Presidential Debate - PBD Podcast & Commentary LAMBS REACT

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 01:51:33 Category: People & Blogs

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the presidential debate last night was the biggest load of bull that I have seen in a very very very long time I think it's pretty damn obvious why Camila Harris insisted upon having the debate on ABC because those mother were biased as and it wasn't enough for her to have the debate on a biased News Channel with the assistance of two moderators this unscrupulous he still have to find a way to cheat look at her earring look at that [ __ ] does this [ __ ] look familiar yeah it's an audio earring here's another clip of it so Not only was it three against one on a biased Channel but she also had to have the assistance of an earpiece so someone was telling her what the to say and for the record the migrants the Haitian migrants are in fact eating the animal I just want to interject real quick carving it up to eat no usually when it comes to cats in the Haitian culture that has to deal with Voodoo I think it's like kind of odd that like a guy like me has to come out from doing what I do on a daily basis to have fun cuz I see what's going on in these streets and I see you guys just sitting up there in them comfy chairs and Suits like and I'm getting out here every day and I'm broadcasting this and you guys are just sitting up there and suit something like I I really challenge you guys to get out here and do something these Haitians are running into trash cans they're running into buildings they flipping cars in the middle of the street ding it is so unsafe in my neighborhood anymore I have the homeless that were trying to camp out and I have I have made concessions with them and I try to help them the best I can to keep them from trying to squat on my property but it is so unsafe I have men that cannot speak English in my front yard screaming at me throwing mattresses in my front yard throwing trash in my front yard and I can't I look at me I weigh 95 lbs I couldn't defend myself if I had to and for a party that claims to be so woke the media is manipulating your ass and you're falling for it when the migrants land on your front doorstep don't complain when groceries and rent get so high that you can't afford to shelter or feed your family don't complain don't say [ __ ] this is what you wanted you you want to fight for a woman's right to choose but you can't even Define what the woman is at this point everybody is pretty decided I don't think there's many undecided voters out there so let's take this mother thing to the goddamn polls because I got a feeling there's going to be a lot of pissed off Cala supporters come November if you would like to support the Gary lamb Network you can do so through cash app PayPal super chat or super sticker or purchase some of the Gary LM Network merch there is no contribution too small especially when you're combating corruption in our country now back to the premiere now if you want to see the full clip you can go to my X page link will be in the description for your convenience but Toya let's hear what you got to say about this young lady going in on kamla and her earpiece and how ABC well a lot of people are saying that ABC ganged up on Trump uh because they really want to bury him I mean really really want to bury him they have all hands on deck trying to prevent this man from winning the selection uh so Le let's let's talk about this man because um yeah there's a lot of angry voters out there yeah I think that's the point first of all right out the gate this woman was coming out with the jab the left and the right the uppercut I mean it's our opinion it's free uh freedom of speech thank goodness we still have that so we can form an opinion I don't disagree with her I think that she was spot on her mouth would sound like garbage but she was spot on she was spot on um the earring thing come on this is my thing you were asking about um what do I think about them and a lot of a lot of people were saying and all over social media many people are saying the same thing ABC they are they they already know the the Harris campaign they have them in the bag already so it was three to one and Trump was actually in there and he was throwing back the Jabs did a couple upper H uppercuts and really um was I noticed and you were pointed that out when we were watching too he didn't even look at her no and so because he needed to stay focused I think that it says a lot about a person that you have to do all of this and use all of these tactics to bring him or anyone else down a liar is a liar is a liar you're she's using all of these T everybody knows about the earring she's holding her ear she I mean why do you have to go and a lot of people have been saying this as well she wouldn't open her mouth and say anything to Trump unless it's with ABC Y so it's like it's very clear see this is the thing A lot of people are in their feelings and you said there's a lot of angry voters and I will say I will venture to say is both it's on the left and the right and that's a problem because we need people that are thinking realis istically that are thinking clear clearly and concise what are the issues here what is it that we're voting for so to go to the polls and go with your feelings is not a great idea I think that we should take the emotion out of it and think clearly because that's where a lot of these issues are going are are coming from I'm going to say it people have made Trump an idol he's a man yes he's the man for the job I do believe with my heart I do believe he's the man for the job but and still he's a man stop idolizing him that's number one number two kamla is uh someone that I believe is a puppet I believe that a lot of people are saying that she has black eyes you can tell that her soul is dark all these different things but when you are blinded you can not see for many people in this country it is night night the lights are off yep they can't see a a liar and deception right in front of their face I don't care what this woman looks like listen to what she's saying yes she's a liar yes you have to listen to what she's saying and I love how um this woman here who again you know we got to change the trash bag or something get her I get it I get it her mouth it was it was it was intense it was tough it was tough but I do agree with her I like how she said um uh let's not pretend that what Trump is saying is not true but a lot of people and I'll say it on the left and the right majority of the left I will say and and and we went through this in 2020 oh my gosh you're voting for Trump oh my gosh you're y'all are y'all are uh oh my gosh all the names I mean I've been called we so whatever that's your opinion but sell out and all of this other kind of stuff when if you can separate the person from your opinion separate the person from your emotions separate that and just listen right I don't usually go through all this because I'm not led to but I'mma say it in this way those who have an ear let them hear yes if your ears are open just like if your eyes are open you can hear and see it plainly and blatantly for what it is separate the man because like you said the other day a lot of people I believe this too were were were voting for uh Obama and similarly are voting for Harris just to spike Trump because they have hatred in their hearts for the man see but it's not about that it's about like many people have said and we're going to com uh do a commentary about this later it's not about the man it's about who's best for the job yes who is best for the job so because they have hatred in their hearts for the man they're negating the truth he is speaking the truth he said these people are eating animals but because it came from him they don't want to receive it and here's the thing they literally lie to the American people saying that that is not substantiated I'm like are you kidding me we did a whole video on well we didn't do a whole video on it but we did a segment right we did a segment in our last live last week talking about this and talking about how people are saying hey these immigrants are coming over here killing our pets yes they're killing our pets and they're killing our women are single women oh my God they did yep yep they're coming over here and and and I'm going to talk about this because I think that people this is the thing and I and a lot of the commentary was talking about this it's the undecided vote and it's the single woman vote Yes so for the undecided and the ones you know you're on on the fence and then all of that I think y'all need to really pay attention put aside your feelings check your feelings and pay attention listen to what's being said the woman answered no questions she didn't she diverted she she she went off off on a tangent I'm not saying that that Trump didn't go on a tangent a little bit but he was more reserved H he went on a a little he went on a tangent uh a lot less than he normally than he normally does I think people want need to understand that he really did his best to hold his own in this debate because he understands that he is going after the Swing Vote he understands that he is going after the underside vote he understands that there are a lot of women out there that just don't like how he say things and how he operates and how he comes at his opponents now many women don't like this but let me be perfectly clear to you when it comes down to leadership when you're in a dog fight you got to show your teeth yes all right you got to show your teeth you cannot come in here with with pearls and and and ear rings and and and and smiles I know a lot of y'all want to believe that mess on Hollywood but women can't do that in sneakers let alone high hills I know B Obama said you can do it and you can do it better than man and in high hills that was a that was a way to get you emotionally charged it was aoy just like Harris it was looking in the camera trying to pull in your heartstrings notice how she had to control the conversation she had to control the conversation there was no real hard question to ask I remember uh listening to Steve Harvey saying and he tried to preempt the the the the the question that most people will ask why aren't you asking her the hard questions why are you not asking the hard questions and he basically said well uh there's a reason why you can't ask the hard questions you can't just say that I'm going after the black vote you can't say that I'm just going after the Asian Vote or I'm going after the women's vote you can't say these things because you will alienate a lot of your voters by doing that I agree which is exactly what KLA has been doing her whole campaign she has completely ignored the male vote yeah completely ignored it she doesn't want to answer any hard questions that the men want answered you want know why men are so angry about the Border because we're the ones that have to protect this country that's right all right we're the ones that have to put our lives on the line to make sure that our family stay safe all right my wife said in the last uh live she's not allowed to go anywhere without some form of protection she can't go to the school store without either me or her son she can't go out she can't do it because I'm like and yes we are in a pretty safe environment we're in the real State Oklahoma doesn't matter so what dangers everywhere all right all right there's dangers everywhere and I am not interested with the open borders allowing my wife to just go out there willing nilly because even though she can protect herself and hold her own she's still a woman and it's a Target right now it seems to me that many women are the target truth be told the the Northeast there's a lot in New York and there was one that was just found um uh he was he's actually still being a rain but he was he was brought up for the manslaughter charges in Tulsa and that's right here in Oklahoma so you don't just because see this is the thing they're they're highlighting a few of the known cases I'm talking about the ones we don't know about I'm talking about the ones that they're roaming around in these cities across this country and you looking at them the other day and I mean I'm sorry to say it and we can't stand to be racially profiled but now unfortunately with these people in office we have to look at people you know on a regular basis with the side eye where you come come from oh my God you up here out of nowhere you wer in here a few weeks ago now all of a sudden you and your family and all of us where you come from so um I I I just I have a problem with that and I wanted to highlight this part here because I love how this woman I mean like I said she came out the gate I mean came swinging she came swinging she came with with with I mean she came she came out the gate she came with what do you call them the k9's ready I mean she was ready she came out she came out showing her teeth she came out showing her teeth she said um uh and I agree with the with a lot of the commentary there's three against one she said that whole area there let's not pretend Trump is off bath was what he's saying want and you saying she what she said was you want you want a woman's vote to write excuse me I can repeat she said you want to vote a woman's right to choose but y'all can't identify what is an actually Natural Born woman yes and so for me that was really huge because we're talking about this whole woke agenda this whole woke agenda this whole woke agenda bear with me for a moment take a stroll with me if you will woke is an objective derived from the African-American vernacular English originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination beginning in the 20 okay woke is an objective derived from African-American vernacular English originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination beginning in the 2010s it came to be used as a slang for broader awareness of social inequality such as racial Injustice sexism and denial of LGBT rights okay but then you have awakened I've been saying this for a long time so here we go awakened to arouse or Rouse and activate from sleep to call cause to stop sleeping to revive to be made aware to stop sleeping it means to become or to become it means to become or cause to become active or Lively huge difference between woke and awakened now explain why that is such an important see for me I think that there's a lot of people and I've been saying this for a while but this is a perfect example this race here has divided our country it has it's caused major division this political race oh the race race the poit the political race and because y'all the woke Nation all of y'all are stuck on on on racial Injustice but see when you have a broad vision for the big picture and I'm not blind to the I'm an African-American woman I'm a brown woman of color Yes I am but that's not where it stops for me right and for many of us that's where it stops for you and you're missing it yet oh my you're missing it this is a huge listen there's a there's a big picture here so for me when people say woke woke woke and you know that that's that one um genre of people that are are are you know just um what do you call that just just laser sharp Focus or so they think and and they're they have blinders on so for me when you're saying woke woke woke it's like The Walking Dead you think you're it's like a person that's sleepwalking right you think you're awake but you're walking around asleep with your eyes closed when you have a full Awakening it's like scales falling from your eyes and you can see I can see clearly now you can see yes oh my gosh this is what's really happening oh my and that for me that happened in 2020 right you could see the big picture listen y'all for all y'all woke ones you say you so woke woke woke it's the pack mentality run first and ask questions later enough this right here is I mean they're hitting hard facts this woman is not for you she's not she's not now I I I wanna I wanna i w to bring home even further why you think the work the woke mentality is such a a discouraging thing for America because I I here's what I think when it comes down to it um yes I can understand their plight I can understand their frustration because as a black man as a black man because I'm gota I gotta talk woke language right now as a black heterosexual male it is real really hard to be in an environment of woke people yes very because I am not allowed to say certain things because I'm a heterosexual male so I can't talk about women's issues I can't even though uh I'm supposed to pay for women's issues right I can't talk about it but I'm supposed to pay for it I can't talk about homosexuality but they're hitting on me asking me have you ever tried it before but I can't I can't I can't go against that I have to just accept the fact that well uh I got a man you know prancing around me in the grocery store you know and I'm in Al 17 with a mortal oil and he all of a sudden is in al 17 with the motal oil and he's like doing the whole you know doughy Type move and excuse me and I can't say nothing about it right but it's irritating to me because as a heterosexual black man that's disgusting but I can't say that right these are the things that bother us on the other side of your plight to push your agenda yes okay and to force people to accept your behavior while trying to minimize and to control and censor my own okay so you hit it right you hit the the the head right on the nail because for me that's exactly what it is when you say see and I remember when all of this started this was years ago um we put a name people not we but Society has put a name to it with BLM it's just like any original good idea the negative comes in the poison comes in and makes it toxic when it first came out BLM there was an idea that The Originators had and originally it came out as something that was to unify to have a voice and and to peaceably assemble all of these things but then came some greedy liar sound familiar and came in brought some poison and and and came in and caused caused it to be toxic and so now it has grown they hijacked it yes so there so then it it it grew from something that was originally supposed to be positive origin Al and it's grown into a nightmare yep so I believe I'm now I'm going to say it this way I don't know that the woke movement was so innocent in the beginning I'mma say that uh I don't think it was innocent at all no but let me finish I'm sorry but but for me there's there's some people that because this is what happens and that's why I'm mentioning the the pack mentality there's some it's it's almost like sorry to say it this way but it's almost like a gang it's you know different people from I'm I'm an 80s kid so from the 80s and the 90s and NWA and all these different things right it was you know and I'm not bringing it up because I'm a I'm a Believer so I'm not saying those type of things but the music that y'all know what I mean the music that they put out back then with the police and with the brutality and all of these crazy things hatred is hatred hatred has no color so when when all of that came out it it was it was from a place of pain and a place of of frustration and Purity it was a cry for help so you have these people that think oh wow there's someone that we can identify with who who has a voice who has a platform but uh uhuh they have an agenda yes they do so here you come with your a lot a lot not all some with a pure motive and you come in thinking okay here's someone that could speak for my plight and you come into a place and you're find oh my gosh you're about around a whole bunch of wolv for me the woke and you were asking a question just to answer your question what does it represent from me to me the woke movement is not so much anymore about um um having a place that you are have a safe environment for someone to represent you in a safe uh way and in a safe way to express your pain and and in a a safe place to express your pain and have someone represent you the way that you were repres presentent yourself cuz there's some people that are on their left or on the lgbtq or whatever the woke movement whatever part of the woke movement you are in there are some that are not loud they're not troublemakers they are they come peaceably but it's always the loud ones y so for me it's similar to how BLM started but I want to say for me that the woke movement is blind for the great majority and is it's become a social construct it has nothing to do with what the originating uh purpose was it's grown from something that was possibly something that could have um made a lot of change in a pure way that has now become very very poisonous Wow Wow for me wow now okay we we we gotta move on we really gotta move on but I just want to ask one last question before we move on to the next part of the uh video how do you how do you think the awaken can speak some perspective I don't want to say sense because that's kind of disrespectful in a lot of ways another how do you think the awaken can show another perspective to people who are on the fence that are woke well um because we know the Bible's not going to work they don't want to listen to that well see I think that that's the issue cuz I'm just like they're not going to change I'm not going to change who I am to suit you right I'm not going to change my beliefs because that's the whole point control I'm not going that's what they're that's what they you know stand on in a lot of ways so I'm not going to up and upend what I believe in as a foundation for my life just to make you feel good this is the time it's no more time to wake the Sheep it's time to wake the Lions and make sure that we are moving forward I care about you I truly do I I care about you because I when you are awakened your eyes are wide open so you see the Unseen you see what others are not seeing so the ones that are still asleep it is heartbreaking because they're right in your face and you're saying danger danger danger it's going to rain get on the boat and they're saying no will get out my face right so for me all I can do is is tell the truth and sound uncut sound the alarm and hope you hear it with all of my heart and if you don't dust my feet and keep it moving oh oh man that's tragic that is so tragic all right so let's move on to the next one that we have here all right so we are about to listen to some commentary from the pbd podcast um from the debate and my wife and I we really really love pbd and we wanted to um get and to hear we wanted to talk about what they had to say because there was a lot of things that I really wanted to mention but I didn't want to go live on that night because pbd was already live and I was way more entertained watching this than actually trying to do any um live videos and stuff like that so let's go ahead and listen to what happened what the panelist on the pbd podcast had to say because I really think this is important from the national Constitution Center right here in Philadelphia by the way I did a poll on Twitter I did a poll on Twitter right before it got started if you can pull up Twitter Rob and you can mute the TV yeah if you can go here's a poll I ran right before it started how many times will ABC moderate ERS interrupt correct Trump tonight to help com I said 0123 4 to 67 a lot of people commented they said it's going to be zero no one's going to say anything he's he's been interrupted now eight times so far eight times so far Tom how do you think he's doing how he think she's doing uh she's doing better than I thought the she's memorized the um the responses she's doing okay answering questions she's not the word solid I thought she would be um on some of this stuff says but think Trump is doing a very Noble job making the point and they are they are deliberately poking him everything that she's saying like about project 25 and things like this she's deliberately throwing lies at him because the strategy here is to piss him off and to get him really irrationally angry but he's coming back and he's staying within himself and I think his responses have been very very strong far as that and she's just she is repeating lies I went down this and I'm really shocked that the level of lies that have been repeated and I'm not saying this from a partisan point of view I'm just going down here and looking at the things Charlottesville things that have been debunked they're bringing them back up in front of the American people as as this the fact she's gaslighting in the middle of her of her answers trying to piss him off and he's not biting Adam now this is something that I was saying in I said this a bunch of times throughout this um year Trump needs to calm down yeah I've been saying this for the longest time and he did just that yeah I don't know if people realize but these rules actually played in Trump's favor in my opinion it helped him calm down so whomever who's Co was coaching Trump did an excellent job they did excellent job because he did not go after the bait now he did get baited a little bit in January 6 and I want to talk about that a little bit because I understand why he's so frustrated with that because that was a very passionate time in life of course right many it was a very you know you have to understand this man was getting hit with everything they had to throw at him he thought his friends were his friends they're not his friends he thought he had support he didn't have support I remember when he was talking about the uh China deal and how they was you know having this real good back and forth with China and he was like yo okay this is really good and then came Co M and soon after that I remember it like yesterday how he said I'm looking at the deal differently Y and when I saw that man will turnning I was like yeah Trump you was playing chess and they was playing 3D chess and he realized that okay he went in there as a businessman yeah and I think these world leaders knew he was going to come in as a businessman right and they utilized whatever thing that they had to do whatever they had going on and they played it like a fiddle so now Trump is way more advanced with this stuff you can see there's a different type of trump he's not going in there as a businessman don't get it twisted he's gon to use his business since to make deals and so on so and it helped and it helps but in this debate I really think he did an excellent job holding back his frustration yes at the end he started getting really a little unraveled he focused more on kamla than he should have I believe but at the end of the day I think he did really really he brought it back around so what do you think about that yeah um I've said it I'm not gonna stop saying it I think Trump is again like I said you are not when a lot of people are looking at and I agree and we're going to get through this part here in the commentary because this gentleman here in the first one he mentions it um when you're looking at Trump I I just I feel like he's that Uncle that oh yeah like you know the movie like Danny deito Uncle Vinnie like you're gonna bring out the one that's going to bring the noise when you need it to he don't care about people he's not politically correct he's not he he doesn't have he he needs that PR because he needs like V is for him needs somebody to come in but he did good because I I do see him like a hote head don't come for him because he gonna come back and stuff so I like and whoever like you said whoever coached him did a great job whoever coached her not so much for those that think they did good job why you got to cheat the earring all of that come on um well of course they got to cheat listen look look look to come on that's how that goes come on come on look you you're going against a man who has a political base a fan base uh that is topnotch I mean he's he's he's clearly won a lot of black voters over yeah a lot of black voters over which is why I believe that the borders are open because they're trying to replace their ATT yeah they're trying to they're trying to replace their voting class and I think a lot of uh progressives are okay with this because you hear a lot of progressist talk about this Urban thing you know and they constantly say something about this Urban thing he it's it's not as Urban it's not as Urban it's not as Urban that's insulting and I know you might not see it as such because you don't know what racism look like you never seen it before don't know what a liar looks like either cuz she's through her teeth you don't even know how it sounds and the problem that and this is the reason why it's so funny to listen to Progressive talk because they will literally sit there and say racial stuff right in front of you and they think they like okay they think it's okay they it's because they're usually the ones signing the check they're middle management they're the ones that control your ability to take care of your family so of course they're going to think that what they're saying is nothing wrong with it because they don't see it as long as I'm being nice how am I being racist and I'm like guys you've never seen racism before how would you be able to tell us what racism is I've I've lived it my entire life so when I see somebody like Trump who's just an [ __ ] let's be called let's call it what let's call a SP of PA Trump's an [ __ ] bless his heart all right versus a straight up flat out racist individual who use huge huge words and big weird sentence phrases and stuff that have no special meaning other than I'm smarter than you you mean the word Sal is that Kamala uses all the time oh okay yeah so you think we're fools I've listened this is why you know when you see a lot of women who are um voting for Kamala um I listen to what they're saying and I listen to how they process their information how they uh formulate their opinions and it tends to be based off of how they feel yeah and that's the problem with a lot of Voters men included you are running off of how you feel and your feelings will get you in trouble just about every single time so I don't want people to ignore their feelings because they're valid there's a reason why you're feeling that way but ask yourself this question why am I feeling this way where 's the roote where do I have to do I have to go way back in my past to understand why I'm feeling this way is it an uncle that said something to me when I was a very little girl or a very little boy that really bothered me and reason why I cannot stand how Trump say what he says because he is not politically correct he's definitely not uh eloquent with his words I mean God knows he's not they're eating the pets I'm like oh boy Trump trump please that's the wrong way to do it that's the wrong way to do it they're eating the pets you got to stop them eating the pet no you should have said it that way Trump no no Trump stop Trump and they went after him he was like oh they're eating pets huh because nobody's gonna really you know uh see how he's doing it and they don't understand where it's coming from especially if they're not doing the research to find this kind of stuff right because they're just coming to the debate after work you know you're watching the debate at the uh the the bar or the salon a football game right they're just they're just that it's on so I'm watching it you know what I'm saying but I'm not really doing the office yeah I'm not doing it the D to see exactly what they're talking about so when they see the news and they trust the news and they trust CB ABC they trust b trust CNN they they trust CNN they trust uh New York Times and the New York Post because this is where they get their news and you know I've heard a lot of people say I watch the news I read the paper I'm like yeah that means you're Li to right you're you're you're desperately lied to and it's sad because um you know I have a lot of people that say I can't stand when you you see and I can't stand you when you use these sources and stuff like that yeah but I use these sources because the swing voters use these sources right you need to know what people are listening to people are not digging into this stuff the way we are because we're creating content trying to do a very best job to give you as much of as an authentic uh Viewpoint from not only only uh citizens of the United States black people from the United States and hardworking people from the United States it's not and and people who used to be sleep yes I used to be under a rock I didn't care nothing about politics I still don't care nothing about politics but politics is messing up my life so I have to look into it so what do your thoughts about that I wanted to just uh make a comment about what you just said for the ones that do the research and all that you know yes we have the platform and we believe God put us here but for the peanut gallery those in the back that you know those keyboard Warriors you have so much to say go ahead cite the uh the links the research we'll take your information and look in that too but at the end of the day we're the ones in front of the camera you're still hiding behind your profile pick just got to say that aside from that I do agree Trump is like Uncle Vinnie it's like if you listen he gonna come out he gonna say what it is point blank plain so what don't care about it but it's not a lie we getting reap no no no I got just want to make sure that you're it's not a lie I mean he said that they're eating the animals now we were talking about it on the live not everybody's eating the animals that are the immigrants that are migrants coming in some of them are using them for rituals we can go down that lane if you want to well we we're gonna as a matter of fact we're going to put a segment in right now from last live but continue I mean and as soon as I saw that I'm like yeah that's not what that's for they're about to go do something they bring in a lot of evil demonic things into this country I don't want to talk about it that's why you don't bring in this type of stuff in a country that does is not based on that that's what I believe Trump is trying to avoid and he's trying to alleviate and kill that and at the end of the day if you're listening to this woman again it's it's hatred doesn't have a color Yes um deceit and discrimination doesn't have a color it's a it's a spirit it's a person just like America used to have a spirit and there's some of us that still have the American Spirit people call them patriots you call whatever you want but at the end of the day there is a traditional value there is a foundation here this country and the Harris Biden uh uh side they're trying to kill that yes if you're paying attention that is what this is about this is literally separating the wheat from the tears are two sides here and it's not just red and blue you have to open your eyes you have to see deception for what it is this woman is lying straight in your face yes she's lying and and I think like I said when people are so gung-ho and they're so stuck on well she's for us she's for us she's for us I'mma ask you this seriously seriously I'mma ask you this because I do believe this is what I believe all right is my opinion but I do believe believe this not just as an opinion if Trump were somewhere that he was not being taped now again I said he's like Uncle Vinnie so it might be a bad day hopefully you caught him on a good day right but I do believe that he would have a conversation with a regular person yes now with Harris and I'm a brown I'm African-American brown brown woman unless it's for her gain and unless it has anything to do with this campaign or like I said anything for her gain look back at her track record as of late I'm not talking about years years and years ago when she was a Senator and she was a lawyer I'm not talking about that talking about right now I'm talking about how she is now do you think she would talk to you if she was in the parking lot of the golf club The Country Club well if you're in a country club and you're not carrying golf clubs I was just about to say that if you're not of the working class maybe if you're not a waiter that works there if there was no photo op or camera security nobody else around and if it was just her do you think she would even give you the time of day listen I think that and here's the thing that a lot of people don't really the ones that's going for her right they don't want to hear this part of the uh sector the voting sector if you will they don't want to hear the working class because the working class work right up and personal with these people like Melinda Gates I just want to bring up Melinda Gates real quick 52 million uh donation to The commus um campaign uh she went on National Television she went and did her own couple of videos uh to show her support to kamla now I don't care what you feel about Bill Gates I don't care what you feel about his foundation I don't care about what you feel about any of that stuff I'm just showing you this one incident this woman got up in front of millions and millions of Voters to tell the world I am voting for kamla Harris because women need their Reproductive Rights protected that's why I'm giving you fif I'm showing you how I this is why it really bothers me that people fall for this mess you really think the working class who know how y'all fall apart behind closed doors I wait on you I listen to you go off on your kids I deliver I see how you treat the staff I see how you act the I see how you act when you are off your meds I see it and you are showing me this perfect picture M like I didn't see you five minutes ago behind the Clon this is what this is why they hate us because we know the real them we know yo I was just listening to a um a judge an ex-judge that just was um took off her seat and I'm I'mma see about bringing up that clip and how she was treating one of her staff members and he was he was a he was a nervous wreck around her because of how she treated people how she act towards people how she judged people and how she was behind closed doors and they got her for I think harassment um again I'm G put I'm trying to put the clip in here but we see you that the point is we see you so when we see you in this picture perfect and the way Melinda Gates was sitting it was like dude yeah you pointed that out I'm like this picture is perfect like she was a queen and they were her sub her subjects talk about stord wives this is a perfect picture who sits like that yeah and and and so when you see a person like that endorsing a candidate you have to sit back and say huh yeah but unfortunately unfortunately a lot of and I'm want to say this I'm not trying to be on some race thing but for those of you who are Caucasian there's a lot of faking it till you make it right um and I see a whole lot of white people faking it they really want to say what's on their mind but they just don't know how to say it they don't have the guts to say it because they're afraid to lose their job so they'll do certain things to let you know that they're not happy with what's going on like fire you for weird things that everybody else do but all of a sudden you're the one that got to get fired for it like you're the one you're you're the well I'm going to uh let you go because you're on your phone all the time everybody's on their phone that's all you got like get me for being late 15 times in a row don't get me for being on my phone you know what I'm saying but they'll get you they'll get rid of you because you're causing a ruckus you are you're doing something and here's the problem a lot of times you you don't even know you're doing it you're just being you you're just you're just being you but because you are you're garnishing too much influence they got to get rid of you I think that's the point that last key that that you just made because they're garnishing too much influence that's censorship that's the issue that they have with Trump there's too much influence there so now this woman has to come in with all of her goons with all of the lies with the earpiece with you know like you said uh these Caucasian people and like you always say this's a difference between Caucasian people and white people white people some most of them like us but the Caucasian people are the ones that are have a superiority complex the way around okay Caucasians like there's two different type of don't be cop don't be taking the statement either we going to copyright it okay there are two type of uh pel skins I'm going to use the uh Indian vernacular for this there are two type of pel skin indigenous vacular IND indigenous that's the word the politically because we're on YouTube and you know I'm also show this on Rumble but uh we're on YouTube so we got to be very very that's why I have the word censor there but um I'm going to use the uh indigenous uh vernacular for this pel skin uh or pel face so there are two type of pel face the ones that's governed by pelfies and the ones that think they're in charge who are really the new inwords okay the ones that are garnered uh that are being U managed by the uh the pelf who think they're in charge are Caucasians okay and this is just my way of how I break it down you can use it if you want but we like you said we're coining it Caucasians see through the BS okay they're the ones that's missing teeth they're the ones that's on these rinky broke down beat up trucks going around cleaning pools cleaning up your Lawns cleaning up your house cutting your Hedges so on and so forth they come home they kick their Dusty dirty filthy boots off they're not even allowed to be com into the house because they're so filthy they're the ones in all this electrical gear at 900 degree Fahrenheit weather in a ditch somewhere with zero wind they're there that's a Caucasian you talking about the working class I'm talking about the work the rest the rest of us right and then you have mental management the new house N word and what have and and this is a lot of a lot of black people say this the best house N word is the one who actually think they're a part of the crew you mean like Harry's there you go oh okay so they really believe they're part A whole lot like her that's the case and and and what and what better way to get some C see here's the thing you're not different from any other human whether you are white whether you're Hispanic whether you're black whether you're Asian you're not different from any other human if you are indoctrinated long enough you will for get who you are and where you come from and start to believe the hype that's why you have to be rooted and booted into the word because the word will bring you right back to your remembrance bring you right back to um reality and say hey go back to the word because if you go back to the word it will tell you these are this is how deception works so you've been on top for years you've been driving your Ferrari you've been getting your $250,000 check every year you've been telling people what to do you do that long enough you completely forget where you came from and you start to despise where you came from Y and that's what happens you begin to get you start losing touch with reality and you start living too dang high and that and and you start thinking because your Superior talks to you in a decent manner that you're a part of the club that they still wouldn't take you out and so you end up thinking that you're one of the team as long as you play your part I believe sorry to say just like Miss Harris well we'll do whatever you can to help you lie and steal this race yeah put them ear put the ear put the fake earrings on go ahead and bring just like um Clinton Hillary come BR let's bring this fake Southern um twang accent let's just try to become one of them come on yo that that right in our faces listen man and and and but here's the thing people fall for it for some it's working people fall for it I mean I'm really praying for the great throw Awakening with that Ser I noticed that Harris did everything she can to try to make Trump look racist I I she did everything she could to try to do that but he's the only candidate that I can remember quote yes that said I'm talking to black people black b l a c k black people 500 billion F I want to help you directly and a lot of people saying oh he that's you don't believe that don't believe what other candidate did that Kamala came out and said straight I can't just say I'mma do something specifically for black people yeah I think that that's the whole point see you have to see like like this gentleman here said we get back to video that he he said you can tell that this woman is gaslighting us right in her in our faces just because she looks a certain way just put that as side don't you know Jezebel when you see her and people you know connect Jezebel is just with a woman because a lot of time that that's what um how that how it man manifests itself but it's the spirit just like the spirit of hatred the spirit you know love all these it's just it's it's the source behind it so just because she's smiling in your face with that fake plastered smile does not mean that she would not take you out in a heartbeat don't think for one second that she wouldn't take you out if you don't do just what she says now now now to be fair don't think for one second Trump won't take you out either but the side of it okay see see look look I need everybody to understand this for those who are um very upset with the fact that I am an independent thinker and I think for myself the best way I can based on what was programmed into me because a lot of times I am thinking that I'm thinking for myself when in reality I am thinking with a program that has been dored for so many years and then it just pops up when it pops up because I was indoctrinated just like a lot of people I went to public school so I was indoctrinated so I have to be very careful with the programming that has not been snuffed out by my firewall that's has that's that's that's going under the radar I have to be very careful that that might not rise up and cause a cancer in my system because I'm running off what I think is accurate this is why I say go to the word the word will set you free the truth will set you free well the truth will make you free um it it may not feel good to realize that I gotta stop thinking this way because it's hard to do that sometimes especially when you're ill equipped with you haven't been taught how to deal with your emotions and how to get through that is very difficult but make no mistake Trump is a man okay you can't be idolizing anybody Trump is a man Trump can be listen Trump can be uh uh uh Trump can make mistakes you've seen it he's made many mistakes all right Trump can be led by his flesh just like every man out there this is why when you say uh Trump a really good job in holding himself together we say that because because he's a man exactly right he's not a robot okay he has emotions he has he gets irritated and agitated and he is a type of person that is used to getting his way so don't don't be uh uh so gun ho one way you have to look at the whole picture Trump you're still a man yeah you're not you're you're still a man and yes you're the I think you're the man for this job right for this job but you're not the man that I'm supposed to be looking up to you're not the man that I'm supposed to be seeking after that's Jesus Christ's job right we need to go past him right so I need to make this perfectly clear with what my wife just said yes comma will snuff you out but I think Trump will too if he has to all right um it's just what it is he's a man so you can't you can't dismiss what you're hearing about Trump because oh they're just trying to get Trump they're like yeah they're trying to get Trump but there's probably some things that's real that's accurate and you want to really want to look into that will that change your vote I'm not sure if it would change my vote because I see the alternative and right now we have to vote for the lesser of the two evils we got no other choice right we have to we have to vote for the one that's best for the job yep not because of how you feel about the person right so let's continue well look let's not get a twisted they're they're debating for the most power ful job on Earth every trick every line every talking point that you possibly can um I've been sort of scoring this like a boxing match I have Trump on the different uh topics they went economy tariffs abortion immigration fracking uh January 6 2020 election and Israel Gaza I have Trump up 62 right now of course she's winning on abortion this is all they got y'all they got abortion and if it's if it's the election comes down to abortion is the number one issue then welcome to the presiden of the United States KLA Harris ridiculous anything else it's Trump I mean she's obviously like Tom said she she's had how many weeks to practice and memorize all the Talking Points I wouldn't be shocked if she knew ahead what the hell's been going on he's debating three people right now he's not y debating them I hope the people aren't dumb enough but P you know this what she's saying the bloodbath the this the ly the January 6 the people at home they're not factchecking average Americans that are sitting there not like us the awake people they're like wow he said this no I miss he said that think it's enough to to get the average person to flip on Trump I still think he's kicking butt well it's interesting to see that pretty much the entire line of questioning is all favoring Kamala right but I will credit for the one point where they asked her about flip-flopping on some of her policies at least they did that but were you guys satisfied with that response personally I don't feel unburdened by what is been I don't know about the rest of you I'm definitely don't Feeling burdened by what is been I think she's doing um you know like Tom said better than most of us expected at least it's not a word salad but when you look into the substance of what's being said Donald Trump is winning by miles miles how do you got it scored right now about you oh no no I I'm breaking on my tweet you know every time there's debates WR long we that's going to go out yeah I mean I'm I'm watching his highlights her highlights um she did the abortion thing so eloquently she was so good she looked at the camera she looked at him if you guys emotions looking not one time has she gone like this this is how she is the entire time yeah looking at him like this basic one most basic things to be thinking about for those that does anybody get headaches when you hear weird voices who gets headaches yes I swear to God if we have to listen to that voice for four years of her speaking the way she speaks like she's the entire town you know how you have an aunt or somebody you dates that's just lecturing you and you're at dinner and in your mind like she's lecturing you're like dude I mean I've been done with you for two minutes I'm just waiting to out you have to have a little bit of fun and we are done you want me to listen to this for four years I can't um that that right now I understand where you're coming from um Patrick but at the end of the day that's irrelevant I I I I I know where he's coming from I I get that but that's irrelevant as hell if she was the right candidate you darn right I'm okay with listening to it she's the right candidate for the job so I don't know where he's coming from with this um and yes I do understand that she does not have just like just like the guy says later in this um podcast he says it sounds like my aunt is talking okay but if she was hitting points and I said this I said this in previous video I want to hear what kamla has to say right and I think that's why they kept her quiet for so long and why she been busy for every single appointment I really really needed to hear from K and here's why it's not that I'm not interested in voting for Trump it's not that I'm not interested in listening to Trump is that I've been listening to Trump since 2016 right I've heard just about every single thing he has to offer for the presidency I am so interested in him being my president for the next four years right because we have a very clear idea of what his plans are but I don't have a clear idea of what KLA plans are what did she say and I need what is she doing in order for me to make a good wholesome strong decision I got to hear from both candidates I may like because of take on Reproductive Rights I may not like commus take on that because it's blasphemy it's it's it's it's genocide it's is against the word of God so for me I'm already like yo man uhuh but as a silver a civil worker a silver um but as an American citizen I have to look outside of myself y because my vote is going to affect my wife my vote is going to affect my kids my vote is going to affect my neor do you see where I'm going from my vote has to be rational it has to be based off of facts yes truth and reasoning positive reasoning facts truth and reasoning I can't say I don't like KLA because of this only right that that that's that's like that's the same that's the equivalent of what's going on I'm not voting for Trump because of the way he talks he says stupid stuff like what do you mean I need to know the policy give me the facts I need to know what your policies are because In the Heat of the Moment people say dumb stuff yeah people say dumb stuff in the Heat of the Moment but when it comes down to hearing what Kamala has to offer of the country I really wanted to hear her say something give me something tell me why the borders are wide open give me an understanding why am I competing with these low wages why are we getting such a high boost in crime what's really going on is it really a sanctuary thing are these people are seeking Refuge is it really what if if and if it is tell me that right give me some case by case evidence to say guys I know you can't stand with the borders being open I understand but let me explain what's going on which she said nothing of the sort said nothing she said nothing of the sort I'm telling you I do believe those that have been coaching her with that earring her in her ear and like this gentleman said practicing the answers and all of this speech that she if you listen she's been saying the same thing at every speech at every rally if if if I believe that she she's been saying that the same time at every single rally if she did bring it up then that would have given us something to go off of trump was trying to get to it they veered off I believe they told her I believe they told her stay off the topic yep don't go because that's Trump's land yes that's Trump's land if you you look again this is a dog fight yeah so you gotta be very very smart and strategic and that's exactly why they had to have this on ABC because they had now granted I don't think it would have mattered any platform they use I don't think it would have mattered not too much but I think that this played in her favor as far as the platform even further it did but um yeah I'm not I'm not really interested in hearing um I don't like how she sounds that was kind of yeah I get it that was that was kind of a low blow in my opinion but I get where he's coming from I get where he's coming from and I understand why he said it but yeah no that was that was a low blow because that's like saying well I can't look at your face for the next four years yeah that's that's just like many that are saying oh that orange guy okay but what is he saying but what is he trying is he doing his job right is he doing what he's supposed to do it do he have the American people best interest at heart right um I trust that he does right but I don't really know the man personally so I can't I can only go off what I've seen which I've seen a crap ton of them right all right a crap ton of uh We've we got a we got a history with Trump guys we got a history from WWE the prince freaking every book that he's ever written I mean we got a history with Trump so believe in when I say yes I love hearing from Trump and yes I want him as my president but right now the bigger picture is what is it that kamla has to say and she had nothing to say she had she didn't come with it she did not come she blew the abortion thing out of the water because of course she did all right she looked in the camera she talked about this and what about this woman and what about that and and and and Grand majority all this other stuff and I'm like yeah but that's a small percentage not only is it a small percentage I think you made this point before see there see you have to listen to what's not being said this woman is talking about Reproductive Rights Reproductive Rights and started to say oh what about this young girl who was taking advantage of her friend or something from when she was in school or her uncle or something like that she was talking about that or what about this married couple who they were trying to have this baby and blah blah blah blah blah but I believe that Harris and those that are running with her on her team and those that she represents are solely talking about abortion genocide murder they are not talking about these circumstances only where there are married couples who are saying oh you know for the safety of my wife this is a life and death situation Etc no there she's using these erroneous you know very uh minimal and I'm not saying that that is not a part of the equation of the percentage but the grand majority and percentage that she's pushing is the ones that just want that in their back pocket as just you know an out that's the ones that I think that she's using that for what about these three women who lost their lives they stayed away from it why didn't y'all talk about that like you you brought up the incident where a young woman was rward and you completely ignored these three yeah and see this is this is what's also sad to me not only did she ignore it I mean like the plague and did not go into the topic at all she veed off to it and said a whole bunch of Lies not only did she not do that but this unfortunately show go to show the same uh examples that uh one of the this one here um Riley one one of the women here her mother went and did a a rally that was spearheaded by Trump who's not even the sitting president right now and the mom said where is Biden you're my president where are you listen listen that's what I'm trying to say and now you had a chance this was a golden opportunity for her she blew it because she can't bring these up she can't bring him up if she would have brought up any one of these cases Trump would have ate her alive all he would had to say is those were illegal immigrants who performed those vicious acts yes and you are the Border are yep he said but you're the bordar and she's trying to shake it off you could I'm telling you she had her Poker Face on as best as she could put it on because she's a lawyer first but at the end of the day she stayed away from it and I believe they told her to they stayed she stayed away from it and we we we we we're not going to go in detail when it comes down to the school shootings that's been going on uh because that's a whole another issue that's a whole another topic but I do want to mention that because the mental instability of our children right now is insane right uh we are on anti-depressant and it's been shown that these antidepressants are really harming our children yeah they're affecting us negatively this this this agenda this new ideology this you know individuality stuff it's affecting our children they don't have anything to um to to to imprint on so they're printing on anything that sounds good right and I I really would like to talk about those things because again this is public school ran by the government yep all right is ran by the government and the way that I see uh uh kamla utilizing stuff that was already debunked yes well bring this up because there are so many people that are programmed and used to just listening and moving on because that's what they were taught to do in school yes all right I think gaker said it he said we go to school to learn how to communicate and they tell you to be quiet yeah and you have to ask for permission to an to ask questions you got to raise your hand you have to ask for permission to speak your mind and it better be the righteous question it better be right way to speak your mind or detention go to the principal right so it's like we really need to focus on how we are raising our children yeah to not think critically because this is what pbd and what his panel was talking about she brought up all these things that was already debunked because she knows her voters and some voters swing voters and independents are not going to do their due diligence to actually go and figure out what's going on so she spoonfed them these lies and re brought up all of these old things and stayed away from the topics that are currently right now oh my god let's continue I love how you said um go to the principal detention honestly if this were a high school debate Trump ate her he he he he tore her to he he tore her to Pieces uh uh she she definitely would have lost the debate but that will be considered a bully today yeah Trump will be considered a bully today yeah he will be I'm talking you let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen you don't know what a bully looks like if you think Trump is a bully that's coming from somebody who did experence a lot experienc try to take you out real I was put in hospitals because of real bullies and you talking about now it's like and don't get me wrong because this is the the the generation our kids are growing up in cyber attacks cyber bullies and you know we're they're not talking about these type of things you can't handle a verbal conversation so I do think that now now from what I've seen and this the past few years and it's it's gotten worse these kids like many that watch a lot of the platforms are cyber bullies they harass them they harass them and they come to the school and they tell them you know oh we saw this comment and you're like this you know so they harass him but yeah she would have lost in the high school I think she would have lost lost her shirt but let's continue yeah so what's what's interesting that I've been watching is that um she came in tonight she needed to survive the debate and I think she's done that um she has not collapsed the way you know Joe Biden did uh but she's not convincing she's merely and she's I I feel like I'm being lectured by my aunt um is how I feel I do not feel warmth I do not feel I do not feel leadership she's doing the best she can with the tools that she has and the way she was coached for this moment but I'm not feeling leadership saying I trust that leader to go negotiate around the world I don't trust that leader to go negotiate with Congress that's feeling and once again he's getting getting poked at him and he is staying short of full Fury and I think he's doing a very good job you know responding and reminding us with the truth of what was happening Vinnie if you had to guess who do you think is would like if you what do you feel that the American people right now are the America it's not that's not how I'm looking at I'm looking at Independence if I'm thinking Independence 7030 they have Trump ahead I don't care about the the American people left or the right mag's not changing and the progressive left's not changing independent 7030 they were Trump right now okay and then talking the women with the abortion I mean yeah not not the men they're not no what I'm saying not doing just but what I'm saying is do you think that that's shifting at all or it's can it are any of those women gonna vote for Trump what's what are you asking I'm like from tonight from listening to what where you going what you abortion is I don't know I'm just thinking I just feel like the way that she's performing right now everybody could everybody tomorrow from the bill Mars and every they're gonna put her on a pedestal and make her seem like she's the she's the second coming she's going to be the Savior I'm telling you right now that's I'm getting messages right now like oh my God our boy's not doing good oh my God he's failing like I got four messages in a row saying that Trump is losing the debate okay Adam really I'm serious I gotta got all right so before we continue I want to say something about what he just said because I think what he said is very profound um understand that what I and I this is what I think those four text messages those people who are Tech or that person or those four because I can only assume that they're um four people but it might just be one person with multiple text messages saying that oh my God he's losing the debate uh you have to understand that when you are looking at this through the lens of a person who does not care about Trump does not care about Camala just care about their own personal points of living life Trump lost this debate and I don't think to that person to that person Trump lost this debate okay he did not speak to the Women Voters KLA did and that's what they coached her to do okay she that's why I understand where he's coming from like oh my God he's losing this because he's F he's he's speaking to America KLA is speaking directly to one voter big difference all right so because of that I understand where he's coming from and I do understand why he feel this way because National Television U Mass uh the the the the machine that is back in K the machine is going is in the homes of that voter right Trump is not in the homes of that voter how do I know because I never see a Trump ad I only see KLA ads fact I only see those whether it's tub whether it's YouTube whether it's wherever I'm going it could be wherever I'm going I'm seeing KLA ads but I'm not seeing what really affects Real Americans on a dayto day because Real Americans are not the voters they're looking for they're looking for those Independents those people who do not talk to people on a regular basis they have they they're they're to themselves they go to work do their job go home they're not interested in any of this so when they get their sound bites and they hear Trump is trying to take away your Medicare right Trump is trying to defund the uh SSI Trump is getting rid of government programs that we desperately need for for those who are in need that's what they hear that's what they hear and they're not looking any further on their own they're not going to look further they're just hearing that and then you have these individuals who are severely over entertained yes so all you have to do if you really want to focus on that particular voter is just put sound bites into their um into their uh to their stream that's it all right interrupt their Highway to Heaven they don't watch that they watch Real Housewives of Atlanta well that's well they don't watch we we watch the 80s Show well they don't watch that the reason whatever they're watching the reason why I said High Highway to Heaven because that's what we watch but you know you what I'm saying they're watching all this new stuff you get my point and and and that's why he's concerned yeah because everybody's looking at Trump smashed KLA because you're in the node right that's not the voter that's going to deter this election all right it's the ones that are not paying attention don't care enough who think they are well I saw it you did watch CNN okay dude I I've watched people for hours hours and hours and hours listening to anti-il television I'm talking okay so what is that show that that show um um uh uh the crime watch um oh my God it's a it's a um 48 the next 48 no no no no no it's um it's based on uh Prime TV oh what is that show it's is a a is a it's been playing for a long time uh the the rape unit oh we can't see um the RW unit what is it I I'll I'll find it and I'll put it right here this show right here is so geared to women I can't I can't stand this show and for years I had to watch this show because that's the only program that my partner would watch and she watched this program all day long she used to sleep to it she used to she used to text to it she used to cook to it and I'm sitting here like this show is horrible yeah I I get what you're saying because it paints men such a bad life and that's why I mean I I don't watch TV I stopped a long time ago cuz you know our diet determines everything for our life so I don't watch none of that garbage I don't I don't it was years and years and years and years I'm talking about years ago only like I used to watch Wendy Williams and even that even with that was like oh you can't watch this mess no more she's a gossip or or like I couldn't stand um lifetime that's another one another one it's so many that are out there you can't just take everything just just because it's thrown at you just you got to watch what you put in yourself but and this is where the this is where kamla is showing up Yep this is why I did a short and I I did a video yesterday about the uh the the dangers of the last days second Timothy verse3 how women are going to be led astray I mean it's in the Bible by what they hear because that's just what it is right thean that when it's this is what's going on and it's scary to me to know that this is the perfect storm for KLA to win this election Perfect Storm it's like don't make no mistake about it KLA can beat Trump not because she beat him on policy not because she beat him in the polls not because she beat him on uh the Border issue but because she got to the right voter one vote can change the election yes and if you can't get to that one voter before November game set match it doesn't matter how much he goes around he can go he he can do whatever he like he can go to every state in the country people that he need to talk to he's not talking to not because he don't want to but because he's not really he's not a part of that field he's not a part of that lane so so when you are watching the debate and you do your sound bites just like the guy said I fear that they're going to use this to their advantage mainstream media is gonna make kamla look like a freaking Beast like she ate him alive cuz all she has to do is look good for the camera fake D eyes on looking empty because who cares if she have um earpiece in her ear who cares the voter she's going after don't know nothing about that yes they don't do enough research they don't realize that that same technique's been tried for years come on they don't care they don't care and this is the reason why it's like yo and this is why this is why people say yo um I don't see how Trump wins this and I I agree I'm not gonna understand agree because even if Trump could do some ads right be and get in front of that that voter the whole media system I remember when me and me and you used to um stay with my mom and um shout out to my mother love you to death um and she used to watch the news and I was listening to what she's watching and I'm like my God because I usually pay to not watch advertisement I used to pay before I was you know whatever so I I was I used to pay for not to see watch watch advertis me because I know that's not quality that's not quality content all right it's designed to get get you to buy something all right it's designed to get you to to take action on something that's why I don't like commercials I don't trust them I don't respect them because they're designed to get you to buy something granted I'm using commercials in this video because I need to support the channel right okay there's a big difference between trying to program you into uh get in front of you enough times right if I can get in front of you enough times you'll eventually think that need this product right but where stuff when people are using their platforms or wherever the case to fund the the cause it's a big difference that's a big difference but what's and and that's what a lot of these television um program shows does they they they they they take the money and like look whatever so they trying to get in front of you um and you didn't like the news that she was watching BL her heart she started she started to watch it because of you actually it's not that I didn't like the news because it wasn't the news that was the problem it was the segments that was in between remember this was In the Heat of covid Y and they constantly constantly every 4 every 45 minutes they made sure you got your dose of get your vaccine pills all right they make sure you got your dose of it yeah make sure you're vaccinated make sure you're vaccinated it is safe for all ages I was listening to this crap for a whole year a whole year it even got me to start to think man maybe we should go down there and get the vaccine remember but I kept my nose in my book and I kept I only took a job that did not require it they required me to go get all of us to go oh my God every week go down and get swab spit in his cup so we can so we can earn a living that's why we had to get out of New Jersey right but um it this is what I lost friendships behind that yeah this is what division does because that's what happens people oh my gosh I can't believe you go on your social media oh they they unfriended me okay and then we find out a few years later oh the vaccinated was the ones actually spreading the virus oh my God like don't get it you're going down there specifically to get hit with well it's just a strand that what the never mind never mind never mind it's a dead strand then why are you coughing why are you sneezing why are you blowing your nose why are you temperature Sky High geez it was terrible oh my God it was nuts but let's continue plan I'm getting text Trump is losing I think there's only one time that Trump kind of lost is cool and that's what I was sort of saying can Trump just keep it cool bro you saw with Biden I mean Biden is literally this isn't the same fight though there's two different fighting styles make fights yes this is a style of fight fight the you don't have to do anything the one the other one the guy was knocked us like Tyson fight six seconds it was over with this she's going ninth round 10th round 11th round it's going there is no knockout yet momentum he's there can't be a knockout see how how can it be a how can it be a knockout when she's able to hold him and not get called on it right he can't tag nobody in you got three to one well you shouldn't be tagging nobody in BO but but um she can't the the moderators are pigeon toeing him they had him on the road they they pigeon toeing him they're not it's almost like they got his right hand tied behind his back right he can't really fight he can't really show his his whatever and again I think that would I think that played in his favor right because again we're talking about a a debate that is supposed to be going to uh the American voter that Trump truly needs to win this debate right right um and I think that I really think that this played in his favor I really do um I know a lot of people might say well how is it that possible that you know tying him up played in because you got to hear kamla yes I kept listening to you I'm like what is it and you were like she's blowing it she was blowing she just kept running that lava mouth of her she because when she talked she was going in that word solid way yes in circles talking in circles and and and again I know that I just previously said that the voter that kamla is going for can change the uh sway of this election but the voter that is waking up yes can sway it as well that's true and if that voter is waking up to this nonsense listen a lot of vot there's a lot there is a lot of quote unquote white people who was once part of the club yeah had a difference of opinion and got thrown to the dogs because they dared to have one yeah and that voter also is waking up yes so it's not just it's not just the ones who took the job of that person who lost their job is the families who watched it happen Okay uh that's how that's how a lot of women were woken was awakened to this Onslaught on men they woke up because they was like wait a minute my dad is a freaking Saint and he's going through this mess like when they start seeing their their own family members go through this that start to Short Circuit the program right but wait a minute men are bad but my dad they said but they said men are bad wait a minute it's the program once they start seeing their grandfathers going through this once they uncles going through this on they start seeing their brothers going through this once they start seeing their husband own husband yeah they started rake wait wait wait wait something's not right with this something's not right with this and then they start to do their own research little by little they say wait a minute so let me get this straight this woman is up here telling her story on how this minor was pursuing her and he was persistent and he was consistent and he was so believable and how she couldn't help herself but to lay down with this minor and get pregnant by this minor come on and we're listening to her tell her side of the story he's a minor that's somebody's underage child wait a minute and women was waking up like wait a minute hold up I would never listen to a man tell me how a minor induced him into getting her pregnant right I would never listen to that but I'm sitting here listening to a woman who took advantage of her student come on but because it's a boy and not a girl she gets to sell tell her side of the story and all that and you're buying this right and all of that happened during this time and and then you and then you realize wait a minute that's not just one teacher doing that that's not just two teachers doing that that's not three teachers and then you start digging more and more into it and you start realizing wait a minute teachers are doing a lot of weird things why is there a a uh rainbow flag in the classroom I thought religion was not allowed in the classroom why is there a rainbow flag that's your belief and that's in the classroom so why is that here you said we wa wait wait wait hold up hold up I'm starting and these women are starting to see this thing and they start realize and then when they wake up one day and their their child walks in and saying I'm transgender and their IEP was changed without their knowledge know and now they're like oh my God it's happening oh my God but by the time it by the and here's what is so scary by the time you start seeing it happen it's already infiltrated most households yes and this is why I'm talking about this because it start showing up in my living room that's right it was in my living room I start seeing it it I was paying to not watch ads and it was still showing up in my living room and thankfully I mean we already have been having all of these conversations and stuff like that but it was becoming more prevalent and more um excessive and we're talking about it not because there's you know any issue you know whatsoever speaking in that in that area with our children but it's always best to talk about it at home you listen we're parents we equip our own children first y before they go out this is when they were young equip them first before they go out there and somebody else tell them some lie no my dad and mom talked to me about that already but because it came to house first like wait and he sounds just like walls well mind your own darn business how I'm going mind my business when you made it my business and you talking to my child about it you're talking to my kids and you're telling me that I can't talk to you because okay when you begin to give children autonomy over their bodies children yeah it's at some point come on and this is where the rubber meets the road you cross the line now we have to join still peeing in the bed why do you have aony over your body what are you talking about and it's usually the ones that don't have no children or did or decided not to have their children but they're trying to tell you about yours listen that's what the line is drawn no it's a no that's continue here uh there was only one time he lost his cool when he's like you're gonna take the guns and you're gonna all that kind of stuff like that you were like oh chill out bro uh she's a VI she's viable opponent but she's not a viable candidate if that makesense oh she's not likable she's not that smart she's just doing talking lines she's a Dei candidate respect I get it this is what the Democratic party is at this point and she could beat Trump where I'm right now is he is so much more qualified that he was why people dude eight years ago it's crazy no way Trump he knows what he's doing at this point he's gonna have people around him at this point are there things that she's doing better at namely uh the abortion issue and uh a couple other issues yes she has the Democratic machine behind her right the machine media behind her how many times is the uh moderators interrupted her right against the world at this point and how many times did the moderators force her to answer a question I didn't see any neither did I I think maybe I I don't remember any but I know they were like uh Mr Trump we really like to hear the answer on that oh Mr Trump okay many oh and now now now now now now this is where I think a lot of people are not going to like me because again I do not just Veer past certain things I I do my very best to give the same stick that I give to everybody else I mean as a husband and a father I have to do that so it has been ingrained in me for the last 20 plus years to deal with my is so when I see is I can deal with it right and it's not easy to do but when we say that we want kamla to be held to the fire I want Trump to be held to the fire too yeah it's only fair even though they weren't fighting it's not only that it's fair it's the best way you can make a decision with your vote okay there was times where Trump did Weasel out of the question yeah he did not answer the question he veered off some okay but my thing was there are times that he did that but in comparison how many questions did he answer in comparison to this woman did not come on she did now now I will say this a lot of the questions that he did not answer he can't answer like well how do you how do you plan on getting this deal done why would I tell my opponent how I'm going to do that don't make sense and he answered it smart I'm not about to tell you how I'm gonna make this deal happen you just you already proven you'll steal my stuff right no more tips that was Trump's no tax on tips was Trump not Comm but Comm walking around no tax on tips I'm like it's crazy freaking thzy slimy oh my God slimy I'm like this is the type of person that we're trying to put in office no I'm sorry I can't I can't do it so yeah there were certain questions that he did Sid step uh in his defense there the question that he sidestep couldn't not be answered because again I'm trying to clean up the problem right and and and and here's the thing hopefully if Trump does lose this election he still supports America by helping Kamala run the country I hope he's doing what he's doing now because he's not in office and he's the one showing his face when Biden or Cala should be there well right now he's trying to win an election so that's just the ideal thing to get it um but uh but you have a president in the seat right now that nobody ain't nobody seen his face well in her defense she's supposed to be running the country so she doesn't have time to do it right isn't there a president in office right now yes and we don't we haven't heard from him in all I want to say is Biden is in the driver's seat in office right now well KLA is supposed to be in driver's seat as well she's a vice president right now where is Biden oh he well they took him out is he the seat technically yes where is Biden they took him out you get the point I'm making oh I know what you're saying but we're talking about a man that clearly has umal issues some issues he has health issues there's no denying it now right so it's like you can talk about cold meds all you want but at this point of time there's nothing you know anybody can dis um dispute because they took him out specifically because they don't think he was able to six months before come on right so um it is what it is but uh let's [Music] continue she's saying that he's a disgrace and he's saying that she's destroying America and the voters in The Independents are going to basically determine what's but it's been Trump against the world since he announced that he was going to go and think about it in 2020 they had a global pandemic that came from China that still has no accountability and everybody had to vote from home and Joe Biden did that overnight leap right now this is what what I'm worried about this election is is the 20 let's say what the number the realistic number 20 million people Pat and you said the step we had the debate with Candace and Chris KL how many of the states 20 million people are going to be here how many of the states that we have that you don't have to show photo ID or any proof of citizenship 16 16 Amy 10 seconds they're coming back 10 seconds I mean they talk about Vibes Joy you know she's the candidate of Joy the vibe I'm getting is disingenuous and we could go through every single point that she made and find where it was disingenuous disingenuous and where she just used word salad to get out of the segment basically Rob bring us back tell us show us is it still in commercials okay Amy if you had any other thoughts keep I mean I took some notes Here on some of the things I thought were extremely disingenuous she talks about the fact that Donald Trump left the economy and the job market in a terrible state admitted the fact that it was when the pandemic started and literally nobody could work how is she going to admit that from that very what she thought was an impactful point that she made but we could go through list by list there's so many points here we go let's roll David mure and well there's a reason for that um do we want to listen to their closing remarks or I think so we already you want you want to hear the okay let's let's listen to um the closing remarks from kamla and no no I don't want to hear from them I mean oh I'm talking about the podcast Okay cool so let's just go straight to it CU I mean I'm sure all of us have heard this um the debate done okay all right uh now that it's done Tom go give your full analysis on what you got so my full depth analysis goes like this um she was very well coached uh I don't think we've seen her this way um but I don't think the Independence really saw something in her tonight uh the independent for is what's here this isn't about the 43 or what we look at it this isn't about the the the the 44 and the 45 that are locked in it's not about that this is about the Kennedy voters that have not made up their mind yet this is about the independent voters they're in the middle and I don't think the independent voters are going to be swayed by what they saw if they if they look at it objectively she had a lot of emotion going I think she scored well on the abortion question uh she spent more of her time I think uh being defensive in her answers the way she went um and I think they got him irritated but he didn't go over the cliff and I think overall you know you know I scored this thing really close I scored probably you know 65 35 like 13d two3 is probably is probably how I end up that's really close right I see so you thought it was gonna be a blowout your your initial thoughts was this was going to be a blowout but looking at the Historical performance in presence of her which is all the data we have and we saw her in California quite a bit um where she would really make a speech and when she would it's like this is our Senator you kidding me um that's kind of that's kind of how I see it but but you know a little part of that plays in though because of how bad Joe Biden did anybody that does anything even half is what she did is looking like oh my God they're they're back I'm not gonna lie she she she surprised the hell out of me she mem whoever was coaching her it was hello bar yeah yeah exact was freaking the bar was in the seventh ring of hell when it came to B it okay yeah know right right right and listen is is this going to sway the vote the vote is not to what November I don't know I think like you said Tom the independence the people in the middle I hope they really really see through all the BS Trump has a proven track record she's done absolutely nothing and I know some people are like well she hasn't been the president no she's sitting right next to the guy she has saying a lot of things if the border is her number one job and she failed I don't trust her to do anything else what do you thoughts on that one yeah I think that that was my my issue all along and I'm trying to hear what she has to say um is that wrap up right here as I was saying we can wrap up right here yeah I mean there's a couple more minutes of this but we don't actually have to listen to the whole thing um yeah that's my overall opinion what this gentleman here is saying and the one at the far right with this blue suit on at the end of the day I do not feel that she is uh I feel that disingenuous I don't feel that that she like this young woman said I don't think that she's being honest um in a positive way I think that she's being an honest liar but I don't think that she is someone like this gentleman said on the far right with the uh suiton that that's someone that I want to speak uh on my behalf as a citizen of the United States that was born here um to foreign countries I don't think that that's someone that will be able to ignore her running mate I think that running mate is a good name for him because he would Run to the Hills he would drop he would drop everybody I know I know a lot of people want to try to dismiss uh Tim Walls because he is the VP but I'm not dismissing the VP because if something ever happens to Trump Vance will be in charge right if anything happens to kamla walls will be in charge and that's problem I mean my God I I would not want walls going against negotiations with with Putin could you imagine oh my gosh I mean right now Putin is there's a lot of things going on that I am not at Liberty to discuss right now but there's a lot of things that's going on in Russia that because see here's the thing people don't realize this but Putin feels like he was attacked okay because everybody's saying oh you know uh uh you know something happened to his pipeline we don't know what happened to his pipe come on now we know what happened to his pipeline we're not fools we're not fools right you know what I'm saying so it's like but but but here's the thing how do you start a war without doing something foolish doing something underhanded and I have to say that so far and and this is um like you like you've been saying you try to bring in the whole picture on both sides yes Trump has a past yes Parris has a pass a dirty one both of them do but at the I'm talking about when she was a lawyer they have a pass and this is the point I'm making people can change yes okay and and like this gentleman said on the panel uh the lead one it's been eight years and since that time not the lead one the other one with the blue suit with the raspy voice that you were just using uh to the left of this guy with the black suit on um it's been eight years and I believe that Trump has learned a lot within those eight years and Cala uh has has shown herself to be a dishonest liar and someone who will use whatever she needs to use in the worst possible way to push her agenda and at the end of the day not to say that Trump isn't either but he is like you made a point earlier for the country she's speaking to one sector right now to be fair we don't know if kamla did lie we don't know if she is lying what do you mean she said that they're not cutting the chickens heads off and eating them no that wasn't her that was ABC uh panel that was the moderator who said that so it wasn't it wasn't it was some other stuff she did say so um I'm just I'm just saying it's just to protect the channel I I know this is your allegedly I know this is your opinion that we're supposed to have free speech we're trying to hold on to it in the US right so um I do believe I don't I don't trust kamla that's the point I don't trust her I don't trust what's coming out of her mouth I don't trust I don't trust her when she opens her mouth I just don't I don't think she has the best interest of the people I think she has best interest in the people who are funding her because again middle she kept talking about him being bought off but I believe it's the other way around $52 million you see and more well that's just the one that I'm talking about right that's a lot um you know because there's PL plenty of money been thrown at KLA but um she's gotten very very rich behind this so whether she win or lose she is Filthy Rich right now and it's because of this thing talk about wealth transfer like that was an excellent way to do it um I don't know if that uh has any bearing to the swing or independent voter but uh to me personally that was a big big red flag for me yeah because the vast majority of people want to keep their vote Hush Hush because it affect their their lives right um me personally I don't give a damn I just don't care anymore I want to see our country go back to where it was and I know a lot of let me let me be frank to all the black people that's listening to me when I say that I'm talking about to the point of where we're working out our differences not slavery the way they're trying to say well Maga well why is why do he want to go back to the way was it was never good for black people it gotten better over the years getting better and better and better she we don't want to go back we don't want to go like you said using she using she's talking about women yeah she's not talking about she's not speaking for everybody she's just talking about women we're not going back to the kitchen she needs to finish it yeah that's what she mean she needs to finish it you know because that's what she's really focusing on she it's not my child the see I see um you know I I just just don't think a lot of people understand that uh when it comes down to how kamla is approaching this candidacy it's almost like she doesn't want to win because she doesn't have to win to get rich I was about to say well she's made the money now so she don't have to win to get rich and if she wins great you know what I'm saying that you know now now now they really can push forward their agenda um because believe me what I'm telling you they're going to push their agenda whether Trump win are not they're pushing their agenda all right they're going to still get they still are going to push CRT if parents don't wake up yes they're going to still push this racial divide if parents don't wake up they're going to still push transgenderism if your parents don't wake up they're going to still try to get illegal immigrants and crime into this country if you don't stop if you as an American citizen don't get up and start working out at 5: in the morning you will lose your country because Trump only gets four years folks four years and they right back in business and right now they have to he would have to undo everything that that Biden signed out like on the second thir he can do that but see here's the thing and this is where I think a lot of people don't understand especially when it comes down to where we are right now uh the financial War he said we broke that's what he said there we go the financial war that we just went through in the last three years gez is going to affect Trump's ability to catch things up we are flat broke and he said he was like I had the country in a good place like we were good we are flat broke goodness so they're about to transfer over to Trump all cuz see this is what we do know we know about the 18 of the um the um 800,000 fake jobs we know about that we know about the uh the pipeline we know about how um um we are hemorrhaging money we just don't know by what level [ __ ] we don't know the exact numbers because they hide everything they don't teach us they don't tell us nothing so we don't really know how bad it is yeah we're gonna find out in year two of um Trump being in president if he does get it so they literally gave him they said here you have no money right you're you're you're filled with illegal immigrants filled which is going to cost billions and billions and billions of dollars to clean up y all right that's why I'm volunteering my services to this country I'm volunteering no don't pay me nothing just give me a job a shovel and and and point to it because I I I I understand where we are see that's what happens with all hands on deck that's what that sounds like understand where we are I understand what's going on I see it happening I know where the corruption is I'm living in it right now yes so it's like for me I'm like look I see I I I've been watching progressives byass US citizens for illegals for the last 20 years because I had to go out there and as progressives for work Y and I've seen how one I've seen how those who are and we're going to stop in a in a few minutes we're going to stop this I've seen how hard it is to get a job from people that don't look like me and I see how hard it is to negotiate a check with people that look like white people when in all reality they are progressives and they do not want to hire me unless it's financially beneficial to them and even then even then when I was getting hired back then even then I had to accept the fact that I am competing with Pedro and his work it's just the truth all right and his willingness to work for less than what I'm able to do because I had to pay for my car I had to pay for car insurance I had to pay for for uh for I had to pay for things that he didn't have to pay for so what are your last thoughts I think our country is in a lot of trouble if we don't all have a Great Awakening I think we're in a lot of trouble I think that it's time to put aside how you feel about it the emotionalism behind it and see truly see what's in front of us I agree with that um I think it's time for I think it's all hands on deck yes and as an American citizen it's time to clean up our country yes Shields up everybody everything so uh um that's that's what that's it for this video I hope you enjoyed yourself this is signing off to you guys have a good one

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