Published: Aug 18, 2024
Duration: 00:43:40
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: milton iii
[Music] [Applause] [Music] and we're going to start at verse 27 Isaiah chter 40 verse 27 and it reads why sayest thou oh Jacob and speaketh oh Israel my way is hidden from the Lord and my judgment is passed over from God H has thou not known H has thou not heard that the Everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the Earth fainteth not neither is worthy there is no searching of his understanding he given power to the faint and to them that have no might he increases strength even a youth shall faint and be worried and the young men shall early fall but they that wait the Lord say that again they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength [Music] yes they shall Mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not think for today I want to use a topic don't let go and sore don't let go and sore you may be seated as you take your seat look at somebody say don't let go don't let go look at somebody else and tell them don't let go let go so I know a lot of times we here let Don't Let Go Let It Go some things you do need to let go but some things you don't need to let go of Amen there some things that you grab a hold to in your life that you need to keep need to keep a hold of everything is not meant to be letting go so today I just want to tell someone don't let go even if you feel like giving up God is saying don't let go because he have been given up on you see everyone is created with a purpose agenda a plan that why they say I know the plans I have for you of peace and not of evil to give you expected in so don't give up because he have a plan for you yes he does even the people we look at and feel like God can't use he got a plan for them see we we we so quick to give up on people because of the things they do the way they act out but sometimes it's our re our fault that they act out okay okay okay okay I know we talk a lot about letting go but I want to say Don't Let Go amen if you in here today then it's a sign that God haven't gave up on you your greater days are to come so today I'm telling you don't let go of your faith and trust in God because this can be your new new start amen if you in here today today can be your new start amen my God my God see First Corinth 2 Corinthians 5:1 17 say therefore If any man be in Christ he is a new creature all things are passed away behold All Things become new see today can be your new start you want to throw in the towel don't throw it in let's start over the Bible tell me that the Potter God said watch the pot he made this this pot and it was marble he broke and started over you can start over too you might didn't get everything right in life start over give your life to Christ for real this time every when I say for real this time you may have said you did it before but this time do it for real and because you did it for real don't mean that you ain't going to have problem don't mean you going have to restart that what how reviv oh cuz you going to go down through there okay see some people don't believe that but yeah because you start over don't mean you ain't going to go through troubl that's right but there's something we must learn to do and stop doing first we need to remember and keep in mind God is our heavenly father and he only wants what's best for us God gave His only begotten son that we may have eternal life see God don't want nobody to perish so he gave his only begotten son that we may have eternal life with him that's what you need to know the song say when I want to give up he won't let me go it's some things you would have to walk away from that will have you feeling lack you want to give up there some things that we holding on to there some people in our life will cause us to feel like we want to give up it's some places that we go in life to make us feel like we want to give up it's some things that we are doing that will make us feel like we want to give up y'all going to get it in a minute y'all will get this I'm telling you you going to get it there are some things that have came into our life that we must learn how to walk away that why first Thessalonians 5: 21 say prove all things hold fast to that which is good so you got to prove all things you going to be around things bad and good you got to know what to hold on to God going to allow you to walk into place that you shouldn't go into and you got to discern the spirit to know not to be there anymore you got to know when to walk oh yesterday was talking about Hallelujah when God say deny and no and know and sometime God tell you no but you want that yes you you like bam he say no don't go with them and you you just keep on keep on and keep on the no is a [Music] no you got to know when God say no it's a no no matter how good they look to you how good it tastes to you how it makes you feel a no is a no you got to learn how to discern and walk away when God said this is not for you prove all things hold fast that which is good hold fast to the things that are good as we go through these different stages of life these ups and down in life we must be careful not to blame god well when you start going through ups and down in your life you got to be careful and not to blame God so many times we blame blame others for our mistakes yes sometime we even get mad enough to blame God for the decisions that we made that caused the pain and hurt in our life and we find oursel complaining as they did in Israel you make these mistakes and then when things don't go right and you start blaming god well God I've been living right but you make you chose to do this you chose to go over there you okay okay okay okay see that that what Isaiah 421 say he say Why th oh Jacob speaketh why are you complaining to me why are you saying that my ways is hidden from the Lord see God have a few questions for us Christians God want to know why do we complain why do we speak and get mad when we get in certain situations see we I done done it how many times have you been going through say God do you not see what I'm going through that was that was that was saying you you you are you hid from me God see everything you know his eyes every corner you know every he sees everything and so when you going through you ain't got to ask him do he see you he see you he see what you're going through see when the children of Israel was going through slavery for 400 years and when Moses went to the mountain he said I heard the cry Come on B even when you pout to yourself he hears even when you mumbling on your voice he hears the Bible say every out word you going to have to give an account for it he hear every out word the conscience he hear your conscious he hear your thoughts that why he say my thoughts are not like your thoughts because you we can say one thing be thinking another thing how many times you told somebody yeah I like that I forgive you yeah I love you and you thinking back I can't stand there okay okay let me move on cuz like y'all a let move on let me see I'm put it this way okay say you you watching these kids you babysitting or whatever and you watching these kids this child go in this room and they get hurt they holling crying and then messed around probably broke their leg and you steady sitting in the room ain't did nothing they parents come over and hear the child holling they going to be like hey you not watch my child you don't hear me in that hauling that's how we act like God ain't paying no attention to us when we get into God God I'm watching everything I saw it but I warned you before you went in there you remember last week when so so came talk to you you didn't pay no attention to him okay okay okay okay okay God oh my God how many time I know I'm repeating cuz I want somebody to get this God do you not see what I'm dealing with look at my life Lord how Andre just last week I was saying God this is too much for me to handle can you see how much you putting on me God this is just too much you might not know this but some of the things we go through is our own fault from the decisions that we make and what God want us to stop saying and stop saying God won't put more on you than you can bear we we like saying that God a put no more God say if I don't put no more on you than you can bear then you'll never call my name because if you can't hand everything why you going to pray to me why you going to ask for my help the Bible say look towards the Hill from coming why you going to look toward the hill if you can handle everything there's no reason looking toward the hill and asking God for help if you can handle everything sometime he put more than you can handle so you can call out he said I just want to hear your voice I don't want you to call on me I don't want you to need me sometimes sometime he he want us to need see because we said we do all things through Christ Jesus so if you ain't calling on him if you ain't praying on him if you ain't trusting him how you going to do it through him if he ain't in youen cuz if you can handle everything then you don't need him okay okay woo my God my God my God if we not careful we'll find ourselves saying God haven't been paying attention to our problems he doesn't care about what's happening to us anymore he doesn't care if we treated it fair enough how many times you be on your job and you feel like it's not you not getting treated Fair see like people walking over you feel like seeing like people talking about you if you're not careful you feel like God allow this but but God saying I need you to strengthen up yes I need them to see me in you that's right I'm strenting you for this journey there a strength for the journey I'm with you if you open your mouth some say we just open mouth he'll feel it we just need to speak it you got to trust what God give you to say and move on then if we listen and if we pray up you that small still voice see the thing about you got to line up with God you got to have the Holy Spirit you got to be in line and tuned with God to hear his small still voice and see when you hear that voice it's like like verse 28 says how thou not known hast thou not heard that the Everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the Earth fth not n is weary there is no searching of his understanding God Is Watching and knowing all my God see my God don't get tired look at somebody and say my God don't get tired he ain't got to take no break see God ain't taking no break he ain't tired my guy don't get tired he don't take no break he don't need no coffee break no smoke break he ain't got PR press P to catch his bread come on his W his wisdom you can't imagine his wisdom there no limit to what he can do my God man I want somebody really understand what I'm trying to tell them today God is saying to somebody who is who's paying attention right now see this is for somebody going to catch this somebody's paying attention right now if you just pause for a minute and listen the problem you going through the thing you dealing with right now the thing that just came up out of nowhere God said verse 29 is just for you he'll give you a power to not def Fame he'll give you a power to endure and then when you think you weak the Bible say he'll give you strength see that thing you're going through right now you feel like I just can't get through it I don't know what I'm going to do this this is too much for me God say look here I'm I'm giving you power I'm I'm tring to bestow on you what you need to get through this I'm tring to strengthen you for your journey see ver see sometime when you're going through you need to pull up Isaiah 429 and realize God strengthen you because someone that was going through the same thing just didn't make it through they gave up through in the towel but God say I'm going to strengthen you where you think you're Wicked I'm going to strengthen you where you think you're Wicked God said I'm going to give you strength to get through all this whatever you dealing with because it seem that this thing this issue this problem this situation have left you weak and tired from wrestling with it have you ever got tired from just wrestling with a problem have you ever just got tired just just almost just like I don't even know I'm just I don't even know what to do you you like I get to a point I say God it's all on you now I can get all I can do God just I'm whatever you whatever God nevertheless whatever it's all on you it's all on you God is letting someone know right now in this moment I'm going to increase your power power to endure that problem yes the one that been on your mind for days that one that you can't figure out God said I'm working on that one right there God is saying don't get stressed out over it because I'm getting ready to deal with this for you I'm getting ready to strengthen you for don't get stressed out thank God then verse 30 let us know see no matter how old you are you can get tired you can get worried Young Folks these days is wor and worry about things did you know that young folks are stressed out over things say the young get worried they have F you know it doesn't matter how old you are problems are problems it's so funny that back in the day the problems that we dealing with now young people didn't deal with but now since social media Young Folks are dealing with everything like we dealing with yes sir they they pick up the phon they look at everything they saying things that we never all until we was grown that's right they s in an early age and now everything's on TV ain't no ain't no sensory no more you got curing everything is on television these days on the on everything is out there so these young people are dealing with things that they didn't have to deal with in the in back in the day it it it's just getting ridiculous out there that's why you got to stay prayed up amen but as long as we keep our hope in the Lord and don't give up meaning as long as we hold on and don't let go God will be able to work a miracle in someone life yes it and this where verse 31 come in when it say but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings at Eagle they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint I know how it is when you waiting on the Lord when it seem like nothing changing in your life nothing is moving in your favor but let me tell you this that's when it's that's when everything is working in your favor when it don't look like it's working it's when it's working when it don't seem like nothing changing that's when everything is changing when you learn to walk by faith and not by sight things are changing spiritually for you see you want to see the physical change but God said I got to work the spiritual change first because I need to State I need what you're going through to be just be done with see if I just change it physical you'll find out you'll find yourself back in that same situation but if I change your mindset if I change your spiritual walk your spiritual Hallelujah my God God say I change you spiritually from inside you won't go back in that same situation but I just change your situation a couple months from now you'll find yourself right back in that same situ because for most of us if God show us when and what blessing was coming our way we allow Satan to take it John 10:10 say the thief come to kill steal and destroy he come to steal what whatever it is kill whatever dreams you have and destroy your future in Christ Jesus so whatever God if God show us things we allow the enemy to steal it from us but Jesus I come that you might have life in that more abundantly okay that more abundantly I want to talk about not allowing the enemy to steal kill and destroy our dreams now if God show us the beginning and the end of what he going to do and don't show us show us the Miller we'll mess everything up let me explain it to you like this okay know why we mess it up because we run our mouth too much you said huh see you're messed up because you run your mouth too much because you run your mouth run off the mouth telling everyone what you're going to get what we about to do my God see a lot of times when God show you and say you going to have something you're not able to do it in that instant you're not able to do it in that time in that season and you start telling everybody what you about to do and they ready they got the finan everything they ain't got no plan they take your plan and work your plan next thing you know they doing everything that you tried to do everything you just say you know when I get enough money I'm going to so and so and buy this for cheap I get this and that your whole plan you laid out for them and they say know they doing your plan something that God give you is for you what to keep it till he bring it okay okay somebody going to get this in a minute somebody going somebody going to get this in a minute so let me explain to you know he said man up like eagles right so maybe I can maybe I can break it down to you like this Eagles don't hunt where they fly because of their sight you can see an eagle flying overhead but he hunting two or three miles away where you at now people see you people see where you working at they see what you're driving they see your house but they can't see your future they can't see where God taking you it's like an eagle you see the eagle but the eagle h two miles away he's hunting two miles away you know how far that is humans can't see two miles away but the eagle is hunting two miles away he's over here right now they see where you at they see what type of car you driving they see where you living at they see what type of what the type of job you have and they thinking ain't no way you can have what you've been talking about because they right here but God is over there blessing waiting on you to oh somebody see that's why you got to wait on the Lord see you ain't doing too well right now things you're going through you you're facing all this stuff but God say I I got something for you down the line it's away from you like the eagle flying up here what he's H is 2 miles away what God blessing with what God blessing you with is on the way it's just not in this facility it's not right here in front of you right now you just got to wait on it you just got the wa on why the Bible tells us that eyes haven't seen nor ears heard neither the things that enter into the man the hearts of man thank you God woo these people that watching you right now have no idea what God's about to do in your life see someone need to give a hand clap now you ought to give God a place see you you you you upset because it ever happened but you have no idea what God's about to do everybody they have no idea what God's getting ready to bless you with cuz they can't see it yeah they ain't Mount up yet most of us see we we proba to be living like eagles but most of us we live like chickens well did you know that we supposed to live like God said b as Eagles right but we live as chickens you don't have to agree with it but it's true see we don't sore like eagles Eagles soore and they eat in high places Eagles even mate in the air they don't come down they m in spiral down and down till they about hit the ground and they break apart see eagles they go as high as they can they start mating they go around because the death ster because they wait till they get r at the ground but sometimes you got power lines and got things in the way and they they going so fast at a high rate speed it kills them on impact so they wait till they right till the second they break AP part and fly back up Eagles always swor always up in the air oh my God now let's look at this thing Eagle sore but chickens peck we supposed to be soaring right we supposed to be flying around but most of us find ourselves stomping mad see how come every time you get mad you get Stomp and like a chicken m anybody ever did that that man I'm tired of stuff you stop don't you you don't see no Eagles stop they fly when they get mad they fly up in there they get over the problem get over the situation they go to hunting again chickens stomp they stomp stomp I nobody kid they get mad they get the St up the stairs acting like a chicken I'm say we act like chickens say just stumping think about chickens stumping around on the ground everywhere most people when they get mad they right they don't try to jump and fly they just stump and if they don't stump look if they don't stop they sit down mad you ever got mad at work just sit down I ain't doing nothing get that pecking everything pecking Peck at the situation pecking at this person messing with folks see y talk about you messing with folk pecking like chicken what we doing you m I ain't doing nothing somebody try to talk I don't want to talk to them chicken always just pecking I'm just saying we act like chickens I'm just we just okay you Peck at the situation trying to figure out what they should do see many of us are weighed down from our problems issues and other things but have you ever thought that you are being weighed down from unforgiveness so you pecking around the problem you don't want to talk to them you don't want to ask them for forgiveness you just pecking around all this stuff it's called forgiveness only when you forgive amen but we still stuck on unforgiving because we keep it and don't release it like a chicken let me tell you see we y'all watch this we tell people we forgive them but we don't we pick it back up we get mad at them again we say okay I forgive you but if they do anything we bring back up what they did before but you didn't how many times have anybody told you I thought you told me you forgave me for that cuz you Brun it back up chicken let me explain to you chicken eat their own release eat their own waste they eat poop it out and they eat it back up they never release nothing cuz they keep eating it you never forgive people cuz you keep breaking it back up chicken chicken I'm just saying you're a chicken you go around picking it back up packing it back up that's pecking around the situation you get mad get the stomping and you bring your head back up chicken well that's say don't get upset with me if you're a chicken you're just a chicken it ain't my fault that you keep pecking around the same situation stop pecking around and fly off but to mount up Mount up he take off don't stump and pick Mount up look at somebody say you better Mount up pecking around ooo my God my God my God my God man oh man my God some of us are weighed down with more than our problems well we we just we just weighed down with so many situations and we're not able to mount up like eagles I want you to look at your life and do a self check well see sometimes you got to do a self check some sometimes you got to do a self check I know this ain't the message y'all wanted to hear today but I'm trying I'm trying to help somebody out cuz I need you to fly today you've been waiting on the Lord and the Lord say I'm going to tell you why you ain't get why you haven't had what you needed sometime we need to do a self check to see if we pecking on the ground in things that we need to release are you still talking about the people that used to mess with you in the past are you still talking about things that happened a long time ago you got be like call forgetting those things that behind yes move forward press towards the mark of the high cow stop don't worry about that's in the P Let It Go hold on to the word see that what you need to hold on to and don't let go don't let go his word you hold on to stuff that you should be hold on to that's the stuff you need to let go but instead you let go the word because when you get mad you don't want to go to church you don't want to read the Bible you don't want to pray you don't want to do this see you let go the good stuff the why Bible say prove all things hold fast to what's good the word is good but you want to release the word when you get upet don't release the word hold on to the word and let all the other stuff go you got to learn to let things go those old relationships are you still pecking around them still calling them checking on them leave them alone let them go let them go bring up the old issues something you need to let some things you just need to let die Let Die and grab hold to this word and don't let go stop holding on to the wrong things and hold on to the word of God how can you sore how can you mount up if you weigh down you can't run when you weigh down you can't start to take off if you weigh down I don't care how difficult things look right now just hold on look let me show you something things get difficult in your life you got to take that word see we going say this post the word you got to wrap yourself in the word of God you got to hook on to that word of God and you got to hold on to this thing you know and then you then you got you got to wrap yourself up in that stuff I mean you got to wrap all up in there just get all up in there and just P that and what s doing he trying to pull you with you holding on don't let him just and then sometimes you got to make your way back to the word you got force yourself get on back your word there grab on to God but now you SLI there and you you be on no you down you down you oh and then sometimes you just got to pull yourself up pull yourself on back that's all you got to do you got to pull yourself you got to pull yourself when word uhuh no I ain't let go you got to stay make sure yes sir don't you let go of that word yes sir don't you let go you hold on you can't let go Hall you can't let go you trying to let go you got to hold on I don't care how difficult it get I don't care I don't care you hold on you hold on you better hold on we going to let go you better hold on B say they that wait on the Lord they that wait on the Lord the more issue the more problems the more challenges come into your life the more you got to be like an eagle you should woo see when those storms come in your life don't worry about the storms we want to worry about those storms just hold on to that word of God when those storms come in and when you holding on Don't Let It Blow Your away just just hold on you get the paning worry about what you going to do because you're going through this and you're going through that because we don't look at storms like God see Storms remember we act like chickens and when a chicken see a storm he run to the chicken CP he running High the Bible say we you see storm Mount up as winds as Eagles when we have storms that come in our life we need to look at them as Eagle that's why the Lord say Mount up look at somebody say Mount up tell them Mount up you better Mount upall it's time to SW see Storms Come into our life to take us higher with everything going on in our life this remind me of a man at work the man at work Mr Mr ER Mr Urban one day came to say her have you ever thought about yo the plans that God has for you I said huh he said have you ever thought about what do God getting ready to do in your life with all these storms that's coming into your life back to back to back that you facing at that time I seen storms as destruction not a way elevation because after every storm always seeing the devastation the debris and all these things and all the stuff scattered all over the place after storms but if you know like I do after every storm if you look at the news reporters see after every storm if you actually look at the news when they get there you see communities come together you see start seeing people that didn't work together work together people that didn't talk talk people that didn't help start to help thing about a storm is not meant to destroy us it meant to bring us together it's meant to strengthen us it's a meant for us to fly higher I'm telling you I'm telling you so when you see Storms Come into our life we need to prepare to mount up cuz God is about to take us to a higher level see Storms Come into our life to push us up that's why we got to mount up and prepare to fly see we get caught in storms cuz we watching them instead of M up see storms have turbulence that pushes air from the bottom up allowing us to SAR higher than ever before see when an eagle see a storm see Eagle like to fly high as they can get and they only get so High by themselves but when a storm come Eagles say this is my opportunity to fly higher than I ever flew before so Eagles love when storm they they know we got Storm Chasers Eagles are the first Storm Chasers they chase every storm cuz they want they they can get up to two or three miles in the air because they just and the storm push them up and up and up and now they way up they looking down at the cuz it's so high they love storm the eagle said storm say this is my opportunity to go to another level a level that I never been on before cuz storms have pressure which causes us to rise up to strengthen up without pressure you can't go to the next level so God bring these storms out life because everyone notice the storms in our lives know everybody knows the storm everybody know when you're going through something and he do us because we are Christian we are Godlike people God is say I want people to notice how you handle the situation how you handle the storm that I allow to come in your life I want people to notice this storm don't phase you see God want people to see you're the only Bible that some people going to see so God want to make sure that the people that around you see that storm to see the problem that you facing so they can see how you rise above that problem so they can see that this don't even phase you because you a child of God that you still got trust in him even though it seem like you shouldn't have trust even it seem like everything falling apart you got trust that God going to take you higher my God my God God say I want people to see me in you I I want people to see the god in you I want them to see how I take you above the storm people just watching everything you go through they watching everything that you done lost they watching every argument you get into every detail of the storm in your life they watching everything and seeing how you going to handle this storm you see when there's a tornado or a hurricane you see the the darkness the debris the see the debris is all the chaos that goes on in your life all the argument in the people that we fall out with the break up all that is debris you know all this stuff they be shattered and so when starts on your life people you going to be arguing with people going to leave you people going to talk about you that's debris and see if you're above the storm then all that debris don't bother it the eag he fly he looking at debris he looking at houses getting crashed and they're flying over and they way up looking at it so they arguing with you just go above them don't even worry about that argument don't even worry about the Fallout people not speaking to you no more get above all that oh they want to talk about me it's a storm let me rise above that talk all you want baby just talk all you want I it don't even fase me when they said this about me good I was on they mind I'm just trying to tell you you got to get over all of that where they going to let you go on your job don't worry about it fly over they a give you promotion fly over it I should be making this much fly over it they treat me like this fly over it oh my God you got fly over all this stuff you got to fly over this everyone looking at the storm and they can't understand how you going through the storm you know people see that that's where it's right that right they got me there people look at the storm they wonder how you go through the storm they don't realize you ain't going through it you going over it cuz you didn't Mount up so they wonder how how you going through all this I don't have to go through it I'm going over it I'm going over the storm what they see that should be phasing me it's not even touching me it's not even bothering me cuz I'm over all that thank you Lord they waiting to see you break down they waiting to see you fall apart but God said because you mount up as Eagles you can run and don't worry about all the things that's going why why I say you should run and not worry see because when you mount up you you can run and worry about all this stuff going on you ain't going to hit these debris know when you running you got to watch for everything but if you're above it you can run all you want to you ain't hitting nothing and you can walk without getting tired because the weight don't phase you m cuz the weight don't phas you the weight don't phas you because you soaring over all of this you didn't allow the storm to get in you but you allow the storm to rise you to the next level so as I close I want you to remember Eagles don't fly where they hunt meaning there's a storm in your life and people are watching it but they're not watching where God's blessed blessing you with because he blessing you beyond the storm that everybody looking at so Mount up hold on we about to take flight amen amen