⚡SHOIGU FLED Russia. North Korea will Arm Putin. Panic in the Kremlin Over Trump's Plan

there are so many peace plans that you don't know which one to grab and the vice president potentially if Trump comes to the Helm of the White House also knows what Trump's peace plan will be glory to the heroes greetings and I am glad to see you I will start not with permission to strike the territory of RF so then D Vance comes out and says that he knows what Trump's plan is to end the war in Ukraine the Republican vice presidential candidate said on the Shawn Ryan Show podcast which we are now seeing on our screens that Trump has a plan he wants to withdraw from NATO and to create a demilitarized zone for Ukraine Ukraine should refuse to join NATO create a demilitarized zone in the territories temporarily occupied by Russia and more it's clear that Trump may have his own opinions but in general what is this trend in the ranks of the Republicans okay in the ranks of the prot trumpists but in general does it tell us and to what extent can it tell us Mr Valeri that in fact dvas and maybe Trump have no idea what is really going on in the Russian Ukrainian War I agree with you but I'm going to disappoint the audience who wants to hate on Trump the fact is that I did such an analysis just yesterday for the viewers of my channel regarding the statement of JD Vance What attracted my attention first what I didn't like and I'll start with this is that JD Vance says that Ukraine should give up its membership in NATO but tell me frankly what is the difference between JD Vance's statement and the position of Joseph Biden who is categorically against Ukraine's accession to the North Atlantic Alliance where does he see it in Ukraine or on the territory of Russia it's fair that it should be on Russian territory and it will be because this demilitarized zone is not talked about but it can be read from the statements of Ukrainian president Vadim zinski remember that a month or so ago there was a report about a sociological survey that said that one of the options being considered is the creation of international administrations in the temporarily occupied territories that will be responsible for the situation in this territory which may include conditionally some kind of occe which has been in place since 2014 so I would like to clarify with JD Vance that he is not talking about surrendering the territories but given Trump's rhetoric we cannot rule it out but again even the Americans will not do this even the Republicans Trump and Vance because it is a violation of borders under the UN Charter and then he makes a good point when he says that Europeans have to pay for the Reconstruction of Ukraine which is an outright lie a manipulation because they all have to pay for the security of the Western World equally at the beginning of the largescale invasion I also allowed myself to think that no one owed us anything because at some point perhaps Putin's intention is to stop there that's it he won't go further or he will say that he has already achieved his goals but we see that his intentions are completely different so we are now providing a security factor for the west and the United States of America at the cost of our own lives so they are obliged to pay not on credit but simply pay for it so Vance is being disingenuous here but this is about the moment of rebuilding Ukraine of course he is saying that Europe has to pay more for its security but friends it is true let's be honest the other thing I wanted to hear from Vance was really the thesis about how deeply he understands the nature of Russia's war against Ukraine and I have my doubts about that but in general I can't say that he said something that is different from the Democrats the only thing that is constantly problematic on the part of the Republicans is the issue of assistance to Ukraine some people say that the money should be lent and Ukraine will pay it back someday while Trump talked about a $500 billion Loan program for Ukraine in principle it's a good idea and let's be honest the only problem the Republicans have now is what this disease of trumpism which is leading the United States of America to a not very attractive story because project 2025 is not so widely publicized now to strengthen President's power Trump denies it but it's been talked about for years Trump is forming an Administration different from when he was the 45th president facing resistance among Americans due to violation of democracy I digressed a little bit from your question coming back to Vance and I was just wondering how the Republicans are doing these trumpists are willing to pay for their own security by helping Ukraine I have a specific question why aren't you considering the budget for the next fiscal year which is due to start in just two weeks in the United States which includes a cut for Ukraine this is a big problem and it should include at least 50 to1 billion dollar this money should be there so I personally do not understand what Vance is offering to Ukraine because there will be no such quick solution to the problem but unlike Trump Vance spoke more sensibly and unfortunately in this situation the policy of the Republicans and the Democrats is not much different because the Democrats are not promising us anything quick they say that we have to solve all our problems ourselves that is I mean to form negotiated positions okay but why don't you help us in the same amount this message about the permission to strike at Russian territory is already worn out and you have to do it in the end Biden can't keep this up for very long let's recall the story of ATAC Ms the transfer of them to Ukraine in the end linkoln in a great honor and gratitude to this politician during a meeting with radoslav Sikorski said we will support Poland's right to self-defense adopt changes to the legislation like the Romanians shoot down missiles and if I have a direct threat 30 km away a missile is flying in my direction why can't I shoot down these missiles flying towards Poland I'm referring to rosl Sikorski this is normal after all one more thing Russia is constantly provoking and I S feverish truths as if I thought excuse me with all my respect for the viewer I could not talk about them radislav sakori says that NATO should shoot missiles flying at nuclear power facilities in Ukraine which is logical absolutely simple and logical because it is a danger including for European countries if some tragedy happens an explosion at a nuclear power plant the pollution will also affect European countries so this must be prevented because any state must take care of its citizens and this is logical and only now blinkin is starting to talk about it so far there is no direct message so when you ask me about Vance I say okay so he says this but why don't the Democrats make a different decision because to conclude this question both Republicans and Democrats have a single strategy for US foreign policy the Wall Street Journal absolutely agrees with us and you writing that President Biden's Administration is thinking about its strategy and tactics obviously until the end of his term he aims to Simply improve Ukraine's situation on the front line as much as possible to stop the Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine before his term ends in January and he does not have any very ambitious goals perhaps the most ambitious decision will be to allow the White House Administration to give us the ability to strike far into the territory of the Russian Federation if not Mr Valeri moving on to our second topic is the administration of the country of the world leader afraid I propose to rewind this whole story because we have been talking about this for a long time the transfer of longrange weapons for F-16 aircraft I and many of my colleagues and you just for the sake of Truth have repeatedly clarified that the strategy of the event is aimed at demonstrating in the public Sphere for the whole world the existing logistical ties in the military sphere and in the economic sphere between dictatorial countries why are we now saying with more certainty that the decision to strike Russia is obvious it is there let's say the decision is there it won't be announced out loud which is normal because in times of War everything needs to be said out loud just like with a tacms remember there is no decision and ATMs has already been flown did they yes it did because when the audience there asks me you said that there is a decision but it has not been announced they don't have to articulate everything with their mouths they can just keep silent about some things or not say anything about others it is more than obvious they arrived at least two or three weeks ago just at that time the decision was made that now everything is legalized in fact the cooperation between Russia and Iran is already in the extreme sphere well it's just full stop and ballistics is perhaps the most terrible weapon that the West Saw as coming to Russia and it has arrived respectively the West should also take a corresponding action giving us weapons another issue is international relations with Iran strengthening the sanctions policy of course Iran and North Korea are both in the same place with these sanctions to be honest today shu is already in pongyang and he is already meeting with Kim Jong-un the latest information has just appeared on interfax why did he fly from St Petersburg to Kim jongan so quickly of course because the ballistic missile Depot was lifted into the air by our armed forces in vores last week there's nothing left to shoot so he went to get a new batch although the New York Times wrote just the other day that the shipment is still going on now the story with Iran it is clear that we have to react and the West has to react to Iranian missiles they will have to be destroyed again Russia understands this but Iran doesn't care it sends missiles to Russia and gets what in return not even money but food they have started bartering and Iran is saying through the mouth of one of its parliamentarians excuse me but we have had sanctions for 70 years we literally Miss talked to you about this last time we were on the air they have to live somehow they have their own logic terrorist logic and they say we will continue to trade with those with whom we can trade in fact this whole chain of countries that help each other propagate and spread the dictatorial world has come to the surface this is something that the West has been seeking for many years and Russia's war against Ukraine has provided an opportunity for the West to increase pressure on these countries now the only question to the West is if you continue to impose sanctions as you have been doing many hundreds of thousands will die by the time you make your decisions Circle has already been formed a nest of dictatorships which is now being formalized within the framework of the bricks countries Putin has said that even three or four countries are already willing to join this organization so you have to make appropriate decisions to prevent the dictatorial world from swallowing up the Democratic World e dictatorial regimes they are more effective than Democrat ones this is a very dangerous thesis more effective in killing people I should add you know and therefore the Democratic World should respond to these challenges more quickly that's the problem and when we return to your question why now why did we wait so long why did we give birth I see now this war this history for the Western World Russia's war against Ukraine is an opportun to actually unite its efforts to fight the dictatorial world this is how I see this whole strategy now and I really want to be right unfortunately it could not be realized and the next point a Nuance that should be noted is that the West is now trying to reduce Russia's military potential as much as possible but there are certain miscalculations that they are correcting Russia's cooperation with other countries Russia is ready to receive them from other countries even China has increased the supply of components for the military industrial complex interests intersected on the battlefield on the front of Russia against Ukraine the world as a whole is solving many problems the only wish for me and our viewers is that this will end as soon as possible okay if they come and when they come the deeper the atacms or Storm Shadow scalp at least what will Putin's response be will it be nothing Russia is considering a provocation against a NATO country just the other day we received a report that the first sha had fell on the territory of lvia which is a very blatant fact that should have received a corresponding reaction in the west cases of chesman falling on Romania and Poland Poland and Romania border Ukraine so this can be explained somehow lvia in general is a bit far from Ukraine and there's a whole of Belarus there so shaed who flew there could have come either either from the territory of bellarus or from some other territory why not from Russia for example you see this is an outright provocation and Russia has always considered the option of dragging a NATO country into a major war and showing that NATO is either incapable of responding appropriately and so the geography of the war can be expanded and even the White House has specifically acknowledged that the geography of security has changed it will not change it has already changed for example North Korea itself Iran and others who will be directly involved in the war because the only way for the Putin regime to survive is through War Putin's response to NATO countries yesterday was that if Precision missile weapons are used against Ukraine it means NATO countries are fighting on the side of Ukraine our Western Partners help program missiles just as Putin is being helped by Iran and North Korea so whose cow is mooing frankly and secondly Putin started the war he is being frankly disingenuous here although this is not new for him but the fact that our Western partners are helping us yes is a reason for him to really accuse the alliance of being involved in the war it is no coincidence that today on his way to Washington Kier starmer is making a statement that we do not want war with Russia the West still reserves the option of caution saying that it's not us it's the ukrainians we're just helping I understand that we don't want to fight directly in Ukraine but it's true that if hypothetically we allow a NATO Brigade to be on a battlefield somewhere near pokrovsk it will be a pretext for Putin to send nor Korean troops to our Dawn boss and we have already received such reports by the way and we expect it to happen Putin lacks any grounds for this although Putin is not really looking for them he can make any decision but any decision in relation to for example Ukraine the countries of the former Soviet Union as for the NATO countries he's really more cautious here because he realizes that he will lose technologically therefore the threat is direct it is obvious understandable and it has already been put into practice this is the same shahad that went down in lvia it's not an accident and they will continue to fly there now almost every night some shahad gets lost of course it can get lost because it has a headache and because of an attack by electronic warfare it may or may not be programmed to do so so I don't know if as kaganov said There Will a strike with some kind of limited nuclear weapon on the territory of a NATO country it's hard to say but it could be it should be noted that Putin is not doing well with the Belarusian Direction which he wanted to actively use to provoke Poland as provocations on the border with Poland have significantly decreased there are no migrants Belarus is finding common ground with Poland so Putin will still look for ways to drag some country into a war to show Russia the hard way I told you that NATO is always at war with Russia and it is true and it will continue to be so so the process is really complicated but it's good that the West is making decisions in favor of Ukraine in its favor at least a little bit because the discussion about shooting down missiles launched by radoslav Sikorski was just today or yesterday in Lviv if I'm not mistaken time flies so fast he says that it is really necessary to protect Lviv from Russian missiles and this is all a very good story and I do not exclude that sori has a double profit here he may be nominated by the Civic Coalition as a future candidate for the presidency of Poland and has received support from the United States at least from Anthony blink but we cannot assume that Russia will just give up no they will take appropriate actions they are mobilizing troops in K region they are trying to advance there we should not underestimate the enemy and the only wish again is for the West to make decisions that will be more objective in deterring Russian aggression everywhere we understand the challenges and risks from the Russian Federation with offensive capabilities is teaming up with dictators like it Xi Jinping what can he look for from a meeting with zinski if it does take place and how much can the Chinese leader use it in his favor or can we outplay him in some ways be careful with this the meeting is already happening first let's look at those who voiced it I do not exclude that a meeting is being prepared Alexander chy as Reuters writes is not to be confused with Valerie chy Western Publications wrote about his possible Presence at the Shenzhen Summit in Beijing a respectable annual event where security issues are being considered he said that we are for peace for negotiations and so on and I do not exclude that Alexander chali is now promoting this issue in Beijing why he is not a government official but he was once a member of the negotiating team in Turkey when the so-called scandalous Istanbul agreements were discussed in April 2022 he was in the negotiating group and he can prepare a meeting now but so far there is no official information about the meeting between zalinski and jingping so I say it is so secretive for now we just need to follow these reports from this Summit and maybe Alexander chali will say something else there and then we will understand of course we really need this meeting we really need it but a meeting between the head of Beijing and zalinski would mean that China's support for Ukraine is more evident in its confrontation with Russia I don't see China being ready to betray Russia completely yet it will Loop somewhere in the middle sorry for this word because even when the Sino Brazilian so-called peace plan appeared which zinsky called destructive it took the form of six points and the point that China initially promoted disappeared from it this is sovereignty according to the UN Charter today it doesn't talk about any sovereignty neither Russian nor pro-ukrainian which may be a good thing maybe we can turn this whole story in our favor it's hard to say now but I don't see any prospects for she to meet with zelinsky I may be wrong and despite how the negotiating team in Istanbul positioned itself it's not that important now if we manage to do this it will certainly be very good for Ukraine but I think it is too early to talk about such a meeting is there anything that can happen to make the Kremlin click especially want real negotiations and go for them whether it's total failures on the battlefield whether it's these long range strikes that we've talked about or whether in general as long as Putin is alive he will wage a bloody war against us the Putin Factor as long as we see his picture means that everything will remain the way those who serve him want it to be now notice that Shu has come to the Forefront very actively he made a statement that agreements had allegedly been reached through Turkish mediation so that Putin would not attack energy facilities in Ukraine but after the KK military operation everything allegedly fell apart a statement that was denied by pesov denied by zacharova which to me indicates a Divergence of opinion in the Kremlin and shu's position is quite interesting [Music] why because he made a statement from St Petersburg about this Sino Brazilian peace plan which is unacceptable for Putin's radical Wing to understand because Putin is talking about achieving the goals at this stage of the so-called sdo which is taking control of the entire territory of zapia Kon and of course donet and luhansk regions in Crimea [Music] Beijing is saying the war along the front line is being frozen and the Russians have a problem with the KK region the front line has gone a little bit into Russia to put it mildly so now it's shyu you know he is voicing a slightly different position from Putin not quite because after the Scandal I didn't think that he would appear in a circle with Putin so quickly although his handshake in St Petersburg was very very revealing and short kind of cold and somehow dismissive as if from Putin to shyu shu's face was not very happy you know I could call it a working man's handshake I mean come on let's say hello quickly let's move on I don't rule it out but of course I've seen reviews by colleagues who say that's it shyu has fallen out of favor there is a scandal I can't deny it there is a scandal it's frankly obvious right now Putin is positioning himself cautiously the movement in the Kremlin is still happening but there are those who want to freeze the war on the front line Beijing is actively supporting this group but it will not be so easy because there is also the factor of North Korea and I am far from thinking that the supply of North Korean weapons to Russia was agreed with China it's unlikely and right now the newly oriented Kim Jong-un is gaining momentum demonstrating his capability and strength photos have already appeared from uranium enrichment facilities which is the first time that he is showing that I am here I am strong and Russia is helping North Korea and Iran a lot in this regard and let me remind you that Iran is also a very serious factor in the story with China I really hope that the West will find tools to put pressure on China and they do exist unlike North Korea and Iran China is very dependent on external economic relations it cannot simply isolate itself for example like Russia because China's GDP and population it's 1 billion people to feed not 140 million scattered all over the territory who can eat cones or pick berries in the tigga so we are still following the Chinese case with pleasure good luck take care of yourself in return glory to Ukraine friends thank you we are always glad to see you too Valerie kohok head of the vesa Center for Public Policy OVA spoke with him friends thank you for spending this time with us I hope it was useful to you write comments I'm sure you have something to say about the topics we have discussed and which we try to choose so that you can share your thoughts and opinions as well please subscribe to Mr Valerie's YouTube channel you can find it easily in the description below this video and to YouTube 24 and don't forget to take care of yourself believe in the armed forces of Ukraine see you soon and we will win

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