Charlie Kirk REDPILLS Ana Kasparian During TYT Livestream at DNC!

can be wonderful but they have tighter wagget right do you understand that though you know where that comes from yeah I I totally get where it comes from and I get the energy where it's like I want to save the entire world I'm like okay but how about you try to not have 70 shootings a weekend in Chicago before you tell me you're going to fight climate change so at the DNC this past week Charlie Kirk went on tyt to debate a number of things they talked about Trump they talked about policy they actually found some points of agreement which is interesting we'll show that later in the video but I want to start where Anna kasparan tries to nail Charlie on the infamous JD Vance childless cat ladies comment and of course you probably know by now the Democrats are trying to make the entire election about something JD Vance said 3 years ago when he wasn't even a Senate candidate yet much less the VP candidate of course at the same time apparently according to them the things that kamla Harris said back in 2020 when she Not only was a sitting United States Senator but also a presidential candidate apparently not only does that matter but it just never happened it never existed KLA Harris never said the thing she said back then but JD Vans does matter so much nonetheless we'll get into this so folks if you enjoy the content be sure to hit that like button and subscribe if you are new and here is Charlie Kirk versus Anna on childless cat ladies lot to say here J JD Vance's record is very clear and I don't want to like get too down in this rabbit hole but to be understand what he said about the childless cat women was that he was saying that when you have children that your Society is better governed when your leaders for having children when they're not otherwise when they're not having children think you guys could agree with that right no I don't I don't think all I so can I just ask the hypothetical 50 childless people and 50 people with families which group of people would make better decisions for the country the next 100 years I think that it it is wrong to assume that you you don't think that that having ker makes any bearing on your politics no I don't you don't think it does something to you where it like you think about the Next Generation and I think about the Next Generation all the time and I don't have children I think about educating our kids I'm worried about the fact that so many children in America are illiterate and cannot read I think about the future of this country all day every day right like I don't think having children is like the end all Beall of whether or not you care about the future of this country I love this country I I want you to be able to have kids I don't want to make this about you on it I have a lot of respect for you but I could tell you as someone who has had kids and has not had kids it does profoundly deeply changing it changes your politics it changes everything and that's what JD Vance was saying is that when a society starts having children it starts to throw off the wiring of the multi-generational framing of how public policy deis can be made we're not going to agree on that but I think it's rather common sense that when a society SE to have children a society SE okay so you know I really do hate that this has even become an issue in the election at all because this is just not something that is relevant to the 2024 election like maybe a big picture sit down academic debate about Society perhaps that is true but yes Charlie is absolutely right which is if you go back three years and if you really car so much about this off-hand comment that he said what JD Vance was saying is not that people without children are evil or that they can't care about the country or whatever but I think on a big picture in society yes when you have a large scale group of people large communities large societies we on mass people are not having kids they're not procreating for the Next Generation that comes with a lot of issues obviously the common sense one like who's going to fill the tax base what's the economy going to look like how are we going to turn as a society but also to some degree I would say yes on average it's not to demonize every childless person obviously but on average there's something to be said that maybe people will start to think more about the future or care or be more engaged in sort of the stake of the country if a lot of people are having kids because there's a Next Generation to look towards again that doesn't apply to everyone we're just saying on mass perhaps that's a trend but again I just hate so much that this has to be a debate in the 2024 election it's like we're not trying to attack childless people we're trying to say that Family Matters and children are important obviously obviously important to the future of the country you know I'm going to answer that I want to ask you about Tim Walls in a second but I want to let our uh linear audience know like if you're watching on Samsung Roku all those places uh we're we're going to continue we're gonna have speeches we're gonna have more interviews uh so now it's uh the show is embedded on the homepage of so you can keep watching there all day every day okay so now Charlie yes so number one look everybody has a different experience so uh I have kids and I have the same exact way of thinking about things before the kids and after the kids interesting having kids didn't change your politics at all not one not one% no having kids didn't change you no I mean I love my kids more than you could possibly imagine so you didn't you didn't learn something about Humanity or like how to pass values down or yeah no I've thinking about that all along that's incredible I'm not doubting it but like your why didn't change like why you fight so hard yeah no it didn't at all yeah because I kind of view I mean this is really corny but I view the audience and the voters and the average American as family yeah and so I was already looking out so if this said Bruce some hypothetical but if a shooter came in and would you defend your kids first or strangers kids or are they the same so I mean first of all that's not going to change your opinion on Healthcare it's not mean obvious defend your kids first right but of course you're going to defend your kids no but that's the point is that so you have an attachment to your kids so it has changed you of course you have an attachment to your own kids of course of course I attack them first no no no but no but doesn't change my view on the world on Humanity on Politics on policy I mean right but if you're if somebody if there's a shooting of course I'm going govern my kids first I get it but by the way like is scenario but I wouldn't say B other people's kids to protect I don't believe that but my politics is all about protecting my kids so okay let that's the difference actually about protecting everyone right and so but that goes to the core Charlie that's why this is such an interesting conversation between conservatives and progressives because Progressive ideology is help someone you don't know including non-american citizens so I mean generally speaking I want to help the whole world but of course you take care of you know you've got these circles that you got your family my point is you guys circle the wagons and we think about everybody empathe but this is the problem is abstractions like that is how we end up invading Iraq and forget that our veterans are starving because we worry more about foreign Adventures than the immediate and that's exactly the problem with the progressive mindset is it's so idealistic hey we want to help everyone so maybe the point that conservatives are making about this having children thing is that when you have a family when you own maybe a single family home you are a little bit more grounded in something that is close to you right you care about the things that are close to you and by the way that's not selfish it's simply a recognition that I'm just one human being I can't save the entire world but I can make life a little bit better for the people close to me that's what a conservative wants to do whereas the progressive has these big story eyed ideals but as you can see usually when you're oneman Army trying to save the whole world doesn't necessarily work that way but I think this debate takes a pretty interesting turn after this but that was that was for the military industrial complex and the oil companies that wasn't for us or our kids look at Lindsey Graham people like that that have like very weird personal lives they tend to not care as much about the immediate they care much more about the foreign and the abstract but I oh absolutely by the way it's not just a Democrat thing right Lindsey Graham childless never married it's very strange okay it's very strange but then you also see at the same time he is the biggest war hawk in the entire Republican party right he wants to send American kids everywhere could that possibly be linked to the fact he has no kids of his own like he doesn't actually care I'm not saying it defines everything about him or that's the reason he you know believes it or doesn't believe it but it does have an impact and again I think maybe that was the point years ago JD Vance was trying to make just a thought I I just I'm I'm curious though that you don't think that family formation necessarily creates better politics I actually I want to ask you something so it's what you believe right sorry I don't mean to talk it's okay put that aside for a second what you personally believe that aside and think about Optics and political strategy do you at least con SE that politically speaking when it comes to Optics it is not advant agous to accuse childless people in America of not caring about the future of the country because they don't have kids like that is an incredibly people find that offensive it's also a very pro- family sentiment too say family glad I that's also an accusation right like the idea that if you don't have your own kids you don't care about family like well I'm not saying that I'm what you're asking me is it smart politics he said was a couple years ago before he was the VP and I think that's important because first of all it's even before he was a Senate candidate but even if he said it today I would defend the essence of what he was saying which is that when you have a group of people that are not attached their their public policy decisions are not immediately impacting the things that they cherish the most and it's much more distant and much more detached much more foreign then public policy feels much more like playing risk than actually managing your home and I think that's a big mistake conservatism at its best is trying to say forget the abstractions what's happening in the neighborhood what's happening at church what's happening to the family but yeah look I I share J Vance to you obiously yeah so I mean I think Anna and Charlie are both right on this Charlie is right that on the substance of what JD Vance was originally trying to say and it's been misconstrued there's a valid point there at the same time Anna is also right you shouldn't make the election about childless cat ladies or make the Republic repan platform attacking people without kids the thing is that's not what Republicans are doing right it's the Democrats who are just trying to use this as a smear they're trying to make the entire campaign about something that JD Vance said offand on a show like three years ago and that's the issue and that's why I again say I find it particularly frustrating actually to see this be the political debate that is defining the election but it is what it is I guess you could say on some level maybe it was an effective attack line by the Democrats I don't know it definitely riled up a lot of childless cat ladies to say the least not sure say one last thing that I want to ask you about walls cuz you ask me about walls um so look I wrote a lot about this in my book actually Justice is coming uh because I that's my main thesis on the difference between the left and the right that the right is not indecent a lot of people on the left think oh they're immoral they're bad and of course the right thinks that about the left Etc no the right wi can be wonderful but they have tighter wagons right but do you understand that though you know where that comes from yeah I I totally get where it comes from and I get the energy where it's like I want to save the entire world I'm like okay but how about you try to not have 70 shootings a weekend in Chicago before you tell me you're gonna fight climate change well I I say we no no I definitely see but we could definitely do both Charlie it's it's not either let's stop the well look I I would love to stop that's what that is stopping right both in Chicago and the mass shootings and all of that and and and there us populists rightwing and leftwing agree because we say like why are we spending money in Israel or you would say Ukraine right when and Israel has universal healthcare they have paid family leave they have all these things that we would love and we don't have yeah and so well we could disagree about that so got you there no I don't good deportations no yeah I that's would argue that we got you on that Israel is incredibly harsh and cruel Etc on those things but my point is yeah I get it take care of our families first before you start dropping bombs in the Middle East Etc yeah and so there are gradations of it but don't hate the others you if they're outside your wagons you they don't they're not necessarily your enemies we don't hate the others though conservatives don't hate the people on the outside this is the analogy we use all the time is we don't lock our doors at night because we hate the people outside we lock them because we love the people inside and the same goes for the border and a lot of conservative ideas so just to clarify there they just happen to be in a little bit further Circle away from you and we're trying to as progressives we're trying to get you to empathize from out with people outside yours but Okay so we've discussed that but I wanted to get back to Tim W but again that's the very flaw with progressivism that I see so much in the world and especially our own country today which is you say that you say look you got to have empathy for others but it comes at the cost of that tighter Circle closer to you right so you say we got to have empathy for the homeless people let them sleep on the streets where are they going to go let them sleep in your suburban neighborhood whatever it is but then who gets hurt by it your own families right the people closest to you crime etc etc things like this and that is exactly why I guess the conservatives nowadays argue for that tighter Circle and perhaps why to some degree right bring this back to the whole childless cat ladies thing conservatives would like to see more people have families because maybe once they have that they'll understand something about that tight Circle again that's not to demonize people without kids it's not to say they're like worse off or whatever it's just to say it's important for society that people are having kids and that should be a common sense thing and when you have an entire political party where every single strategist and consultant it doesn't seem like any of them have kids or any of them really have a normal family it's not to say that inherently makes them bad but it should make you a little suspicious when you combine that with the fact that their ideals are so tied to things that don't seem to make a lot of sense or don't seem to really care about those close to us our own country our own countrymen etc etc that said let me know your thoughts on this debate in the comment section down below be sure to leave a like on the video subscribe if you are new and until next time God bless and peace

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