all right all right guys we are here today it is Wednesday morning it is September 4th hope you guys are doing good today um yeah so AMD basically stole nvidia's um AI expert and uh Nvidia already had a pretty bad day um and it ain't getting much better for NVIDIA here you can see the whole queue is down um we corrected pretty big yesterday still kind of in this range still kind of flat uh over a couple month period but amd's up a lot of stuff was red yesterday too um so a lot stuff is red I think a lot of stuff hinges on today's jolts report we had Dick Sporting Goods come out this morning qcom having some news but uh yeah all right what's up Freddy TK Ray Daniel Maria show Douglas Alice Pawn Steve Martin what's up chat um yeah interesting day um again what happened is that Nvidia it's the September slumping effect is what this is so Tom Lee talking about he thinks the market can pull back 7 to 10% this month in September in the coming weeks he's the co-founder and head of research at fun Strat uh he's pretty accurate about this stuff uh and again he was right um AMD had this news which is causing it to Gap up today you can kind of see that in news right there uh we yeah Gold's down most tech is down Gold's down Apple's down um Nvidia is obviously down Nvidia is the big one though Nvidia is the one that's weighing the market down if you look at the opening bell yesterday uh Nvidia dropped massively at the open and continued all day basically and gab down overnight uh AMD gapping up a or bouncing up a little bit overnight and pre-market up a little bit in pre-market but AMD still having a pretty big red action like everything else yesterday and the Q is following suit you know the Q is at 458 459 still in that range uh and again the today's jolts report is is is Big right so today's jolts report is Big um you know the jolts report today is is a is a really big report to be honest um we got import exports at 8:30 not really a big thing uh not really an influential thing at least we got nba3 your mortgage rates Dro in about 25 minutes uh but the big report again today is the jolt support we also have the Bank of Canada rate decision at 9:45 this morning um but the big one is the Joel support and then tomorrow and and uh yeah tomorrow and Friday is actually really big also we've got um we got some big stuff too uh and then next week we got CPI PPI data so next week CPI week which is a huge week you know so again we got a lot of stuff coming out um September bearish month yeah for sure yeah hit the like button as you can yeah September historically A bad month if you want to look at why right right if you look at the S&P 500 average monthly returns uh you can kind of see a graph here and um we showed this the other day uh but this is why a lot of people are so bearish this month in September is because of this like so here's calendar months since 1928 like their average gains or losses the reason so many people are bearish this year or this month is because September obviously is the worst month of the market it's called the September slump it it's pretty reg pretty consistent it's not 100% uh but you can kind of see you know we got a lot of good months January April July and then December of course uh but the only really bad months are February May and September um good months or December July April and January the rest are pretty good too but again you can kind of see September is the biggest average monthly loss uh in any given month or in any month uh September's the worst so yep not good uh definitely not good and uh Market is John Disney is back down to the mid upper 80s yeah I saw that you know they canceled the acolyte which I have mixed feelings about uh I never saw the acolyte I never got into it and I'm a Star Wars guy uh but it just like I don't know it just never peaked my interest um like I think people who create Star Wars just have to remember that like they got to remember the original fan base like most like they got to remember who are actual fans of sci-fi which are mostly men you know so uh but again I'm you know yeah and I've liked some of the stuff they've done I've disliked some of the stuff they've done I just never got around to watching the Acolyte and then I saw it was canceled I don't know how that stock is affecting it I'm not in Disney anymore uh but it does look okay down here it's just the the big problem with Disney overall is it's Legacy Media you know I think I've kind of changed my tune on on Disney stock you know it's Legacy Media uh and I think social media is just eating this one alive like eating companies like eating Legacy Media companies when you look at the future we talked about Dollar General and their obsolete their obsolete you know potential uh and I think there's a lot of Legacy Media companies that are going to go right with that you know uh like Dollar General people just don't shop there like they used to and that's going to get worse and worse over time and I think the same thing goes for Legacy Media companies I think social media is taking over and like even the show you're watching right now as a social media company now I don't get anywhere near the numbers that these guys get but but yeah yeah and I'm going to Disney World this year uh any chance for a reversal on Nvidia today if the jol report is positive or do you think the subpoena news can be redeemed at this point I don't know man um for [Music] [Music] um I mean ESPN I think uh I think sports are a little bit more resilient to this type of stuff uh so I think ESP and I think that purchase by Disney was probably pretty good you know I I think people still watch TV and I think specifically one area that has a lot of for lack of a better word Consolidated older viewers is is like sports like college football you know I think with that you know you're going to get a big audience from ESPN um you're going to get a lot of people that are not as used to it I think ESPN is doing a good job of branching out into streaming like they have ESPN plus uh you know they they own the UFC and so they're doing some good Acquisitions and and some good mergers and and some good buyouts and stuff uh and so I think in that regard they're okay and I think the fact of the matter is that people like to watch sports on networks right they're used to watching sports on networks uh young people got like I watch like when I watch ESPN I'm usually watching ESPN plus watching college football going from game to game and that's something that young people might do but older older people might not really understand that I I I've got a father in you know I've got in-laws that are not really about the streaming life in that way right in in regards to like apps and stuff they they're more willing to watch like a TV network and so I think holding on to them is fine but I think over time you're going to see a change you're going to see a um you're going to see a migration towards streaming and apps and and less networks B less network based stuff [Music] Amazon YouTube going to take off yeah I mean maybe um I mean I think we see little peaks of that in uh in deals like the MLB baseball deal where a game a game of week is on YouTube you know I think we're going to see stuff like that I still think we're in the early stages I think we're mostly going to see it on Amazon uh and I think streaming networks are going to start getting the rights to them just like like and I think it's good man honestly I'm for like Direct TV got the rights to baseball and I still hav it signed up and so I miss all the Astro games just off of principle like I'm never paying them money uh yeah [Music] Tesla falling hard yesterday Tesla all the way down to 208 look at week and again the joles reports the big report uh amd's news is is significant um [Music] yes so I'm looking at some other news Blackstone is going to buy Australia's air trunk for about $24 billion they acquired to they they agreed to acquire air trunk in a deal valuing the Australian data center operator 24 billion about 6.1 billion US uh it includes debt and capital expenditure committed projects most read from Bloomberg yeah yeah and the other thing about Disney that I wonder and I think one of the things that Disney does well what is Disney's Enterprise Value um because I last time I remember listening to him they didn't have a lot of debt and they had a lot of cash which is always good in just terms of like Enterprise value for it let me see J [Music] all right guys all right so I'm trying to see what Disney's Enterprise Value is uh [Music] he [Music] y [Music] all right guys sorry uh all right gold yeah so I heard a lot about gold falling down um yeah so what price would you buy Nvidia H I don't know I'm starting to consider buying it down here real like real like it looks cheap no um I a lot of people are going to freak out when I say that but I I I don't think it looks horrible right uh I don't think it looks horrible um yeah so the SEC is finding six major credit rating agencies over failure to keep electronic records Moody's rating agency including at a senior level we're communicating about credit rating activities through text messages as well as like other mobile apps like WhatsApp on their personal devices according to and SEC uh they said quote we have seen repeated repeatedly that failures to maintain and preserve required records can hinder the staff's ability to ensure that the firms are complying with their obligations and the commission's ability to hold accountable those that fall short of those obligations often at the expense of investors end quote uh that's the deput deputy director of the sec's division of enforcement and so yeah that is what uh you know another big news that came out the market today Moody investor service and S&P Global ratings agreed to pay Hefty fines of 20 million ion civil penalties each fish ratings agreed to pay 8 million um on that news so yeah catching a falling knife well I mean you can it it depends on how you look at it scrub uh scrub is a guy who can't get no love from me uh no all right uh but yeah it depends on how you look at it okay uh because this is in my opinion this is the way you have to look at it you're talking about short-term like dip buys and I understand catching a falling knife is incredibly risky which it is of course which it is but if you dollar cost average into Nvidia and you hold longer term right meaning like years it's probably going to be okay relative to where it's at now um you know it's it's decently down from its highs uh it's been a really strong company its Revenue has been increasing its margins are getting better it EPS has been growing uh and so all of those things are optimistic Signs Now the the big issue with Nvidia if we're looking at it objectively it's definitely not a sure thing I I'll give you that it's certainly not a sure thing for NVIDIA main reasoning behind that is cuz the PE Ratio is still more than double what it should be you know let's say a good PE ratio is 20 nvidia's PE ratio is like 60 to 70 right now uh right right around 60 so it's literally 3x what it should be uh and that's not good right but PE ratio is not the endall be all of price either and we also have to look at you know the the the example I always give people is this all right imagine how good AI is right like here's ai's boom right like let's say this little line is ai's boom and let's say this is where we are now right we have this little pullback let's say that's where we are now all right now the question you have to ask yourself is how much better does AI get and in my opinion if you're looking at AI objectively over the next few years AI is going to get way better exponentially better it's going to be much more powerful in terms of production it's going to get much more efficient and this long-term trend is going to look like this eventually you know at least it's possible it does it doesn't mean it will it's possible especially regarding Nvidia specifically um and so if we're here in terms of growth you know I think buying dips and pullbacks and moments of weakness is probably the right move again I might be wrong I might be wrong and I think on the other end of that just to be objective about it I think the biggest chance that we get a massive market crash is from Nvidia I think if Nvidia starts to turn down like 75 bucks a share which I think is pretty low probability but it could happen if Nvidia starts to dump down to $75 a share that might that might stroke a market crash you know that's very that's plausible um I'm not saying it's probable but it could happen uh it's possible is what I meant to say not plausible it's possible I'm not saying it it's probable but it's possible and so yeah that I think that's the way we have to look at I think you have to imagine where AI is going to be in the next 10 years 15 years and that's going to be way better and so if you're able to hold Nvidia and other microchips long term that's probably the play you know at the same time though I always bring up the internet example you know the internet was that big technology and the internet went like this you know and then we down trended for years following it and didn't rebound for like almost a decade back up to where we were and so something like this is very possible too again I'm not here to I'm not here to have a you know a crystal ball and and predict the future uh with 100% accuracy that's not me I I'm not an investment professional I'm not liable if you lose I do trade off stream you're not going to see all my trades I'm not even claiming to be a good Trader uh or investor whatever all all that good stuff but I think it's un I think it makes sense and I think we can only look at different outcomes that might potentially make sense yeah right 100% scrub I I I mean I don't know day trade I think it depends on the time frame right like I think as a day trade scrub there you could probably buy a dip from extension right now and at least get like a short-term bounce like this that happens at the open I think this is possible too this is something that I use a lot based off of like recent extension targeting the open for upside potential because of downward extension and if it starts to crack these lows I can just get out of it and just not take those trades it just get out of it it starts to crack those lows close but uh like a probable thing I think in these situations is at least a small rebound back maybe we come back up there test the previous close and you can take advantage of this type of move and then it comes right back down that's possible too we can only speculate or you know theorize on what what it might do but uh I I guess the point is like short short term the extension's on the downside uh and so we could rebound back short term and then continue downward uh I think medium term is where the most risk is because I think if we do something like this where we're we're here rebound boom rebound boom I think that's possible uh as well as like I think we have to look at crash probabilities objectively here as well I think a situation in which I think if Nvidia just starts to turn right like let's say this is the opening bell today and Nvidia just does something like this which is low probability uh and it drops down to under a 100 bucks down to 70 80 $90 a share that could stroke a market crash it really could and I think we have to look at that as well again I think it's low probability but it's possible um so we'll see I I'm trying to look at all the different sides of this uh cuz I really don't know you did claim you're the top three yeah top three worst Trader of all time ever Raven for sure definitely top three-ish two and a halfish worst I think uh but yeah yeah Khan says John is usually right yeah I mean look if you look back at the history of me predicting things I'm not saying I'm right about everything I definitely feel like I'm over 50% though uh again I might be wrong I'll have to go back and check but I caught a lot of stuff that eventually happened you know uh I I as well as like I told people the market didn't have to crash when it didn't and it rebounded and and hopefully people didn't get too scared uh and so my my accuracy has been pretty solid I think in terms of predictions on different stocks and stuff uh is it perfect no um but I think it's been pretty solid you know I think that I think people watch me because they understand I try to be balanced uh I really do I'm I'm not really Shilling for either side you get some people that are like oh it's the end of the world the Market's going to crash and then you got other people that are like oh you know the Market's going to bounce up it's this is like ignore the crash people and I'm usually somewhere in the middle or at least I try to be a finance YouTuber is saying he doesn't know right but to be fair Ty my gimmick is saying I don't know you know uh like the whole theme of my channel is I don't know right which I guess is how I'd like it Microsoft good chances for a bounce back again like I said I think Microsoft is the same thing where longterm it's fine shortterm we're probably a little extended from yesterday's dip into the opening bell but that we could get something in which we rebound the first part of the day and then continue to dip down um for the rest of the day like that's possible again we also have the jolts report and that's going to throw a wrench in any predicting thing that we have today because if jolts comes in high or low that might influence price action and make everything else insignificant uh yeah definitely top three-ish uh bro September is historically the worst month of the year that it is and again everything's down pretty big already uh you know even if we look at like the queue is a little bit Tech heavy you know but again guys where most people get it wrong is this all right this is something I I watch I like I have this big Community I watch it regularly I hear what people say I'm here to tell you what people get wrong the most people get what what people get wrong the most is people think that they know for sure what's going to happen and that's a silly mindset to have if you if you understand the stock market and you watch it regular thinking you know 100% what's going to happen is silly right we have to look at all the different size which I tried to do again Nvidia could dump down to $8 a share and dump the market and cause a mini crash or a larger one that's possible Nvidia could rebound today based off of yesterday's extension because we dropped a lot yesterday just yesterday alone Nvidia dropped from 117 all the way down to 106 really we'll call it 105 because that's kind of where it hit so just yesterday nvidia's down 10% % 10% just yesterday for NVIDIA just the NASDAQ 100 it was at about 475 yesterday uh it is now at 458 so just the NASDAQ we'll call it 450 yeah 458 just the NASDAQ is down 3 and a half% yesterday again that's a lot of extension shortterm and so generally again when anything is down this much usually I look for at least a little bit of a bounceback you know very rarely do things just go dump dump dump right like usually it goes dump small rebound dump you know so usually we're going to get something like that is what I'm targeting uh and again I might be wrong um I'm just I'm I'm throwing different scenarios out there uh I don't think anybody should pretend we know exactly what's going to happen I think that's silly the plausible deniability right yeah for sure you understand Mike you know [Music] considering your top three in the world you don't know yeah definitely top three not knowing traders in the world for sure uh this is one of the few honest stock market channels on the whole internet and that's why we grow that's why we get you know a good good bit of regulars here especially during big news events well Bots are always involved so he said quick chart observation yesterday's chip crash him to seem to be a stop loss spiral so does that mean that Bots were were not involved not necessarily um you know Bots are usually involved at least to a certain extent they might be less involved with the move yesterday but from my understanding the move yesterday is catalyst driven uh from Nvidia having bad news and weighing the market down especially Tech right the point is no one knows expecting someone to know is your Folly right and being too arrogant about what's going to happen is usually people's Folly like especially I no offense but especially bearish Traders bearish Traders see red action like this right and where rookie Traders will say hey this looks weak let me short some more right and then what happens on the rookie Traders is that they end up shorting it let's say right here and then because it's so extended on the downside it rebounds back up and they lose money you know that's what Traders do uh what experienced Traders try to do is they look at this big downward move and they say hey it's kind of extended on the downside now this thing's down big percentages a like the likelihood of this happening is actually much higher right like this is the bottom of the range are you going to short the bottom of the range probably not it's probably a little extended uh but again with that said anything can freaking happen uh it go up down or sideways nobody knows but uh you just can't get too arrogant about which way it heads you know that usually stems from bias like if I really want the market to go down I might you know yeah we got trolls usually they're just mad I'm incredibly handsome you know I know they're going to screw as many Traders as possible H maybe bro says everything and nothing at the same time definitely top three-ish at saying everything and nothing simultaneously John you're the man I try man I try yeah the jol's job reports at 10: a.m. we do have uh we do have uh import export prices at 8:30 I think everybody here knows I kind of like going back and forth with the trolls it's kind of fun for me you know again I have the debater personality type and I know people are going to bring up a lot of puns for that name don't do it uh I have the debater personal personality type of according to the Myers Briggs personality test which means that like I kind of like a bit of verbal sparring I really do um I like using logic against people your voice is really made for this hey we appreciate it I still can't figure out if I have a high pitch voice or a low pitch voice again I know when I wake up in the morning my voice is like Batman but I guess that's everybody you know now by the time now hits I can't tell if my voice is high pitched or low pitched um I know it's not as high pitched as some of my friends I got some of my friends who talk and they sound like squeaky they're like hey guys you know uh so I know my voice isn't that high I guess it's a medium range somebody told me one time I sound like a lady named Karen who smoked cigarettes all their life and maybe that's true uh crackly in the morning yeah voices mid-range is just crackly yeah what about a compounding lesson for Don I mean here's the problem with that that whole interaction is this this is the real reason I banned them is this okay so I use this compounding formula right like let's say we want to track here's a you got $100,000 you want to track a 20% gain a month 20% gain a year and how long it'll take you to grow 100k with 20% gains a year you do 100K times 1.2 which means that you add 20% every time you hit equal uh 20% add it's 120 20% out of 120 is is 24 like so forth and so one right and every time you hit equal right well during that moment uh really I was testing it I didn't think the formula would work if I went like this times like 30 and after I did it I immediately corrected it zeroed it out and like went back to doing it the way I always do which I've done probably like 30 times you know I've done this formula over and over again on stream because it's a good a compounding formula is a good formula for people to understand right and like that dude was just so desperate to to point out a flaw even though I acknowledge the flaw on stream that he just went really really overboard even though I was like hey I don't think you can do it like that meaning multiply it times 30 and you know he just got really loud and just caused a lot like he was so desperate to criticize that you it kind of what's good about it is that it kind of makes people like that float to the surface like you kind of see people who are being weird and you can just kind of get them out of here easily and that's something that that did so I guess in that regard I'm I'm grateful for it but uh but yeah I've done that compounding formula it's very simple it's a very easy formula you just add you know whatever percentage you want to it and every time you hit equal it compounds uh again you can't multiply it it just doesn't work that way in terms of compounding which is again something that I acknowledged on the stream before he even said anything um so for him to get that upset or weird because he thought that he found like it's just you know again you can tell the people that are really desperate to criticize and uh and yeah right some people thrive on bad vibes 100% you know uh right like yeah so say it an easy way is to figure out how much you're going to pay in interest you know so you get a $100,000 loan at 10% a month which you should never do unless it's like a hard money loan right uh one month two month 3 month four month 5 month 6 month 7 month eight month 9 month 10 month 11 month 12 month in 12 months that 100K is going to be freaking 30 $133,000 that's a lot of money that's a lot of money um and that's a monthly compounding formula that is right so that's adding 10% a month or whatever I did I can't yeah it was 10% um and this how people used to get in trouble with the mob right the mafia would loan people money at a super high percentage you know so like the longer they would hold it you know if they held it for weeks or months depending on um the cycle of it they would let a small loan turn into these big freaking you know these big debts that they had to pay and that's where they ended up having to give up their businesses as a whole eventually they'd come along and they'd be like yo you know you just got to get hand over the business now you owe me 313,000 and the people would be like dude I you only Lo me 100k and they'd be like interest you know uh so yeah it could go quick um maybe maybe we need to get to a point where Nvidia isn't on a pedestal controlling the whole Market yeah I mean we've been like that for years though uh Nvidia has been controlling the whole market for years um you know and uh yeah yeah that lady smoked her whole life yeah listen you know top three ladies in the world for sure Bears be like spies at 97% from it's alltime huh the crash is here yeah uh so what you're saying is Dawn trades insecurities I heard he's top three in the world at that uh yeah uh it's eastern standard time regarding 10: a.m. it's Eastern Standard Time yeah yeah so I remember when I was young right I would call girls right and the girls would know it was immediately me as soon I'd be like hey you know and they would be like hey John so they knew my voice so I knew my voice was like I knew I knew it was a very uh a very telling voice I guess is because they know me I guess that's probably cuz I sound like a freaking chain smoker you know even though I don't smoke at all right I'm not saying I never used to smoke uh cigarettes uh but but yeah I don't smoke at all yeah 9:00 a.m. for us in the South 100% we're at central time I heard the government wants to break up Nidia too much Monopoly I don't think they should I think that's crazy though Texas trades I think it's crazy because you got other companies that are much worse at that than than Nvidia you know Nvidia is not anywhere close to some of these other big companies and so breaking them up and and uh for being a monopoly silly uh again you know you got to understand what started this which is Rockefeller you know Rockefeller uh you know Rockefeller and Roosevelt got at it like 100 years ago uh Rockefeller was one of the first people to really do it like super well where he would just cut out the middleman and eventually he became the richest person in the world doing so right well Roosevelt came along and and tried to bump him down a peg and uh made them break it up you know so all the big oil companies that you know like I I I might some of these might be wrong but like Texico uh Exxon Chevron shell like most of these were most of these were companies that were forced to break up through monopoly laws most of these were all one company at one point so all these oil companies that you know now were all one one oil company uh and eventually they had to break up two in a similar fashion to that you know so uh let me see if I can find again I again stating I might be wrong yeah so I did see Tesla start to bounce up again so yeah Exxon Chevron and others originated from a single entity which was standard oil a giant oil company founded by John Rockefeller in 1870 uh it was one of the first large scale multinational corporations and it dominated the oil industry at its peak it controlled about 90% of oil refining and transportation in the US and he achieved this dominance through aggressive business tactics like undercutting competition securing favorable deals and acquiring Rivals if you ever seen the movie uh what's the movie with um uh There Will Be Blood right very similar thing that Rockefeller kind of inspired by Rockefeller and what he did but uh but yeah in 1911 the US Supreme Court ruled that standard oil was a monopoly that violated the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 and they ordered it to be broken up into 34 smaller companies and so again Exxon Chevron BP kico Phillips all breakups of the original Standard Oil oil company I don't know if you guys know that uh but this is a real story um yeah and so that's kind of what started the Mig Monopoly push uh like breakups yeah but so so uh yeah the jolts report can influence the market for sure right uh the jolts report is just a big report I'll put a timer up we got some time you know it is uh we still got about an hour and uh we got an hour and 47 and a half minutes um but yeah so but what what Rockefeller did um what Rockefeller did is he uh he cut out the middleman you know and in the early days Transportation costs were a big hurdle for oil companies like they had to you know ship their oil across the country and and and it was a problem right so Rockefeller found a way to reduce this by negotiating with railroads directly uh and he got lower rates for shipping oil and this allowed him to get around the middlemen who controlled Transportation because transportation of oil was like a big business right like it was this big business you had to pay to get it transported well Rockefeller went straight to the railroads and got lower rates for oil uh and it he acquired companies that handle different aspects of oil production from refining to transportation to distribution and from owning every part of that like he owned uh production refining transportation and distribution like he owned every single aspect of it again he cut out the middleman ST oro's cost went down dramatically uh as well as he did like secret deals with with railroads um you know and he also had rebates which he secretly received money back from railroads for every barrel of oil shipped even for oil shipped by his competitors they allowed him to undercut competitors and drive them out of business leading to his near Monopoly uh Theodore Roosevelt Teddy uh yeah Theodore Roosevelt Teddy is the one who uh did his trust busting he broke up monopolies in ' 06 he fought a lawsuit against Standard Oil under the Sherman Act uh leading to the eventual breakup of the company in 1911 and again that's when it broke up into all these different pieces of oil honestly you see a very similar thing with Amazon right Amazon that's why I said when somebody said oh talking about Nvidia being a monopoly I said there's other companies that are much worse than this cough cof Amazon right what has Amazon done that's helped it basically take over business Amazon instead of having things shipped through FedEx and having things shipped through ups and all these different standard mail services like middleman Transportation what did Amazon do right Amazon started creating their own shipping service right where they was a where they were able to ship using their own trucks their own people and what did this do this drastically reduced co uh cost and made things much more efficient I don't know about cost reduction but it made things much more efficient and so that you could order something and get it get it sent to your home within a day right this basically meant Amazon ruled retail across the world mail order retail at least um a very similar thing to what Rockefeller did and and once that infrastructure was built for Amazon again you can got to just see how efficient everything became with it uh very smart move but also some could argue it's the same [Music] thing uh so a higher jolts report signals more job open job openings in a stronger economy a lower jolts report means the opposite a weaker economy but maybe less inflation issues uh so it could be either one [Music] yeah uh well shell was actually a part of it TDX uh but shell um oh no no maybe I'm wrong yeah I think I was wrong on shell I think it was BP that I was thinking of but yeah you're correct BP was uh yeah it later acquired parts of Standard Oil of Indiana right [Music] [Music] yeah Jeff Bezos man um again I try to tell my son man like kids at at school call them like nerdy and people call me nerdy my whole life right they said I was weird they said I was nerdy you know uh what what I tell my son is that nerds rule the world like ignore anybody that tells you that says different you know uh you can look at Jeff Bezos 25 years ago really nerdy dude um money can change a lot of things uh you can see it in Jeff Bezos now he looks like you know now he looks like he's in a biker gang uh yeah so [Music] uh so Japan might raise interest rates again this October I couldn't imagine Japan raises rage especially with the statement that they put out after this last like the Yen Cary uh drama um you know so to put this into perspective Traders have historically used the Japanese yen to get cheap leverage on money right so they'll use cheap interest Yen and they'll buy up a bunch of us assets with it like Financial assets like stocks and bonds and stuff like that and they do it because they had cheap access to it it's cheap it's low interest right rates are low in Japan uh and so when the yin carry drama happened the bank of Japan and raised rates for the Japanese Yen causing it to be more expensive uh and that ultimately made investors unload their us positions that they had bought using the cheap leverage of the yin and caused the Yen carry drama and and many little correction that we got this was like what 3 weeks ago a month ago maybe uh but again one of the things so when you when you look at what happened in the market during this period of time and you look at a yearly chart this drop was from the Y trade so again you can kind of see this is what had happened right around here I think Late July I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is when it happened right here but one of the things that made it rebound back up is because the bank of Japan immediately came out saying that they were not going to be as hawkish moving forward right that they were probably weren't going to ra raise rates moving forward um and so if they're talking about raising rates again I think it might scare the market let me see yeah so they're considering raising rates again signals pointing towards a potential hike in the coming months the bank of Japan governor recently made hawkish comments indicating that rate increases would continue if inflation economic conditions aligned with their expectations follows their rate hike in June or July and and again guys for people that don't understand it this is a rate hike raising rat is a rate hike rate hike doesn't mean rate decision raid hike means raising rates which the US is certainly not going to do is Dollar Tree really crashing we talked about this yesterday see man I should have known dude I should have seen it I should have seen it we talked about this yesterday I'm a little bummed out I missed on this type of thing too but again we talked about this remember so what did we talk about is we talked about Dollar General going down a hugee percentage and then the incoming Dollar Tree earnings with considering the massive dump in Dollar General we could see a similar move in Dollar Tree so we just did Dollar Tree dropped over 10% down from $83 down to 73 so over 10% drop first they Mock and then it's Cricket yeah that's how it goes yeah I don't know uh so what is TMF TMF is 20-year treasury Bulls um is this based off of yields or prices it's hard to tell because those are the opposite thing yields are going to do the opposite thing of prices and bonds especially 20-year bonds you need to buy some long-term bonds TLT yeah you could hedge we got 700 people here live I appreciate to love guys hit the Subscribe button if you haven't already again if you want to check out TOP Step TOP Step is a sponsor of mine they pay me money so I'm biased for sure but again if you want to day trade TOP Step X is the place to do it right TOP Step X is powerful why because there's zero commission right so yesterday we did get funded and we are going to trade that funded account today because we got funded on top step um yeah we got funded on top step uh let me activate that account right now we got funded on top step uh top step yesterday and again top step has zero commissions and in the Futures Market you can day trade the S&P the NASDAQ basically the spy and Q you can day trade gold you can day trade some currencies and there's no PDT rule right typ has has literally zero commissions right you can see uh yeah literally zero commissions um and that's a powerful thing they use trading view charts just powerful stuff for TOP Step X again I'm going to activate my account right now uh and again top step gives you a demo they test your skill with it if you pass the test with the demo they fund you the same amount base one's 50k it's only 49 bucks a month again if you want to learn to day trade do not risk thousands of dollars of your own money it just doesn't make sense to don't listen to anybody else like look the reality is you're probably going to lose no matter where you go right doesn't matter whether you go to think or Swim TDM trade whether you go to Schwab e trade or whether you go to TOP Step x uh and TOP Step almost all day Traders lose it's so much cheaper to lose on top step than it is to risk your own money right and again you still learn how to trade under pressure you still have some risk except you're not risking thousands of dollars again they're going to give you a demo the base one's 50k it's 49 bucks a month if you can make 3K in profit without losing 2K first and following their rules and conditions they fund you 50k 90% split they've paid out over 40 million been around for over 12 years have some of the best rules in the game and funding and top STX has zero commissions you know small amount of fees it's like less than $3 fees per trade so it's just the way right it's just the way uh but again I'm a little biased but again it's just a great way to learn it's a lot cheaper to lose here if you're good enough to pass it you get between 50k to 300K in funding I think or maybe it's 150k with a 90% split just really really useful really really useful um again check out the link if you want to check them out what's up with AMD almost 2% up AMD is up because of the news right here so AMD basically got nvidia's AI expert so AI uh AMD appoints AI industry veteran Keith strier to expand Global AI capabilities and engage he most recently served as vice president of worldwide AI initiatives at Nvidia so again that's why AMD is up is because they hired one of nvidia's dudes um yeah that is what's going on with them that's why they're up let me go ahead and activate this account [Music] all right we are now funded boom we are now funded um [Music] yeah we are here we are funded on top step x [Music] uh all right guys so we get in 5 minutes we have import export data not a huge data release just not that big right but it's still relevant it's still important um I don't know how much it's going to move markets uh [Music] uh where don't think it' be like a certificate or [Music] something uh well [Music] you all right so part of me wants to buy this dip I I don't know if we're going to or not um [Music] yeah should bounce today 548 or we going to be market now broadcom yeah we got avgo earnings um yeah jolt is a big report it really is relatively big report yeah again anybody that watched the stream saw me get funded yesterday on this um yeah so here's the express account we are live we got our Express thing up um again the no commission thing is really dope because okay what happened yesterday I don't know if it'll let me look at my trades anymore but what happened yesterday is I got up to where I was up like I got to make 3K I got up to where I was up like 2,850 so I needed to make like 150 bucks right and and the risk of taking big NASDAQ positions is that it's big like that's a lot of size um and so I could basically give back all my profit if I if I'm not careful and so what I was able to do is trade micros like it's micros are much less like range they're much smaller size and there's no commissions as well per trade it's like three bucks you know so I can take micro positions up to five micro contracts with no commissions and relatively safely make 150 bucks in profit to get funded and that's what I did live on stream yesterday that's a powerful thing right and that's what people underestimate like TOP Step has some of the best rules in funding and the no commission thing is a GameChanger for it because what that allows you to do is trade small size I can take small micro positions and slowly but surely grow my account knowing that I can take up to five contracts without like a big amount of risk right without me giving back like 40 to 50% of the profit I've made to commissions and that's a useful thing all right yeah we got the uh we got the trade balance data coming out right [Music] now um what did import export data so yeah import export data trade balance dropping right now it's expected atus 78.8 billion um yeah so again we'll see what it looks like NBA data showed up here's the trade balance date again - 78.8 billion is what's expected it came in atus 78.8 exactly as expected for import export prices so import export prices were balanced it came in exactly as expected uh again minus 78.8 billion again that's not the biggest report the big report today is going to be the jolts report coming [Music] out he think the vix is coming down today uh don't you think the vix would be higher today on a day of a massive report like we already had the vix rise a bunch yesterday the vix is up to almost 23 but I think with the jolts report today we might get more volatility it just depends on what the market does at the open right 100% pawn and that's my plan is to slow but steady buildup profits in micros all right we're going to take our first trade on top step X right now and again I think I'm going to buy this dip we are I'm going to switch to micros oh I'm already in micros okay good um yeah I'm going to buy this dip try to add to it if we pull back a little bit uh although I don't know if I necessarily like this range here I might be in a bad I didn't really look at the NASDAQ but it's all right we're right at the 200 dma which is not really my favorite spot but it's all right all right so we got two contracts of micros and you can kind of see how much smaller size is here I'm just kind of playing around it's my first time trading a like a funded account on top step X in a minute I've had funded accounts on top step X before but uh it's been a while slow but sure you know once we get five uh yeah once we get I think it's like five trading days um all right so we're down all right so we got four contracts here we are at the bottom of the range I'll add one more to this but I'm just prepared to cut this if I need to we're right at the low of the day the bottom of the range so I don't mind giving uh yeah we have to cut that so we're out um see and the fees are even less on micros that's nice okay so we ended up losing about 70 bucks which is fine very small loss um and again we'll wait we'll come back to it like I like this spot but I also think it's kind of risky you know watching Dollar Tree look at the vix on the right side going to put up the vix here man we're just getting some big red action coming [Music] [Music] through so we cracked lows and then we immediately started to bounce back um and now we're cracking lows again very volatile open to be [Music] honest yeah so five days of $200 plus which is fine so then you can start withdrawing yeah but yeah the the Market's starting to test lows here right now so the Market's really starting to crack lows um we still got a little bit of time before the jols report yeah the Market's looking weak and I think the key with top step is to add to winning positions not losing positions right so you you could DCA in on top step but I think adding to winning winning positions is the move it's the way hey what's up Daphne vix will 100% fill the Gap yeah the vix is up which means volatility is high yeah okay gotcha yeah that's good to know I'm kind of playing around on top step X [Music] [Music] yeah hey what's up stons yeah I've been trying to trade micros but we just got so much bear action short term uh so the report coming out today it's called the jolts job report the jolts job report comes out at 10:00 it's a massive report uh and again we will be live streaming in yeah so we have seen a lot of red action short term um if I put up like the QQQ here the nasdaq's fall into the bottom of the pre-market range here and we took some small trades I bought a little bit of this dip but uh again I'm going to just take two contracts Max you can see we've had some small losses I want to see if we can uh the idea of this is to see if we can kind of creep up higher to the top of this range I see the sideways range right here I just want to see if we can catch the top of it and two contracts is pretty small so if we lose we could probably be a little bit more uh patient with this and I think I'm being I'm lacking patience as well I think one thing I need to do with micros is I need to scale down and let the longer term range play out [Music] all right all right I'll I'll update you guys on this one [Music] all right sorry guys I have to do something all right buddy hey I love you man have a good day at school bud I love you have a good day all right all right guys sorry talking to my family um so we are in a good green trade we already took profit at least once on this one we are starting to ride it back up I'm going to add to this uh see if we can get a little bit more green action and we've got a nice little stop that we could use we already took a little bit of profit off of it so I can let it kind of try to fight its way back up and I can give it time um kind of middle range right now so it's kind of not the most opportune time but but we can let it rise some more there we go all right we took another piece off trying to make a little bit more here we just cut that yeah so we just made about 40 50 bucks just now um not too bad just kind of chipping away all right um would you draw a long-term trend line from daily or 4 Hour it depends on how long you plan on holding it uh no one streams this live this channel rocks hey thanks so much yes I do I get a commission it's an affiliate link is what that's called but yes where was it h all right well now we got a bunch of them that's okay what's up reclaim all right thank you baby I need a shave my beard anyway you know all right I love you uh all right so we did continue to get a rise again the the thesis I told you guys worked which is that I was a little bit off in managing mine but remember I told you guys we were at the bottom range and I wanted to see if we would do this and this is exactly what we just did so so far so good we made a little bit of money on it wish I would have made more but that's all right um and again we got the joles report live today guys joles report at 10 o00 um big stock market news AMD has basically hired one of nvidia's X employees um yeah TOP Step X is dope dude it really is it's nice every time I say dope I feel like uh what's the guy from every time I say dope I feel like this guy right here okay like I know it's the same reason I I don't feel like I can't wear Jordan 1es appropriately right I can't wear Jordan 1es appropriately because I listen there was a time listen I went to Disney World years ago and again my in-laws are very I'm not going to say judgy cuz they're good people they're nice people but uh they're definitely not they don't wear sneakers and I'm like a big sneaker wear I always liked Air Max and stuff I tried wearing Jordan Ones one year and now in my family pictures I look like this guy I feel like this guy in my family pictures again I'm not judging you if you wear Jordan Ones uh cuz that's like the style my son wears Jordan Ones and he loves them my daughter does sometimes too right but uh anytime I say dope I feel like this guy uh top three oldest stock traders in the world right now I tune in for every news Drive best Channel around hey thanks so much man I appreciate it uh yeah I was thinking of uh what's the movie where they're all trying to rob the place look at this Mo Hey listen I'm not going to say we were right look at that did we not range it exactly like I said look at that when you're right you're right you love to see it this is this this is the problem right is like people see this move here and they automatically assume that this is going to break lows a flaw in their thinking right this is a flaw this is flawed thinking why because this is the bottom of the range every single time the stock has gone there what happens it bounces back it bounces back it bounces back right that makes the sideways looking range especially leading into like a big economic report like the jolts report it's very possible that we just chop leading into it and so the real problem is like a lot of Traders get so wrapped up in trading momentum that whenever this thing starts to test lows they assume it's going to crack lows and just turn into this big dump but again like imagine how common that is right imagine how common it is that a stock breaks lows and continues to fall down it's not very common meaning what one out of every how many times is that actually going to happen where this is going to break lows and continue maybe one out of five one out of six times and so what what should you try to trade a 1 and six scenario or a five- six scenario like which one is better right trying to attack this big exciting short breakdown or attacking this choppy range and for me I'm going to attack this choppy range you know I'm going to attack the thing that happened five out of six times instead of targeting the more exciting thing that happened one out of six times right and this is where a lot of Traders again get it wrong they try to attack these low of the day shorts these high of the day breakouts but that's the bottom of the range that's where Traders are taking profit Traders are uh covering their short positions there which causes a spike in buys and a move right back up vix is coming down a little bit and again this is a big Rebound in the queue Nvidia is still fighting its way back Nvidia is now over the 200 EMA over the volume weighted average price John do you have a website or IG page I want to bounce something off go I'm real entrepreneur former NFL player did my masters H send me an email at beginner trading again I'm going to tell you this though I'm not saying this is you but if you try to scam me if you're not who you say you are I'm going to do my due diligence and research you know um it's not going to work right I'm not going to click any link you give me I'm not going to sign up to anything like just to just to preface everything I get people that message me all the time and and um yeah again I'm just just warning you I'm listen I don't want to reject people that want to do business with me um but I'm just very careful you know it just causes weird a lot of the time um like I've had I want to do business with people I really do but um but I also have limited time I'm a family man you know I got a family and kids and stuff so but yeah you can message me I'll I'll listen to it uh but again just to clarify I might not be interested um it just depends 121 price need help should I hold I have no idea if you should hold Nvidia what Reservoir Dogs is what I was thinking of yo John I'm 36 caught myself calling something fat the other day now for me when I was growing up listen I'm in my 30s uh I'm in my 30s for me growing up it was it was tight right like tight was the slang we used like that's a tight old like this is a like that's a tie day book you know that's a that's a tight day truck that truck is tight you know that book is tight that movie was tight you know like that was uh our slang you know how old I am bro like I said I'm old man this is me right here that's me right here and I used to skateboard too um I used to skateboard if I went to the park I would look like this guy right here but I can double kick flip and do a bunch of cool stuff [Music] so can I send you my crypto wallet you sell for me no no I can't bruh yeah Brew Bru I don't even understand the slang nowadays I'm like the old man that says get out of my yard at this point in time um all right guys you guys ready busing I make fun of my daughter with busing you know my daughter and I my daughter is prime like young person age she's 15 and so she is like right in the mix when it comes to I never I never knew Riz was an abbreviated form of Charisma right for all some people are like oh yep I'm here to educate you guys you're welcome Riz is a shortened form of Charisma never knew never knew I didn't know what the heck they were those kids were talking about um so yeah I got a lot in common with you John maybe I too can become financially comfortable yeah I mean I think a lot of people are like this like I tell people like I used to skateboard I'm interested in the stock market I I love poker but I think that's like a lot of guys out there skateboarded love poker trade stocks right now I'm into watches again it's kind of weird like again I know some people online that I know watch this Channel with like bitter taste in their mouth right because they would talk smack and talk smack about my wife and I and like all this different stuff uh but I I I said it yesterday I can't help but feel like some of them are copying me you know like uh I got this guy again he's one of my wife's exes but he's also been kind of like obsessed and kind of off and weird and he struggled with like substance abuse you know and you can kind of see it in his behavior um but for a guy that doesn't like us and me you know he would just conveniently be into everything I was into like I would be into stocks and then he would post on his page oh I'm day trading on Robin Hood and my wife and I would look at each other and be like this dude's not really day trading like he's just kind of seeing us talk about stocks and he's wanting to act like he's interested in it too and then you know we got into some other stuff and he would copy that behavior and then I got into like watches right and then the now his image is him with a watch and it's like him showing the watch off and I don't know it's just maybe I'm looking too much into it but uh yeah it's off it's weird you know as long as it's not me put the lotion on my skin kind of stuff then I guess it's okay uh I'm just a little [Music] skeptical oh I was super into Pokemon cards I would be slanging fifth grade I was slanging Pokemon cards at the bus stop you know honestly if I would have kept my binder I had this binder full of so many good Pokemon cards I was super into Pokemon I watched the anime I had all the cards I even played the game you know um in the 9s the original like Pokemon surge it's kind of deluded now but but uh I had this binder full of like all like first edition holographic Charizards like every good card you can imagine I had the Japanese one too which was like the cool Japanese Charizard holographic from the 9s I had that one to too uh I have no idea what happened I think somebody stole my binder I used to throw parties at my house when my dad was out of town and uh I'm pretty sure somebody got it then I don't know um I like watches I mean I I uh I'm into watches but most of my watches are at safety deposit boxes I I don't really keep them on me um but yeah I've got like the uh what's called the Batgirl Rolex which is kind of my favorite one right now um I've got a couple cool ones you know yeah well that's kind of what we're worried about milk but the problem is he doesn't really have the means to do it again he struggled with substance abuse right so you know I it's unlikely but it's the point is uh I'm I'm pretty certain he's at least some one of the trolls that showed up here and been weird with the channel just based off of like just based off of my interests and his you know it's hard to explain I don't want to go too into detail if that makes sense now osberger generally means you have an above average intelligence uh you just lack social like skills but that's definitely not him uh yeah it's super weird man it's really weird and again again I told my wife it's like I uh like get he's got to get his own life man like I I feel for him because it means that he just does know who he is right and I'm kind of like ADHD in terms of interests like I'm into watches and MMA and I'm into stock trading and crypto and freaking poker and like all these random interests uh but what I learned running a stream like this is that it's not that uncommon it's really not like there's a lot of people like me out there that are into that all those things you know which is cool uh anyways we're at the top of the range for NVIDIA we're at the top of the range um so again nvidia's had this very clear sideways range very clear sideways range um you know the news that came out with Nvidia I don't know if it was yesterday or the day before but overseas they basically think they're catching up with invid in terms of microchips they think the uh the laws are not going to offer as much protection in terms of like growth limiting growth uh By Us technology overseas right so the laws aren't going to do as much and they think they're only a few years away and that caused some negative sentiments in Nvidia yesterday I believe this was you know if you look at Nvidia all day yesterday we had these big drops and again my my thesis on today is that I think that like I think we're down enough to where we could get bullish action short term the really short term uh longterm Anything Could Happen medium term I think we might actually go down some more but it depends on a lot of factors but I think short term we're down enough yesterday like nvidia's down down over 10% yesterday the NASDAQ is down 32% yesterday and so I think we're down enough short term to where we could you know at least bet on some upward action although again I have no idea what I'm talking about and I might be wildly wrong about anything and everything I say don't copy me I'm not an investment professional I genuinely have no idea what's going to happen uh I'm not claiming to be a good Trader or anything like that but uh again well time will tell we'll have to wait and see and then the jolts job openings report again goes live we also have the Bank of Canada uh all right so we we got the New York open coming out in about 30 minutes 35 minutes or so J openings yeah this jolts report is a big report Chad it really is um that's me skater turned yeah I call my dad pop like I got The Black Lung pop if you know you know real ones understand uh John do you you think we should have a fee to post comments on YouTube of course it should just go straight to me anytime you post a comment you got to pay John 50 cents I mean I think that's reasonable uh yeah I mean yeah I he I don't know about direct connections I mean he's again he's an old ex that you know it's a long story that I'm not going to get into um and again you can kind of see over time that like his life has been kind of a struggle and I feel for him I wish him the best I really don't have any ill will towards towards him I genuinely wish him the best right like I don't have anything negative like I it's not like I hope he struggles um and it's not any like he's not the type of guy Guy where it's like I'm worried about him and my wife in any way right like it's my wife's solid and he is just not he's not a threat in that way like for sure um and so you just kind of I just kind of feel bad for him uh but I do I am kind of off-put by that type of thing you know like uh like the watch thing is too specific like I'm into watches they're kind of dude things but um but yeah and again if he's genuinely into it let him do his thing watches are cool I like watches uh oh I'm sure I'm sure he at least does sometimes Kirk uh oh I don't think I did a poll this morning my bad here let me do it y'all don't understand I got The Black Lung pop and what that is from come on now y' have never seen Zoolander come on now guys um anyways does the market want higher or lower or I'm gonna say does the uh are you bullish or bearish on the jolts report bull bear John's top three SLC results [Music] all right vote on the poll let me know if you're bullish or bearish on this jolts report is there is there not more to life than being really really ridiculously goodlooking yeah hey the goat [Music] um why can't stocks rally without Nvidia because the whole Market's resting on AI is what it is the whole Market is is on AI right now uh AI is influencing everything in in terms of the market and um yeah really uh all right looking at the poll so far here in vote on the poll we're 50/50 split again 50% saying bull 46% saying beay 4% saying John's top 3C results uh uh so so milkshake today we have What's called the jolts job opening report for July it's job openings uh signals economic strength or weakness the higher the jolts number is the more economic strength the lower the jolts number is the more economic weakness uh you know a job is is it has to fit a couple different criteria uh for this report number one is a spe specific position exists and there's work available the job could start within 30 days and there's active recruitment for it uh so basically it's economic growth more job open ing signal economic growth less job openings signal economic weakness and it's a good gauge of the labor market overall is what the jol report is going to show us right um and again it's it's expected at 8.09 Million last time it showed up at 8.18 million 8.18 million uh again we also have the Bank of Canada rate decision today so we also have the Bank of Canada rate decision um tomorrow we have What's called the ADP nonfarm employment change numbers which is kind of prelim payroll data right the ADP nonform employment change is prelim payroll data we also have jobless claims unemployment filing so we also have unemployment filings week to week tomorrow and then Thursday we have What's called the non-farm payroll report and unemployment report so that's actually monthly percentage Unemployment uh as well as actual payroll numbers so again typically the prelim payroll numbers come out today on Wednesday but because it's a shorten week because of Labor Day now we have the prelim payroll numbers dropping tomorrow on Thursday and then the actual report on Friday uh so that's this week um Nvidia starting to bounce though Nvidia almost up to 107 and again I think this will lead the market the Vic's coming back down a little bit on this bullish action here too what's that thing about September being historically bearish yeah it's called the September slump uh if we look at I lost my image here uh but if we look at average I have to try to save it if I go back here and we look at like average S&P returns September is the worst month for the stock market by far it's the worst month out of all the other months right it's it's not a great month it's a uh historically a losing month for stocks and again if this is the average Returns on the S&P according to Bloomberg um the reason it's called a September slump is because on average in September the stock market drops 1.1% which is a pretty big thing right 1.1% might not seem that much but you got to take into context that this is good months and bad months averaged to where we have an average drop of 1.1% in September so in terms of probabilities it's much more probable that September is going to be red and a lot of Traders take advantage of that they short they uh they buy up stuff at the end of the month and look for a rally into the holidays there's a lot of ways you could try to play the September slump but again you can kind of see it's definitely the worst month of the year percentage wise by far versus like the best months of the year which are like December which is the holiday season like retail stuff increases everybody's buying stuff uh in July you know people get their holiday bonuses you know July everybody's buying stuff too so but but yeah on average the best months of the stock market the most volatile or the the most volumous I I should say um and the lowest volatility months are the holiday months like October November December the worst and the slowest months are like February May uh just kind of dull months right October is kind of slow sometimes too no you don't need it Julian you can if you want I think you got to pay extra for but you don't need it self-fulfilling prophecies are a thing in these markets well they've always been a thing you know self-fulfilling prophecies are always a thing in markets uh why it's because you know it's kind of like the volume weighted average price of the 200 EMA right when these two levels are really close to each other it turns into kind of like a super indicator in my opinion right and so you know here's an example of a self-fulfilling thing when the Q goes back up right the Q approaches the 200 EMA the volume weighted average price some Traders are watching the vwap and they're saying hey we're about to hit the vwap it might reject let's sell other Traders are watching the 200 EMA and they're saying hey it might hit the 200 EMA let's sell other Traders are watching both of them and they're saying hey it's about to hit both of those levels let's sell other Traders are watching the top of this range and they're saying hey we're at the top of the range let's sell and all of this combined is self-fulfilling you know Traders are getting nervous about weakness it's Mass psychology is what the market really is and so there's a lot of self-fulfillment and moves because Traders fear different things they they uh they're optimistic about different things you know so over time it just kind of makes it to where you know fearful and you got fears and and strengths that you can capitalize on but that's the nature of the market it's not all fundamentals um you know uh the Market's much more than just fundamentals it's Mass psychology it's you know what about small caps they say the fall is good for them I don't know uh I'm not really a big small cap guy I mean you can watch like the Russell which has seen some good increases but I think it's corrected a little bit what's the Russell symbol is it rty yeah so the Russell Russell's had a good year it opened the year off at 1900s it's now at almost 2200s uh but it has seen some red action with everything else over the last two days you know again the nasdaq's down three and a half% a little bit less than that maybe now uh over the last 24 to 48 hours it's a big drop um Nvidia is what's causing it again nvidia's down 10% Plus or at least it was I have to check what it is now job data being higher than expected as a bearish Outlook correct no not necessarily that that's how it used to be so so in an inflation you got to think about what the market fears right if the market fears inflation economic growth is bad why because the more people that buy the higher prices go up you know if I put out 100 pieces of bubble gum and by the end of the day they're all gone what am I going to do the next day I might bump prices up because I can you know um supply and demand uh but you have to look at that in terms of the economy as well you know so if we're fearing inflation and inflation is a big priority meaning inflation spiking up it's risky we're not seeing good inflation data all the inflation data is higher than expected and people are nervous about it that's the context of the market in which economic strength is going to be seen as a negative and so in those markets like we saw that a lot in 2022 and 2023 where inflation was spiking people were freaking out about it and every major economic report that came in positive the market would actually go down why because people feared strength because they feared spending spending is bad unemployment numbers coming in low made the market go down sometimes again why because people fear inflation spikes and when does inflation spikes and it spikes when you have economic growth a lot of the time uh and so you know we were that part of the market for a few years really you know I think that kind of ended a couple months ago like I would say like four or five months ago we stopped getting that big negative reaction to uh we stopped getting that big negative reaction to um economic growth and and the market kind of pivoted to where it started to fear recessions and depressions and stuff like that especially with looming rate cuts and I think the logic there is that people are afraid of rate Cuts because they mean some usually historically rate Cuts mean something's breaking right the FED gets nervous they cut rates when you you get too much economic weakness and so I think on the heels of that the market kind of pivoted back to a good as good scenario where economic strength is seen as an uh positive and economic weakness is seen as a negative kind of more back to Convention um and and yeah I think that's where we're still at right now but nobody knows you know nobody knows anything could happen I always tell people you you know economic reports can vary in terms of their reactions like one report we might have a situation where good is good and economic strength is good and economic weakness is bad and then the next report you might have the complete opposite thing it's just the market is a different atom well you don't really know where it's heading especially in terms of economic reports where there's a difference between the economy itself and and the stock market they're different markets so um yeah yeah I think so great but it's it's like I said it's never um it's never 100% definitive uh yeah super micro going all the way down to 424 as well again really risky stock uh big potential gains but big potential losses for me as well I just haven't really messed with that one and again I was correct about it you know if anybody heard me a few weeks ago I told people I thought it was really risky and that it could drop huge percentages and then sure enough I got kind of Lucky with that prediction because the uh Hindenburg research short report came out which of course dumped markets um they're dumped super micro all right we got the Jon report going live chat today the Jon report again hit that subscribe button if you haven't already uh again we did get funded on a top step account [Music] yesterday dude my ears still hurt they freaking still hurt um you know Jiu-Jitsu is funny I told my wife I'm like yeah I'm going to take a couple days off for Jiu-Jitsu I'm going to let my ears heal haven't missed a class since then I got these big old magnets that I wear um on my ears it's supposed to prevent cauliflower ear but my ears still hurt dude they still hurt I don't know I should probably take a couple days off so I don't have you know I mean I've been told that I've never wanted rate Cuts digital I think rate cuts are bad I think uh inflation I I think the real root of the unhappiness that you see from Average Joe's right now now is inflation problems people are unhappy that inflation has risen so much in The Last 5 Years um and so real estate is unaffordable prices there have gone up dramatically people's regular spending has increased dramatically and again even if inflation data has slowed and we call it slowed because it doesn't actually go down it slows down prices don't ever actually go down usually once they go up aside from certain sectors and so what this means is that we're stuck with the price increases that we've had The Last 5 Years and the labor market hasn't necessarily corrected or hasn't really compensated for it in that way yet uh and so the real reason people have been unhappy The Last 5 Years is not from a recession we're not in a recession you know and again I think it's a political year so people are really hammering oh we're in a recession it's the worst it could ever be but again the real reason people are unhappy is because of price increases over the last 5 years that's the reason most people are unhappy and I think with that uh I'm okay with maintaining a high interest rate environment and really restricting the economy in that regard to control inflation in a much better way and really kind of get some stagnant inflation over the next few years I think that's a much better situation even if we go into a little mini recession I think that's better than low interest rate environment especially not with like economic stimulation like quantitative easing I think printing money would be would just pour gas on a fire right now uh and so I'm okay with high interest rate environment uh pushing the economy down a little bit more and slowing inflation more uh versus pushing for rate cuts and and having some economic growth but ultimately causing more inflation spikes uh I'm I'm a big proponent of no rate Cuts I don't think we should cut rates I think we should wait push it back as long as humanly possible but again like lenders are pressuring everybody oh we need rate Cuts rate cuts are necessary again rate cuts are going to make inflation worse uh unfortunately and we've already seen price Rises real estate's up huge it's just not something we need right now but again it's an election year and the FEDS you know they're going to cut rates next month or this month actually uh which link Tai which link below the stream um yeah so here's the link from the stream um if you want to check it out check out TOP Step appreciate the love yeah I know for some people it's going to be 30 bucks for their first purchase it just [Music] depends yeah it's all good yeah no no I was asking about the question uh yeah I have one of the um I have one of the wrestlers ear Buffs it throws my sound off though so it's interesting um yes long it's only for new ones I'm pretty sure uh but no it throws your sound off like you would think that sound wouldn't be an issue with rolling like when you're rolling with somebody and sparring with somebody and Jiu-Jitsu you would think sound wouldn't play a factor but it really does I I wear those head masks and um sound is such a big part of your like peripherals and like like the feel of everything that it throws it off like it genuinely throws it off uh it throws me off when I roll with people with the head mask on so I just got the magnets that I wear you know here's some of them right here I might put them on right now yeah just don't make fun of me if I wear these it's not gauges it's uh it's cauliflower ear magnets all right guys short sellers Target super micro semiconductors yeah I mean uh it depends on how tight it is Tony um like anybody that rolls a lot they understand that you know one of the thing that's good about Jiu-Jitsu and they say Jiu-Jitsu is good for like Alzheimer's and stuff like that because uh being able to think in stressful situations is good for your brain they've done a lot of studies on this it's good for self-control it's good for discipline and it's good for like other degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and stuff uh but the thing about Jiu-Jitsu is like you got to you got to you got to be resilient to certain submissions right like new when I was new I would tap to everything and really if I roll with like a new person and I Guillotine them they're tapping pretty easy right like they're not fighting their way out about it they're going to tap pretty quickly where if I roll against an experienced person and I try to Guillotine him usually they're going to give me some resistance right they're not just going to tap immediately they're going to post their head off the ground they're going to try to roll out of it which I like following them into Mount and then having a mounted Guillotine but point is it helps you think better and the good people at Jiu-Jitsu are very resilient to that um and so I guess guess the point that I kind of went off track on is that uh verbal tapping allows you to tap easier a lot of the time like I can verbal tap and sometimes in Jiu-Jitsu you're using both your hands like gripping or something and so a verbal tap is necessary a lot of the time uh anyway spy at 550s you know spy was getting close to Lifetime highs if I put up the Spy here it's getting close right exactly Tony that's kind of how I do it too I try to hold out as long as we can right use both arms 100% yeah like I said I think people that trade understand that for sure uh and I train too much top three stocks and bonds have no longer have a positive correlation which points to not having inflation fears yeah in some ways sure but yeah the polls are never meant to be accurate though Zach so Zach's talking about poll accuracy they're never meant to be accurate they're they're just gauging sentiment you know I've said this before but if I do a poll on the market overall usually it's bearish so usually people more people are betting on weakness versus strength if I do a poll on an individual stock usually like the fans of that individual stock show up and they'll bet positively on that poll and optimistically towards it uh so there's a very that is very predictable you know and again I would never base my trades around a poll we're just looking at what people are thinking on the day and then using that as kind of uh an interesting aspect of everything uh anyways yeah IBM yeah again I just m I think a lot of people look at IBM and understandably so they they look at it like a dinosaur uh I've had a lot of people bring up IBM as an example of why you shouldn't buy Blue Chip companies but when I look at IBM I mean in the last 30 years it's still up ridiculously large percentages even for an example of a blue chip stock that didn't succeed it's so I still think the way is investing into Blue Chips DCA over long-term and value investing into them but IBM just broke yearly highs too I just the problem with it I still look at it like a dinosaur because I don't understand what it does I'm not sure what IBM does nowadays let me use AI to look it up I think they got involved with AI in some sort ironically enough I'm sure I'm going to have some people correcting me in chat do you mean sometimes I'm right or do you mean sometimes the poll is Right Zach yeah if Warren Buffett was Voting but even still it'd be one out of 600 and something people uh so yeah oh yeah IBM got involved with cloud computing Ai and hybrid Cloud Solutions so they now do IBM Cloud IBM Watson Quantum Computing Enterprises cyber security Consulting and stuff like that the company Michael okay so it's DD I don't know what dupon does the only thing I know about them really if I'm being honest is uh the movie they're still a big company and I don't again I don't know what they do they don't really have the best long-term chart though you know you got some charts where you look at them longterm and they're good like IBM you got some charts where you look at them long term and they're stagnating for the last 20 years you know uh last 20 years years this thing has not moved at all this thing is completely Breaky even over a 20e period of time uh it's only up a very small amount percentage wise and 20 years that's not a company I want to buy so you might be right every time you're live I got to come through you have cauliflower a yet not yet you're right yeah I mean I think I'm again I said it before Zach and maybe I'm just toting my own horn you know I think it's human nature to want to believe that you're accurate in predictions but I think my predictions have been pretty solid you know I think uh I think they're over 50% I have to go back check it but I think they're over 50% and I think um like people can say a lot of things about me negatively or whatever but I think I've been pretty accurate about predictions that I've made in markets especially like medium-term predictions I think my day-to-day predictions like hey I think the Market's going to do this today or that today might be you know but looking at medium-term levels I think I'm pretty accurate maybe not though again I know I certainly get stuff wrong uh definitely get stuff wrong yeah all right guys we got 40 minutes until the jol report goes live we have been trading on uh TOP Step X and we are going to be trading on there today um so we are funded on top step we got funded yesterday Nvidia is definitely moving the market some um all jokes aside I appreciate what you do for everyone brother breath fresh air for all of us hey I appreciate it man thanks yeah you're at like a solid 70% since I started watching yeah I think that's probably pretty accurate I might again I don't I'll have to go back and check yeah yeah Eric no matter what it is body says about you I appreciate you accuracy unfair question a good Trader is humble yeah I mean they say I'm the top three most humble ever you know but uh I'd say I'm top four you know you keep it real I try to I I really try to right like the least I can do is be honest um and so I try to be honest everywhere you know and I think that makes it hard to criticize me but people find a way but uh I try to be honest I try to be honest about everything I'm biased do this to make money like I got sponsors and Affiliates and stuff like that not even claiming to be a good Trader I think that's about as honest as I can be uh Channel's called beginner trading so we're not trying to be a guru here of course um yeah again I feel like the guy with the skateboard every time I say dope this is me every time I say dope that's me every time I say dope this is what I feel like you know I haven't really got into using facts yet like I feel like this every time I say dope facts never really got into that although I have friends that are my age that do I just can't get behind it you know I think at a certain point as you get older you got to stop using young people slang um like in my day we had mixtapes so instead of saying bars you would say mixtape coming soon in my day we would say tight like that's a tight truck over there uh back in my day honestly the kids kind of dress like we dressed baggy pants neon you know B Cuts you know that's actually pretty similar to how we dress uh we dressed back in the day uh but yeah hey thank you Maria uh Canada rate decision is at 9:45 Market time so 15 minutes after the uh closing or the opening BT it's at 9:45 um lit yeah I remember lit again lit was a little bit after me the bomb that was before me groovy [Music] [Music] yeah yeah I don't know how much the Canadian decision is going to move stuff I just don't think it's going to move stuff in a in a big way at all the bomb yeah there's some stuff that you just look back on and you're like man every new generation gets made fun of by older Generations I think it's life it's Trends everything's cyclical anyway you know like one thing that's very clear is that fashion is is cyclical um and so an example is like baggy jeans are cool and then it moves to skinny jeans and then skinny jeans are cool and then it moves back to baggie jeans and it moves back to skinny jeans that revolution of that cycle again is very obvious uh you see it with everything like in the '90s baggy jeans were cool early 2000s uh skinny jeans got cool again now back now like years later baggy jeans are now cool and kids are dressing like I dressed in the '90s with jenos and baggy pants and torn jeans and stuff like that like that Cy very obvious you know I tell my daughter this like y'all's generation basically copies the what we dress like in the '90s they're very '90s heavy they got freaking record stores at malls now like the mall has record stores I told my daughter my daughter has like a record player I tell her I was like hey do you think the music sounds better than a record versus your phone and she was like yeah it's just more pure I'm like what does that even mean you're not old enough to have Nostalgia from records uh I'm not old enough to have Nostalgia from records I grew up with CD players so you know young [Music] people cargo pants 100% had some cargo pants we put everything in there dude I'd have so much stuff in my pockets honestly one of the more practical Styles uh yeah no skibby toilet RZ is what they say they say all this other stuff right um but uh I can't get behind that no I'll I'll use modern slang in front of my daughter as like a troll to her like I'll kind of troll her a little bit to make fun of her yeah I had some air walks too um I was a skateboarder so I had air walks and then I kind of gravitated I have some etes I wore etes uh I had a bunch of cool skater shoes some DCS that were cool you know all right all right guys we got 20 we got 34 minutes left until the jolts report we got 3 minutes until the opening bell three and a half minutes yeah I don't know about any of that I I don't know the young people stuff very much right Riz is a abbreviated form of Charisma again I figured that out a couple weeks ago I never knew I never knew what they were talking about yeah the jol's job report very important very influential over markets it will move markets um so [Music] is all right uh you again if you want to check out top step we are funded in a Express TOP Step account TOP Step gives you a demo they test your skill with the demo if you pass the test they fund you if you fail you only lose what you pay for it in this case it's 49 bucks a month they give you a 50k demo if you can make 3K in profit without losing 2K first they fund you if you fail you only lose what you pay for it again limited risk 50 bucks a month uh great way to learn how to day trade and if you're good enough to pass it you can get funding and then withdraw it and fund your own account and the really good thing is TOP Step X the platform you see has zero commissions they have some small fees per trade but zero commissions and I can't even explain how much of an edge that is you can use micros which is smaller size and really kind of scalp like I'm doing with no commissions it's a powerful thing they're one of the most legit in the world they've been around for over a decade check them out here's the link they are an affiliate of mine they pay me money so I'm biased for sure but it's just a useful thing so check them out uh there's data and then there's surveys but wouldn't you consider a survey a form of data you know that's kind of like saying there's a Mustang or that's kind of like saying uh there's cars and then there's a Mustang you know not mean not the horse the there's cars and then there's a Honda Civic like they're both cars right uh so surveys are data um yeah so I used to have a d a drum set David that I would record on a tape player the the music on the radio and then I would listen to the music in my head and play the drums along with it uh I I was a I had a drum set as a kid all right anyways 20 seconds guys 20 seconds all right here's the opening bell we got 10 seconds let's do this guys here's the open yeah nonfarm payrolls on Friday are the biggest thing for sure hit the live button um hit the live button next to the play button guys there's the opening bell look at Tesla Tesla popped all the way up over two tens at the opening bell so it did move up here um yeah for sure yeah I just wanted to clarify uh Zach all right so so far we've gotten some red action at the opening BT a lot of people are going to watch inidia and I do think we could have choppiness leading into the jolts report since it's an influential report the market could just be quiet leading up to it as possible um all right guys so we're sitting here waiting um sitting tight yeah Tesla back up to 22s at the opening Bill kind of helping drag the market up and so far we're still in this range here though chat so I'm going to let the opening bell play out first but we're still in this range um I just got to be careful uh so again hit the Subscribe button if you haven't already hit the notification Bell I appreciate it um make sure we're in sub only mode I'm pretty sure we are yeah so we are in sub Bly mode announce yourself show us your subscribe listen everything we do here is free we don't charge for anything we don't sell a course don't sell a service oursel don't claim to be good put out everything for free trade the open Live every day um Tony Hawk shoes I'm not not sure who Tony Hawk was sponsored by I was never a vert skater honestly to be completely honest vert skating was kind of scary to me but I was pretty good Street skater like I could do some rails I could do some stairs I could like double kick flip and and 360 flip and and do some fun stuff too um I remember I could like dark slide a couple like I I remember my friend and I had a rail that we used to use in front of his house I could like dark slide and do some cool stuff on it yeah again I was never a big Verge skater yeah I had a friend that could and he had a little mini highpipe in his backyard um yeah he broke his arm one day and I again it was just never my thing I could do I could ride a mini like a mini halfpipe fairly well and do like some kickflip like rail stuff but never could really get some air in bird it was just too too uh yeah just never could I always like skate parks more all right guys so again the NASDAQ moving up we're still in this range watch Nvidia closely Nvidia is now pushing over the 200 EMA in the volume weighted average price it still got a ways to go though I still got a ways to go and remember at 9:45 today we've got Services PMI oh wait no no no that's tomorrow I'm sorry so at 9:45 today we have the Bank of Canada decision it's expected to cut rates 25 basis points so Canada expected to cut rates 25 basis points today we'll see if they do what's expected or whether they continue to pause rates again uh I'm not sure what they did last time I think they might have cut last time too though um I had some air walks that I used to wear for sure all right spy moving up so we get a nice little rebound and everything here um I'm going to short this because we're at the top of the range uh and I'm just going to try to play out what the heck just happened um I don't know if I accidentally clicked okay uh we got one contract I'll add a little bit more to it two contracts here took a little bit off there took a little bit more off made about 30 40 bucks kind of chipping away at the losses of the day um yeah and that happened a couple times for me m part I never could do a hard flip because it was always too scary of a a trick to do uh you know always everybody every skater understands what I mean it's been so long since I skated though um I gave up like for a while when I was a teenager I wanted to go pro and this was back in the day where we didn't have social media and so if you wanted to go pro you had to like put a sponsor me skate skate video out there get sponsored by like a skate shop and stuff and then grow from there and I was good I don't I think I was just under how good you had to be to get sponsored though I wasn't quite good enough this was me at like 15 right uh I just wasn't quite good enough um and so once I hit 1617 like to be honest I started getting interested in like girls and and friends and and all that scene and uh you know stop skating completely never really went back to it yeah so again back of expected to cut R 25 basis points Nvidia completely turned all the way down it's testing the bottom of this range um now the the big risk here Nvidia cracks lows we could get some downward pressure again we also have some neutral activity it looks like the market could be basing everything off of uh the jolt report although look at Nvidia here guys so this might drag the NASDAQ down short term if this if this breaks lows uh if it doesn't break here I'm going to yeah so it um Ford is up uh if it doesn't break lows again we could just continue ranging but if this breaks lows it could drag everything back down it could drag the NASDAQ back to the bottom range here and there's the low break so Nvidia did just break lows uh there's Nvidia falling down some more definitely turning more bearish in Trend all right so [Music] I got two contracts here all right so somehow we made some money on that big retracement back up I'm going to go and cut that somehow we made money on that too um [Music] yeah for sure Brandon again I think skating was big in the 90s it was like the big skater boom you know um like I used to like really what I would do as a kid like my favorite activities as a kid were like skating I would skateboard I also would rollerblade and play hockey at my school's parking lot a lot as a kid I had a hockey phas where I was never really good at ice hockey I tried play playing like peeee ice hockey and was horrible at it I'm pretty sure my friends hated me cuz I was so bad at it as a kid uh but I I was good at rollerblade hockey like I was okay at roller hockey and in roller blades um so we would rollerblade a lot this is in the 90s you know um get into fights you know uh you know in the early 90s it was like martial arts like Karate Kid was big I freaking loved Karate Kid in all those movies um Chuck Norris you know sidekick all that all that big martial arts push that was big too spy just broke highs spy just tapped highs of the day uh let's see if Nvidia ends up rebounding and moving in a sideways direction or whether it ends up continuing this downward pressure that we're seeing yeah Lord of dog Town's pretty good movie for sure yeah in Baton Rouge I'm from Baton Rouge Louisiana and so we had a place called The centroplex it's actually like a big event center uh they had the best stairs in the world they like it's like the skater's dream right like it really is they had so many huge stairs where like they had four stairs and three stairs and six stairs and eight stairs rails they had like fun boxes they had all those cool stuff that you could skate on I'm pretty sure eventually security picked it up for a long time though we used to just go down there and skate um yeah oh three ninjas the goat it's all good Corey Bitcoin cash Sammy is what you're talking about bch I'm assuming that's what you mean is Bitcoin cash uh I mean I don't know that much about it you know um not really something I'm heavily invested into Nvidia is bearish yeah Nvidia is definitely looking somewhat bearish although again remember it's a it's a it's a release day and so in that regard we might get choppy neutral like action based off of it the big release coming out today yeah got again guys remember check out TOP Step TOP Step funded account program in Futures do not risk your own money all day Traders lose for the most part with a couple exceptions almost all day Traders are going to lose and it makes no sense to risk thousands of dollars of your owny money everybody every day trader thinks they going to be some Savant day trader I'm here to tell you that's probably not happening almost all day Traders lose uh and so instead of risking thousands of dollars of your own money like I did and losing it like I did try a funded account program in the Futures Market you can day trade the S&P the NASDAQ basically the spy and Q price action very similar to Nvidia price action at least currently patterns are very similar to blue chip stock patterns no PDT rule they give you a demo test your skill with it if you pass the test they fund you if you fail you only lose what you pay for it which in this case the base one's 49 bucks if you pass it you get 50k in funding with a 90% split and if you're good enough you can then withdraw and fund your own account if you fail you only lose 50 bucks basically it's not the end of the world it's a great way to learn how to day trade but again they're sponsor they pay me money I'm biased because of it they've paid out over 40 million though and again the split's similar to putting the money up yourself at 90% And so there's not much downside and it's just a lot cheaper than putting up your own money and losing uh so if if you want to check it out here's the link most day Traders lose and they pay pay me money I'm biased of course but again very useful program there I think great content and very useful program look at the market break highs the NASDAQ pumping up NASDAQ up to 460 again we are getting choppiness in Nvidia which is causing choppiness and everything else we're actually at the very top of the range now uh I'm going to start shorting this unless we got some economic data that came out early let me let me make sure yeah we got three minutes before the Bank of Canada rate decision so we are now short we're at the very top of the range so I'm starting to short right we took a little bit off but I think we still lost on that um small money though and again the good thing about TOP Step X is that there's no commissions which is a powerful thing people underestimate how useful that is I locked in a little bit more like I can scalp with micro contracts ahead of these big reports and and take little small wins and just let that add up and add up on my funded account and that's the plan with this slowly grinding away I got to cut that so kind of a flat trade we're almost completely flat there um Nvidia pumping up though there we go a little bit better I'm trying to get a larger breakdown so I can add to this position but it's kind of just neutral here which is kind of what I think we're going to get yeah I'm going to cut that that's a big retracement back up looks like we got out I think we're net green over the last like few trades but we're kind of flat it's not really much Tesla's pumping up um I do think we're at the top of the range I'm a little bit late I could have held it wait sometimes I click sell and I feel like I accidentally clicked buy I didn't mean to there's two contracts there we go take some more there we go all right so we had a nice little string of Trades there so we just made uh like 40 bucks 30 bucks a lot of stuff's pushing back down again we're at the top of the range it's pretty probable choppy Behavior especially in the next like 15 minutes with the jolts report dropping here's the bank of can decision coming out right now we'll see if they cut rates they're expected to cut rates 25 basis points uh let's see if they do from 4.5 to 4.25 and they did they did exactly that they cut rates 25 basis points Bank of Canada 25 basis point cut let's see if it makes the market move a little bit uh again Bank of Canada cut rates 25 basis points they're now at 4.25 4.25 uh uh I am using TOP Step X Lisa which is again you know Greek yogurt is bad you don't like Greek yogurt bro the ones that get me and again I know they're not good for you but the ones that they have like the the s'more what are the what are the Oreo or not the the s'more yogurt where you take the thing and you put the things in it and you Stir It Up and it's like yogurt there's like a s'more flavor my wife buys it I don't know what it's called but they're good they pretend healthy though uh anyways NASDAQ pushing up spy testing that previous closing price from yesterday where it rejected recently on that previous closing price it doesn't mean it's not going to continue to make another push though uh again I'll put the Spy up here on the right side here's the Spy you see the previous closing price right here that we rejected yeah it's the uh it's called chabani flips is what they're called those are good what does it mean when they cut rat so rate cuts are influencing short-term interest rates right so usually all I can go by is what the US does I'm not sure if Canada is is parallel with that but uh they're controlling short-term interest rates when we talk about cutting rates here in the US what we're really talking about is lowering short-term interest rates why is this significant because that controls eventually it's short-term right so it's called the federal funds rate in the US where we're lowering the federal funds rate is the uh interest that Banks charge each other to hold money overnight or to lend money overnight it's short-term interest rates but eventually that trickles into long-term rates and so the Federal Reserve influencing rates eventually is going to trickle into mortgages auto loans lending interest rates overall in the country of the United States right so by them lowering short-term interest rates eventually it's going to lower long-term rates like mortgages auto loans and stuff like that and so the reason they do it is to influence the economy if the economy is going to struggle or they think the economy is going to struggle they can lower interest rates bring interest rates down and what does this do eventually there's a lag of about 6 months to a year but eventually this unlocks cheaper leverage like cheaper interest for people cheaper access to money and what happens when people have cheaper access to money they generally start spending more and so if the economy is facing like a recession or a depression risk the Federal Reserve can lower interest rates stimulate the economy in that regard allow people much cheaper access to money and ultimately stimulate spending increase spending and so if the is the if the Market's struggling in terms of spending it can stimulate that in that regard and and the opposite is true when they raise interest rates if inflation is a problem and they want to control inflation and bring inflation down they can raise interest rates to Consumers which is what we've seen over the past few years which is called a hawkish Fed a restrictive monetary policy fed where they're raising interest rates to Consumers trying to discourage inflation push inflation down but ultimately causing more expensive access to money like less free money or less cheap interest I should say instead of free money uh and again they're both they both can be good or bad depending on the context of the economy all right guys look at Marcus pushing up Nvidia just broke highs and again I'm not going to say I told you guys but again base extension and balance is a very powerful thing that a lot of people miss out on in markets I'm not even saying we continue down but base balance extension is powerful you know like even the last few CPI reports I've gotten I would say at least over 50% of the last CPI reports correct just basing on off of a balanced prediction and so balance is a useful tool in investing and trading it's it's probably one of the most underappreciated aspects of prediction in the market that you can use to be honest right just simple balance if the Market's down really big yesterday more probable that it's going to go up a little bit today at least at the opening bell like this right uh doesn't mean it's going to hold but in just sheer balance people covering profit and shorts like there's a lot of reasons behind it but use it um I'm not saying anything don't copy me not an investment professional top three worst predictor of all time in the world and best at the same time but Tesla breaking highs up 216 see I like this song with the actual singing but um it's got words in it yeah free money glitch yeah what Chase going on right now yeah people are dumb uh hey what's up Dean again Market's kind of choppy right [Music] now again look at my little code here so I'm going to put up the NASDAQ here check this little code out so I built this code check it out it's not perfect for sure it might have gotten this one wrong actually it didn't we got got some breakdown so look that's one right like look how accurate this is look at this literally predict the very bottom here where'd it go [Music] oh weird um look at this literally wait man I went back days I don't know what happened uh but yeah check this out look literally predicted the very bottom boom literally predicted the very top boom again I'm not going to give you guys the logic behind it I don't know what I'm going to do with this yet but look at this literally predicted the bottom I guess it's easy though whenever we're in a sideways range look at that predicted the top I have to keep going back and testing it and like back testing it but again look at that it's pretty accurate like look at that little bottom pick it's not perfect nothing is but genuinely pretty nice look at that boom boom boom boom this one maybe didn't work all [Music] right Tesla rip it up over up to almost 220s man Tesla freaking volatile yeah definitely top three worsh best ever John John the legend I don't know if it's John Legend but it's John The Legend um where's gold at right now I I know it dipped a little bit overnight with everything else actually no gold broke lifetime highs yesterday or no no no I'm sorry this is monthly chart I'm looking at my bad guys yeah gold pull back a little bit [Music] sorry all right guys we got seven minutes 7 Minutes uh [Music] [Music] what's best case and worst case scenario for the report in terms of fighting inflation I mean fighting inflation I mean best case scenario is that we have economic growth with more job openings but inflation stays stagnant right like that's the best case scenario really inflation literally goes down it's super improbable but it's possible I guess uh worst case is that economic reports are weak but inflation spikes anyway so you know spy just broke over the previous closing price as well starting to Edge higher remember the lifetime highs on the Spy are at 5 65s we're at 552 so we're we're within a range of the lifetime highs on the Spy um there's no free money app I didn't mean free money I meant uh I meant a doish Fed a less restriced fed unlocks cheaper access access to lending and money through cheap interest rates same reason the Yen carry trade drama happened definitely doesn't mean free money uh I keep missing the dip Buy on gold I would just be careful Dean gold can downtrend for a decade plus right like gold is good long long term like if you're holding something for 20 years but shortterm it can downtrend for a decade and that's why I like buying Gold's not always the rest the best move you know you can buy gold and have to sit on a losing trade for 5 to 10 years you know or you can sit on a winning trade for 5 to 10 years and long term it's a great inflation hedge I think the best time to buy gold is not when it's breaking highs it's when it's pulling back and you can kind of DCA into it on big long-term pullbacks over a few years and have some really nice gains on gold but again shortterm it's volatile and risky uh or longterm it can be volatile and risky too oh yeah day trading Gold's different my bad sorry probably should have read it better I retract my previous statements uh yeah again we got five minutes chat we got we got about a thousand people watching live I appreciate everybody being here joining me for today um yeah we'll see what we get honestly I'm ready for it what's up Melody all right let me look at the poll we got the poll we got so far how many votes 750 votes 48% are bullish on today's report 45% are bar 7% than John's top three so I appreciate you guys uh yeah we'll what are you looking for with jolts I I'm not really looking for anything I'm looking just at in terms of the reaction that we get for the markets I think uh I think the market at least recently has shown good as good and bad is bad scenario in which economic growth is seen as a positive which is not the case over the last few years but I think recently we've seen economic reports we've seen the market react to economic reports in a similar fashion in which good is good economic strength is good economic weakness is bad but again any individual report can be wildly different than this and so it doesn't actually mean anything um so just be careful guys not telling you to buy anything or anything yeah for sure Dean all good man I appreciate it yeah just like I said gold I you know my wife is always like hey buy gold buy gold and what I tell her is Gold's great longterm if I'm holding something for 25 years Gold's one of the best options really silver gold precious medals again the problem is that they can downtrend for a long period of time and so if you get unlucky you can buy gold and have to sit through a 25% drop over like a 5year period and that could be kind of a hard thing if you're not used to that um patience wins in Gold though generally speaking when you zoom out a long term it it it's had some of the best gains in the market it's like seven or 8X maybe more than that over the last 20 years versus the S&P which is about 4X 4 and a2x and so gold has outperformed the S&P if you look at a 25-year period of time but again it can also downtrend for a decade you know so there's it's not zero risk uh and and the biggest winners in Gold are long-term holders that have got in decades ago that are still holding just met Finn for breakfast and we both had your video on hey nice man appreciate it Kumar thanks appreciate you guys uh Apple was falling is it really all right guys we got 2 and a half minutes for jolts we got about 1,00 people watching thanks so much hit the Subscribe button guys hit the notification Bell I appreciate it um yeah yeah Apple's been falling dramatically over the last few days with everything else but uh yes so this is an actual funded account on top step we're going to wait until this finishes and then day trade some Carnival Cruz yeah I mean again I I genuinely think what I'm best at jolts report expected at 8.09 million guys 8.09 million uh it drops in 1 minute expected 8.09 Million last time it showed up at 8.18 million 8.18 million uh it's expected 8.09 million greater than expected means e economic growth uh lower than expected means economic weakness in general uh never 100% never 100% re in terms of reactions either we don't know nothing's definitive it's always watch a reaction instead of trying to predict it and um it can react sensibly or non- sensibly yeah it is the September slump and we're already feeling that four days into September really nasty few days uh all right guys we got the jol support here we go 20 seconds hit the live button next to the play button make sure you're fully caught up on stream the reason we got 1 th plus people here is cu we try to cover it pretty quickly we can't guarantee anything but we'll try to cover it pretty quickly we got a few really good sources that give us this data quick so again subscribe hit the notification Bell we appreciate the love and here's the report 5 Seconds guys 5 Seconds yeah this is a little bit early it's actually not time yet but we got 2 seconds 1 second and here's the report all right so Factory orders came out greater than expected for factory orders jol's report much lower than expected 7.67 3 million much lower than expected jol's report uh 7.67 3 versus 8.9 8.09 million so much lower than expected jolts report l job openings than expected showing economic weakness and again as we suggested the market is negatively reacting to this report um I didn't suggest the market would negatively react I meant that I thought the market would have a uh a positive correlation meaning higher is better lower is worse and we got a lower sometimes the first move is the wrong move uh and so this is not the biggest move but we did have a big reaction in this jolt report look at this reaction here again jolt report I'll put the numbers up uh 7.67 million versus 8.1 million expected so here is the report I again a big negative reaction so far for the joltz report big dump big drop uh bosk also says quote we must not maintain a restricted policy stance or to or I don't know what the rest of yeah basically um yeah no it's a big move for a 10 a.m. report 100% definitely not a small move but again sometimes the first move is the wrong move and so just be careful I'm not saying anything's going to happen I don't know generally I'm short biased with this uh but sometimes that first move is just the completely wrong move and you got to wait for it so again we we will see y'all be careful and again we are day trading on top step X the useful part of TOP Step X is that there's no commissions which is powerful in these funded account programs they have some of the best rules in the game and funding so if you get funded some of the best funding rules in the game you can CA there's no commissions on top step X it's just a powerful thing again TOP Step gives you a demo they test your skill with a demo account if you pass the test with the demo they fund you with an actual account between 50 to 150k with a 90% split again it's a useful thing you can see they paid out over 40 million they're going to give you a 50k demo if you can make 3K in profit without losing 2K first and following these rules they fund you 50k 90% split and then you can take that funded account if you're good enough withdraw it and fund your own account but you got a 90% split anyway which is similar to putting the money up yourself and as I said look at this rebound exactly what I said could happen did which is we rebounded completely and the first move is completely retraced already it doesn't mean we're going to continue up but we have basically retraced this entire move already and again there's no PDT and Futures you can day trade short buy market sell Market very similar to day trading stocks and the patterns are similar I can day trade the the S&P the NASDAQ gold some currencies and most Pro Day Traders trade Futures it's a try them out great way to learn how to day trade and if you pass it you get a funded account with a 90% split if you fail it you only lose the monthly subscription the base one's 49 bucks it's not the end of the world so it's limited risk you're still risking something learning how to trade under pressure but if you pass it you still get a 90% split similar to putting the money up yourself again you can see they paid out over 40 million they've been around for over a decade again zero Commission on top step X if you're going to use a platform I think TOP Step X is the one and again I'll put the link up if you want to check it out here's the link they are sponsored though they pay me money I'm biased but again there's the [Music] rebound yeah so a complete retracement back up guys a complete retracement back up yeah definitely not a good report 100% y it depends on the context of it though um the the economy has shown okay signs recently so it it hasn't been the end of the world in that regard like the economy's been okay unemployment still on average relatively low uh versus average um inflation has been okay as well right so it's definitely not good but I wouldn't say it's the end of the world report either I think the the report that matters much more than today even is Friday Friday's unemployment and non-farm payroll report is massive and it's going to be much more influential than the jolts report which did have kind of a big reaction to it uh again though right now we're kind of choppy at neutral I don't know how I feel about this so watch inidia closely here um how does how has Nvidia reacted Nvidia now at 10650 140 Point drop and bounce back 100 points yeah and then it's kind of retraced the uh the bounce back too so chopping people out today y'all just be careful 100% uh and recession signs could accelerate too uh again that's what I'm saying the report Friday is the big one that's the one you want to watch and pay attention to because that report has the ability to just wildly influence everything so payroll numbers are the one like unemployment is important especially in the context of inflation fearing or recession fearing like markets uh people fear recessions payroll numbers are important but unemployment numbers are also reporting but the one that has the big influence like an example of this is if if unemployment comes in low but payroll numbers also show up low the market might negatively react to it because payroll numbers are going to Trump unemployment numbers in that regard uh most of the time right I'm it's not 100% it's not definitive but that's generally what we'll see it's kind of like EPs and revenue revenue is generally more important than margins uh just in terms of optimism looking forward for companies so it's at 8:30 Friday uh so uh non-farm payrolls and unemployment are at 8:30 on Friday all right so I'm going to go ahead and buy this dip oh wait so I can't trade right now it's news so I got to wait for the news to pass first which is fine I don't really like trading big news reports either so I'm okay with it got to wait for the news to drop I'm I don't know if they're going to make you wait 10 minutes after the report or what oh is it really let me see yeah here let me check I always love when people call me losers but they spell it looser like l o o s e r that's looser loser is l e r so you got to learn how to spell it if you're going to call somebody that you know um yeah so I'm not sure if TOP Step is down let me find their Discord let me join it let's make sure they're not fixed yeah they're still down uh yeah sorry I'll check on it there it is this show show does this show confidence that they will still cut rates yes this show is more likely so so again the FED will cut rates if the economy looks weak anything that shows a weaker economy means it's more likely that we're going to cut rates not less likely a thriving economy means it's less necessary to cut rates a weaker economy signals it's more of a need to cut rates right uh and so with economic data coming in lower than expected what is that signal that signals more of a need to cut rates in the fed's eyes and a greater chance that they're going to cut rates and again hit the Subscribe button hit the notification Bell I appreciate the love um okay yeah so they say TOP Step is aware of the issue and Tech is working on it uh so just for everybody that is unable to trade on top step again they they're aware of the issue and they're working on fixing it so just a heads up so anyways it's all good uh look at the market pump though look at Nvidia pump up here is AMC and GameStop up yeah it's funny people are like you're a loser but it's like they spell it looser l o o s e r and it's like it's like all right um it's kind of like somebody insulting your intelligence but they have like they don't know how to spell you know uh you know D and Krueger guys Dunning Krueger you know he's Freddy Krueger's Uncle by the way uh Hey thank you Dean I appreciate the love thanks brother uh where does JP present interest rate information what date so it's called the fomc meeting we'll stream the whole thing live you seem like a pretty loose dude I'm top three loose is ever listen trust me I've been around okay you know no I'm just I'm just joking of course hey baby how you doing you're doing okay [Music] [Music] you're all right guys sorry my wife came in so I was talking to her uh yeah so the yield curve un inverting okay so TOP Step is back up guys by the way so top step back up um I'm going to try to buy into this here we got two contracts top step back up don't do it to me rebound all right we're going to take three contracts we're going to let this be our swing of the day back up to Flat there we go we take a piece off take another piece off all right so we just made a small amount of money there a small amount we will add it right back if we retrace this all right we're back down add to that take a piece off there see this is the good thing about TOP Step is that I can take small size here with micros and since there's no commission I can literally just scalp super easily doing that you see that so this is the powerful thing I'm really I'm honestly genuinely excited to trade my funded account on top step I'm genuinely excited the rules after your funding are nice I can DCA into it and there's no commission which is again the powerful thing I was down 200 bucks I've been scalping micro contracts and I'm basically flat on the day now which is a great thing right like a great thing and you can kind of see what I did here um he I'm not trying to spam it yeah the wife did come in when I was bragging about how loose I were uh that's my new nickname Lucy John you know but yeah [Music] uh again it's just genuinely useful right I'm not going to say that Lisa I'm I'm gonna respectfully decline to you know I like both companies I like both companies you know and they're both good and they're their own ways right uh but yeah if you want to check out TOP Step there's the like powerful thing just again try TOP Step X if you haven't been on top step X The Edge that you can use is powerful in my opinion um and look at Nvidia run and so so far we were correct even with bad economic data the Market's bouncing up a little [Music] bit for example people will set their limit for a crazy high or crazy low right after a report so it looks like action is happening in that direction yeah maybe you might set yourself up for a bad impression yeah I mean again I'm just joking somebody tried to call me a loser and they spelled it l o o s e r and so I'm just kind of trolling them a little bit with the the loose thing um why is the first move wrong because the first move a lot of the time is algorithmic and so what happens a lot of the time is like you uh you have algorithms that try to predict the action and and but Traders end up buying it up or covering and taking profit I got to shave this beard man uh and so sometimes that's there's a lot of reasons the first move is wrong profit taking is one of the easiest explanations for for it what do you think about Nvidia midterm to longterm I thought it was going to go up I think longterm I'm super bullish on Nvidia uh but short term it could Anything Could Happen John can I ask why don't you try to leave a position open for a longer period of one to two hours cuz I don't really have time to manage a position in that way um yeah it's just I don't really have time to manage a position in that way [Music] [Music] all right so again look at Nvidia test this previous closing price so again just to put this into perspective guys and this might mean like this might mean stocks are indecisive right now here's the previous closing price on Nvidia we're basically completely flat relative to yesterday's close like this is the previous closing Prim and price and this is where we are now right so we haven't basically moved we're slightly red night overnight for NVIDIA and again the same thing on the Spy here's that level on the Spy it's right there and so right now I guess the point is that the market could be indecisive the bigger report versus today's jolts report even is the non-farm payroll report on Friday right that report we generally have thousands and thousands of people watching my stream it's a huge report unemployment is very relevant for current markets too and I think the market is kind of indecisive right now it's kind of flat we're up slightly since the opening bell which is again kind of my thesis earlier in the day is that I think we could rebound and and I think a lot of people are giving me credit which is nice today thank you guys I appreciate it uh again I'm not even claiming to be a good Trader um but you know I think you know we can have some good thesises about stuff but uh but yeah yeah the job report came out it was lower than expected showing more weakness in the economy than expected came out at 7.63 million versus 8.1 million expected so lower than expected and with that said though guys I'm going to go ahead and get out of here uh I love you all again what I'm really excited about genuinely excited is TOP Step X's no commission powerful thing I love using micros and on top step X I can trade micros I can I can trade exactly how I want to trade with zero commission and that's a powerful powerful thing right a powerful powerful thing I'm genuinely excited even though I'm slightly down today on this account I was down hundreds of dollars uh and I basically made it all back net which I'm really happy about really pumped about the zero commission thing is a freaking Game Changer so again if you want to try a funded account program check them out link is in the description I love you all you'll have a great day again y'all be safe in this market guys uh be safe in this market again tomorrow we have jobless claims unemployment filings as well as uh tomorrow we have jobless claims unemployment filings as well as the prelim nonfarm data at 8:15 in the morning so be here bright and early tomorrow I love you all y'all be good have a great day be careful I'll see you guys tomorrow

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