Category: Sports
John while we uh are raising your your hand here uh you you think the razer backs are going into still water and walking away with a victory sure why not i mean it's college football man that's and that's the thing that's i suppose i've seen crazier things happen reas i'm honestly it's the only reason... Read more
Category: Sports
Can texas take it to michigan does arkansas have a shot against oki state what about the ranked battle between the vs and nc state time to get the squad together you're talking ball with the sec squad from alabama to tennessee from georgia to oklahoma from auburn to texas it's the local experts of the... Read more
Category: Sports
Well razorback fans in the words of charles barkley the top three guarantees i have for razer back football this upcoming [music] season you are locked on razorbacks your daily podcast on the arkansas razorbacks part of the locked on podcast network your team everyday and welcome in to lock razorbacks... Read more
Category: Sports
Mo razer back fans we know the game between arkansas and ok state is about to transpire but i'm going to tell you why arkansas wins this game right here on the locked on razer backs [music] podcast you are locked on razorbacks your daily podcast on the arkansas razorbacks part of the locked on podcast... Read more
Category: Sports
Mo razer back fans it's game week it's like actually game week so let's actually talk about it on today's locked on razorbacks [music] podcast you are locked on razorbacks your daily podcast on the arkansas razorbacks part of the locked on podcast network your team every day welcome in locked on razorbacks... Read more
Category: Sports
Things of that nature things of nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that nature things that nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that [applause] nature and welcome in the pot of that nature... Read more
Category: Sports
All right raz your back fans a little bit of breaking news a little surprising news happening today i'm having to put this together in a makeshift type of studio and the type of setup so bear with me but you kind of get the idea either way arkansas gets a very surprising and very big commitment from... Read more
Category: Sports
It is a tremendous honor for me to be named the 30th head football coach here at the university of arkansas i would like to thank dr sug chancellor white jeff long for giving me this opportunity to come to razer back nation i'm certainly fired up about that welcome in to inside arkansas and today we're... Read more
Category: Sports
Nature nature that nature that nature that nature of that nature of that nature that nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that [applause] nature and what's going on happy friday everybody welcome into the pot of that nature pregame show because we are getting... Read more
Category: Sports
Nature nature things that nature things that nature things that nature things of that nature things of that nature that nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that [applause] nature what's going on everybody welcome into to the pod of that nature the postgame... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] [music] good morning everybody curtis wilkerson here with inside arkansas on the pot at the palace coming to you with another episode of the hoop hogs video mailbag where you ask me an arkansas basketball related question and i do my best to answer it we've been doing these every day for... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] [music] what's up everybody curtis wilkerson back for another episode of the inside arkansas hoop hog's video mailbag and we've got a little bit of a double dip situation today a couple questions that weren't exactly similar uh but close enough to where i think we could talk about both of... Read more