Published: Oct 27, 2023
Duration: 00:53:23
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: dee eskridge
you know everybody really only racking with you cuz of what you're doing on the field type you know what I'm saying and it's it's a lot of solid people I still got relationship with from high school and stuff like that that very few but it's like they used to you know what I'm saying it was like one of those schools bro to where it was like it was like that that five star type of like that's how they hold themselves so then when me already being black and being different and this and that a lot of what I was doing you feel me like people were like like kind of play with me and I don't think they like knew they was playing with me so I always had to you know what I'm saying like tell you feel like don't play with me like however I express it at that time so then you feel me it was a time to where they they label that is like bullying for me but whole time like you I'm not about to let nobody play with me you know what I'm saying like I'm I'm still that kid you feel mama you feel me [ __ ] gangster you know what I'm saying about to play with me [Music] yo what's going on it's your boy j3 welcome to another episode of out the mud today we got a special guest with us you know one of my main mens you know God is very inspirational current NFL Seattle Seahawk um number one programs number one in your hearts today we got my man D Esco esus what's up my brother yes sir appreciate you having me my man it's crazy bro you know know your third year in the league how does it feel to be living your dream man man it's a it's nothing short of a blessing bro you know it's it's been it's been a crazy process crazy roller coaster you know just the the parts that had to happen you know during the time you know so there been a lot of adversity as well you know but I feel like it's it's making me more of a man e day you know what I'm saying I'm just I'm learning something understanding just this profession cuz as we going to talk about you know it's a it's a lot business boy that's what a lot of people don't really be realiz to you in it you know what I'm saying it's it's real yeah it ain't always good really you know what I'm saying but you know we going to get into it you know so let's take it back man U I'm really interested to hear your story too man like I know bits and pieces but you know I you know kind of Crea this this podcast you know a lot of guys you know in the league you know we got the top notch guys everybody want to get their story with they but what about you know what the 75% of the rest of us you know what I'm saying like that got real stories that don't get the opportunity to share that you know what I'm saying that's why I this podcast and my was originally created for me um to be able to give people that platform you know what I'm saying so like just you know paint your picture of your story how you want it man let's take us back to Mississippi bro that's you know that's something we got to comment let's talk about this Mississippi thing man the Red Dirt man yeah I ain't really just you know outside of outside of my framework really just you know allow somebody to really compr to understand like where I come from like es that's that's so uncommon like you you know not saying that everybody last name is common or nothing like that but it's like I feel like it's like when you hear Esra just like like you think a little bit like you feel different different type of name so you know I never really just got the chance or really just too much wanted to you know so I'm grateful to be able to share that on share that on on the podcast man but yeah yeah man it's been it's crazy you know I'm I'm originally from Mississippi went on to Mississippi dwan you know all my peoples um you know grew up there from my grandmothers to her mother well my grandmother she was from um Louisiana so that's where that's where that started and then um we made our way to one Ona Mississippi so you know it was just you know it's a small town you know it's probably like 10,000 people you know not very many jobs you know just to if you know about Mississippi you understand the typical you know drive through town is one of the yeah yeah you know for sure so yeah just in that in that small little town it's just crazy how much love culture and just you know I feel like it's just a different part of world and that we don't really realize how much world is really outside of that you know I saw yeah you know I still see some of the the ogs and older ones still there and it's like it's so much more world not saying you had a bad Life by any means but it's just crazy that it's like them four walls that that's all you know you know what I'm saying so that's why that's why it's a blessing you know what I'm saying being in my position to be able to start there boom here boom here boom here to end up you know where the 1centers are different that clay you feel me out that real Red Dirt you know what I'm saying so so I was um I did I did a year kindergarten um you know all my people you know we from the country you know we all we all country boys country all that stuff um so I think it was Kindergarten the year kindergarten I was in kindergarten um the the crazy thing is my uncle he had he had met this this lady from Indiana she was from W bash Indiana you know doing her thing young just ended up going on the Run just being you know a typical kid that really ready to take take that risk you know what I'm saying so she ended up in Mississippi she actually met my mom you know what I'm saying before she met my uncle so it was just a crazy like coincidence you know what I'm saying really it's just God it's not even coincidence God so then um you know for my understanding um she then met my uncle you know what I'm saying just natural and then I guess they they hit it off you know they they feeling each other doing that thing so then you know nothing transpired my mama end up going to Florida so then some type of way from Mississippi um the girl from Indiana ends up in Florida too they cross PA again you know what I'm saying so boom so they connect this time and then they go back to Mississippi so then CU my uncle like really hitting it off and out doing they thing so this this knucklehead [ __ ] M you feel my uncle this [ __ ] he crazy you feel me so whole time he on house arrest you know what I'm saying it's clear that she about to go back to IND you know I'm saying she out here 16 you know I'm saying whatever age they was you know I'm saying at the time so this [ __ ] he going he going to hop in the whip cut the band off throw it out the window you feel me so he on the run out to um to Indiana so you feel me they go out there you feel me and this love is is completely different you feel me it's basically like Mississippi everything that was bubbled up there to like you know what I'm saying us only seeing Our Kind you know I'm saying black people every body family pretty much you know what I'm saying until now being in Indiana and it's pretty much the same thing just different people did what they look like you know what I'm saying there more white people now so now we got to you know what I'm saying cuz once he settled in and saw the opportunity you know what I'm saying he wanted my mom to come up there one his nephews so I was the first one to go up there and then my grandmother came up there we went together um so we stayed up there when I was just young and then you know what I'm saying my my mama came my brother came her boyfriend like stuff like that so now we got a whole little pool of eses in Indiana you know what I'm saying crazy you feel you know what I'm saying so so boom so them they stay in W bash for a little bit of time and then we go to blon you know what I'm saying to reside there and I I just remember like being young just like just seeing everything you know I always been a weird type of just type of person you know know what I'm saying so like I'm seeing like early like how old you is around this time it was Kindergarten slide and I did another year kindergarten you feel I'm you know what I'm saying really learning the road then so yeah you feel me like just just noticing everything and then you know I'm saying just where I come from you know I'm saying just like our peop you know I'm saying somebody going to be in the game you know what I'm saying so I saw my people's transition from doing it the trying to do it the legal way way to try to do it the right way they not working going back and forth so I'm seeing all that and then I'm seeing that it ain't all the way like that over you know what I'm saying with these kids you know I'm saying it was so different you know I'm saying I'm in school with a 100 ones that's iron you know what I'm saying in my kindergarten you know what I'm saying I had a I had a Bottom Grill you feel me kindergarten time going to school you know what I'm saying so I'm just I'm just peeping everything but still being a kid at the same time you know what I'm saying so yeah buto just just noticing it was a lot of little little stuff that I remember but going on to the to the made of the story you feel me um it was like fifth grade I started playing football in fifth grade you started off straight at tackle um y that's crazy bro I I I ain't played tackle till like seventh grade for real swear I've been play I played flags from four years old all way to seventh grade my dad play T I got seven grade I ain't going Li I'm do the same thing with my kids yeah I like that for real like you you got think if you can't pull my flag you d a tackle me exactly you know what I'm saying Ain going need going take all that for the on the body you know what I'm saying so no need for all that young yeah always be like D I wish I always wanted to play tackle like as you know peew and all that but I didn't get the chance to fact so boom feel greatest when you start playing Straight Out The Gate playing tackle mm y you feel me but like you feel like I always like Marvin here I really like the coach but I was in Indiana so some of the goats like you feel like Reggie Wayne pton man like them boys I used to watch them I'm like bro I can do this you know what I'm saying you feel I remember me and my brother we was in kindergart we told my grandmother you feel I was like I'm going to the NFL you know what I'm saying kindergarten you feel me my brother he like I'm going to the NBA so you feel me so then like from that point forward you feel me like I had that it was just different bro cuz I see like like kids now and is just like they kind of fall into football because it's kind of it's cool you feel me like I was I was young and I was like bro like this what I'm doing actuated with that you know what I'm saying I'm I was the same way when I was I wanted to do and I just committed my life to that you feel me the day I remember the day uh the day um they had we had would and picked up our PS and all that stuff and BR soon as we got to the crib I put everything on I probably did 100 Sprints up down just doing you feel me like this just crazy stuff you know what I'm saying like that's how much I was in love with that [ __ ] bro so then you feel me fifth grade and like now you got to think too you feel we the we these ises in this community we like bro like is at this time it was run grocery store you know what I'm saying like the downtown look kind of like it just looked old you know what I'm saying you understand that it just moved on moved on move kind of like Mississippi about say I about say you sound like you describing Mississippi just in another place you feel me so then it's like the just like the same thing no resources you know what I'm saying like the the people that was successful everybody pretty much did the same stuff in that Community you know what I'm saying so I'm this little I'm this little boy you feel me with number 53 playing running back I'm I'm this boy that's doing stuff that d never seen before it's clear to see before I remember bro you know what I'm saying fifth grade bro was like Midway through the season bro I got to you know what I'm saying mess around my grades being a kid not doing what I'm supposed to do man mama she she was not going for that she sat me out that game but I got up you know I'm saying I don't even remember what I did but I talked in to let me play bro you know what I'm saying go to the go to the game I think I was like u i it it was a lot of game had passed before I got there I know it was like probably like the halfway mark or something like that so I'm running on the field bro my helmet in my hand why everybody get up and get the Clapping what's came back you feel so like I'm talking about like the other team too bro like we was playing I think it was it was Southern WS you feel me like a little another even smaller school you know what I'm saying so we but everybody bu up and got the Clapping like to this day that's probably one of the craziest things that I we tell people you know what I'm saying like being a little a little kid I'm 53 running on there not even knowing what they they standing up for I'm thinking all ball I'm going to get in the game I'm not worried about none of that yeah bro I think it's crazy like even like you know what I'm saying we we've been blessed to play at the highest level but like still your finders memories always go back to where you first started like yeah bro like started playing the game like it's cool like like you would think playing in front of like thousands and playing on TV like it's exciting and it's like yeah like that's what you want but like even when you doing it you still always go back to like like high school like I always run it back to high school bro like that's some of my best times playing the game you like pure fun like pure love like no no tainted on it that's what I going to say that freeness you feel me was all free we w't worry about this we w't worry about that you feel me it was straight ball straight who going to be the going to come out you know I'm saying now like this level SL a whole lot of other stuff got you got to play your cards correct it ain't just about all times yeah it it ain't just about ball yeah so boom so boom right so little Le popped off now you at the high school I know that was crazy though yeah yeah it was crazy bro you know I'm saying I'm I'm out of high school with like I think we had at the time it was probably like 500 kids at the whole High School the whole high school that's crazy I think I had like 90 kids 80 or 90 kids in my class and like at that you feel when I graduated that was like that was like a lot of kids yeah you feel that was more than normal so then that's even like the even crazier things that I feel like that that's why people like cherish those times and in high school that that they was able to see me because that's like they know you like it's like a generational thing like you feel me like I know for a fact that God bless me to be the person that came through this high school and changed like everything you feel me like it it was crazy bro you know what I'm saying I ain't even at the time I ain't even realize it I was just being a kid you know what I'm saying thinking it was this and that you feel me mind just where it was at the time but like looking back on it now buto it's it's crazy like what got position me to do you know what I'm saying of what I've been able to do just by you feel me trusting that that voice in my head and it's always been God the whole you feel me it's crazy yeah I I be I be thinking about it too bro like it's like time give you is the best like you know when when time go by and you get to like look back like Dam that's what I was for I went through all of that because of now you know what I'm saying when you get to it it be like damn like you would think you would want to something different you had a chance to but 10 times out of 10 bro I would went way than what I had went through and I had to go through a long treacherous road to get where I was at you know what I'm saying and like sitting back today just looking back and I still do it again 10 times over feel because it really shape you and mold you to like who you really is as a person to your court you know what I'm saying for the better for real for real and so what like recruiting was for you coming out of like to being in such a small school bro it wasn't no recruiting for for real I remember you feel like freshman year I had got a letter from uh Minnesota and I was like [ __ ] I I put that in the picture frame you know what I'm saying like I read that letter you feel me and I was like it was crazy but really bro like like like I was I was all I always been a crazy athlete like I you feel me like I jumped to 217 and eighth grade long jump running 108 you feel eighth grade stuff like that but I never really like believed I was going to do anything outside of what I'm seeing what my people's doing so you feel me I was I was [ __ ] off bro I wasn't worried about no school I show up when I showed up you feel me um like stuff like that but I didn't really take that J serious it's crazy you feel me cuz I told you when I first got my P you know what I'm saying the love that I had like then going to freshman year you know what I'm saying like I was kind of at a point to where like I ain't really even like know myself so I was you feel I was just doing anything that I thought you feel me like either help me fit in cuz you feel I'm I'm the only black kid in the school my little brother he in he in eth grade you feel me so I'm trying to be myself but that's look that is that you know what I'm saying so then now I'm putting all that on me like you feel me it's like damn like you feel me like I ain't fit I'm this star athlete but I ain't fitting in like you got like thumb you feel me like and then you feel me like I know a lot of the you know everybody really only rcking with you cuz of what you doing on the field type you know what I'm saying and it's it's a lot of solid people I still got relationship with from high school and stuff like that that very few but it's like they used to you know what I'm saying it was like one of those schools bro to where it was like it was like that that five star type of like that's how they hold themselves so and then with me already being black and being different and this and that a lot of what I was doing you feel me like people like like kind of play with me and I don't think they like knew they was playing with me so I always had to you know what I'm saying like tell you feel like don't play with me like however I express it at that time so then you feel me it was a time to where they they label that is like bullying for me but whole time I'm like you feel I'm not about to let nobody play with me you know what I'm saying like I'm I'm still that kid you feel mama you can feel me [ __ ] was gangster you know what I'm saying you not about to play with me go like I'm the first Offspring you feel me like that a so then you feel me it it was a lot of back and forth you feel me like one of the things that I regret most bro is that like I allowed that to like create an internal War you feel me like within myself because you feel I'm a black kid in this school feel me either talking like this or not talking like that and then being a we at the same time it's like I really lost myself so I Ain really even care about ball or nothing like that I'm like BR I'm not going to do I'm not College wasn't even we don't even say that word like we not even talking about nothing like that so then you feel me like sophomore year I'm um still doing my thing you feel me starting freshman all you want to do that W [ __ ] and then sophomore year kept it going but my graze is terrible you playing receiver all this time running back running back only running back and uh safety and just returns and all I was a kicker [ __ ] I was I did everything you feel me other than receiver that's the only thing that I really didn't do um so then you feel me like he had just he had just pushed me in the room one day bro I'm out there being a kid in the hall with W he pushed me in the room buto he was like like like it was just crazy bro he like he looked at me and he was like do you want to do the same thing that your people you feel me that your family is doing or do you want to do something different you know I'm saying like you like however he however he put it but it was long story short is like do you want to be the same person that your peoples are do you want to go to college do you want to make a difference you know what I'm saying W wo and like that day bro it's like really one of them days that changed my life bro I be calling that day the crossroads bro you feel me cuz everybody that's why I feel like you know a lot of people like you know what I'm saying like really Vibe with me like that for real cuz like you know my story got put on a on a platform but like it's like my story is just not about football our story not just about football it's a life story like it's going to be a point in time where life going to make you stop and you either going go left or you go right right then there ain't no more straight I call I call that the crossroad right there yeah that was definitely my Crossroad all you feel from that that point forward you know he just he held me accountable bro you know what I'm saying made sure cuz I had like when I started getting recruited it was probably like junior year you feel my thing um it was yeah it was it was Western Michigan you feel me they had came in and was just showing love you know I'm saying I could tell you feel me how much they wanted me I like my my high school coach to could too and they was really bonding with with my family and stuff you feel me so I almost looked at these people like like a family almost but I had a 17 GPA I wasn't about to make no type of cut you feel me of playing no time soon yeah so like so then like it's crazy cuz my recruiter was Mike Hart the running back you feel from Michigan you know what I'm saying he was my recruiter I was going in as a running back so you feel me they just devised this plan bro to where I couldn't get nothing lower than a b you feel me I had to go to summer school I had to make a whole lot of sacrifices early that like another one of them Crossroad moments but more so doing it or not doing it being a kid it would have been real easy to not doing that like like what I sacrific bro you feel me like I stopped being a kid I grew up right then yeah you got you feel me because I start I started to see you know I'm saying what my life could be and I still where I'm at right now I was still looking right here yeah you know what I'm saying so but that was way better than what we come from so then you feel me like right then I just bro like I was in the crib I wasn't doing nothing I wasn't really messing with no girls you know what I'm saying like I was in the crib I was watching movies I was working out in my room doing whatever I had to do you know what I'm saying I'm back to that feeling of the first day that I got my PS oh yeah we locked in you know what I'm saying so I'm back to that mode so I did that and it was crazy bro you know what I'm saying like um doing all the sports you feel because I was I would miss the Indiana track and field too you know what I'm saying so I was um I was 200 at long jump yeah I won I won a 200 and 100 and was in the two uh 213 State I got I ran a 214 but I got fifth Florida State yeah Florida different five got me fifth as a Junior M but I R against two Olympians my bra you know if I would have took that that's really what I wanted to do bro if I would have took like my grades more serious and track serious bro that I really could have did something that long jum bro cuz I my coach was teaching me off YouTube and I'm dring 204 you YouTube teach a b anything anything BR so she got the video coaching me you feel me it's just crazy bro so yeah man so I so I just handled all all that you know what I'm saying and then I stuck I stuck by Western Michigan cuz uh Syracuse Mike har he ended up going to Syracuse so they came in the offer and then um IU they came in the offer um and this was like like PJ fit I don't know if you know much about PJ F yeah he was just a crazy A crazy ass coach in college bro like really had like like coach shook like you couldn't recruit PJ flicks like recruits and he was in the m mhm you know what I'm saying had real weight behind his name so everybody got a do like like offers like unofficially you know what I'm saying because they know what type of dude Fleck is this and that so then you feel me I was getting them offers but the whole time like bro like you feel I'm not about to go to no bigger school just to go like you feel me like the like he ended up leaving but you feel we talked about it but like you feel me he told my momma like to her face while I was in there before all this social media stuff got the cracking and stuff like that you know what I'm saying like just understood the story understood where we come from and he was like you know I'm saying I'm always going to take care of D and like right then I was like like I felt that sh a had no Daddy you feel my mom raised five kids by herself you know what I'm saying like doing this and that at that time I was like bro I'm not going nowhere else yeah you know what I'm saying he ended up leaving my second year but feel as time went on you know I'm saying I forgave bro you feel talked about it and that to me that's real bro I ain't going to lie cuz a lot of them coaches really just be doing that for you know what I'm saying their pockets their family and stuff that but be able to have that conversation with you on the back end like that's real bro that's real you feel me and that's rare yeah facts you feel me and then like he couldn't talk to me either you feel me during the time so you feel I'm obviously my fresh year I'm going through we just R the mat Championship we was in a cotton ball it's crazy bro you know what I'm saying so then you feel me when he ended up leaving I felt that you know what I'm saying but growing up during the process you feel me I was able to just understand right you feel me so we backtrack a little bit but yeah um yeah I handled all that bro stuck with stuck with Western Michigan bro you feel me and I I able to play freshman year you know what I'm saying went up there had a crazy camp like I look like one of them one of them dudes like yeah he not supposed to be here he in the M he supposed to be somewhere El you know what I'm saying so going through that bro you feel me did my thing you know I'm saying then got a high ankle sprain like last week of uh a training camp and it just set me back crazy bro you know what I'm saying so then dealing with that you know what I'm saying came back had a touchdown a little little you feel me a little little work that season but you feel me then going into the next season um fleg them have left so now you know I'm saying and then the whole time I'm not even like the NFL is so big to me that I'm not even thinking that I'm even one of them you know what I'm saying I'm just making sure I do everything I can do right this boat mov you feel me so I'm not even thinking in that field so then going in the sophomore year you know what I'm saying losing our coach and then they bring in Tim Lester and he just and we had some like like like bro we was damn near like the Bama of the M bro we had [ __ ] all over the place that was not supposed to be there like you feel me like Cory Davis Taylor Molton he the he the offensive lineman for the Panthers Darius Phillips you know what I'm saying DP um Jamar ban Levante Bellamy um who else what is it uh G uh go Richie you know what I'm saying like it's probably like 12 dudes bro you feel me in the M on one team and on one year yeah that's you feel me that's why freshman year you feel me we was ranked like I think it was like 12 in the country in the M rememberest Mich like that you feel me going to the coton ball it's crazy bro you feel I'm going through it because it's hard you know what I'm saying cuz the reason for that you feel we had to put a lot of work in you know what I'm saying but I was going through but just like living through that bro like a movie right you feel I'm doing stuff to my people that never did so then sophomore you we lose that coach then 10 Le to come in he just he don't know how to handle that like we went from a ma championship team to only losing Corey t- Mo Taylor molon the quarterback you know what I'm saying and then like other other couple pieces but we had everybody for replacement great replacement you feel me and we just tanked that next season we kept on doing that so then as far as the league we just we trying to make sure we get some tape right we getting Burger bro we 60 to zero no way like you feel me in the M bro you feel me losing to Ohio so then you feel we going through all that stuff bro you feel but the people that was there bro was special bro like my teammates and bro I'm probably locked in with like nine people that's like my real brothers that I talk to every day and how uncommon that is is crazy that's what make it most special I ain't really t a lot of boys I play with you know what I'm saying I'm talking about thiso you feel me like it's rare bro it's real rare So then you feel we we just trying to stay afloat bro you feel me but we like we not tapped in to a whole another working mindset though like ain't nobody in the world I don't give a damn worked harder than we did bro from the end of my sophomore year to [ __ ] I got drafted nobody I don't give a damn what you was doing you feel me like what we was doing and you feel me all the Blood Sweat and Tears we put into that bro boy a point you feel me so then Bo so now I'm getting older mature more wiser just out of nowhere I'm getting reading books you feel me I'm eating right and this all self-inflicted I'm starting this on my own so then now you feel me I'm really coming up with plans how I'm going to do this how I'm going to do this and then you feel me like St the guy and I'm like bro like every step that I see that I was supposed to take I know put on paper this and that I'm achieving it so then boom now the NFL is all is real that touch you feel me so then boom uh junior year had a good season you know I'm saying um but I was getting a lot of bad reviews though like from scouts and [ __ ] cuz I was a h head I was out there scrapping you feel me like I I was a [ __ ] that blocked I whatever it was you feel I was doing the dirty you feel me so I was doing a lot of that so everybody thought I was like emotional you know that tag you feel me they put on you they just don't understand the passion you still playing R right receiv okay yeah receiving okay yeah so but still had that mentality yeah was trying to call D you feel me so then boom so going through that you feel me like they was like seven round undrafted my junior year so then you feel me it was crazy bro so then the best EX in the room the dog Anon Curtis you feel me the dog they it was two of our teammates they got hit with like Title Nine you feel me girl said they raped it didn't do it so they went all the way down kick them off Team all that went let them back even though it was factual that it didn't happen they was just doing some crazy stuff so then boom we had the crib you know what I'm saying they called bro they were like um how you feel about going the corner I'm like what you feel me I'm over there like what you mean you feel but it's talking to broke so then you feel me they painted that picture they like this was a time bro where some of the coaches was on that staff like they was so good with knowing what they needed to do like all the you feel me just knowing us black kids they not saying that it's by race or any means but you understand how like that flame up on you know what I'm saying so B so they done talk bro into doing that which he did great at you know what I'm saying but he went there so then boom um junior year so yeah so then Bo so during that camp they had hit me and I still don't know if it's factual bro they had hit me talking about yeah the Kansas City Scout um he saying they love you at receiver they love everything about you a woop but they really want to love you at corner they said if you move the corner you know what I'm saying you you get drafted you can do this you can do that so you feel me this going into my true Senior Year brother my true senior year that [ __ ] they always to put athletes I get why I definitely get why bro from the time I wed there Florida state every D quar at every single College I went to try put me at corner I'm like bro I'm nice at quarterback you feel everyone try to put what I get into the lead playing corner it's crazy I never play defense a day of my life bro playing cor bro that's wild every College DC that I played for Florida State Auburn fa all them wanted me to play cor that's crazy bro so [ __ ] all right boom so now you seen yeah they hit you with the like the corner [ __ ] go ahead yeah so yeah so see year we that hit me with that with that that corner talk you know what I'm saying I bro I'm off the rip I'm like bro I'm about to get up out of here here I I feel me like I'm a person that the ball in my hand you know what I'm saying but then it's a Time buto which is crazy that it made me feel old what I'm about to say but it was a time to where you couldn't just get up out of the school you either had to sit out that year trying to told you you feel me you feel me like [ __ ] I I saw like you feel I heard stories about people not playing football again because they tried to change their situation so then I'm like bro I'm old bro you feel me like is it's a whole lot going on bro so you feel me so then boom I was like I just made a decision bro I was like man if I keep on trying to fight this force with Force I'm not going to get the ball I'm not going to go to the league bro or you feel me a going to have a equal shot you feel me so then I was like boom you feel me just kept on putting that both way player in that ear you feel me like doing offense you feel me cuz I would you I doing my thing on offense so then boom we get this coach um coach Adams man that's one of the best coaches I ever had in my life bro he kind of taught me how to be a man you feel me and how to be a corner cuz I was this physical alert and crazy athletic you know what I'm saying but I didn't know how to be no corner so then he taught me that bro and then bro I I dove in I was you feel me I was going crazy you feel me like from the physicality to [ __ ] you don't you know not to throw over there you know what I'm saying like all of that so then getting nice bro and then during that season um the Seattle Scout he was um he was coming to the practices and all that stuff bro they he he love he loved me bro we was chopping it up and he happened to be on family with my business manager so we just built a relationship not even knowing that you feel me made it that much more pure so then realistically like Seattle was kind of all in on me on drafting me at corner for for real like what I was doing so then boom go through the season feel me first game do my thing had like eight tackles you feel me pass breakups all that you feel me on to the next one you feel me did my thing you feel me up until game four at uh Syracuse and this a game you feel me like we in the M every big game we get that that's draft tape you feel me that's draft tape so then you feel me I'm [ __ ] that was about to be the craziest game of my life bro so then boom um do my thing on the series on defense then I'm on offense more so I think I got like four targets three catches you feel me and then my last catch bro was a it was a slot fade so so all them games you going both ways yeah they they really Wen messing with me bro like bro the camp like I got tap bro every time I was changing my jersey from black to white and going on offense and bro we was 15 for 15 out of all my rips that receiver bro going crazy in Camp and then I'm going right back to the dark side locking up strapping up you feel me so it was just the the head man one trying to you feel me it was it it was it was just a lot of just butt and heads bro you feel me so then boom so now Syracuse you feel me I had my dream of year I had I think eight catches for 240 two t you know what I'm saying so it's known when we play Syracuse feel me that that's my game you know what I'm saying so then boom I go in there with that mindset bro catch a slot fade it's for like the 50 ball you know what I'm saying catch it over the right shoulder I'm still in DB mind I see somebody running instead of running to the touchdown bro I'm boom run through this [ __ ] chest so then boom I he doing that but all our Force go to the ground bro shatter my collone so I got a bar and five screws and uh in my my collone and stuff shattered it so then boom you feel me like I know it's bro so then I get in the locker room bro and I'm like bro it's over with you know that b hit you like you feel me so I just called up bro I'm talking about soon as he said you feel me hello like he already knew bro I just bu I just started crying bro I'm like it's over with bro so then boom so by the buy another one of God steps buto I had like I think it was the last quarter possible for me to red shirt cuz I was a true so then boom I got my red shirt boom that right there that's a opportunity for DX I'm going to take that handled all that rehab went into spring uh Spring ball went to coach and was like I'm not no DB you feel me I'm playing [ __ ] talking about so he couldn't do nothing but respect the and I'm old here this my fifth year I'm not about to do you know what I'm saying so then boom we back at it like nothing changed you know what I'm saying natural all that Co hit now we done you feel me like you feel me they talking about it ain't going to be no season and it was like that for like 3 4 months you know what I'm saying so now I'm like bro it's over with you know what I'm saying but the whole time bro I was working like I was going to the league I still to this day don't know why you know what I'm saying I was in Milwaukee with my shorty and I was just I was grinder bro you feel me every day like you feel me it was my last type you feel I knew what I was shooting for and then they came out of said we had six games bro I think every game I had over 100 except for Eastern and that's because they bracketed me so every everywhere I went I had to you feel me it was over with but [ __ ] like special teams the block and like everything somebody could have wanted in the receiver that draft year it was ders you feel me like the hype went crazy bro you feel me so I went from breaking breaking my collar bone and already being seven rounds to undrafted even before then break my collar bone you feel me then I was going to come out that year because I was like bro I'm not about to deal with these [ __ ] you feel me put me at corner put me at defense doing all that so I'm like bro I'm going just go on here get my shot I'm a hungry dog you feel me and a hungry dog is a dangerous dog to you feel me so I'm I'm hungry so I was going to take that step and I wouldn't care if I got drafted drafted so then boom uh you feel me that voice in my head again it was like finish this out you feel me so I get my degree finished it out you know what I'm saying and then that next year bro handle that handle my business Bro went second round 56 bro 57 like bro like that's that's unheard of bro I ain't going to lie bro it's always been like the one dream I ain't never get experience like hear my name called D they always like pcture that but how is that feeling bro you went to the draft or you did at the crib I was at the crib cuz of the co stuff still you feel me so that's what I was about to say like my my experience was just a little different so I just got a B&B in Michigan you feel me just had my people slide and then we was just there you feel me it was like you feel me but I was like you feel me like I wanted that experience of walking across the stage too that's something you feel me as everybody a get that everybody especially where I went to like people would have still been watching the draft right you went to the combine no they have combine that did all pro days that year no dang yeah that's crazy we did do senior ball though and I went C you feel me went crazy in senior ball then my third so you got to dra the second round buty people don't know you get drafted on first three rounds you pretty much they they really [ __ ] with you you know what I'm saying really locked in for at least a good three to at least four to five show for show that's that's the organization committing committing to you and then it's Getting Thinner and thinner BR these organizations they going to throw you some cheese it's going to hurt but they ain't really tripping they trying like they trying to replace and get it for a cheaper place the business but it's really like the Seahawks bro like it's a crazy love bro no matter what happened you feel me from this time forward you feel me like whatever I ain't even going to speak I have I'm have major love for them BR because just I don't even think we got enough time to talk about what I not been through during the league but just what I not been through me not producing you know what I'm saying me being hurt me just everything you know what I'm saying everything that's happened I always showed up I always respected everybody and I was always grateful and I tell them that you feel for drafting me you feel me so they see the potential is just this another one of them times where God he I'm in the eye of the storm you know what I'm saying and I I see my way out now it's been 3 years and I'm just not seeing that light ain't even ain't even surrounded by light yet I just see the light you know what I'm saying so now you feel me like once I once I handle this little injury bro and I tap back in week seven like I you I love that that that back against the wall that's how I got drafted exactly six game stretch right there I'm I'm not I'm not playing bro you know what I'm saying I ain't going to lie Seattle was my first it's crazy cuz like you were number one and when I went to Seattle that was my first like I I had you know I went undrafted so that was my first rookie mini C when I went seatt they had receiver in DB and I had number one you know what I'm saying so that was my first like and my first time back ping all all that but just being at seatt BR did not want to leave after those days they sign me bro tell you the whole vibe like the practice the energy pee like tell you like being around the league a little bit I think everybody know if you been through Seattle ain't nothing like that in the league for real like that atmosphere and that V it make you want to go to work every day every day bro and make it that much you feel me easy yeah boy used to tell me about this [ __ ] all the time like I know y'all was Locker mates and [ __ ] yeah and like but he's tell me like he he spent most of his time that even in offseason before come down to Fort L he spent most of the time up there and I know why cuz bro like that place a Vibe bro it's a Vibe and he need a pie too that Cra Crazy wild for it was wild BR but um yeah bro we we was definitely locked in bro he was one you feel cuz I was I was a rookie bro I'm going do it bro I don't know how to tell nobody I'm going through it though you feel me so I always and then during the time you know saying um AK you feel I call AK but um I mean AC AC uh so yeah you feel me I just be there with his lock stuff and I be like man I'll just give him a little nugget and we'll just rap bro like I'm talking about we'll just rap he'll give me game about either what he going through you know what I'm saying I can't tell him what I'm going through bro but I don't really know what I'm going through you feel me I'm just I'm I'm so new bro I feel worse than than a out the don't know what to do how to walk right nothing you feel me drop the bag on your lap figure it out but this this this done and that's the like going into that bro it's like one like everything that I could have ever wanted in my life I got in one year and with that being said bro like that just like that bro not even a year for real like that you know what I'm saying but at the same time bro [ __ ] got man but it's been this been the worst 3 Years bro you know what I'm saying that that I feel like I know went through but just with the but just with everything bro just understanding how to be a man bro like it's like it's a real price to pay like you feel me when you when you get everything you want and then you just got to be a sponge in the league bro feel cuz when you come in bro it ain't it ain't necessarily about what you about to do it's it's kind of how you about to handle it cuz I feel like everybody know in the league and the people that's been a part of it the league is not sweet bro you got to use your brain and your body all day bro staying awake at meons is exhausted and you know but it's because like that's what people don't realize but like you so tired cuz it's an interview from the time you walk in that building to the time you get home you got to be a ner you that out of Sky don't lie they bunch of them [ __ ] around that building you heard they see any everything and you knowing that you walking around on your P CU all day no slip UPS like bro it's somebody outside well mind you they bringing in about 15 people every Tuesday to try to take somebody's spot so it's like bro you you seeing the people come in and out you your dog might be gone they got somebody in his same Jersey same locker 20 minutes later like pain like [ __ ] can't even say bye that [ __ ] be in and KN so boy you st and anybody can get it anybody and we in the age now where that like where that drafted if you really show that you ain't the person that they thought they they they the dice on you feel me cuz like at the end day no matter how much they love you they going to choose themselves before they choose you for sure you know what I'm saying I understand that you know what I'm saying to a to a big degree that's why I said I really respect the the Seahawks bro cuz they you know what I'm saying like I I'm I'm not a I'm not the the type of person that's about to sit here and tell you everything that I know what I'm about to do I ain't never been that type of person right but the Seahawks know that you know what I'm saying and that's and it's just like a respect thing bro you know what I'm saying like is like I said bro whatever happen nobody knows what the future is but whatever happens bad or good I always respect the Seahawks bro they got my my tip top yeah you know what I'm saying more than 90% of the people in the world yeah so and know and having just a small taste of that bro like that [ __ ] genuine for sure you feel me so now I'm in a mode to where like I I'm an alpha you feel I'm attacking everything I'm doing you know what I'm saying work ain't going to never find me you feel wo woo you know what I'm saying so I always feel like I handle my business so you know what I'm saying like the the seaw you know I'm saying they got to love that because I always shown that and they know what I got in the tank you know what I'm saying that's just God every not not that poor I say everybody's experience in the league nobody's is the same like certain people learn slower certain people learn faster you know what I'm saying certain people understand the feel of the game certain people don't you know what I'm saying just with time required so now I feel like I'm in a situation where you know what I'm saying like I'm able to be grounded I see everything that's going on around me you know what I'm saying talking about not necessarily just on the field and the facility and life you feel me like you feel me like a pro they always say be a pro be a pro now you know what like understand that it ain't it ain't just words and that's everybody learning curve bro everybody go through that when they get first get in the leag cuz it ain't bro it it it turn from a passion to like this is how I survive facts like everybody else get to go to a 9 and5 everybody else you know what I'm saying you show up late your boss might let it slide but you show up late that's going to cost you probably like 10 bans right then yeah bro so like you know it it make you grow up right now cuz life could change tomorrow and that's the thing like you know what I'm saying one day you might be here in Tampa the next day you might be living in Seattle just like that you got to pick up move and go right then and there right then and there bro and that's is but it's still being in the 1% that's what I'm saying you feel that's the that's the price that come with it I understand that but this is it's crazy to see bro yeah ain't no other profession other job in the world like it bro cuz I'm I saw people mess up this same stuff in practice do it in the preseason game or a my game and they gone like you know what I'm saying I understand it's a little process to not regular job but top top 10% of jobs in the world is still not that mental physical bro like that's that's what I want people to understand most about the NFL is that just think about it imagine you got to be wired naturally from Mind Body Spirit everything to do your job on game day and practice to work your crap every day bro like even on your off day is you feel me your time your life is committed to it ain't just you know what I'm saying it's going to expose itself yeah bro if you cheating or whatever you doing it's going to show up and then that one time it might be all it need you might be jobless J bro man D dog appreciate you coming on chopping it up with us out the mud bro you know week seven you know I'm Locked In Tune in can't wa to see what you do with it you know wish you uh healthy season rest of the season bro wish you blessings and bro you know continue to make your dreams come true and prove people wrong bro that's so the motivation behind all this you know what I'm saying wrong Pro yourself right most definely yeah man I appreciate you having me bro bro stay tuned week s yeah man we s you know out the mud y'all like comment subscribe hit us up let us know who you want to see us interview next appreciate y'all it's your boy j3 we [Music] out