Delta workers killed in accident at Atlanta airport
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:00:51
Category: News & Politics
Trending searches: delta airlines tire explosion atlanta
today we are learning more about a maintenance accident that killed two Delta Employees and injured another on Tuesday Morning in a report from Atlanta fire workers described running from a tire explosion Tuesday morning right now Delta is not saying that the tire exploded it says the tire was being disassembled we are learning 58-year old merco marag and 37-year-old Louise Alder were the Delta Employees who were killed in this tragic incident at the Delta Tech Ops facility it's like a mechanic shop we spoke to Mar's family and they tell us he was a loving man who helped anyone he could his son Andre Coleman spoke with 11 alive just hours after the family got that heartbreaking phone call that this accident was deadly he tells us the 58-year-old served in the air force for four years and worked for Marta and Delta would have been his last job