Tim Walz In Boston | Tim Walz Uses Baseball Analogy At IAFF Convention LIVE | Tim Walz LIVE | N18G

motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resour resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general as as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protection you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong [Applause] look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MC means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work that brings to each and every one one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris We'll sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the pro act that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like social security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of Define benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had Define benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated it fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're gonna be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's GNA be good it's G to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red so country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision of about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attack by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inhand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6' s he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for fir training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an i member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Hara sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from Federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've got gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to Merk means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the we at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our become family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct cloth look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proact making it easier for unions to organize will'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference pay Family and Medical lead affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's G to be good it's G to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are set on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership ship speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24 year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 them your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragic Al we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facil ities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most pro- labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your constru ction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bar Target when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw through the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we protect safer grant program it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect Comm communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of Define benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own Healthcare choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working condition conditions good healthare and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go advertise or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot down in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuffs Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as a next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the $350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by The Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6 fo7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6 fo s he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosiv dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an i member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Hara sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and retra retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same sphere That animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between prot protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MC means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap action is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize will protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves will keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do kamla Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they me it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals gos and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm goingon to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the R hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers and labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this rumor coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to General Secret jry Treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every her deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's p fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers Construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he sp's right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is preexisting conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our fames and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are lifesaving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct cloth look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proac that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talk talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had toine benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively imp you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible lead leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harrison and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6' s he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof been his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your servic is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk pick at lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bar to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire Serv service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our become family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use your own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's G to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny in individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota as Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources in into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native californi vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even propos slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get a participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct cloth look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says at all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the G Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're gonna be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's gonna be good it's GNA be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own healthare choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opport to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for Lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24 year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibilities protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inhand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA FF member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest KLA Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your servic is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most pro- labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work to brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminated slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impact you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the pro act making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do Comm Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's G to be good it's G to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm gonna say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bark for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want one on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school scho without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in in this room or coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 of your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fired Chief Fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6 fo7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty Duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governors I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native California vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof has been his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as California attorney General and as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making get harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligark and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre pre existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proact making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of Define benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had Define benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good good healthare and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Hall now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuffs Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris paron to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6 foot7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous an unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof been his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an i member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Hara sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret train retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to D ically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets healthare and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clot look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving in getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are set on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks F that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to General Secretary treasur Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governors I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native californi vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memoral knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general as as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand inand that's that's vice president and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if you're social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mara Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president pres Harris We'll sign the pro act making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical lead affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had to find benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own healthare choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a life time and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibilties protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as a next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6' 7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an i member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice president pres in my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MC means right to work work for Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work that brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of work workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does social security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share there doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plan in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you Chang the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's common sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm GNA try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and and Beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an i member in good standing and as as California attorney general as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as Vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than one million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strength in worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand inand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mara Lago and this is a director clo look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proact making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension PL in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're gonna be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's gonna be good it's G to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove Pro it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 7th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision of about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6' s he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an i member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better pay and conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers others workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into the law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand inand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the D digity that work that brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminated slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are lifesaving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar logo and this is a direct clo look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time think if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have and they're trying to take those away from us you Chang the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member are you union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that put puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family Gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6 fo s stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6 foot7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as California attorney general as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most pr- labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to notay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if you're so Security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of Define benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 20125 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're gonna be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's GNA be good it's gonna be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipar some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too cuz it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own healthare choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime time and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first respons protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuffs Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halim speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be Do's paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our nation's long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most pro- labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on world workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminated slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to R repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollar you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clot look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we protect safer grant program it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer Grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do kamla Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're gonna be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's G to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking thinking and I remember it tooo cuz it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collect ly bargained for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24 year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the heavy hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 of your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governors I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native californ vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as California attorney general as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it Lo let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your services respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best States for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the alter Wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get a participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you EX exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially is we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just make sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of Define benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the greay hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too cuz it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series where down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being rich than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the Nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native californi vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of w heires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an ifff member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the fire firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most pro- labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers in retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota Ina as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand inand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our human family gets healthare and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected and president then president Harris will sign the pro act making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving driving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you Chang the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no inter from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two def benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if You' bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof been his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can ATT test kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most pro- labor ad Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered when Don Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our become family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the pro act making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking support the proact that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally Mak corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving in getting ahead I talked about that idea of Define benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do kamla Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could out shoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal PR privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6' s he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your state pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters Fighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our nation long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most pro- labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easy easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means right to work for less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does social security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grants program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 19 6 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage age are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24 year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense by president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl min Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fir fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof been his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your services respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into the law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protection and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Advance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct cloth look all of you were you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving in getting by but they're thriving in getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plan in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had to find benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're gonna be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's gonna be good it's GNA be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impa infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24-year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot him every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers and labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6' s stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6' s he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an i member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most pro- labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better pay and conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand inand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work that brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape sh what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are lifesaving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct cloth look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we protect safer grant program it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it in their trying to take those away from us you Chang the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our Union s are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them in the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24 year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to ad MIT this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6 foot7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6 foot s he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an i member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments H train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your services is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your Social Security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct cloth look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize will protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the G Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical lead affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of Define benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're gonna be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's GNA be good it's gonna be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this cuz I know were bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own healthc care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm gonna try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parson to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 7th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing spending your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the minnesotans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk pick at lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to m means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 25 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminated slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar logo and this is a direct clo look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proac that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair w Wes safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harrison and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was Fire Chief Fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6 foot7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof been his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as California Attorney General as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire requirments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your servic is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most pro- labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into the law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it we words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets healthare and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what Vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just make sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of Define benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension PL in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republic an used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you repres present with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6' s he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Comm Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an i member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest KLA Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your servic is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most pro- labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice president and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminated slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our become a family it's healthare and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mara Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do kamla Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday night football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24 year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibil is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve impr this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damnn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inhand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota with professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows a depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the ad Administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your services respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports Right to Work 100 % everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even propos slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargained allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ult Wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get a participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any if you want to support the proac that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving in getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they compl CL that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know gun I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuffs Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so uh I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inhand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we for we're grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resilience to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA FF member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our nation's long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers in retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to m means right to work for Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friend friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program ma' it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 19880 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our Union Halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a hun I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuffs common sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Hara sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the decid in vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your servic is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pen of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history in the law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MC means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed SL ing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our become family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct cloth look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize will protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of Define benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plan in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're gonna be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's gonna be good it's G to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids educ they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government and as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24 year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris paron to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president has done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6 fo7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an i member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk pick at lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and Brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work that brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 20125 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar logo and this is a direct cloth look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time think thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical lead affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this CU I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member are you union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24 year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6 fo7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6 foot7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met at one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Christmas it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native californi vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your fam's go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Hara sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments H train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your services resp Ed and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into the law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand inand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 20125 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this is what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check show goes up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize will protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make it difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving in getting by but they're thriving in getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defin benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had toine benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're gonna be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's gonna be good it's G to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the Great hair is in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too cuz it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24-year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your three 50,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inhand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6 fo7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into the law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ility to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to m means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to help help Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24 year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got fam you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harrison and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6 fo7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6 fo s he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training in education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehens fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mine the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see in intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving in getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 1960 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you Chang the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 22 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking for forward that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about free freed they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24 year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you youve had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 of your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card caring member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the minnesotans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that State she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for Miss managing your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers ERS construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why Vice president Harris is proudly part of the most PR labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in and that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminated slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Maro and this is a direct clo look all of you you're rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proac that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids' education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore or these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incred rible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my resp response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans so um seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6 foot7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifices you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof been his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned ear hundreds of millions of dollarss to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and retra retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your servic is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but this why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most pro- labor Administration in in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than one million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policy in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everyone body in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was president he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion dollars you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mar Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the proa make it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child care so you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving in getting ahead I talked about that idea of Define benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 196 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our union halls to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24e veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's Common Sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to General Secretary treasure Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from bethl Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here at advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be do paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grate gr F to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an i member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla Harris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your service is respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our nation's long after they got out of military service it was you who built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she rescued pensions of more than one million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's your construction brothers and sisters know that one it's that same spirit that animated my fight for labor in Minnesota as Governor I signed one of the biggest packages of pro-worker policies in history into law making it easier for workers to form unions strengthening worker protections and banning captive audience meetings today Minnesota is one of the best states for workers in the nation and guess what it's one of the best states for business you don't have to choose between protecting workers and protecting business they go hand in hand that's that's vice presidents and my vision for the entire country Donald Trump and JD Vance they have something a little different in mind the only thing these guys know about working people is how to take advantage of them how to not pay them every single chance they've gotten they've waged a war on workers and the ability to collectively bargain when it comes to so-called right to work laws that deprive unions of funds they need Donald Trump has said he supports right to work 100% everybody in this room knows right to MK means Right to Work For Less right to work work more dangerously right to work for no pensions it doesn't mean the ability to collectively bargain to fight with the dignity that work brings to each and every one of us look I'll keep saying it words are cheap actions is all you should care about make sure you're counting on what was delivered When Donald Trump was President he blocked overtime benefits for millions of workers he opposed Ed efforts to raise the minimum wage and he even proposed slashing budgets for federal fire service programs those are just simply facts but look it's not just what they've done it's what they're going to do this is the big thing one of the goals of their project 2025 is to screw the middle class making it harder for workers to collectively bargain allowing employers to drastically cut overtime or eliminate it slash taxes for the ultra wealthy by imposing a national sales tax on the rest of us look I've said this I'm an oldtime football coach if you draw up a Playbook you plan on using it project 2025 is a plan to reshape what America looks like moving away from the middle class and putting it right back on the oligarchs and the wealthy at the top he said he's going to repeal the Affordable Care Act that thing is pre-existing conditions those are things that make sure that our family gets health care and for many of our families and I know you don't get to participate in it but your families do my mom does Social Security and Medicare are life-saving programs for them instead of funding those programs they talk about cutting them so here this what I always say if you got a billion doll you don't give a damn if your social security check shows up but if you're like my mom that's how you pay for your food that's how you pay for your heat that's how things get done so that check pretty damn important to protect it again use their own words this is a guy who told his friends down at Mara Lago and this is a direct clo look all of you are your rich as hell we're going to give you a tax cut while telling workers that wages are too high that says it all and again if you're confused on where you're going to go think about what impacts you your life and your family the most so let me tell you exactly what vice president Harris will and I will do when we get elected as president then president Harris will sign the pro act making it easier for unions to organize we'll protect safer grant program it it's good to see you say this if you have to spend any time thinking if you want to support the proa that pretty much tells you where you're at because that's a pretty easy one same thing with the safer grant program we know it's essential to helping Serve and Protect communities especially as we uh starting to see intensive heat waves we'll keep fighting to protect your retirement benefits lowering taxes for working families and finally making corporations just pay their fair share they're doing fine they're doing fine they can pay their fair share and again things like Social Security things like the GI Bill programs that make a difference Paid Family and Medical Leave affordable child carees you can go do your job that just makes sure that families aren't just surviving and getting by but they're thriving and getting ahead I talked about that idea of defined benefit pension plans they complained that I had two defined benefit pension plans in 19 19 6 or in 1980 60% of people had defined benefit pension plans the middle class was strong today 4% have it and they're trying to take those away from us you change the middle class by investing in the middle class we're proud of the plan that we put forward again Donald Trump trying to hide from that uh that project 2025 plan they're going to use it they're going to use it it's written out they know what's there and look they're not going to wait a few years to do it they're going to get an opportunity to do it so we know what it is Donald Trump doesn't want to tell you what's in there you can look for yourself you can see what they're trying to do they go on TV they deny it they say that he's not being treated fairly these are their words they put it on paper they're telling you what they're going to do KLA Harris she's ready to hold him accountable on the debate stage tell me you're not looking forward to that look I know you're busy you're going to be watching Monday Night Football or something but it's going to be good it's going to be good because again as I said this this is going to impact you the things that are said on that debate stage are going to impact your retirement they're going to impact your kids education they're going to impact infrastructure these are things that matter to us so look some of you in here and I'm going to say this because I know we're bipartisan some of the gray hairs in here I know what you're thinking and I remember it too because it's my family when Republicans used to talk about Freedom they meant it they meant it not anymore these guys over there they want government to have the freedom to invade every corner of your life from our Union Hall to our kids schools even our doctor's office vice president and I we got a little bit different vision of this we believe that you not politicians should be made free to make your own health care choices we believe that workers deserve to collectively bargain for fair wages safe working conditions good health care and Secure Retirement no interference from government as a union member as a union member our union halls are the purest form of democracy the opportunity to speak your mind elect leadership speak what you want on your platform and then go adverti or go advocate for it that's how democracy is supposed to work these are folks that want to make it difficult to do that little things we should be able to make sure that government is there to make sure that corporations have to keep our air and water clean you can make money and still protect water and protect air we believe that people should be free to get a good education that puts them into the middle class not crippling debt for a lifetime and we believe that our kids should be free to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in their Halls now I want to say something about this I want to say something about this I know guns I'm a 24 year veteran I'm a Hunter I was one of the best shots in Congress and I got the trophies to prove it I could outshoot them every year but I'm not going to stand by and let someone say that this is about the Second Amendment when our first responsibility is protection of our kids it is not a false choice we can have and protect the Second Amendment and keep guns out of our schools that are killing our kids and do things right that stuff's common sense vice president Harris brings that to the White House that's a future we can build together we don't have to go to every damn family gathering and fight about things that we mostly agree on we don't have to find ways to divide us and we can have legitimate policy discussions that differ on issues but come to Common goals and on issues of Labor rights of middle class rights of paying your fair share of cutting taxes for the middle class we're going to need you with us to win that fight so I'd ask all of you I am a former football coach and I give halftime speeches all the time but I do have to admit this I know I'm in Red Sox country go twins um so I'm going to try a baseball analogy people so bear with me game seven of the World Series we're down a couple runs but we got the rally hats on we got Runners on base and our Heavy Hitters are on Deck we got the hometown going wild sisters and brothers in labor it's time for you to step up to the plate we've got 69 days to win this thing 69 days to protect labor rights 69 days to do things that we know people who have laid their life on the line like Chris Parsons to protect this as a public service and are simply asking to be treated fairly that's what we get to do on that 70th day we wake up and know that the policies that positively impact you are going to become law that's what we have to believe so I'll tell you what our hitters are coming up it's you this is a vision about the possibility of America this is the vision about a positive America this is a vision about what we can do together and the reason that I feel so good is knowing that the Heavy Hitters in this room are coming up next is you know how to fight that's all you know how to do that's all you've had to do every step of the way to improve this profession and to bring people into it so as the next president of the United States always says when we fight we win thank you well good morning I know you got a lot of important business to get through this week but I do want to say how grateful I am and what a privilege it is to stand in front of this group uh thank you President Kelly uh thank you for every single day advocating for the 350,000 Heroes that you know that you represent with passion and to general secretary treasurer Lima thank you uh this is an incredible leadership team I got to use a point of personal privilege and a shout out to your fifth district VP uh from Beth Minnesota resident Tom thornberg Tom it's great to always see you and every delegate in this room representing your 350,000 in your membership look you got busy jobs you got families you travel here to do the important work of understanding I'll often have people tell me look I'm really not that into politics my response to that is too damn bad politics is into you and if you're not here advocating for that if you're not here advocating for the messages it's hard to get it done so uh as a card carrying member of my State teachers union um I feel very proud of that I saw the other day I got attacked by I got attacked by the I got attacked by the Wall Street Journal for being richer than my disclosure says because I have two defined benefit pension plans um I seems like that's a little different than Google stock that was handed to you but um that's what we did so uh maybe a few more of us should be dues paying members but I can promise you this when vice president Harris and I win this election we'll have your back just like you've had ours this entire time and just as I've done as governor and just as the vice president's done I look forward to working hand inand with you to deliver for the locals back home because that's what really matters but if you'd bear with me um it's a privilege to be in front of this group but I have to say it's also personal uh the motans know this and some of you in this room might know last year we lost one of our bravest firefighting Heroes and I personally lost a dear friend Chris Parsons was fire chief fire captain from St Paul he worked closely with us um and was president of the Minnesota professional firefighters Chris was 6'7 stood out in any crowd but it's hard to imagine his personality was bigger than that 6'7 he was the most generous and kind and funny individual that I had ever met one conversation with that guy would make your entire day better tragically we lost Chris in the line of duty it's kind of heartbreak that no family and no Community should have to endure because every hero deserves to come home at the end of every shift and know this we see your Noble courage we're forever grateful to you for going above and beyond to keep all of us safe and we're committed to building a future that you and your families deserve as Minnesota's Governor I was proud to bolster resources for firefighter training and education to invest in the equipment and the facilities to keep you safe and to sign the most comprehensive fighter fighter well-being legislation in the nation the resiliency to do this job is incredible the physical toll it takes on your body but the emotional toll and the time away from your family we understand that and putting the resources into it is absolutely critical that's why I'm honored to be on a ticket with someone else who has long supported your essential work as a native Californian vice president Harris knows explosive dangerous and unpredictable nature of wildfires in that state she's been to the memorials knows the depth of sacrifice that you and your families go through in fact it's a matter of family for her the vice president's brother-in-law Andy mhof spent his career as a firefighter in Santa Cruz California and retired as an IA member in good standing and as California attorney general and as Frank can attest kamla haris sued the big banks for mismanaging your State's pension fund and when she won she returned hundreds of millions of dollars to Firefighters and other public workers and to their families as vice president she cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue plan which helped keep workers on the job and I'll say this it kept the public safe during the pandemic and it LO let local fire departments hire train and ret retain more of the firefighters that we needed and under her leadership the administration gave much needed raises to more than 11,000 Federal firefighters when we're in office we'll make sure you have all the resources and protections you need to do your jobs and your services respected and that you come home safe every night we know exactly who built this country it's people like the folks in this room firefighters police officers construction trades teachers and nurses and Veterans who contributed their contributions to our Nations long after they got out of military service it was you built the middle class and we know that when unions are strong America's [Applause] strong look this this is the time of year that talk is cheap but that's why vice president Harris is proudly part of the most Pro labor Administration in history unafraid to walk picket lines with workers demanding better paying conditions and that's why she resed resued pensions of more than 1 million of our Union sisters and brothers workers and retirees and insisted that prevailing wage jobs spring from federal Investments it's

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