What does DEVIN LEARY bring to the BALTIMORE RAVENS?
Published: May 14, 2024
Duration: 00:13:05
Category: Entertainment
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Intro what is going on everyone it's your guy Cole Jackson back here on road graders and today we are going to be chugging along here we're almost done we're on the train to recap every pick the Baltimore Ravens made in the 2024 draft here on Russell Street report brought to you by DNL tinting go check out DL ting.com thank you to them for sponsoring this series on the russle street report and we're going to kind of you know get to one of our last guys Devon ly uh picking the six round a pick that if you guys follow me on Twitter uh I was pretty critical about I was I was critical about the allocation of a draft pick to the quarterback position even with Tyler Huntley being gone um I just there were other other ways I would have went with it and the Ravens rebounded really nicely in my opinion uh by picking up a guy like Bo braid in on uh as a udfa and then also adding uh a couple of those offensive linemen uh in the udfa period so I think they answered pretty well at this point the draft you're really focusing on who you want as priority free agents and then using your draft picks in this you know bottom of the sixth seventh round to go and get them and make sure that you know you don't have to fight other teams to sign them and so you know picking a quarterback when you have Lamar Jackson it's really you know just having a a competent viable developing quarterback Josh Johnson is right at the end of his career um you know we don't really know what's mik Cunningham is is he quarterback is he a receiver how the Ravens going to use him so I think it speaks volumes to the situation the Ravens are in obviously you want to replace Tyler Huntley and you want to have a guy that can come in and you know be able to win you games and so they do that with Deon lry um we're going to Stats take a look at his game looking a little bit at the statistical measurements and I I absolutely love these PFF heat Maps where they really show the location of the ball because this heat map speaks so well to Devon ly um you know really struggles on the sidelines is really good in the middle of the field and theil supports that 100% and uh you know you can kind of see in some of his adjusted completion percentages um you know middle of the pack as an as a college football starter um but one thing that I really want to point out to folks is really on this turnover worthy percentage so 4.4% that's tied for 22nd best um in the NCAA which is pretty solid and pressure to sack percentage not too bad um you know average time to throw he gets the ball out so when I'm thinking of a backup quarterback I need a guy that can come into the game and manage the game for me so I need a guy that can come in avoid turnovers you know use the Run game to their advantage we're going to take a look at what he does in play action and how that pairs really well and that's something that I think Devon lry actually does quite well um when we take a look at uh average time to throw is on the bottom axis sack rate is going up uh the the vertical axis and you see Deon lry land right here in the middle um which is good he gets the ball out doesn't take a high amount of sacks this is kind of Right Where I would want him um you know obviously we want to see a lower sack rate um but you know he's not in trouble in that area and uh like by any means um and he's definitely not taking a lot of sacks and he's getting the ball out on time which means you know going through progressions getting the ball out on time all things we want to see um I think the real fr Outside throws frustration with Deon lery and I'm going to the first four plays we're going to look at is him making some of the outside throws because after I went through there's really not a throw that he can't make and I think this was kind of the story of his career you know he was a guy that had a really phenomenal 2021 season and then never really took that next step as a college quarterback and he's older obviously um relative to his peers and you know it's like why didn't you take that next step and then you kind of watch the inconsist encies and it really speaks to just how hard it is to consistently make these types of throws so here we're going to start we're going to get a nice little breaking route here and just you know thread the needle outside um you know really good read little bit of the play action in the back trying to get them to to uh to choke up on on on the the play action in the back from the receiver and L's you know locked on here we're going to get this little inout route and ly on time down the field just a really nice sideline throw um you know thrown with precision and then you go into this Tennessee game this year where he played phenomenal and just making throw after throw to the outside so you're going to see this deep throw you know thrown only where his guy can get it you know it has to get high pointed with no separation but thrown right to his back shoulder um and his guy gets up makes the play so again outside the numbers deep throw extremely well placed keep chugging along here going be another one right on the break so you're going to see this is just a nice little breaking route so right at the top right here we're going to get up and then we're going to break and just look how on time it is right there hasn't even turned L's already got the ball out moving towards him right in the Bread Basket um so like you know in this game he's just on he's making every throw outside the numbers thrown with Precision downfield all things that you want to see he's going to absolutely thread the needle here again in the end zone um you know he picks up the route from the running back is it the running back he should be oh they're in uh I think it's going to be seven that's going to leak in and out yeah so you see that little it's like almost like a bit of a wheel and he's just going to hit his guy perfectly gets the gets the lineup with u the match up with the linebacker and so you know I was watching that Tennessee game was the first game I watched I'm like my God he's making all these outside throws what am I missing and then I get into some of these other games and you start to see the misses outside the numbers and it just really shows so like that chart that I just showed you guys that's why I like that because it is relative to the number of pass attempts it's not biased by you know having one good game one bad game and it also rates you against your peers so you're going to get a lot of these opportunities so you can see the breaking route here out of the slot going to get kind of that old school uh what do they call this Arrow or bow um where you're kind of get in the Deep clear out and then you're going to get that breaking route out here into that cleared out space and you know they get it perfectly underneath Defender um pulls the DB here the Deep Defender pulls the sideline corner and so that just creates this massive area so these are the types like this is a difficult throw you know he's throwing at 20 25 yards downfield and he just air mails his guy and so this is the type of stuff that happened way too frequently for me for a quarterback that's been playing this long um you know this is the type of Polish I'd want to see from an older quarterback and yet we still see these instances on his film know another one here where you know I think they so they're running this of a three-man bunch and you know you're going to get this break right here you know we got a good 5 yards of Separation the ball's coming out on time and the separation still there but it's just thrown too high wide receiver shouldn't have to get up like that for it not if there's no not maybe if you're trying to throw a contested ball at the sideline where you want to protect the ball but not when the break has that much separation so it was just kind of incident after incident of these types of throws where you're just like you know what's going on here here and it's they're not happening with a high amount of pressure um you know in the last two wasn't really a big concern know we see here Blitz picked up well and you know almost just throwing a pick on this was going to like if you go back to the the first play of the Tennessee game that really nice back shoulder deep he almost threw it like a fade where only his guy could get it this is the opposite it's thrown to the front shoulder you know it's underthrown um you know just not a good Play action pass so the these are the types of inconsistencies that just were glaring and this is where you know you got to be concerned if he needs to come in and be a backup you can probably get away with that type of stuff because we're not going to be looking for Big Time plays we're going to be looking for him to manage the game use the Run game make smart decisions that sort of thing um but not necessarily if he needs to come in you know and be a starter where he's starting multiple games and needs to make throws all over the field and then I want to take a look at what he does on play action because again I'm thinking of of L I'm trying to evaluate him in the context of if he ends up on the field in the next couple years for the Ravens it's because Lamar Jackson has gotten hurt and we need to get through this game and uh you know Kentucky uses a lot of a lot of Zone run action where they use you know play actions play action boots where he throws quite well once he gets outside the pocket or on the move and off play action and super relevant because it reminded me I don't want to compare him to him but the way these play action plays were going it reminded me a lot of Ryan tanah Hill with Derrick Henry you know behind that run game just simplifying his game simplified reads working off the Run game making smart decision so when he was starting for Tennessee when the Run game was humming um you know you get plays like this so you know off play action on the move and just you know making good throws that's a little high like you know it's kind of speaks to that inconsistency outside the numbers um you know you see there's a leap there but I mean it's his hands I I debated putting this in but it just it really showed it the boot action um I actually felt he was pretty good on the run but again this just kind of speaks to the inconsistency outside the numbers but I also think that could have been caught um you know it's hitting his fingertips so again we're off the play action here and we're just going to throw a bullet up the middle of the field um so you know really good b ball placement and the most important thing here is how he throws these bullets like these are straight up bullets um so you know right in there right in the bucket before the safety can step up um you know that was kind of a signature Here We Go Again Play action and you know reading his man getting that out um you know this was something that I think he really excelled at um as I was going through his film and it just you know really lends itself to what he could be asked to do in Baltimore if he has to play again you know nice ball coming out here over the linebacker's head right onto you know his his receiver I find the ball placement in the middle of the Field's really good and I find that the velocity on the ball is really good so stuff that I think lends itself really well you know this type of stuff just you know just a bullet over the middle of the field here you know just a little slant play but he just throws bullets um so I I think that exploiting the middle of the field is something that he can definitely do um you know there you see it again and then we're going to see nice little a little bit of a play action he's going to find his tight end and just flick it in there so I think we see it again here you know really competent on the play action game in the Red Zone there he's on the Move lets this guy get open throws that in there um so you know I again it's just it's easy to see a path where he could be like in this one one of the nicest passes I saw on his film because he's throwing that into a bucket of four volunteers and again the ball placement right on to where his guys going that's the ball right there and you know it's perfectly placed with four guys around nice catch nice haul can't beat that another play action here and then you know Finding his man on the on the deep end breaking route he actually takes that for six that's a that's a touchdown on this one so that's kind of what I see in Deon L's game um you know I didn't spend a whole ton of time but I I felt like through his and I didn't look too much at his NC State that's a little bit of a criticism of myself but I felt really good about what I saw in his Kentucky film kind of aligned with some of the scouting reports I had read after they had drafted him um so I think you're going to get you know that that inconsistency I don't think he's going to be able to come in and make big time throws I don't think is going to be able to lead a comeback for you but I think he can become a good game managing quarterback um especially with a good run game which is the exact situation he's in here in Baltimore and uh you know his his his ability to avoid turnovers to um you know be able to make smart reads protect the football you know play smart that's just what we want to see um so that's what I have for you guys if you guys enjoyed this breakdown hit that like button hit subscribe if you're new here drop a comment down below what do you think Deon lry what did I Miss I want to hear it go ahead let me know be good to yourselves be good to each other peace out everyone