H I'm back at it again man listen we got a lot to talk about we got roster Cuts we got signings we got Assan ridic still not still not being uh still holding out okay still not you know going to be in a Jets uniform uh at this point we're going to see what happens going forward with him uh we also got you know some stuff about Aaron Rogers floating around uh there's been a report we're going to be discussing that as well so many things to talk about listen call in five 560296 39 that's the number give me one second folks we going to connect the audio hold on Blog Talk [Music] Radio what's going on folks it's your boy long beats Joe and I am back at it back at it back at it again I'm back at it again man listen boy Blog Talk is working is anyone else shocked Blog Talk where were you last week you suck L talk sucks man you know where were you at last week we had a great conversation without you but we're looking for you to work consistently okay we're going to be talking about about Blog Talk as well being trashed as far as I'm concerned Blog Talk you're flushed flushed flushed but we're going to continue on because Blog Talk is working okay and I'm excited about that we're going to bash them throughout the show callers feel free to bash them as well okay the number to call in is 515 6029 639 please call in and let your feelings be number about how much you believe Blog Talk sucks okay we're also going to be talking about the New York Jets roster made some Cuts we got guys on the practice squad as well we're going to be talking about some signings that the Jets have made we're also going to be talking about Hassan ridk still a situation going on over there this contract situation with Assan is crazy okay and it continue on Joe Douglas talked to the media and addressed that we're going to be talking about this about that as well excuse me we're also going to be discussing a report swirling about how the jets are in disarray wow okay according to the report you know the jets are in disarray and Aaron Rogers is the primary uh part of the dysfunction so I guess we're going to be talking about that tonight as well the media continues to roll on so listen I can go on forever all right but let me get into the show listen I am the man of the people I'm here for the people let me shamelessly promote my Facebook page everyone go on Facebook search the long Beast Joe show like that page my content's up there go ahead and give it a listen message me I'll message you right back I love going back and forth with you folks about this football team also leave me some feedback I love hearing about what you folks think I do here on the long Beast Joe show all right I want to thank everybody that does leave me some feedback on that Facebook page and goes back and forth okay I am also okay on iTunes as well go on over to iTunes all right type in the long Beast Joe show okay subscribe to the podcast on iTunes leave me a fstar rating and uh give your boy some feedback on that as well I want to thank everybody that does that it's greatly appreciated okay especially all my overseas listeners I'm telling you I'm always shocked about how many overseas listeners I have y'all are so far away from me but you're listening okay my folks from UK Germany Australia I see you in the building okay Ireland all the people out there it's crazy okay uh the reach that that my show has it's wild and I always have these discussions especially on Twitter for those of you that may not know I know some people call it I still call it Twitter look for those of you that keep messaging me saying Joe stop saying Twitter listen you're going to have to get over it all right I'm just never gonna I'm always gonna say Twitter okay I'm sorry all right for those of you that do not know I'm on Twitter as well go over to Twitter type in theong Beach Joe at thee Long Beach Joe on Twitter follow me across Twitter all right follow me I'll follow you right back and let's go back and forth I have very spirited discussions I call them spirited discussions I used to call them uh drag out arguments uh but I guess you know that isn't uh you know as correct as others want me to want me to be so I'm going to say spirited discussions okay with many jets fans I try to have great they want to argue okay I just want to have great discussions so we end up having spirited discussions okay and we're GNA have some great discussions tonight as well uh here on this platform again at theong beach Joe on Twitter I'm also live on YouTube as well for those of you that may not know okay we live stream the show I also put content up as well I talk about different things you know going on with the Jets and around the NFL but for those of you that do not know okay because I'm Live on YouTube you better be careful all right because uh I have a I have an audience here okay I got people that watch and I call them the Savages okay I'll call them the Savages you want to know why because they're Savage [Music] Savage listen man nobody safe that chat room okay my my chat right here these these good kind people okay they don't give a crap who you are where you're from none of that they don't care all right if they don't like your takes if they don't like what you're saying if they don't like what you're bringing to the table they're going to let you know about it okay nobody's safe not even me okay even though the ladies say oh Joe you handsome we see you on YouTube you're a beautiful man thank you ladies okay thank you but the Savages they they they go on a rampage okay they go on to Rampage they don't get too crazy but if they don't like your take they will challenge you salutes to all the Savages in the chat I see you in the building okay Michael Piper I see you he says let's go Joe blog talk blows that's a fact okay that's a fact Michael's on point J I see you in the building Todd howdy salutes and respect to you Todd I see you in the building dooda I see you okay Sylvia niiko Hall salutes good to see you in the building as well he says what's good Joe what's going on what's good with you all right now we're going to get into it okay because we got a lot to discuss a lot to talk about before I get into that as everyone knows I am a Jets fan that lives in California born and raised okay Long Beach Joe it's in the name okay that's Long Beach California all right and because I'm so far away you know when I sit down and watch games often um okay I go and I sit down with fan clubs all right fan clubs are located all over the place United States right and tonight we're gonna have Mack livens of the Ohio fan club Ohio Jets Fan Club come on and talk to us about what they do in Ohio right and how they sit down and bleed green for this football team Ma I want to welcome you to the show my friend how are you doing today I'm great thanks for having me I got to tell you I was really enjoying that uh elevator music version of Spooky Little Girl Like You listen man listen again I want to thank you for coming on to the show you might want to come a little closer to your phone you sound a little far away uh my first question for you Mac right every everyone knows everyone knows that I love this football team right I became a Jets fan you know through watching that Monday night Miracle followed him throughout you know the rest of my life I was really young when that happened and now I'm here okay bleeding green loving this team Mack what made you become a fan of the New York Jets um you know I don't really know Joe uh I grew up in the New York area down on New Jersey Shore um we had both the Jets and the Giants to pick from and you know um instead of picking the Giants and the Yankees and all the resulting championships I picked the Mets and the Jets so um it really kind of got uh it really kind of got nailed in when I went to even though I went to school in Maryland uh there was a bunch of maniac long Islanders there and they you know they're hardcore so uh that that really kind of cemented things my brother-in-law uh was a big jets fan from Jersey uh he took me to a couple games I saw the last Jets home playoff win in 86 which was over KC and that was a lot of fun yeah listen I'm telling you man ma we all you know find a way to this team I always tell people the Jets pick you you know what I'm saying you don't pick the jet it's got to be in you you got to love this through and through we've been through so much and it's it's amazing to hear you know your journey in becoming a Jets fan now Mac how did your fan club come about man well I I started Joe um it was about 10 years ago and uh you know back then we we didn't have all the things now well I don't know when Direct TV started but I couldn't pay for it back then and uh started a fan club hoping to get our own bar and uh you know so taking over a bar so we can so we could all watch the game uh it it took a long time we finally got there last year got our own dedicated place that's wonderful to hear can you name uh the bar where you folks hang out and how people can you know get involved and hang out with you oh geez yeah Joe uh it's called knockout um it's up in the Polaris uh Polaris mall area uh corner of senis and Lazelle anybody can find it but it's just called knockout uh used to be an average Joe's but you know just decent place decent food um they give us the whole one end of the bar and the big screen and dedicated server uh reason decent food reasonably priced it's uh it it's it's got most of the uh most most things checked off Joe again we're speaking of Mac go ahead uh Le yeah M levans um most of all uh we got uh we just got a great variety of people from the New York area you know we got everybody from me down on the Jersey Shore up to a guy from way Upstate New York we got every burrow covered in New York City you know long is uh you name it any any section of the New York area we got covered and we are a a very diverse group and we love each other yeah a lot of fun that's wonderful to hear man because again you know being able to sit down with other Jets fans and show your love for the football team is extremely important especially when you know a lot of people aren't in that New York you know Jersey area again we're speaking with M Levens of the Ohio Jets fan club now Mac what is it like being a Jet fan in your local area man I know it's kind of rough for me because I'm surrounded by Niners and Raiders fans and they're you know off the hook but what is it like being a Jets fan in your area well you know this club is really focused on Central Ohio Joe that's where uh Columbus is um uh and of course the biggest proing town is Ohio State but uh there is um a lot of rounds fans here from Northeast Ohio uh almost as many Steeler fans because if you're from anywhere east of Columbus you gr up a Steeler fan and that includes uh up at Northeast Ohio and you know there's a fair amount of Bengals fan too uh Pittsburgh's only three hours uh Cleveland's just over two and Cincy is just under two so there's a lot of competition that that's one of the things that made it especially hard to find our own place because everybody everybody had regulars who were fans of one of those teams yeah yeah I got I got some the Ohio challenge it's challenge out of Market it is it is and uh you know especially you know where I live as well I used to meet up with a lot of jets fans and go back and forth and like you said you always surrounded by so many fans from other teams as well you know I got some uh the Ohio State guys that call into the show often so I know what it's like to be hassled by them as well Mac and it's just something you got got you know you got to work through man you got to deal with and you just keep it in stride you don't give up you keep moving forward you keep bleeding that green so I get it and I love it Mac now we're talking we've talked about your fan club and all the amazing things that you're doing with them but I want to talk to you a little bit about the team okay now this Assan Ric situation Mac what are your thoughts on it at this point you know it's unfortunate Joe I I don't know what to say I mean uh personally uh I think the guy's going to show up he has to I hope he can help us but uh really I'm ready to roll without him I mean I think we got a we got a good team as is but he he could really put us over the top you know what I mean now what are your thoughts about the the situation like as far as his contract I mean do you think it gets worked out or do you think he just do you think it plays out into the season or do you think he's not going to come in at all period um that that's crazy uh for him not to commit at all that doesn't serve him in any way he will you know we got we got two stubborn parties here Joe I think at some point he's going to realize hey I gotta commit I probably miss first game or two uh Jets will you know give him a hug make nice throw a little something in there for him and hopefully it'll be all good but uh you know I I you never know how these things are going to work out yeah but uh you know hopefully we'll get them in the building soon yeah hopefully now before I let you go ma go go ahead I was going to say he he is a South Jersey guy Joe um you know which is kind of disgusting Eagles country you know what I mean I've heard I've heard some stories about you know some some Eagles F from that that South Jersey area from from Friends uh that are that live in Jersey and even some friends from in New York so it's it's a little wild but I'm hoping things get worked out but uh it's it's not looking too good Mac now before I let you go what are your thoughts on the draft man who were your F who was your favorite uh draft pick from the Jets this uh past uh recent draft uh good question Joe I I thought they did a pretty good job uh my my I think up front I was most excited about uh Malachi Corley but it looks as though it's going to take him a little while to really you know learn the system learn better routes and make a big contribution my my the one I think I'm most excited about um is is the the big running back from Wisconsin uh brillan what's his last name uh brilin Allen yeah I mean for a lot of reasons Joe number one I think we're going to be a running team and and I know some people find it boring but I I love it when the Jets are a grounded pound team and uh you know late in the games you're not going to want to see this kid running towards you Joe I mean cornerbacks are going to be are going to be missing tackles if you know what I mean oh yeah they're just not going to want to hit this kid and you know the other thing is we're sa save some tread on uh on Bree Hall you know we he he don't need to be doing he don't need to be doing some of this grunt work you know let's put that a big can can carry the ball and and get some of those tough yards I'm I'm just looking forward to him and Malai cor they running some people over yeah that's a phenomenal take and like you said as well I agree with you there's going to be some Corners that are going to make uh business decisions that's what I call them business decisions you see that guy running at your full speed maybe you know maybe my ankle hurts maybe I just whiffed on a tackle went down because you know I can save myself today and make a couple million tomorrow I'm going to make a business decision and I'm just going to go ahead and fall down so that that's I can see that happening Mac cuz he runs I'm telling you with power and speed and violence like brillan Allen I think he's going to be something special we'll see as we continue going forward Before I Let You Go Mac again this is a phenomenal phenomenal uh interview from you give everybody all of my listeners again uh you know your Facebook page all your social media where they can get in contact with you and again the area where you folks meet the bar or where you folks sit down and and watch these games together and have a blast yeah Joe I only got I only got Facebook I'm sorry I just can't deal with more social media um we're we're we're we're uh Columbus Central Ohio uh Jets fan club on Facebook you can find us there we meet at knockout Pub and Grill which is up on sankis Boulevard not far from play small and I if if you get me if I get any fans out of this broadcast I'm sending you a gift Absolut listen listen I I'm telling you you going to get it I I I let's let's we'll be talking later on for sure Mac listen Mac I want to thank you for calling in I want to thank you for coming on the show it phenomenal speaking with you you have yourself a good night all right Hey Joe God bless great job thank you absolutely thank you listen M Levens Ohio State Jets fan club man come on [Music] now oh Ohio Jets Club all right again get involved with everything that they're doing over there at the Ohio uh Jets fan club Mack is a phenomenal phenomenal guy great Jets fan get involved with everything that they are doing uh get to their Facebook and uh talk to them man you know Max great guy and again he has a great fan club I talk with a lot of the guys uh from there too so again get involved with everything that they're doing now it's time to move forward and continue to talk about this football team and everything that we got going on again the number to call in is 51560 29639 515 60296 39 is the number call in lines are open callers hold on literally just a second we're going to quickly go over some things that have happened transpired with the New York Jets and we're going to get to the calls immediately okay for my new callers listen when you call into the show I can physically see you okay baby I can see you all right just hold on my whole times are not long okay when you call in I can see you and I will come to you if I do not know you by name okay I'm not going to say who did this but if I do not know you by name okay I'm going to call out your area code please know what your area code is okay please know what your area code is okay I'm not going to say anything more than that you know who you are all right you know who you are know who your area code is okay blog talks working this week aren't we all shocked okay now quickly all right the New York Jets have had a lot of things going on a lot of things moving and shaking as we know roster Cuts have happened uh they traded codrington uh to the bills which is a little shocking all right inner division trade they're in the AFC East we're in the AFC East the Jets received the bills 2026 pick for codrington and they sent a 2026 seventh round pick to the bills as well uh so that you know got moving and shaken there they also made some Cuts as well too as we all know the situation with Hassan rck has is still still ongoing we're going to be discussing that as well nothing from him no reporting no nothing like that but the Jets have made some moves okay uh Leake fotu and yboa they were put on IR again codrington was traded to the bills but there were some moves and Shakes as far as the cuts right that we all knew was coming okay there's a lot of guys and we were wondering hey what's going on what's going to happen and I can name all the guys that would take three hours for me to do that but here's some highlights from the Jets Cuts okay Adrien Martinez hey he was cut but he was signed back to the Jets practice squad now he's on the Jets practice squad now after being cut but tell tell you what man his ability to throw on the run is unbelievable I know that he has a lot to work on a lot of things to move in Shake but here he is he's on the jet practice squad after being cut and I'm happy about that uh Izzy also made the roster he was not cut there was a lot of people saying Izzy anabanana candle was said and done a lot of people just said that okay but here he is he's made the roster he's the fourth running back and he put on a show in the last preseason game I think that that was the thing that really really closed the door on the idea of him not making this Jets roster he looks phenomenal and I've said this time and time again that I think that Izzy is good he's he can be a good running back in this league he's just got to be given the opportunities and I thought that he uh he made the most of his opportunities there so Izzy makes the roster tenzil smart uh was was cut as well Bruce Hector also was cut but then he was signed back to the Jets practice squad which is a bit shocking man cuz I thought the Bruce Hector would make it I thought the tanzil smart would make it as well but you know they're gone but I tell you what Taylor McGregor and Watts all three undrafted free agent right defensive lineman they all made the team all of them now I tell you what I that's shocking man that's [Music] shocking that's shocking that is shocking I can't think of a time that that has happened since I've been a Jets fan but all of these guys right have been talked about all off season all of them especially Taylor everyone knows I love uh Taylor and this was a guy that we were all kind of shocked that we were able to get especially as an undrafted free agent because at one point in his collegiate career he was considered as a first round pick things transpired the way that they did out there in Miami there was a lot of talk about you know him being underutilized within the defense him being out of position and all this other stuff that you know moved and shaked around him right but either way he fell a bit in the draft and here he is a New York Jet along with McGregor another guy that people love to BR McGregor people talk about him constantly and the push that he was putting in and the things that we saw him do he had two sacks against the Giants right and Watts was also a guy that was moving and shaking all young guys rookies and all three of them made the roster we're going to be talking about that tonight I'm excited about it young blood in the building okay also Tac McKinley as well he made the roster too this was a guy that a lot of people said H he's probably done he comes here rejuvenates himself he looks amazing he was unbelievable in that game against the Giants he was great man and you can see that he's having fun with it again he's going out there and he's enjoying himself he did the uh the spinner roon I think he forgot to put the hand in his face though that was the only reason why I didn't think it was a spinner Rooney I thought it was just the break dancing the head whip there but if he would have put his hand in his face and shook it I would have immediately have realized that's Booker T that's the spinner Roy okay but after after uh after the game he told us it was a spinner Roy uh because him and a family member watched wrestling together so that was homage to the family member um beautiful story uh there were attack and he's going to make the roster store it's great to see him be a New York Jet uh going forward jayen key jayen key was actually uh cut as well all right he was drafted in the seventh round Mr Irrelevant but he actually was signed back to the New York Jets practice squad another thing that was shocking as well with these cuts the Jets initially kept seven wide receivers I was stunned by this okay now the the of course we're we're going to have Wilson Williams Lazard Gibson Corley but Charles Irvin Charles makes the roster this is guy to give you something special teams and brownley before he was waved uh made the Jets roster now the Jets did wave brownley to sign uh Brendan Bates a tight end that came from the Bears so the Jets initially only had two tight ends they add a third so we're going to see what happens going forward with that and also at one point the Jets we were all thinking that Lewis K the safety that was initially from with the Vikings right we all thought that he was going to be a New York Jet and signed to the Jets practice squad but he uh he ran off and uh decided to sign with the bills practice squad wow [Music] wow we all thought he was going to be a jet and then boom things turn around and he ends up signing with the bills so he moves forward okay Mike Williams as well as as we get done talking about these Cuts uh so that's said and done again there's a lot of guys that I can talk about with the cuts in the practice squad but it will take forever uh but we'll be discussing that throughout tonight also Mike Williams he'll be ready for week one man oh man is that exciting to hear right we all thought at one point that he was wouldn't be ready into a well into the season coming off of that injury but here he is had a strong practice recently and he's going to be out there that's big for the New York Jets a wide receiver core right because uh who are you going to double you gonna double Garrett Wilson can't double everybody so you better pick your poison you want to double Garrett Wilson well Mike Williams gonna go off we also have seen some type of reemergence of Allan Lazard if Alazar shows up and can show out this year with Aaron Rogers yet again as his quarterback boy Oho boy is that going to be even more deadly for the New York Jets offense right more receivers more weapons more things moving and shaking so I'm excited about that hearing that Mike Williams is going to be good to go man also right also Joe Douglas spoke with the media about uh you know things that's been going on with the New York Jets recently and of course they touched on things that was going on with Hassan ridic now initially Joe Douglas you know said hey he thinks that you know he has faith that things will get resolved that the media also asked him about him speaking you know the the the initial uh announcement from the Jets uh their thoughts that you know they said that they were not going to trade him that was put out you know on behalf of the Jets for Joe Douglas um him speaking and putting that statement out and he said you know no he's not going to reconsider that and that it hasn't changed so at this point again they're not going to trade Hassan ridic I don't know if that's a a smart idea but that's Joe Douglas's stance also when asked about J trading John Franklin Myers because as we know the second we got a sign they moved on from John Franklin Myers a guy that had some you know type of pass rushing skill we moved on from him they asked him hey do you regret it he said no I don't regret that decision you can't look back so he doubles down on it it's a rough situation man it's a rough situation with this Assan ridic stuff I still think that this was a misstep by Joe Douglas I understand a lot of people talk about Joe Douglas and his agent or Joe Douglas listen Hassan Ric's agent but when you look at the situation man there should have been something on paper there had to be something they should have gotten that contract said and done before that trade was finished the media also continued to ask Joe Douglas questions um asking him about you know the talks with Hassan ridik and uh he said that Hassan rck has to show up for talks to continue you know that's been the message that's what he said you know um he said that he wouldn't do anything differently when it came to the talk between him and S Ric so far um and another question from the media was hey why didn't why why didn't the Jets renegotiate the contract before making the trade that's what they asked him flat out and this is a quote directly from him he said I think uh I mean in simple terms we didn't talk we did talk about an extension oh once uh once one wasn't agreed upon we had the conversation and we felt good about making the trade so obviously uh he came here for his press conference he reported had a great day here again we are just waiting for his arrival now this is a situation again where I'm looking around and I'm saying to myself if I'm Joe Douglas and I know everything that's been going on between Assan rck and the Eagles he's been saying I want another contract I want a new contract I want a new contract for two years right and it got to the point where the Eagles are so tired of hearing it they said listen we'll let you go seek a trade with somebody else okay go find yourself another team that you want to be a part of because we are not dealing with you and your contract situation you guys can look this up the Eagles allowed him to seek a trade the Eagles also looked around right and signed Bryce Huff so fast it to make your head spin allegedly again allegedly this is alleged I'm not saying that they did this I'm saying allegedly there was a lot of talks around them you know possibly tampering with Bryce Huff to get that deal done so fast okay that's alleged I'm not saying they did that I'm saying that that's alleged okay so when you look at this situation if I'm Joe Douglas and I'm saying the only reason why Assan ridic was even available was because of that contract situation if I go into the contract situation with him trying to F figure out a way to trade him you know to acquire him from The Eagles I offer him a contract he declines the contract that would set off a siren in my head to say oh this guy this is this is different this is not going to go easy peasy this is not going to be hunky dory I need to figure out what's going to happen I need to make sure that I get this guy signed before I actually commit and end this trade talk get him get him into the Jets facility and make him a jet I need to make sure that this contract is said and done the ink is dried before I complete this trade because the last thing that I want to do if I'm Joe Douglas is be in the same situation that the Eagles were trying not to be in themselves and here we are right I understand that there's a lot of talk between Jets fans and we'll be having that discussion tonight there's a lot of jets talk a lot of talk between Jets fans saying well you know the Jets AG or Hassan rik's agent promised the Jets we we don't know you know necessarily because again there's been a lot of talk back and forth there's reports that you know Hassan Ric's agent uh promised the Jets you know things and Hassan Rik side promised the Jets things there's also reports as well that have come out saying that Hassan Rik told the Jets from day one I want a new contract okay which is crazy because that's what he told the Eagles consistently I want a new contract all right then you also got to think too if he was okay with playing on his deal that he currently has why wouldn't he just play stay and stay with the Eagles why wouldn't he do that he could just play on the contract that he currently has the second question as well that comes to my brain right is that if he was okay with playing on the deal that he currently has why didn't he why did you offer him a new contract that he declined so there's just a lot of questions out there I don't know but either way he is not reported he's holding out continuously and we'll see what happens going forward again maybe he signs tonight you know who knows again maybe he signs live during the show but this situation continues on and we'll see what happens going forward um man oh man this assign Ric uh situation is crazy but again we'll see how it plays out and continue forward also there's a report out there about Aaron Rogers and the New York Jets okay this is is coming from the athletic okay Ben standig from the athletic said an agent it's an anonymous source an agent from around the NFL has said that it's complete disarray over there speaking about the New York Jets he says look at how they've handled Aaron Rogers has one player had more power than him he skipped mini camp they have you they have been unable to convert him into a team player the vibe inside the building is terrible it's insane this is this is this is kind of crazy okay because we've heard these reports before as well people trying to say that Aaron Rogers isn't a team player and all these other things listen Aaron Rogers did he skip your mini camps yes but he's been here for everything else okay all right he's been here for everything else all of the voluntary stuff from day one that we sign that we traded excuse me for Aaron Rogers he's been here for everything else all of it okay been here did everything that he needed to do met up with players right learned everybody sat down with people got got in touch with them on a personal level right coached guys new guys old guys got guys ready for what the offense was to bring literally put in extra hours with certain guys he even gave the Jets 30 plus million dollars back so that they can go out and get more players to surround him with to help this football team so I don't know about these reports man these reports swing from these Anonymous sources talking about how he's not a team player and all this stuff I I just don't buy him I just I just don't buy him I I don't I don't know again we'll be talking about that tonight with the rest of the Savages 51560 29639 is the number call in I I just I just don't buy these reports these reports that the jets are in complete disarray if they're in disarray why are there so many players that want to come here why are there players that wanted to come and join Aaron Rogers why is everyone else so excited about him being back and being fully healthy you talk to guys like s Garner Garrett Wilson Bree Hall they Rave and rant about Aaron Rogers and what he's brought to this team I I I just I I don't know man I just don't get it again this this is the media spinning things I just I just don't buy it we're going to get to the lines again 51560 29639 51560 29639 is the number call in also Brandon auk has signed his deal for those of you that may not know brandan auk agreed on a 4-year $120 million contract extension with 76 million in guarantees whoa that man is getting to the money okay he's getting to the money my goodness oh Lord Jesus it's a fire it is a fire can I borrow a dollar Brandon can I borrow a dollar or two maybe five you good for it I know you get to the money okay I'm out here starving I need some I need some cheese it is what it is it is it is what it is man I need some money Brandon and I know you got it let a brother hold something CD lamb also signed a contract extension as well all right after going back and forth with the Cowboys fouryear 136 million extension with a 100 million guaranteed including a wide receiver record $38 million signing bonus man oh man CD getting to the bread as well CD is getting to the money he's not worried about that you know normal problem CD ain't worried about that he got bread he getting to the bag okay he getting to the bag all right he not worried about nothing it's cash cash cash all dollars okay he ain't got time for the nonsense or none of that man ain't nobody got time for that got time for it all right so those two uh two solid wide receivers two great wide receivers gotten paid I know that uh I know know that Garrett Wilson smiling ear to ear okay with the Birdman hands cuz he going to get the bag as well we all know all right so we're going to get to these calls again 51560 29639 515 60296 39 is the number call in I am taking all callers salutes to all the Savages in the chat I see you in the building okay put your thoughts comments questions in the chat as well I will come to you okay I will come to you in between calls but I am only one man okay I'm only one man salutes to Bri he says ridic is the one and only story that counts right now oo okay bre's talking that talk he's very focused on Hassan Ric and what's going to happen we're going to continue to have that discussion tonight I don't know man this situation again I think spills over into the season and I think it's just going to get ugly and uglier me personally me personally I don't know again 51560 29629 please give the stream a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't already hit that notification Bell so when I post content you folks will be in the know all right also if you want to give to the to the platform Super Chat is in uh you know up up a up above me down below is my cash app please uh give to any of those uh things as well anything you give to the platform again is greatly appreciated also share the stream with your friends or family across your social media I really appreciate when you folks do that again we're getting to the lines 515 602 9639 515 602 9639 is the number call in okay first caller I'm going to is my guy Rusty we're going to Rusty Mike I see you we're coming to you next new callers as well hold on we're getting to everyone tonight but we got to get to Rusty for those of you that do not know listen man Rusty he's a Savage [Music] Savage Rusty salutes how's it going man salutes Joe listen salutes fellow Savages listen we're sitting here we're talking that talk I know you gonna start with the Ohio State blah blah blah look let let's just let's just hold on oh no I already know they're amazing but thank you for bringing that up okay much all right yeah yeah yeah okay well here we go now the first the first question I got for man this a sign Ric situation we see you know Joe Douglas spoke with the media about everything that's been going on with that what are your thoughts on him doubling down saying hey he you know doesn't uh would do the exact same thing all over again the fact that he said he doesn't you know really regret uh you know trading uh John Franklin Meyers and that they're not going to continue contract talks until Hassan rck is in the building what are your thoughts about those things man same thing I thought when it first happened you know know it's I I think they did a gentleman's handshake agreement he came in said good things then all of a sudden he probably heard you know his agent probably did those that witchcraft stuff into his ear say hey man you can get them for more they're going to be desperate which is you know like with him not on our team we're top five defense with him on the team you know we're number one I should say actually if he's not on the team we're we're a top three defense you know cuz hey we got those three kids too man those udfas which is awesome got Taylor McGregor Watt and then we got tack too so you know it's not making a good case for himself to be quite honest you know what I mean yeah no yeah and uh oh go ahead no yeah like I was saying it's it's it's crazy to me I just I just really wish again that he would have gotten a contract done because when you look at the situation look and I get a lot of people are trying are saying well you know it was an agreement he may have went back on his word again we we don't know you know posit you know for sure again we don't know for sure because you know we weren't in those contract talks and again there's been a lot of reports from other people I think Jordan Schultz uh came out and reported that you know Assan rck and his side you know basically have said hey we told them we want a contract from the jump but my thing is when you have a guy that has you know been screaming at the top of his lungs I want a new contract for as long as he has been and that's the sole reason why he's even available right and the Eagles themselves were so fed up with it that they signed his replacement immediately and Bryce huff and ready to move on from him it's like you got to get that stuff in place before you complete that trade so that you're not in the situation that they are in because you know he he could again even him coming into the building we were saying we got Hanan rck we're all excited because now Will McDonald can kind of take a little bit of a back seat we don't have to put so much pressure on him and ass son's going to be able to help him come along so he's already coming in kind of knowing oh I'm kind of the man I'm kind of that guy like yeah uh you know yeah Germaine Johnson unbelievable right I love Jermaine Johnson or his agent soak him into that a little bit exactly and it allowed his agent to soak him into that because even though we all love Jermaine Johnson he's phenomenal player the sack numbers 7.5 I think is the most sacks he's ever had in his career in any season well Assan rid's coming in double digit sack Seasons the last four years so it's like he comes in and he's like oh yeah I'm that guy they just lost their top pass rusher in Bryce Huff who they let walk out the door I'm coming into the building oh yeah it's my time you know and again this is this could be the last payday and you all know guys when they think it's their last payday G they gonna take you for everything that you're worth so I just wish Joe Douglas had just just gotten it done and if it wasn't going to get done especially when they offered him a contract and he declined it that should have set Sirens off in Joe Douglas's head so but here we are man here we are in this situation you started to talk a bit about those three undrafted free agents that made the roster man give me your thoughts man so much blood along the defensive line what were your thoughts about that and also what were your thoughts about some of the some of the other Cuts were there any other surprise Cuts uh that you saw uh I didn't Smith he's is he back on the practice field or on the practice team or did we absolutely cut him because I liked him uh Brad Smith was that his name uh Brandon yeah Brandon Smith was actually brought back to the practice had a wide receiver y thank goodness yeah I like that kid that I was sort of that would have that was really my only like really you know what I mean like that kid caught everything and uh glad to have Charles back on there and uh yeah I'm I'm happy with it you know Gibson I think they a little bit too much credit for but we'll see you know hopefully he could because after the Bills game he really didn't do too much you know unfortunately but uh yeah I'm happy with what we did and especially happy on defense who we kept that's that's for certain you know uh McGregor didn't like him because he was a wolverine of course yeah but I'm happy we got him the kid is you know he's got a motor that doesn't stop happy that we got lt3 that's I'm really happy about yep yep I'm right there with you cuz oh man if he would have walked it would have he would have probably went to like Buffalo or something like that or Miami and made us pay the piper for it I could see that happening you know what I mean yep but that that kid's got some serious Talent just got to hold on to him and just let him do his thing and just set him free and let him go kill quarterbacks and you know just go yeah take that leash off and it's good to see watch too yeah and that that's what again you know so much three undrafted rookie free agents making the roster of yeah it's stunning especially again I'm thinking Bruce our defensive line yeah and I'm thinking like that's the crazy part I'm thinking Bruce Hector for me in my mind was a lock to make it I thought that he was definitely going to be Bruce Hector every off season is is good every offseason and we know the Jets defensive line generally especially you know those preseason games and throughout the offseason we all talk about it's always stacked there's always a you know a bunch of guys that we're just like oh man our defensive line rotation going to be crazy but I thought Bruce Hector would make it and I for sure thought that tanzil smart would have made the roster because tanzil is always good right we he's always gives up that guy has an amazing Spirit yeah and a mo a motor that's crazy like you said he just never stops and to see Bruce Hector on the practice squad we see you know tenzil didn't make the active uh either he didn't make the cuts and then we get these three undrafted guys that we talk about the potential and everything that we saw for them has just been phenomenal so far is crazy man it's absolutely crazy even going to the other side smart too yeah and and they're just it's just man smart that Giants game that Giants game they were just mauling people Taylor was mauling people we saw Braden McGregor mauling people it was it was wild but also Tac McKinley too Tac McKinley has been a story man this guy has been he's been on fire all throughout the offseason what are your thoughts about him making the Jets roster I think it's fantastic because um who was oh yeah it was Rook who basically talked the Falcons into drafting him when he was on the Falcons I'm pretty sure about that and uh because he was a first round draft pick for Atlanta so it's crazy on our defense we have something like six or seven first first round draft picks and you could tell that Atlanta probably used him in a different way than what you know what he was accustomed to because they just let him go so I it's and he's learning it quick and he's just hitting everybody in the mouth it's great he's quick off the ball Y and those those three guys are those four guys actually are freaking Maniacs it's unbelievable and I'm I'm just happy that we got him and I can't believe that they were udfas yeah it's really something to see man it's cuz that's unheard of and then even get these other first round draft picks that everybody wanted to throw out and Cast Away it's like n you know you just got to polish that diamond off a little bit and then then it be worth a lot of money yeah you know so speaking about Pol I think of speaking about polishing diamonds Rusty there was a lot of people that thought Izzy anabana Kanda would get cut I had a lot of people hit me up saying Joe I know you think he's good and he He's got potential but he's gone Iz he is on the active roster guy he made it made it throughout the cuts looked really good against the Giants had a big run we all saw him go out there and be phenomenal what are your thoughts about Izzy uh grabbing a roster spot after so many people thought that he would be gone I loved it I I like Izzy you know I've seen him playing college football and then to hear people saying like oh he can't break tackles he can't get those hard and those yards and he's not fast and all like why who are you listening to Rich tamini and the Atlantic what the you know you don't know football yeah that's right the Atlantic is garbage uh oh here we go man here we go here we go listen listen I I listen watching him in college he ripped it up man he really did all a one cut go guy home Runner no you're completely right Rusty Rusty's takes on S me in the Atlantic are his takes it is not representative of the long beats Joe show hate facts I have nothing but respect for Rich s and everyone else that covers the New York Jets but I allow people to speak their their minds here on the platform so I respect Rusty and I I respect his take there you know if that's how he feels hey that's how he feels and I respect it look at at the end of the day like you said as well getting back to Izzy uh you know like you said one cut guy I just think he needs the opportunity if you give him the ball you know more put him in better situations I think he's going to show that he has that you know kind of home run hitting ability so I like that he made the roster and everything he did now I also want to want you to give me your thoughts on the seven wide receivers the Jets you know had before they waved brownley I was shocked that the Jets kept seven wide receivers but then they waved brownley and brought in uh Brendan Bates the tight end what were your thoughts about that man I think happy about that that guy was pretty good up in shyra you know he played good for the Bears he just had a couple injuries and stuff but he catches everything he's got big paws and I don't know and he he's really he's been injured so they really haven't use them that much and then the Bears are doing their thing so I don't know what the Bears are thinking him getting released to us I think is going to be a blessing because I could see him playing fullback and you know because he's a good blocker too so I don't know man I I think that was a a swing and a miss for the Bears and it's in our favor yeah yeah I'm telling you uh it just thinks that yaboa is hurt I like what yaboa yeah but yeah it it's it's it's gonna be gonna be interesting out all the time yeah gonna be interesting to see how they how they deploy him and how they utilize him because again I thought you know Rucker and uh you know our other tight end was just really going to wreck shop especially this upcoming season I think they're going to do crazy but to get that young guy into the building like you said it's been a lot of talk man he catches everything so it's going to be very interesting his growth here with this team now Rusty there's a report out there he's tall yeah from the athletic man about Aaron roders saying that he isn't a team player and the Jets are in complete disarray what are your thoughts about that man this report swirling already Ben standig of the athletic your favorite uh you know spoke to an agent that said these things yeah what are your thoughts about it yeah the Atlantic the the Atlantic certainly is swirling swirling down my toilet when I flush it oh and it's like when when blog when Blog Talk is better than the Atlantic you know that's a problem so you know those are all facts by the way oh boy and it's I I don't take what they say at all nothing and you can see that it's bogus because you know we have this one thing called one JD drive that allows us to see Z what training camp is basically in a sense you're not seeing any of the guys like getting talked to down to by Rogers Rogers is like a players coach and he wants to win he's an easygoing guy they just don't like him because they can't trigger him and on top of it too they're like yeah he's selfish oh really he gave back $35 million who does that you know oh yeah definitely a selfish person does that for sure you know and like oh yeah he to Egypt well at least he didn't go to Japan and stay there you know what I mean so he he missed one day so the Atlantic yeah it's it's swirling in the worst turlet ever and just flushing it that's I think about that that great journalistic people all right kick rocks and pound Sal yeah listen Rusty's giving us a takes and and like I said as well I I don't understand it I don't understand these reports because when you look at everything Aaron Rogers has done here I'm talking all of it since day one I remember how his character was just the character assassination that was going on before he officially became a jet was crazy everybody was painting him out to just be this monster and that he was just coming here to just R run rough shot over the Jets and just destroy everything he wasn't going to help anybody and he was going to look down on the younger guy all these things were said constantly and he came in there and shattered all of those narratives from day one showing up to all of our voluntary stuff this is the second year he's done that as well he was at the voluntary stuff this year showed up to everything except the mini camp was was a couple days uh he was at all the training camp stuff all of everything stuff like everything never mind the fact there have been other players as well in the past that have passed up on their mini camp and nobody said anything there's been players in the past that have passed up on training camp and nobody said anything about it Tom Brady uh uh missed some time with the Bucks during the offseason and nobody ever said anything about that it was insane so yeah and for don't forget with Rivas when he held out until basically the Saturday before the actual week of the first game nobody called him selfish they like oh yeah get your money dude and do what you got like so it's ridiculous man really is makes you wonder it's like who were you really Atlantic like you a fish you a baralo miserable or you you know you one of those like what are you really chameleon get out of here rusty can stand the Atlantic I have respect for him he he can't stand so Rusty I let you go Brandon auk signed a big deal okay he's gonna you know clearly be available against the New York Jets also CD lamb got paid as well man what are your thoughts about their deals and what do you think uh the Jets are going to have to end up paying old Garrett Wilson man I I'm thinking he's probably going to own half New York at this point what are your thoughts man well I'm glad for him you know they've earned it and stuff but with you what do they give him hundred and something million dollars that's like $100,000 in the rest of the world money because San Fran is midon dude you think you get hard hit hard with New York taxes good God yeah yeah but like what they say pie was in pie would couldn't even afford McDonald's on his rookie contract you I was getting paid 700 Grand a year it's freaking crazy yeah but good for him man he they deserve it I'm just happy they didn't throw that money toward Trent Williams hopefully he sits out to a week two and you know we get a little Advantage because that's their that's San Fran's whole offensive line is Williams yeah I I think they'll honestly man just like I told people about this Brandon I stuff I thought that Brandon iuk would get was going to get figured out and he did I think this was the the the deal that he just accepted the the four-year $120 million one that deal has been on the table the whole time he he accepted the exact deal that's been there and I I think that they're going to figure out what's what's going on with Trent Williams they're going to figure out the contract for him and probably get him signed before the season starts as well um and I think I think you they just wanted to he just want my bad go ahead no yeah yeah no go ahead go ahead I think they're they're giving him more money or something like that but go ahead give me your thoughts on that yeah that's that's what I basically going to say I think that their argument came over the initial signing bonus part that's what I think it was so yeah that's yeah that and then if Garrett goes off with Rogers like you said he's going to own half of New York and the other half he's going to own his jersey so it's that's that's that's gonna be something then on top of that you're gonna have to pay sauce oh man then if JJ balls out this year you're gonna have to pay JJ it's yeah and everyone's like yeah let's find Devonte where's he how are you gonna pay him you know you can't pay him we you know it you can't afford it man ain't nobody talk Bree I don't even know Bree gonna need a contract yeah oh that's right dude he's Marshall Faulk 2.0 but with power that's how I see Bree it's it's starting to look that way Bree going need a contract uh avt right you got to figure out what's going on him Michael Carter II DJ Reed like there's a lot of names that's gonna come up and I'm telling you Joe dougles got to figure it out because a lot of the guys that we just mentioned that you just mentioned Rusty uh Garrett Wilson s Garner Germaine Johnson we talked a little bit about Bree hall right we talk about these are young guys that are cornerstones for your franchise these are the building blocks the young blood that you found in the draft that clearly you know has has that that draft that s Garner Garrett Wilson Bree Hall that changed the trajectory of the Jets it absolutely did talent wise it did yeah so uh you can't just let those guys go so so you better figure it out so not at all yeah going to be a lot of cheese to be paid listen Rusty I got to slide off got other callers I got to get out of here listen next time I have a show I want to hear from you all right it was a good call absolutely Joe salutes to you salutes to the fellow Savages let's go Jets that's what I'm talking about [Music] baby you know salutes to Rusty and again you know I have nothing but respect for the Ohio State it's just you know those Ohio State guys they they they gonna let you know okay they love the Buckey blah blah blah blah blah okay all right but it's all about SC at the end of the day fight on okay fight on fight on it's about SC but I have respect for everybody okay I do I do we're all Jets fans we love this team through and through salute Sol the Savages in the chat I see you in the building all right gvh Savage says Trent and CMC make that offense go no doubt Brandon auk is a stud but their record when CMC or Williams is out is not good yeah and we'll be talking about that on the upcoming show we know we got them to start the season but uh they got Brandon iuk done we'll see what happens with CMC there's a lot of talk that he could be playing to start the season maybe not we know he's still dealing with that injury we'll figure out what happens with him going forward uh but let me tell you something I think they get that situation figured out with Trent Williams I do I remember when Trent Williams was on that team in Washington and I was screaming for the Jets to trade for him and people were telling me I was crazy I literally told people that man is the best left tackle in football get him in this building immediately people were telling me I was crazy and he wanted to leave that team in Washington because they misdiagnosed some things with him and he said he would never play for them again and I said this is the time to jump at the opportunity to grab him because man and the Niners didn't not give up much to give him I think uh give up much to get him I think they gave up like a a third or fourth round pick or something like that a fourth it was something like that but it wasn't for the best left tackling football it it it wasn't like no crazy first round no nothing like that man they got themselves quite a player you know Trenton has always been good but here the Jets are and we're in a great position as well you know we got Tyron Smith the left tackle so we're ready to go we're ready to go and Olu fanu just got drafted as well this year I'm excited about him too but man it's going to be crazy again we'll play the ners we'll be talking about that on the next show but we got the ners week one all right again 515 6029 639- 515 6029 639 is the number call in we're taking all callers next we're going to Mike we're going to Mike from Tom's River I know he's got some takes for us for those of you that do not know listen Mike that man is a straight Savage Savage Mike salutes welcome to the show man we've been sitting here talking about the Jets and the things that they've done with the roster what are your thoughts about some of the roster Cuts were there any big surprises for you not really um the a r was so deep you know I I was really happy with with the uh the defense uh under free agents that we that we that we signed they they wouldn't have made it to the practice squad they they they did they would not make it to the practice squad so um I I I love McGregor and and I love H Taylor I I think they're gonna contribute this year um McGregor has a high motor um I'm I'm really happy and like like the S rect you know if you don't sign by this week I'm done with him I'm done with him done with him huh done with him let's let's talk about that like you said as well um and I think that that was one of the motivations to be honest but behind all three of them making the roster to be true um I look at it like this man you cut Taylor he's not going to your practice squad someone's going to snatch him up along with McGregor or watts and I think the Jets looked at it and said hey these guys are are extremely talented we were able to get him let's just keep him in the building now again I was shocked I'm not going to lie I thought that tanzil smart would make the roster you know I thought that Bruce Hector this year I thought that Bruce Hector was going to make the roster for sure you know if you would have told me before oh no he's not going to make the roster I would have been like what are you crazy and here lo and behold it happened but again I'm excited these young guys have been phenomenal they've showed a lot of push they showed a lot of skill and uh you know they're guys that are going to just continue to get better and we need Young Blood along the team we'll see what happens again with those guys going forward but especially Taylor for me who was a guy that I definitely want to see make the Jets roster and he did just that now the Hassan Ric situation man here we are again again Joe Douglas talked to the media uh he even doubled down about you know how he handled the situation even you know moving away moving on from John frin Myers man you're saying if Assan doesn't sign uh this week you're done with him uh to me uh Tom it or Mike excuse me it doesn't look like this it I think that this is going to play out well into the season I think that you know Hassan rck wants a new contract clearly and he thinks he looking at this like this is his last big payday and I think this is going to drag out and continue forward man I really don't think the Jets are going to get him signed before the season starts well I think I think he's an idiot because with with this defense he could have put up monster numbers this year play off the oneyear contract just could to guarantee the money you know I think they'll they'll do something like this they'll guarantee the money and then they'll to give incentives to make up for the for the uh the money that he lost for missing out um but he's an idiot though because he could have he could have put up like monster numbers this year he could probably had like 15 sacks on his defense and then he could have went next year and had a monster contract it makes no sense now go ahead no no you can go yeah I look and I hear you I hear you but I I think from Hassan rck side I look they are they offered him a contract during the negotiation periods when they were trying to figure out the you know the trade and the compensation with the Eagles he Deni he declined them then they should have known right then uhuh this we're we're this is hot water and I don't think we should step in this they should have known right then when he said no I'm declining that because that contract that they were offering him was going to pay him more than what he's getting paid right now it was going to pay him more that's already been out there so they should have known uh-uh this is not the the the street we want to go down let's turn around and get up out of here but they still made the trade I understand what you're saying about you know guaranteeing him the money but I think Assan ridic um and this was something I said a while ago when we first made the move for him and it was like wait he's on the last year of his deal I'd watched him you know out there in Philadelphia I know he was screaming for a new contract he's looking at this as the last payday Mike this this could be it for him that's the way he's looking at it again he's a guy he's 30 I don't think he cares about any of that cuz let's say he have as a monster year he could get a major contract but he could also get franchised then what you know what I'm saying then what so I I think I think he's looking at it like this the Jets I have I understand a lot of jets fans say he doesn't have leverage but I don't think that that is that that's not necessarily true when you look at it outside of Assan ridic right Jermaine Johnson is the only proven pass rusher here it's only him 7.5 sacks though that's the most he's ever had in a season that's it will McDonald I Love Will McDonald right most Jets fans hated to pick I Love Will McDonald though but he was you know he was deactivated in some games last season played very sparingly didn't play much and this is the year that we're asking him basically to come in and go crazy and have double digit sacks and go wild with big expectations a Super Bowl or bus year Hassan rck looked at that and licked his chops like this they've got to pay me because if y'all don't get something done there's a chance that if y'all don't go far enough y'all GNA get fired there's pressure from that too as we all know Jets fan there's some Jets fans screaming Super Bowl or get fired everybody so if you look at all of that right that's why I continues to keep saying I understand that people are saying that Hassan rtics agent may have promised Joe Douglas things or his side that shouldn't have you shouldn't have let that get into your ear if that's true you should not have even let that let that guy whisper that into your ear at all because you saw what was happening in Philadelphia you saw that he wanted a new contract you saw that Philadelphia was tired of it and done with it so much so that they signed his replacement and literally handed him to you why would you allow that and now we're in the same situation that they would have been in Mike give me your thoughts I'll let you go ahead and give me your take on that well they had a gentleman's contract where they said come come come with us come in the camp and then we'll talk contract because Jets will know what what they have you know he could he could be uh missing a step you know what I'm saying um look what judon did when he got traded to Atlanta and he goes I'm gonna respect my contract he goes they don't know who I am he goes I'm gonna play for them and then I'm gonna earn my contract that's what he should have done 100% so now Will McDonald will step up to Huff's roll and then what what NFL always says next man up next man up so I I I want to see the the rookie step up I think we we'll have I think we're going to have the number one defense anyway but if we have uh reic it'll be a plus plus but hey if he doesn't hey go what trade him get rid of him well and that's but that's the thing too Mike Joe Douglas has come out and said that he's not going to trade him and then when asked by the media uh recently very recently um he double down on it and said that they're not going to they're not going to change their stance they're not going to trade the guy so at this point I'm wondering what exactly they going to do with him but you brought up an interesting point about Matt judon and and I understand what people are saying about judon like now he's you know he's now went to to the FC yeah and I get it like he's saying hey you know they don't know me I'm gonna play out but Matt judan and Hassan rck are in two completely different spaces and classes at this point Matt judon is I I believe is saying those things because he's coming off of a year where he only played four games he only had four sacks last season people don't like that that's what I'm saying these are two different space Hassan rck and again mat's great right he's been great but Hassan rck is coming off of balling out he been balling the last four years double digit sacks he been balling so he's looking at it like this is my time to cash in because this could be it that's two different places two different spaces what go ahead what happens if he comes back after sitting out and then he finally gets his contract blah blah blah and then boom blows his hamstring out because he didn't have training camp and then that's that's a jet way you know you know that's going to happen well listen uh when you look at it from Hassan R and I hear what you're saying but when you look at it from Hassan Riddick's uh standpoint this could be it what happens if he goes out there and plays on a contract and tears his ailles that's just from his side but again this was something this was something yeah exactly but this is something again this is why if Joe Douglas would have made sure that there was a contract in place before he completed that trade we wouldn't be in this situation especially with a guy that again that was only available simply because of the contract issues between him and the Eagles if it wasn't for contract issues he would still be a Philadelphia Eagle and we all know that Mike we all know that I'll give you the last word on this I I think I think I think T red on that I think uh re in his in his agian I think they MH yeah I mean you know that's that's my op that's my opinion I hear you I hear you and again I you know I respect that take and again we we'll I don't think any of us will ever know Chris you'll be coming up soon hold on a second I don't think any of us again will ever know because we were weren't in a discussion because there's again been reports from the other side I believe it was Jordan Schultz reported that Hassan Ric's Camp told the Jets throughout the process he wants a new contract I understand there's been other reports as well from Jets beat riders that have said that the Jets you know that he promised the Jets things and then didn't show up I get it I get it but I'm just if I'm Joe Douglas I'm looking at it like if he's been telling the Philadelphia Eagles for this long he wants a new contract even if he gives me a handshake deal he's not one of my guys I didn't draft him he's not Garrett Wilson he's not s Garner you know I don't know him that closely to say okay this guy I'mma give this guy the benefit of doubt like that right especially when we have so much pressure this upcoming season where there's so many expectations I could be out of here if we don't perform correctly right or or up to certain people's standards I don't know this guy well enough to take him on his word in a in a in a in a pressured field year to put to be in this position now especially when again we're talking about competing with upper echelon teams that have quarterbacks like Lamar Jackson Herbert Patrick Mahomes uh Watson the list goes on and on and you know as well as I do Mike in this league if you can't rest a passer baby you gonna have some trouble some real trouble okay you know what I'm saying so I I get it I I hear you and and I respect everybody's take but I just feel like Joe Douglas should have been smarter about this situation now before I let you go Mike You' given us some great takes Aaron Rogers is a report out there yet again Ben stand dig I want to talk about this is what I want to talk about Ben standing I'm gonna I'm gonna keep saying the name Chris will come to you in a second but Ben standig of the athletic okay again a agent spoke with him an anonymous agent saying the jets are in complete disarray and that uh Aaron Rogers is not a team player what are your thoughts all right the key word you said there was Anonymous okay if you don't have the balls to say put your name on it that you're reporting it's it's fake news for nine years have you going do fake news let me tell you what bring back the Mean Tweets bring back Donald Trump these fake news I mean now you got the poll saying that Camala Harris who whoa whoa whoa who watch watch it we got we gotta watch it Mike this is this is YouTube we can't say certain names okay I I I know what you said we got watch I'm Sor yeah we got to watch it we got to watch it but I I'll give you your last word go ahead the main reason why they hate Aaron roders was because he came out and he was against the vaccines remember that and they were all they were all out of he goes I'm G I'm gonna do my uh Naturals stuff you know and ever ever since then they've been on him because he speaks his mind and he's not gonna he's not g to fall in with the media the it's all fake news media like especially like uh rich tamini Chris me's been covering the Jets for 30 years and he hates the Jets it's like you can't you can't make this stuff up it's like why why would you cover the Jets and you hate the Jets they had one ESPN reporter he just came out and he goes um he thinks that uh Gibson's gonna have a pro bowl year and I couldn't believe it I'm like whoa yeah I'm like that's a little that's a little over the top but I think he's got have a really good year but yeah you know what I'm saying yeah I love Aaron roggers Aaron Rodgers is a team player he took he took a pay cut he's a coach on the field he's he's teaching all the guys like he does all uh with the Cadence you know and he brings the guys off sides and he goes all right you missed this play I want you to do this or that that and it's incredible it's like how could you even say that the guy's a four-time MVP yeah yeah you know it is what it is Mike listen I got to slide off I got other callers next time I have a show Mike I want to hear from you brought us some good takes man oh definitely man absolutely [Music] man and you know just for the record I understand that some people don't like you know certain members of the Jets beat me myself I have nothing but love for all of the Jets beat okay everybody you know from Hughes to seini to uh Rosen blat uh you know uh Antoine as well every all the just beat right I have nothing but love for all of them okay uh but again I am a platform that you know allows my uh callers and listeners to speak their mind freely you know within YouTube uh you know guidelines again there's there are certain things you know got to be you know YouTube I Love YouTube as well and I must be sensitive to YouTube because YouTube is very sensitive certain names certain people you gotta watch you know so but I let my audience speak their mind okay I'm a man of the people and that's what I do okay so we'll continue on with the show 51560 29639 again 515 6029 639 is number call in Hawkeye Savage in the chat says are the Jets all healthy I haven't heard of any I haven't heard of anyone getting hurt this preseason uh at least the starters yeah everybody's looking you know solid everything's relatively uh good here uh you know everything's moving and shaking so we're going into the season uh you know didn't play Aaron roders you know all off season so everything's good going in there even Mike Williams he's ready to go he'll be uh ready to go week one so wild wave salutes to you in the building as well Savage he says uh Hassan rck is under contract the Jets own his rights you want a new contct contract show up I respect it I respect it I don't think he'll show up though wild I don't think he'll show up but we'll see we'll see okay Holly I see you in the building salutes and respect to you as well but we got to get back to these lines again 515 6029 639 515 60296 39 is the number call in next we're going to Chris and I know Chris has some takes for us okay for those of you that do not know Chris he is a Savage Savage Chris salutes we've been talking that talk tonight and I want to start right with you here Hassan rck there's been a lot of talk about him Joe Douglas uh recently spoke with the media double down on the way he's handled the situation what are your thoughts about the Hassan Ric situation to this point are you upset about how it's playing out uh yeah because he should he should give him the money he he traded for him and you know he knew what he wanted to come here and he should give him the money I mean this is the Allin year so I mean these next two years GNA say a lot I mean you know what do you care if if we're in cap hell in in three years uh you know you got to give them the money and and that's the bottom line I mean you want to win or not and and that's everyone thinking about the future and Jordan Travis and and and GRE Halls contract this is the Year this is it and uh that's what I've been saying that's what I've been telling people I've been watching jets for a long time man I've been watching this team my whole life and you know I've never felt a team with we've I could say I've never seen a quarterback we have I've been watching the Jets since I was five years old and and and three months I'm G be 50 years old and I've never seen a better quarterback than we have in V Rogers yeah this is the time yeah I went to I went to Shay Stadium my dad took me to Shay Stadium I'm there I've been with this team man I seen the Ken O'Brien the Browning nagles the you know the Vinnie te's we've never had a quarterback like Aaron roders and you know if you guys think that if you guys think you I just hear everybody worried about well what about Garrett Wilson's contract what about uh Bree Hall's contract what look if we even we pay those guys if we're God if we're not good they're gonna they gon to request you think Garrett Wilson's goingon to stay this team we have no quarterback thr the ball you know I that's what I'm telling you I got you gotta make sense of this man I mean everyone's you know I I get the long-term success I get it but at this point man we're we're you know you know you gotta pay it you gotta pay yeah if it's one year it's two years you gotta pay yeah you know and I and again I I I I understand why some Jets fans are frustrated with him but again uh I I I I listen to your take here and I wonder you know if Joe Douglas didn't want to pay what' you trade for him for you want to pay him like why bring him in yeah because we all knew what time it was yeah we all knew yeah he he wants he wants he wants 30 million a year yeah give him 30 million I don't know about 30 million but I don't know about 30 million I can't go there with you Chris I don't know about 30 million but 23 to 25 I think is what they said yeah yeah give him like 25 guarantee guarantee the contract and say you won't franchise them that's it I mean this whole thing about going back and forth with God and like and Y and they that everyone's at the Heap of nobody's gonna accept losing this year I'm just gonna tell you that right now talk so I mean to be in this to be in this position right now like you are open up the floodgates for for Fury of Jet fans if we go like 0 and three and this guy is sitting on the bench we we can't like I understand what what people are saying people want to negotiate in the building you want to sit a president but you might not how you gonna set a president when you ain't even here you're not gonna be here we don't there's no president you're sudden you're not gonna be here so I I I just don't don't the logic man you yeah no listen I hear you and again I you know I let everybody speak and I and I understand you know people saying uh you know it it possibly could possibly was a handshake deal between Joe Douglas and you know R side but when you look at everything that's G on with Hassan ridic I don't even understand how as a general manager you would trust a guy that much that wasn't like one of your guys you didn't draft him you know you you didn't it it wasn't like you brought him into the NFL and you just know him so intensely well it's like no you should have you should have made sure that's just my stance I love Joe Douglas I just think that this was a misstep by him especially again when they offered him a contract during the trade negotiation and he declined it that should have really set off the sirens that should have set off the sirens right there baby it should have been like uh this guy normal we should we we should have not we should have not traded for him man if he if he's not gonna if you don't have something in your back of your mind and this is and here this is when Woody needs to step in right Woody needs to step in say listen this is enough you know two weeks ago I'm taking over the negotiations and we're getting it we're getting this done that's the end of the story yeah at this point you're you're you're in an all you listen these guys act like they're in their second yeah Joe it's just it's just funny when I'm looking at his press conference and I'm I'm looking at Joe J's press conference I'm like did this guy realize if this team don't take a significant step he's out of here you know and he's worried about setting precedents I'm like set precedence like you drafted Zack Wilson oh my God you drafted Zack Wilson set precedence what are you talking about Mr Douglas dropped the one of the worst bus in Jets history man you want if you don't win this [ __ ] you you go up there with uh you know he's worse than everybody he's I think he's worse than bro Nagel I think he's worse than I mean Troy Taylor I think he's worse than Jack Wilson was the worst quarterback that I've ever seen and you know what I'm saying and every you know yeah that's it I mean I list listen Chris I I I hear you man I hear you we'll see how this situation continues to play out I'm hoping I hope that Assan ridic is ready to go I hope they figure it out and he's ready to go week one but honestly my heart of hearts I I don't think it's going to get done before the season starts I think it plays into the season but you talked about Aaron roggers and I agree with you I think that Aaron Rogers is the best quarterback that I've ever seen in a Jets uniform and everyone knows I love Chad Pennington but he's he's just he's I think he's the best player that has ever uh put on a Jets uniform me personally yeah but right you have a report coming from the athletic right and Ben standig put this out he said an anonymous agent came to him and said that the jets are in complete disarray right also talked about how Aaron Rogers is not a team player and that the vibe inside the Jets building is terrible what are your thoughts about that report uh I don't think there's a divide in in the just lock of them I think think that you know you got you got stars in the locker room you got guys who you know are you know you've been in Hollywood you live out californ you got guys that think a lot of themselves so I mean a locker room is different but these guys want to win man I I don't I don't see what the Divide is they want to win man they want to win you got a lot of guys with big egos in there you got a guys with a lot of All-Star Talent you got a guys with a lot of uh things but I think when they lace it up I mean they're gonna want to win they're going to want up there and compete you know and I I think that everyone wants to win I think it's a frustration I mean but I think that everybody wants everybody wants to win I mean z i mean you seen G Garrett and Bree they want to win I mean you see the coaches they want to win so I don't I don't think it's the V locker room I think these guys think a lot of themselves and you know that that's the that's the end I don't think uh Aaron Rogers is a superstar I don't think anybody's they like they love to have him back but to me how can you say somebody's not team player when they taking less money it's crazy yeah yeah and that that's that's the exact same show me where that's that's the exact same thing Lamar jaon yeah that's the exact same thing that I was thinking like this man is I mean he he gave away $30 million back to the Jets 30 plus million excuse me back to the Jets so they can continue to search and and find players you know to surround him with and he's been at everything voluntary he's coaching guys up left and right you know from the older guys to the newer guys I mean he's taking guys in like I don't understand he missed one mandatory mini camp never mind the fact that there's been Guys across the league that have missed mandatory mini camp and some guys have missed parts of training camp too right I remember Tom Brady missing time with the Bucks during the offseason nobody made a big stink about it at all no big deal let me let me tell you something the biggest the biggest a-hole on the field is Tom Brady okay okay and people people oh he's such a nice guy and he's such a good person he's maybe outside the thing but if you run that wrong route in that thing you you want to feel what you know you you run around talk to any of this receivers that play with Tom Brady you they said hey I run around he's gonna let me hear it yeah listen you know listen Chris it it's been phenomenal speaking with you thank you for calling in I got a slide off man you have a good one listen man Chris giving us his thoughts man he's giving us his thoughts and his takes and and I respect it all right I absolutely respect [Music] it Hy Ro salutes to you savage in the chat he says LBJ do you think we can add Tyler Huntley instead of keeping Martinez uh we'll see I don't know uh Tyler Huntley might still be available I don't know for sure I haven't uh seen him uh because I've been really focused on the Jets but uh we'll see what happens going forward I I I mean if he is available if he's out there and can be signed to the Jets practice squad maybe they make that move I'm not sure but I tell you what uh Martinez being signed to the practice squad I thought was a solid move for the Jets for sure um man he's got a lot of ability and his ability to throw on the run is so man it's it's it's it's something different he's got a little something in there he's just gota work on a lot of other things okay and again you know young guy putting things together but I'll tell you what man let me tell you if the Jets can you know stash him and continue to groom him and work on some things maybe one day he turns into something because I want people to keep in mind and and I talk about this everyone's talking about trade for this guy trade for that guy give up first give up this give up that give up the half the draft for the Jets once Aaron Rogers decides to move on and that could be after next season that could be after this season to be completely honest right he could be done after this upcoming season the Jets have nothing at quarterback that could say hey Aaron Rogers is gonna pass the torch to this guy there's no there's nothing you know Zach Wilson was supposed to be that guy that high draft pick high he didn't turn out to be that guy so you got to figure out hey if you don't have a franchise quarterback after Aaron Rogers decides to walk away you better have the capital be able to grab one because if you don't boy you're going to be in a lot of trouble a lot of trouble right uh Bree salutes to you in the chat Savage he says Zack Wilson was the problem during his tenure no defense however uh good could overcome his terrible play Joe simply could not admit to himself and us that Zach was a bust four seasons was three too many h four seasons was three too many yeah I mean Zach Wilson was rough it was rough right there was a time when we kind of thought he might have it together but then things really fell apart especially with his confidence down the stretch there were some other things as well the last season man that offensive line was horrific you had Lazard out there just loafing around oh it was rough I'm glad that we moved on from that though Aaron Rogers is back fully healthy and we've shored things up along the offensive line and even added a wide receiver in Mike Williams that's going to be ready to go okay ready to go wild wave another Savage in the chat says I find it funny people saying JD is the worst GM but still put together a Super Bowl roster I don't know who saying I don't think that uh Joe Douglas is is a bad GM at all um I know that there are some Jets fans that do uh scream that I don't think he's a bad GM I really really don't but I I do think he he made a a mistake with the reic situation with trading for him and not having a contract ready to go but uh you know he's a good general manager he's done a lot of good things here um outside of just the Acquisitions of players whether it be the draft or free agency um one of the biggest things that he's done and a lot of people don't really talk about it and I talk about it constantly is rearranging the structure the franchise structure of the New York Jets what he did with that was extremely important because by changing the reporting structure by changing the mindset bringing in guys staff front office he cleared a lot of those old guys out brought in new guys Scouts all kinds of things he set a standard and he set a way and everybody was on the exact same Accord and that goes a long way especially when you're trying to build a winning organization when you look at one of the biggest issues that we had when gay and maccagnan was here right or even mcag and Bs is that the franchise wasn't on the same Accord just look look at Gaye and macagna right here's a here's a great example of it quickly Adam Gaye did not want Bell but Mike maccagnan did because Mike maccagnan was trying to save himself because he had blown through so many draft pics right guys that just didn't work out he was drafting bust guys that wern't sticking around he was signing bad free agents there was so much pressure on him to just get get somebody that's that's a splash name the maccagnan splash we talk about that con that's Splash signing every year just get the big name get him in here right he paid Le'Veon Bell out of his nose he was even competing against himself and and that was one of the things that that uh that Adam Gaye took to ownership and said nobody else is bidding this high for Le'Veon Bell across the league it's just us and he's out here wasting money right these two guys you got the head coach who was terrible Adam Gaye was an awful head coach and Mike mcag was an awful general manager but you had these two guys battl on two completely different Accords well how can you point yourself in a winning direction if you're both going the opposite ways you can't and that's why the Jets did the clown nonsense that they did which was give Mike McKagan a draft in free agency and then fired him after giving him a draft in free agency to continue to make impacts on your team that he was not going to be a part of going forward a clown organization and then you basically handed the team to Adam gays which that in itself oh my goodness that was crazy [Applause] whoa you got Adam gays over there and thank goodness out of all the rubble right out of all the smoke we were able to get Joe Douglas because the search for a general manager was about who could work with Adam Gaye is how we ended up with Joe Douglas because Joe Douglas and Adam gay had a relationship and worked together and knew each other and knew that they could work together so I guess that was the only good thing that came out of all that nonsense and clown show and when Joe Douglas got in charge after getting rid of Adam Gaye because he got fired things changed the structure changed the reporting structure changed you don't have you know Woody and Woody Johnson or the Johnson's making all these crazy decisions that was the thing that changed the New York Jets into the organization that we are today and that's why that's why players want to come here that's why Aaron Rogers wanted to come here he said it himself he saw that the Jets when they did The Joint practices that the Jets were a different team that they were set up organizational wise and structurally wise to succeed they had the rad coach who was hired by Joe Douglas they had the right front office they had a team full of good players they just needed that quarterback he said it himself he didn't say quarterback they just needed me but we all know we needed a quarterback okay you know that's just my thoughts I think Joe Douglas changed a lot of things for good I think he's a good general manager JW in the chat salutes JW says Jack Zack Wilson led the team back with his poor play um and his attitude didn't help yeah yeah yeah yeah it was rough man J JW also says we have to understand that no GM is perfect I feel that restructuring uh the New York Jets that made them a valuable franchise look at our roster and the young stud we have uh let let that speak for itself yeah you know yeah Michael Piper says in JD We Trust I'm honest a lot of people think I'm a Joe Douglas apologist I'm not I definitely you know definitely you know slam Joe Douglas when necessary I slam everybody U when necessary but he's done a lot of great things here to turn uh the look and feel of this franchise around and it's it's gone a long way that's why we have a lot of the you know the players that we have in the building now so with that said we're going to close out the show this been a phenomenal show man phenomenal want to thank everybody that called in great calls great commentary on the team but now it's time to go hey Blog Talk worked tonight it worked I mean Blog Talk can we get this on a more consistent basis all right there hasn't been enough Blog Talk bashing as far as I'm concerned I'm gonna end the show bashing Blog Talk okay Blog Talk you you've been trash as of recent I need you to step up I need you to be better okay all right change your structure over there to put something together I mean what more do you want from me block talk what more do you want from me come on man let's get it together you know my callers want to talk they want to have great discussion and we can't do that because you are always on the fritz get it together man you're flushed get it together be better Blog Talk be better we're going to close out the show it's been a great show listen I the man of the people I'm here for the people let me shamelessly promote my Facebook page everyone go on over to Facebook search the long Beast Joe show like that page my content up there go ahead and give it a listen message me I'll message you right back I love going back and forth with you folks about this football team also leave me some feedback I love hearing about what you folks that iy do here on the Long Beach Joe show okay I am also on Twitter as well going over to Twitter type in theong be Joe thee long Beast Joe on Twitter follow your boy I'll follow you right back if you going to troll me no issues I'm the troll that lives under the bridge and I will have my Vera Tucker Jersey on at all times at all times man all right avt is back in the building baby fully healthy he's goingon to dominate people this year you know what I mean but that's what we do over at SC you know what I'm saying over at SC we don't do nothing just build great football players that's all we do you know what I'm saying I mean what more do you want from us okay fight on all right fight on so it'll be me and ver Tucker you know you want to troll us no issues come on over troll you right back I'm also on YouTube as well for those of you that may not know come on over YouTube all right type in Long Beach Joe Jets Long Beach Jo Jets on YouTube subscribe hit that notification Bell so when I post content you will be in the know give the video a thumbs up okay give the videos and live streams a thumbs up share them across your social media with your friends and your family as well if you don't troll me get in the comments and I will troll you right back okay and as always people when I see you in person because I will see you in person listen I'll be outside okay I'll be outside I do not run and hide okay I'll be outside all right so when you see me in person because you will okay eventually arms out chest open free hugs to everybody okay free hugs for everybody okay the hugs will cost you absolutely nothing I want to thank you folks for taking a time out day to call in to interact with your boy any way that you do all the Savages in the chat going back and forth you folks are the absolute best without you people I'm absolutely nothing thank you for taking the times out of your day to call into the show so until the next show you folks have a good one peace one second folks pow okay I should be back listen folks I got to get out of here because my schedule's wild exclamation point links in the chat brings up my link tree that link tree has the links to all of my social media platforms um oh hyro hyro got that toilet in the chat salutes I didn't know that they had that salutes to you um that's crazy yeah yeah yeah I gotta I got to check that out the the old yeah everybody's flush man so uh salutes uh I want to thank everybody for joining me if this your first time please subscribe to the channel hit that notification Bell click all so when I post content you will be in the know um that link there is my link tree has links to all of my social media platforms also has links to all of my YouTube pages I got some um reactions coming to my reaction page I know I I haven't posted in a minute I've been it's been crazy okay but I'm going get back to that we be laughing at fools on the internet over there please get involved in my reaction Channel subscribe over there if you haven't our Rail and also if you want to see me react to something put it in the comments or send me something on my social media and say Hey Joe I want to you know I want to see you react to this I want to see your thoughts and what you're thinking so please uh do all of that all of that is in that link tree uh please get involved um also for those of you that are new um we do this this show year round we talk about the team the next show I think is going to be on Tuesday uh before the game so we're going to have a show on Tuesday um of this uh next upcoming week we're going to have a lot of fun but I'll let y'all know for sure um and we do the show year around and we have a blast doing it okay this this phone number right here is the number to the show okay it's number to the show for the foreseeable future now Blog Talk is trash okay it's trash but guess what uh if this number okay doesn't work because Blog Talk uh sucks and isn't working then we go to other means and I still take calls okay we still can do that we can still take calls even if Blog Talk is on the fritz okay so please don't worry about it but again this is the official number to the show right there and uh if it doesn't work then I'll let you guys know and we'll change over to something else and you guys will know the number um immediately uh to call in so we take calls we have a lot of fun what a lot of people do I'm not saying who does this it's Rusty and Val um I'm not telling you who does this uh you know on the phone lines but it's Rusty and Val my shows generally start at 700 p.m. Eastern again they it changes to different days because my schedule is wild but my shows always start at 7 p.m. Eastern okay I also announce through my social media and everything that I'm going to be doing my shows live um and what what day I'm going to be doing them live you will know hours before I go live that I'm going live so when I have my live shows uh what a lot of people do is they'll call early before the show actually starts to get on the lines earlier again my show start at 7:00 p.m. Eastern um so people call into my phone lines which open at I think 6:50 p.m. Eastern but I'm not sure I've been told that that they open earlier than that by people who have said Joe you will never catch me they have said Joe you will never catch me the lines open earlier than that hahhaa um so I really don't know what time the phone lines actually open but I know that you can call in earlier than 700 p.m. Eastern and what they do is they wait on the line and they wait till the show starts I do my little Spiel as y'all heard tonight we had a little you know a a fan club interview uh but generally it's really quick again 15 10 15 minutes at the most I talk about whatever is going on with the Jets and then I get straight to the callers my whole times are not long at all okay this show is all about interaction this show is all about connecting with jets fans and that's what I do um and so they wait on the lines and then they're generally the first on the lines because again I go down my Q system so that's how a lot of people um that's how a lot of people get on early I know that there's been a lot of people like how did that guy cons consistently get on and be first because they call in early and it's it's not illegal to do that it's not illegal at all I welcome that I want you to do that I love the fact that people are raring reving to have that conversation I'm all about that um but I put this out there because I wanted to be fair okay so that everybody knows and is like isn't lost in the sauce uh my veteran listeners that have been around for a long time they figured this out years ago and they've been utilizing it for [Laughter] years I literally was told Joe no bro that's the the lines open I know exactly when they open hahaa you will never catch me so all right man you know I'm not here to stop it all right so uh please again call in um and have a good time um yeah I have a um a q system so when you call in I can physically see you for my new callers all right so when you call in please make sure that you have a good phone line that you're um that you don't have any crazy background noise um if I can't hear you clearly I'm going to move on from you okay I can't have crazy background noise if I can't hear you corly my audience can't hear you what can I do okay I'm just going to move on I I can't deal with that I'll ask you to correct your your situation some people call in from uh the uh wireless headsets and sometimes that causes like Echo and crazy stuff you know take those out and just come straight from the phone and then let's just have that great conversation again I give people more than enough time on my uh program to talk and get their thoughts out there I'm all about connecting with people okay now I can't give everybody like 40 minutes okay I would love to do that but this is a two-hour show okay can't do like 40 minutes uh especially when we have quite a bit of callers so um yeah you know please you know give us your thoughts your takes I generally give everybody five to eight maybe 10 minutes to get their thoughts out there and uh you know I'll move on and again I always give my callers um the last word because I want to hear from you even if I don't agree with your take listen I'm respectful and I want to hear from you okay also when you call in if I don't know you by name uh please know what your area code is because I'm going to call you out by area code I'm never going to say who did this but there was a person that was very upset at one point that thought I had them blocked and thought that I was not trying to answer uh their calls for the show and I said well I that person uh got in contact with me and uh I told them well are you from here they said yeah I said this is your area coding is it and they said said uh I don't know I said this is your area code I just Googled it this is your area code if you're from there so I call your area code out and you never answer so then I move on and they went oh and I said yeah you should know your area code so please know your error code okay because the person was confused they were like that's my ER yes it's your phone not mine okay they were like oh yeah yeah yeah that is my area code yeah yeah well all right so please know your area code um because I'm gonna call you out by your area code if I don't know your name and sometimes even if I do I still call out call you out by area code all right so uh yeah please get involved uh with the show anyway that you can subscribe if you haven't already get involved with everything that we're doing um and again you know I appreciate everybody calls in especially people that call in from work you on your Jackhammer at work uh you know hey wait put down your jack camera go down the street call your boy Joe because I want to hear from you all right but the crazy background noise y'all work I'm going have to move on from you quickly okay so please make sure your background's good call your boy and let's get it in let's let's talk about this team and have a lot of fun oh there's no cursing on my show either okay that's like the Only Rule don't call into my show cursing like crazy I'll get you out of here okay this is YouTube all right YouTube is very sensitive okay even certain names and things I have to stop too you know we can't talk about that either because this is YouTube okay and YouTube is very sensitive I have to you know very sensitive they can you know they can start you and stop you I'm just going to say that okay start you and stop you okay they can put you in drive but they can also put you in park okay so got to be careful with YouTube and I love YouTube so I'm going to you know ride with YouTube and and remain uh in a safe position okay all right be a courteous and astute driver okay so watch it okay no cursing on my show um you know if it's egregious or if I'll move on for you the Savages have seen me I'll hang up on people fast you curse on my show I don't like that all right and also this is a family show old people listen and younger people listen to me as well and I want to make sure everything's good for them so yeah with that said listen please again subscribe call in I go back and forth with people and I really really enjoy uh doing this that's why I continue on doing it salutes to Hawkeye Dicker he says Hawkeye Digger excuse me he says looking forward to this year salutes yeah I'm excited as well man can't wait to go Bri Bri says looking forward to Tuesday show once a week is not enough LBJ I know I know I know okay there's a lot of people that be like Joe you need to have two shows a week what make it happen I'm like bro my schedule is too crazy to do that okay okay I know if I could believe me I would have a show every day okay um but you know we'll see what the future holds maybe one day okay but I know I know I know and I appreciate y'all I'll I'll we'll we'll maybe some in the future okay but you know we gonna keep it rolling and I appreciate you Bri all right I appreciate everybody you know that listens and uh and watches the show okay I know y'all want more I'mma try in the future okay we G to figure it out we going to figure it out all right so Bree salutes always good to see you in the building hyro salutes to you as well he got the toilet emoji in that in the building so salutes JW I see you salutes as well to you wildwave always good to see you in the building um man Holly Jackson salutes and respect to you as well Mac always good to see you in the building too uh J salutes uh gvh always good to see you uh Shogun salutes and respect to you as well my friend Jack Kenna always good to see you in the building Rusty salutes to you as well you know you know what I'm saying dood always good to see you in the building too all right you know uh Sylvia niiko always good to see you in the building as well uh Michael always good to see you salutes to everybody man everybody that comes on by says what's up to your boy and gets involved cam TRL salutes to you as well good to see you in the building too um yeah man so please get involved um I'll let you guys know we also do live watch alongs as well on the show too we watch a game together and um and uh after the games we usually have live radio shows I'll let y'all know if I'll going be able to uh watch the uh the season opener with the Jets I'll let y'all know uh coming soon so uh yeah we have a lot of fun and after the games we do have live radio shows um and those radio show is a hot man so stay tuned for that as well all right and we have a blast here so I got to get out of here my schedule's crazy listen folks be safe okay be safe um um sit down with your friends and your family eat some good food watch some good TV excuse me um eat some good food watch some good TV let the people that you love know that you love them okay it's important to me in my life I hope it's important to you in yours because you never know what can happen man you never know okay you never know so yeah you know please please um let the people that you love know that you love them Cameron says are you going to are you going to week one being here on the West Coast uh as of now uh it's not looking like that no but I'll let y'all know um again if I'm going to be able to uh watch that game with y'all so um yeah salutes to everybody I want to thank everybody um for joining your boy uh I think I'll see y'all Tuesday I'll let y'all know for sure please again follow me across social media subscribe if you haven't already you know hit your boy up the comments I got videos coming all kind of things um so until the next show you folks have a good one peace

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