Atlanta Braves vs Nationals MLB LIVE Stream | Braves Country Baseball Play-By-Play A.I. Watch Party

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 03:13:34 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] e [Music] a [Music] a e [Music] n [Music] [Music] n e [Music] [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] CNP andwhere like me you can't smoke like me so don't try and be like me let's party together there's something I say there's something kind of about a kid that's never played baseball baseball is a beautiful thing it's more beautiful in an old park it's asymmetrical and quirky but even in a dome with artificial turf it's beautiful the way the field fans out the choreography of the sport the pace and rhythm of it the fact that that pace and Rhythm allows for conversation and reflection and opinion and comparison in right field the crowd is tormenting strawberries singing darl darl little roller up along first behind the man it gets through Buckner Here Comes Knight in the mix win and there's a fly Ball Deep to left it's on its way there it goes and the Yankees are going to the world Lon ground ball stabbed by folk he has it he underhand the first for the first time in 86 years the Red Sox have won baseball World Championship can you believe it it's a Pastime something you do it's entertainment something you watch and it's a shared experience something you you talk about and read about but you can apply the same three criteria to other things what makes baseball special is that it's the best game has ever been divised Smith corks went into Right Down the Line it may go go crazy folks go crazy sure as God made green apple someday the Chicago Cubs are going to be in the World Series a little bouncer slowly toward Bryant he will glove in cizo it's in time and the Chicago Cubs win the World Series C Glenn what a lucky break the good Lord wants the P to win how can not be romantic about baseball if baseball is about caring about loyalty and rivalry Ra's fans are on their feet hoping for some kind of a bleeder or a seeing eye single here's the onew pitch fast ball hit High inde deep down the right field line it's going back back back is it fair is it zip boom bam it's gone ramama ding dong by three run shot and your Athleta Braves have taken a one one lead a hanger a banger and she's gone baby there's a very peaceful thing it was created and played in pastures and Meadows there's grass there's Outdoors there's everything that people thought was American and feel about America you get in a ballpark and it's The Wonder of walking through that dark tunnel and seeing a huge open space where men play the boys [Music] game I believe in the Church of baseball I've tried all the major religions and most of the minor ones I know things for instance there are 108 beads in a Catholic rosary and there are 108 stitches in a baseball I prefer metaphysics to theology you see there's no guilt in baseball and it's never boring it's a long season and you got to trust it I've tried them all I really have and the only church that truly feeds the soul day in day out is the Church of baseball High Fly ball into the right field she is gone from SW L Drive let's he one run is in here comes B here's the throw of the plate he is you're Braves [Applause] if there's a bigger thing going on right now I don't know what it is we're down to one strike here guel the last hope for the Houston Astros here's the 02 pitch swung on bounced over to Dansby Dansby fires it over to First and here comes the dog pile fire the cannons in the battery do the jop all throughout brav country pop that top your Atlanta bravs have one in [Music] all you see light but so proud We the tlight last leing who stripes and bright stars through the fight for the must we walk were so G screaming and The Rock he Pro through the night flag was still [Music] there way [Music] for the of thee and the of playball Adam beer 7 o' in the morning Scotch hey howdy hi and how the hell are you pull up an armchair girls and boys and join us for Braves country baseball you're listening live and the scene is truest Park in Atlanta Georgia where we're set to bring you pitch by pitch play by play of your Atlanta bravs hi I'm m McGee here are your starting lineups for today's action leading off in playing short stop for the Washington Nationals at CJ Abrams 18 home runs 60 RBI 25 stolen bases batting 246 batting second playing Left James Wood five home runs 30 RBI seven stolen bases bang 288 yepez is a designated hitter today and batting third four home runs 20 RBI two stolen bases bang 284 Luis Garcia is at second and batting cleanup 15 home runs 63 RBI 20 stolen bases batting 2 96 Ruiz is behind home plate and batting fifth 12 home runs 46 RBI one stolen base batting two 29 T is at third and batting six four RBI one stolen base batting 34 chaparo is at first and batting seventh a 273 average three RBI Joey Gallow is in right field batting 172 five home runs 12 RBI one stolen base and young is in center field in batting ninth a 251 clip with 30 stolen bases he has 28 RBI two home runs on the m for the Washington Nationals it's Jake Irvin 9 and 10 with a 3.81 erra a 1.15 whip 151 Innings pitched 127 strikeouts versus 138 hits allowed 35 walks 24 home run sered he'll be going head-to-head with Charlie Morton Uncle Charlie a seven- seven with a 429 Ray 1.28 whip 126 Innings 127 strikeouts he's given up 115 hits 46 walks and 19 home runs served backing up Uncle Charlie in the bottom of the first inning it's Michael Harris II he'll be patrolling center field for your Atlanta Braves leading off with seven home runs 28 RBI eight St bases bang 247 Whit Maryfield is batting second playing second four home runs 13 RBI 16 stolen bases batting 217 batting third Marcel Ozuna the designated hitter has 37 home runs 94 RBI a 308 batting average followed up by big Matt Olson he's playing first batting cleanup with 21 home run 64 RBI a 225 average back behind home plate for the first time in a long time it's Travis darod darod getting hit on the wrist last Saturday night has not had an bat since then he has 13 home runs 42 RBI one stolen base batting 253 Ramone laurano is batting Sixth and in right field seven home runs 16 RBI five stolen bases batting 239 kid Kellick is batting seventh and playing Left 13 home runs 39 RBI a 239 clip and J orella is at third batting eighth five home runs a 245 average he has 39 RBI batting ninth and Manning shortstop it's the Magic Kingdom Orlando Aria 12 home runs 37 RBI a 225 average calling balls and Strikes tonight behind home plate it's John bacon your first base onire is Ramon De Jesus second base will be manned by Quinn Walcott and down the third Bas line it's Adrien Johnson game time temperatures here in Atlanta Georgia truest Park 84 degrees at first pitch the wind blowing left to right about 6 M an hour your Atlanta Braves coming in 69 and 59 10 over 500 the Washington Nationals are 58 and 71 the Braves are 35 and 27 at home Nats 28 and 38 on the road your Atlanta Braves are minus 180 on the money line the over under is 8 and A2 we'd like to thank all the country club members for helping support the Channel please become a country club member today and if you haven't already smash that like And subscribe to Braves country radio well it's about that time grab you cold one find you an armchair it's Braves NS game two of a three-game set Atlanta looks to win the series tonight setting up a possible sweep for Sunday morning remember tomorrow's game is 12:05 an early first pitch via the Roku we'll have Sunday morning chat right here Braves Country Network over on cover country radio YouTube Channel our pick to click tonight no one in the lineup has a particularly good history versus Jake Irv we're going to take a swing with someone who has yet to see the young right-hander give it a whirl we'll take Whit Maryfield batting second or H Solair not in the lineup tonight more on that as the game begins we'll take your Atlanta breaks to find a way to win this one with another masch unit 5 to3 your score Uncle Charlie is on the mountain tonight so we got the uncle Charlie Emoji kicking in the chat Braves come in tonight 2 and 1/2 games in front of the Met to the final wild card spot just five games out of the NL League Philadelphia is in action versus Kansas City we'll keep you updated Mets at the Padres a little later tonight we'll have an eye on that as well the Florida state Georgia Tech football game over at Ireland was cancelled today so there will be no mention of it tonight time to warm up those chop arms Country Club Braves country get your game face on time to swat the Nets another important step towards October get this bus moving stop come back too late you're a bra [Music] oh good evening Braves country before we get into roll call want to play this for you real quick Brian Snicker was interviewed after the game last night here is the interview from Brian Snicker it's amazing what he's doing um efficiency the situations I mean he did the same thing on the road which is almost impossible to do um and I got to say he's he's probably the greatest team player I've ever been around um and this run he's on is amazing what he's doing how efficient you know stuff is just so good um the slider I it's been a big really big pitch for him he's a you know three pitch closer and um yeah it's just it's been just phenomenal what he's done what about just the way you've set this thing up like get these guys ex rest earlier in the season that you can use him multiple times in a month like that yeah no and we talked to him about that early in the year when they wanted to do this it's like there's going to come you know and happens every year there comes a point in the season when we might have to go three in a row and do stuff out of the box that we've done and that's why I think that's why we for the first four and a half months or so that we're very cognizant of that because we know coming down the end um you know it's it's gets hairy and you may have to do that and I think they're just just like the starters you know we're gonna you gotta go in five now you know it's kind of go time and and actually I think they've all thrown better quite honestly can you expand on what makes Iggy such a good teammate he doesn't care Iggy's like a lot of these closers are divas and he's the exact opposite of that I said when he doesn't matter if he gets the save how many runs or and when I and I've said this when if he gets that last out of the game and he comes off the field he's the happiest guy going cuz we won the game it's not about him is numbers you know what and when you're like that the numbers take care of themselves um but he he's just been always ready to pitch he's ready to go above and beyond all the time he comes in here every day with a smile consistent his work how he PR um prepares just a great teammate that you can send s out there basically every time no when he's going to go seven now yeah I mean it's he's going to through that when he gets in trouble whether it's you know early whatever I mean he's he's got that extra gear he can call on anytime he wants Michael has that speed U for a short stop how much does that maybe affect the no if you're if it's a hard 90 you can Rush guys into what you saw happen tonight and I saw the replay and Michael was busting it down there and they talk about that in the pregame meeting um you know so I think that's huge on for teams and they know that and you know that's I say I can't remember the last time we benefited from an air said you like the way he's swinging then that's a couple homers against left no it's it's been really good um so yeah I mean I it's it's kind of it helps our lineup if he can lead off quite honestly what have you seen from Orlando this Home St I mean homework earlier and then goes the other way to time the game that's good he's been you know for a long time now after the second half he's been you know a lot better than he was I mean it wasn't very good um early on and he's kind of rided himself and um he's got short memory you know he kind of just stays in The Daily Grind so that was Brian Snicker now we'll get into the game itself get this bus moving stop come back too late you're in Braves [Applause] oh good evening Braves country takes a little longer to set up nowadays that's all right I think everybody enjoys the well we'll say 99% of people enjoy the the uh new AI screen so once it gets going we will be ready to roll with that I'm going rattle through here real quick trying to keep an eye on three different screens good evening pushing buttons Nathaniel Brooks be Gary The Real McCoy I'm assuming the goat's been it yet there's the goat oh a y good to see you Billy also in Braves country we've got John old world Willis Robert already said John John margarit we're just about set for pitch by pitch play by play of your at Atlanta Braves if I missed anybody just throw it in the chat like I said I'm trying to keep on eye on three things at once because it's a different start the way it used to be Atlanta Braves are wearing the city connect jerseys tonight white top to bottom with the blue sleeves that's with the blue tops and the gray pants we are just about set yes sir it is baseball time in Braves country Charlie Morton gets set the first pitch on the way kicks and fire swung on and fouled down the line it's 0 and one the 01 CJ Abrams from the left side of the plate righty Lefty matchup he had the night off last night came in late and he's the one that threw that in that incredibly bad timing of the error Charlie Morton spins and Deals right there for a strike good curveball it's 0 and two so an 02 count Braves nothing Nationals nothing the O2 on the way fouled off Charlie will walk off the mound for a second to grab it tosses it towards home plate I mean towards um first base dugout I think we're paired up we'll get that rolling now the o02 from Charlie lets her go swing and a miss strike three 96 up top one away good high fast ball kind of a highriser there it was the four scene from Charlie doesn't normally throw it with that kind of of lift probably wasn't intentional but we'll take it first pitch on the way to Wood is right there for a strike curveball coming in it's on and one his curveball I'm noticing tonight it's a little more flat more 2 to eight as opposed to 1 to 7 or 12 to six that he throws the 01 85 on the outer Ed redge change up one and one so 1-1 count the pitch on the way swing swats it foul the Leander wood another young star for the Washington Nationals is the number one Prospect in baseball he came up just a few months ago it's had a pretty good season so far the one two outside wide two and two so a two two count Braves nothing Nats nothing top of the first inning just getting going the 22 misses with the change up outside wide Full Count Charlie Morton comes set the payoff pitch C looking strike three got him with the Bender two away so like I said that I don't know if it's intentional or not but the but that pitch is definitely moving a little different than it normally is normally he really has a true one to s that one's coming in at about a 2 to six we'll see if that keeps up almost like a slurve if you're listening on radio if you are listening on radio come on over and find us at Braves country radio on YouTube join in the chat Charlie Morton kicks and fires the first pitch on the way 95 on the innercut it's 0 and one yepez batting 284 righty righty matchup the 01 brings it snapping curve ball ow and two so an 02 count Morton comes set kicks and fires swung on sliced over to First good stab by Matt Olsen he'll step on the pillow and that'll end the inning three up three down we'll grab the bats here in Braves country on a Saturday night hate your job do it the rest of your life be a man I got fired from the bank today woman asked me to check her balance so I pushed her when people talk about tagio they're usually talking about Joe but I'm here to tell you that his brother Dom was one hell of a player too his career only lasted 11 seasons in part because he missed three years due to military service but in seven of those Seasons he managed to make the All-Star team during his 10 full seasons he ranked first in hits second in run scored and third in doubles when compared to all Major Leaguers during the that time period he led American League center fielders and assists three times and put outs and double plays twice he tied a league record by recording 400 put outs four times and his 503 putouts and 526 total chances in 1948 stood as an American League record for nearly 30 years he was an effective leadoff hitter never striking out more than 68 times in a season he led the American League twice in run scored once in triples and once in stolen bases he is one of only three players to average more than 100 runs throughout his career he batted 300 or better four times and just missed hitting 300 over his career he batted safely in 34 straight games in 1949 a Red Sox record La manager Walter Austin had a daunting challenge when it came to the 59 Dodgers he wanted to recapture their place at the top of the national league but the team was at a Crossroads and it was his job to show them the way he was charged with sort of rebuilding the Dodgers when some of their great players were winding down and the new wave of of youngsters was coming up in many ways Austin was ideally suited for the job in 59 War Olson was quiet he was patient he knew baseball probably as well as anybody but the thing about him I believe was that he could bring the ball club together he didn't say a whole lot he didn't give many speeches he just but when he did say something you would listen thought he was a fair man very strong man didn't want to mess with him welcome back to Braves country baseball Jake Irvin come to the mound fires the first pitch to Michael Harris the second it's a swing and a miss off the edge it's 0 and one Irvin young right-hander 23y old the 01 right there on the innercut Sinker down and in 0 and2 02 count Braves nothing Nats nothing bottom of the first inning the O2 delivers swing that Ball's rifled up through center field that's going to get down for a base hit Michael Harris II's got a lead off single and we're cooking here in the bottom of the [Applause] first good piece of hitting just swung right through it sent it right back up for a [Music] game so one on nobody out Maryfield is your batter the first pitch inside misses call to strike its own one your home playay umpire tonight is John bacon we haven't seen him much I was looking through my notes one other time I didn't have anything that stood out to me I normally make notes on these guys about you know basically is the 01 swung on swatted back 0 and2 I rarely go with what what their rankings are because they're very subjective I go with what what we how we we reacted to them mainly if they don't stick out if you don't pay attention you don't know they're there that night they did a hell of a job the O2 down and away one and two like I said this is just the second time so I usually Reserve judgment till about the third time we see an Umpire the onew Harris at first nobody out turns around flips it over to First Harris kind of leaning over there Irvin knows he might be looking for his off speed with two strikes and might take off the onew brings it down and Away curveball two and two that would have been a good pitch to that would have been a great pitch to go on that curveball was outside the box in the dirt Jorge cir not in the lineup tonight as you might have already realized already heard we're on that in a second the 2 two brings it outside wide Sinker misses ball three three and two Braves nothing Nats nothing bottom of the first Braves looking to get an early lead out here the payoff pitch way outside wide ball four Harris took off there won't be a stolen base will but will have Runners on first and second nobody out the big Zoo coming to the [Music] wayel says how about a bun I don't think they're going to bunt with the the big Zoo first pitch on the way outside wide misses again it's one and0 he's kind of been missing with that pitch so until he does if you're Ozuna you're sitting Dead red you get the heater on the inner cut you swing if not you you just stay the 10 95 just misses just hit the outside corner looked like it missed it first but I think it might have grabbed it he definitely missed his Target Ruiz was set up on the inside that one hit on the out the one1 to Ozuna outside why that one did not get it two and one his release point or something is off because he is throwing everything to the far side of the plate to the right-handers Olsen on Deck the 2-1 swing that Ball's hit hard on the ground but right at the third baseman it's going to be a five four three three rally killing double play ta to Garcia to chaparo say that three times fast two down Harris did move up to third so a wild pitch and air a number of ways to get a runner home here in the first inning but you hate to see that that's what they were looking for to get him to hit one on the ground first pitch on the way to Olsen fast ball misses high it's one and0 the one0 they had the celebrity uh softball game tonight I know was Jared jurgons was in it the one0 swung on fouled straight back one and one I had not heard that name in so long I had to look I was like how long has it been he he hadn't been with the brace since uh 2012 but it's funny I go to his Wikipedia page if I can find anything interesting on him he's got a damn uh Orioles jersey on it on him one-1 swing listed fouling out of play one and two so if anyone's got access to Wikipedia and all that stuff to edit it go put a a Braves Jersey on Jared JG he was there five seasons he was with the Orioles for for about 20 games the one two kicks and fires down in away good take tried to give him to chase that curveball two and two Braves 90 ft away with the go-ahead run the two- two to Olen Mo the Braves batters that have faced Irvin only had seen him a handful of times the two two high and inside ball three three and two Travis Dar no looming on Deck he may be pitch ing around olon but he's had a harder time pitching to the right-handers the payoff pitch inside ball four so that'll bring Travis darno to the play I'm sure he'll get a good Round of Applause haven't seen him in a week I know I know someone in our chat that'll be excited to see Travis darno I'm always looking to see now I I don't no there it is the FFA Sprout is coming out of his helmet I'm always looking to see that now first pitch on the way to darn no is outside wide for a ball it's one and0 the one oh when he becomes the Atlanta Braves manager we got to get him holes in the top of his hel of his ball cap so the alal for sprout can pop out Runners on the corners two outs the one0 swing in a miss inside one and one Dar no batting 253 on the year of course he's got to have a lot of rust I'm sure he's been taking batting practice but not having a bat in a full week Irvin by the way is about to throw his 22nd pitch of the night the 1-1 93 missed his spot but got the call that was definitely charity from home pled umpire John bacon the onew brings it swing and a miss strike three got him fast ball right down the pipe and that'll end the inning your Atlanta Braves did put a couple on and run that pitch count up a little bit we'll be back in a Flash here on Braves country is Google a man or a woman a woman because it never lets you finish a sentence without making a suggestion have you ever looked at Brooks Robinson's helmet and thought what is wrong with it in the early 1970s the Commissioner's Office made it mandatory to wear a batting helmet if you were entering the lead Robinson was originally for the helmet since he had been beaned in the head several times over his career when he got the new helmet and put it on he noticed that the bill was a little longer than a normal helmet because of this he could see the brim and part of the flap when he went up to hit which caused him to lose concentration at the plate so he did what any rational player would do he took a hacksaw and cut it off about 1 and 1/2 in off the brim and about a/ inch off the flag the result is something that looks like it came straight out of the movie Easy Ride under Austin's guidance young flamethrowers Sandy kofax and Don Dale started pitching with more Poise while aging icons Duke Snider and Gil Hodes reached back for some vintage performances Austin even got former All-Star Carl ferillo to accept a bench roll and inserted Wally Moon which would pay enormous dividends Wally Moon W Moon he took advantage of that screen in left field like no like nobody else anytime he hit that screen off the wall or over the wall they called it a moonshot the Dodgers played far better than they had the season before but they still could not seem to find the spark they needed to reach the top of the standings ultimately a shortstop named Mory wills and a pitcher named Larry Sherry would push them into contention both players had been languishing in the miners and had forged the special bond I was going so bad and I just made made a mistake made an era in the opposition running all over the bases and I actually left the field went in the clubhouse was ripping my uniform off I was quitting and Larry Sher happened to see me and came in and grabbed me pinned me up against the wall said you can't do that I won't let you do it Larry Sher saved my career welcome back to Braves country baseball Atlanta Braves Washington Nationals nothing nothing second inning first pitch on the way to Garcia is swatted back foul four seam fast ball it's 0 on1 the 01 same two teams back at it tomorrow I'll remind you a few times today tonight it's an early start E1 swing chops it foul Charlie's Got That slurve working tonight 0 and two 1205 first pitch the chat will once again be on cover country radio all the chats will be on their going forward including the football games that we're going to put over there trying to find something similar to this AI experience in football the O2 chopped over to first steps on the bag Olsen went away not sure if they've perfected that yet but if nothing else we'll have the scoreboard so if you're if you're playing fantasy if you're you know if there's a big game that everyone's uh involved in we'll we'll be putting up the line and everything for everybody they can fall along CH chat along and curse along kebert Ruiz stands in righty Lefty matchup first one on the way 94 out wide it's one and0 Braves nothing Nats nothing top of the second Charlie about to throw his 18th pitch the 10 slapping Cur curve one and one man if he gets that thing going that is that is the best curveball I have seen so far out of him this year that's not even an an overstatement I mean it is snapping tonight the one one down below the knees two and one and it doesn't have the same shape that the other one normally does where it bends High one to seven it usually hit someone in the back foot this one's coming from the side I'm saying to to eight more more like 23 to 8:30 it's really out there the 2-1 pitch curve ball misses three and one so with 3-1 count righty Lefty brings it right there at the knees 95 P at the knees good pitch three and two if he can spot that there and back that up with that curveball we might be all right tonight the 3-2 pitch outside wide ball four so he does walk about you don't like to see that one on one out it is the catcher so you're talking about a double play candidate pushing buttons asking about did uh the Wally Wally Moon did win a uh a gold glove I don't know how you remembered that but first pitch on the way curveball inside it's one and0 I think he won it like in it was in the early 60s I know that I know I know he's on three World Series champion teams and he was an Allstar two or three times won the rookie of the year but yeah he he did get it was at least one it might have even been two gold gloves the 2 count T batting 314 on the year hasn't had a ton of it bats Washington's thirdd baseman digs in the pitch curve ball right there on the in cut it's two and one the 2-1 brings it Runner goes Wham that Ball's blasted deep into right field it ain't going to hold it's two nothing Washington fast ball on the innercut and he slams it Charlie Morton had really been pitching well that that fast ball just got way too much of the plate Washington to Braves nothing oh I stand corrected that that was the change up that was a hanging change up I thought it might have been his two scene because started to Ben back but that was the change up in man he just hung it they were they were shooting for the outside corner first pitch on the way to chaparo swung on he's going to drop it into center field and that's a one out single two nothing your score top of the second one on one out first pitch on the way to Gallow is inside for a ball it's one and0 Morton now out of nowhere flooring with a high pitch count giving up two runs flips it over to first to keep the runner close by Charlie Morton's at 28 pitches with just one out here in the second desperately need a double play Joey Gallow he still got pop in his back doesn't hit for a high average but he can slam it first pitch on the way the one oh Pitch on the way is right there first strike it's one and one out of town scoreboard looks like this Baltimore 3-2 over Houston that's a final Milwaukee beat the A's nine to5 Diamondbacks keep winning they beat the the B the Red Sox in Boston again 4 to one the 1-1 swing chops at foul one and two San Francisco four to3 winners over Seattle so not a good day so far for the standings Cincinnati 6-2 Over Pittsburgh Texas in Cleveland 1 to1 in the second St Louis in Minnesota just getting underway they're scoreless in the third Philadelphia leads Kansas City one- nothing in the third singer versus Suarez tonight the Mets will be in San Diego tonight at about 840 the onew for Morton swing fouls it back Detroit leads the white socks and probably the biggest who cares game today two to nothing Tampa Bay is at La the Dodgers Kershaw versus Tosh Bradley tonight and earlier today Rockies all over the Yankees 9-2 in New York the one two swing and a miss strike three got him with the curveball to away Toronto beat the Angels 3 to one and earlier today the Chicago Cubs and imaga 14-2 over Miami and that's your out of town scoreboard first pitch on the way to the number nine hitter young is swung on and swatted into right field it's off the glove of a sliding lauriano laurano quickly comes to his feet fires it in the infield they almost double off the runner at first young had made it a wide turn and lauriana Who had who had come to a slide and the ball just hit his heel of his glove as he was sliding comes off his glove he quickly rebounds gets the ball in there quickly we almost got a cheap out out of that so Runners on first and third two outs it's a good effort by lauriano just misjudged it on the slide first pitch on the way to CJ Abrams very dangerous hitter he is really Rak against Atlanta pitching it's 0 and one has a strikeout tonight he's 0 for one the 01 up high misses one and one so one-1 count Braves nothing Washington too turns around and fires it over to First Runners on the corners righty Lefty the one-1 pitch turns around fires it again Young's been inching off of there they're going to say they got him but now they want to see if they want to challenge it it's kind of a delayed call and they do want to challenge it from the naked eye it didn't look like they got it but let's take a look here uh I think they may have gotten them it's close it's really close so he's going out the back end and olon does a great job of tagging his arm and I believe his hand does not hit the bag now let me take another look yeah I think they got them I I'm a little surprised that they're challenging because it's going to be very closer remember the call on the field right now is a is a pickoff and Snicker raising $300 worth the hell I'm trying to figure out what he's mad about Snicker is going back down to the Dugout he's yelling over into the Washington Dugout so it's something here's a clarification the Umpire because you because you have to do it within 15 seconds and Snicker thinks that he that he was paf 15 seconds I thought it was a little late too nonetheless they lose their Challenge and that's it but Snicker man I Haven seen him that like he he he's gotten kicked out a couple times he hasn't been that mad in a long time I like it we'll be back in a flash when somebody asked me if I'm having a good day I just got to ask myself three questions brother one am I alive I usually am two am I in the land of Def free I usually am baby and three do I feel the smiling Spirit of George Washington gazing down upon call me from the great pearly land at the free in the sky brother there ain't a moment that goes by that I don't feel that and when I add up that mouth makes me realize there are no bad days in the land to free baby I have a bunch of jokes about unemployed people but unfortunately none of them seem to work if you're on your phone and your wife asks you if you're texting one of your floes say yes then send her a text that says what's up after she back talks say see this is why you're not my main girl the two friends were called up in midseason and began contributing right away Cherry is the team's top reliever and wills as its new spark plug he started getting hits he hit balls up the middle ground Balls to the left side every now and then a line drive I said how wonderful I mean this guy has struggled all this time and now he's got that hitting down right covered a lot of ground and short stop I mean go to his left go deep in the hole a lot he can run like a deer the new Dodger sh stop wheels are Lifesaver for the doctors with his speed he created a a different atmosphere when he got on Bas he changed the whole club Wills beat opposing teams with his legs and Sher beat them with his Iron Will anytime you talk to Larry n don't worry about it I can take care of it Larry had determination Larry had a belly full of guts Larry was out there to beat you and he had a slider hit that outside corner and you swung the ball in there anymore he would come in and just shut the other team down in crucial moments what's up bra country looking forward to a great Atlanta Braves 2024 season see you on the B welcome back to Braves country baseball trying to get Wally off the picture there he is first pitch on the way misses for a ball one and0 backed up by a strike it's one and one Braves Trail two nothing the one-1 pitch swung on that ball is making a dying Quail into left center field that's a good oldfashioned base hit Del leet us [Applause] off good piece of hitting there just kind of fisted it into right into left center field and the Braves got one on nobody out kid Kellick stands in the first pitch swinging a Miss 92 off the edge it's 0 and one Kellick getting the day off last night with hor cair coming back the 01 swing that Ball's rifled into right field right at Gallow he'll make the catch one away that was a hard hit ball but it was right into the corner one down one on baby face Gio comes to the plate Gio righty righty match up takes the first pitch for a ball it's one and0 the 10 kicks and fire swing and a miss 90 five off the edge one and one so a 1-1 count Braves Trail two toight thing Irvin turns around and flips it over to first to keep laurano close by bottom of the second still early going you'd love to get one of those runs back here the one one pops it up high in the sky making the easy catches Abrams to down two outs then that'll bring the number nine hitter Lando Aria to the plate Aria digs in first pitch on the way swung on and fouls it straight back it's own and one ARA batting 220 on the year the 01 swung on dribbled over into the middle of the infield Irvin jumps on it flips it over to First that'll end the inning so the Braves get one on but can do nothing with it we'll be back in a Flash heading to the third two to nothing your score Le'Veon Bell he put out a single for people to listen to on Twitter of a rap album that he's really proud of he asked for people to critique it Keenan Allen the receiver of the Chargers came back with the trash emoji and what's even better I can't do it justice cuz we're on radio you've got to see the video the video that he put up oh my God it's like the most funny and exciting thing I have ever seen because it's like really bad late 80s early 90s rap video but anyways it's stage almost like Black and White he's like under a bridge somewhere where there's like a bonfire going so so like yeah hard times you hard times for GU Millions he can relate but the funniest part is when he's got the hoodie on he's doing poses and stuff like that and kind of Jing around and then out of out of nowhere sorry I can't get it out he comes up from under the screen so in another other words like like from The Muppets or something almost like the almost like the Muppets when you see just the the figure just come straight up yes the com straight up while he's also in the background it's like the worst thing put together for other I don't know how to edit a video we could do better than this I'm telling you who's the director pouncy armchair in past years the white socks may have been worried about being caught by the powerful Yankees but this season they were simply too fast to catch as Chicago finished ahead of New York and second place Cleveland it's a great thing for us to beat the Yankees we it's nice that we beat Cleveland that was to come in second but to beat the Yankees was number one and finally the socks ended 40 Years of futility when they captured the American League pennant the ground Ballo has a St second the first the ball game over the white socks are the champions of 1959 a 40e weight has now ended welcome back first pitch on the way from Charlie Morton fires it in there as the Braves Trail two to nothing misses outside it's one and0 the one0 Morton kicks and fires swung on Chops foul one and one so a 1-1 count two nothing your score Abrams the number one hitter for the Nationals stands in the pitch 94 up top miss high Charlie Morton kicks and delivers the 2-1 pitch swing and a miss two and two Charlie Mort brings the two two did he go around it bends in towards the dirt they check down the Third Base Line Third Base umpire Adrien Johnson says he did not that was close Full Count the Full Count delivery swing dribbles it over towards first but it is through the hole a diving attempt by Olen nonetheless one on nobody out here in the top of the third ball is a hard hitter about a three hopper in between first and second the way they had him played they were guarding the line at first Ola really never had a chance first pitch on the way to Wood is outside wide for a ball it's one and0 James Wood 0 for one on the year B 287 with five home runs 30 RBI Charley turns around and flips it over to first pretty good start to his MLB career the 10 brings it outside wide two and0 he's really more for the bat not the glove that's why they're trying to hide him in left field I'd say before it's all said and done he's going to end up being at first but right now they're they're trying to get the most out of his Bat and left the 2 right there for a strike two and one kind of like Ryan kusco if you think about how he was defensively they they don't have the same game but very similar in the way that the Braves would always try to hide his glove and then eventually had to move him to First the 2-1 pitch Runner goes throw down to Second looks like he got him but they call him safe Abram's in there with another stolen base have to see that again that was extremely close he might have just got in there Charlie Morton comes set looks back the runner brings it 95 out wide two and two same two teams back at it tomorrow 1205 first pitch it's the Roku game it's why it's such an early start payoff pitch misses outside wide ball four so Morton who's off to a very good start in this game it's really starting to struggle now Runners on first and second still nobody out yepez the batter first pitch on the way to yepez shows bunt but pulls it back it's 0 and one first and second no out the 01 from Charlie right there curveball at the knees 0 and2 got an 02 count first and second no nobody out the infield is backing to the left olssen all over there by his Lonesome on the right side of the infield your gz that's definitely where you'd like to shoot it towards but he is a pull hitter the O2 swing and a miss strike three got him with the curve ball is he saying he got a piece of it I guess he just got maybe a stitch of that ball to stay alive darod couldn't hang on so it is back to 0 and two Charlie looks over his shoulder brings it the O2 in the dirt one and two try to go at that same pitch again back to back this time yep as wasn't biting Charlie morn at 51 pitches with no outs here in the third he's not long for this game if this keeps up the onew brings it swing and a miss strike three big strike out there one away one down in Garcia National second baseman who had the night off last night he'll step into the frey Garcia on the left side takes the first pitch outside wide one and0 ever since that really good first in he's been getting Behind These batters that's always a recipe for disaster the one brings it swing chops it over towards first but just foul it would have moved the runners up but you would have had two outs cuz Olson was standing right there he would could have just stepped on the bag the 1-1 first and second one out pitch on the way swung on Chops it over towards first just foul again one and two standing on Deck is Ruiz Braves nothing Nats two top of the Third 55 pitches for Morton the one two turns and Spins wouldn't say he really Chase Abrams back to First just kind of nudged him back there abam didn't have that big of a lead the onew swing and a miss strike three chased a curveball well off the plate two away so Charlie Morton is just one out away from getting out of this mess not one of his better curve balls he's had today but it did the job Ruiz who walked his first time up steps up first pitch swung on chopped down the first base line foul it's on one the 01 righty Lefty Ruiz has really been a pain two Braves pitchers this year to go one pitch swing and a miss 0 and two just in general he's been a really just solid catcher for the Nationals pretty solid defensively never puts up huge numbers offensively but he's always a good at bat and the fact that he's a switch hitting catcher always adds to his value the O2 in the dirt one and two Ryan Snicker before the game tonight said his plan was to play Solair in the field last night and tomorrow coming off the hammy strain said he wasn't playing hurt and the trainer told him cair ran better in pregame Friday is the one two blasted deep into right field going back on the track at the cocacola sign making the catch is laurano man oh man alive he just missed that one we'll be back in a flash your own Braves country darling I heard what you did for clond bar call me it's not that I don't like people it's that I don't want them near me have you been drinking paint no let me see your tongue oh my god dude all that just disgusting not bad you can't drink pain I know I know I hear you I hear you I hear you say that but I don't think that you're going to stop yeah I get it though man that's a right I I feel like you're saying you get it but you don't get it to every girl that's ever said to me playing dumb isn't cute I'm not playing this is a factory setting there was some assembly required but they threw that box out and all of those screws and the warranty forgot about it so you and I are just going to have to get over it cuz this is as good as it's going to get in the final days of the 1959 season the Braves Giants and Dodgers were locked in a three- team Race for the national league Crown Lor Wills lays down a perfect squeeze butt to score Hodges the Dodgers go on to defeat San Francisco 8 to four the Giants were done but the Dodger Euphoria was shortlived as the Braves beat the Phillies on the last day of the season to force a playoff a playoff few thought the Dodgers would survive Milwaukee was so good that year that and they'd won a couple of years before in the National League and and and everybody thought well this is the team to beat we were actually happy to to end up in the tie because we matched up well with the Dodge we were very confident and we fully expected to win the playoffs but as they Reed for the best three series the Dodgers were undaunted the Braves had a better team than we had man for man if you wanted to match them on paper but um we always knew the game is went on the field not paper we went there to [Applause] win welcome back to Braves country baseball bottom of the third we go Braves Trail just two to nothing Jay gin fires the first pitch to Harris and he dribbles it over to Second it's going to be an easy one pitch out to start the inning one down wh Maryfield the batter first pitch to Maryfield is 93 right down the track it's 0 and one the 01 comes set kicks and fires just misses outside 82 mph Bender one and one Maryfield walked his first time up Braves had Runners on first and second nobody out did nothing with it the 1-1 this is two and one so back to the Jorge cair thing before we went to break I was telling you cair said he had already planned for him to play Friday be off Saturday and then play Sunday the 2-1 swung on Cho foul two and two that's the cliff notes he said the trainer told Solair told him that Solair ran better in pregame Friday than he did going for that fly ball Snicker says soir slowed because he thought it was going to go foul which is what I thought he did too I think a lot of people overreacted on social media as the 2 two misses Full Count saw a lot of people overreact on social media thinking that he was still hurt you know blah blah blah they don't play do you know they're not a doctor but they do play one on Twitter the 3-2 pitch inside ball four so we got a one out walk to get us going going here in the bottom of the third it didn't shock me was I disappointed yes I was disappointed he wasn't in the lineup T but it didn't shock me because that's kind of what they do you rarely see them when a guy comes off an injury Rush him back in and just have him play every day first pitch on the way to Ozuna is outside wide auna called for a wide strike it's 0 and one the 01 he's 0 for one pitch slices it foul down and Away 0 and two so an 02 count two nothing your score the pitch swing fouls it back win bra win Braes win bra win thanks for chopping that sign down the O2 ozuno running at first one out pitch on the way misses up top 93 milph one and two [Music] the onew pitch from Irvin swing fouls it back again really trying to jam him usually when a pitcher does that they're setting them up for something to chase out of the Zone Philly still leads Kansas City one- nothing that game is in the fifth in Kansas City the one two misses high ball two two and two Braves come into tonight five games out of the National League East two and a half in front of the Mets Mets are in action versus the Padres tonight believe it was Peterson for the Mets versus King of the Padres the two two swung on Grounded over to short it's going to be a six 43 double play second double play by Ozuna tonight that'll end the inning Braves Trail by just two we head to the fourth two nothing in Atlanta at least I'm a fun hot mess like a train wreck full of pizza fireworks and glitter y'all back when I was a kid I could jump out of a swing midair and land on my feet no problem now when I sleep on the wrong pillow I wake up feeling like I fell out of a 12 story window hey Braves country I'm M mgee join us for pitch by pitch playby play the classic Hall of Braves country baseball we're bringing you Atlanta Braves baseball all year long jump into our pregame show Braves country today just before first pitch stick around for the postgame show Braves country tonight where we will open up the phone lines react to your calls or your comments all year long that's Braves country radio pitch by pitch playby play your home for the classic call of Braves country baseball if your child is performing poorly during a recital stop recording them in the middle of their performance so that they will see what a disappointment they are to you to save face around the other parents tell them you're just practicing for when your child gets on stage and as the first game began the Braves took an early lead the Braves break the scoring I and then Dodger manager Walter Alon acted quickly making the boldest of moves he brought in his Ace reliever Larry Sherry in the second inning well he's the boss he's going to pick whoever he wants and he knows Larry wants to come in and Larry wants to pit sherry made Austin's gamble pay off as he completely shut the Braves down he knew he could do it and he wanted to do it and he did it and then Johnny Roseboro homered and the Dodgers ended up with an improbable 3-2 victory welcome back to Braves country baseball first pitch on the way from Morton it's well outside wide for a ball it's one and0 t the number six hitter hit a two-run shot his first time up righty Lefty matchup the one0 right there Bender for a strike at the knees one and one 1- 93 misses up top high out of the zone two and one the 2-1 from Charlie swing slices it foul two and two the 2- two from Morton top of the fourth trailing by two the pitch on the way swung on Chopped foul do it again Charlie Morton's at 65 pitches as we begin the fourth inning start of very sharp in the last couple Innings have kind of scuffled but worked out of a big Jam in the third the 22 swing and a miss strike three got him with the 94p up top one away good hard pitch up top first one on the way to chaparo is right there at the knees it's one and0 the one0 brings it swung on lifted into right field giving Chase is lauriano he'll miss another one that'll bounce into the seats and it's a one- out double for the Nationals lurana just couldn't quite get to it doesn't have quite the speed that we're used to seeing over there in right field or the end instincts he was hustling that's one thing you can say about lauriana he's never not hustling he was just little too far away I think aunia probably gets to that I know Solair doesn't maybe Duvall I think one of the things as I've went back and looked at some of the video of lauriana he doesn't get great breaks first [ __ ] on the way outside one know meaning great breaks on the on the actual when the ball is hit the one brings it swing lifts it high and deep into center field drifting back just before the warning track Michael the hawk Harris has it fires it into the INF field but the runner will move up 90 ft there are two down so good hustle to go from second to third but you do have two outs so a Fly ball can't get him home Jacob young the number nine hitter singled his first time up and he's got good speed so anything on the ground in the infield is going to be a tough beat first pitch 93 out wide it's 0 and one the 01 brings it swung on chop foul towards the first base Dugout of your Atlanta Braves 0 and2 so an 02 count Brady's Trail by two top of the fourth young one for one on the day the infield is backing pretty straight away Olson's cheating a little bit towards second the O2 slic foul into the seats above the first base Dugout Upper Deck we'll do it again Vicky's asking about the parade I believe that was yesterday five or six o'clock I believe they had had it I saw the announcement the O2 did he go around Bender goes wide he did not they checked down the line one and two they did have the uh the parade I'm pretty sure it was Friday they might have waited till Saturday and they had everyone introduced last night as they came in before the game the one two down the way two and two two2 count then today was the the Home Run Derby of former players it's not who you'd think would be in there the 2 two swung on Chopped over to short RC has got it fires it across the diamond little bit of a sinking throw but Olsson stayed with it and that'll end the inning so the NS threatened but we keep them off the board two to nothing let's get the bats let's get some runs here's to alcohol because no good story has ever started with a salad cheers Dad yep the fans and followers want to know why you caved with my sister what what are you talking about you bet her $100 to quit vaping for 2 weeks then you found out she cheated with ziix sticks and you paid her anyways did you know the BET before we did it yes and did any time during the bet when we set up the rules that I say she couldn't use a nicotine stick or nicotine gum well no okay then she won fair and square what's the big deal well technically she won but everyone thinks you should have stuck to your guns and not paid her at all oh so I'm supposed to tell my daughter that she cheated even when she didn't and then you guys want me to Welch on the bet so her dad she learns the lessons that her dad Welches on bets too that's that's the advice of your fans and followers people still think you can't either way well it is really important what other people think about the way I parent it is no not even a little bit get the out of here back in Los Angeles with a second game the Braves showed their Championship pedigree as they knocked out Don Dale and took a 5-2 lead into the ninth inning and with the unfappable Luber dead on the mound the game seemed Ted over but then like an echo from the past the Old Boys of Summer Roar to life Snider and Hodes delivered key hits knocking verad out of the game and pillo tied it with a sacrific fly hajes comes in with a tying run and the Dodgers are anything but death we just got some momentum at the end and then with a score tied in the 12th they reached back one more time the Cella team of the national league for the first time in history a seven Place Club has come back to win the P the following year we've had no business beating them welcome back first pitch on the way to Matt Olsen it's called for a strike up top looked like it missed in fact it did miss high it's 0 and one the 01 93 misses on the other side of the plate about the same height called for a ball one and one Philly now leads Kansas City two nothing bottom of the fifth The Royals are batting with the runner on second the 1-1 pitch right there for a strike one and two onew to Olsen he walked his first time up Irvin at 50 pitches he's really dropped that down the pitch on the way outside wide the 2-2 Olsen digs in the pitch swing fouls it back do it again looks like the Royals have just cut the lead there in Kansas City it's 2 to one Philly definitely had the advantage on the starting pitcher tonight it was Suarez versus singer singer's been really weird he's been up and down all year but looks like he's pitching a pretty decent one tonight the 2- two swung on Chopped over towards back to the mound Irvin's got it Scoops it flips it one three on the put out one away one down Travis darod the batter struck out the first time first pitch on the way outside wide it's one and0 you expect some rust on the TDA retirement plan in a game for the first time since last Saturday night where he's hit by a pitch the 10 chopped off the plate one and one so why I was a little surprised he was that high up in the lineup but I understand that's where they normally put him thought they might have him a little lower especially as hot as Ramon has been been swinging the bat the one- one swing pops it back foul one and two Ramon's on Deck Kellick in the hole if they can get anybody going infield backing to the left the onew swatted back foul once again 57 pitches the onew just outside wide good take by darod trying to get him to Chase the two two from Irvin spins brings it swing chops it over to short digging for it is Abrams High throw but chaparo stays with it 63 on the put out two down it's always been the thing with Abrams he's not a Flatout awful short stop but he's not one of your better gloves over there so the question has always been does he stay it short or do they find somewhere else he they're definitely want to keep his Bat in the lineup first pitch on the way to laurano is up top for a high strike it's 0 and one he's a part of the deal that brought stto to San Diego the 01 rifles at foul 0 and two guy that pitched last night was was also a part of the deal so 02 count pitch inside kind of check swing fouled it up in his kitchen I think lurana was trying to stay out of the way with it instead made contact the O2 95 outside wide one and two the one-w from Irvin brings it swing fouls it back look like that might have been the cutter speaking of kco he is in the house I believe he was in the Home Run Derby that was the only guy that you would consider a a power hitter in that Home Run Derby the the one two swing in a Miss strike three Chase one up out of the Zone that'll end the inning three up three down Irvin once again cruising against the Braves we've seen this before we'll be back in a Flash do Irish people love being miserable all the time yeah we do it's good clean fun but yeah I'll complain about your nephew who I never met and and tell people what I think he should be doing with his life I'll sit down on my chair over there for an hour and be absolutely outraged about the Germans thinking they can steal drinking from the Irish positivity will only get you so far I encourage you sit down on front of the fire with a nice cup of tea and think about how your best friend doesn't deserve the care that he has because he does not done it's good for you we might be a bit contener but that's what allows us to go out and have a bit of crack in the evening as a 1959 World Series got set to open on the south side of Chicago for the first time in 40 years there was a feeling of Joyful anticipation when you in the minor leagues for8 and 1 half years and you come and get in that World Series your first year you I I really didn't even realize how fantastic a thing it was seeing the police escorting all the banners up and crowds just the glamor of it all the first in time of the white CR alive if they wi one to nothing the decade of the 50s had been a time of great stability on and off the field the 60s would bring explosive change across the country but baseball would continue to provide a welcome Oasis of continuity just like the ' 50s the role of the national League's Premier team would fall to the Dodgers who were only just beginning to win in Los Angeles they would capture three penants and two World Series in the 60s the Dodgers win two to one and sweep the series in for fight all betham breaks loose on the field the Braves run as a Powerhouse was at an end they would take many years to reclaim World Series Glory the team would move to Atlanta in 1966 and would not win a championship until 1995 the team of the 9s has its World [Applause] Championship welcome back to Braves country baseball first pitch on the way from Charlie Morton is outside wide for a ball it's one and0 CJ Abrams batter I swear it feels like this guy's been up to bat five times already one for two with the single in a stolen base the one0 slaps the curve there at the knees on the Outer Edge one and one so one-1 count Braves Trail two to nothing the pitch is outside wide change up well off the play He's Just Not placing that change up that's the one that got hit out of the stadium but when he's missing is either floating it over the plate or it's like a foot wide the 2-1 curve ball right there two and too his curveball has been pretty good tonight the fast ball hasn't been bad but his change up you almost wonder if he needs to just pack that away for another day the 22 swing lifts it into center field that's down for a leadoff single for the Nationals there's trouble Brewing once again good piece of hitting by Abrams we're here in the fifth inning and they've already got six base hits so you got to start thinking about maybe getting Grant Holmes up first pitch 93 on the Outer Edge it's on and one especially the way this offense has been playing it's been so so sporadic at best that's probably the nicest way you can put it there only here and there where where they Clump runs together most Knights were scraping out two three lucky if we get four they flip it over to first to keep Abrams close by he was nowhere near getting tagged the 01 swing that Ball's laced into left field that's down for a base set they've got Runners on the corners nobody out we've seen this story before same situation we had in the first inning we now have here in the fifth time is called on the field yepez who's 0 for two steps up he's the designated hitter tonight last night he was at first he was the guy that got handcuffed by Abrams that led to the Braves Victory first pitch on the way swung on fouled back its own one k missed that last night the poor defense of CJ Abrams reared its ugly head again again threw one in the dirt and just handcuffed the first baseman yepez and Money Mike was safe the 01 swung on banged on the ground over to Gio he flips it over to First and it's a five3 double play Gio steps on the third base bag then flips it over to Olen to record the two outs on the play Abrams I'm sorry not ABS wood moves up to Second still with the runner in scoring position but now two outs Ruiz I'm sorry Garcia comes to the plate Garcia takes a swing and bangs it foul it's on and one Garcia's 0 for two but he's batting 294 on the year so you got to be careful here 15 home run 63 RBI the1 Charlie comes set brings it right down the pipe 0 and two Jus says multiple Nationals have dreadlocks yeah I noticed that I I was thinking during one of the branks if you just want to go as to Washington National for Halloween all you got to do is find some dreadlock wig and and you're good to go doesn't matter what Jersey the o02 swing hit back up the middle good play by Aria he gets the ball behind second base fires it over to Olsen and it's a 6-3 put out the end the inning great defense once again by the Magic Kingdom will be back in a Flash bottom of the fifth we go hey does anybody else feel angry as hell whenever somebody's in the kitchen at the same time as you or is it just me this is the absolute chaotic career of do Ellis he once pitched a no hitter under the influence of LSD in 1971 he finished fourth in sa young voting after finishing with a 19-9 record and a 3.06 ra during a game in 1974 he attempted to hit every batter in the Red's lineup it would only make it through four of them before the manager pulled him from the game that same year he won eight consecutive games and nine out of 10 pitching seven complete games in that 10 game stretch he admitted that wearing curlers produced sweat on his hair that he used to throw a modified version of the spitball during the 1975 season he was asked to pitch out of the bullpen he refused not once not twice but three times before they suspended him for one game after joining the Yankees in 1976 he won comeback Player of the Year winning 17 games which was good for eth in the American League while pitching for the Oakland A's he was asked to keep charts instead he set them on fire inside the clubhouse which in turn set off the sprinklers all in all Doc Ellis had a pretty great career hitting double digits and wins in eight of his 12 Seasons not only that he finished with a very respectable 3.46 year air although his career had its ups and downs I think it's safe to say he had a pretty successful career and shouldn't be just remembered for one out here 1967 it was a tumultuous year and a decade of change in the grip of often unsettling social unrest America would see outbreaks of violence and eruptions of youthful Rebellion 1967 was one of the most unique years in in American history with u everything was going on a civil rights movement the hippie movement you know free love tremendous unhappiness at the Vietnam War but despite all the turmoil there were still B baseball to be played and for the players playing the game was as important as ever go back to any of the wars any of the economies it's a it's a place where people can go and simply relax and to forget all their troubles and just concentrate on an afternoon of entertainment welcome back to Braves country baseball Jared Kellick leads us off the first pitch on the way a p at the knees on the Outer Edge it's 0 and one Kellick hit a hard ball into right field but it was right at Gallow his first time up the 01 miss high one and one Irvin only 67 pitches righty Lefty matchup standing on Deck is arella rcia and hole the 1-1 swung on and missed 93 just blew it right by him one and two onew count Kellick uses his quick timeout steps back in the pitch caught looking strike three good Lord swing the bat one away he's not the only one but I cannot count how many times he has done that in the last couple of months two outs I mean maybe they need a motivational speaker to go in there and speak to him because evidently siter ain't getting it done Philly just hit a three-run home run it's five to one they just Chase Springer out of the game first pitch on the way to Ella is right there for a strike it's 0 and one the 01 pops it up can of corn who wants it coming over you want it you want it you get it making the catch is chaparo the first baseman to away there for a second him and Garcia were starting to converge on I hoping there's going to be some confusion he finally took took charge of it Orlando 0 for one with the ground out in the second first pitch on the way outside wide one tell you what that was a bad luck for the Royals too because right before that bat there was first and second in the Philly game is the one0 outside wide two and0 happened while we're going where we were at break they hit a ground ball up up towards the middle and the second baseman was about to do a 463 is a 2 out outside wide 3 and 0 and it hit the lip of the grass and you don't see this often in Major League Baseball because usually it's manicured much better it hit the lip of the front end of or the the back of the infield grass I should say and it ricocheted into right field three 0 right down the pipe taken all the way three and one so a 3-1 count swing that Ball's lifted high and deep down the left field line is it fair looks like it's going to smack the screen foul just before it gets they're actually showing that replay again in in Kansas City it's just unbelievably bad luck for that ball to hit that lip and then bounce I it's tell you bounce like 10 feet in the air over the second baseman the 3-2 swing that Ball's lifted high and deep will that stay Fair it will zip boom bam it's gone ramama Lama dingdong a hanger a banger into the night his 13th home run of the Year 363 happy later your L bravs cut it in half it's two to one that was a hanging believe that was a slider that thing hung in the air my God go he wanted that back as soon as he let go of it first one to Harris right there at the knees one maybe that'll wake the Braves up little two out rally here the 01 kicks and fires down and in one and one one-1 count brings it swing that ball sliced towards left dying but into the glove of wood and that'll end the inning but not for your Atlanta Braves cut it in half it's 2 to One in Atlanta we head to inning number six you ever get somebody slideing your inbox and you think to yourself I know I am not this damn ugly ain't no way let me tell you about the perfect day day is this you wake up you come to the you get the chair you drink the drinks you read the books you put on Jimmy Buffett radio you get in the water you come back to the chair you drink the drinks you read the books you go up midday to have a turkey sandwich the cheit you come back to the chair you drink the drinks you read the books you spend the rest of the afternoon fantasizing about what Seafood restaur out you're going to eat at that night that is the perfect day I C myself because I was shaving without water and why was there no water because I had to move your chair which guards the floor which made me call for Joe who found bad pipes which called for ceil who ate the cat that killed the rat that lived in the house of I either blow $800 in 3 days or stretch out $2 in 4 weeks there ain't no in between 1967 Baseball fans would have witnessed one of the most dramatic seasons in memory but at the start the game was in a serious state of flux in the American League the New York Yankees who had won the first five penants of the 1960s had fallen on hard times and had finished in last place in ' 66 the Bronx bombers were supplanted at the top of the league by the pitching rich Ball Orioles in their world series matchup against the Dodgers the birds only gave up two runs in a stunning 4 game sweep and the Orioles are the new world champion but repeating in' 67 was not going to be easy for the Orioles as a group of hungry teams was vying for their Crown the Detroit Tigers were a club that people were starting to fear while the Chicago White Socks were coming off 16 consecutive winning seasons without a title but Baltimore's toughest competition was expected to come from Minnesota the twins have captured the 65 pennant and we're looking forward to reclaiming their place at the top of Braves country radio your home for the classic call of Braves country baseball join the country club [Applause] today welcome back Charlie Morton goes back to work now just trailing by one Ruiz will lead it off he'll be followed by ta and chaparo first pitch on the way from Charlie swung on and lifted high but not very deep drifting over making the catches Michael the hawk Harris one away Charlie by the way is at 89 pitches if you're keeping count so definitely would be his last inning if he gets through this one looks like they're starting to stir in the Atlanta Braves Bullpen Jose T first pitch on the way too t is a fast ball on the Outer Edge just kisses the black it's on one righty Lefty infield is backing to the right the 01 swung on and that was going to get dribbled through the infield he sliced It Against the Grain in between the five six hole it's one on one out base runner once again he has had Ducks all over the pond all night long that was just a really well-placed hit by T honestly it wasn't a it wasn't a bad pitch he just did a great job of fisting it the other way T 106 miles an hour off the bat stands at first he's now two for three on the night chaparo who's two for two singled and then a ground ruled double his last time up stands in little bit of an open stance from the right side the pitch fast ball misses High it's one and0 looked like it might have hit the Zone but didn't get the call the one swing hammers it down the third base side but foul towards the Washington dugout yepez Garcia and Gallow are the only ones who've not been on base Ruiz doesn't have a hit but he did get a walk the 1-1 down and Away did he go around they checked down the side they said that he did first base umpire raon De Jesus one and two he'll be behind home plate tomorrow buckle up for that because he normally it's not good Rao on the mound tomorrow 1205 first pitch the one to swing chops it into toward the infield going to have to hustle arcia's got it fires it to First barely got him by an eyelash Orlando's Cannon Unleashed to away and of course they've already used their their challenge looking at the replay I think he did get him it was it was close but it was by an eyelash not many people can make that throw on the planet looks like that's going to be it for Charlie they're going to go get him out and the bullpen doors open when we come back runner on second two outs Charlie was at 95 pitches we'll be back at a flash stop eating so much cheese this is how much cheese you're allowed to eat according to health insurance provider boo so get your small Matchbox out and measure it you big whale does this look like a normal amount of cheese to eat wrong you're going to die no health insurance for you I'm just about to tuck into my normal amount of pasta you're dead you're only supposed to have three spoons hopefully enjoy Heaven you fat next time I'm having a night of Romance I'm going to tell her it's not small that's the recommended serving size and if you're not satisfied with it you you may ring B and check your facts now leave I'm not in the mood anymore and take this small box of matches with you for a future reference Bob was the Intimidator not the intimidate you know there are a lot of guys that want to win okay in life they want to be winners that wasn't the case with Gibson Gibson despised losing took out playing and when he went to the mound you weren't going to beat him he got him stck him out one in each year that the Dodgers had won the pennant kofax had won the Sai Young Award and pitching's Triple Crown Sandy kofax gets his second consecutive shut out of the twins you're the b Sandy you're the greatest baby kofax is dominating performances had carried the Dodgers to Glory but Sandy had paid a heavy price for that success as he often pitched through excruciating elbow pain finally after the 66 World Series he decided that he could no longer endure wor the agony with kofax abdicating his throne as the King of the Hill Bob Gibson of the St Louis Cardinals was one of the pitchers most able to succeed sand the intimidating right-hander was a dominating presence on the mound who beat teens with his arm and his [Applause] attitude welcome back to Braves country baseball oh buddy buckle up Aaron bummer comes on first pitch on the way swung on fouled away it's on one bummer versus Gallow Lefty Lefty he's being brought on because assuming he can get this out here they've got a lot of left-handers in the lineup you'd probably see him for a second inning the 01 inside ball goes to the back stop wild pitch and the runner will move up 90 feet now just another wild pitch away from taking a three to one lead that pitch was nowhere near Travis was set up on the outside and that pitch almost hit the batter in the left-and batter's box so one-1 count swing that ball is blasted high and deep just going foul into the right field Corner one and two Charlie Morton battled tonight but all in all a solid outing he had the one bad pitch that turned into a two-run shot the onew swing and a miss strike three and Aaron bummer gets us out of the jam just like we thought he would we'll be back in a Flash here on Braves country Atlanta Trails 2 to one hello I'm Charles Daniels for years we've been taking you to Villages like this and showing you the Heartbreak of families whose only mistake was being born poor they need your help and for $299 month you can provide the country club for Braves country radio ask for more sorry ask for more money why you starting so low don't get greedy ask for $2.99 as you can see these villagers are desperate for your help so don't hesitate dial the number and send over 299 a month that's all we need start high I know right 299 mon may not sound like a lot but it can means so much to Braves country radio it's not even a round number I'm just saying why not start at 2299 that's all these people need to survive and they'd be so so lucky and appreciative to get it so for the price of a cup of coffee you talk about all they need to send is the bare minimum to Keep Us Alive how you going to save our lives with only 39 cents cuz I'm trying to do the math in my head but I just can't see it June 99 is plenty you keep saying $2.99 why you keep saying for the price of a cup of coffee why can't be the price of an Arizona Iced Tea cuz it's not the price of an Arizona it's got to be coffee it don't though plus coffee is way more expensive than $2.99 you know for a starving Village you people have a lot of energy hey how much was that coffee it doesn't matter I bet you don't even know what country you in I do know what country I'm in what country you at what country you at Braves country radio right look D hey if you want to see this cheap ass white man again you better send us Jun 99 welcome back to Braves country [Music] baseball first pitch on the way to Whit Maryfield is up and in for a strike it's on one righty righty matchup Braves Trail two to one the1 swing that Ball's hit into right field that's going to get through for a base hit and let's get the offense started here in a great way we're in the bottom of the six with Maryfield the ice cream man delivered once again one on nobody out in the heart of the Atlanta Braes order coming to the play Charlie asked about it's our it's our turn back time tonight so we're going to go ahead and do it now squeeze this in as we go along so it's it's actually uh look into the future but it will be something that that they will be turning back time to for years to come come Monday first pitch on the way to Marcel ozun is swung on that Ball's going to get down where the green grass grows up against the wall Maryfield is going to go first to Third and Ozuna got greedy got caught with his hand in his cookie jar he'll be gunned down at second trying to stretch it into a double one away but Maryfield is now 90 ft away at the dying run good Hustle by auna but they never should have centered that ball came off the wall really quickly great throw by Gala by the way he had to have that online so one down so this is a pretty interesting one the Red Sox manager has announced that on Monday in a makeup game in fact they're gonna make a pitching change to bring the left-hander in to face Matt olon so we'll stay here with you gu this one takes a while to explain Braves lead it or Trail two to one there's a runner at third one out they're heading to the bullpen so with that being said in case anyone dips in here and just wonders what's going on we'll go ahead and uh put that on the screen but on Monday something that's never happened to Major League Baseball is going to happen now try to stay with me it's pretty weird Red Sox manager Alex K has announced that on Monday Danny Jansen who is now a catcher for the Red Sox used to play for the Blue Jays until a trade this season will substitute for the catcher reys Maguire who is not on the current roster for the resumption of the game on on June 26th between the Blue Jays and the Red Sox now why is that a big deal that means that he will not only become the first player to play for both teams because he was in that game on June 26 he will become the first player to play for both teams in the same game in Major League Baseball history because of the strange circumstances where they're separated by two months after a trade not only that he will now be the CER behind the plate while the at bat that he was at during he was he was at he was standing at the plate on June 26 when the game was called because of weather he will now be catching essentially against himself when you go back and look at the record books years later you're going to see Jansen substituted for whoever Toronto puts in and jansen's catching that inning so it it'll be a first in Major League Baseball Jake Irving is out of the game I I hope that was uh a good explanation but it will be a turn back time it's more of like Back to the Future but we we saw it today and I was like man we that thing takes so long it's got to be a turn back time first pitch on the way to Olen is a swing and a miss strike it's on one it's it's technically a turn back time because you're turning back time to June 26th of 202 4 it's also it's just ironic that it's actually going to be two months to the day it'll be August 26 that's supposed to happen the 01 kicks and fires swing fouls it back it's 0 and two the left-hander Garcia in the game Braves Trail by one tying run at third just got to get a Fly ball or ground anything to tie this game up the O2 swing lifts it high and deep going back on the track will it stay it goes off the wall bounces over the right Fielder's head Matt Olsen will stop it second and your Atlanta bravs have tied it up it just miss P it hit the very top of the brick wall underneath the Chop House a looping Hammer shot that he just missed from going yard good piece of hitting by Olson you knew you were tying it because that was definitely going to score Maryfield it almost got out it's a good piece of hitting by Olen good hit by Maryfield and great base running to manufacture that run first pitch on the way to DAR no is outside wide for a ball it's one and0 Braves have tied it two to two bottom of the sixth the 10 swing and a miss 101 one-1 count Robert Garcia brings it swinging a miss one and two Garcia 28y old out of montika California was drafted by the Royals back in 2017 15th round out of UC Davis the onew swing hits it up the middle that's going to get through for a base hit Here Comes The Ice House roll around third he's going to score in your lant bra they're taking a 3 to2 lead the td8 retirement plan comes through with the clutch a worm burer the bravs taking a one run lead here in the six good hard hit ball worm burner up the middle between the four six hole no one really had a chance to get to that one so Irvin who's pacing in The Dugout now cuz he's no longer on for the win he's also not going to get the loss Garcia's on the hook for the loss now first pitch on the way to lauriano is down and Away swinging a Miss it's 0 and one the 01 Lefty righty brings it swing chops it up the middle this is going to be a six now he fumbles the ball CJ Abrams glove comes up Stone once again hold Skillet hands man you got to be Imaging to be a national SP cuz you know the talents there offensively and honestly now his bat's a little better but it's kind of like watching Von Grom trying to play short you know he's just a fish out of water that they're trying to squeeze over there he's incredible bat Jorge salair is coming in and it looks like yeah they're going to make a pitching change wow Washington's having a flashback they think it's five years ago when they were relevant he's pitching this Martinez is pitching this or managing this like it is the seventh game of the World Series we'll be back in a Flash here on Braves country [Applause] for about 70s you can buy a can of soda regular or diet for about 70 cents you can also buy a cup of coffee for about 7 cents you can buy a pack of gum plain or sugarless for 10 cents a day you can buy it the country club for Braves country radio I was on Happy Days for 10 years I committed hubris I thought not that I was great but that it was such a Big Show and it was so International it was everywhere that I was going to go from Mountaintop to Mountaintop I was going to beat the system yep I looked down and there were grass stains on the knees of my jeans it was very difficult to get hired as an actor and I had no plan B I had no idea how or what to do next was the show being so syndicated everywhere on all the time was that a reminder they they did job of reminding me all on their own welcome back to Braves country baseball Atlanta Braves taking a one-run lead in Kansas City Philly leads the Royals 5 to one but there is hope the Royals have a rally going in the bottom of the seven keep an eyee on that they have second third nobody out man the wind is really whipping in the Kansas City Tanner Rainey is going to come on with a 540 ER 38 Innings this year and a 250 batting average against Jorge cair coming on to pinch it he's coming in for kid Kellick first pitch up top for a strike it's on and one so lair on the bench tonight as they're easing back from the hamstring strain the1 brings it whoa High 94 misses so one-1 count that ball almost went to the back stop good defensive play by Ruiz to keep that from being a lot worse than it could have been the 1-1 from Rainey first and second one out pitch swing pops it up high in the sky foul territory giving in they're about to run into each other they dropped the ball the two of them were about to smoke into each other T and Ruiz were about to collide and Ruiz saw his third base T coming in I mean he was flying in like a bat out of hell so he Dove out of the way at the last second because T did not respond to Ruiz calling him off so they're trying not to kill each other when he went down T looked down and the ball hit the ground wow we were gifted that that should have been an out we'll see if Soler can do anything with it it won't be an error because it was foul territory but keep that on on your mind the onew swung on fouled straight back we'll do it again you can't assume an out when foul territory Kansas City has brought it to a 5-2 game in the bottom of the seventh as we keep an eye on that one this lead holds in Atlanta and Kansas City could come back we'd be within four games of Philly the onew down and the way did he go around he held up two and two came close first base umpire de Jesus said no dice so a two two count one swing could really blow this open the pitch swing pops it back foul that should bend back out of play behind home plate it does we'll do it again standing on deck for your Atlanta Braves the two- two swing in a Miss chased at strike three two down that'll bring Gio Ella to the plate orella is 0 for two is he he's had some pretty good bats since he's come over here for Atlanta first pitch on the way to Gio is swatted back foul it's own and one I would think that cair will not come back in for defense I would think that he's going to sit on the pine and they'll have Duvall go the rest of the way the 01 up top misses one and one 1-1 count Runners at first and second two outs brings it misses High two and one the 2-1 pitch on the way way swing hits hard on the ground down the third base side it's going to take a really good play He Is Safe 5 to3 was the throw but the third baseman ten was on his knee in foul territory still made a hell of a [Music] throw that was close once again they do not have a challenge they they wasted it early in the game on an obvious out B first pitch on the way to AR the swing and a miss strike with the bases loaded two outs the 01 kicks and fires swinging a Miss 0 and two so an O2 count rainy comes set brings it way outside wide one and two Braves lead it three to2 two outs the onew in the dirt ball gets away will it be enough I think it w it would have been man oh man alive if darod runs both the catcher and the Pitcher chase the ball they would have been in no man's land but it's kind of hard for Travis Dar no to anticipate that if he runs down the line he's going to be safe because unex unexplicably both the catcher and the Pitcher ran towards the ball one of them's got to cover the plate the two2 swing fouls the straight back will do it again Braves lead it three to2 think of anybody else is standing there meaning not you know someone little more speed they they they probably give it a go darn Olsen Ozuna those guys got are kind of out of the mix but you would have had a merry field or something staying there they they're probably going the 22 down below the knees ball three three and two so we've got a full count Ducks all over the pond in the Atlanta Braves Runners will be going see stands out for a second just as gloves Bas is loaded two out the runners will be on the move the game right now is at the plate righty righty matchup Rainey brings it swinging a Miss strike three chase that one well out of the zone that would have been an RBI for sure RCA got caught fishing we'll be back in a Flash the Braves take a two take a one-run lead after scoring two here in the sixth stop putting mirrors right beside the shower so I can see myself cleaning me own ass if you like doing that there's something wrong with you I don't even understand how it's helpful it's not like a better view is particularly useful in the shower if you're having to carry out a visual inspection to see whether you're clean or not you're not clean I don't need to be confronted with the cold hard reality of my body when I'm just trying to relax and clean me s the shower is a time of Peace you do a bit of singing you do a bit of thinking now if I go to a hotel I have to look at a big fat hairy man having a shower I've got a good use for AI actually mirrors should detect if I'm naked and censor me I should get one of their messages like you get on Instagram this is graphic content are you sure you're ready to view it Cardinal outfielder Lou Brock shared Gibson's passion for winning baseball was a war against your opposition the card know's tradition the C of Pride had a lot to do with that the Slender Speedy Brock had become one of the most disruptive players in all of baseball you imagine yourself as a pitcher even two or three days before you came into St Louis the guy you had to think about was Brock you know not only there was this guy a great base dealer he was a 300 hitter he was really the GTI for that baseball team rocket joined the Cardinals in 1964 and teamed with Gibson to help lead St Louis to a World Series Victory but by 66 the cards were struggling as they slipped to sixth place and were dead last in the league in run scored we have big hitters in the middle of our lineup in order to change that they gambled by trading as a Yankee Roger Maris had outd Mickey man to break bab Ruth's fabl single season home run record he was always dealing with the image of Mickey Manel as the player who can do no wrong Maris is a ball player ball player he's great with his teammates he's great in the clubhouse he just fit into our little family perfectly [Applause] welcome back to Braves country baseball Atlanta Braves lead this one three to2 good to see you Mark if you were in witness protection or something I know what happened to you Dylan Lee will come on you know he's come up and and warn wared up a few times this past few weeks we haven't seen a whole lot of them first pitch on the way 82 right down the pipe it's 0 and one what we have seen of Dylan Lee of late he's been pretty good Lee stands in with a 184 erra nowadays not too shabby the 01 up top misses one and one the one-1 count brings it swing that Ball's lifted into left field drifting over making the catch is the newly BR in man Adam Duvall he came in for Solair as we expected after Solair pinch hit for Jared Kellick CJ Abrams will be the batter Lefty Lefty match up two for three on the night got to be careful here he can tie it up in a hurry the first pitch 82 up top for a strike it's 0 and one the 01 give you an idea what Dylan Lee's been up to his last seven outings is the 01 swing and a miss 0 and2 too he's got a 0 N3 erra and a093 whip just giving up one run in those nine and two3 innings the O2 outside wide one and two on top of that his last 15 games this is the more impressive 15 games his erra is sitting at 106 ra at 1 through 17 Innings just two earn runs the onew swung on lifted into right field drifting back making the easy catch is lauriano two down so a 2-1 count someone just asked Wills if he's a Mets fan bet the blood was rolling out of his ear James Wood stands in he's one for two with the walk youngster Lefty Lefty match up 92 looks like it smacked The Edge didn't get the call it's 0 and one Philly's now 8-2 over Kansas City man that pitching is falling apart for the Royals tonight the one0 down and Away 2 and0 standing on Deck is yepez be interesting to see how they would do the game tonight how they would finish it out using a glacius like they did have done this week the two- lifted High into center field drifting back making the catches Money Mike and that'll end the inning we'll get up in stretch we need to get some runs so we can have Luke Williams pitch the e and 9th how about that we'll be back in a Flash here on Braves country all right I can't see you let me hear you all one two three we the hey me out the find me something C I don't care I ever get back for it's 1 2 stretch her out at the Take Me Out to the Ball Game take me out with the CR find some penis and crack Jack I don't care if I ever get [Music] [Applause] back you sound better tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh welcome back to Braves country baseball Atlanta Braves lead this one 3 to2 we head to the bottom of the seventh got to get some insurance runs first pitch on the way is a pee at the knees for a strike Michael Harris the second it's on one Jose Ferrera is on 617 the 01 drifts right about man that was right in his wheelhouse took it all the way 0 and two so an 02 count the left-hander brings it swinging a Miss strike three so you had two that were over the plate he shoved them down his throat and then the third one he went diving out over the edge one away thinking he didn't have much of a game plan going up there t typically when You Face a guy you may not have seen or may not have seen a lot you're you're looking him up I'm thinking Harris didn't do much homework first pitch on the way down and into Maryfield that almost got him did it get him must have just missed him it's one and0 marfield had to bend backwards and the momentum took him back over the plate as you see him Crossing back in front of your screen Lefty righty matchup the one0 pitcher comes set brings it swing grounds it over towards short that's going to get through the hole in your Atlanta Braves got something cooking here one on one out in the bottom of the seventh [Applause] [Music] that'll bring Marcel Ozuna to the plate first pitch to The Big Zoo 99 on the in cut it's 0 and one Lefty righty matchup he's got a face three hitters and you know he'll stay in to face the left-hander Olen after that they may go get someone else the way he's been managing it the 01 swinging a Miss it's 0 and2 Mets lead the Padres one to nothing in the they're heading to the fourth Ozuna takes a quick timeout steps back in flips it over to first real quick to keep the runner close by Maryfield if you give him a chance he will go so an 02 count Lefty righty brings it did he go around they're going to check down the line he did not we'll take it one and two so onew welcome in iron lung the onew brings it swing chops it foul down the Third Base Line we'll do it again that went into the Dugout and on the play Maryfield was on the go probably expecting a bender and chance to you got to look at from Maryfield he's thinking well even if Ozuna strikes out on an off speed pitch there's a good chance Maryfield could steal the base and be in scoring position for Olen the onew outside wide two and two Braves three Washington two the pitch on the way inside caught looking strike three ozuna's got a Ry look on his smile kind of like yeah you got me you won't get me again but you got me that time so two down and Matt Olen the batter Lefty Lefty first pitch on the way Maryfield took off man he had that thing stolen by a mile but it's fouled off into the seats it's 0 and one three runs nine hits no errors for Atlanta two runs eight hits one error for Washington Washington if you're just joining us took the early lead two nothing with the two-run home run a hanging change that went into the seats Atlanta has chipped away one in the fifth and two in the sixth and that's where we stand they'll flip it over to First keep marfield close by he's taken off a couple of times so they're well aware of him now the o one to Olsen out down and way one and one Matt Olsen one for two on the night the 1- one swing pops it up high in the sky can of corn it's been an adventure tonight but this time AB will make the catch and that'll end the inning Braves threatened but can't get it across we'll be back in a Flash Atlanta Braves three Washington 2 I'm going to let you guys do what you guys got to do don't worry about me I'm just going to go home make a little macaroni and cheese seal the window and turn out of gas bro Blake play For the Love of the Game man what's wrong with you bro money should not be a thing yeah man I got to no I got to get my money I'm not playing unless I get mine armchair yeah my mama got into it last night but anyway so she said go stay with your auntie then since you like her so much so anyway but that's another story I tell you about how how old is your mama 46 how old are you 31 that ain't got nothing to do with nothing my aune got my aun wait and my grandma 56 look shout it great grandama 62 look that ain't got nothing to do with your great great your great great grandma still living yeah she's 79 look sh that ain't got nothing to do with that look we don't know what the world is going to be like in 50 years we we could all have been wiped out from disease or the flu so what's your suggestion I don't know I'm just scared we were playing ball between the lines near Alex Andria Texas when suddenly there came a scattering fire of which the three outfielders caught the brunt the center field was hit and was captured the left and right field managed to get back into our lines the rebel attack was repelled without serious difficulty but we had lost not only our center field but the only baseball in Alexandria Texas pull up a chair your home Braves country radio the classic call of Braves country baseball [Music] welcome back to Braves country baseball Braves lead at three to2 we head to the top of the eighth Grant Holmes comes on first pitch on the way swinging a Miss it's 0 and one the o01 brings it swing fouls it back 0 and two so an o02 count Braves three Washington 2 the pitch on the way swing and a miss one and two so onew count kicks and fires swing fouls it away Grand holes come set brings it swing lifts High into left right center field that's going to get down for a base hit and it's a lead off single for the Nationals not a hard hit ball just kind of on the end of the of the Bat lauriano gets the ball to get back into the infield yepez just kind of stayed back on the pitch hit them where they ain't off the end of the bat they're going to pinch run for yepez he'll go grab a seat representing the tying run they make that quick it'll be Millis first pitch on the way fast ball misses outside wide 94 miles an hour it's one and0 Luis Garcia the one righty Lefty matchup brings it 93 inside two and0 so a 20 count Braves three Nationals two nobody out runner on first the pitch right there on the Outer Edge two and one in a perfect world they may ask Grant Holmes to go two innings course he's got to get through this one but I think they would love to save the back end of their Bullpen for another day the 2-1 way outside wide ball three three and one and the problem is is certain guys are built to be in the back back end of the game certain guys aren't if you're not used to it the pressure can get to you gr Holmes has been really good this year but he's never been asked to pitch in a tight game this late the 3-1 swing pops it back foul into the stands Full Count so a full count Braves clinging to a one-run lead the payoff pitch swing lifted High into right field drifting in making the catch is lauriano one away just got underneath that pitch now a double play can get you out of it remember a glacius has pitched quite a bit the last week as has him andz I think in a perfect world they might use one of them but they're trying to not use both of them we could get him some run support in the bottom of the eighth you could just have holes go back out there and shove one more inning first one on the edge to the left-handed bat of Ruiz the hind catcher misses outside wide it's one and0 the 1 righty Lefty brings it in the dirt two and 0 so a two count Mets are all over San Diego it's five to nothing in the fourth the 2 kicks and fires swing slaps it foul down the third base side slaps up against the tarps just past the Washington Nationals Dugout the Braves need to hold here to keep their lead where it's at we're up two and a half games on the Mets unless San Diego's offense can wake up they're in big trouble out there they've split the first two games of that four game series The 2-1 swing pops it up high in the sky into left field coming in making the catches Adam duall two away two down that'll bring t to the plate remember he's the one that hit the Home Run first pitch on the way 95 paints The Edge it's 0 and one the 01 sorry to hear that Mark I just saw that saw your comment from earlier the 01 misses outside one and one so one-1 count kicks and fires swing grounded through the hole and that's going to be a base hit runnner going to have to slam on the brakes at second good job by lauana to get it back into the infield but they've got Runners on first and second there are two out but now the go now the tying run is at second and the go-ahead run is at first this kid ten he's got a pretty good bat pretty bright future for the Nationals that should bring chiparo to the plate unless they pinch [ __ ] for him he he's the one that had that double in down the right field line earlier that laurano couldn't get to and it bounced into the seats Abo's coming out there to talk to Holmes the three of them [ __ ] darod and Holmes going over how they want to pitch chaparo Joey Gallow the left-handed Slugger stands on Deck righty righty matchup first pitch on the way swinging a Miss over the top it's 0 and one the application is doing some weird things if if you just saw the screen blink there for a second we're trying to just wait it out without having to restart it the1 brings it outside you go right he did 0 and two wasn't sure if chaparo held up on that one looking at the side view now H maybe so an 02 count Grant Holmes flips it up there into the dirt good block by darod one and two the one two pitch swung on lifted high and deep into center field drifting back long before the warning track Michael the hawk Harris will Camp underneath it and that'll end the inning wo that was a close one Braves clinging to a one-run lead let's get some insurance Braves country this portion of the show is being brought to you by Ed's almost good beer remember Ed's almost good beer was brewed in God's country when God wasn't looking hey Braves country this is m McGee with Braves country radio we are bringing you pitch by pitch playby play of your Atlanta Braves all year long please like And subscribe today it's free and it helps us bring you more of the game we all love Braves country radio your home for the classic call of Braves country baseball Daryl strawberry has gone out to get some sunglasses so the sun has poked through the clouds here at Wrigley much to the Delight of the fans there's a lot of daughters here too it measures just 9 in in circumference weighs only about 5 oz and is made of cork wound with Woolen yarn covered with two layers of cowhide and stitched by hand precisely 216 times it travels 60 ft 6 in from the pitcher's mound to home and it can cover that distance at nearly 100 m hour along the way it can be made to twist spin curve wobble rise or fall away the bat is made of turned Ash less than 42 in Long not more than 2 and 3/4 in in diameter the batter has only a few thousandth of a second to decide to hit the ball and yet the men who fail seven times out of 10 are considered the game's greatest heroes please like And subscribe today at Braves country welcome back to Braves country baseball Joe loura the left-hander is coming on he's only appeared in two games spotless ER first pitch on the way from the left-hander is 87 out wide it's one and0 the 1 kicks and fires darno dribbles it over to first off the end of the bat that's going to be an easy G3 in your scorecard one down kind of jammed him one away Ramone laurano steps up first pitch misses outside it's one and0 the 10 right there for a strike one and one Lefty righty match up laurano one for three the 1-1 chop foul towards the first base Dugout of your Atlanta Braves loura 26 years old the onew swing chops it foul off the plate stay alive we'll do it again he came over to Washington last year we saw him quite a few times if he looks familiar sounds familiar the one two way outside wide two and two was battling some control issues and they got it together down there on the farm and that's why he's up now the 22 mrss High three and two so a Full Count L soura 26y old drafted by the Tampa Bay Rays in 2019 out of St John's the payoff pitch swing fouls it back it's funny he does not throw very hard he's in like the eight the the high 80s but it he just jams you the with it's his weird delivery the payoff pitch swing blasted high and deep going back on the track ding dong that pitch is dead four to2 your score and your Atlanta [Applause] Braves and double the [Applause] lead he got way too much of the plate Ramone laurian got all of that one his eighth home run of the year rves go P here in the eight first pitch on the way it's one on it slice foul out of play Adam duall it's 0 and one the 01 Lefty righty brings it swung on pops it up high in the sky camping underneath it the third baseman t two down the two down warming up in the pen is Pierce Johnson that's interesting I thought they might let holes go now I know Pierce Johnson has been a closer in the past he was doing it quite often for the Rockies when we made the trade first one to Ella swung on and fouled straight back it's 0 and one the 01 kicks and fires inside one and one so 1-1 count swung on that ball is lifted into left center field that's going to get down for a base hit seeing I single just over the head of Abrams your Atlanta Braves got something cooking once again four to2 your score you'd love to get another one or two more extra runs Mark says the roids are back I'm sure you're talking about lauriano yes yes sir first pitch on the way it's right there at the KN where strike get on one I'm here for it too Mark juice that bastard up man we need some offense the1 kicks and fires swing rifles it down the left field line so NO2 count Lefty righty brings it 92 up top lorsa about to throw his 19th pitch of the inning the pitch on the way swung on pops it up high in the sky can of corn into right center field that'll end the inning but not for your Atlanta Braves put a one on the board it's a two-run game here in Atlanta Max a woman in my section wants to know if we do anything gluten-free what do I tell her tell her she's not allergic to gluten she's just masking and eating disorder one out nobody two and two count to Pete Rose we've just started a wet day in Baltimore there's a Fly ball down the right field line tough chance it's in for a base hit Rose is coming for two it gets away from Robinson Rose hit the dirt and had he rounded the bag he might have gone for three he thought it would be a play on him at second the Cincinnati's Charlie hustle Pete Rose and this is the way Rose plays the game just 150% each and every time whether the ball is there or not this helpful instructional message from the National Association of people who have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time step chew step chew step chew step chew you're going to agitate the bees well I'm fine with the bees it's the honey I don't want to agitate is that your end game here honey yeah I figured we keep the hive in the basement we'll always have honey we'll always have bees is what we'll always have wow what what I think I just saw a wasp I think that was a wasp did you see that it look like a wasp right is this a wasp n this is a wasp I'm out I'm out yeah yeah I don't want to tangle with a bunch of wasps hey do uh do wasps make honey no wasps do not make honey all right well I'm going to check it out anyway there could be something delicious in here that wasp do make I want that Walt wetman Brooklyn Eagle 1846 in our Sundown perambulations of late through the outer parts of Brooklyn we have observed several parties of youngsters playing bass a certain game of ball let us go forth a while and get better air in our lungs let us leave our close rooms the game of ball is glorious you're listening to Braves country radio with mt McGee the classic call of Braves country baseball here's Johnson will be pitcher as we start here in the ninth inning time is called real quick by home played umpire John on bacon Gallow will lead us off righty Lefty matchup the first pitch on the way from PJ kicks and fires it's a grounder back to the mound a one pitch out one three in your scorecard one down we'll take that all day long I don't know if y'all saw it or night Sunday night on MLB Network they're going to do a special on Greg Maddox if you miss it don't worry we'll probably chop the hell out of it and use it for uh for for for our commercial breaks over the next few months first pitch on the way is inside for a ball Jacob young it's one and0 no they call it a strike okay that was a generous strike we'll take it the1 kicks and fires swing chops that one back towards the B this one's going to be hard to make but Mary Fields there he flips it over to olon had to charge in 4-3 put out two down the ice cream man that ball hit the lip of the grass there and deadened out that was a pretty good reaction by marfield sometimes that happens the ball will scoot sh under your glove young can fly he almost beat that out I think Maryfield had to try to sit there and think as he was getting the ball did you scoop it and flip it and risk the chance of that ball ballooning or do you grab it and and uh throw it first pitch on the way swung on lifted High into left field making the catch is Adam Duvall and a five pitch save for Mr Pierce Johnson Braves win Braves win you're Atlanta Braves win whiskey for my men Beer for My Horses you're Atlanta Braves win a tough one 4 to2 it seems like nowadays none of these games Come Easy we take the first two games of the series and get set for game number three that'll be on the chat the channel cover country tomorrow we'll be back at it Monday night as we always are Monday through Saturday here pitch by pitch play by play your Atlanta Braves next week there is no off day we've had a three- game trip in Minnesota and then a four game series in Philadelphia just a reminder with it being Labor Day weekend and the Braves playing on that Sunday night what we're going to do is we're going to bring you the Sunday night Labor Day game against Phillies were chat up on Saturday night with all the college footballers going to kick off just figured something better well it's time to give away the game ball and a number of guys this once again was a great team effort no doubt I mean you had so many different guys up there that really came through and I think oh what the hell let's give it to uh you know what let's give it to the guy who plays some pretty good defense he didn't get an RBI but he did score a run he went two for two we we'll give it to whip Maryfield you could almost give it to Lano he went two for two with the home run but Maryfield set us up with the game the game goahead the winning run and had played some really great defense but I could be talked into laurano as well bravs Win It 4 to2 two runs 10 hits one error for the Nationals though they had a couple of on Braves four runs 11 hits no errors we'll head in tomorrow 12:05 on cover country find it on YouTube that's where the chat will be and it'll be row day Ronaldo Lopez taking on DJ herds probably another low-scoring Fair have a great night Braves country Braves win it 42 [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh oh [Applause] [Applause] oh oh

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