BB26 Week 8 Recap: Jerry O'Connell, Kangaroo Quinn & Angela all along!

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:57:53 Category: Entertainment

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hey Jerry hey Jerry welcome to hey Jerry a podcast About Big Brother for casuals by casuals a podcast about the film ubra of and television yeah UA of one Jerry oconnell Danielle happy Saturday what's going on happy Saturday it's a beautiful day it's been what an what a week it's been I Brett and I were talking about like we're getting into this era the Seas of Big Brother where it's like there's 30 days left and we're losing really interesting people and it's hard to keep up it's really hard to keep up and I'm saying this as someone who actually did watch all of the episodes this week I watched them all but like and we'll get into it in the spoilers big brother is kind of doing everything in their power to make me not interested anymore like there's only so much there's only I I have a short attention span now I want to watch something that brings me in the in the and I have a limited amount of time so in the time I have I really want to watch something that grabs me that makes me feel something Joy jealousy anger sadness sexuality whatever it is and lately for me that's more The Secret Lives of Mormon wives but I have been watching Big Brother is that a scripted show or a reality show no it's 100% a reality show on Hulu could be you could be watching sliders I did watch sliders when I was a child didn't sliders was it on is this like a universal thing wasn't it just like on when you came home from school like sliders was always on when you came home school there yeah like there's a cool young guy in it they're sliding a cool young guy named Jerry o Connell I would love to delve deeper into like the career of Jerry o Connell and just like I have the IMDb pulled up ready to go I need a more macro view of like someone like Jerry oconnell why is he still working and not just like set for life or is he set for life and he just loves being in show business so much that he'll do any job because like this to me is I have a lot of questions I I don't think Jerry oconnell like made a ton of money in his care but he's been working in Show Business forever ever so he should have made a ton of money but let's say let's say this I think the peak and the end for Jerry oconnell was Kangaroo Jack right I no not the end because he's still he's on a he's on a network talk show that is I mean he might be making more money now than he's ever made in his life doing that stuff being like the man on a The View cbs's version of The View sliders was like a UPN show yeah but it prob went into syndication no it probably had more than a hundred episodes yeah he's in okay so here we go here we go he's in like a bunch of TV he's in standby me early he's young young like that's a thing young child actor he's in standby me one would assume that like maybe he's like discovered like he's you know he's doing like an open call and they're just finding unknown child act he's adorable in it he's very cute that so that's 1986 we're gonna talk about Big Brother by the way but this is we will but this is incredibly important this incredibly important these are the building block foundational blocks of understanding who Jerry is then he's doing through through the 80s and early 90s he's doing a lot of like single episodes on a TV show like he's on a single episode of Charles in charge he's on a single episode of The Equalizer he's kid at beach uncredited on Police Academy 5 he's just doing a lot of little stuff but then 1996 J he's not that he's not that cute little chubby kid from Stand By Me Anymore no he gets built he's built he's felt he's hot and he's in a little movie called Joe's Apartment Jo apartment it's about like bugs bug infestation I see I can see the VHS tape at Blockbuster in Joe's Apartment 1996 he's in Joe's apartment and he's in another movie called not Jerry oconnell Jerry Maguire heard of it Tom Cruz remember him oh yeah oh yeah he's in Jerry McGuire he has a small he has a small part in Jerry Maguire butan he's Frank kushman everyone remembers him he's the top pick in the NFL draft that season everyone remembers that and then he's in he's in Scream to he's in Can't Hardly Wait and then he's in slid or he's in sliders 95 to 99 which is a which is like a big kind of I don't know I don't remember what T what was TV like in the 90s did people watch sliders or was sliders just like ah yes everybody watched sliders everybody watched everything that was on TV in the 90s because that was your only option you we all watch the same things saw any sliders no I've seen episodes of Sliders they slide time they're just sliding they're just sliding around yeah is it Jonathan Reese Davies yeah John Reese Davies Indie uh you know they're just sliding around all the time and then it's like he's in Mission to Mars which is like one of these Mar two Mars movies come out in the same year there's Mission to Mars and then there's red Planet wasn't he like Tom Cats or some like corny like yeah weekend at not weekend at Bernie but like corny sexy romp movies yeah I guess so what what's buying the cow that looks like the new guy um we know but we know Jerry o Connell and even if he hadn't been on Celebrity Big Brother that one time we still would have known Jerry o Connell he's like got name brand recognition we all like everyone knows who he is so but here's the thing like after he then he does Kangaroo Jack which is a crazy movie because it's like advertised as a movie for kids with a giant talking kangaroo in it and then people see the movie and that is like a five minute dream sequence in the movie and it is otherwise a movie about like guys like running drugs through Australia or something like that also features Danny's number one guy Michael Shannon oh oh wow I was GNA say is Steve Z in this movie No Love Steve Z too I'm sure you do yeah mikeon and then and then that movie is like a flop it's a joke it's mentioned obviously it's mentioned on Big Brother the other night and then from there on he's just doing like he's back to being like single episode guest stars on stuff or he's in Piranha 3D or he's doing voices on G.I Joe Renegades or Superman versus Shazam Black Adam okay but this is a successful working actor that's what like success looks like oh yeah he's doing that is success for most people is like just being like detective number two on yeah working but this is someone who was like a really hot young actor who was like leading and starring in movies and TV shows in the late 90s and then by literally by 2002 2003 he is back to just being like a guest star on various procedural shows but then he becomes I think this is the thing he might be most famous for he took the Stamos out of Rebecca Roma Stamos right he marries Rebecca Roma they have beautiful family together and he's just like hot hmbo dad on Instagram married to Rebecca Roma having kids and a family and stuff and then he continues doing this all this stuff and then I guess a few years ago he starts doing The Talk The Talk view the chat one of these things good for which is a great gig great gig just show up yeah Julie I don't know about that talk about talk about news and like some are saying this but say there's a liberal woman I'm sure there's a conservative woman I'm sure there's Jerry oconnell I'm sure there's a different woman there and they're like oh wow this horrible thing just happened in the country and and the and they all are like well I don't know I don't know online I saw on my Facebook I want to say Martin Barett in the chat says Jerry seems a bit unctuous a bit of James Cordon to him or is it just me I had to look up what unctuous meant and let me tell you it's a person excessively or ingratiatingly FL in or oily we could call him oily I think the I don't know I don't agree Martin beard much like much like the chat The Talk The View it's just four people being like Oh I don't really agree I don't know I I think Jerry came across as a little bit underprepared a little bit overeager but I didn't think he was unctuous I didn't think he was unflattering I didn't think he was oily I think he seemed legitimately excited and kind of hasn't done this before well it's live I would I go back to last Sunday something else big happened in this country on television a certain other tall handsome man with a famous earlier career and a famous model wife took a new job hosting something on television yeah that's right his name is Thomas bre started he retired from football he started calling football games Tom Brady is now in the booth being like calling football games and Tom Brady called his first football game last Saturday or last Sunday the Browns and the Cowboys and let me tell you he won good he won good at all he eager he was both un over and underprepared he seemed he seemed terrified and because it was something like you watch you get into the the rhythm of the game the play-by-play guy says oh Jerome Ford down to the four yard line he gets tackled by whoever and then the color guy the color analyst his job is to fill in the other 20 seconds with color with analysis with oh yeah I would you know I saw this kind of Defense in 2003 and this and it's you know what it sounds like it kind of sounds like the talk basically they did that the other team did this we disagree who knows who knows but it's like there's a there's if you watch football or really any sport with announcers there's a Cadence to it each sport might have its own Cadence and it's like this guy gets tackled at the three and then it's Tom Brady's turn to talk and then it's just like crickets crickets crickets nothing and then Tom Brady goes yeah I really need a first down here and that's it and it's like other guys they got to feel like 20 seconds Tom Brady says four words so Rel no it it didn't make him him relatable because he's Tom Brady is instantly the highest paid color analysis guy doing this he's making like $40 million a year and he's not very good at it he was only he's only making that money because of his name so I don't need to make this about sports which is but I it was I mean you texted me when this news happened on Thursday morning that Julie was out Julie's Co yeah Jerry OC is in the OC and I didn't think he was great but he he seemed he seemed like he was having a good time it was a bit weird but it was an interesting change of pace for like what was kind of what's what's kind of shaping up to be like a weird season and then this is gonna be like the season where three years from now we're doing hey Jerry God bless and we're like hey remember when yeah hey uh what's her name they very hey byy when when byy Phillips is hosting big brother right like hey remember that time when Quinn was evicted and Jerry oconnell hosted it was it was fun it was weird my take was like and I like have very strong feelings about live I used to work on a live show like I live is like the most exciting like and it truly requires someone who's uniquely talented at live at like coming up with things on the fly at listening to two different things at the same time because I'm sure he had some sort of in ear oh yeah and I'm sure yeah yeah and also has to talk to Quinn or whoever I thought my take is I thought Jerry did a great job when it was prompter prompter Ville I thought he kept things moving he didn't stumble like that part enough is hard enough I thought where we saw we I thought we saw the sweat when it was time for him to talk to Quinn that's when I was like oh now I miss Julie because I could just tell he was not listening to Quinn at all someone was screaming in his ear or he was like oh God what am I gonna ask next like that's where you kind of missed the in innate professionalism that Julie has after 24 seasons of doing this you notice that every time during that interview Jerry spoke he started by saying looking into his card going um that's podcast let leave that to the podcasters okay let us say um all right and it is hard like I know it's so hard and it's live is like something where people will look at it and they'll say why do they suck at this like this I could do this this is so easy all they're doing is reading for impr prompter it's so hard to keep aive show moving and to make make it move in an entertaining way so like I give him his props but I do think Julie had him beat in the interview section you know even during the voting as well the people would come in and everyone was excited excited to talk to the star of Jose par Jerry oconnell and it's like McKenzie sits down or whoever sits down and they're like oh my God happy to see you Jerry you look amazing tonight and or they' say something a little like funny or whatever and Jerry didn't respond to any of those things he just said how do you like whereas Julie would like you know like oh Julie you look ravishing tonight she's like oh thank you you you look just as ravishing if not more ravish McKenzie or whatever she would be able to fit in an improvisational and then also get to the business of getting them to vote Jerry did not have that ability I when someone says oh I could do this better they can't but may think maybe maybe we could do maybe we could but I'm not good at prompter I'm good at like riffing I'm not good at prompter I can't read well I think that's the thing is like it's not being just good at prompter it's not just good at being in profit it's like you really have to be good at both like it you really have to be good at both and doing it at the same time and Julia's having someone in your ear tell like talking to you and be like Oh wait we're four seconds behind you need to speed up and you're like what and and meanwhile Quinn is saying like I loved you in Kangaroo Jack my parents named me after you or whatever it is so yeah we've spent almost 20 minutes talking about Jerry but I do think it was worth it because this is such a Monumental occasion like for Julie to not be there and to have we knew it was going to be Jerry like who else could it have been we called this years ago do you who hosts the talk don't if we were looking at this though as like Jerry's audition honestly I would keep looking like I thought he did well you said that Jerry wasn't giving up the job I mean it's if it if if I was him I would try to get that job too anyone in their right mind would love Julie Chen's job on this show you show up to work what 14 days out of the year like you host you go home it's amazing I would love job we got Akbar bamia Bill uh from I don't think Akbar played in the NFL but his brother Kabir did play in the NFL he he hosts an American Ninja Warrior we got Amanda clutz don't know who she is Natalie Morales don't know who she is which one of these two is the conservative it's got to be one of these two I don't think cludes is conservative an Ohio native Amanda clut brings her infectious and inspirational attitude to everything she does she serves as host at the talk cbs's Daytime Emmy awardwinning talk show um oh Broadway dancer in Radio City ret okay Natalie Morales television anchor yeah I don't know oh yeah maybe something and then Jerry oconnell and then Cheryl Underwood is the other is the other host the that's the that's the lineup right now there's two guys on the talk now how how come ext3 EXT we all about it yeah I I will say um because I here's the thing about Jerry maybe this is what Martin Barett was referring to the thing I get about Jerry is I think Jerry truly loves to like loves being in the entertainment industry he loves like keeping up on things I wouldn't be surprised if Jerry oconnell listened to this podcast completely unprompted we will not tag him no one should tag him but I feel like he would just go like read everything about what happened like every review of him doing the show listen to every podcast about it and so I just want to say if you are listening Jerry I do think you did a good job man is incredibly online yeah he's incredibly online he goes on like he goes on lots of podcasts he one of his one of his current gigs is he is the one of the main voices in Star Trek lower decks which is a very popular Star Trek um animated show uh which and like so he's like he's like interacting with the Star Trek fans I think I think Rebecca Roma is on one of the other Star Trek Live Action shows am I right yeah maybe she looks like she should be a gorgeous Al she is yeah yeah she obviously plays una chin riy yeah sounds don't know I don't don't know what uh una's uh like uh rank is on the ship yeah he seems like he has a a good time with all this stuff which I think is great um should we talk about like the rest of Big Brother yeah can I say something yeah I only watch Thursday night I know and you like think I'm gonna carry the rest but I'm saying I watched Wednesday I watched Sunday I watched Sunday on Wednesday Wednesday it's very hard to remember they did a very stupid thing here's what happened on Wednesday I can break it down to you for you real quick I saw what happened because I watched Thursday they didn't even do the dang veto ceremony that's that's the thing otev lasted one round about heard about that I read that read that online MJ won immediately but yet they still didn't make it in the episode to the actual POV ceremony so it was kind of what did they even show in the episode if the competition was four seconds yeah and they didn't show The veto like what what did we do for an hour was that where Leah admitted she has a crush on Quinn that was on Thursday night okay what do you think about that I have a lot to say about Leah that I'm going to say for another time and by another time I mean later in the episode I don't know I think it's I think it's very convenient that she admitted this before she had to do anything before she had to do any kissing she she to do any touching I think it was so we don't I think it's you know what maybe all it takes someone to show interest what do you mean maybe the other maybe like once like Quinn was like really outwardly showing interest it seems like she changed her mind or or was she like she was just so cooped up she's like all right I'm losing I'm I'm lowering my standards it's possible that is Tak the peg out of the I'm taking the peg out of the heavyweight and putting it into a lighter weight because I can't do this I think maybe she just like evolved as a person where she was in there for so long away from away from all of the normal things she'd be surrounded by in Miami the night life the cigars the cocktails the men the Bitcoin and she was affronted by this just like sweetie and like sometimes a sweetie just wears you down and so I think that's possibly what happened it's my best strategy I don't know like I like it I I ship them I can't wait for postseason for her and Quinn to start a relationship and Tucker and rabina to continue their love I'm like I'm very supportive of love me too I don't know something about her I I've been saying this since like episode one something about her like she's lying about something I don't know like well she was lying about she was lying about liking F people Chubbies sorry whatever whatever we want call well we don't know that because we because the casting people didn't even put in a fluffier gentleman yeah see that so why are you mad at her you should be mad at casting she's making do with what she has I also wait I I don't know it's just like I don't know she's like oh I'm really into like fat guys or whatever and it's like okay nothing really comes to that that's casting issue and then it's like oh I have a crush on Quinn the day before he leaves but like not really like we didn't get a kiss you wanted re seats if she had a I want to see a kiss she should have kissed Quinn as he walked out that door they like lightly hugged they lightly hugged and she wasn't even near the door when he went out I exit um he he was he was very upset I was actually surprised luckily he didn't end up being a total store loser but he was pissed he was so pissed I never saw him so angry St well I think I liked his explanation of of like I was done I was voted out like what do you want what do you want me to do like stay in like sing Kumbaya what are we doing yeah so I agree yeah um let me talk about Leah okay what a what a great two weeks for her strategy wise she gets out because of her allegiance to Angela who has no allegiance to anyone or anything and no honestly memory of what she says moment to moment Leah sets off a chain of events that sends home the two most loyal people to her in the game all because Leah because of Leah's stated goal of maybe if I make it to final two Angela will be one of potentially seven votes for me that was it to secure Angela's vote at final two Joseph and Quinn who are actually better players of Big Brother not I mean you say w out of the house I don't agree then Angela oh then Angela I thought you were saying Leah okay okay okay sorry Poss well I think yeah I think possibly because I think Leah has such a poor read on the house and such a poor read on people that the kiss of death in this game is using a veto on Angela kiss of death Absolut K death in this game and nobody can nobody could recognize that that's gonna come back and bite Chelsea and McKenzie too I promise yeah and she sets by using the veto on Angela she sets off a chain of events that sends home Joseph who had nobody really in the game I mean he was working with Quinn a little bit working with some other people but would have done anything for Leah and then sends home Quinn she didn't send she didn't send him home but she didn't send him home but she set up the situation in which here's what happens you got and you're gonna have to explain this part to me a little bit okay on Wednesday Angela suspects that Kemo Quinn and Leah are working in an alliance because she can't sleep and she's up at night and she sees anybody talking and she assumes because they're talking they're making an alliance without me that causes Angela to go to Chelsea this is what I see from the previously on go to Chelsea Chelsea McKenzie say you know what F them F that we're gonna use the veto on Angela We're Gonna Save Angela which is their own Kiss of Death that we'll see how that plans out over the next week or two and we're gonna take off Angela and we're going to put up Quinn all because of Leah's move to save Angela the last week like okay I I mean like this week was indir it was indirectly because of Leah but was because of the actions that Leah took the previous week and Leah continuing to socialize with Quinn with Angel like the issue is keeping Angela in the house that was the big issue she could have not used it on Angela and Angela would have gone home keep keeping Angela in the house who has no Loy loyalty at all she doesn't remember anything she had loyalty to Tucker until she didn't she had loyalty to Leah until I don't really think she has loyalty to Leah anymore because she immediately goes to Chelsea when she sees Leah having a conversation with anybody else and says Leah's starting an alliance without you and me Chelsea take them out so Angela is the most untrustworthy person in this game and that's going to come and bite Chelsea and McKenzie too I'm pretty sure but my one question for you I'll stop talking soon I because I didn't see this in the episode when Kimo Quinn and Leah were talking in the middle of the night and Angela came out and like spied on them and decided that they were forming alliance against her were they or were they just chatting they were all they were all in the backyard I think one person wasn't yeah I think maybe McKenzie wasn't in the backyard and they were all separate well it was like Rina and takor were playing um pool and Quinn Leah and Kemo were all sitting around chatting but I also think I don't think that it really any of this really mattered I think Chelsea was gonna do this no matter what Chelsea and McKenzie wanted to do this no matter what the fact that Angela came and talked to Chelsea and like gave her the reason like everyone always wants a reason instead of just being like my reason is I'm playing this game too and I don't think you're as good for my game it's like you need the the reasoning behind it Angela gave that to them so then they had the reason to do what they were going to do anyway um well let me ask you this brat saying all that rle me this tell me riddle me this saying all of that is it time this week now finally to admit that Angela is playing this game in a way we have never seen in a way that will lead her to the eventual win of Big Brother 26 I I she is playing a game yeah she is she's playing a game my issue with Angela's game is she does not seem very aware of it and I don't know how I honestly can't see her really winning against anyone other than cam in the end I think everyone will maybe rabina maybe rabina we'll see she's gonna go Philip G in the chat she's the person to take the end what did I say on this podcast two or three weeks ago I think it was when Tucker made might have saved her or something like that I said Angela congratulations Angela she is getting between second and fourth place in this game guaranteed but I think there is a shift there is a shift that will happen where it's actually people will realize I cannot win against Angela if Angela can successfully storytelling throughout the season that's the end well but she can't she can't she has no she has no share in anything that happened in the house this even this Quinn thing she did because she did it on accident because she saw three people talking in the backyard and she thought they were doing something and then Chelsea confronted her about it afterwards and Angela was like oh then you've heard me misspeak I didn't mean to say it like that that was already coming back to bite Chelsea Angela is so unaware of her own gameplay again I say Angela's playing a game Angela is completely unaware of it she's like chaos chaos theory Martin in the chat says Chaos Theory she's like chaos theory Vanessa rouso like she's playing this like this game that's getting out all these targets and like using her emotion and manipulating people with her emotion but she's so completely unaware of how she's doing it and doing it without really like any specific targeting to it that I can't really see her at this point I see Leah beating her in a final two I really do I don't know I think the one thing I would not do at this point after 60 days of watching Angela escape the kiss of death again and again I wouldn't count her out I I wouldn't either I'm not saying it's 100% I cuz I I can see that if she gets to the end I could see a lot of people being like holy C I almost think woman got to the end the way she played she almost deserves it well that's what I'm saying I almost think that she doesn't even need to tell the story I think the others depending on who's in well we know who's in jury for the most part um dep on how they like fill in the gaps for her and it's it also depends on how much they the jury wants it to be like a very funny season and every instance this season the most potential entertaining thing has happened other than Tucker going home and Quinn going home other than Tucker and Quinn but that in and of itself was kind of interesting because we didn't think like I thought Tucker was going to be able to seam roll a little longer Quinn I knew was gonna go home Quinn it was like that was just coming you know coming to terms for me because now I don't have any Little Cuties in the house to to check in on yeah I I don't I I don't think I think Angela realistically of the people left in the game I don't think Angela's G to get votes from people like maybe like one or two I just don't think I think against I think everyone in the game is gonna come across as like someone who like other than cam shout out to the dogs to the crib like I don't no one's really I just struggle to see how you know I would say she'll she's she might be at the end she be next to Chelsea and tore like maybe not those even McKenzie even McKenzie's G to be like I fought and I clawed back and I won Angela was given a ticket every week because people felt bad for her and because she cried and and and manipulated manipulated but like don't she but she was not even like she was but like she here's the thing she's like not even consciously manipulative like that's the thing about it where like I don't know I don't know she isn't I can't see Quinn voting for Angela Quinn would not vote I mean he think B no but it's just like Quinn's Quinn's like a gamer Quinn is a Super Fan Angela is Angela is a super fan too Angela doesn't know what she's doing she doesn't know conversation to conversation what is upsetting up people about her she has no control she has no she like someone will save her and the next week the next day she'll do something to [ __ ] over that person either intentionally or unintentionally and I guess that's a that's a way of getting to the end I just can't I just have a hard time seeing that like being rewarded I guess we'll see I'm still hanging on to like I just think this is a type of gameplay that we've never seen before and or never seen be this successful before like truly having three different people use the veto on you I know it's because she's like a a piece a pawn in like a larger game usually but still there's something to it and there's something to the way she talks to people and I mean she's not nominated this week she's not a Target this week I don't know there's something to it that I just don't want to completely write off completely underestimate I wouldn't and I wouldn't if I no I'm not saying it's I'm not saying it's impossible but like I I definitely see the like one in 10% chance where it's like she gets to the end and maybe she's with Leah and like maybe everyone's like you know what like they kind of feel they still feel bad for her and it's like a funny outcome and everyone kind of just like Vibes it out and and but like I don't know I I I still think it's a pretty low chance scenario I mean honestly of all the people left I'm kind of like the like and we were talking about this a little bit beforehand too and should we I don't know we're halfway through can we get into spoilers yeah of course okay I mean Leah won HOH which is very amusing because Quinn just got voted out so like when I saw that I thought that was very fun but they did this twist they did this janky twist they announced it at the end of the episode Thursday night where it was like angley's going on vacation and now we're doing the janky Twist from what I can tell the janky twist is just that they like have to live outside for the week and only eat pizza and ice cream and I'm I'm like the producers couldn't have written a worse thing to watch like I do not want to watch this at all I will not be interested I'll check to see like who the nominees are who who gets POV but I'm not watching this [ __ ] they're all gonna be miserable out there I don't want to watch people be miserable in the backyard at least it's like temperate right now like it was unbearable remember they did that like a year or two ago where they split the house in half people have to live in the backyard that was rough yeah that sucked too they are so miserable they didn't sign up to play Survivor I it's so uncomfortable the fact that they only have to eat pizza and ice cream that's disgusting that is horrible no that that's G to hurt their tummies and I really feel bad for them so I don't want to I'm not watching this to feel really bad for people you know like this was a horrible decision terrible twist I can't believe they did that um Lea nominated think oh yeah uh yeah I know I had a stupid thing you you talk about Lea nominated Kemo and rabina so Leah's like essentially taking a shot at the three yeah I think is fine that's that's fine that's fine like it's you know because she's she's in a hard spot because it's like the people she has left yeah getting out cam would be pointless getting out McKenzie pointless getting out Angela pointless you have to take a a uh you have to either get Chelsea out because she's sort of the head of that other side or one of the three and you know that's a three so you might as well chip away at that voting block so I think she that was the right thing to do V gets used put up tore yeah totally so they are playing The veto this afternoon and Tor is playing in it um so we'll see what happens there I guess the only like the only way one of the three doesn't go home is if Tor wins and takes off like Kemo or whatever and maybe you know there's a flip against someone Chelsea like it is weird there's a three and then there's the there's the three and then there was the remaining um five but they don't seem like Chelsea and cam kind of work together Lee and Angela KY work together McKenzie like who knows Ken who who knows with her I guess she's working with Chelsea I guess she's working with Chelsea a little bit obviously Chelsea and Tor have like despite being like kind of like two heads of the opposite sides of the house act but they actually are working together too like they have their own kind of you have like kind of a split house and but actually like the two leaders of the two different sides actually have their own private final together that's actually kind of a good strategy who kind of yeah it's something we haven't seen before it's good um yeah I don't know what's gonna happen but I'm also like I don't really care if either of these like with the cast we have left I'm sort of like whoever like I'm at the point where I'm like anyone can go home I'm not that emotionally attached anymore so we'll see I mean honestly maybe the funniest ending of bb26 is it is Cam and Angela I would love that is this the season where like everyone continuously like gets out the bigger Target and we truly at the end are are actually left with like possibly two of the most like or two of the least effective players yeah of all time I mean maybe that's what we deserve we do kind of deserve that we're Piggies we're gross we deserve we're you know what we are we're little mood Dangs have you seen that moodang you know the pygmy hippo who's always soaking wet oh the one that you're always posting pictures of yeah that's who we I love that little beast I love that little thing that's who we are and we're just getting hos down CBS hoses us down week after week and we scream and we cry about it but we always come back for more Philip G in the chat do you think Zing zingbot do we think zingbot will ask Angela where she was on January 6 that's a great question I don't think angel I think Angela's pretty um I think Angela's voting for kamla I actually think she is it would be I mean it would it would line up with with Angela's like oh I've always wanted this like girl power like you know this is my dream like maybe she's has care and tendencies but I don't think she's like a Full Throttle like Jan 6 conservative person I from what I can tell yeah might not I think McKenzie probably might be more of the yeah yeah Texas I don't know um anything else on big bro I don't know I didn't really watch it I didn't really watch it this week too much going on yeah Quinn's out these last few people whatever I'm trying to think of what yeah what would be pH in the chat says I feel like Danny's crush this year is Angela yeah I just like her I do I'm kind of like I'm grateful you know what maybe because I'm also a married mother and she's a married mother maybe I just see a lot lot to be grateful for she's probably so unappreciated that like we should appreciate her from the fans point of view she has made this a very interesting season you got to at least give her absolutely had she absolutely has she's going to be someone that years from now every season we're going to be like they wish they were angel you know they wish they could have brought the drama like I'm just imagining I'm just imagining let's just say Angela wins like what podcast she's gonna go on Rob has a podcast and they're be like Angela what did you do this week to win what did you do this week to orchestrate this eviction and she's gonna say nothing because she didn't do anything yeah but you know what who cares what we're we're now we're now we're judging the quality of something by the podcast give me a break I think we're putting too much stock in podcasts can I say this on our podcast oh I know podcast are the least just forms of of anything if that's the measure of quality of the Season then whatever like not what else is going on what are we talking about okay I texted BR that I needed to bring this up so we need to talk about Jurassic Park so oh yeah let's get to the real meat of things so we all know the film Jurassic Park 1993 yeah yeah Jeff Goldblum Sam Neil Laura Duren they go to the they go to like what's going to be a theme park for dinosaurs like these scientists have found a way through a mosquito's blood who was stuck in Amber to bring dinosaurs back to life they do all this scientific like mumbo jumbo they bring the dinos back to life but like Park explained but everyone everyone is like whoa is this a good idea and then while they're on the tour they all get eaten or like scared and so it's definitively like no this is a bad idea let's close the park like we do not we do not coign you know we're not in alignment then but this movie makes like a billion dollars so of course they had to do a sequel in the sequel which I did watch re I rewatched this summer okay the Lost World Co yeah this movie is so [ __ ] bad I mean it's good because I've watched this somewh recently too it's bad it's so bad because you like when you think back when you first saw it all of these movies probably felt like they were good I mean Jurassic Park is amazing but Jurassic Park too like the whole movie is Julian Mo being such a [ __ ] idiot and and Jeff Goldblum being like Oh my girlfriend got to save us she's she's spirited she's a spirited girl like it is so bad because the whole time Jeff goldm is like we already said din URS are bad we should not be like hanging out with them but then of course there's the head of the freaking Ron or whatever the this head Who the head villain who is British just so everyone knows British he's like you know what I hear you but let's bring a T-Rex to San Francisco or wherever the hell San Diego yeah so they bring the dinosaur and T Leon is in Jurassic Park three which we I guess are getting to next she's in Jurassic world okay I'm pretty sure I did not rewatch Jurassic Jurassic war no Jurassic Park 3 which is called something else no there's jur there's Jurassic Park jur Lost World col Jurassic Park Jurassic Park 3 with Bill Macy and tia Leoni Sam Neil back samil back and then there's Jurassic world and then there's Jurassic world Fallen Kingdom and then there's another one called like Jurassic world Annihilation or like yes but so I don't know three like they're like our daughter is lost on the island with the Dinosaurs we have to go save her that I'm pretty sure was the plot so that is like you're kind of like okay they're going to the island to do just to like search and rescue fine I can I can follow that logic okay fast forward tell me why in 2024 I saw a still of Jonathan Bailey and Scarlet Johansson acting in a new Jurassic Park movie I mean how do these people sleep at night how do you sleep at night trying to still tell this story Daniel they've made three Jurassic World movies the start of Jurassic world is like hey remember Jurassic Park yeah that was a horrible idea but we actually opened the park we got so much VC Monday that we opened the park and it can't go wrong and then it does go wrong and then I saw that movie it was not great and then there's two other ones that are sequels to that movie and now they're making another like mini franchise mini Saga in the Jurassic Park with yeah I don't know like I don't know I don't know but yeah scarjo is in it Scar's in it and this guy named Jonathan Bailey who his name sounds familiar I'm not sure what he's in but he's very cute and he's clearly doing like a Jeff gold booom thing wearing plaid and a sweater but anyway I just couldn't like in the in these movies you have to like you have to have a character like Jeff goldbloom in the second one the whole point in the second one is he's like this is dumb I hate this why are we doing this like what this is a bad idea if this was real we would have killed all these dinosaurs so fast I'm sorry these dinosaurs would be dead or we Humanity would be dead why don't they do it from like a Planet of the Apes Apes point of view where it's like the dinos are all taking over the Earth and then some baby shows up and the B they're like oh the baby's cute we won't eat this one but then the baby is like a human among the dinos like that's a story that's like something you can watch why are you giving out these why are you even these ideas Universal is just going to take them I just I just like cannot believe sometimes the greed of Hollywood is too much for me and I know that the industry is going through some tough times so they have to like take the hits where they can I get that but like and Scaro like doesn't she have enough money from suing Disney like doesn't she have enough already does your husband have enough SNL money come on exactly so I just I couldn't take it I really I I'm just um you know personally I haven't thought about Jurassic Park that much like I like the the very first movie it's excellent I'll watch it any time but like I haven't thought about like the continued like franchise building World building of the series and I'm like who cares like I I know you guys are gonna keep making these movies you're gonna keep making these movies and I'm Gonna Keep not seeing them there's no way in the world I'm ever going to watch a new Jurassic Park movie ever again I saw a new Park movie it was called Jurassic world it was bad Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard were in it and you were gonna be like these two what I want to see these two hook up no I'd rather see the dinos hook up I'd rather see a T-Rex get with a raptor you know okay I mean I just but like my problem is just that like okay you know lock me up for caring too much okay for wishing that they would give us something new there's the whole they didn't kiss Narrative of 2024 Twisters they didn't kiss whatever the Mark Wahlberg movie is they up it went from she RIS him up she even gave him a hug to they didn't kiss Jurassic Park was like they did KISS I wish they didn't kiss I wish they didn't kiss maybe we could turn the back maybe we could Twisters ify Jurassic world make it so they don't kiss okay so that's my little rant on Jurassic Park I have something else to bring up I have nothing today so okay this is a Danny pulls the pulls the cart episode have you heard I know you've heard of the musical because you're a musical boy but of the film adaptation of the musical Wicked oh I'm very aware I'm very aware per it's coming out this Thanksgiving well the first half is coming out this Thanksgiving there's two parts Universal Universal is not advertising that part of it but it is very much Wicked part one it is very much the Act of the musical this this like and it's like two and a half hours long the promo cycle for this movie is get worse infuriating I know it's G worse they started advertising this movie the beginning of the year it comes out Thanksgiving and it's so yeah exactly that's the problem is like this is going to be a year-long promo cycle I like this musical I'm sure like I'll two years because Wicked two is coming out next Thanksgiving but like how can it be why do they first of all why do they have have to make it two I really wish it was just one yeah More Money More Money More Problems they did the Twilight treatment I guess but like the second is like I I'm fine with um not having character posters it's like remember remember Zena is Mei every character post the same thing zanda is Mei and it's like it's cuz their names are so goofy cuz they're all munchkins or whatever so like all of the posters it's very like it's very Austin sto is Leroy Jethro gibes but it's like a little more like adorable because the names are all like cooky um but I don't need that I don't need like every 10 seconds my timeline is full of like watch the first 10 seconds of um Defying Gravity or what I'm like no I can see it when it's in theaters I probably when it comes to TV but like this movie they need to tell the marketing team to relax already they have to they have a lot they got a lot of eggs they got a lot of eggs in this basket that's my plea okay another thing I have to talk about are you gonna watch The Penguin um I don't know I think maybe I'll check out an episod I'm not like Raves oh then I'll watch it yeah I'll watch it rave reviews is the Penguin like because it's on HBO mhm is this is the Penguin going to be like the surpr pronos cuz it's about a gangster yeah no it is it's going to be like yeah it's going to be dirty it's going to be a dirty down dirty show is it gonna be like Sunday night appointment TV I don't know about that well if it is I have I think franchise management TV yeah yeah well well every review well not every but like at least a couple that I've seen are like this isn't even like most of this [ __ ] you know like w division or whatever it's just like yeah making all along AG all along but like there's your title for today for this one they're like it does its own thing like this is It's Colin frell like brings it back down to earth it's a gritty reimagine like they're all already reimaginings but like it sounds good I do think what they need to do for the season finale is like they have to show him taking like a bath and then when he get cuz he's a human being but but when he gets out of the back he is the normal he's the the regular interpretation of the pengu he's got little F he's just a gross he's a gross regular human being but they need to turn him into a penguin towards the end of the season one Danielle I think you're gonna be horribly disappointed I don't think this penguin's ever going to turn into a penguin other than like maybe a dream sequence maybe well I would love that even the dream sequence would be great okay that was pretty much it I put down the vm's question mark but I didn't watch them and I like I don't know I watch them I don't know I don't know you could have surprised me and oh the other wait the one other thing I did watch what a farce though MTV doesn't even play music videos they should call it the Ridiculousness Awards here Chapel rone you've won the most Ridiculousness uh in the costuming department here Sabrina carpet like every all the awards should be Ridiculousness themed because they don't play music videos on MTV anymore how dare they have the music video the music video The Video Music Awards whoa how dare they okay but one one positive let's end on on positive we watched Immaculate this week starring Sydney Sweeney who also produced it it's Fab it's so good she's great Sydney and Zena like I didn't watch Euphoria maybe someday I will but like we should thank Euphoria just for these two girlies giving us great movies Great Performances yeah I'm I loved it I thought it was really fun it's like very it's like Rosemary's Baby meets um Sister Act it's so fun so like highly highly recommend there's also just a dash of the first 10 seconds of Defying Gravity yeah I wish I've seen that enough guys oh should we get we had some questions oh I haven't looked I've been we did get a I've been disconnected I've been disconnected from you people Brett is offline um since from tul linator from Tator since y'all are Coca-Cola tasters now have you tried the new oreo flavored one I I'm not I'm not trying to get diabetes but I am about to go to the supermarket when I'm done with uh this this thing maybe maybe I'll grab if there's a single can or a single yeah a mini maybe you know what maybe I'll get a six-pack I'm having the I'm having the boys over tomorrow I to watch some some NFL football Jerry oconnell Tom Brady calling games together maybe we'll all have some Oreo flavored Coca-Cola so gross I mean but I what makes me laugh the most about this is that Tator asks it and then pisy ask comes and replies next and she goes I came to ask this thread the same exact thing so like disgusting sodas cheese preferences this is what you get in Jurassic Park Jurassic Park this is what you get in the Discord um pisy wants to know what Tik Tok sound is stuck in your head right now um I don't know I guess like whatever Chapel Ron songs that they're playing there like you know I haven't like sat down and like played her album on Spotify but I've heard like lots of those songs around and I'm like she's great I yeah I think I'm like I think I'm down like you know I'm I'm I'm supportive of this of the stars that are like happening I'm supportive of of Chapel I'm not going to I'm I'm going to be team her on on that I'm I don't see much I don't see much longevity in the Sabrina Carpenter thing uh it seems a little seems a little lifeless it seems very surface level so I I don't know you know I some some of these these Shel songs kind of catchy and I don't like catchy yeah production is very good on them yeah look I'm I'm I'm Pro these girls having their moment seeing of the bmas I can't think of one on Tik Tok specifically just because there's so much I can't if I can't think of one right away there must not be a front one Runner right now there's one that was really like that was one that was really stuck in my head like not a ton of people were using it but there was one that was like a mashup of of a a radio head song and a Kendrick Lamar song and it just like float it was like whoa yeah I want some of that inject that into my veins yeah well there you go well thank you for your questions and comments thank you for tweeting at us hey Julie BB thanks for we didn't get an email this week sadly but hey Julie bigbrother is where you could send one you could always join our Discord which is still lots of fun even though like I don't know I think everyone is on the same page in that we're we're heading into the the low season of Big Brother this what happens in Big Brother like yeah there's eight people left three of them are barely even playing the game yeah and like we're you know we're kind of going to we want to see like how these final things play out maybe we'll have a double eviction in the next week or two um and you know what it's GNA be great maybe next week's episode of this show we're gonna be discussing the first episode of Survivor 47 whoa love it or leave it it's happening yeah we feature a famous podcaster I can't believe it yeah that's not us thank you all so much for listening maybe if Trump wins John love it can just stay on the island yeah that's where he'll have to live um thank you for for being here in the chat we love all the comments um and we'll see you next time bye Jerry bye Jerry Jerry

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