Fever Lose To The Lynx Again, and Caitlin Clark Breaks Another Record

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:09:27 Category: Sports

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everything was going well for the fever in this game perfectly the crowd was rocking Caitlin Clark had it going aiyah Boston had it going 10-point lead then they L A five-point run turned into a 14-point run coming out of the halftime and I mean that pretty much was where the game was win or loss in my opinion they did battle back they fought back got the lead down to within one Kaylin Clark got a steal and then she turned it right over that felt like a gut punch in real time and she even said it herself she felt like that's where the game kind of was ultimately lost but in my opinion the damage had been done in the third quarter you scored 12 in the third you tend to lose a game I mean the fourth quarter they actually won 26 to 25 but overall it wasn't enough and they took the L let's talk about it all right first of all free throws I've talked about that all season long both Caitlyn Clark and the rest of the team getting free throws and also not giving any other team free throws especially their best player whenever we lit the Co coppers and the J Lloyds and then the FIA kers get 10 free throws off we're pretty much you know asking for a difficult game right there and and we seem to do that a lot also you know turnovers Caitlin Clark had seven that's the big number assist of turnover ratio is more what I look at eight assists to seven turnovers that's not a good ratio for your point guard but Kelsey Mitchell had two assist to four turnovers that's the worst ratio you know Leah Boston she's been like the secondary playmaker for the team two assists two turnovers that's the worst ratio than 8 to seven so the big three as a whole turn the ball over too much and not enough assists not enough playmaking but Caitlyn Clark had a couple at least three that I know for a fact you know she was asking for it on some of those bounce passes all right coaching let's talk about Chrissy sides let's get right to it because I've seen comments already people aren't really happy with her rotations and I'll admit I can't defend that decision to put Lexi Hall with five fouls I don't understand why coaches do that it doesn't make sense if you're just going to try to put them in with two minutes left you might as well leave them in with five and see if you can get more than two minutes out of them before they get six it just in my opinion it's always a bad move but to me that's not really where the mistake was made I've been big on this ever since they put Lexi Hull in the starting lineup when Nelissa Smith was suspended for that one game I don't like Lexi Holland the starting lineup her play and her production said say that she should be in the starting lineup but I've always caught her fourth quarter Lex this season fourth quarter not first quarter Lex she's our closer so if you guys are familiar with the Golden State Warriors in their first championship run Andre Iguodala what did he do he was an allar came over from Philadelphia could have easily been a starter his play dictated that he should have been a starter but he came off of the bench and they had that death line up or the Hampton five whatever you want to call it even before Kevin Durant came over he was a closer everybody knew he was a closer he was a game changer I would say that that's the role that Lexi Hull is best in on this team as a closer and as a game changer leaving her in as a starter it exposed her to Too Much file trouble she wasn't available to be the closer that we've known her to be and then also there's no punch coming off the bench once Lexi Hall is in a starting lineup now I'm not saying that k l Samuelson should be the starter reportedly she took herself out of the starter lineup she wasn't feeling great and she hasn't really gotten a lot of minutes since then but she hasn't been playing great so I'm not saying that she's the answer I'm just saying that okay we can criticize coach chrisy side's rotations but we heard Caitlyn Clark right before halftime say we need to rotate fresh bodies in and out so now if Lexi Hall is in the starting lineup who are you rotating in and out let's look at the bench dantz a step slow a step slow you guys I thought coming back from the break deir zantes would be in shape not the case she still looks like she did when she first came back I was giving a Grace at first but this looks like it's going to be a little bit longer of a process than I thought um she you can fake it on offense you can fake it on offense you can run at your pace set the screen pop out hit the jumper or miss the jumper but on offense I mean on defense when it's time to go chase a loose ball when you have to react to stuff that's when you can tell a player is not right and when I look at her I see the same thing I saw when I was looking at Chelsea Gray pre Olympics and at the Olympics but she's not right k l Samson she's not giving us anything Timmy she wasn't good in this game she's been good every other game whether she made or Miss uh layups she was productive in other ways in this game Timmy wasn't good that leaves you Erica Willer who else do you go to so you have three two power fors in the center and then you have Erica Willard is that a Chrissy size problem did chrisy sides do this this is why I didn't really criticize chrisy sides during the um break and why I made a video about Lyn dun because look Celeste Taylor just played 22 minutes before that 33 minutes and before that 22 minutes in this last game she had six points six assists two steals 50% from the three-point line exactly the player that we thought she could be right three and D not take any bad shots make good plays that's exactly what it's looking like she's doing over there she's not lighting the Raad down fire but she looks to be a very useful player who can give you some minutes and would have given this lineup some diversity but instead when they brought dantez back they decided they were going to keep Saxton and Wallace and burger and everybody who they don't play instead of this player on a rookie contract it didn't make sense to me then and it's played out that it probably was not the right move I don't know if that was Chrissy sides call but if you are Chrissy sides and you put put Lexi Hall in the starting lineup who do you go to in this game what would your rotation be just play just play the starters all 40 minutes at this point because what the hell Dante samelson Willer Bley they gave us nothing they gave us nothing you look at their bench 26 points Minnesota's bench outscored the Indiana Fever bench 26 to1 and so yeah Caitlyn Clark played 36 minutes Mitchell 38 Boston 34 and Caitlin looked pretty you know exhausted going into halftime it's probably why she mentioned rotating in some fresh bodies but what do you do especially when you don't have a fourth out there playing well I mean Lexi Hall she was getting rebounds but you know she had some fou trouble with nefa ker and Nelissa Smith wasn't doing anything out there you matter of fact speaking of Nelissa words won't even do just watch along all right so as I was saying is this a Christy sides issue or is this a Lyn dun issue you guys let me know let me know who you would have turned to in this game as the song says who do you turn to dantz Samson Bley didn't play well Willer and it didn't play a lot of minutes either we're talking six minutes seven minutes and nine minutes for Willer dantz and samon respectively meanwhile you look at the Minnesota links Hines Isen gave you 17 minutes Dorka 19 minutes Hyman 18 minutes all right and like I said they out scored the bench 26 to1 so this is why I don't like Lexi H starting because we've seen them have games where Samuelson and Smith go 0 for two 0 for three 0 for four and the team still wins because the big three play well and then you have H coming off the bench with some punch the way the lineup is right now there's nobody for any kind of relief to come in and do anything so that's just my take on it now the bench was bad and the rotations We can question those all day but it was in the third quarter while the starters were in that's when the game got away that's when I was looking for a good timeout a good after timeout play atto a good play call a good adjustment maybe defensively nothing was done nothing was done and so to me that's the bigger coaching criticism than anything to do with the rotations uh it's besides starting Hall I would like to see Hall back on the bench until we can find another answer coming off the bench for some punch because that's all we have and we need that but that's my opinion again we'll see free throws to me are the biggest problem from this game because it's been the biggest problem All Season everything else is game to game you're not going to win them all I would have loved to have won the season series against the Minnesota links look we take the loss we shake it off we'll come back better next time this is why I like to get a little sleep before I come back with my post game because boy last night I was not sounding like this promise you that but here I am with a little perspective good night's rest see you guys in the next video Until Then hope you all have a good day peace

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