As Sloth Fever Spreads Across US, What to Know About
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:32:42
Category: Entertainment
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shaam shaam yah bahash yashi bahash rash double honors to our Apostles and Elders of great Millstone who rule well and that by the spirit taught us this beautiful truth and just want to say the to all the Akim that's out here sincerely keeping the laws and statutes and Commandments of yahwah bahasham yahawashi to the best of their ability this is sh just coming at you with another quick lesson praying that is edifying by the spirit and we got got another one man it says sloth fever as sloth fever spreads across the US what to know about or orot the virus concerning the CDC so I'm not [ __ ] I'm not even sure if I was pronouncing that right I might have been butchering that oro oro or whatever anyway but it's being it's called sloth fever this is a um article From the Inside Edition and man how many how many hook that we heard of in the past month they even they they they they mentioned polio they mentioned of course you know the the um the b i d FL luu you got that you got the um the COV supposedly coming back they got a new Band-Aid for that an emergency Band-Aid for that um you got the the oranga Tang um PX or the the gorilla the gorilla pox you got um man it's like 10 different things they they done named off within the past I don't know man maybe month two months you know as far as um Global outbreaks I don't know [ __ ] who the ho people talking [ __ ] you know so it's a lot of stuff that's out here man so you just never know where Esau going to come from with this thing man you know they want you now all of a sudden it's the season to go and get all the Band-Aids of course they want you to get like [ __ ] I don't even know how many Band-Aids for how many different um so-called infections man so you just never know what Esau I just wanted to just put this out here so we can you know be circumspect the Lord said to watch and pray so that's exactly what we doing as the Watchman man but it says the spread of sloth fever has concerned officials with the CDC which is pleading with the public to take precautions to avoid Contracting the potential deadly virus the agent urges urging of caution comes as nine new cases connected to international travel reported in Florida in just a week's time the state has reported 20 cases in total sloth fever is generally more common in South um South and Central America and is spread by small biting flies and mosquitoes and I have been seeing them [ __ ] too that season for them small ass little day I think they call them horse fly I don't know I think the horse FES a little bigger it has been given the name sloth fever because sloths are among animals infected regularly according to reports the term sloth fever is a colloquial name that has emerged due to the virus being found in areas where sloths which are known to carry a range of parasites and pathogens are um present Carolina gavs superintendent pharmacist at pharmica told the independent however the name is relatively misleading as it is spread by insects insect bites not direct contact with sloths sloth fever or the oral virus was first detected in Trinidad and Tobago in 1950s this year there have been more than 8,000 confirmed cases uh the CDC has also issued a health advisory about the possibility for transmission from a mother to the fetus during pregnancy uh-oh symptoms of the um symptoms of it include fever sensitivity to light dizziness nausea vomiting severe headache joint and muscle pain chills and or skin Rags serious symptoms include severe abdominal pain hemic symptoms menitis which cause inflammation of the brain and spinal cord although rare death is possibly when s sever symptoms occur in most cases symptoms L last less than a week however the CD CDC said they can recur days or even weeks later there's currently no v no yeah they they don't have no vacs for that one or medication to treat the virus or prevent infection the CD says the best way to protect yourself and your family from is to prevent bites from biting um midges mosquitoes you CD say is okay so there you have it man now let me just grab a quick scripture man because like I said again it's it's just too much man they they coming out with too many things come on bro you I mean I it the list is I've never heard of so many um infectious things like this before you know and and we can't sleep on Esau man cuz you just never know what this man going to do for real for real second Corinthians 2 and 11 let Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices and they understand too that people are not with it man people are not going for it so they're going to have to come with some real drastic [ __ ] to um really have people to be as to be afraid afraid like it's going to have to be some real um numbers and and and and them deletions man if they're going to do anything well let's go back though um some of the comments they generally you know they they always get to talking about stuff like this um around election time um I guess and it's election time kind of goes off into the months of sniffling and sneezing you know them type of um symptoms be going on with the kids going back to school and all this other [ __ ] man you just never know what Esau man this person um says I'm tired of listening to all this BS about viruses right right before elections we'll survive the virus but maybe not the lies of the democratic party don't let this and their lies influence you again to not vote only if your Democrat believe this only only if you're a Democrat believes this BS and I seen um something yesterday that they was talking about um that the most people that took the Band-Aids you know what I'm talking about them jump shots them Capri Suns the the the majority of the people that took it was um Democrats hey I can remember hey them Republicans is like [ __ ] you [ __ ] that them Trump them Trump supporters them Trump Believers no they is like uhuh NOP we not we not doing it then cuz see you got um so-called white people they they they understand they know what's going on a lot of them that you know they they've never been into um them vaces anyway they ain't never want their children to be VX cuz they understand you know what's going on like man how how you know man a no telling what that [ __ ] is and what they doing to you man it says it's out there all the time you're just overly politically triggered yeah a lot of people are overly politically triggered but that's that's what Esau has been doing that's why you know again we're not ignorant of Satan's devices he's been putting together this divide let's get that um let's get that real quick because there was a a a serious divide in the country when um that cov19 was going down people was you know a lot of families broke up a lot of marriages um you know a lot of divorces went down um you had a lot of in-laws and [ __ ] you know especially those older um people those older Democrats they like ah n n you ain't take the the the Band-Aid you're not coming over to my house for Christmas people was threatening not you know you can't see your grandkids you know you can't come over my house and then there was people that was like oh you took that [ __ ] oh don't come around me cuz they was feeling like it was a you know the ACT you know virus so to speak within the person you know what I'm saying from the from the Band-Aid like oh you rolled up your sleeve ain't no telling what they so a lot of people that trust was um was broken so this is Matthew 12:25 and yahawashi knew their thoughts and said unto them and we say yahawashi because that's the true name of the son um yahawashi not Jesus there's no such thing as Jesus there was no letter J when the Lord walked the Earth if you goog Google when the letter J was um invented it's going to tell you 1524 and it's it's 2024 right now so that was like 500 years ago right so if the Lord walked the earth 15 I mean um 2,000 years ago you know they couldn't have been calling him Jesus and don't let nobody um get you in this mindset of it it doesn't matter what you call the Lord it does matter you better know the real true true um name of of the Lord man and the true name of the father is yahawah which means that he exists with the existing one and again the true name of his son is yahawashi those are the the Hebrew names man the the the the the the the prophets the disciples the the the the Lord yah he spoke Hebrew they spoke Hebrew they were they're Hebrew Israelites there's a book called Hebrews in the Bible what do you think they're Len lineage goes back to they spoke Hebrew so when the angel Gabriel came he gave him a Hebrew name to give him he didn't give him a Greek name or a damn English name or no damn even no English wasn't even around there anyway another lesson but we call him by his name it says and yahawashi knew their thoughts and said unto them every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to Desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand and if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand saying and this is how stupid Esau is Esau is dividing his own house you got a you you you have a few Elite families that are dividing up their own people and obviously they don't believe that you know they just I guess they just want all the power to themselves and just think that they're just going to be able to run the planet with this new world order type [ __ ] man look these people you you you're you're doing nothing but destroying yourself but it's all prophetic anyway but this place is split down the middle and and it's it's real political tensions man people are ready to fight I'm at the um Plantation right now I'm just outside you know what I'm saying and and man it's only a handful of us um Jakes in there you know what I'm saying I got to say man out of the hundreds of people in the building man it it it it may be about 10 of us but these old ass [ __ ] man they're disgruntled they're [ __ ] um um pissed the all broken down and humped over and [ __ ] because they had to come out of retirement to work and these are all Trump supporters too I'm in a city of nothing but Trump supporters pretty much I think this was a Sundown town but this city that I work in and it's it's pretty much about 95 to 90 you know give or take 95 probably about 96 7 97% um so-called white people and they're Trump supporters for real for real you pretty much Roll by every house in this this this city you going to see an American flag up you know and when you see that you know that they these and they be serious about politics so you got one side of so-called white people that believe that Trump is their their their Great White Hope and anybody else that that that don't agree with that they you know they looking at you as an enemy and I you know um I know um the Elder yesterday at New York he was doing a live he was talking about check out that movie um Left Behind um Leave the World Behind check out the movie Civil War you know but I like to um watch you know movies you know um along those lines where you know they got a spiritual uh uh undertone to him so to speak but yeah this place is through man and the NLT it says yahawashi knew their thoughts and reply any Kingdom divided by Civil War is doomed a town or family splintered by feuding will fall apart and and yeah that that's it because what the scripture says can two walk together unless they be a greed I think that's um it's been a real long time on that one all you know what let me see oh it's Amos three and three soak you can two walk together except they be agreed you know if it's that tussling one person pulling this way one person pull pulling that way I think we should go this way I think you should no you you know that's not happening here in the Americas and it's it's a lot of [ __ ] that's that's been going on and happening man that cuz this is not the only um um um they talking about too many of these things man let's go back real quick let's see they may have a few more down here at the bottom it's so many of them I can't even remember them it's like godamn I I you know we be report we've been reporting on them see they have a video on it the um deadly sloth fever uh nasty ass ring worm see here's another one CDC warns cases of highly contagious parvo virus b19 or on the rise what the [ __ ] is that yeah like yeah it actually says what is it yeah what the [ __ ] is it let's check into this one a little bit this is what I'm talking about there so many of these shits man they coming from all angles with this so it's nothing for them to say that you know one of one of the other one you know is is is you know this [ __ ] is [ __ ] man the illness can lead to serious complications for the pregnant people for pre who the [ __ ] come on bro and those with um compromised immune system so basically pregnant women and pretty much older people I guess I don't even well let's see sure they're going to show a commercial if anything y introducing Alexa emergency assist hands [ __ ] Alexa 247 help when you need it most get help fast just ask learning about an old respiratory ailment the CDC says the highly contagious parvo virus b19 is on the rise this after years of decreased infections because people took precautions related to covid-19 parvo virus causes mostly mild symptoms in kids and healthy adults but can lead to serious complications for pregnant people and those with compromised immune system okay pretty much what I just read another one man the CDC let me see it can cause symptoms and Mild symptoms in children healthy adults pregnant people CDC said cases of the virus which is transmitted through respiratory droplets are increased after years of decline due to people taking precautions against okay all right 14 European countries observe unusually high number numbers of cases of per virus b19 Esau in the US there is no routine surveillance for so this is what I'm saying man anyway that's just another one man I don't know what the [ __ ] oh oh I forgot this guy right here Dr fouchy he supposedly got um uh uh damn West Nile disease yep Dr Anthony fouchy recovering after being hosp hospitalized with rare virus yep I for about this uh recovering after being hospitalized with the deadly West Nile Virus see so you got that one out here that's another one [ __ ] is [ __ ] oh I forgot this one in Massachusetts I'm not I think this might be the sloth fever too but yeah I think they had a curfew over there man potential deadly fever used to spread in Massachusetts this was uh the first place I kind of hurt y hold on okay it says each summer Massachusetts residents have to protect themselves from a number of tick and mosquito born illnesses Lyme disease is a big one but there are other illnesses you can catch if bitten by tick or mosquito and this year one that is becoming more common is D fle fever that's another one what is dig dig is a viral infection transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes most people who get de will not have symptoms but for those who do the most common okay anyway another one man trying to see if it's anything else they got in here other than a bunch of [ __ ] all right let's see what this one is super bug that causes rapid death or deletion may be in New York New York State a drug resistant superbug that causes quick um deletion even in healthy people has made its way to the United States Health officials are signed the alarm about hypervent Pilla pneumonia man these [ __ ] people bro the world help see whenever you see this these people The Who The World Health Organization they confirmed the Super Bug has been found in 16 countries including the United States infection caused by hkp or associated with high high morbidity and mortality as well as high path path necessity and limited antibiotic choices the World Health Organization States so they basically telling you with some [ __ ] out here yeah we don't have nothing for it but um and again and again you know I mean like I said we can't speak too much into into a lot of this stuff here we go again with this cuz you know they got the new em emergency hookup for this one COV levels very high in half of the US what are latest symptoms do you have to isolate see now they're also saying that you it's pretty much something that that that that that that won't even [ __ ] with you like that really but they want you to take this emergency Band-Aid so it's been stories all over the place a lot of information has come out you know what I'm saying um as of late that um you know there was some some lies being told so to speak you know they they even had um uh your boy Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook he you know just um pretty much then then spilled the beans on the the B Administration and Comming and whatever whatever suppressing you know and and and pretty much they put the pressure on them to get rid of comments and things of that nature about COV um one 19 on Facebook at the time and that you know everything was going on you know if you was saying anything other than what they were saying n they was getting rid of that [ __ ] but he said he was pressured and so now they're trying to override that he said that he you know he pretty much was um hated that he made the the decision to actually go with what they wanted him to do so now they're going to try and counter that right uh let's see what this one is officials offer critical warning at the US state confirm cases of rare but serious infection spread by animals it is transmitted by uh various rodents so here you go you got some more [ __ ] health officials in Arizona have grown concerns that they seeing an increase in rare virus spread by rodents that can cause serious health issues so that's another one you know I'm not going to go all up into these stories I mean you can look into them yeah I think yeah that's pretty much about it on that but um I mean but hey it's more stuff too though it's more it's more [ __ ] to it it's just some some some things that we're seeing as I'm scrolling through but we're not ignorant of Satan's devices man and also you know let me just end out with this let's go back to Matthew CU yahawashi he did he spoke on um certain things that will be happening in the end days it's a lot of [ __ ] out here man um not to mention HIV Is On The Rise um I just seen an article about um UTI or urinary tract infections on the rise and they talking about I guess just you know whatever man I mean you know but sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise there a lot of [ __ ] going on out here man lot of stuff going on out here Matthew 24:3 and as he sat upon the Mount of Olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the world and yahawashi answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you or don't be misled man for many shall come in my name saying I am yashia or the anointed one and shall and deceive many and ye shall hear wars and rumors of wars this how we know we're in the end man cuz all that's happening you got hey they they bucking over there Israel bucking from both from two different fronts over there man they they bucking with Hezbollah they they they still well I guess they ain't no really no fight coming from Gaza really like that but then again I don't know you you don't really hear about I guess we only hear the side that the is Israel is winning but they they getting their asses kicked overall okay but it says see that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet then you got the Ukraine um Russia just hit Ukraine off with a barrage of of more damn missiles and of course you the US is in in the mix of all of it you know and the in the um the least of the flock shall draw them out because that thing is going on over there in Israel is getting um it's becoming more widespread verse 7 for nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilence and earthquakes in diverse places all these are the beginning of Sorrows and these things are happening so let's go into this word pestilence real quick g361 is um lamos in the um Greek let's see pestilence a pestilent fellow pest or plague um a plague yep let's see here a plague a contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever and delirium okay and they got a lot of similars to it but overall yeah amen it's you know a it says what is plagues called today today we use the word plague to me to mean illness caused by yenia pesus usually we also call it by the specific type of plague it is bubonic septic uh whatever pneumonic um pneumonic anyway but pretty much man he diseases man and you got um some people that's sitting around playing with damn diseases all day and they they they call it the uh your your your cdc's and and the people all over all these governments all over the world are [ __ ] with [ __ ] you know they got labs they all in the labs trying to come up with with new research new this new that we got a new you know they just testing with [ __ ] that they just shouldn't be [ __ ] with man because the Lord made the foods for medicines and here you go he done completely [ __ ] that up you think all these people like and nobody got nothing in they in in their system really to fight off nothing because they're getting no nutrients from what they're eating man of course you're going to be plagued with a lot or susceptible to a lot of [ __ ] if if your diet is McDonald's Burger King Pizza Hut Taco Bell you know what I'm saying and then all these goddamn processed foods then not to mention when you do call yourself eating healthy you [ __ ] around and get a salad and it and it's GMO you know so this place is through man this place is through and it it can't carry on too much more further so we'll see what's going on with the election of course they normally talk about stuff like this um around around the time that the election comes around and again we're not ignorant of Satan's devices this man he'll throw a monkey rench out there boy on your ass so quick you never know Black Swan [ __ ] throw a false flag out there on you so quick boy and you'll know it's some [ __ ] and and he getting so sloppy with it he he he can see that as [ __ ] himself but they don't care cuz it's what can you do about it there nothing you can do you can't fight him you know what I'm saying hey it's going to take the Lord yahwah bahasham yahawashi to take this man down and out of Power Man and he's doing just that and he's start with the breakdown of um um um a lot of these curses are being reversed on them that division of your families that that that that Discord among your people see we clearly just read that uh nation divided cannot stand this place is not going to stand it's to divided man people all over the place man with their thoughts in this place I believe this I believe that I believe this I believe that and they out here marching fighting when you ain't never seen [ __ ] marching about everything you never seen stuff like that man I I don't think I don't recall ever seeing nothing like that 10 years or so ago [ __ ] been marching they marching about everything so we'll see what's going to uh come of this election man but I tell you what [ __ ] on Trump side hate KLA so bad they hate Biden so bad and vice versa so it it's just a a real boiling of a pot man is just ready to just you know food is done you know you whipping out the plates and [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like matter of fact the table is set table is set you know [ __ ] hey hey hey hey this place is hey we B out of here man it's going to get a little rough though but we it's it's got to it has to get rough before it get better you know cuz we're just working towards the reward just pray for um Mercy from yahwah bahash yahawashi man and especially pray for um protection and safety you know from these these plagues but the Lord said you know he's not going to even you know he's not going to um hit us with the uh let me see how's the word hit us with the diseases of Egypt let me see I'm trying to think how it's worded cuz the Lord was hitting Egypt ass off and you know this is um modern day uh Egypt all over again I'm not sure maybe it was Egyptians [Music] not sure exactly how it was worded but um the Lord said um you know he he's not the elect man he's going to he's going to protect the elect from um things like that man you have your trust in yahwah bahasham yaashi you're going to be okay on that end man you know but you got to you know have faith man but pray you know that's one of our number one tools our number one weapons is prayer the Lord actually gave us that power man to you know he actually gave us that that that that privilege so to speak to you know to come directly to the father through the um through his son yahawashi that he's you know he that we're out here doing the work we're doing what we're supposed to do you know speak and he's going to handle the rest I mean it is what it is you're being obedient doing what he said to do he's going to handle the rest man he says that this wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of our times he also said that my servant shall eat my servant shall drink you know my my servant shall have joy shall sing for joy and the rest of these the these people they're going to be Hing for vexation of spirit and we're praying to yah bahash yaashi for that Mercy man but just continue to pray and have faith and that what you're praying for man don't doubt cuz you he said that um a doubtful man basically is like um the wav a wavering of a sea you toss back and forth to and fro you don't want to be one of those people you want to pray to the Lord and know for a fact that what you pray for is going to be um answered especially if it's his will you know so you know just wanted to just touch on this I I seen it and I'm like godamn another another one another one I ain't never heard of no [ __ ] like this before but another one is out here man another one is out here another one bites the dust let's see what again as sloth fever spreads across us what to know about yeah all right anyway too many of them popping up man you even had the um the damn Pope declaring emergency like who the [ __ ] are you so they can come from any angle man they got they come with any angle they choose to come with man oh man okay but anyway I'm at the at the plantation I got to go ahead and rock I got a little something to do here but anyway he hey you know I pray that the point was made I pray that you know you you were edified and that you got some information to kind of pass along man you know what I'm saying cuz the Lord said to watch and pray you know that we got to keep up with stuff like this so I'm going end out there I pray that the lesson was edifying in the B