost some have been with me for you know they were here when I got here you know they they were young kids and so uh just you know just trying to find the leaders each team's different and last year it was how are we going to manage all the guys we got we had 22 23 24 guys that could play we needed to find this year it's not so much we have 23 24 guys it's how are we going to create death by moving people around you know what I'm saying so as a coach there's a lot of the style has to change to where last year we were oneway players and we had a lot of two way players this year but we don't want to rest them on defense we don't rest them on offense so as far as that goes we're we're having a change we're having a change and we've done practice some because we don't have as many guys as we did last year we got good talent but we don't have the depth that with that so that that's been a challenge and then the other thing is just handling it all I mean cuz the questions you're asking me is the questions I've been asked in for the last 5 months you know what I'm saying and I my biggest answer is what you guys are waiting to see is what I'm waiting to see you know we're going to coach them hard we're going to do the same thing we're going but they're the ones FR night and and make the plays but you speaking of uh what you're going to see what you seen so far what what are what do you feel will be the identity of this team I think I think defensively we're going to be good I think we could be better than we were last year I I really feel that way uh we yes Jackson shoulders and na Milby and Clark were big rols in what we did and Joshua Dan but you know we we replaced Joshua Dan with a brother uh Jake and Jake's bigger and uh played a lot for us last year you know we were return Nine Stars from defense so I really expect defensively to to together earlier and carry us but I also feel that uh we're athletic and and I think people ask me coach you ran for 4,400 yards last year we're not going to quit doing what we do but you know we got Conor Tren we got Jacob shoulders and and those those two right there are a dynamic deal you know Conor's I think one of the best receivers in this area and I've been saying it hands down he went this winter and played with deuce and those guys down there 707 and they they they love them I mean we've I've had coaches call me said that's that's a guy right there so we got to find a way to get him involved in the passing game but we're still going to run the ball um it's just how do we run the ball you know last year we ran a lot of perimeter plays and we going be better inside or outside that's something that will come as we start going but what I've liked so far is the offseason was so smooth that I don't even feel like we had them like when you look at some of our kids body changes but they just understood the work that took and the old adage of winning breeds winners that's kind of what we're seeing right now is is they they saw the mold has been shaped and they're they're falling into it and like there wasn't a lot of sto and wait room and getting on them it was to come in here and you feel hot as now just imagine getting 35 40 kids in here and you can't stand on the floor and they they do it and so that that's what I've been the most impressed with is just how they handle themselves and to be trueth they haven't thought about last year wow so do you feel that that you you know for the last three seasons you've had winning seasons so do you feel that a culture of winning and the expectation of winning is finally being being still here yes yes and you know and in what ways are you seeing that just how we car how we carry ourselves how we don't miss practices no more we're in the white room and this is the biggest thing you know when we took over my I had three three I said you got to take care of three rooms living room classroom and waight room and and we figure that out this is big for us for what we do but the thing that that what you asked is just how they car in the weight room and just how the leadership is and there's no they hold each other accountable and that's one of our four core values is accountability and not hold yourself accountable but how you do hold yourself accountable but that's not what we're looking for is everybody else holding each other accountable and that's that's what I've seen they saw these other guys do it and they saw what happens when you work hard and that's I think they bought into that part but uh the big thing is is just understanding that we we've talked about this is Champion Champions aren't made on Friday nights Champions are made on Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday how you prepare and that was the hardest thing I had to get through these guys when I got here and I still have to say you hear if you come to couple PR you hear me say is guys you still don't understand what it is to be a champion what I mean by that is is we lose some Focus we lose but that's where it's made it's it's it's it's how hard do you make it in the weight room it's it's how do you handle practice how do you handle walkthroughs how do you handle everything that happens between Monday and Friday and that's what Champions are made and that's why you typically see the same school is doing the same thing cuz those guys the mold has been set and they get to see it and they get to witness it and it's passed down it's just like everything else because I can tell you when I left Central hard in 2015 there's no reason they should have won another reg of Championship they weren't near as good as they were that year but it's kind of what you're seeing here it's just being passed down and winning breeds winners and and it just there's that's the way it is and once once guys see that they'll buy into it cuz everybody wants to win you know what I'm saying and listen we still young guys coming in they want to try and buck the system but the older guys they they take care of that so that to answer your question that was a hard thing to change here it wasn't and that's a culture too you know that's a culture it it wasn't uh how to play football can we tackle can we run we've always been to do that it's just how do we prepare and that's what I've seen from these guys is they prepare as good team they do you know last year you guys were chasing history mhm there's there's not a whole lot of history left other than winning and Champion right you know so so what are the what are the goals on where's the Mark here is it of course the district Champion what what are the goals that you said to be simple one and0 that was our model last stream it can't change I mean we got to be one and0 every day you know last week we would want to know we I think we lost when practice I believe W3 said boys you w want to know today you were WR one you got beat somewhere somebody work you cuz we didn't have good practice and that's our goal is if we get caught up in what you're asking like there's a ceiling and and and that's you know there's there's championships and yes we we were two points from being a state championships there's still more to go but if you get caught up in that chasing that you're going to fall you're going to fall so just how do you and I guess this goes back to question ear how do you handle it just hey just be one another every day are we going to be one another to day I know it's media day is picture day for us but how we handle picture day are we going to go out there and mold through it or are we going to are we going to be the best we can be and be one and0 and that's the answer your question I know there's probably a Cheesy way to answer but just be one to0 because if I wake up every day worried about well we've done this and how are we going to do it again what what kind of drive going have we we've set to see does that make sense you got to be one just your goal is to be one every day one every day guess what happens so you're not one to0 you're going to keep playing well it must have made an impression on on the players CU they mentioned it today okay about going one and0 so that's that's their goal to go one and0 which week but my last question is is about you you couldn't do a lot of what you had done I think without the people that support you and how much that has for the larger Community what you guys have done has helped and brought Pride to this community and have them to give have something that they can be proud of from this area well you know first of all I going say you you guys are all the right last year you're part of it I've said that all on KY Sports has been amazing for hary just in general but to see the to see the last four years I'm going to go back 3 to four years to see it just keep growing every year and the support keep coming in and pouring in and not only are the kids buying in but the community buying in you know you know I think you we we did a campaign not too long ago when we raised $10,000 more than We've Ever Raised wow you know and it's not about the money it's just about people are buying in and and I've always said this to our kids and I used to say this St of admin too is listen what are we giving back to them like we go and ask for money we going to ask support from our community but what are we giving them man it's not just football it's basketball and baseball mean we we owe them we we you know that that's who support is that's through the backbone and and U you're starting to see like we like I said that's one thing just the people texting Keeping Up With You stoping by practice uh alumni guys now I mean we've given people they the guys have giv the community something prac and and that's that's what's great about high school football is that and and so as long as we realize that still says hard count in front of our chest and that's what we're playing for I think we'll have plenty of back in all time I mean these the community has been great it really has and and you know we got a new Turf re coming we're going to open that up on the fourth week against e toown but just to see the growth that's happened and you guys are there for Friday nights I mean you saw it's like a party here every Friday night it was it was a great atmosphere it was a great it was it was as good as atmosphere is I've been in high school football so I'm I'm I'm excited I don't I don't think it's going to change we've all of our own seats are premy much sold out right now uh so the community support is great we just got to keep giving them a product that they can be proud of and that's what this is about you know I tell them you know I'm also the ad so I got put my ad hat on sometimes and the coaches will ask me coach what's it you got to understand that in this community what is there there's us not just I'm not talking about football I'm talking about the basketball team the baseball team the the track team that's what this team Community has to support and and so give them something we're supporting whether you winning or losing give give them something good to support and and that's that's they and our commune stepped up to the challenge they have it's it's been a good ride and and uh I think uh we're we're we're time ready to go for another one see how we go you know I got I hate to even ask you this question uh because we've come we've come off such a a great conversation but I wouldn't have covered a lot of your games had it not been for this one person I know and uh how he helped um how he helped K sports TV to experience uh everything that you guys did last season can you talk a little bit about Coach so coach jeda was Pro in I said I said it last night we went and did a a talk show for uh in B Green for wko Sports Connection and they asked about it and I'm going to say this you know he my best friend so uh just to know that uh I just find you you find yourself he was just that kind of guy and when you when you listen to people speak about him just like what you did and and when you listen to the community and you know wnky a thing on him and just when you listen to the boys speak about him it let you know he he wasn't uh he wasn't so much perent coach these kids as he was just a father I mean he he he took kids home he gave them money he he took them on vacations he he just from the day that I got there like he was the second phone call to me that said hey congratulations I'm being a Raider my kid is stilling little leag but whatever you need I'm going to be there to give it to you and he just he's been a friend and and I find myself and I know this is kind of sappy in a sense I don't want to get there but I can smile too he was always that guy that you picked up the phone and called he answered and uh sometimes I find myself wanting to do that you know and because he no matter what he was always positive and and and he always thought we were going to beat I don't care if trendy was coming down here to play us on Friday night he thought he was going to win and he loved Friday nights the text every morning on Friday morning that you got from coach jeda was let's go and he may add some more things to it in a jeda way okay but but you knew what it was and uh just to watch him and his family go through what they went through and it happen so fast it just it really hit us on it has and and uh uh you know we speak to his wife on on a daily basis and and uh you know I just everybody keeps their family prayers CU it's just hard you know when when he's diagnosed I mean truthfully he went in the hospital I think on like the I don't know like the 28th of May or something and the p on the 18th it just happened so fast and we lost a great man we did and I say this all the time they they got one heck a fighter up there because their world is going be turned upside down cuz he he's a mess and but he he he he left us in good hands he left in uh this weight room that you're in this is Ghost J I mean literally this is g j this he did it all I mean I helped him pain and stuff but what you see is he he bought the diamond plate he bought the I mean he just he wanted the best for the kids and and I I've never met another man I really haven't that just had a passion for helping young young kids and that's the guy's on TR he he would uh he's taking our kids we've had kids that you know that's what we deal with we've had kids that don't have parents or parents that kick them out and he's taking them in he's taking long to fer with him so just just it's it leaves a hole that that I think everybody body feels like everybody feels it you know so we're going to honor him and we're the J and the g on our helmet this year and uh that kind of stuff but uh just to know that and and Logan boom said the best of day just to know that coach Jen is with us is it lets us know how how can anybody be against us because he he was a fighter and and he believed in us uh so that that'll be that'll be a big thing for us this year it's feeling everything he did and you got to know him as a person too he just was he was a different different person and then he was a special person I lost a good friend as well as everybody else did so well coach I really look forward to seeing what you what you guys do this season I'm I'm hoping that you that you finally get to that championship game and and get over that hump so I I would love to see if uh them dump the Gatorade on you on I I'm going to say this as a coach you you don't ever think this we have the we have the ability to do we do to to see you know go 10 and0 it's hard to do but to be there for a district championship and a region Championship it's it's doable you know Barn injury or something like that it's doable and anytime you're standing in the shoes in a county school like we are to be able to say it's doable is is that's what you want as we just have to wait and see it's it's it's it's theirs right not mine so we'll find out okay well you heard it here guys heart County High School football 2024 keep it locked man I just appreciate you all right you got

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