Earthquakes, Eclipses, and Evil Geniuses (with Kurt Andersen)

Published: Apr 05, 2024 Duration: 01:26:39 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] [Music] [Music] debate me de bate me bate me de bate me Trump trump [Music] Trump trump mega mega say her name say her [Music] [Music] name [Music] [Music] mer dream has [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening welcome to the 58 where we discuss each of the week's five most [ __ ] up topics for8 minutes five topics eight minutes Two Hosts a guest some singing a lot of curse words and as many cocktails as we deem necessary Elby how are you well I'm well look at what I'm having you are having a Manhattan oh my I'm having in Manhattan tonight it's that kind of night I suppose it was the earthquake it was uh did you didn't feel it where you are did you no no no no no okay no but we'll talk about it later but that was a big one I guess so I guess so yeah who felt it all the way where you are I'm tell that's that's big it it it was it was my poor mother I mean is in New Jersey and close to the so little knickknacks fell off the shelves in her house which is like you know like in a movie or like you know in LA scared for her I know she was very scared but she's okay okay she's okay nothing nothing happened other than that the knickknacks did not break they fell but they did not break Divine Providence um so now uh first of all how how was your week off we had a week off we had a week away we had a week off we had the holiday and I I had a lovely time I I mean you know I'm just running around doing my thing up here trying to figure out how to keep it all together but um I thought it was it was nice we had a blizzard that started on Thursday so Wednesday night Thursday yeah it snowed here too still snowing um which is lovely so you know I might go skiing um okay good please be careful every time somebody says I'm going skiing I just Envision them getting hurt that's just well I did break my leg years ago skiing right so see bad break but that's that's what I'm saying I don't like to do danger um so to to start off we don't want to spend too much time up front right but I did I have some jokes that I wrote oh let me hear your jokes I felt like it okay these are not good these are not good jokes okay so uh earthquake Eclipse hail storm dual emergence of the cicada Broods I don't know if you heard about that um margorie Taylor green tweeted and said that uh these are strong signs from God telling Americans to repent um and she then added we should do that in the time honored way that she repents by shacking up with your T tantric sex guru oh yeah in the locker room yeah yeah swe that's how you repent that's how you know all faith in the Lord and then now you mentioned the eclipse the eclipse is coming and the where you can see where the moon completely covers the sun they call that the totality totality is what it's called I like that word totality the Maga like this because they like the totality because they think that Moon that means the sun and the moon are fascists that's it and get it totalit yeah it's not good I told you these are not good they're not good jokes they're not good jokes um hey can you practice law in the state of California I don't know I don't think no you cannot and I cannot practice law in the state of California you know who else cannot practice law in the state of California John Eastman John Eastman oh yeah yep discard we have to drink to it every time yep yeah he can't practice law it's too bad if he practiced better he might suck less at it that's it those are my jokes thank you for playing uh great now we get to talk about depressing horrible things okay let's go right into the depressing horror let's go into the horror that we're all living through here I got eight minutes on the timer what's our first topic Greg go our first topic is alas it's BB the butcher I mean we have to talk about him this week because the he I feel like there's red line after red line with this guy but this week is a new just a new low I mean I can't um you have he he you know the Stray IDF missile kills these uh you know the world Central kitchen workers the aid workers who are trying to feed the starving people of Gaza yeah and and you know there's like some apology or whatever and I you know I know look it's the fog of War things happen what I know is that like in 1998 the Russ who you know completely disorganized at the time using technology we gave them killed the leader of the chin uh Uprising by hurling a missile at him based on his cell phone data that you know we gave him this technology that was 25 years ago but they screwed up this badly really I mean it seems weird to me yeah there's a lot of just oh God we just didn't know right there's a lot of I I just don't buy it you can you can we saw in shock and awe I we saw way back in early 90s like we have seen the satellite technology you can identify here the missiles going it went right through the logo on the top of the car that's not a mistake and with to have Chef Jose come out and say this was a targeted attack he knows what he's talking about you have the to get to go into a conflict Zone with any kind of Aid um and be a recognized organization that is allowed to come in there there's communication there's like it's it's very well planned it's we're going here do we have it cleared you're waiting for them to tell you where to go and and how to get there it's and then you can see the logo and then what Israel doesn't have advanced technology they don't have the latest technology I thought that was the whole thing is that not only had it they helped develop a lot of it what are we talking about here it's not you know and we've gone beyond and we you know I feel like we always have to have the caveat that when we're talking about this we're talking about BB who's the person doing the war yeah well the idea of operating what's happening now is not something that the Israeli people seem to like very much based on the protests and polling and you know reading the papers there and everything else and the people here don't seem to like it very much what were you gon to say about lavender like the um yeah well that would that's another that's another thing I read apparently now we've talked about AI on the show and I wore my Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep because we're future oriented on this show yeah uh especially in this episode as we will see um but they are using apparently I forget which out I think it was the guardian reported this I think I can't remember forgive me if I get it wrong there's apparently an AI program that's figuring out where to drop the bombs based on algorithms that you know Hamas is going to be more there than somewhere else and you know they've denied it whatever but it's it's a thing that's there the program is called lavender and when I saw this I literally I did not I I thought it was satire I thought it was one of these bad satires where I had to go hunt out the article and a step no this is a real article and look we've bashed AI on the show a lot um and we've heard about the good stuff from when Tom Kemp was here we talked about the you know the the good applications of it uh when we said that all the Sci-Fi that we've ever invented when you know the computers are going into the brains of man and how that's awful and we figured this out already what we don't want the [ __ ] computers to do is determine who lives and dies that's that's I mean we've jumped so far to the end of the sci-fi movie here yeah that it's nightmare apart from the but the other thing and uh this is more serious okay I I can't remember the name of the guy that wrote this it was a some psychiat I think in the in the late 19th century uh this this idea that the farther removed you are from violence and from killing the easier it is psychologically to kill right so if you if you strangle somebody to death that is an intensely physical act that you're using your hands to do it takes like minutes to do it and you feel it in your body and it's harder psychologically to recover from something like that if you shoot somebody with a sniper rifle you barely see them that's it if you bomb somebody from an air uh that using satellites sitting behind it I mean it removes we remove the guilt associated with killing yeah this AI business is as it's as far removed as it gets they could just be like oh computer said yeah it'll alleviates any kind of moral responsibility on the part of the people using the technology and that's to me really the the the danger of it because they can just blame now bad algorithms you know it's like when no no different than when I went shopping for a toilet on Amazon and then I got toilet ads for the next week you know it's a little bit of an echo of we were just following orders yes yeah but I do think we need to come back around to that what for me and I'm glad you pointed out as we continue to point out that you know uh this is a BB Netanyahu issue and I can't imagine anyone worse for Israel than BB Netanyahu yeah um you know Israel is more than just one corrupt man right isn't that the whole point of Israel is it's more than just one strong man yeah you know a corrupt strong man who's using this war to stay in power and cling to power and committing atrocities so that he can stay in power as one man so I just can't wrap my mind around the coverage where that isn't what is pointed out and the irony is so thick in this um that it's it's which choking on it uh so I just I just think that's the most important message to continue to put out is that Israel is more than just one man and at the point where people are so confused and they've collapsed this one man this corrupt leader this strong man committing atrocities now in his for his own selfish goals of staying in power so he doesn't have to face the consequences of his criminality and he used corruption and every trick in the book to reattain that power to avoid Justice and he's using a now I'm going to call it a genocide he's using this he's starving people to death and bombing Aid workers to cling to power and trotting out spokespeople to talk about hostages that and and this is the reason because we have to get rid of these people because they're so awful that all of them should be considered terrorists we all I heard that this week right on the cable news right from spokes Ambassador so you know it's more Resonance of that truism of you become what you fear you become what you hate you know throw off the strong man a strongman has a genocidal Maniac strongman psychopath has absolutely no place at the top of Israel running Israel and making everyone believe that he that he is Israel that if you criticize him you're criticizing Israel that to call him out is somehow anti itic globally you know for the whole diaspora you can't call this man out that notion of he's somehow perfect and unassailable and if you criticize him or call for his removal you're calling for the end of Israel is actually what's going to bring the end of Israel this man is the threat he is the existential threat to the surviv rival is Israel and I know the alarm went off I just want everyone to the next exercise thought exercise for me in this is okay he and Jared get what they want because Jared has stated hey that's really valuable real estate Gaza we'd love to develop that I'm sure Jared has plans I can't imagine he doesn't have development plans I'm sure they exist I would love for someone to leak those but if the whole thing is we just you know or a big part of the thing is we need to just get these the humanity is in the way of our real estate development and our greed and we just want this we just want to get we want our thing our goodie that is uh you know all the riches and to have this land and to be able to fully develop it I just want that it doesn't seem to be that there's an intellect there that has any depth on the behalf of BB Netanyahu or and Jerry Krishner which we already know how dumb he is of okay you want to just get it this way this is how you're going to get it do you how is that gonna work out after and no one wants to think about that and go there let's say he succeeds BB succeeds and he wipes out all the Palestinians and he has Gaza and Jered gets to start building his real estate how is the world going to respond to that you think the UN isn't going to respond to that we're we're out right you know if if Joe's in office we're out if you know maybe Donald gets in there and we're in with this whole new world order and let's just be this way who are he can't afford BB cannot Israel is very wealthy he's not going to be able to afford to reconstruct and build and do all that so who's coming in with the money to do this people need to go there ask these questions China Russia are they coming in helping and they're now taking you think they're going to let Israel continue how does Israel continue in the scenario where winning the war means wiping out all of Palestine and all Palestinians how how is it that Israel exists after that where's the scenario in which it continues to exist it there is there isn't one there isn't one maybe some puppetry you think China's going to let Israel could come on so I think it is required of all of us to go ahead and go there in our minds so that we can turn and say w this is what he is doing is is the existential threat to the Future existence of is Israel and in fact when you look at it that way Gaza the two a possible two State and certainly the Palestinians have been they've been the buffer yeah yep they've been the buffer for Israel Israel has been able to exist because of them you can look at it that way it's time we start thinking like this I want to say one thing about the hostages and then maybe um yeah which when they took the hostages the primary motive should have been getting the hostages back has not been getting the hostages back and I watched video of the uh the wife of one of the hostages at a protest in Israel saying ceasefire get the hostages out being roughed up by the IDM so that's that's not a great look guys you know it's just it's Tri has Nan Yahoo even met with the hostage families yet I don't know I don't calls himself a leader our our president met with them I think I think we should pivot and move the other thing we were going to talk about with uh with the wall of stars business to after okay count this as two should we do that sure we don't want we don't want to keep our guests waiting I don't want keep our guests waiting we want to we want to bring him on on time um the only other thing I have to add then is that Biden needs to move on this now I think the line has been crossed you can you can see it kind of coming in the news coverage now Jill Biden is in the news Dr Jill talking about oh no I don't want this so you can see there's this kind of they're starting to suggest it which means behind the scenes they're probably talking about it a lot and I Joe's got to do something here and and call this out because it's gonna cost him votes if he doesn't um it's also the right thing to do to stop giving these people um you know the IDF weapons can't stop We Can't Stop keep funding this it's just the blank check ends has to end well I think and and the president our president would have to have had several conversations before doing something like that so at least those we know those conversations have happened look you keep this we're not going to be there for you and you know all we can hope is that Joe's not like BB that Joe is going to be able to say look this might hurt me and it might hurt my chances for reelection but that's not why I do or don't do something of this importance we don't allow a Mass Slaughter and a genocide and are to be to have the Americans financially backing that because he's trying to cling and hold on to power yeah that's what B's doing BB might as well be wearing a Maga Hat by the way so [ __ ] that guy yeah yeah um okay uh I'm gonna take the banner down I I let the timer keep ticking though by the way oh whatever we're we're good now now we're back on schedule because okay good we're on schedule so uh yeah this is this is kind of an oldie but goody this is a remix oh yeah animation a little bit of a remix a little bit remix bit of remix just for I think our guests will enjoy this okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good Jen Jen she's the co [Applause] [Music] [Applause] plan Clarence loves her but we cannot stand [Applause] [Music] her samito will do whatever she [Music] says she wears corruption proudly like first from her [Applause] mess she's with Leo dark M and when it comes to scers J Thomas on 6 of n jny Thomas on 6 of nine Thomas of N J Thomas Amy Sammy Neil and John a boom boom Barry side Works rhyme s it's the slant rhyme I don't like slant Rhymes but in this case I make an exception I make an exception um our guest tonight wait I got to turn the comments go back to the comments okay there we go uh our guest tonight uh has been on the show before we're pleased to say he's a co-founder of spy magazine the author of fantasy land and Evil Geniuses two amazing books that anybody uh watching if you haven't read them go buy them and read them please at once he also has a new series with um some unknown director named Steven Soderberg called uh command Z which is streaming for free now uh Kurt Anderson Kurt Anderson welcome back how are you I'm well I'm well and I and I of course appreciate any jeny Thomas content that comes my way as her as her you know as her former neighbor I I I've I've I've always been yes I I Can't Get Enough um although does she really control anybody but Clarence and and I guess Sam by extension I don't know maybe I think she controls Ro uh Roberts too and the other three I mean what is Kavanagh gonna yeah I don't I'm just saying I mean let's let's not overstate her power of evil but you know I'm just trying to stir up The Hornet's Nest Kurt and you needed to rhyme and you needed you needed to fill up the now you understand okay before we get into the bad stuff tell us about this command Z project that you guys have this show uh it is a show that uh Stephen and I started talking about actually uh he he uh got in touch with me I've known him a little bit for a long time he got in touch with me after Evil Genius when Evil Genius came out very enthusiastically about the book and said what can we do what should we do and and so we just started talking for a long time about what we ought to do had various ideas and thoughts about what meaning how can he Stephen Soderberg in using his immense skills uh do something about with inspired by it we we landed on in in our effort to reach the youth and anyway and Reach people in a way that wasn't dactic and scaly uh uh to to do what we ended up doing is eight short episodes of a series that tell a story they they range from I don't know 10 to minutes to 15 or 20 minutes a piece and uh uh about set both in the future and a little bit in the present day about people 30 years in the future saying hey back then 2023 2024 is is the time when we could have all fixed it and so let's fix it and that's that's the premise and it's time travel and it's funny I think and tries to be is I believe and stars Michael Sarah and Le of shriber and other stars too numerous to mention can't wait I'm I'm watching it good I'm watching I'm watching I'm watching it right now take care all right bye uh yeah no it was it was super fun and very proud of it and uh it was you know this kooky wonderful one-of a kind soda bergian thing nice yeah I love Soderberg he's great he can do the high you know the kind of the the the quirky stuff and also the you know the oceans things you can do it all it's good it's good stuff well you know many directors say one for them and one for me he's like one for them and 10 for me you know yeah yeah um so uh you survived the earthquake you're okay both the earthquake and the Aftershock Greg okay good yeah tell us about the Aftershock so well I I I I was so I mean it wasn't slight although I was 50 miles further away uh where I am now when it happened so it was lighter here in Connecticut where I am uh but yeah it was it was like a you know four 4.0 I guess instead of 4.7 right and uh around the same you know epicenter yeah and nothing fell and you didn't you you didn't experience any kind of any I didn't even know there was an Aftershock until you mentioned it before so I mean we you at Cali I'm like yeah you know but I don't I've never heard of New York having an earthquake well of course you haven't because it really hasn't of any significance uh no and and it's funny like wow this is crazy what can it be it's an earthquake in New York no that doesn't happen and then it and then because whatever it didn't do any serious Dam it didn't do any damage really and and I liked in in a certain way because we're all New Yorkers it's like by the end of the day it's like yeah been there that's the fun it wasn't no big deal there Blas by by yeah that's good that's how it goes that's how an earthquake goes when you have real damage then it's like then everybody in New York about it for to the of course but even to me even having having never having apparently been present for one once in Italy but never didn't feel that either didn't feel that this is the first one I've ever felt and it does when when you feel this thing like significantly in New York City this morning or even up here in Connecticut 50 miles 100 away you it really does like whoa this is I mean Earth man you don't control it you know and uh it was it was extraordinary but yeah so so we could sort of we can be joking about it immediately effectively I I you know I I said something on on the social medias about you know oh you know earthquake today uh you know eclipse on Monday and Donald Trump running for president the Antichrist you know that that you know it is like a series of uh scenes from Armageddon but that is to say the biblical Armageddon not the the movie yeah the Revelation you now but you going with Armageddon you're you're kind of like Kurt of Patmos because you you were you prophesied these things well I I I I I didn't Pro well what the the thing that made immediately because the world was about me and I'm the main character uh that struck me is that I'm working on this piece of fiction that uh in which I don't want to give too much away but like there's an earthquake in it in an unexpected place not not anywhere around the tri-state area but like there's an earthquake in a unexpected place and it's a non- insignificant thing in this book and and I've been so I've been thinking about this for a year and like researching it like what uh you know I'm I'm I got to stop having these fictional thoughts because they come true so there was that but then yeah I uh I I I was reminded by some people earlier today when this thing this earthquake happened that uh in in New York a cover of New York Magazine when I was editing it some decades ago uh was about earthquake in New York not only can it happen it will so timing of course we didn't say it would happen immediately but so 29 years later it happened uh so yes uh I I'm going to start a cult and and and tell tell them share my my gifts with the world make earthquakes great again I think we should I think we should dress you do you have some your style is too fresh and uh grounded for cult so we've got to shift we've got to shift you a little bit we got I know I need some I need some cult training some version of media training that's about we're gonna get you some Colt cashmere we'll figure it out fig yeah yeah and you need a very special I I I'll take you as as one of my my my cruel uh you know coo that runs it for me there we go wait all right so what so we were talking about B um we want to hear your thoughts on that but I think also guys can we just dive into Trump a little bit and this sort of um I know you've been keeping track of the court cases a bit Curt uh and you've looked at you know you know a little bit about e Canon and what's going on there in that court case so what are your thoughts on I guess my big question for you is is he gonna get away with everything well everything no I if I had posed in that binary I would say no he's not gonna get away with everything um he will have some legal judicial accountability I believe and pay a price um which one when what'll happen I mean certainly as we all know or as we all suspect and know with a certainty approaching 100% if he's elected president um the federal cases uh the Jack Smith cases will go away the the classified documents case and the uh you know election overthrow case because unless he suddenly shows a great amount of character and in he will as soon as he becomes president uh If he if he becomes president uh at whatever stage those cases are even if he's let's say which is possible been convicted in the in the in the you know Washington one in the in the election overthrow one uh let's say he's been convicted he can and uh and then of course he appeals well he as running his justice department entirely in his STW and power corrupted justice department he said no we're not we're not appealing we're not you know we're standing down we're we're and and and I understand from all the lawyers I talked to is yep he could do that he could just stop it which so will he get away excuse me will he get away with the the federal cases if he's if he's if he's if he's elected president sound seems like it uh Georgia you know who knows that will be adjudicated in 2028 or something uh but maybe I mean that could still do it and of course they've got that big Central piece of telephone call just find me 11,780 vote thing that we all know about and and this this not insignificant but like low on the totem pole criminal trial that is gonna apparently start a week from Monday um you know I I we'll see it's a jury and they'll decide but like I think the odds are good that it'll happen and he'll be convicted and you know I mean he you know whatever the punishment is is the punishment now he will appeal that blah blah blah but crucially as everyone probably watching this program knows he can't stop it you know he cannot except by normal legal procedures within the New York court system so you know that's that's obviously the the best shot for one with which he he he uh won't get away and uh will will you know happen sooner rather than later and and even though people say oh it's not as important as dick it's not about the election it's not about classified documents okay sure whatever yes but just in a purely political way you know and I don't know how much I I think you know these these cases and these if they come to trial can all have a political effect at the margins and as we all know all too well this this election and presidential elections generally these days are all of the margins uh could have could have an effect I think so I think putting for for from April 15 to whatever June whatever uh on display every day with him present the details of of uh how he attempted to you know I mean obtain the office of the presidency yeah exact is important the crime and lie to people and all that I think you know that could have an effect I mean because we all think oh we follow everything to fairly well and know everything oh you know you how can people not know everything that he did well they don't because they don't pay as much attention as nerds and freaks like we do so uh I I think this you know day after after day after day of trial testimony his testimony which will probably do him no good as you know uh will will will not serve him I mean it will serve him in his you know his his the 30% of Americans or whatever it is who love him will love him all the more but you know that that swingable 10% or and the and the I don't know I probably vote for B but I don't know I mean I I think it will have some political effect is what I think so that's my little tiny glimmer of Quasi hope about okay his uh legal uh disposition I like it because you are the prophet you're the Cil of well and sometimes my prophecies are boring like this one but yes the other thing is they're taking his money Tish James is not gonna not take his money she's now she's now going after the the bond person because she's like what's this Russian porno guy or whatever that's paying for this that that's not that's not gonna happen no I she's coming after him no I think I mean and and I think it seems to me doubtful that either the Jean Carroll or the is James uh uh verdicts or even amounts will be significantly overturned I mean the the 450 million I don't care it may be reduced or whatever but but no I mean it's not sending him to prison or it's not whatever you want it's not saying yes he he did an Insurrection tried to overthrow America but you know hitting him where it hurts for him that's where it hurts is is the money you know and and the co the what what spawns up from that is if you were really a billionaire if you're so rich why can't you pay this why isn't this just a blip that you pay off and you go like very very wealthy people when they're sued for something or they have some kind of issue they cut a deal they pay the money and they move on because it's it's nothing to them it's not worth the time this guy fights because he has no he's he he got no he's strapped right and he's owned he's owned so and then he's uh trotten around with okay let's get into this you want to get into the the Shadows State Department that's running around wait we ask we we have to ask Kurt about if he has any thoughts about Gaza uh oh AI whatever you want to talk about we were talking is right or wrong that's what I say no that's not that's a joke of sorts uh uh uh uh no I mean everything is almost everything you said you guys said I agree with and uh you know it's it's atrocious and uh and and and I'm just I find it among other among many of my reactions just as an American as a supporter of this president for re-election I mean you know apart from the political effect because he's obviously to me it seems like you know if he were purely a political character Biden that is he he would be like uh like cutting off uh yeah funding to Israel right now so it's not he's not doing for better or worse and I think worse in this case uh what he's doing because you know he for for for political reasons um but but uh yeah I think it's uh it's it's amazing to me that this country as every as people have said I'm going to say nothing new but has has has has depended on us for you know in so many ways 75 years for funding and support and diplomatic support you know for which the United States hasn't been we paid a price in many ways for for that support so and good I you know I'm a I was I am a lover of it Israel I was a I've always been a supporter of Israel now starting around when they ended the peace process or any semblance with peace process after the last offer to the Palestinians in 2008 I I I I've said something to myself and my friends similarly to what you were saying Stephanie which is like they're they're they're they're they're headed toward the cliff they're they're going toward their own ruination this is this cannot be sustained which is to say allowing thousands and thousands and thousands of settlers in the West Bank most especially which of course you know we said oh no this is illegal this is illegal we can't allow this to happening but it just kept Ong going and they've gone from whatever they've gone from you know a couple 300,000 15 years ago to 800,000 now check the numbers but they're in that vicinity and and and thus in this other facts on the ground way making anything like a a lasting sustainable peace involving a two-state solution imp possible so uh you know it's uh yeah it's it's it seems to me there not just as you said but but what I think is that they are putting themselves in a position where you know if this goes on if and and yeah Netanyahu may go next week next month end of the year whatever and his regime or his administration but you know if I mean and he's he's terrible and and this regime this government is uniquely terrible but he has been elected they have been elected you know we can't pretend as though you know he and they are leading a a a a country that doesn't hasn't wanted them you know now the country makes say we've had enough of this let's now it's time to make it finally make a deal because we can't put up with this any alternative to some kind of Palestinian Independence is unsustainable but you know just drawing the line from today it looks like no they they've decided they're they're going to be like you know uh we're we're going to be a pariah we're going to be South Africa we are going to live up to the apartheid caricature that we despise and hate and don't want and and and you know I mean again as whatever they end up denaturing denuding not destroying but whatever making Hamas not a viable military threat fine but but but they are not going to destroy all the Palestinians they're not going to kill all the Palestinians in in Gaza and certainly not the West Bank there are still going to be whatever there are five million of them living around and among them so you know Hamas may be destroyed but you know Hamas by another name is is is is being born by as a result as result of what they're doing now so like this can't go on except in a way that is unacceptable to the rest of the you know civilized World well that's the problem with the parliamentary system you know I I think that most of the people in the streets in in in Israel don't want the guy but because of the Parliamentary the weirdness of the way that it works here in the United States we just pick somebody and we stick with him for four years come H hell high water even if he's awful and then we we vote him out and he's gone well they don't want they don't want the guy but you know I I I I it's it makes it more tragic and sad to me but but what do they want I mean do they do they want a a a a a significantly different policy do they just need a leader a decent good leader Benny gance will take them to the to the to the to a to a sustainable future maybe but like I worry that like yeah getting rid of this horrible person you know you know not unlike us keeping Trump from becoming president again okay good I I know in our case like Trump is uniquely terrible and if you just had normal shitty you know Republicans we disagree with uh running the party and occasionally running the government well we can live with that because we always have and that's we can survive it yeah yeah but like I mean is is so is Netanyahu that or or or because United States obviously is you know a complete apple and orange to Israel do have have they given their history and the unhappy history of them and the Palestinians reached a point where the the people of Israel can't or two whatever locked into their too many of them are locked into their their understanding of of Palestinians as their enemies and and again as a friend of mine said or somebody I know I wouldn't call him a friend who I uh shortly after October 7th and I I completely understood like and he's a liberal you know Israeli uh you know it was yeah of course we knew a lot of Palestinians Arabs hate us you know yeah that's you know it's the nature of the thing here but like having a bunch of them come into our homes and kill us that you know you can't underestimate the the shock of that and I get that now of course as everybody said immediately but don't take the wrong conclusions and don't do this like we did on 911 and like obviously you know don't do what the terrorists want here we are here we are yeah yeah I mean it it is so and and and the fact that there there is 911 in everyone shared history and we now know that was a we went and waged War when what the Act was it was just hard to conceive this was was a band of thugs of this terrorist Barbarian thugs connected into a criminal Network and instead of doing what one would do in you know Injustice at works when you're going after a a Syndicate of of thugs right right we approached it as a nation state you know who have no real nation state we approached it in that way of like this is how we're going to resolve it we're going to go into Warfare like Nations do against one another and this is the same thing it that's the other part of this so with phebe and with the IDF and with with his administration with this everyone that's in leadership and make calling these shots it's it's it is that test of like you have to look at the philosophy underpinning what they're doing because the only thing that if you're standing in their shoes to understand not being them but to understand their motives and and their actions and what they're doing if it is all Palestinians are educating they educate their children to become Hamas and to hate Jews and we have to stop that and that's what we're fighting and that's what we're stopping and you can constantly I'm listening to their spokespeople constantly come back and BB spokespeople constantly come back and refer to how children are raised and radicalized to become ter all Palestinian children that that's the that's the language of side that's the language of it because that's the the Phil philosophy behind it the behind it is we've got to get rid of all them because they're always going to try to come and kill us I mean again that I mean there are people in his administration who are speak speak in genocidal fashion I agree now of course again if you know there were 30,000 if 11 there had been 30,000 alaedin living in say Mexico On the Border you know it would have been a different situation you know and and and and and and you know it we wouldn't have attacked you know uh as we did in I mean some somebody who had nothing to do with it as in the case of effectively in after 911 so it is a different I mean it's not the same and and so I mean I I I didn't have an idea with some milit in fact I I think of course they had some military uh response and but like when it extends to this they're all terrible they all there's no stopping it and blah blah blah yeah that's that's the dangerous slippery slope and and and you just make more of them that hate you uh you know understandably the more of them and their parents and their brothers and sisters that you you kill um so uh yeah it's it's it's a problem yeah I and moreover I mean anybody can do whatever they want you know people can countries can be as bad as they want okay that's always have been will be and the question of course is but do we have to what and at what point does our support for anything they want to do end because you know I mean uh no other country we give money to has that sort of blank check if any other country were doing anything remotely like what they're doing you know would be game over yeah that that's a good point and that's a good way to end this part of the discussion which is that uh yeah it's a very special relationship it's Unique we we we we'll pressure Great Britain if they're not doing something we want but uh and it looks like Biden and blink are going there and I'm very curious to see how this is going to shake out from from the White House from Washington standpoint because the one thing we can we can say for sure about Biden is that he'll do whatever he thinks is the best thing to do he's not I don't think he's as you said before Kurt I don't think he's worried about the election much just like when he pulled out of Afghanistan he's just he's a custodian of the country and he wants to what best and I think he takes that seriously and I'm very curious to see how he's going to uh decide what to do because he's not I don't think he likes the idea of BB killing all these people I I just I know that he doesn't no and the thing that they and people in Israel I mean I read heret regularly have since the October 7th and you know it's not as though I mean you know there is still this sensible liberal on Netanyahu uh you know part big chunk of the discourse in Israel so it's not just like oh we against Israel Democrats and liberals against Israel um but yeah it's it's but what people been they and and everywhere have been saying since the beginning it's like okay okay we get it however long this takes month two months three month whatever is a reasonable amount of time to try to you know degrade Hamas sufficiently that they've learned their lesson and they can't kill you tomorrow but like what then what's the day after and and everything Netanyahu and his administration have said since like no two-state solution nope no PE Palestinian Authority nope we're gonna run the place well like then what and when and like I don't think so yeah yeah I don't think they've thought it through that that much which is a problem it's it's shocking because how can you not but there you go and again like how you know I I yeah we'll see what what Biden uh we what what Biden does but um you know and it's you know it's as much as you can't not care about the political ramifications and consequences um you know you can't help but think about them even though I I believe he is as political as a person he is and this is all he's ever known is is in his Earnest oldfashioned way that people make fun of and think is old and whatever it's real and and and he's as you say he's doing what he thinks is the correct thing for you know Humanity America whatever all right it's a lot it's a lot we did a lot there I know okay so we can stop talking about BB yes please do and we can start talking about someone because it's not very funny talking about Israel no where are the jokes so now we're gonna talk about somebody slightly less awful which is Donald Trump and uh we didn't even talk about I I we didn't even talk about the [ __ ] stock right the DJ yeah I I I don't even like it just just when you stop and pause and think about what's happened Devin Nunes who was the you know the ranking member of the House intelligence committee which means he knows more [ __ ] than almost anyone on Earth is like ah [ __ ] this I'm going to go work for Trump at running truth social I mean who the [ __ ] would do that I mean I get that he's dumb but that's weird and now truth social has done this thing which I forget the the term of it but they've they've merged with a with a company that's already what is it called piggybacking or something Speck it's a spec spec okay which means you they set up a a shell company with billions of dollars or as many dollars as you want and and then figure out what to make it by acquiring an existing company you know it's not always a grift but there's a grifty aspect to it um and certainly in this case it's nothing but and and and so here you have this company that you know is is really just a Donald Trump campaign organ and has you know uh probably has less Revenue than the three of us the pittance that three and us like make um practically and and uh you know and yet being valued by the the public markets at four six eight billion dollars depending on the day it's it's it is insane and of course as everyone knows it will crash there's just it will crash it's not worth I don't know if it's worth 10 million 50 million on a on a crazy day but not a billion and not multiple billion so it will crash in the question is when and and again it's a thing I'm looking forward to I mean of course I'm looking forward to it but it's the thing in in terms of when it happens how long this this craziest tulip bu bubble of all can can be maintain because I don't think through November 5th and therefore when it crashes you think it it's gonna it's gonna fall apart before you don't think they can keep it's gonna fall apart before Memorial Day come on because there aren't enough people with enough money to keep to keep it up I mean they are they're manipulating the number of shares so that the people who want a short sell I.E who know it's going to drop and are trying to bet make Financial bets on the fact of when that happens they have so few shares out in publicly available that it's harder to do shorts which is a way to keep it from happening and to keep it inflated long enough maybe for whatever to happen maybe Trump to get some money out which he can't do yet but anyway it will happen I believe I think the odds are high that it will happen sooner rather than later what happens then he looks like the con man he he is revealed in a in a more public and current way than ever during this election campaign that he's a con man it was a con of course it's not worth anything now it's worth a dollar and a half or whatever the shares will be worth and and all these nuts who invested in this stock because it's Donald Trump man will be you know holding the bag it'll be the best part is it'll be great and I think that again that's the best part could have a political impact I I actually a little bit I I wonder how many he'll be a little cry victim oh they take my Scott they blah blah blah blah blah they they they they they they they they oh yeah yeah the Deep State deep State destroyed anybody who put their money in and then is left with nothing that that does change people it does yes it's like what the [ __ ] man you [ __ ] with my money yes I I hope a whole bunch of them I don't know if they just bought $20 worth and oh well it's like a lottery ticket to them maybe um but anyone who put in a little bit more skin in the game there I think you know he's lost them forever I don't know Donal imagine yeah it's a good question is like how how how large are the sums that people are GNA lose but it's hard to imagine that anyone other than a trumpus uh bought that stock I mean no no sane person would yeah unless it was a launder you know like a lot of things and people no that that's of course as they've said is this is this is a this is a new way for whomever Saudi Arabia you know whatever anybody with tons of money to like funnel money to him like oh I'm gonna buy I like this stock I'm gonna buy spend a hundred million on it stock goes up and his his paper value goes up so it's it's a way in the short and or even medium term to like bribe him fun on money to him you know yeah yeah like you said no sane person would would do it replace the word sane with the word non-russian and I think we're add it honest or Saye I would say yes okay I will put this back up okay here we go all right we're now we're on to antip I called it antip this section yeah the what I don't know anti-pe is like okay when there was the Schism there was the Pope in Rome and then there was another guy who was like you know what I'm I'm the pope and he and he went to Aon and hung out there and there were two popes there was the real Pope and the anti-pe and they were like you know kind of at odds about who is the real Pope and um the one in Rome by the way is always the real Pope but uh so Trump has established himself now as kind of this anti-president if you will uh operating out of maral Lago and it's interesting to me because uh reviewing as I have been the events of 2016 when in 2018 I wrote a book about all of the you know connections he had with Russia and what a big Scandal that was or we tried to make it into because it should have been a big Scandal that he's meeting with all of these Putin representatives and presidential candidates aren't supposed to do that and this and that now he's running for president right he's got Rick grenell uh probably the the the least qualified of any of these people that's ever held a cabinet position running around who he called Trump called quote my Envoy which is a political term going around hither and Yan meeting with these people uh Orban a a leader an actual leader of a country comes to Mara Lago to visit Trump does not go to Washington I think he put on shorts I think not only did he come to to Mara Lago I think he actually wore shorts this and then you had these two corpulent men their bellies out over there yeah it was just it it was quite something to see by the way orbon really has gained a lot of white and looks a lot worse in the last 10 years h no one said this but I'm just saying it okay I agree I he's not even that old he's like 60 he he has not discovered o zic and someone needs to help him out well you know yeah is the thing about him by the way is he's a Richard Gren former Richard greno uh you know political Consulting client yeah um okay can I brag for one second I want I I I wanted you to see this Kirk because I'm very proud of this this is one of my proudest Twitter moments uh I'm just gonna show this here okay we've got this is a tweet that I did he had a he had a tweet out something and he had sunglasses on and this is when I was doing my Traders or easy to spot thing so I I quote tweeted him and I said this the Traders a spot and he said to me this is when he was the dcni or whatever it is yeah whatever the [ __ ] was yeah I let's debate without calling people Traders or Russian operatives and you'll notice I did not call him a Russian operator no I did not and uh so this is it you only called him a Trader yeah the trador SE a spot this one I got a Russian operative I'm like oh interesting that's kind of a tell thought he was sexy and cool in that like a helicopter and looking cool like I'm I'm out you know I'm hats off you should be proud of that yeah yeah I that that was my proudest TW well blocked by Wikileaks was good too but that was that was a good one that was a good one yeah no he I mean and really it can't be uh overemphasized how unqualified he is to be apparently a a a top Contender for Secretary of State I mean he was a publicist uh okay in the state department 15 20 years ago okay but he was that's what he was and uh you know he has no no skill and and by the way I mean not that where you went to college is everything this guy however went to a a little College I think called Evangel College um that is a Pentecostal college now again whatever Faith you want is fine but like I don't know look up Pentecostal it's it's the nuttiest set of of Christian denomination I'm glad I didn't have water in my mouth I would have that out is is is it's and so you know uh and maybe he got a great education I'm not saying that no come on stop it anyway he's he's a and he comes across as given how unqualified he is and and that and everything else he comes across as relatively sophisticated uh and and CA htin because he is gay so he must be smart and and sophisticated um but like no it's amazing and the idea that he he I mean I'd rather have Jared be Secretary of State than Richard grah I really literally would it's so bad and it is it's leads into our next topic but I just have to also say how is this legal that's my point you're out isn't [ __ ] policy with foreign leaders having an Envoy and and nothing is going to happen I know Google George Logan okay it ain't [ __ ] legal it hasn't been legal since since the 1700s yeah you're talking we're talking the Logan act now yes yes Logan was there you know negotiating you know this is a long time ago I was just reading this in the yeah anyway that's what that's what if if if Nixon Nixon could have been prevented from becoming president or not prevented from becoming president but prosecuted under the logo an act in his first term would have saved us all a lot of trouble would have saved a lot hey he passed a lot of really liberal legislation for reasons I've written about that at length he's I was going to say for reasons that are expertly covered in Evil Geniuses he he's the most liberal president and tell Joe Biden of the last 50 years I mean that's true in you know he yeah it's crazy oh my God we've descended into fantasy land okay did we did we ring the bell yet are we into the next thing oh I forgot yes we're there okay forgot okay so now is the time for announcements that we do announcements so yeah let's do some announcements okay so Kurt where can we find the the command Z you you gave me the URL where where can people it is at commandz a a the streaming subsidiary of uh Steven Soderberg Incorporated if there were such a thing and uh that's where you can find it and it's and it used to cost money and now it's free yay okay um does command Z have any it doesn't have do with control Z because that would Ras no well it's it's actually as you'll see because of its premise science fictional time travel premise where they try to do over and a correct go back I like it does and some perhaps some gesture to jenz as well but you know Stars Michael Sarah Stars Le shriber uh Stars you know uh Roy Wood Jr you know has has good stars in it and it's good good I'm watching it you convinced we're I'm in I'm I'm fully in I'm in Elie you have you have announcements I don't other than every I mean well I did uh I was on Sher Jacob's um podcast this week we recorded it I don't know if it's out yet but I want everyone to give that a listen because sher's just doing it and putting it out on her own and like soda BG putting out on their own and that's what we should all be supporting um right now folks that are just making their thing the way they want to make it regardless of what whether you know that some big streamer comes in and and finagles the whole thing so uh everybody can catch me there uh this upcoming week and then I don't know what else just hit the like hit the Subscribe become a member we love having you guys we love I don't know Kurt if you've been seeing our community bored here in the comments but everyone this is the most amazing I we into this 58 Community I mean it's our followers started it but they've grown it and they have their own world going on like we're here the three of us having a conversation and they're kind of tuning in to what we're saying no very much paying attention but they have their own world going on so um it gets even better when I think when we join and we do that Community has a chance to build when we do our subscriber only content as well and sometime CT you'll have to come into that form that's really fun do you do Live Events well this is a live event but we should do we do but we're all in our own locations um I've got uh possibly a visitor coming up for you know I'm right in the zone the totality I live in the totality Zone you live in the North Country I'm in North Country for sure yeah I'm in Lake CL cic lake areat so um we get the uh we're going to get that eclipse and so I might have some visitors coming up we might have to do a spontaneous live event I don't know I think it might be it might be possible by the way we've been talking about having coming down to the city actually in which case you should join us and um and just you know finding some bookstore someplace that will be gracious enough to let us Stomp and tromp them around you mean Auditorium oh an auditorium yes I mean Madison Square Garden if you're there they were going to MSG I think what she meant was bar but whatever we bar it's all fine uh do you want to do what were we supposed to do a thing tonight should we do a thing or no I don't think we should do a thing tonight because I had this Manhattan more reason but I think we should do a thing next week for sure yes for sure okay next week for sure um my only announcement is I I had Manisha Sinha on my podcast today she wrote a book called the rise and fall of the second American Republic which is a big sweeping T about reconstruction but it's an expansive thing so it doesn't cover Reconstruction from the usual period goes from 1860 really to the the end of the uh 19 uh the 1800s and it's fantastic book and I really enjoy talking to her so if you want to check that out um it's worth it because reconstruction is such a an interesting period of time that is not really much covered um mostly because during that period of time from the 1860s to the uh you know 1900 the United States was busy doing things that BB Netanyahu is emulating right now and Hitler emulated in the second world war and we don't like to talk about uh but these things did happen and they need to be addressed and they need to be we need to reconcile with them and our failure to do so I think is you know in no small part put us in the position that we're in now okay Elby let's do the um you were gonna do the thing that was the desecration part one oh the desecration thing so Kurt I like this my mom you know sort of I was having a conversation with my mom and I don't have the uh I forgot to bring it because we we'll do RFK later because that's sort of in the vein of this but I want to stick to to Donald um but my mom brought this up that you know the kind of the the the heartbreaking part of of Donald is that he you know as Americans there are things that we cherish as American we do cherish our military we do cherish our uh intelligence services in terms of um the folks that work for that feel that they're having a purpose and it's it's American and they're working towards the good of the whole of the for the country so this sort of thinking that there are things about our country that we held dear our our rights our freedom of speech our freedom like all of that the press the Free Press it's all of these things are really important to Americas and part of our identity and Donald came in on second one of his term and you know obviously the campaign there was plenty of desecration but his his sort of gig was just to come in in real time and desecrate in real time right in front of the people that it meant the most important to so his ve his first day of office right his first full day of office he gets sworn in they have the ball the first thing he does his first day in office is show up at the CI a wall of stars in front of all those officers and everybody who understands that that is their Holy Ground that is their sacred ground and he just takes a [ __ ] he just desecrates it and it occurred to me that that's how he owns people because nobody stopped him in that moment no one in that room stopped that no one was willing to go CU I think it's you know president and it's confusing and I get that but no one was willing to go you know [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up get out you're standing in front of a grave Mass grave here of our you know our sacrifice our Holy Ground and you're desecrating it because no one did that the SEC it was like a thing he does to test to see is this really holy to you is this really sacred to you because I'm going to come in here and smear [ __ ] all over it metaphorically or literally his horde smearing [ __ ] on the capital and I know you won't stop me and the second the second they don't or we don't the second that's like he gets away with that in real time in our face and we put fear fear of this oh my God I want to get fired to say something should I what fear or ego or whatever it is he's proven that we don't hold that as a higher purpose we don't hold that up as a higher thing so it's not just breaking Norms he's breaking us he's breaking us and the in that moment the second we don't didn't stop him and those C something he owned them that's it that's the ownership that's the moment of ownership now I own you because I just proved that this thing that you say that you make sacred d i just smeared my [ __ ] all over it and you did nothing so now you're mine true all beautifully said and absolutely true and uh you know I mean it's a specific psychiatric you know uh thing that people in positions of abusive power do you know exactly that and here what he takes over immediately and they and the first bullwark who who caved and gave in the Republican Party The Party representing sanctimony morality all of the values that you're talking about you know no you know all of whom in he he he he he won the power you know uh we're saying he's we're saying all those things he's terrible he's a liar he's a he's he has no beliefs all of which were true and then they they give in so and then they keep giving in no it's it's it's hideous and you're exactly right once you give in then then what do you do uh you know well it wasn't my fault well obviously you know now of course if you were a true Christian you'd say I've sinned Please Release Me I I I I I followed this Idol I was an idolor all the rest but they don't no it's it's remarkable the other thing is it's you know it comes from a as I you know thought about and wrote about in fantasy line it comes from this American tradition among other things of of this of anti-establishment ism and which is you know has its good great aspects right and and and then when that became supercharged in the 1960s and we thought oh it was for you know supercharg for you know hippies and and radicals in The Counter Culture well where that has has redounded you know 50 years later is in Donald Trump and his kind of we're Outlaws manga people right I mean it's the you know you remember back in the late 60s I mean there were there was there was Tom Hayden and then there were Hell's Angels right and and and and and those the The Outlaw individualist anti-establishment Arians the bikers if you will um are who these folks are and and and to you said something about you know the the the community the sense of collective purpose and everything that yes is is a human desire and certainly an American one as well in its in its particular American ways but that he he is saying no those those really don't count and maybe we'll still wear the flag we'll still say USA and stuff but like he's speaking to the to the the alien a and disappointment of various kinds among his people and saying nah Collective Community [ __ ] you know it's all about you it's all about me it's all about us you know the most cynical purposeless you know no purpose except you know getting your own you know and and uh no and and and and when people say he it's so it's so unamerican in that traditional way it is unamerican in the full full and best sense of America as opposed to just this you know the pure like commercial cynical part of America which wasn't ever what you know the country was supposed to be about but there he is and and and uh you know and with with this this powerful Reckless nihilistic minority has you know achieved and maybe about to achieve more tremendous power yeah I I think there's probably what he what he uh is is the the VIN diagram overlap uh of anti-establishment establishmen ism and antisocial personality disorder it's like yeah that's a very specific sort of um uh sphere yeah and uh and he's he's he's got that he wields it um he is that you know he is a sociopath in my in in my in my opinion um I just I I feel like because the Playbook is so clear it's now on all of us to not it's not about being triggered it's about going stop shut up sit down go in the corner and sit bad bad yes like we have to become parents again instead of being held hostage by the alcoholic parent we have to become the functional parent and tell th this this is bad you're going to stop right now in the moment and take the toy away yep um and until unless you do that just like the whole fourth estate you know succumb to him you have to it's not about either this is this is sacred stuff and either we do rever it and we hold it and we are Protectors of it and we are of service to it we are stewards of of our principles or we're owned by a strong man that's the choice now yeah no I mean I mean I remember when when Mike judges movie Idiocracy came out 15 years ago this is this is It's Kind it's funny but it's so over the top it's crazy well of course more and more since he's been around as a political figure and president and trying to become president again it's it's it's not a documentary but like the president in that movie and and and uh is I mean it it is it is what we're in as much as any film I know uh that that sort of depicted the kind of crazy place and and my vend diagram in addition to mental impairment and and uh criminality lying that thing the third part of my V diagram is is just stupidity I mean he he's so astoundingly ignorant of yeah everything so dumb I mean also a genius in his lizard way but uh so those those three things and it's always hard to know with his with his the things he does or says especially which what is working here is this is he just stupid he doesn't know this is he is he is it narcissism or whatever other mental impairment he has or or is it like what what Criminal criminality always it's criminality yes I agree it's a bigger part of the vog but it's hard it's not always easy to Suess out how much of each in each instance yeah who's in the driver's seat sometimes it's hard to know who's driving yes one which one of the things is driving but you know the fuel is cry yes yeah yeah yeah getting something for nothing and and yes exactly I mean it's it's the worst kind of you know New York idea you know I know it's time to take the car keys away from from Grandpa also you know the dementia thing is kicking in something awful uh Elby just to get just to get back to the the point you were making about the desecration because I think this is an interesting idea I mean it's not just going to the wall of stars it's the suckers and losers comment it's the inviting it's inviting the Taliban to Camp David it's installing Jared Kushner letting him read the [ __ ] briefs it's Betsy DeVos is the [ __ ] education secretary it's grenell you know this [ __ ] running around pretending that he cosplaying as a as a diplomat uh it's all of these things it's taking Lincoln's Bible which the Smithsonian offered to Barack Obama as a sign and a symbol of how far the nation had come so he could swear himself in as the first black American president it's then instead of the Smithsonian offer it if you're as your Donald because following Barack Obama demanding Lincoln's Bible and putting your tiny little stained grubby [ __ ] grabbing paw on it and saying I'm gonna swear myself in I'll be the last one to do this but that's what it is that's is it's good now I'm GNA say one thing and this is going to be the end of the show because Kurt we end the show we got to end it for with line quote with a line you know this and that so before we go I want to thank you so much for coming on it's always great to see you you know I I'm personally a huge fan and I'm excited to watch the show and all this stuff and I'm glad that you're here uh contributing to our knowledge of of all of these Horrors that's going on so thank you so much for joining us tonight uh now lb you said wait I gotta get I gotta get queued up here so I don't screw this up okay uh you said about the you know the CIA okay we're in that moment and if you think of trump as McCarthy and that kind of thing what broke McCarthy ultimately was Welch saying have you no sense of decency sir at long last have you no sense of decency [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

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