Nigel vs. Bryan, AEW Grand Slam, Fox, WWE on USA, CMLL, TNA, MLW | Spotlight: "Sunday Bloody Sunday"

Published: Sep 15, 2024 Duration: 02:30:51 Category: Sports

Trending searches: aew grand slam 2024
STORY of the Yes Movement on GRAPPL Patreon hello and welcome to another weekend Spotlight here on grapple I'm Beno and I'm JP we Another Sunday JP feels weird here live with our patrons and uh and YouTube members no pre-show that'll be on on Tuesday with our uh our next Dealers Choice which we'll uh get into in a little bit and no weekend show this week either so yeah feels a bit odd to to chat in on a Sunday to uh to catch up we're call it a a weekend Spotlight it's like an amalgamation between the two just to uh settle ourselves back on on course after a bit of a lopsided schedule this month yeah exactly it's uh it's always slightly unusual not doing like one of our like patreon shows not on a Sunday and swapping it around for a spot but I'm liking it mate I won't lie we need a theme don't we like what's what's an equivalent to party all the time that's like cuz party all the time gets you excited for the weekend and it's like the weekend's over by the time we get to Spotlight it's kind of like the week's about to begin is there an equivalent song we can use or are they all just very depressing I don't know that's the problem I was just immediately thinking that they would be quite Bleak songs wouldn't they that we end up that we end up using and I don't like I I I don't know I'm trying to think of something Sunday Bloody Sunday M describes the great Sunday you know well got the car Sunday Bloody Sunday exactly encaps encapsulates the frustrations of a Sunday um but no most Sundays I'd be like quite morose almost Intro, Plugs, ⁠JP’s Dealer’s Choice thinking about work going into the weekend but as people can guess by not only only my attire for video viewers and the backdrop on here I'm all right today I feel ask how weekend was I think it 10 out it was good mate seem it was a busy weekend I'll talk about it more on the pre-show was refereeing two under eight under eight I go what refereeing refereeing mate I was there was a all I'll say is I'll say a shocking amount of needle going on really is call it down the middle did you get it did did you Dad telling you what to do I want to know everything what was mate I had my stepson bollocking me I had Harry bollocking me on the pitch and I was like don't otherwise I would and I thought I don't really want to be the person who sends off a seveny old but like that's the that you're backing me into a corner here like there was yes so there was that there was a show that we went to uh I want more on that I want more on did you have to did you have to deal with the dads that's what I want to know with with they angry dads and moms on the on the sidelines no it was in the main I was lucky gone away with it like the uh Wantage Town FC uh coaches and uh and parents were generally in the main all right because they do two games at that level you see one's like a proper one's like a league game 20 minutes and one where they just Chase around the ball in into different Corners I see I mean as someone who'll be going to football training tomorrow that's that's the thing they're trying to drill out of them is like get into space get into position passing down the lines and stuff like that and sometimes they just don't buy it they're just all ball chase after they end up tackling each other and then you could just see the coaches getting frustrated of whom Football dad is one of the coaches as well so he like he would get massively frustrated by it but yeah we we we had we had it was a busy weekends um for that and that was but it was it was good because I was fearing the worst I was fearing like am I going to end up being like basically chased off the pitch by like an angry group of parents that didn't happen I thought that was fine it wasn't I wasn't the most professional as I ran off to Vicki um at points when they were like when it was Hal time like coffee coffee and a vape I mean bring it back to like 1920s 1930s attitude football it was but it was a it was and and the Sun was shining which I know now at this point is pissing it down but it was like so managed to avoid all of that so yeah I uh overall generally a success and one I don't have to repeat for a little while yet I've done my stint and I got away quite lightly some of the other DS won't be as lucky because I've seen honestly it is that bad it gets underrates football you get some of the angriest people on the touch line like they're sometimes you can see some really like Jesus they turn it's like they're treating like it's a [ __ ] Galatasaray away or something the problem like the late 90s it can get bad yeah that's better than getting like you get you have that turn that come up where you got to be the on to wash the kits that's not as much fun but yeah being the man in the middle Tommy young as a a s said f Buffet you know I believe it call it right down the middle I didn't do any Bill Alonso like blowing the whistle all of the time I was like in fact I openly forgot that I had a whistle there to hand a lot of the time and I was shouting but got away with it as much but yeah straight down the middle straight down the middle daddy Andy Ogden says yeah the hearty theme would be good for for a Sunday Spotlight does feel like sun feels like bad time feels like time to get ready but again that just brings back bad memories for me we need something more positive but yeah how was the rest of your weekend mate I i' I'd like to to match you there I did [ __ ] all I went for a walk today that's about it really watched watched some wrestling I really had no business watching today which really be talking about later that's pretty much how my uh my weekend went on Friday had an early night just get into that age mate it's what it is tried to see for Smackdown fell asleep um that's pretty much it before you move away from your burying the lead there mate what is a Beno early nights on oh that's still like one it is is it I say that Smackdown started so yeah I didn't make it to the end of SmackDown mate that's uh just not not on to be honest M getting all 40 now it happens mate honestly you get to that point I find I'm the one that take Charlie to bed I quite often like I take him to bed he might be seven I fall asleep and then I get woken up by Vicki coming to bed and I'm like I better go to bed myself I'm just like what the hell is going on it's it's it's getting to that point it's uh it's worrying stuff but yeah no it's nice to have a week doing nothing though isn't it was the weather all right was it like wasn't fine yeah got caught on a scooter going to W literally I was dry jeans were literally dripping there was water coming off the N bad it's been the the summer is very much over so it's a winter the staying indoors watching wrestling and catching up with the uh the FPL less said about the everon game the better more said about your game probably the uh the better for you as well well cor out of a JP weekend it was for that one as well and it was it was one where I mean eight we won which is obviously the main thing it didn't help me ultimately in the draft I really wish that I'd had if I'd had in kungu like second on my bench I would have won but I had raheim Sterling that I started him because I actually thought he was going to start the game I it's set up for him to score it didn't happen however I will take the reality of Arsenal winning away and next weekend next Sunday of course it's Arsenal Man City so it's uh oh that yeah that I've been looking at that on the fixture but to the point we did a grapple after on Thursday did you take any advice from that JP cuz I feel like you shouldn't cuz if anybody missed it who isn't into FPL we had our very first on this channel ever ever our first ever super chats we actually got two the second one was from Will cooling thank you will the non problematic uh will who gave James er a jump scare when I said Will's on the line during that intro to will coming up but right before him we had some blow who who was like just happened to he was like oh I'm a big fan of this podcast 100% he was on the wrong Channel he must have thought he was watching Planet FPL or some or something actually good i' started asking for aice on his Wild Card gave was a super chat it was like 7,000 Indian rupees which turns out to be about 150 but you know we'll take we'll pocket that change and the one bit of advice we gave him was he done a wild card and he had Sanchez and goal and we were all like ah he's ropey get rid of him 15 points he got this week that's what you get for listening to us the first time somebody [ __ ] asks and we did his legs oh if he's listening to this I apologize can't remember his name but I don't think he's going to be back and that's the level of FPL advice we give on uh on we're going to be doing them Thursdays in the international break Affair anybody missed it but Jesus it was it was a funny one wasn't it because it was always like this weekend it was either you had Harland or you had Salah and in the end it was you'll be fine with either of them and he was like no one was very much better than the other one thank God I had the right choice for it I went wrong I had both and I went with went with Salah rather than har so been a painful weekend for me and yeah but Paul if you want is 150 back he can have it cuz I think that just tells you we shouldn't be taking a super chats for our FPL advice at the uh at the very least but what we will take your money for we do have a lot going on this uh I say had the quiet weekend I was actually putting some plans together not going to eat your lunch yet with a reveal JP on what my possible uh dealer's Choice might be might have a a mole on the inside helping me out with a with my one but yeah we do know as we recorded the audio listeners will love here the the Daniel Bryan yes movement show we did with with grapple GTH choice we even had the the grapple Gareth pre-show to go along with it as well which had a bit of a bit of Twin Peaks a bit of bath of the week um and some other uh bonus content there as well but that was a c and time and as fun as it was the end of it we found out as well JP that it's going to be the uh the JP pre-show coming up this Tuesday and a c a choice from you it is I've got a I've got the theme music I've got the image that I'll be sending okay can we guess guesses in the chat what JP's theme's going to be I mean I think what what's scary is you were uning like it was almost like I haven't written this down anywhere so I don't know how you've managed to work this out Fair um but yes I've gone for a mixtape of my uh we we did a mixtape on on Big Van Vader uh a while back and in celebration of the great man and I thought well actually I go with his earthw new Japan tag team partner one of my top five when we did our top five favorite wrestlers of all time Bam Bam Balo and it was it was at risk of turning into a behemoth so um currently on there and I mean and I'll forgive all of you if you don't if you manag to like drop the odd one on on the playlist as well on there but we go from like the start of his career which is going to be um which is him versus Jerry Lawler which is kind of like first major Feud there's a match against Andre which is down for the sickos list Because unless you're a fan of bear hugs like you know it's it's going to probably be a hard watch because his latter on Andre from 88 then he's Barry Windam at at starcade for the nw8 starcade True Grits which I don't know I I managed to blank this entire show off my mind um Steve Williams WWF Beach blash all Herby Abrams him of the uh cocaine and jumping out of Windows without his trousers um a tag match with Big Van Vader against the Steiners two Bret Hart matches one from the uh European Rampage show which is like him versus bamb bam in Italy the other one King of the Ring obviously Lawrence Taylor at WrestleMania be in there yeah it had to be there for that one really just I just want to see how it holds up in 2024 that's just and that's probably like the theme of a lot of this I'm not expecting these all to be like oh they're all great killer matches but I think they'll be entertaining and it's just a merry around of going all the promotions then get to ECW so him versus Spike doley which I replaced it against the half hour Shane Douglas match which I think you'd all appreciate really um and him versus Taz I the one with the ring so Living Dangerously I had that tape somewhere all and then and then we finish up with a couple of um a couple of WCW ones him versus Goldberg at Super brw n and then him with DDP and Canyon versus Chris benoir and Perry sattin um for bash bash at the beach 99 as well so got to you he did in the end I felt I felt guilty particularly when you you look at his list and it's like you're saying what you got a cage match it's like match worth recommending and it's like Jersey tro and oh I'll put one in there for mate it's in the L but like I thought I'll give it a go see and is B but I'm still alive that's my biggest recommendation and sadly not but I remember like in WWF magazine like when he he left WWF and there was like a full page spread I think Vince Russo must have written about you know if anyone's wondering an update on it on B bam bigo uh he's gone fishing and it was like a whole thing about how he's retired from wrestling to go like become like a professional fisherman or something like that it's like and it ended with good Lu B I reckon for a full year I believe Bambam big would like retire from wrestling and become a fisherman only when I got a little bit older and found that now was an ECW mate and then he popped up in WCW a little bit lat got worked by the mags um so that's kind of my that's my connection to Big I'm like he's one he's like you always say about Jeff Forest bump but in a in a bit of a different way he's been everywhere doing everything every period of like wrestling like fom through the uh the late 80s until the 90s and early 2000s encompasses bamb bam Bigalow it in some form but I've never done a a deeper dive on them so yeah I'm looking forward to doing it I'm ABS yeah that's it I think this is like as you've said there you've kind of nailed like what what is um like kind of the the big thing about it which is let's see some let's go it's going around all the promotions so as much as anything it'll be the look and the vibe of shows I think will be as of much interest than anything else and seeing what Crowds Are like like obviously UWF is isn't something that we've looked at in massive amount of detail but back in the day of like all the APT mags and stuff I was all over that stuff so yeah got it the the full playlist is on the I know part the patreon chat on um on our Discord as well we'll have it up when we uh releas this as well yeah yeah throw it in there too as well really looking forward to I think it'll be uh I think it'll be good fun as much as as much as anything else and it's following on from gareth's absolutely cking choice of the story of the YES Movement which was which is just brilliant I mean it was like a really really really great choice and obviously incredibly topical coming a couple of weeks after Allin and uh and everything else so it's yeah it's it's it's a ban a month for us a Dealers Choice and then obviously yeah we got it was one of those where it was like it's a period like I fly remember and also absolutely hate I Fally remember cuz I enjoyed following the news cycle around the the yes movements and finding out whether the plans were going to change and whether they were really going to go Batista or Randy Orton but it's also filled with as people who've listened to it well now a lot of [ __ ] pain um and a lot of [ __ ] that podcast just reminded me how much I [ __ ] hate the Big Show and how glad I am despite the barbecue that we did that one year that I buried them on our five to one worst wrestlers of all time CU I was close to putting Kane in that spot instead of Big Show but Jesus Christ that run um in 20 into 2013 into 2014 was [ __ ] terrible but it all comes good in the end and it gave me nice shiny feelings at the end of it and reminded us all that as I think it was David Sykes was saying on the on the Discord that uh that Matty um you know claims to say every week well you know as you know guys I'm not a I'm not a Brian Daniel I'm not a Daniel Brian guy in his words and then spend two and a half hours pretty much just joining us in the lovein of how good Daniel Bryan is and how [ __ ] unbelievable Brian Danon the man is for coming through the other side of all that [ __ ] even more over even bigger a baby face and actually making that [ __ ] work so yeah he can the boy do protest too much I think he's a secretly a Daniel some fans so you can hear that uh that Revelation be made over those uh two and a half hours we uh recorded as well as a lot of paid a lot of love and and a lot of detail as it always is when we do it show as well so highest recommend then just as a bonus thing yeah you can obviously going to be doing all the deers show shows live you're wondering where the pre-show is if you watching Spotlight we will be doing the pre-show along with the Dealers Choice shows live through the month so there's still plenty of the month left to to join us and even if you don't you can I think you can buy the individual episodes now on patreon 3 pound a go if you don't fancy joining us monthly there's all kinds of ways to get your hands on it but yeah highest highest recommend for for that last show and like I say JP is coming up on Tuesday then it's me then it's Matty so yeah you'll find out what uh what I've got in store for you is at the the close of that show on Tuesday I am giving no hints um you'll find out with everybody else on Tuesday but that's deers Choice month and we are here for a bit of a a catchup Spotlight with a no weekend show got a bit of news to get into couple of uh big lead topics to get into and a bit of even a bit of dynamite to get into which we usually do on the on the weekend show uh JP but I'll got to start off with when we did got at pre-show and we did talk a little bit about your thoughts on uh on all out coming out of out of that pay-per-view but like yeah for those who who didn't hear it or to kind of lead into what we're going to lead off with which is kind of the the switcher room aw've done in the in the build to to wrestle dream with MOX Derby Brian and Nigel and and all the other things uh going on best one to combo of awp views of all time would you agree all in all house that's what I'm that's that's the token point I'm trying to throw out there JP and make a thing um until the TV this week I was very high on a over the the last while TV brought me down a little bit of a notch but still enjoyable still uh still good still good any any overarching thoughts as we we deal with the fall out of all out and we uh and we move towards wrestled I think the idea of it being of these of these shows in close succession I.E when when aw have gone to kind of monthly pay-per-views or pay-per-views every six weeks let's say or in this case every bloody two three weeks I think it might be there'll probably be points in time when you can look at a couple of pay-per-views that would have had that sort of thre Monon kind of gap between All Out fallout, AEW Grand Slam, Bryan/Nigel, AEW Dynamite them and maybe say that that competes I can't think of any really off the top of my head so I'm inclined to say actually in terms of this era of a W certainly the best combination two very different shows one was about spectacle and pump and Circumstance this one and I think this was this was gareth's point was this was grittier and this was kind of like a bit darker but I mean I was so pleasantly surprised by The Show by the pacing of the show The fact it wasn't apart from the zero which is just a given these days there wasn't the overkill I didn't feel exhausted watching the show which I've quite often it felt like most every pretty much had time to breathe and yeah not everything is an absolute killer match but you're going from what I thought was a cracking opener with really good opener with Daniel Garcia and mjf you got that Osprey pack match followed by Willow Nightingale and uh and Chris statlander as well and then you know you get into I mean I wasn't yeah Daniel Bryan Jack Perry just felt like a match I kind of had to get through Bri Bri oh my God sorry I'm turning in the mat here um but yeah the Bri match with Desmond wolf it's goingon to be great and we've seen one of those on an earlier um dealers sing on an earlier patreon show and that was like bloody hell that was hard work um yeah but the main event even though I didn't think it was on the level of the previous two swerve hangman matches it had enough batshit spectacle about it for me to completely buy into I mean I wasn't one of these people who was like won't somebody think of the CH LD Reen like people about all the levels of violence and and things like that I thought that it kind of warranted it as much as anything else I mean one of them burnt down the other Fell's house like I mean you're going to kick off about that the cinder block not the not so much the swerve getting like power bombed onto it but more the um the the cop killer where it's scraped on on hangman but that haunted me I was audibly gasping I was laughing at the needle spot but I thought it was like a really great pay-per-view and it put me in like a okay we we're getting to a next direction of a which we'll then talk about how we're not really in that place yet in a few minutes so imagine if some of if if it had pul that spot have been pulled off as intended and know some of them people would reply because you know sway of a deathmatch guy was 100% trying to get that syringe to go through um his own mouth as Hamman did the spot and they were going to square the the liquid as I thought it was on the on the pre-show I think wake kill wake Keller would have fainted and I think Dave melt would have gotten over it one of them as we talked about I get it if if that it's like for you you don't like death matches we've been to TNT gcw shows and you've not wanted to to to kind of be there for I understand everyone's got their own line on the sand I kind of said for me it's though you know the you know some of those death matches where they like stick hooks in [ __ ] zandig back and he'll be hung from the ceiling that was that that was one of those moments where I was H bit much for me that you know what Lads didn't really getting much enjoyment out of uh watching that man be mutilated there we've all got our own lines in the Sun but as we talked about this last week's where the discourse has just been kind of insane and as they the lead really which is like aw should be different you know and I think there was a lot of like pale clutching over all what are the TV networks going to think and things like that I mean it wasn't really represented on Dynamite this week was he or Collision or Rampage you know that dark tone that we got out of aw on a pay-per-view show that would be largely watched by adults and if you're letting your kids watch a you know match the boy hangman and S is without a a pre-at well that's kind of on you I think it all kind of came to nothing because it was really back to normal for for Dynamite and Rampage and I think that's a negative I enjoyed the different tone that we got out of all out the more adult [ __ ] grimier as you described it kind of set and that they have for all out and just everything about it oh yeah this you know dudo shiny aw can do truly for the sickos type content you know um but yeah we kind of came came crashing back to a with the with the TV this uh this last week or so but I was I didn't think it was a guarantee I wasn't certain you'd which team you'd you'd be on there with the the level of violence there in the main event but obviously yeah you know there are matches that a that violence and there are matches that don't you know and it's [ __ ] you know Jimmy wats his name against whoever on on a gcw show just for the just for the [ __ ] of it that's not down your street is it but obviously it's been end and it's probably going to be at the top of most of our feuds of the Year again Hang Man and S I think that's the the place to do it so yeah good toar good to hear really I think Mikey kind of nails it in the chat when you talking about the one two of the shows that all in was like a New Hope in terms of Star Wars it was like kind of like very Feelgood people CED because I cried all in several times got to be said yeah well I can I could I imagine they did the first time they saw the um the this the Destroyer following uh like when Darth vad is chasing down uh Leia at the very beginning I I think that like kind of blew people away from it but that was like a very like kind of it was good it was Feelgood it was like all the stuff we kind of loved about wrestling I know there was an emotional sign for us because obviously we' we just we'd done the live show it' been a big weekend for us and then you get to you get to all out and that's very much Empire Strikes Back it was brutal it was gritty and it wasn't always it certainly well if you go with the finish of the um of the world title match and the finish of the um of the of the cage match as well these were like kind of Darker endings leaving you in like oh my God like the the kind of the evil people are taking over aw but I like that I like the change in tone and like say there's no child spending $70 in the US just there's no child in if they are staying up till 1: am that's a parenting problem that's a that's a you problem that's not that's not a an aew problem and I'd say even State side as well if you're just if you're just buying a pay-per-view randomly thinking well I'll plunk down my six-year-old in front of this for some feel-good wrestling as well and I'll get on to that later on the live wrestling I saw this weekend where we thought we were getting one type of show and then it very much turned into another type of show which was kind of funny and I have to say got like a good reaction off the kids so I don't know maybe the kids love violence these days I think that's the that's one of one of the lessons I might have learned but the idea of getting offended by it I think that just plays into this horrific sense of tribalism that you're seeing online where there's no there's no kind of nuance of the conversation it's very much like it's either great and you have to think that it's great or it's the worst thing you've ever seen and there's nothing there like I mean unprotected chair shots and it's like well the chair is clearly gimmicked For the Love of Christ that's I can't believe we went through that again I genuinely can't like we all learned last time it's it's as [ __ ] solid as a bacon cheat and if you want to kick off about bacon cheets to they have fair enough but like it's very very obviously gimmicked he wouldn't gimmick it last time and I go you know what this time Lads choose a real one it made a loud sound but that's part like the design you know I can't believe that got got forgotten and and lost again but good to see it on the on the right side of history with it with a JP oh yeah I I say I kind of want I want to I want more of that from uh from aw you know when the moment is right and you know as we change gears and they've changed gears like we're now on the way to wrestle dream and yeah they've had to very quickly come up with some directions for that kind of coming out of you know the much uh you know much enjoyed alline and mostly um all out kind of period right into to wrestle dream in Seattle coming up and yeah um just feel a bit like if all out was booked in two in you know for a for a two we uh break and they managed to do a really good job of threading the need between the two I feel like the plans have just been turned on the red for wrestle dream you can't tell me the dire we going in right now were planned in any way in advance cuz it does feel like something has changed like very clearly like as we we've been talking about the fact that aw's one of their many you know little problems that they kind of are as much as we can enjoy the overall pay-per-views you know when you talk about you know debuts has always been our thing too many belts has been our thing as Patrick on our Discord has said a few times I think the actual problem now is too many number one contenders rather than too many people with belts or more to the point too many people with belts challenge of other people's belts it's like this you know mergo round of the same eight to to 10 people all challenging for the belt back and forth and nothing crystalized at that moment on like these directions going to wrestle dream for like the the title like what is going on like one why was Derby Allen the number one you know they we were confused at the time when he won the the Royal Rampage I'm sure you got fun memories of of that JP which apparently set him up with a with a title shot for Grand Slam was the idea and we were dead confused like is that the allout title shot is that the why he got a grand slam title shot when there's other people who are having matches to be the number one Contender and we've got these other two pay-per-views to get through before we get there what's going on there I just assume there was a plan it seems like whatever that plan was has been turned on its head because yeah this week's Dynamite was just like almost felt like don't want to conspiracy theory out there maybe something's changed with Brian and his availability maybe maybe they realize they haven't got Brian for as long as they want so they needed to get to this Nel match quickly cuz that's clearly been rushed out there with the very confusing and weird Nel promo on on Dynamite this week that had no less than one Matty's best made Brian Alvarez truly believing that Oasis were going to perform um a Grand Slam in New York on two weeks notice you wasis who who are literally selling out stadiums um you know around Europe uh this time next year yeah apparently they're going to do an aw show that's only sold about 3,000 tickets of course they are U Del uh Brian May but that I think that just speaks to it to Brian's maybe lack of going outside and following things that aren't wrestling as which as we are we love him but it was a really confusing like turn on it said you had Derby kind of and I I acted for me they very the dynamic is very similar to like um what you call it Walter White and uh and Jesse in in Breaking Bad that's what Mox and and Derby alar to me and MOX was full on playing Heisenberg trying to like ji man trick Derby into you know putting his title shot on the line but at the show where he was supposed to be taking the title shots because Brian wouldn't make the show only for Nigel to then come and do that confusing promo and then have to thread the needle between one being really happy gets the wrestle Brian and two lean on that heel stick that he does just seems very messy JP maybe getting to the right places coming out of it but something for me has clearly changed oh something's definitely changed like I mean and I have to say when you look at it from above the actual changes themselves you got okay you're finally doing Brian Nigel which is again it's very much a sick match and I'm thinking specifically of the sio SAT across from me well you're not literally sat across from me but you're on the same screen as me who was there holding his mouth as uh Nigel was headbutting a ring it's coming it it's coming oh it is like that's that's that's the bit that then you've made it mate be the only wrestling show on this month but anyway H but it it clearly has changed I mean and if you told me right Main Event a wrestle dream is is going to be Moxley and and Danielson I'm in the main I'm all right with that and it's less predictable than what like Danielson versus Derby would be where I just be expecting it to be again a very good match but Danielson wins and it's a string of these before we get to one of the main eventers and it's which one do you go with who's going to kind of end his career and where where you go from there I don't know if something's changed with Mock and I wondered whether or not and I think Mo show Dynamic this week W it [ __ ] it really as for somebody who like for months hasn't done anything of substance and that's incredible statement to to raise because he was IWGP champion during this [ __ ] period and he wasn't doing anything and now all of a sudden it's the mock show he's involved in storylines he's got himself a kind of a new stable and some presentation aspects of the stable I kind of like I don't mind I'm happy with Marina shafir and what is effectively an MMA China style role I think I'm I I think it the idea of him and claudo in just white t-shirts and stuff I thinking okay okay I'm I'm kind of like I don't mind that presentation stop with the t-shirts yeah oh yeah but I think it's that's like the best at least they're using him at least they're doing something with him in the meantime so it just made me wonder I think you're right I think there's something possibly going on with Danielson and this could be injury related and it wouldn't be surprising if that's the case I know he's spoken about the neck surgery but again it could be a work I mean we all worked into thinking swerve bought his childhood house for God's sakes I [ __ ] fell for it and it turns out it was just a house that they could burn down which I don't know it seems like and a waste of what was probably about 50,000 PS but anyway I digress but you've got so you've got the stuff with Brian where you're going you're getting this Nigel match out of the way finally and you're going to get mock defeating Derby because there's no way Derby's going over in that match so it's like okay I I I can't see it happen I hope I want him to win because like I controversial take like I love Marx I I've enjoyed I've sorry I love this presentation of MOX because if I'm honest I've been broadly bored by MOX for a good chunk of his aw run mostly the stuff around the blacko combat Club this is the most exciting MOX has been in a while I said there Dynamite was built around what three different Moxley segments it was like attitude a row one it like oh there's Moxley again there's Austin again coming out for another segment there was like a through line there clearly where he's very much I feel like he's very in control of what his characters doing too like that promo at the start of the show you can tell you know that that is words and he's he's talking about being motivated again and he is kind of like that poochie character that's call over the shows I'm find that like even just like you say the way he's dressing the the just the general Vibe around him he feels so freshened up and so exciting I actually think I I'm sure a lot of people would agree with me the worst thing that could happen is for him to be the one who beats Brian for the belt if that's the direction we're going here because how many times have we seen it with with MOX where he's been like defend and Champion with the B I feel like it happened three times this year at least in maybe not the calendar year but over the last 365 days whether it was like the [ __ ] International Continental belt or whatever the [ __ ] Bel had the New Japan belt or you know the aw belt if you go back a little bit further back I've never found those runs are MOX they taking on all challenges Fighting Champion type thing particularly interesting maybe you could throw a different spin on it if the idea is for him to to beat MOX at at wrestle dream and with sorry be Brian at wrestle dream and we're doing that a bit quicker but I kind of hope they're going the other way I'm hoping they've thought well you know it's Seattle and we want to do something interesting let's put Derby in that role um and let's maybe again that wouldn't be ideal either the rumor wasn't it as of last month it was like they were thinking about Derby to be the next World Champion to be the one that beats Brian so maybe that happens there and or maybe he comes close and then we Circle back round to it and he eventually becomes the champion in a longer told story later on but I'm not sure it's guaranteed myself that's fair enough and I can see the perspective and there's also the idea that he's also from the Pacific Northwest and they're doing this Taca Wasing yeah so you have yeah you do have that kind of interesting Dynamic I wonder though whether or not it's a case of do they think that simply but that Moxley will shift more tickets than Derby now I'm not necessarily always convinced by that argument but what I would say is just at least with this new presentation he's a more interesting character now I'm not almost like I'm not entire I'm more 5050 on whether he beats Brian because I think longer term it's like okay where do you go from there at that point where does hangman page come into the mix for this because it felt like hangman versus uh Danielson is a is also a really interesting direction to go in if you wanted to move away from from swer for a little bit as well but I I mean I would also say as well I mean the mo I always found the most interesting Title reign of Moxy that he had was probably the pandemic period because that was like a much like there was some like like the matches against like Brody Lee and Eddie Kingston and they were kind of in like an isolation more interesting his last run they were just like out of the necessity it was just like well we have to put the belt on him because he's the guy who's who's healthy who's as big a star that we can put the title on but he seems bored by that that feels like there's that element of like like boredom with him around it so I don't know normally my stock answer to this is the unpredictability is good it's just that this feels like a hell of a lot of unpredictability and that's where I kind of like slightly slightly worry about it I think I'm just more at this stage and particularly and I think the things that didn't help for Dynamite and collision was just the crowds and the Arenas that they were in I think they just didn't help the situation at all because they just feel like they're like yeah just dead crowds and everything else to be doing a lot of this stuff in front of so I don't know I mean I mean I but I would still be thinking Moxley is going to be beating Derby Allen because I think they're just going to be going all in on this character and in in this particular group it just feels like they're going to end up having to do that D definitely gave you that impression this week um and I say Boxley won some points for me this week just by Ming um I'm sure saying that he could have got more points if he just directly made AR bentes but put majoring that segment at least um gave me B face feeling a mar maybe I shouldn't be feeling that with the uh the current R but yeah I'm glad that happened but on the on the other side of it if that's the plan and we are doing either something with Dobby or Mox and I I do see your point you know MOX as the hot character right now do you really want him to to lose matches that's definitely going to be a a consideration the other side of it Brian and Nigel does feel like legitimately they've just realized this is going to be our only chance to do it um and I'm really not sure on it I'm so split on it I feel like remember when I sat here having to be the one who was like I know this is for me Lads and maybe didn't age well because it was the best match on the show but Punk and Joe are all in the first time round where it was like from a book from from a sicko point of view I shouldn't complain Tony Khan's delivering one for me and he's delivering one for the people like me who were in that front row at unified um and you know other such shows during that period but it feels a bit like that argument where there was three or four probably more storyline interesting ways to go um with Punk at that time and it was so weird that we went with Joe and it was a match for the sios and it delivered this one like yeah I just feel like as much as as that say about all in teasing me as Nigel came out and you know punching the air made up cuz you I think Jamesy said it on our FPL show like for for the for the for a career like that with with with Nigel to end the way it did like he deserves a little bit of a you know a little bit of recourse he deserves this little bit of a validation that he's getting I don't think he looked good at all in I think people saw that through roast tinted spectacles and he was ropey for me there were a couple of the spots that look good with guys and there were a couple that went really left and he kind of had to be walked through a few things specifically the stuff with zacha kind of remember kind of going that way and just in general I'm getting a little bit tired I feel like this Brian match if if Nigel's wrestling again this should be like at least get a few more matches under his belt on TVs on pay-per-views like I don't know if it's a good idea to go right I know shouldn't doubt Brian after especially after the show that we did um shouldn't drout njel and Brian's you know Chemistry Between each other but there's some what if this is a match for the sickos the sickos like me we're going to be understanding but we've also got lofty expectations about what those two can do together and on this short to build you know Martin as those Martin was say is this the right crowd for it either I think it probably is again you know jok about Arthur as don't know whether what you know we can get an updated number on what the tickets are doing but whatever number of people are in the in the arur rash it's going to be it's a Northeast aw show there's going to be enough sickos in there that they'll be into this and into all the back story in this but I don't know from from the other point of view I kind of almost as much as you know Nigel's built it up on cometry over the last while or so think it needed a little bit more build with n a wrestler before we get there as well so just all feels a bit rushed and again like Punk and Joe I don't want to be un grateful because it's it's one for me it's you know got the RO belt in the back it's the type of thing Tony khah is booking for for somebody like me and I'm sure I'll uh have a tear in my eye when the when the bell rings but we'll have a tear on my eye at the end of the match as well I'm not always un sure um it's a really odd thing to do sorry s it it is really odd and I'm the same as you and we said it when we did our all-in review show which was it was I love the pop I love the moment I loved him coming out to Oasis not the lads their life because let's face it the cost of getting them to do that live would be one year of what their new contract with Warner Brothers out to be fair like we might kill two be to this might be a way of it sorting this out I just can't imagine Liam Gallagher being a massive a fan and I say Liam in particular I think no will go whatever the money goes but I think that one is just like slightly that feels like slightly Mentalist that he would end up doing that um I think the part of the thing with this is part of the storyline for getting this match really requires Brian Danielson being at there kind of confronting Nigel on all of the [ __ ] he's been talking about him on collision and he was obviously doing this week I think that was I always thought when this match happens it's going to come a point where he's just going I've been listening to what you've been saying you know it's not been it's not been lost on me I know what you've been saying and we're gonna have this and instead it was just like Nigel says I've spoken to Tony KH Nigel has an announcement and then they sort of throw it out there and you're like right okay and I think this is talk about tests of of Brian Danielson before he goes out this is a test because how long can they go yes Nigel cosmetically looks in good shape but not ring shape and I I don't know and this is part of the problem is part of the awe of it would be if he if he had a couple of matches would he Lo would that then completely dampen the atmosphere for for what this match would end up being because you'd be like thinking oh God he doesn't look all that and now he's wrestling Brian Danielson but he's not going to win so like that like for me I I I kind of look at that and think well yeah I'm I'm not sure that that would be the direction that that they should be going in but I mean like you said there'll be enough sickos who'll kind of enjoy it it should not go over 10 minutes I don't know how they do it and that's the interest for me and I don't want it to be bad I've have no desire for it but I don't I'm like dampening expectations for myself of going this won't be great I want Pleasant surprised yeah I want a pleasant surprise and I want to be pleasantly surprised by it and maybe I just dampen the expectations they're so low I just think oh well it's you know he has that match it turned out to be thoroughly I just want it to be decent and I'll be happy with that it doesn't need to be unified it doesn't need that they did that in their last match I think it was Glory Bay whatever the last match was when they were both supposed to be going back to do theb they just did the greatest hits fasion of the match don't want to see anyone head butting any ring post either as much as I Mark out the for the moment as well um but Simon is right you know as he said in the chat it is still Brian Danielson um so I still if anyone was going to work miracles I kind of expect him to it's just the it it it's that side of it and it's the other side of it it's the making sense of why from a b point of view this this exists so I guess the idea I think they could have sold the idea too like they could have sold the idea of you know mo Le Jedi manrick like Darby into letting him put his shot on the line we leave that thread out there oh I guess MOX was telling the truth that Brian wasn't going to be ready and then next week Nigel comes with this promo and next week Nigel goes well actually you know if you are around Brian come and do that slight of hand I think might have helped doing it on the same show just made Derby look St stupid like I say Nigel's promo felt a bit confused because he was trying to do several things at once he was clearly emotional and it was clearly a big moment for him but then he's also trying to be a heel and then he's also trying to make logic of why Brian might turn up for this non-title match when he's not turning up for the title match it just needed a little bit more TLC and it needed more time which I guess they didn't have because they clearly came up with this this week and they've only got it you know a matter of weeks before obviously Arthur Ash um coming up on the on the 25th and then you know we got uh obviously got wrestle dream coming up not far behind it too 4,400 by the way is the is for for Grand slamp so far so better than it was looking a couple of weeks ago still obviously a lot down on the the First shows there it was it was 20,000 a couple of years ago which says a lot and I think I don't know whether not is is some of these changes in reaction to that because I don't think these are matches that are going to shift tickets for this show I mean I think they play into the bigger where we are going to wrestle dream and trying to put like a perhaps a different main event for that I don't know but yeah it's a it's a really sort of like I don't know it's it's such a strange set of events for them to have happened because they're not the company that does it but I would always say on this like if it feels like it's a rush going to this show they booked the venue for this period of time now maybe I don't know the US Open has finished it finished a few weeks ago um I think you know they didn't did they have to book it for September 25th could they have done it in November I don't know like I mean is that I mean I think there's a Ruth Arthur Ash as well isn't there so like they they perhaps could have done could have done that there and given it more time and made it feel more like a kind of like special event and instead it feels like we are rushing into Arthur Ash at this I consider going I was off of me was like because I'm going to FIA now because that's also in the Northeast it's going to be a lot of Northeast shows towards the end of the year but half of me was thinking should I go to Arthur asash if it felt like a bigger show I would have if we have known Brian and Nigel was being announced for it i' a sa Road J to found the way to be there and uh and you know redo that part of my life again you know I'm me I'm in my 40s now JP I get by on on Nostalgia and mid life crisises so I totally put the money up to do that um but yeah it would I'm still ched about it as samon says and njel seemed you know made up as well but they're going to have to thread that needle going forward and probably let's talk a l we'll blow through it quickly the the other TV from the week obviously it's getting a little bit on now from Dynamite but I did I did overall enjoyed Dynamite as a show was messy as some of that stuff was I did genuinely think the Mox and Derby segment was well delivered like I say sh massive Shades break in bad if that wasn't the uh the inspiration then uh honestly it felt like it maybe it's just the fact that Dobby does remind me of of Jesse Pinkman and just in uh in general Derby Pinkman that could be the the title to this uh show I love the MOX promo oh sorry JP have you seen the film Green Room at all because when I heard the Romper stomper story I thought to myself okay so I mean obviously spoiler alert Russell Crow plays a neo- Nai and I thought and Darby's what is effectively meant to be a punk character I thought really combining Punk and neonazis that that seems like green room to me um right Mar Street it kind of fits don't it um but obviously we had that segment we had the segment where obviously we beating up the uh the jobos as well it was a good nighte for uh for MOX at the officer felt like uh Dynamite it was just a bit of a weird show otherwise you know the Ricochet push still seems through Weir I feel like Sami gavar atat his lunch in that match um and I'm not a big Sami gavara fan but I felt like if you watch that match and you're supposed to come out of it impressed by oh this high flyer Ricochet that's going to beat this generational high flyer that's can't wait for this dream match with spray I mean why would you agent that match in a way that Samy got the better spots and the more memorable spots why is Sammy the one jumping off the [ __ ] stage like what are we doing like Ricochet couldn't have in his own performance looked extremely ordinary but he was made to look even more ordinary I felt like by the way they laid that match out and the way they did with Samy gavar of all people so that didn't fill me with a lot of Hope going forward got plenty to say about the uh the tag team thing that that ended the show and carried over to the weekends TV as well but yeah any thoughts on that stuff JP I mean I thought I wasn't impressed with Ricochet I'm not particularly I have to say I'm just not particularly enthused by it more right what I was kind of saying from the start is you need to do those big matches with rioch Jo early because the BL you leave it three months no one's going to care anymore he's G he's going to slot into that mid card and have those hour one Monday Night Raw matches that he's kind of become know for now um because he's looking quite normal that's it I think that's the problem with him is maybe and maybe this is a 2024 thing is he just looks and feels very very normal he feels like he isn't particularly special the stuff he does is done by other people on the roster whether it's Sammy Gabara whether it's Dante Martin there's plenty of people whether will Osprey obviously like other people who can do those kind of spots and I think as time goes away from the match of Best of The Super Juniors with Will Osprey it's not it's a rematch you almost should have gone into straight away like I'd be in complete agreement with on that I don't understand like the idea of trying to build him up with a few wins cuz he already feels cold to me it was like almost when he came out I was like oh yeah he's there he's there now isn't he and like when he did the backage say lukewarm was probably the word you know it can be saved but it's just not been very interesting so far but what are we going do is more interesting than the tag thing well I mean they made that part the story that he wanted to focus on as on Ricochet and he'd been pulled away but again just another delay in it but Osprey has successfully found a character in a so there's a character element that has really worked with him since he's been there like his promos have been great he's really sort of proven straight away into that Topline mix Ricochet is never going to deliver on that side it's just never gonna happen I mean I thought ring on the in ring aren you yeah you're relying on the in ring and if the in ring is very much yeah this was great in 2018 2019 that's becoming a long time ago and that's a horrible thing to say but we're talking sort of five six years to where where we think of him being at a certain level and it did make me wonder like is you know when I was looking at this I was thinking God I just wish he'd kind of gone to New Japan first because they needed that kind of infusion he would have been immediately over with that crowd he would have stood out a lot more in that crowd I know he's making noises about wanting to go there and work g1s but then everyone says that so I but I'm yeah I've I'm not particular yeah he is isn't he well that's never [ __ ] happening he's never like I mean God's sake he needs neck surgery what the worst place you could put someone there isn't it is in a [ __ ] G1 isn't it which let's face it historically is full of lads falling on their heads at least like bloody 10 at least for for 10 matches in a row so yeah I I I can't I want to be proved wrong on this but I just don't think he's got the character and he needs that in a he didn't have that in WWE I think he's going in there almost with like a WWE if feels like a WWE mindset and maybe he's working off some ring rust I don't know but it's not like he's been out of action for too long is he it's just not something it's just not something I'm excited by in in 2024 but and they that would have been perfect to have that match at Grand Slam that would have been like the way that they they really I would have gone with that then yeah one of these plans changing I don't know but it ties into yeah I'm sure you're about to say sorry streamyard kills me off if you think it's just us by the way John and where have the same problems with so poison R we're getting our 45 at on Mon out of this but anyway between that and my phone vibrating and apologies for that as well that coming up you're a popular man it's all good but a professional podcast over here but like that blows right into like the you know the tag thing like like I mean what scream like that was like a a walking ad for as high as we were coming out of all in and all out and we weren't the only ones to say it you know you've got this [ __ ] this casino Gauntlet is so [ __ ] great what a great idea uh it's Tony Khan can't expect him to only do it once a year but maybe if it was just twice a year you know double or nothing and all in you know and it's your big your Big Show thing that you do or you know maybe it happens once more than that of course well less than two weeks later we have a tag V on Dynamite but like that was a bad idea going in coming out of it I was just what are you what were you [ __ ] all it was was an ad for the state of the aw Tag Division like when the outrunners are very clearly the most over taged team in that division right now and you know God bless them they've gotten over they've got like a comedy act over it's it'd be a very WWE thing to do for them to get over to that degree and to not take advantage of it I'm glad they're taking advantage of it when we get into some of the other weekend TV here as well but it still didn't look good for the rest of that division cuz it was just wall to--all [ __ ] pre-show F wasn't it and ax are on as over as they used to be or currently should be you know looking at the climed and looking at some others in there the sacrificed FDR Griz Young Veterans to build this cleis match rather than just letting them all be in the match properly especially the the Grizz Young Veterans and then at the end of it most WWE thing possible thrown together storyline team of osprey and car flet go over so like after all that and again the match is going to be great of course it is it's going to be if anything we were talking about the young books looking un motivated I think they'll be motivated when they're in there with Osprey for a for a straight up tag as a standalone match can't wait for that but it's a bit of Bing and it's just a general idea why would you do it why why would you waste this great gimmick on this Tag Division that just you know if you if you didn't have the multi City Machine Guns waiting in the wings if you didn't have the Hat Locker or the ha business or the ha whatever you want to call them these days waiting to make a debut like why would you do the match you know all in was built around pops and surprises and great moments like they didn't have any of that here they had no on the material I do you know I thought to myself like when they announced this I was like you could you should do three there's three of these that you can do a year one for men one for women and one for the tag they all should be happening on different pay-per-views and you can space them out because let's face it they'll be running a pay-per-view pretty much every single month from here on out so you've got time to fit them in and they each can feel special in their own way and fill in the gaps on a card and like you say get those pops get the surprise entrance and things like that it happening in front of a largely dead crowd and it is the thrown together tag team that wins against what is a lot of other like tag teams none of which are particularly hot at this point and sadly I'm including the grizzle young vets in that as well where they don't feel particularly special outside of the out Runners who your teeth come on see the thing is as well and we've said this as well like why isn't Gibson being given promo time that is why is he taken promo time doesn't he want promo Time same in R Pro W it like just [ __ ] got promo mate that's what you good at like get the M get some heat like do it yeah and they just they just become a tag team as well I mean I thought it was more interesting when watching Collision that Nigel was talking loads about how he was uh trials at Liverpool and things like that as well and mentioned that James Drake Came From the Posh part of Blackpool which said I didn't know there was a posh part which Tony Shon said yeah and me neither and I was like have you been a Blackpool Tony i' would have been absolutely stunned if he ended up there certainly was in for an eye opening experiences like the one that we had a few years back but it said a lot about the like I mean just say about the the outrunners as well I'm sure we'll we'll mention them in a bit as well they they just feel to me like they fed the Acclaim slot of an undercard tag team with a a good bit of Comedy that's kind of gotten over at this stage and trust me I kind of enjoy the outrunners for what they are and what they're going with but they are still a comedy tag team it's the kind of thing where you need to spend quite a bit of time building them to the point where they that like their big win would end up meaning something but that's not something you'd ever have the confidence in them stick in the landing so you probably want to go to it that bit quicker which then means that if you lean too much into it you kind of turn people off so you're kind of damned if you do and damned if you don't aren't you with that but I I watched this and I was like I was just like oh it's them oh it's them coming out and I was just completely I was left incredibly cold by this as well as we ended up in the case of another wrestler who has a title going for another title which had just been the theme of the last few weeks which I was like Well yeah if we could rid of a couple of titles then we might be on to something then at that stage I mean I think it's a real issue it's like that College main event the other week where they were can you believe it all 10 people in this match are currently Champions it's not good that mate it's not good not a good thing and half of them were going for different belts at the pay-per-view but as Mikey says here yeah this week's dament kind have the the books and aard vers to catch the ospre and Fletcher for a mix of people that's interesting aard and ospray going together just for as a moment it's going to be gigantic as well isn't it so you know but it's yeah strange Direction and I kept on wondering if the direction of this is ultimately about bringing Mark Davis back and I don't know if he's actually ready to come back at this stage no I don't I'm not sure I expect him back I'm not sure it also wouldn't be a big enough it's not a big enough deal in some ways to bring back into the meet not like Aussie open it be great to see him back absolutely it'd be great to see him back and I love them as a tag team but it's not a big deal certainly hasn't been portrayed on AW like for for Aussie open they're very much a team who's been kind of generally there physically near in to come back on for but there we go but yeah as far as L goes there kind of the most the hot takes I had to blow through the other weekend TV before we go into the other news headlines coming out of aw this weekend rampage this week don't watch your JP make you're angry going 5050 with action and that was a real thing they did [ __ ] Camille going 50/50 as well one of the robin Twins or whatever they're called bizar and one of the worst promos of the year from Daniels which kind of bleeds into to Collision as well I'm not sure what Rampage and collision are at this point um yeah they shows that exist with wrestlers my thought and we'll probably talk more about this when we talk about the TV deal stuff that I was watching Rampage going what really is this because sometimes like we'll have Gareth on and Gareth obviously is is a completist he'll watch all of these and he'll say I actually quite often Rampages a nice hour of wrestling I don't know I mean I had it on while I was doing the Wasing up which maybe isn't perhaps the best way to watch Rampage but what I saw was four matches like that's what it was it was just like here's some matches this is Rampage baby um yeah and and that's what we had and I was like okay there's a better use of this hour of TV time for it because it is just complete like placeholder in front of an even deader crowd cuz they're knackered from the other stuff that they've seen like before the more important stuff cuz I'm assuming it was taped with dynamite wasn't it so yeah I I threw Collision on last night thinking oh you know I we're doing a spotlight on a Sunday I should watch collision and I got about 20 minutes in before I thought I'm gone this is clearly taped and that I found out it was on Thursday I was a they fooled me again because you know what it was JY I was so drawn in by that Christopher Daniels promo on rampage um building up this [ __ ] like what are we doing like that story's bad enough when it comes to like who's in charge who's the EVP who isn't now we're back round to Daniels who got fired by the books having wrestler matches because there was a demand for that wasn't there for Christopher Daniels to start having wrestling matches again like he had his moments in his career what I was into him he also had large sede of of his career that I really couldn't be honest with him and never found him particularly interesting as an act whatever where wherever you you know you land on it and some people you know think very highly at Daniels no one's asking for for have another in ring run he was done especially not to go out there and and do a match with Jack Perry like just like that's an idea that should have been nixed in you know one of those creative meetings that apparently have 45 people in them at at aw these days what are we doing like make him Adam Pi on or don't make him Adam Pi either way this mishmash what a best it is it's it's just very much it's filler and it feels like filler and you're watching stuff that doesn't really have any substance at all the last time I cared about Christopher Daniels was actually pre Hulk Hogan coming in where for the first time in TNA they actually just went well we've got a couple of months to kill here until he comes in and ultimately tries to destroy the company and we we're going to push him to the card and he was challenging Jeff Jarrett for the world title and I was like actually I'm kind of into that because he's been around a long time he's very much worthy of the shot that was 2009 we're not in 2009 anymore we are literally 15 years later and at this stage it's it's it's impossible to care there isn't that sense of nostalgia there and even Nigel saying you know he's part of that Ring of Honor kind of Mount Rushmore and everything else it's like yeah that was a long time ago Mate A long long [ __ ] time ago and yeah it just it just added to it just added to what I felt with Rampage and collision was three hours of the the most filler is sort of TV that I've pretty much seen and and it sort of showed you as well like how low down on the totem pole it is when it comes to organizing stuff like yeah it it pushes some undercard stories but you're never getting any anything of any for matches God bless a g who can enjoy it but I'm just past the point that I can enjoy stess matches where the winner is obvious but for reasons we're going to go 50/50 and have a good match which is exactly what I action and dry and Tesa was this week which should have just been agented to be something a lot more interesting which was teesa blowing through him and [ __ ] tur into the camera and going a car that I'm coming for you like sometimes that's better than trying to get a [ __ ] seven on cage match or a you know a decent star rating out of a certain defun app and who's this [ __ ] beef bloke who's turning up sweating all over the place in a ring of on a t-shirt I thought you m you might as well take a piss on it for as close to the spirit of Ring of Honor that he is yet it's definitely not your Ring of Honor mate honestly it's not even Jim cornette Ring of Honor we've like we've gone so far through the Rubicon on this I I can't I was just like watching him versus Rodrick strong I think it was on rampage and I was just like why why are my eyes looking at this I don't ever need to see this as well and yeah and then he turned up in Anthony Henry's Corner in uh in uh on collision as well which was packed full of matches don't get me wrong if you yeah if you like matches and there are a lot of fans like Tony KH who like matches for matches sake you would look at your sideways if you told them that you didn't want to see tasta go 50/50 with uh with somebody cuz you get a good match when you do that rather than just B them you know the way you should probably be bucked but yeah there's not much there with rampaging Collision this week and we don't have the ratings for them we do have the dynamite rating we'll get into in a bit maybe talk with some other TV stuff but I do want to get into some other news coming out of aw4 we we do talk the latest on the on the TV uh front JP U which is Daniel Garcia there's been a bit of a a bit of an update on on his whereabout apparently according to uh to Dave msten The Observer this week has yet to sign um his aw contract still and fful select confirming that repor and saying Garcia have been considered um for the win against mjf but those in in aw have said that the reason he didn't was because he hadn't signed a new deal further information coming via IU of of wrestle purists I think it's exact words where the Paul Le is horny for Daniel Garcia and which got picked up quite hilariously by by certain Outlets who like to copy and paste news stories but apparently there's TR TR to that that apparently Triple H sees Garcia is the next great technical wrestler apparently and that's why WWE is so interested in him Regal apparently is extremely high on Daniel Garcia that stands up to scrutiny you know from Regal's little spy run in in WWE where the uh the little snake was uh was was Daniel Garcia, AEW TV Deal, other news potting around people could bring back to Uncle Paul uh but yeah any any thoughts on that Dan go you know you would have assumed and it's interesting that like credit to Steph was at that at the presser at all in asked Tony KH directly as Dani you know is Daniel Garcia resigned now Tony K did not want to answer that question just clearly smoked to that fire Daniel Garcia is still playing both sides and we all took the allout matches a guarantee that he was uh sticking around the Finish to that match and everything since indicates that he uh he might well not be particularly because mjf's off making a film isn't he so he's off making a film so there was a reason to write him off TV you could have done like if you'd given Garcia the win which I didn't think they were going to do but you thought if you did give him the win that's what a Kickstart because mjf doesn't lose many singles matches as we know so there thought like it what a big deal that would have been and I mean it says a lot about aw and it kind of plays into this kind of like the The Narrative which I know that some people hate about like disorganizing ation and things like this and and it feels to me like they were saying oh well yeah if you sign the contract you'll beat mjf and he's just thought actually I'm gonna hedge my bets and as horrible as I feel saying this if you've got WWE interested they feel like they're going to do something with substance with you and help him improve in areas that we saw in the buildup to mjf Pro in to the mjf match that he's weaker on I.E promos and he's going to have as many people helping him do that as as what you can find that like and we we've said this as himself I know I've said this WWE is is he worth giving a go to it just says a lot about aw that they even put him into that slot with mjf in the first place like why did we even have this mini Feud it it all feels ultimately so so pointless and it's not like I mean maybe the argument is they wanted to pay it off before he you know leaves the terristory they didn't want to leave that open thread it's not like they put him over either the only I'd say to me it almost felt like an advert for Garcia himself because I understand what you're saying because i' I've kind of said something equivalent to it myself in that like aw's hand on a Garcia has been so flip floppy and so you know I mentioned the Observer there I should say in the Observer this week Dave did say a uh described it as a veteran um on the aw Rost there I think he referred to him was either Chris I no sorry it was cine that'll be too obvious um saying that they believe Daniel Garcia was going to stay with a with a he didn't name anyone but it was very clear what a source was that the belief was that Garcia was was going to stay I think aw almost making a pitch for Garcia here um at all out by giving him like that serious match presenting him seriously presenting him as a fret to mjf it's a real Feud He could sink his teeth into and it wasn't that stop start still it might turn out to be in Long ter you know one of the starts in the in the long stopar career of Daniel Garcia and a but I thought there was a lot positive the way Garcia carried himself and the way aw presented him that maybe kind of go you know what as much as like aw been stop start with him maybe that is the right place after all than than the gamble with wweb but it sounds like from the report and and obviously you know things we've heard that you kind of Garcia is being pulled in those two directions by aw going no no we'll get it right this time and maybe showing the proof where the P was um in this all out build but also WWE very clearly if it's coming from itbe I'm telling you the souring is good um telling them that Triple H and uh and and Regal see him that highly and rate him that highly and it's not a forone conclusion that he's going to be you know forgotten if he goes through theb and he is going to get a strong sustained push because they do value him that much I could understand why he's been pulled in both directions because I was maybe more leaning WWE with him but now I'm kind of 5050 see that's I wonder though if he was going to sign I almost think he would have signed by now that this them doing the the match with mjf would have been the signal right we are going to do something substantial with you and it's ironic if his source is C Irvine for this as well that the presentation they're going to go with is the one that's completely in the opposite direction of the presentation that he himself had uh decided that Daniel Garcia should be doing it's like all of the stuff the dance the kind of wacky sport the sports Entertainer stuff all of that out the window we're just going to promote you as a as red death Daniel Garcia what where he was beforehand I'm probably more inclined to say that he would go to WWE because I just don't think if he's not signed by now is what is going to be the thing that they can convince him to make him sign at this stage I'm just I'm just looking at it thinking N I don't know um I I think he's gonna I think his head could be turned I think the fact that if it is some time in NXT which is what you'd expect it to be the fact that NXT within the WWE um kind of ecosystem is of much higher value than it has been really at any point certainly in particular for getting to the main roster that you think you're going to see W there is going to be a push from CW they are doing really good numbers when it comes to like their pay when it to the premium Live Events I hate myself for saying that um but they are doing good numbers for it he's thinking actually you look at an Ethan page there's no reason why Daniel Garcia couldn't be slided easily into the Topline mix in NXT and be considered to be credible almost immediately and then give it then give him the kind of push I I almost feel like his head has been turned and he said let him do the match it's a great calling card but don't sign like wait till the last possible minute the fact that we're even talking about it still tells you you know there's a very possibility his head has been turned too as you Joe was saying Joe hbert when we had them on and was kind of looking at it going yet NXT yes that makes sense but M roster does he get lost in the shuffle it's a conversation we've had based on these reports sounds like you know they want to follow through on it so yeah maybe he's he's hearing that heing that out heing what we were saying a couple of weeks ago as Ramen rightly says in the chat there you know he's young he can take that chance he could always come back to aw later that D be interest might not be there at the end of another Fat aw contract yeah I could uh I could see it but obviously it's a story whe we'll be keeping an eye on as it goes and to get into a couple of quick aw notes before we get into some WWE stuff um and other stuff around the wrestling world got a bit of TNA bit of s C ml maybe in a bit of of mlw to talk as we uh as we run through not much mate I I'll I'll give the giving the lead away there ear do the cmbl story only focus around mystico beating Chris Jericho and it was mystico that went over if you watch Collision you might have thought it went the other way no mystico won in a [ __ ] horrendous match we'll be talking that later on been a lot of Lucha Sami gavar and hologram had a match head of the Jags game not even sure what that looked like I assume um better than the uh the UFC at the uh at the sphere looked this weekend um as far as weird places Combat Sports have taken place this week but appar that's the thing they had a match before the the NFL game yeah they I I didn't see the match at the NFL I saw some of the UFC show at the sphere what's the point I mean there I don't get it the Saudis were paying for it that was that was probably the point of them going there just and also they're based in Vegas as well all he did was Project two big Tellies on the side of the sphere yeah like you could just have two t an arena like what are we doing too big I don't know if you've seen there's a bar somewhere I want to say in La where you literally sit down and it's like your sat pitch side watching a game of football behind one of the goals and I went that's a terrible view you can't see anything happening at the other end of the pitch because spoiler alert goals happen at both ends of the pitch not just one and so you know if you're looking if you for video views if you're looking if you're at the other end of the pitch this you would have seeing Gabriel H's Gabrielle um great header against Spurs today or anything like you wouldn't have had a clue you just would have seen a load of lads celebrating and the Arsenal corner of uh of uh Tottenham Stadium going berseri I would have asked which Gabrielle because there's a few of them in that Squad well they accidentally gave man of the match to Gabriel Jesus who'd been on the pitch for five minutes and had had six touches of the ball and it was like they weren't that good of touches they weren't that [ __ ] incredible but anyway I don't agre with the UFC thing I was like I was going to watch it it just it was too much to take in and then I saw saw there was a picture of one of the female fighters who had the most horrific cut to her forehead it felt like you could see her brains and I went I don't want to see that like that was when I went ah I'm done and then I heard all the matches went to decision well B not gonna yeah it's fine I'm not saying other people can't watch shouldn't watch UFC as a result it's like it's a product if you're twatting each other in the head it's gonna happen at some stage well in this case it was a it was a head Clash but yeah this but the severe wrestling I just thought to myself WWE will go here and it's just going to it's honestly if you couldn't if you had epilepsy and you were there you're gone you are absolutely you you you'd be completely off the reservation because it's just it's so much like I mean don't meong a bit of LED and a bit of like kind of stage craft I don't mind seeing but that was like a a step too far um but yeah um what what were we talking about it before yeah Samy and hologram winning that get ahead of the Jag as we will do we'll go probably didn't look as good to be fair no but to get into some of the the TV stuff obviously Dynamite did a decent number this week 78,000 I believe was the was 76,000 was the overall number0 21 in the old day 1849 strongest since July and on that front I can't expect them we're going to do one of these spotlights or weekend shows going it be like the one it's finally broken the got the TV deal sorted but yeah according to her Melton and the Observer on a on Friday and also reporting from fightful and Shan rap the TV deal is done uh pay-per-views do seem to be part of it we just don't know how much a part of it or what that means MoneyWise and also a bit of a you know Max obviously is uh the thing that a lot of people are expecting the pay-per-views to end on but a little bit of a Side Story with this aw Shockwave stuff um that apparently some talk about maybe ending up on Fox and that won't necessarily be Fox the channel which seems unlikely that they're going to go from Smackdown to uh to an AWC show which is what Shockwave sounds like unless it is the uncrowned B show but maybe an FS1 maybe a 2B maybe something like that uh is coming uh JP but yeah still no news but wouldn't that be something as we about to get into some D the TV changes if aw managed to uh to whar their way in and yeah maybe fox look at it and go you know obviously we're not going to pay W's much money and obviously going to put them Fridays on frocks in prime time but for a bit less money and a and a bit lesser of a slot we might actually make be able to make it a a nice little tidy profit on a and ways that they it doesn't sound like they actually did WWE over this this was it a fiveyear deal you know that one was that one was doomed from the uh the day that uh that Brock Lesnar appeared and we had all was who else was on that first show that [ __ ] insane first uh SmackDown on Fox it was theque was Kan Velasquez of course topl lasar Rock turned up all hands um God that deal went out quite quickly didn't it they seem glad to be rid the me aw steps up and uh you know steps into that space might not be shocked or a space in the network it is it's a really interesting part little twist on this story because I think for a long time we always thought well is there any other suitors for aew never felt like there were any outside of a streaming service conversation and that you know there's a whole other thing on that we we suggested at times maybe some like an Amazon Prime might look at it and think okay this is something that's actually quite viable I think what's interesting about the fox story is one how much they be paid for it because obviously it'd be considerably less in WWE and you have to remember that a fox signed WWE on the provisor they were going to get at least three million viewers and a 1.0 in the old sorry I got the whistle wrong on there and that's my USP shocking Behavior but they that's what were signing thought they thought they were going to get this guaranteed demo and this amount of figures they never came close to it and we spoke about you know them getting two 2.3 that was going to be a big that was you know they were big weeks for them on Smackdown But ultimately the money they were paying they weren't going to get that now the expectation is that they'd either be going to um Fox Sports FS1 or 2B which is their which is their their their sort of streaming platform I think it's interesting in the sense that it's a non Warner Brothers Discovery so the idea of shopping stuff around I think this is quite canny for that they would be getting some money for it I imagine it to be decent money but it's nowhere near the amount the fox would be having to pay for it and they get in the main what would be considered to be a younger demo kind of on the cheap for for aw so it's good it's just that where I where we get bothered with this is what would shock wave B what kind of programming how did because you know we thought to ourselves right when they launch Rampage it's an extra hour of TV but they've got so many wrestlers on there they can showcase that could be something and then it was like very quickly it wasn't sort of post CM Punk's debut then we thought okay they they're doing collision and it's prime time Saturday night that's going to be a big focus and very quickly it was like we need Spotlight with it every we big Collision review you know everyone's going to care about the what on collision this week Dro that after after Punk left didn't we exactly it just and very quickly it meant [ __ ] it it meant [ __ ] all and if anything it's this oversaturation because they're having to run these separate set of tapings of collision which kind of then leads to how they end up in Arlington in the first place which from a business decision was actually a very kind of smart sensible move in terms of The Residency they did there a fourth bit of TV the way I felt about it was right if this is going to be something the one piece of TV that they haven't really got in all of this and I saw it suggested on the Discord and i' be we've said this multiple times is a magazine type show now the problem would be is I don't think Fox would want that they would want actual wrestling wrestling so maybe you turn Rampage into a magazine show because what is it at this point four or five matches no real contacts context it's filler whereas a magazine show these are the best bits of dynamite this is the stuff we got coming up on collision here's some stuff from pay-per-views some interesting sort of promo um documentary style pieces that they put out on their social media I think there's actually something there for it and it would help them and it's cheap it's it's sort it's cheap TV but then you get into what a Warner Brothers Discovery expecting and what a fox expecting because I think the worst case scenario is an extra hour of just wrestling content for us we'd be entirely burnt out and I'm not sure Fox Sport one would find another kind of audience like the dream is that it is actually a show they take seriously and that means uh the Rampage becomes that clip show remember when we used to pitch that that should be the old women show I still think that that would make sense but I don't think that's ever happening but maybe Rampage falls down the peek or dare I say it disappears forever down the back of the couch um with the numbers they're doing lately um I don't know whether that would be the end of the world but you know it depends on you know what the the caveats are in this deal um it's probably a hard argument to to tell you know a Warner that we want to take an hour off here and also get more money out of here I don't see that happening but maybe it's repurposed maybe I best and I think maybe maybe back maybe maybe if you're going to drop anything maybe Battle of the belts disappear you know at least there's that maybe we get that small Mercy where they disappear cuz Tony KH never car about them in the first place neither did the network I don't know why they exist and maybe you make a carve out a little bit of room but this is always going to be the never ending battle isn't it it's the thing we would you know people act like this is new to aw about to talks and W TV stuff something we talk about WWE for ages from a business point of view we all totally understand what why war was three hours and we also totally understand why until this very unique opportunity has come up with Netflix that to go to USA and go we're going to drop an hour and we want the same money just was practically never going to happen it was here to stay for that entire run but we would all we would accept that and acknowledge that business reason while also talk about the creative problems that caused it's probably the same for aw we're all going to go you know what this gigantic number that they're getting is probably worth this extra hour tell but it's going to force people like us and fans to kind go [ __ ] me another hour and all the creative problems that come with that if it does happen but we'd all simultaneously understand um it's probably the it's probably wishful thinking JP to thinking how is going to drop somewhere or it's going to be something that's different it probably is just going to be another hour of TV that seems the most likely um yeah and that's and that's the problem isn't it it's another hour of TV and and it's only an hour so how substantial can it be really and it's not probably going to be live so like I mean if it is maybe I don't know maybe maybe yeah maybe it's going to be depends where it falls in in in the week but are they going to tape it alongside Collision do Rampage alongside Dynamite because I think part of the problem is and you see I mean I saw it this week certainly for like a rampage is the audience doesn't care the live audience doesn't care so if your channel hopping and you flick around and you see what is frankly a board audience why would they give a [ __ ] I wouldn't care and it's not going to be presented in any particular different way I mean do you then I mean and Tony won't do this because it'd be the thing he should be doing he's going right we need like you want you got different Slants on the same product which would require different Bookers and a different look but he doesn't do that because that's just not how he operates and I don't think there's that that idea that okay we want Shockwave to look and feel different and so therefore we're gonna we're gonna have this particular book and we're going to focus on these particular wrestles or because this is the thing you never see on collision or Rampage is the big stars turning up on those TVs doing substantial things because I felt that way watching Collision this week I was just like where are all the stars like where's the where's the like the the interesting and it feels like a moan this these feels like JP moaning talking points from several months ago talking about the TV and I think and it feels like Shockwave could end up doing that WWE on USA, Triple H, MCMG, WWE news because I think the potential of it particularly for Fox Sports One because I thought it was very interesting when raw went on to that I think it was during the US Open they did really good numbers for Fox Sports One they were like you know I think that was like that was like a kind of like aown f one not Smackdown sorry yeah yeah you're right of course it would be through Fox but when Smackdown went on to Fox Sports it wasn't the massive drop off sometimes it would go down to as low as 700,000 there some time it was like but the recent run of them on on Fox Sports One simply because of the hotness of the product it was going down to 1.6 1.7 which they'd be all right with and fox probably would have been all right with given the situation and how much they paying for it and how movable it was at that stage I mean I think that's that's where I kind of stand with it is is it's is it requires a proper sit down about what is all this TV what is what are we doing with it and how each of these are going to be branded and it and it makes me worried and I imagine I've got a funny feeling in my head that the announcement may end up coming at Arthur Ash that may be the point possibly in thought it was all out now now now Arthur Ash then it'll be wrestle dream he told us 90% chance though over the next month so uh presume it's coming let's hope put on a a day before the spotlight or a weekend show give give us that at least Tony come on and by all accounts just really quickly the pay-per-view uh apparently that's something that will happen eventually they're just not at that place yet that's the story that seems to be going around at this stage and who can tell really yeah speaking of TV changes switching over to WWE obviously Smackdown came back to to USA on Friday big dve first half hour commercial free can talk a bit about that but yeah back on USA Network new logo looks like it says a smack sound to me rather than a Smackdown but um there we go that's what we uh that's what we went with um and obviously at the the uh the new uh intro as well which I can't imagine is uh is up your street as uh as far as as far as music uh goes uh JP um you know I had to ask Vicki is Megan the stallion a big star and I think she just gave you I've heard the name but I could not tell you what my top one Megan the stallion track is other than I know that this is a a musical artist who exists that would be that' be as far as I could tell you must have he WAP I've heard WAP that's right no you go WAP I've heard I I couldn't tell you anything more about that other than that I know what it stands for theen far as I go yeah look it's pretty Cor them you know for wrestling yeah yeah I'm not exactly a mega stallion fan but maybe it'll be a grower the song um speaking of the lyrics to some of our songs but anyhow um yeah five to on Megan the salion songs I don't think is uh is coming any anytime soon but favorite part of this new uh new build of new version of SmackDown on uh on USA and I got again I told you I fell asleep during or the start of SmackDown watching it on Friday got up the next morning genuinely thought it was a meme you know the way it's like you know something funny happens and they use like the endan enthusiasm executive producer Larry David when it popped up on screen like that that just s an image sorry of it poping up on screen executive producer Paul Le I was like ah someone's done that as a joke to make fun of the fact that he had to open Smackdown because he doesn't like the Limelight and you know never never mind the fact that he tweeted out a nice little back behind the scenes video on his uh Twitter this weekend as well to go along with it genuinely executive producer pooie po um my God I was having this conversation with with the other day don't you think JP like there's a there's a documentary be made about the internet fans and internet fan culture and like you would think it would just be about like noeds like us but you know your main characters in that would be Triple H and Tony khah cuz like you go back to 2002 you know not early days of the internet but Message Board culture was starting to get into its prime around then UW all hate Paul Triple H L and Jeff jar pretty much but Triple H was definitely the main villain all we did all week or at least it was it was my life back in those days was moan about you know Triple H being over pushed and all of that stuff in in WWE you know was probably part of those message boards and part of those conversations is Tony KH I honestly think a message border rose up through all of that to create this alternative product and create aw and you can shot that parallel of Triple H's rise to power that we all forget now we all forget that like he was already a political like you know maneuver of Backstage before he even got with Stephanie but the fact that he's in this position because he went out with Stephanie and remains in this position and has brainwashed everybody into believing he's a good good guy Paul and not the [ __ ] evil villain we all knew he was in in 2002 there's a real story there with the other side of it be all of is L I feel like yeah the the the last chapter of that book involves Triple H womman as way into being you know kindly Uncle Paul the ex executive producer of everything good in the universe the man that brought Ro back to two hours the man that made SmackDown good again that man that gave you WWE on Netflix with limited advertising that's what what Paul LEC is in the the grand story of Paul versus the IWC pooie Triple H L hey do you know what it does though in all of this is and this is why I was thinking well why is all this happening and it's like well because this is Legacy building this is not only Vince's gone which we'll prob we'll end up talking about in a couple of weeks time when the the Netflix documentary comes out about Vince but he is putting his stamp over everything just to say to TKO you can't get rid of me can't get rid of me I am the main person behind all of these things but what a way in some ways I thought about the start of SmackDown and him coming out it felt almost reminiscent of the XFL launching and rather than putting on a game of like American football what are you what are you putting on what who comes out first it's Vince McMahon isn't it because it's all about him and that's how feel about Smackdown it's all about Triple H already and I thought this prick this absolute prick here we go again we have to see his [ __ ] face all over the place and say thank you for this and it's just like oh Jesus wept he's got nothing to do with the two hours that's more to do with the fact of that they're paying them like less than I think they're paying five million an episode for raw it's two million now there we go that's a hell of a lot of squash by the way I have to say for video viewers oh okay what orange a I'm hoping this is ndi special yeah the the sugar-free little um orange made about 61 P something like that I think you got about I like them and I like the flavored fizzy waterers don't get Matty started um it's the good stuff I was livid at the 60 odd pound Aldi shop I did earlier on today and I looked at these trust me get monzo did you pay on your monzo CU you get cash back this month you got your cash back really [ __ ] know right I'm on that stra as soon as this is done I'm on that if they giving cash back for this turn yeah I I will do Bloody Hellfire but still like it is this it is this idea of him being at the center of all of this and his name has to be on this as well and it's just it's the thing that that you do if you're playing that like I it's him saying almost I think to TKO I am I am Irreplaceable I am WWE at this point in time it doesn't exist and he's basically making himself synonymous with a series of very very big commercially successful deals it's like even when we're doing like the the lead into a SummerSlam or anything else it's like he has to appear out there as as well particularly in the the half hour break there's no chance of them cutting to commercial obviously with them because they did the the half hour free didn't I think they did it for all of their shows didn't they as part of WWE week on the USA us and everything else so yeah he what a bastard honestly I can't get away from him I mean there was a reason I had him was my number one hated wrestler of all time we're old enough to remember that he's the baddy he's actually the baddy he still the [ __ ] absolutely television is better pay-per-views are better I I actually do agree with a lot of those talking points but behind it all is one man's ego isn't it as we talked about with the uh with the YES Movement as well what you think on the on the two-hour raw thing I can't I was listening to to John and and Brandon thir on the their show on Wednesday kind of trying to figure it out like why would USA only want two hours like if they're going to they getting getting Roar a cut right till the end of the year surely they' want to throw as many ads on it as they can for that last hour don't fully have a theory on why it's only going to be two hours other than to say isn't that [ __ ] great I lived long enough JP that there were people in the comments to like some tweets like put in the news out [ __ ] kids going a that's a shame I I'm going to miss the three- hour like that's how long we've gone it's been 3 hours for so long that it almost drove John Paran waiting inane that there are people who were young enough to like three hour Rose and to be fair Rose been better than Smackdown Matty doesn't like be saying that but during this Triple H period but like two hours will still be better like maybe hopefully it doesn't get as boring as Smackdown did during the end of its uh as Fox Run um but like there's absolutely an hour you can chop out a row and an hour you can give everybody back of their lives like there was a point when there was not yes movement time when there wasn't much else going on in wrestling where we were would have killed for all to go back to two hours like unbelievably we live long enough for people to think it's a good thing but I I don't know like when they go to Netflix it obviously the uh as far as ads go on on Netflix there's going to be some ad vas in there rather than absolutely none um according to to melter in The Observer this week but not enough to sustain three hours I think three hours is dead I think raw is going to be as long as they want it to be come the the Netflix there that's my guess JP I was saying on the news D the real people I'm telling you Andy they are they are yeah not just but this is the thing as well is is that you know even for the programs that you love like you've just done a rewatch of The Sopranos right yeah and as much as you love The Sopranos you wouldn't want those to be like two hour long because there's a fair chance that the quality standard is not going to live up to what you would want it to be it's so much of a commitment in one block that isn't kind of Live And I say this as someone who watched like three God knows how much sport I watch over it as well but then with sport you're kind of you're in and out you know it's a different kind of entity it's a different kind of Television product for like kind of let's say the NFL for example like three hours of where you're trying to tell stories and narrative storytelling it's it was always too much I mean the way I ended up finding out on this was I I went on to YouTube it was like one of the mornings getting ready for work I heard John and way talk about it and John Pollock had the biggest smile on his face that I have seen any podcaster have simply because he he was just like we did it we survived this era of three hours and I was like I don't know how you did and the amount of messages that they got from people saying honestly I'm made up for you just like having to like not sit through three hours of this every week I me they got chill children and families for God's sakes I I refuse to like still with this 2 hours feels like almost too much of an investment but you know what it will inevitably make for a better television product that's more focused and then when you say when they go to Netflix it will it will be as long as the show needs to be because I mean even if you watch any true crime series they're not always the same length they they'll they'll you know even for some of the narrative dramas some episodes will be an hour and 15 some will be 58 minutes it's just the way they work and I wonder if the ads are going to be similar to Amazon Prime ads where they're basically only about 30 odd seconds they're quite like inobtrusive you don't they don't like become a big thing where you're like oh god I've got to sit through two and a half minutes of adverts here it's not really a YouTube premium subscriber I don't know what that's like mate I don't watch adverts they don't exist in my world it'll be P I think it'll be like kind of 30 odd seconds a time for it and we'll kind of live with it we'll think oh okay you you'll see it you'll see it might be that it might it might be like and I okay this is how many adverts we've got well if we do two and a half hours then it doesn't seem as much but if it's two hours that's a lot of adverts to get in a two-hour block it might depend on that those factors yeah week to week as well but yeah yeah three hour R like [ __ ] I'm just glad they're gone glad they're gone glad they over and yeah we'll see where they push from there outside of the commercial idea of it but I think there's a bigger thing almost at stake here as well where you can look at it about the amount of advertising space they're selling and that's and that's absolutely Fair because that's what it was for years but there's that longer term do you burn off an audience because I think the three-hour rules did burn a lot of people off and it's not something they want to take a risk with especially if you're paying five yeah exactly and him as well like if you've got like a [ __ ] idiot in like like doing making [ __ ] moves for all of it and re writing it the day before it's it's it's horrific it was unwatchable for me for large periods of time there'd be like five to 10 minutes that was decent out of three hours that's just not acceptable for any kind of entertainment product and I think the thing about this is is if they're making it like a much more focused show on the bigger stars and they managed to kind of like make make it that like it's keeping that audio and it's drawing new people in through the Netflix deal then great stuff I think that that's going to be better for them long term for that bigger audience and it'll work out more beneficial and whatever the advertising is they'll offset that with so many other bigger commercial deals on the TV this week we got some other news to talk about do the be before we get into it other wrestling around the world it was all right Smackdown was okay um I like the I did to be fair like if you're going to do a PG version of a cage match and do literally the polar opposite of what aw did at all out I do think Cod and and solo was a good bit of business dare I say it better than the other Codi solo match so who knows what Mel's given this one might he might go full five on it and uh yeah Matty might be justified in a Solo love NOP that will never happen but I actually thought it was a it was a good little match and yeah Cody got a a tinge of col out he could just about if you squinted enough you could just about see it in there as well telling you maybe the direction of the company going forwards but it was a good first half hour of the show the stuff with Cody and Roman kind of tied it together to the end of the show with that executive producer graphic um but you know two big baby faces who were gigantically over um not a thing you would have expected to see in Vince man's WWE and it is something that uh that is there for for the WWE sickos to to very much enjoy and for me the the biggest takeaway was not just the the interactions between Cody and Roman but it was the very clear Acceptance Now not just as like a meta thing or as a thing we all believe in the story now it is very clear that Jacob is better than solo and WWE are very obviously in this in the story just sliding Jacob into that Prime position and deemphasizing solo because that's who Roman's G for that's who Cody's G for and that Switcheroo is very much happening there and I don't think anybody outside of one particular man we can both think of with with aru the toss on that it's very much the the right move in yeah they're doing obviously this tag match at h and a cell which is a solid little move as well and I think that'll solid solidify even further the Jacob Fatu interactions with Cody and Roman are going to be the headline nothing to do with h with what's What's this called Jacob what's What's this called solo is that his name yeah SOLO SWA that blow I was yeah I mean I I loved the idea of and it's something that I've I've almost like had a dig at aw about if you do mismatch Partners you need them to be to Topline Stars challenging like you know taking on tag Champs and things like that if you have them coming together and things like of that nature you want to show where there's other things going on you can get away with it I I do question you C have a you know a proper singles program at some point would somebody have an equivalent Star Quality um he's in the Roman vs instead that's the only negative but you know a good All-Star tag match to to build towards Survivor C is the end of the world yeah and they can get away with it but it's the Jacob fatau stuff which I won't like to me it's always mental I think of how many years we've been watching Jakob Fatu in mlw mlw by the way not not TNA he had one two matches in New Japan like this wasn't a guy he was a big star but he always had something about him and instead he's gone to WWE and he feels like reiterating the obvious points got himself into really good shape for WWE TV he's I've seen him miss that Moon Sal on a number of occasions when I've seen that matches in mlw he's not missing that anymore and he looks he looks he looks great and he feels like he is he's the the kind of more spectacular star out of all of this you know that it's going in a he this Generations like you know like we just again yes movement Brian punk you know those Indie guys who like it feels like a guarantee now that they were going to make it in WWE and like I believe that as somebody who was watching them in in Ro but when it actually happened it was like oh there we go there's proof we were all right like same thing with Jacob Fatu we all believe that when were an mlw that he he could absolutely be a big star in in a WWE or aw actually seeing it happen and seeing him grab it by the Scruff of its neck even with the I think the handicap of I I wish he was F it's the Gunther thing I wish he was 50 pounds heavier I think he'd be more impressive if he was as big as he was in the mlw days because when he does that top rope stuff that should be oh my God this big gu is doing it and not this guy was the same size as the the other guys SL or slightly smaller to this but even with that like he's just grabbed it by the scuffer neck and has been like those Indie guys you know the mid 2000 Ro guys who took over to the be in now aw undeniable um and just very clearly solidified himself as very much the the top heeler in that stable it's been uh been lovely to see oh he has and every time you saw him in comparison to solo seoa you were like this is the guy I want to see I want to see jaob two I do not want to see Sol sakoa which when watching Smackdown and hearing the promos and the build I was just like oh my God he's he's not got it and I think that's it and is there a possibility he can grow into it yeah I suppose because that could always theoretically happen is it likely to happen absolutely not well when AJ Styles was in the ring in that three-way cage match they on Smackdown this week and draged them all to a good match oh wait no it was Cody and maybe that gives you an indication that maybe there's something carryable there I don't know it was just it was his best showing but I don't think it was his doing no exactly and I thought I thought in the main for like how they tied the bow between the opening and the close as well I thought actually this is like it says a lot about where WWE are under like Triple H where that's the competency thing coming into it it's like no we need to tie this bow up at the end as well and they're moving at least if they're moving away from Sola there's the recognition of yeah this is not quite work but we can move away from it in the kind subtlest of subtle for them of ways away from it and and I think that's and I think that can only ever be a good thing then my only my wish list would be though for Smackdown for for things to actually happen going forwards because again that last month the fox and going back further like Smackdown has been such a nothing happening show um that aw wouldn't get away with if it was a dynamite doing that um you know so yeah God let let maybe now that it's on USA maybe now that Ro is on Flix deal and they've got less time for that they'll put more time into into doing those two hour smackdowns but that's kind of it really as far as I've got takes as far as the be TV uh this week but moving on from there into a couple of other d thewe uh news notes um apparently Mark Shapiro has has said that W is going to be trimming the WWE House show schedule right down and continuing to to have even less of them um main reason he gives and this was at the uh at some Goldman sack technology conference is that they're taking their low margin marginally profitable events untelevised events that Vince put in place to grow the brand um we're going to be we don't need to carry these marginal profit events anymore what was 300 events last year will likely be 250 this year and then next year it'll be closer to 200 which very much brings the the number down so it'll be weeks where there's just just a raw taping just a Smackdown taping and maybe the one Health show in the week which does explain of the [ __ ] pricing um they're doing for some of these House shows going forwards like back in my day I do the house show was a place where you know the kids and the the families would go to to get to see the stars off the telly now would there be even less of them I think they're going to drive it drive the prices up and it's going to be it's this premium opportunity to get to get to see the do the be stars in person which is very much what they've done with the the Manchester House show coming up that's got I think the cheapest getting for tickets there is in the high 60s as far as a pounds go and um and they're very much uh leaning in that direction and for that reason not selling the tickets either um and that that Manchester House show is actually struggling they need to advertise Drew maybe that'll uh that'll s show but yeah High tick high high ticket price i' expect on the on the Lesser House shows but the right move overall like House shows in general are kind of I could understand you know a forward you know when you got so much TV to fill anyway they kind of are a thing of the past there is a reason egw have built their brand with you know being a TV product and not you know only doing the odd very very rare House show um there isn't a huge reason you know even the positive is families in local Arenas that might not get a w TV show or an awtv show get to see the wrestlers that they like the negative is the wrestlers are just add to the bum card aren't they and that's often been the problem like why are wrestlers taking more bumps in a week when they don't need to and when it's a very minimal profit so yeah not a surprise that they're going to continue to uh to lower those and yeah the other WWE news stories apparently I thought this would be an aw story when they did the tag G this year multi City Machine Guns um have signed with WWE um this uh according to a report from PW Insider say say that they officially signed with WWE and expected to debut um on the nxw NXT sorry first show on on CW October the uh the 1st is the is the day coming up for that obviously it's the uh the Tuesday Dynamite the the week after that they'll be going head-to-head with uh as well so yeah not a huge surprise I don't think really as far as you know the future goes I don't think mul machine guns have got a huge amount left in the tank they are going out there and being very professional wrestlers and having very professional tag team matches uh on you know like their most recent TNA run and being solid you know veteran hands in ring as as singles guys I think if they came into aw I think they'd be forgotten about quite quickly and they'd meld into that Tag Division rather than pulling it up whereas in WWE veterans on the NXT brand kind of fits um where they are in their careers at this point so not hugely shocked by that one JP not shocked by night at all my computer was shocked hence the reason it designed to kick me out for no apparent reason and completely black out the screen as a result of it it's and we'll talk about more of this when we get to TNA stuff as well but it's almost like NXT is just this safer landing spot and it's a safer landing spot for them they won't be lost in the shuffle they'll be a featured part of a show that's on CW and that'll be a big deal for them and there's a chance Sorry's a good trivia question Simon says who remembers their 1 aw match po poquiz GP who was in the 1 aw match I'll give you one I remember jayal being part of it it was like some kind of trios wasn't it it was a trios match it wasn't a tag match I really cannot think of I remember them appearing they were on there it was part of their relation ship when they had with TNA at that point in time I want to say it was part of that period of time but that wasn't a relationship that worked out oh I've got it yeah I'll give you the guess JP so it's Jay Jay little was on their team and they faced three members of a stable um two members of which are a tag team that were uh were on multiple aw programs this weekend and one was a singles wrestler in that stable name that team John Paul oh for [ __ ] sakes um which team was this and I've got to go to that c you know gaunlet match probably for where they were and that if there were multiple ones I want to say FTR he nailed it I was just and then the other person who was on there I don't think who Jay Lethal was feuding with at the time it wouldn't have been anyone substantial as well a who were fcr in stable with I don't think they were actually in the stable at this point though not Punk no was it no wasn't Punk um oh [ __ ] he hasn't been on awtv in a very long time but he is alleged a member of a a push table well push on our AG table oh my God whose leader is currently injured um Adam Cole he's the leader but he's the wrestler oh um it was W was it Ward w yeah it's w yeah that's how far back we go there we Ward was in a b with with the City Machine Guns he's probably walking around and his dressing gown and Sliders getting some skins isn't he from the news AG remember that he look you look less ass than [ __ ] Max Caster oh Trio B he's someone who needs to be an NXT and bloody sharpish doesn't he I don't know though I don't think he'd stand out he works in a because he's bigger than a lot of people in I don't know a mediumsized blo with muscles um it might just be a default answer I keep on saying to lots of things he should go to NXT cuz he just like why not mind you don't watch it's crap we should say that say that I watch oh what's the highlights package mate come on what more do we need to still crap hey I I it's do you know what it might be becoming my guiltiest pleasure in WWE I'm not proud of it I'm not proud of it at all there's a lot of [ __ ] that I'll end up watching and I've watch three hour RS I can't talk I can't watch it but those people there they seem to [ __ ] love NXT but yeah that for for M for the I think for them going there that was almost the sign I think with Motor City Machine Guns because it felt like such an obvious move them going to a that them going to WWE was like oh hang on a minute there is actually another option for them to go to and you know God I I actually predict they're going to do they're gonna do all right there they're gonna be fine like they they're gonna end up in coaching roles in no time we'll see Chris Sabin backstage and a bloody suit hugging Chris Park and and all sorts like that that'll be where I see that ending up maybe we got a TNA Reunion Show at some point you know a one that time for TNA maybe enough people there backstage there apparently who TNA alomo on that note if if this was the weekend show JP we'd have an un finally news story and we uh think we do need to have on for this WWE section as and finally um this is Bobby Ste Stevenson talking um the uh the brother of Gabe gab steveson and I were told if we ever wrestled each other in WWE it' be at wrestle Mania and this apparently on on a podcast this week casual conversations with the classic never heard um apparently yeah that's what Bobby said they were expecting to be working together at WrestleMania so imagine JP that could have happened the day it would be it would be me saluting my tribal Chief my acknowledging my tribal chief of of Matty Edwards at our live show all as we were on the long build to the big main event of WrestleMania of Gabe Stevenson versus the other one Stevenson uh we could have had JP what we could have had what we could have had with old Damon Kemp who I honestly to that was his name because why use his real name when oh for [ __ ] sakes like that's it yeah when you say Damon Kemp I was also thinking of is it Martin Kemp in East as well yeah he was he was there for a long time I want to say it was him and Tam's in eway I'd have to ask Vicky what his name was Steve someone in East Enders I'll get sidetracked with this and end up taking it off on a thing on there but yeah [ __ ] hell they're not missed are they those BLS I think probably Dam Kemp more is for the hardcore NXT but even having admitted a quiet NXT fandom even I am like going I I would know this bloke is file that under Matt riddle this week saying I met Tony KH it doesn't it didn't seem like he liked me very much no [ __ ] mate no [ __ ] um yeah that man has not ended up on on AW shows and he's AB soon but there we go that's the end of your ewwe news there's your stevon update it might still happen well imagine it happens imagine they get back into the company and turns out Triple H is actually a big fan and it was Vince that didn't like them and he ends up at a WrestleMania main events do I have to do like two forfeits then what will I do I don't know I don't know good thing is the day will never come cuz he's [ __ ] crap um you'll have to pass off the old necklace onto Matty there for that one won't you I don't know what you'll have to wear a over NXT gear for it um for those of you curious Martin Kemp character in East Enders was Steve Owen ah as well yeah that that that Rings Bells well uh yeah to get into some other uh news and notes and a couple of reviews of other shows going on around the Western World we have Royal Quest four coming up as uh Zach J has accepted sard's challenge for the uh the main event of this show T I mean I would just guess from you know little things out here here and there that is very much oh nice nice boots there being advertized on the post wrestling site um I would very much expect that that's the doing of of New Japan and not their British partners and but for whatever reason like it feels like for the longest time of this like new Japan in the UK relationship it just feels like they think the Brits just love lij like doesn't it feel like every time it's like oh we'll send them L J we'll send them evil back when he was in there we like we'll do that we'll do more lij law over in the UK but yeah that's unfortunately the match we're getting at Royal Quest um where of course Zak sa junor might well be um the world champion the IWGP champion at that point depending on what happens at Kingo wrestlin and but yeah that and tmdk versus tanahashi and Tomah hero isi are the matches an for real Quest don't we know I'm not sold on him I'd be more Other News, TNA Victory Road, CMLL Anniversary show, MLW, BKPW keen on the Doncaster show that they're running frankly rev Pro than Saturday D it's Dad's birthday would it's a surprise party don't nobody tell him um on that Saturday so if anybody knows we stepped up Paul keep it to yourself unless he's listening then I've just ruined it um but anyway that's a whole bigger conversation if he's been listening to this all along you got 1 hour 56 minutes in I'd be genuinely quite shocked but yeah I can't go but I'd rather go the Doncaster show Absolutely the Rev Pro off the show will be it'll be probably a step above this because not the most exciting so far it isn't and in might and like I've said a few times I fully expect Zack to win I think that actually might be happening like in terms of a king of pro wrestling and if it's him versus sonada you can imagine it it's like well what's a lazy New Japan match that they can put on after he beats Nao oh here comes nao's old mate sonada being [ __ ] boring and I tell you what I wouldn't be surprised if he fell asleep in the ring as sardo walked down because that's how boring he is he's just as he adds absolutely nothing for me is the epitome of an anti- draw him being in a featured position on this makes me think nah I've got no interest in going tell you you are Japan because yeah there isn't anything fresh you think of all the other people in lij that he could face it could be well there won't do yok suji yet but just say shingo just have sheer laziness or haromu you think ah that would at least be kind of fun sonada you know that there is a limit on this and it's not a high limit either you're talking at best three and a half to 3.75 stars and they'll do an exchange some technical stuff he'll pull zero facial expressions while you do it and you'll just be wait can we get to the Finish now you got 25 minutes to sit through and he'd be like oh Christ like it' be that time like I watched I think it was Zach versus kashida and I was nearly and it was 40 minutes long and I was nearly falling asleep in my seat like that was in fact I was nodding at points because I was just like [ __ ] me I'm bored and this is where we are speaking of Main Events we've also got announced Switching gears to a bit of a TNA while I was watching uh the C anniversary show actually got some uh some notes on that to get into in in a little bit JP you were watching some victory road as it is now official um Joe Henry is going to be taking on Nick neth B for Glory for the uh for the TNA World Heavyweight title um yeah what of thoughts and and how they got there and uh yeah how much of Victory Road did you see from Friday another sellout I believe um I say that like I've just found that out myself JP wrote it on the notes another sellout I believe JP um yeah well done LS well but biggest crown they did in the US which if you think of that relaunch show they did at the start of the year that did like 1,300 in that really nice Arena do you remember that at the very start we were like oh okay this was this was quite good it was the one where Nick neth debuted this one did closer to 2000s it looked packed which is say that I saw a couple of shots the building look good too the the the ropes and the kind of red velvety kind of look yeah it looked it was very close to being the backdrop this week except all the pictures of it had TNA wrestling all over and I don't like it and I was on a high from the Northland and Derby so I went I'll go with these Lads instead I'm much happier about that I mean and and the reason it happened is Joe Hendry tapped Josh Alexander out which there was a couple of things for that I thought a yeah Joe Henry they're going with which makes complete sense they should be going with here yeah because he is by far and way the hottest of the of like the TNA men singles wrestlers they've got the fact that Josh Alexander is just going to be doing a series of these jobs as he leaves and probably ends up in NXT and probably ends up in a coaching role as well because that feels like a there's story lines he can go into but B he's you know he must be nearly 40 now Josh Alexander so like it makes kind of sense for him at this stage of that's probably the the peak of where he's going to end up um I mean as long as he win I mean this is the thing it's going to be financially successful and I think this is the Mad cap world that we live in is that a WWE relationship with another company is working out really well for the other company and I can't think of a time in history in every way except creatively yeah apart from creatively it's the least I've been interested in negative ages yeah there are I I think that was because we are the read the history book people but I think things swung the other way too far where it's like everything about this relationship is negative what a TNA getting out of it and I hear those arguments when it comes to who's featured on Whose show you know what T are getting it out of it wrestler wise and what do be getting out of it which is a [ __ ] you know Joe Henry on their shows over ready made ready to steal like there's a very clearly read the history book as we'll always say WWE are going to come out on top at the end of this relationship but it shouldn't be as black and white as that cuz quite clearly from a business point of view TNA is being helped more than people want to admit and coming at a time as well with the TNA creatives pretty dire and you know they haven't got Scot the mo and they haven't got you know they don't seem to have a clear Direction they going outside of piggybacking off off NXT from a business point of view their heads I think are being kept above water because of that D relationship that's where i' go with the JP oh yeah absolutely and you don't blame them for doing it because they're a handt mouth company ultimately and they and if they are at various points it's been rumored in terms of sales and everything else you want them to look appear to be like a viable business Prospect but really what is TNA at this point other than a finishing school for NXT because they're not these aren't people are going straight on to the main roster this is for them to Joe Henry versus Nick nouth for the rights for Joe Henry to end up in NXT that's really what this is full TI like that's that's what this match is and that's what so much of this show is and the people they're getting are they exciting nah not really couldn't give less of a [ __ ] about Wendy cheu not convinced in the stist and I saw her match that she had with um oh what was it she had a match with was it Kanani Jordan or something like that for the for the for the whatever they are the secondary title that there is in in NXT says the big NXT fan in the room over here as well but you look at the shots you look at the ticket sales you see like the fact that TNA plus subscribers apparently is up as well at the same time you know and for a lot of the wrestlers they seem motivated because they now see a way in it's like someone that Zachary Wentz wouldn't have cared about him for a long time him and Mike Bailey had a good match now people have been going I think a bit overboard with that I say 3.75 because it was the match you kind of expect it to be however it's clearly a case where I looked at Zachary went and I thought are you good enough for NXT and it's like well yeah you are obviously you are there are people like ABC for example they should be thinking this is probably long-term career-wise that's the route you want to do is you want to get into you want to get into NXT just get into that WWE system and then you know let the chips fall where they may you may end up in the main Ruster may not but it is fundamentally like as a as far as a relationship for what and to give you a bit of context Victory Road last year Drew about 600 odd fans when I looked at it this one's closer to 2000 you can't really argue with that they like we've seen them in the absolute doldrums and even when they were putting on good shows that we liked and we would say you know each the month that have three matches commercially it wasn't doing anything now it is and that's purely because of the NXT relationship and the exposure that they get from it the big thing and this is where we get into our history book kind of element is well what happens when a lot of these contracts which a lot of them are one-year extensions and the rest of it Jordan Grace goes Josh Alexander goes Joe uh Joe Henry goes whether it be like an ABC Zachary Vents and the rest of the Rascals him and Trey Miguel end up in NXT proper all of these people what are you left with you're left with PCO and Rhino aren't you and that's where like and the hardies and everything else who wouldn't surprise me if they ended up doing some sort of shot in NXT at some stage the like but I think for them they don't think of it that way I think they just think of in the immediate short term this is beneficial to them as a business so let's go with it but they haven't quite thought of well where when this starts going sou who are the people we're going to end up replacing them with and are they going to be able to hang on to them because that's going to be like a that's going to be like a big kind of like an interesting thing to take a look at and it was good to see Leon Slater he even if he was only on the count you remember he still works though yeah losing to Kida mate which is wrong like what a [ __ ] um just winning [ __ ] boot campers uh really paid off for him and uh and Harley Hudson hasn't it like Harley Hudson's been better off staying in the UK and taking British booking than whatever was very very very clearly a Scott demore thing that is obviously not paid off um and Leon yeah there'll be a book to be written I think about a Us in TNA thus far but maybe maybe brighter things are on the horizon but yeah unless you got more on on that from from TNA I didn't watch it we didn't feel news worthy we said we didn't do a weekend show because it was not to preview I didn't even know victory was on until it it was on on the Friday as well so it wasn't like there was a lot of time to build into it so yeah there we go but yeah we'll see what outbound for Glory looks with that that big main event and yeah I did watch the uh at least a bit of the CML uh anniversary show JP that also took place uh this weekend on uh on Saturday night good Lord we could have talked this in the aw section for like the headline of this being how how one man can read the room so badly and not being Chris Jericho here in this Main Event um on this show against mystico like on it was embarrassing like I watched the two last matches on this show because the the four-way match that ends in a one-on-one Mass versus MCH match at the end of it CML always confuses me but that's that was the general gist of it was genuinely fantastic and you know aw favorite hito in there was uh massively over not only in that match but also in the main event as the fans were chanting for him as like a rebellion against what they were getting because they had this emotional everyone into it mask versus mask match where like they you know they had the whole post match which felt like it should have been you know the end of the show with hetero and Euphoria it was who lost his mask people are crying in the front row people are talking about as a match of the Year candidate and then Judas hits for some reason it's Judas by the way and not Chris Jericho's current theme as Jericho comes out and like the crowd clearly know who he is but are extremely confused by what the [ __ ] this presentation of him is mystico comes out and gets boo you can tell me the history behind that JP but he wasn't he weren't happy to see him either Jericho grabbed the mic at one point and did did his High guys catchphrase to Absolute deathly silence and then they proceeded to walk and braw their way through a slow pent like three two out of three Falls match that I don't think anybody in the crowd knew was two out of three Falls as Jericho [ __ ] up spot after spot mystico visibly lost interest as the match went on and it was probably half him that was messing up the spot eventually at that point as Jericho's slow motion rolled through um most of his signature moves and finishes big bill on the outside wasn't much better Big Bill like half the time I think it was the gimmick that he wasn't supposed to be catching Mr go and half the time I think he was just out of position to Catch vtic Co so that went wrong as well and the crowd were just utterly confused like through all the falls through to the finish and they were just booing and ripping into this and if that wasn't bad enough the postmatch the that poor orange Cassidy on the show who came out cuz obviously at the end the heels jumped the baby face waiting for the big save the crowd of completely lost their patience who makes the big save orange Cassidy they didn't even play his music they just played his video and like you could tell there was no reaction to the video then the song started playing then orange Cy came out just looking embarrassed and ran off the ran off the heels for a little celebration with mystico put his glasses on on on mystico the crowd started booing even louder orange cley just did a run I was like [ __ ] this I want no part of this and he gets off and then mystico just stands in the ring posing with the sunglasses to win the show as the as booze rain down it was one of the worst bits of business I've ever seen to get over a mid card aw angle in the main event of what I believe JP is cm's biggest show of the year which had the rightful Main Event right before it I don't know what they were thinking going into this but it was it was it was I watched it for like perv entertainment and I did get that PR entertainment but it was shocking Jericho's been bad on Dynamite he was 10 times worse here it was absolutely from what I watched of this match I have to say I I was like I was struggling to pay any attention to this whatsoever because it was so [ __ ] slow and it was just so many things were just going wrong and by all accounts it was the fact that Jericho was massively over as a baby face and the crowd decided they hated mystico which then the whole dynamic's [ __ ] then isn't it at that point it's was playing his a character awful yeah and it's it felt to me like it was like the spirit of because when I've seen cmll I've liked cmll even with stuff that I don't generally get like just the arena is spectacular they have some brilliant like workers and in that Lucha style which is obviously so hit and miss at best like they tend to get it right but this felt more like triaa this felt more like Triple A just getting [ __ ] wrong like not getting the reaction they want crowds being confused by all of it just going oh my God I didn't mention this when you asked me I thought about all out one of the reasons I liked all out is there was no Chris Jericho and that was like honestly it was like a weight being lifted that there wasn't this need to get someone on there who was no business being in there as well and this is It's you know you'll see people defending it for the sake of Defending Chris Jericho but it's it's kind of it's just indefensible at this point and think about this isn't the mystico who was like the massive draw of the kind of you know late 2000s into the 2010s like this is just some this is a like you know he's put on a few yards and I'll talking about because he turned up in mlw as well and that was no [ __ ] great shakes but like this is like this is their big show I think last year when we watched like the 90th anniversary there was the mask versus um I was say it was a mask versus hair match with volor junor and I can't remember the guy who lost his mas and he was in tears his wife and his sister in tears and all of the emotion which it sounds like I didn't see the match before but I heard it being like massively praised like that's the stuff that they want to see and it's not like that it's not like recent CML to kind of [ __ ] this up so badly but [ __ ] it up they did and yeah it's just like you just shake your head and go what the [ __ ] like for this and maybe it works from like a reverse advertising with you because that was so bad it almost made me want to see it which meant I saw the semi event which was genuinely great like it was the good and the bad to be honest and like it maybe shined more of a light in some ways even though it's a a negative light on the on the show kind of ending with that complete nonsense for a mid card a angle um but all the other a cars they' brought in have generally worked when they brought in the Lucha Brothers like big house massive reactions that was great when they brought in Blackpool combat club that worked Danielson in the singles match that worked Willow Nightingale in an emergency he was on this card losing the cmll women's title as well all of that stuff has worked but they've brought in people who like their working boots on yeah and I know like with with Jericho you're just not getting that what you're living off is fading memories of someone who just isn't just can't do it anymore who's not up to it and there's no one in a again this reiterating an Old Point really hasn't got the courage to say mate you've not got it you shouldn't we're not putting you on pay-per-views anymore we are phasing you out feels like he's lost a bit of power there hopefully that ends up being true because yeah he deserves to but I will say you know it did put a bit of a shine light on that on that semi- main event I had a lot of fun watching it didn't fully understand what was going on at first and that it was a four-way match where yeah you can get eliminated and that's good because you're not in the mass versus Mass match at the end it's a weird way to get to a to a mass versus match and really it was two matches it was like a four away for about 15 minutes and then what felt like about 25 minutes for like the final stretch of the match but it was kind of comforting to see like hch zero obviously becomeing a in a and we saw him at rev Pro last month just to see how over he is and how over all of his submissions and and near Falls are thought he looked really good it was him in Euphoria like the the final two um he kind of he ended up winning it with the what was the old chakara special called whatever they uh they call call that now into like a weird submission like a roll up into a submission but there were loads of like near Falls that the the crowd were living and dying by like it's like a it's like a party atmosphere you're watching it it's like full of people like I don't think this is on the level I don't think half the people in this crowd really know these people are or who the cheering for or why to be honest if you go to the YouTube comments you see a lot of people just having a go with Jericho in the main event and talking about how this semi-main event was the better quote unquote fight um because it was but yeah bit on all of those near Falls and it was you know despite me watching it kind of only half really understanding what was going on although heter zero looked great and it led to like a really big like emotional moment at the end of it this felt like the the best of CML if that that made up was the the worst of it JP yeah yeah and I look forward to seeing that I want to see that semi main because that like you say that feels even if you don't know who they are and even if and I agree with you like the rules wise don't speak Spanish like the the element of confusion because sometimes you're watching go oh right they're still carrying on oh yeah it's two out three four Sky the special finishes just read yeah but like that you know that appears to be there stuff on the undercard looking at and even the orange Cassidy's match on the undercard I'd be up for kind of having a from what I've heard oh okay that's that gimmick is one that maybe they just didn't get um Mexico unfortunately well hopefully I mean in future the other people have when they sent even across a KL Fletcher it's kind of worked like it's it's worked for what it is and maybe they just need to put it down experience send Top Flight there send private party there they have a style that works well there it'll get F CML Universe they don't have to be doing their TV [ __ ] this TV Feud over a [ __ ] jacket with and cley Jericho just be part of cmll and do whatever CML is currently doing it's bizarre absolutely we didn't mention that doing the the was it $77,000 worth of coins into his car as well which I was just thinking I wish it broke the wind screen I was just like I've seen this this just reminded me of filling up 4 and that that's what it reminded me of was that really worth putting on tell why did everyone in Dynamite this week have a car I don't know what's going on was like it was Tony K's thing of the week everyone must be showing Raven to the arena weird just pissing away money but I found myself even sorry to go back to a dynamite segment I found myself going Mark Mark brisco's handy with a forklift truck like he's he's all right with it he knows exactly what he's I don't know how many times he had to practice it but he was I thought yeah he seems pretty decent and I thought is he doing on the chicken farm like is he just in using this to scrape up an industrial amount of chicken [ __ ] lit tal yeah he is isn't he but look great worth watching the the fourway definitely if you just start parachuting into CML and um good stuff looks like a a a great place to be uh live I would I would say and yeah past that only a couple of shows left to to mention don't tell me you watch mlw JP you fight land apparently was a thing that happened I flicked through it if that's what you mean because you don't watch mlw for the wrestling thank God you don't watch mlw full stop that's the that's the even it's some of it is I say borderline unwatchable it's when you find yourself watching the Anderson team of Brock Anderson and CW Anderson going over the Bomier Fight Club of Alex Kane and Mr Thomas because JBL comes out punches Mr Thomas who's a big bloke he was he blast them massive in chicara and is that that hits him with a larat and he's taking a pinfall loss to Brock Anderson I was just like this is wrong this is [ __ ] absolutely [ __ ] like it is like ah God it it really feels like the dregs at times as well like just what watching mystico wrestled twice on this and it wasn't a big crowd as well and they didn't appear to care that much I mean he won the Opera cup which I suppose thank heaven for small M he's normally that's The Preserve of daav Boy Smith Jr who wasn't on this card I didn't need to see him on it and he had a couple beat bad dude Tito which I was sad about and then beat kenter in a main event which is 17 minutes 43 that I had on times times two and a half at one point I just went I just need to get through this just to see where we get is there anything I've missed I was watching it it felt like I was watching a normal speed I was like oh God I could hardly care about it watching mad's Krueger throw the worst Fireball which just fell at Satoshi kima's feet and then he had to sell it like it went into his eyes and he got dced in the world heavyweight title match that went seven minutes seven minutes in there so I've gone JBL Brock Anderson [ __ ] Fireball like a kenter who my God man who has checked out in the biggest possible way okamura winning and he just doesn't he's there to lose that is his primary role he's the BL who tags with the Japanese star and then takes the pinfall for that team and he's beating Adam priest who's meant to be one of their guys and it was just like oh my God just awful and then after the the world title match like Matt riddle came out and I was just like a [ __ ] me Lance this is this is it's not even got the guilty pleasure element to it and it hasn't got like the likes of a Jacob fatau as it would have back in the day or a Tom Lawler in a push position and it's just like oh and this JBL thing I don't get it and I doing the same spots in different places isn't he just going around in the same suit it's basically the same footage every time you see it whatever he's trying to sell I'm not buying and I never will buy and I'm not interested cuz he turned up TNA as well m b does know he's the heel it's like early Triple H he was in that cast of characters he it's just so bad it's so so it's and it's just lazy as well he just comes out and he doesn't even change his facial expression Mark Henry did more when he sat in a seat at what was it like one of when he was doing the judging for the AJ Francis versus Alex Kane match I watched the previous l m mlw show I think Chris calls him knockoff Jeff Jeff Jarrett that's that's an insult to knockoffs and I include the film knockoff that starred John Claude vanam which was about them doing some sort of drug smuggling involving genes and I'm not joking about that that was actually a thing that occurred God awful Absolut like it this was bad but I tell you what wasn't bad mate I'm glad you watched it oh the intro to the show we got distracted by JP being a referee um not the only wrestling you saw this weekend J this is what I wanted about it was the we were back to the Oxford Academy mate it was uh for the for the third time that I've been there for British Kingdom pro wrestling and I met with Joe he loves going along to these and we've also said we'll go to the United wrestling show but really enjoyed it because as a family show and and this is where I wouldn't argue so there's me there's Vicky there's Harry there's George and there's Charlie thir quid for tickets that's did I smuggle in food and drink obviously it's me I say smuggling we had it underneath Charley's buggy and it was absolutely fine we sat up there it's probably about Vicki had counted it and I want to say it was about 90 people there um as well and it was like on there it was a five match card and people had their working boots on saw the Swindon Hulk Hogan Samy saheim he was in the opener honestly Prince Phoenix in there that was big oh mate he was F the kids got a photo with him in the ring and I include Charlie and that he sat on the Saints lap who was all the four FW shows he had a see he was in there against Saxon Huxley they had like a 15minute match that was decent I won't lie for this kind of a show it was perfectly decent tiger RI who you might he wrestled Kenny Omega after he was he was the opponent after he beat kazak Ricardo which is just like a weird pop trivia question to put in there who did Kenny Omega face next Tiger Ari and Swindon and he did he was oh no well we had this conversation when we were watching the show going he's definitely the best Tiger Alley out there and i' and I'd include tiger Ali Singh and his dad who was [ __ ] in Japan but like inexplicable well he was a legend because he wouldn't lose and those kind of lads become Legends like perfectly the standard of wrestling per perfectly decent family entertainment absolutely they knew what they would do the last time they didn't draw as well because they were up against Oxford in the playoff final against Bolton so they just misjudged it because they were all every everyone had gone to Wembley for the day and they said that before and they you know and then in the main event and this is a guy I honestly think has a bit of potential to him is his name's Chris Bronson and he was up against Antonio Duca last time the first time we went to the as they rebranded as British Kingdom pro wrestling Joe was sat next to his parents and had a chat he's from Bristol like roast making skills that was the that was the show with skun Shun Skywalker there was no Dragon Gate LS there but I was joking I was going we could get them in there there's Noah bookings here going spare and maybe this is the place that we'll find them but they had a match right and normally most of these matches their family shows they were up and down the aisle he took a bump off what was like a kind of like seating that you'd use for frankly an assembly in school because it is literally the hall where they do assemblies he took a bump off that Harry was stood down on the stairs trying to get a better View and they started brawling past him and it was like oh [ __ ] like Vicky at this point had taken Charlie for a walk went oh no has this gone badly wrong he was fine he was loving it to be honest with you and he asked if he could go back to the next show took a bump off that took drink because they were selling like cans of beer and stuff hit him on the head with it poured it over which annoyed Nadia Sapphire who's the promoter of these shows as well who genuinely livid about it that required the two people who are working at the school clearly on just like standard hourly rate yeah will you just see a body in there and clean stuff up so they had to put out one of those signs saying wet floor don't walk over it and stuff like that during the match he won with a ball shot he was a cracking heel Chris Bronson looks in decent shape like knew how to interact with that audience had kind of improved the last time we'd seen him what else are you gonna do that like and Joe paid a tener for his ticket and Allan who you know is as well he paid a tener for his ticket and it was just like perfectly fun will we come back there again absolutely and more importantly did the lads enjoy it yeah George who was a bit bored at points in that main event he perked up he filmed it all on his phone as well like this was as much fun as like as you're going to have watching these watching these kind of very much family orientated show but probably the best work right of any family orientated show you're going to see as well with guys actually taking a bit of pride in their craft and yeah I'm I'm all in on them honestly they're really like they're really good fun easily entertaining over between started at six finished at eight on the DOT had time to go to tesos and get a couple of ready meals in for coming back on a Saturday night that's as much as you can ask for not getting that out of Brit R are you you know you're not getting out out of progress who yeah by the chance of it they out they out Drew I mean we out Drew progress with our live show looking at the the numbers deal that Noah last week but and I tell you what they didn't have to fly in a load of lads from Noah into do the job they didn't to fly in Lads from Dragon Gate to do these kind of numbers as well and you just hope that these kind of shows do well like they they really yeah it was I was spil yeah really I was quietly impressed but mate you would have enjoyed it if you'd come along you'd just thought this is really good fun it's a shame that I've actually got the car this weekend I could have gone didn't even think about it oh well next time next time we'll fig out well next you get to United wrestling at the tap social where Joe had his um wedding reception they do wrestling there that they do that on a I think I want to say it's mid October they're doing that so I look forward to that gpw booked in October um I mean they've got me booked but either way whichever um Sunday the 6th of October at the Monaco Ballroom will be there you know anyone wants to come along do come sayak um see the the sights of Wigan have a few pubs see some stars in the ring maybe for 11 seconds maybe for longer you know be great gpw seemed like they're the high Benchmark for these this kind of wrestling show which I always think people think we're demeaning about it and we're absolutely not no like this is the place where you learn the best it yeah absolutely it's where these where these guys grow where they learn and you have fun at a cheaper rate a point in time in the country where doing anything is really expensive yeah absolutely and yeah gpw is the same way i' probably guess the in rings are a little bit of a higher standard but that sounds like of a decent in itself but and yeah I think that's about a 10 or so as well so yeah I'll be there um for sure maybe some of the ls will be as well on the six but yeah I consider maybe coming down to Ox for one of those shows at some point always sounds like a cracking time um yeah best of that than going down to Electric Ballroom you wouldn't catch me there dead at this point um I was feeling a bit sad I wasn't at the RIT so that now show and then I saw the the crowd at the electric ballroom and I just kind of laughed to myself but oh well Brit R going to bit R but but there we go anything else to discuss JP lot to catch up on there lot of news lot of shows lot of reviews um all going on enjoyed that nice little Sunday Spotlight I'm M I'm love it if this is what Sunday spotlights are like Count Me In I think I'm down on this honestly I think I looked early finish for us I know it's not even 11 there's a [ __ ] there's a pay-per-view like every other Saturday in October and November so yeah even if it's not every week you're probably going to expect a few uh Sunday spotlights coming up but on in the comments what you prefer what you like with the layouts if you join the little live Dealers Choice pre-show on Tuesday obviously all that and and just to say in terms of the structure what we're hoping for the next couple of weeks we're during dealer's Choice month certainly we're going to be doing dealer's choice on on Tuesday we're gonna have the pre-show on at that point and then Thursday for the weekend sorry I hit my mic there um Thursday the Thursday for the weekend show as well I think it's worked out well so far so yeah uh people like it um obviously tune in Tuesday you got JP's uh pre-show and JP's uh dealer Choice as well I'll be uh revealing my one as well anything else to plug JP I think that's it really all I'd say is grapple grapple as well and if you you know get yourself across apparent you can buy the shows individually now as well so if you just want to listen to the yes yes movement show have a bit of a taste and listen to that I'd almost guarantee You' be back because of all the all the the content quid but not if you buy it on Apple they add like a pound 50 if you buy it via your iPhone so don't if you were planning on buying a single show not yeah but if you're out there and your fancy just a oneof um yeah rather than uh come for but you get free trials you can sort it out but yeah lots of options to to see and listen to all our stuff but yeah if you you enjoyed this you'd like to be live with us our patrons do tune in live all through the month for all of our shows but yeah thank you to our patrons thank you to our our live patrons who've uh who've tuned in for this tonight this uh rare Sunday spotlight and yeah of course big thanks go to our Alo King of the mountain Mark Booky as well as our current Kings of the Mountain con Laughin Eddie s b Chris plat you and Cameron carak and Mark baly but JP I thank all those guys and I thank our YouTube members as well or I think more than that thank you to ourselves yeah good night everyone bye hit the button on that all night good night uh

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