KEVIN CAN F**K HIMSELF Official Featurette "A Look at the Series" (HD) Annie Murphy
Published: Aug 24, 2023
Duration: 00:05:37
Category: People & Blogs
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we've saved for so long we can cover the down payment we can own a home is it really that much better than this place the name of the show is Kevin can I actually stop real quick because I have to ask one question are we saying Kevin can sell for Kevin can f himself Kevin can himself I love every opportunity to say the title of this show Kevin can work himself I'm gonna say [ __ ] it then all right great here we go it's about a woman we all grew up thinking we knew the sitcom life the wife that you've seen on television and you've forgotten about she's beautiful she's always with a good-natured smile and married to some like hilarious guy who's definitely a beer drinking Sports Lovin dude who has a bunch of buffoon friends around him all the time Neil the breakfast is for family see Kevin's a husband I'm the father-in-law yeah I don't like a brother no you're more like a cousin who just got out of jail for stalking but on our show we follow her out of that laugh track living room with her hilarious husband and we follow her alone in her dramatic life what uses single cam and multicam think of it like sitcom and drama to put it simply can you lose the laugh track and we lose the bright lighting and it feels much more cinematic and real and honest she's not in a sitcom this character it's not a show within a show she's not an actor it's really just how this world is presented and you see all the cracks of the house and you see the dirt on the floor and you see the grime that will not lift and you never see those things in multi-pam in following her we very quickly realized that this wife that we've ignored because she's blended into the wallpaper has this very secret life that she's living outside of the world of her husband it's a look at what happens when that person takes action and starts to make a life of her own Kevin and Allison together forever her main relationship is of course her husband Kevin who she's been married to for 10 years Allison has pinned all of her hopes of Happiness on him her desires and her dreams are being smothered so that he can do what he wants from Kevin's point of view he thinks things are Aces he loves her he thinks that she loves him but over the 10 years of marriage he's slowly started to chip away at her in many many ways [Music] and I think when we meet her she's become just a shell of herself and that kind of throws her into this very intense unraveling the world revolves around him and it has to stop I'm going to kill Kevin whoa Miss Hercules over here is that blood it doesn't mean you get to be moody you already use that excuse once this month deciding to kill your husband is a fairly active Choice through this process of deciding to do what she's going to do she learns a lot more about herself I've come to realize that the life that's at stake isn't actually Kevin's it's Allison's and that if she stays in this situation she will die in one way or another f is so much worse she finally realized that she has an ally and Patty and that completely opens her up when we first meet Allison and Patty they're basic strangers because Patty has existed as one of the guys the sitcom world has created this division oh you must be that kind of girl and Patty must be this kind of girl so they're not running together at the beginning how did I not know we went to the same High School because up until 20 minutes ago I didn't know I like Patty and Allison are so crucial to each other's Escape because Patty has the street smarts and the backbone that Allison doesn't but Allison somehow holds this eternal optimism that things can get better Allison so they're going to start really relying on each other and I think that that's going to offer Allison a little bit of Peace but also they're going to get into a lot of trouble along the way single camera stuff really explores some heavy stuff drugs murder and we talk a lot about codependence what she gets out of that relationship with Kevin what she gets out of cleaning up his mess how it still pulls her back in audiences will just be wowed by the comedy and then kind of hit hard by the drama even though the subject matter gets dark the show isn't dour in any way it's really fun I think that a lot of women and men will watch this show and go that sounds like us I think that the show could have significant impact on a lot of people who maybe see themselves perhaps in a situation like Allison and find some hope in her journey out really the people I hope we reach with this show are Allison's in relationships with Kevin who say do I have to be here that's what I hope to do with this show even just one maybe you're insane she's not alone calling me crazy is the nicest you ever been to me you're welcome foreign