WWE Television Is About To Change - #wwe #usanetwork #fox #netflix #wrestling
Published: Aug 20, 2024
Duration: 00:15:35
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: usa network
from Studio A in Boston Massachusetts this is ringside with what a day catching you up by on the latest news inside and outside of the Ring now let's go ringside with what a day Joe Lowry here is this week's raw top five moments number five Pat McAfee says goodbye for a few months and we'll see him in January on Netflix as we kick things off live on Netflix number four Amber fry and Isa Dawn retain their tag team belts over damage control in the pure Fusion Collective whatever that means number three the hill turn that never happened the new day with Odyssey Jones defeat the final Testament Paul ellering is not happy number two Uncle howdy does it again to Chad Gable and the Wyatt 6 continue to roll the number one moment on Raw the new judgment day takes control over the tower twins didn't have live destroying r or might Bing go card be sure to like And subscribe to ringside with what a day hey everybody welcome to ringside with what a day I'm your host Joe what day Lowry thank you all for tuning in here uh while you're at it please hit that like And subscribe button that'll be greatly appreciated after all it is free if you can just go ahead and support this channel that'd be greatly appreciated I kicked off the uh show the opening there with the raw top five moments I like to do that at the beginning of the show I just thought I'd throw that right in there pretty cool raw this past week three hours of buildup to of course the bash in Berlin which is next week next Saturday uh believe it or not uh that starts at uh 10: a.m. eastern time that is with a pre-show so it's going to be an early day for you wrestling fans with bash in Berlin um I kind of thought I would throw the show this week into the realm of the WWE television landscape is about to change that's right folks um there's a lot of changes that will be taking place starting in the next couple of weeks with uh smackdown's move to the USA Network on September 13th so I just thought I'd share some information with you all uh to get you caught up to date so what we do know is that Netflix did buy the rights to air raar for5 billion dollar for over the next 10 years that's right five billion dollar with that being said peacock will hold the Legacy content in will ear their premium Live Events up until 2026 so you're gonna be switching around you're gonna have Netflix for raw in January starting in January then you're going to be going to your ples and Legacy content you know all the old stuff for WWE on the peacock um apps and so forth that's until 2026 I'm sure there'll be future announcements um with that but after that remains to be seen but with a $5 billion price tag it's more than likely that all WWE content will in fact be moved over to Netflix sometime uh in 2026 or after so from what I'm seeing here withraw on Netflix the first Monday in January is Monday January 6 2025 expect that uh to kick off ticket are not on sale yet they're probably going to make those announcements within the next couple of months as uh they're just wrapping up their summer tour and they're getting ready to um do the fall and winter season ticket so check that out uh stay tuned to ww.com and all your uh Ticket Master outlets for all that good stuff now this one thing I didn't know that the move to Netflix means that 80% of the world will now have access to WWE programming that's right this is all part of what Nick Khan and Triple H want as premium Live Events such as this next Saturday's bash and Berlin's taking place in Germany we had elimination chamber in Perth Australia uh France just had a pview I mean Saudi Arabia gets a couple a year we're gonna see a lot more of this folks uh get used to it premium Live Events uh will not be held on us soil for much longer they are going global um so that is going to be a huge thing and I'm sure once the move to Netflix takes place um that's what's going to happen so expect premium Live Events to go more abroad Brad as they say what we do know for the first uh episode of Raw it'll still be three hours John Cena and Pat maae will both be on the debut show that's right Bill P excuse me John Cena has announced that he will be debuting on that show he wants to be a part of it he just resigned with the WWE up until late 2025 into 2026 uh so that of course the John Cena tour is going to kick off then probably and Pat McAfee who just had his last night on Raw this past Monday night uh takes off off to do college game day and of course he does his own Pat McAfee show during the week on YouTube he's taking some time off from raw to do that but he will be back in January for the debut of Raw on Netflix that's pretty good so um also something I did not know that the ad revenues uh this past Tuesday this is kind of late news I got yesterday um did you know that ad revenues for Netflix is up over 150% and this is partly due to all their regular shows being renewed but of course Happy Gilmore 2 which is coming out next year they're starting to film now uh they have the sole rights to that of course raw is taking place and I did not know that Netflix is going to be holding two NFL Christmas day uh matchups that's right we looks like we get the Chiefs from the Steelers and the Ravens and Texans going at it exclusively on Netflix so uh their ad Revenue just skyrocketed over 150% that is huge no doubt about that um but anyways um so so the big talk about Netflix with raw three hours and so forth will there be commercials shown during the show and the answer is most likely yes just like any other streaming pay service um I'll take in point Hulu you can buy Hulu regular price or you can get the premium where they will take out the commercials or less commercial interruptions uh peacock does this during their premium Live Events with WWE you can pay to upgrade premium but doesn't mean you won't get the commercials but you'll get like a WWE promotional package however what will remain to see be uh remain to be seen is how often will raw go to a commercial break one thing I do know that um what will happen is the short breaks you know let's just say this um when you are running on a uh pay station such as USA Network a television station like that you have to go to commercial break when they tell you to go you have no control over that hence why we'll see mid matches or uh something to the effect that raw will just cut to a commercial or a segment will be cut short one of the caveats that Triple H is uh is looking forward to is having that control with Netflix they don't just have to go to a commercial they can finish out their segments they can uh wrap up storylines they can do whatever not just have to cut to commercial break you know so that's the control of having a streaming provider At Your Service so um bills still need to be paid with Netflix and so forth so uh probably expect commercials not as many not as many commercial breaks but if you do upgrade your plan for Netflix I know there's going to be a price increase uh that is coming down the pike not sure what that is yet but once they uh uh figure that out U you're probably GNA have the ability to not have to pay for commercials but in Li of commercials WWE will show you something else like a promotional package or some type of event thing or something like that I'm sure that'll be remain to be worked out as as well uh Netflix will be airing in November live one of their first sporting events it's the Jake Paul Mike Tyson fight on November 15th on Friday they just had the press conference live on Netflix uh this past weekend what I would expect is to watch that if you have a Netflix subscription because this is going to be the premise this is going to be their first real tuneup um they started out back I think it was March or April where Tom Brady had his roast and that was live and uncensored and unfiltered it was three hours of great television no commercials or anything like that so do yourself a favor November 15th Friday uh just watch and see how Netflix presents the Jake Paul Mike Tyson boxing match and you'll probably get a feel uh because you're gonna be less than 60 days out um until raw does take place over on Netflix on the USA I mean I'm Excuse on Raw on Netflix I still have USA in the brain I do apologize all right content everybody is uh talking about content what will we see with content um will there be more suggestive dialogue Ed your contact uh that may be the case down the line I do not expect nudity and vulgar language on day one but this is the Paul ofc era and with him being a part of the Attitude Era I think it's safe to say we will get something tantalizing within a storling that will make viewers mouths drop uh what will be certain is that there will be no more censorship of profanity lace fan chants and signs as Triple H was not a fan of that with Fox as well as the USA Network Executives he was very it ruins storylines I know the fans want to chant whatever they want to chant but to to even go to a black screen and so forth uh that just really uh piss Triple H off either way the look and feel of raw will be a whole lot different than what it is now um yeah like I said I don't expect day one it's gonna happen I think they'll ease their win I mean there's been some suggestive dialogue especially with the Liv Morgan R Ripley storyline and Dominic and all that stuff there has been some of that but nothing like the Attitude Era IC was just on Logan Paul's impulsive podcast last week saying uh there might be titties um but who knows I know back in the Attitude Era I mean I used to take my son there and even the audience got involved with some of that stuff and I'm sure you can Google those videos and so forth and see Triple H um with DX and all that stuff but um moving on as for the talent who will be coming on Raw in January this is a big one with Smackdown moving to the USA Network on September 13th I would not expect Smackdown stars to jump ship right away after all we have both in SmackDown airing on the USA Network during the fall so starting September 13th Smackdown goes to USA on Friday nights raw remains on Monday all the way up until December 31st so USA Network's gonna get um all of their um raw in um Smackdown programming together up until December 31st before raw makes that transition to Netflix but there is a lot of speculation and I'm going to pull this up there was a poster this uh weekend that was shown at the Fanatics fall uh FanFest uh two posters one was long one was um horizontal and so forth Raw on Netflix coming January 2025 look at the stars that are listed or showcased in these posters we have the bloodline uh we have a lot of SmackDown Superstars Cody rhods is there Roman Reigns solo sakoa the bloodline um Jacob F to Charlotte Flair now whether or not these were just promotional posters that were were made and so forth that remain to as but they you know it's basically showcasing the premier Talent so what's going to happen I do I'm hearing Rumblings that right now Cody rhods and possibly Roman Reigns uh will make the transfer over to the USA I mean um excuse me I keep saying USA over to the Netflix size with raw and that reason being is because it's three hours of programming um it's G probably going to be a more easier transition for storylines so forth they're not being held back by the television um Executives and so forth so look for at least Cody rhods and Roman Reigns to uh jump over to SmackDown sometime from Smackdown to RW sometime in January um probably not day one I mean it'd be great if it was day one but there has been no official announcement will there be another draft nobody knows about that will rwen Smackdown be combined like it was 20 years ago remember we used to see the rock and stone cold on you know three night a week you know Sunday night Heat Monday Night Raw and Tuesday night SmackDown remember when Raw SmackDown was on Tuesday nights um but just in case in the Pro wrest pro wrestling business you never say never that's right I'm telling you so here's a real quick at the upcoming changes I'll show it to you right now um so get out a pen and paper or at least snapshot this here we go so starting September 13th Smackdown heads over to the USA Network that is their new home Friday Night Smackdown that's only a couple of weeks away um NXT of course we all know about the big move October 1st to the CW that takes place in Chicago at all state Arena CM Punk will be on hand and the following week they'll be in St Louis with Randy Orton so NXT leaving USA now um dig over to the CW on 101 in raw moves to Netflix in January 2025 so in the meantime during The Fall season so both Raw and SmackDown will air on the USA Network um it it sounds confusing but it's not what we've gone through this 20 years ago we went through this I mean I remember there was a time when raw was on TNN remember Tennessee Nashville Network then they were on Spike TV for a while uh just a few weeks ago they were preempted and shown on sci-fi their ratings did take a hit even though they had some of the best episodes um that could have easily surpassed two million on Raw the last couple of weeks but since they were uh relegated to sci-fi uh Network through the Olympics uh they attendance was um viewership was cut down but that's the big news coming out of the WWE now so the landscape of the WWE television programming is about to change um any updates to these stories I will have them you got to follow and like And subscribe to my YouTube channel I try to keep everybody up to dat I am on Facebook as well what a day with Joel Lowry and of course on Twitter ringside with what a day Joe Lowry uh you can check that out I try to keep everybody up to date with all that stuff so I'm going to leave you with one more thing and this is Samantha Irving singing DX that's right she sings this at every raw but uh some real big videos came out over this but let me uh get rid of this and I'll come over here so Samantha IR I'm Gonna Leave You with this by the way folks don't forget to like And subscribe to this channel hit that like And subscribe button down below it'd be greatly appreciated we're trying to we're growing every day new content daily uploads weekly episodes coming at you and I appreciate everybody's support so I'm Gonna Leave You this right now is Samantha Irving and DX this past Monday night in raw in Fort Lauderdale Florida I'm Joel Lowry what a day WWE rig announcer Samantha Irving sings the DX theme to The Rock crowd during a segment break you know who you're talking to [Music] [Music] [Music] them up S for the DX can and if you ain't down with we got be sure to like And subscribe to ringside with what a day [Applause] [Music]