Category: Sports
[applause] fighting out of the blue corner with his head trainer fred jenkins wearing black with purple official weight 226 3/4 lbs his professional record is a perfect one consisting of 19 fights 19 victories including 10 big wins by knockout he's the challenger from philadelphia pennsylvania usa the... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
There is this culture of almost entirely women who raise chimpanzees and monkeys as if they're babies there is nothing like holding loving being around a champ especially tonka and i'll do anything to protect that primate anything if i could have a dre i' have a dream of you tonka and i just found each... Read more
Category: Sports
Sure so everything's been cleared and now the fight is starting we're under the fight is on the way got to move this way bro i can't see there's schedule for eight hopefully we surv here cl antonio as we get going floyd mayweather jr 50 and over sc to right now with those hooks straight showing him... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I feel good and i'm going to go out there and perform and do what i do best fl you really want to check them both on at the same night absolutely easy you got two fake fighters fake fighter i'm a real fighter this b al absolutely i al let me call my own i'm my own boss got your hat in a shocking update... Read more
Category: Sports
Floyd mayweather jr playing the game as well as it's ever been played has some things or some disrespect to shovel at javante davis as in a way i think floyd mayweather managed to show him up last night with a pay-per-view event that took place in mexico let's talk about that and the disrespectful statement... Read more
Category: Sports
Fighter intros welcome one and all all kinds of celebrities on hand this will give you an idea of the magnitude of this mega fight as matthew mcconaughey's great act i love his work you know what they've got the big celebrity package they're thrilled to be here more than anybody it's tom jones i'm looking... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] hello everyone welcome to our youtube channel premiere next in this video you are going to get all the information related to the latest updates of the series called desperate lies season one desperate lies original title pedod mim written and directed by angela aves tells the story of a lady... Read more
Category: Sports
Dante davis's former promoter floyd mayweather jr with a big time compliment for shakur stevenson and apparently the hate is real between the camps of floyd mayweather jr and javante davis let's talk about that in this video [music] all right very underrated style of boxer the quote unquote pure boxer... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] hello everyone welcome to our youtube channel premiere next in this video you are going to get all the information related to the latest updates of the desperate lies season 1 occasionally netflix releases a soap opera style to lenova with an absurdly large number of ep episodes desperate lies... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Es ist wunderschön ich füh mich wie in the sound of music und jeden moment julie and über diesen hügelrenn das war österreich wir sind hier in frankreich bitte zerstör nicht meine fantasie [musik] absolutich wir haben eine neue mitarbeiterin eine amerikanerin j du siehst schick aus alles nur dank parisoveren... Read more
Category: Sports
Floyd talking to the people on the side as usual always got a kiss what was that oh oh Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] you can take floyd mayweather out of the boxing ring but you can't take the boxing ring out of floyd mayweather that was the clear takeaway for everyone who watched the boxing legend display his exceptional skills in a thrilling match against the younger and active combat sports fighter john... Read more