Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:16:44 Category: Gaming

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game time let's go Game Time mods FCS cup changed the title with Mr Savage budget mongra oh no game audio yo why do I have no game audio what the hell oh my God I'm Saed yo I I'm I'm I'm stocked I'm stocked try wi please we win every single game cuz think about it you know the Cs in the FCS and the in the in the in the games and the wins and the in the in the monion in the the [ __ ] the monion all I'm de bro you are so corny bro like no way you just said skib you are just like you trying to be lazy me walk with me lad all right lad open this door for me please LIF these weights okay my first time actually looking at the r all right let's let's let's kill it's game time want me on I see him bro I'm stalking him like a like a I don't know dead yo yo you actually want to try hard this like not even like I'm being so dead dude if we win this this is like a couple Mill couple Mills vids on me on me that's a bot sorry oh my God bro Bo 20 kill pre he's he's on me no trou oh that's a well yo we need to we need to kill the AI bro so we can get War man M oh behind you you're so you're so [ __ ] funny and [ __ ] yo how long does it say like this for huh how long does it say like you can't shoot him before you just got to shoot his shoot his knee or his head or something next one you get it all right last one I to get it what do you mean last one this is our first game wait I see him I see him here I'm going box what how did you almost kill me it's okay hey we need get some jet packs wait last one no I don't even know what he click is talking about that was a little close there okay I I need to actually start teeing up cuz it's ping ping difference is crazy sh you know I've been in Europe for 2 weeks and ended my journey in Italy couldn't watch Twitch the whole time happen to be back damn dude what a [ __ ] great time to spend on vacation you been to Italy uh Savage I've never been to ital yeah dude that's one of the that's one of the countries in Europe I haven't G to yet M I moved from there when I was three to us and I'm going to be honest bro when I did live there I was so young where I didn't really understand or like experience like the whole thing but if you moved when you were three you don't even remember I yeah I don't I just I just like I kind of use it just basically tell people like I was boring there of you got an extra jetp pack no I don't have one we need to get one how are y'all going to tell me I never lived there like y'all know my life like y'all do not know know me more than I know me okay thank you how you looking want me SC do want me scan coin maybe I like the hold they're [Applause] East wait I'm beam ready 3 one that's oh that one get shot by team nice do they have packs or no nope I don't think so it's like the newbies don't know thanks for stealing all my loot of course watch this going in 3 seconds 3 two get him get him tiger isn't that what American people say get him tiger get him tiger one nice [Music] I think they I I think they got packed this guy went through I think yes bro you kill the other one or no no all right go kill him so I take his back got little Beam on him type [ __ ] okay now we talk now we talk now we talking all right we're Medallion we kill Doom that is not the that's not the Medallion but I just want to go where kids are at wherever kids are and you know I I I usually know where kids are may watch right maybe yeah to the right I knew it I sensed it I felt it and [Music] we all right she's G High how many 19 190 him wait what my I kill some kids ready no man walls you good big boy how many they got so many I need to heal bro oh no way pretty armored in can you drop them yeah I that's what I'm doing right now come to Daddy buets L gu think he's about to one to us where is he Y what the [ __ ] bro this Aug is pretty fun it's crazy [Music] man look at these guys dying there the 180 can we wait under the bridge on me in the train as well yeah people in the train people in the train let's good [ __ ] you want no man I wish holy [ __ ] if he put an armored wall I would have been it ni I might have K you on accident sorry it's okay I'm not my God I won't start crying about that [ __ ] oh does does m cry about that oh so much you know it's probably cuz he doesn't we can be an we can be yeah that's the thing but like we can be in a cash people say like you're caring and stuff that's how it is for me too I don't care but like that always gets The Kills I damage over there is V back in yeah you practicing hard for globals yeah bro like 10 hours a day to be honest te e yeah I've been te Eed bro I'll be honest I really want to be good here one in the floor oh might be Ked I hit one for 1990 and then I hit the other guy for like 130 yeah I I got for 90 beautiful and then oh my God the Ping is actually hard I'm going to be honest like damn this ping is like no joke you still took his wall somehow what he say yeah I didn't think he was holding it probably not what should I take take the p and then take the medkits and then there's a we right next to you nice good [ __ ] [ __ ] Cody y yep wait what oh my God o you're invisible as well I hate that coin bro that coin actually sucks that's actually the only coin in this game that people just drop it's so Muchies all right go get the L I'm going to go frag all right oh there's got to be people in there not oh my God what is this bro wow that's crazy no I sold what the [ __ ] I'm I our like oh wow people on the island or what no bro that's crazy I'm oh aim oh my what is this guy serious is he his teammate awesome they got bigs or no no got the there should be a f over here bad [ __ ] is the only thing that I like I'm having a freaking Blast how many points is up the pickaxe yeah how many points is the pickax on me many know couple oh my God gold shy bro you can't you L can't play Gold shy in this game no more kids I killed all them bro they were in a box and I all them while they're fighing that was so nice all right where is everyone two kids to the right some dead sh o there's like four people there going trying to jump in his Bo got going oh what the got heals you want to F me Daddy I'll F you L and I'm getting the Bro to tight I'm trying to learn yeah we're about to up a 40 bomb we got to go quick sure there we go holy [ __ ] I'm zooming oh you did the thingy I did the thing oh [ __ ] so it's kind of hard to do it though be honest you need to go up and like at your highest attack you got to when you start going up like kind of straight up and that's when you do it look yeah t right there think the 49 months bro I love you [Music] oh we can't drop 40 I'm getting shot at what is this car doing man you dead I to this guy I'm going to be very surprised wow what is that aim Cody oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God bad aim bad aim bad aim bad a bad B him I turned it off that's why what are these guys doing bro is there another one two on me an insane be 2v2 33 kills brother I see them and I SK storm where what the [ __ ] dead oh I'm Jing on on me what is this brother doing where's he going boxed oh my God 48 kills oh 48 Mr Savage we just hit it from the back and the front and pickaxed him bro [Music]

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